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The analysis of the spectrum of hereditary diseases in the population of the Krasnodar province is performed and the influence of the population dynamics factors on the spectrum is discussed. More than 130 nosological forms were discovered in the population of approx. 200,000. Among these, there are 63 autosomal dominant, 49 autosomal recessive and 17 X-linked recessive forms. Of the most frequent autosomal dominant diseases (more than 1 per 50,000) autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive disorders 13, 7 and 7 forms, respectively, were picked up. The coefficient of diversity of hereditary diseases (the number of nosological forms per 10 inhabitants) with different types of inheritance is higher in the Krasnodar population, as compared with the Kostroma population. The problem of similarity of the "nucleus" of autosomal-recessive disorders in Russian populations is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the populations in Korenovsk and Ust-Labinsk districts--sexual, age, family and migrant is described Reproduction is low in these populations. The after-reproduction age class in rural populations prevailed, which affects the ratio of recessive and dominant forms in hereditary pathology of these populations. Family planning in towns accounts for small size of the families and decrease of the role of natural selection. Gametic and endogamy indexes for these populations indicate that intensive migrant processes take place in populations studied, as shown by the level of recessive pathology. The results obtained can be used in the medical-genetic studies for this territory.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was examined in three Russian populations from the European part of Russia (Krasnodar Krai, Belgorod, and Nizhnii Novgorod oblast). This analysis revealed that mitochondrial gene pool of Russians was represented by the mtDNA types belonging to groups H, V, pre-V, HV*, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X. The major groups (average frequency over 5%) were H, V, J, T, and U. Mongoloid admixture in Russians, constituting only 1%, was revealed in the form of mtDNA types of groups C and D. Analysis of the frequency distribution of the mtDNA type groups indicated the absence of genetic differences between the Russian populations studied.  相似文献   

A genetic epidemiological study has been performed in five districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia: Arsky, Atninsky, Kukmorsky, Buinsky and Drozhzhanovsky raions. The total size of the population surveyed is 188397 people. Tatars accounted for 77.13% of the population analyzed (145466 people) and were represented by two main ethnic groups: Kazan Tatars and Mishars. The medical genetic study encompassed the total population of the districts, irrespective of ethnicity, and was carried out according to the standard protocol developed in the Laboratory of Genetic Epidemiology of the Research Center for Medical Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. After segregation analysis, the prevalence rates of the main types of monogenic hereditary disorders (MHDs), i.e., autosomal dominant (AD), autosomal recessive (AR), and X-linked diseases, have been calculated for the total population of the five districts and for Tatars alone. The prevalence rates of AD, AR, and X-linked diseases considerably vary in different subpopulations. The largest difference in the MHD prevalence rate has been found between the rural and urban populations. The overall prevalence rate of MHDs was one patient per 293 urban residents and populations and one patient per 134 rural residents, with a wide variation between subpopulations, from 1: 83 people in the rural population of Atninsky raion to 1: 351 people in the town of Kukmor. Comparison of the MHD prevalence rate in Tatars with those in populations surveyed earlier has shown that the characteristics of the load of MHDs in the Tatar population are similar to those in some districts of the republics of Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Mari El, and Chuvachia. In Russian populations of European Russia, the MHD prevalence rates are substantially lower. Correlation analysis has shown high (r = 0.5?C0.9) significant correlations between the local inbreeding (a), the im index, the random inbreeding (F ST), and the AD and AR prevalence rates in the Tatar population. This analysis has demonstrated that genetic drift is the main population dynamic factor determining the MHD load in the Tatar population.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of hereditary diseases (HDs) in different populations and ethnic groups of Russia has been studied. The main patterns of the formation of the prevalence and spectrum of HDs in five ethnic groups (Russians from six regions, Mari, Chuvashes, Udmurts, and Adygeans) from a total of ten regions of Russia have been analyzed. Analysis of correlations suggests that genetic drift is the main factor of the genetic differentiation of populations with respect to the prevalence of HDs. Accumulation of HDs in individual populations and ethnic groups has been analyzed. Hereditary diseases characterized by locally high prevalence rates in individual populations or ethnic groups have been detected. The main patterns of the accumulation of individual diseases and differences between populations and ethnic groups in this respect have been studied with the use of principal component analysis, which describes these patterns more graphically. It has been demonstrated that the genes of HDs are a promising tool for characterizing ethnogenetic processes in populations.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of hereditary diseases (HDs) in different populations and ethnic groups of Russia has been studied. The main patterns of the formation of the prevalence and spectrum of HDs in five ethnic groups (Russians from six regions, Mari, Chuvashes, Udmurts, and Adygeans) from a total of ten regions of Russia have been analyzed. Analysis of correlations suggests that genetic drift is the main factor of the genetic differentiation of populations with respect to the prevalence of HDs. Accumulation of HDs in individual populations and ethnic groups has been analyzed. Hereditary diseases characterized by locally high prevalence rates in individual populations or ethnic groups have been detected. The main patterns of the accumulation of individual diseases and differences between populations and ethnic groups in this respect have been studied with the use of principal component analysis, which describes these patterns more graphically. It has been demonstrated that the genes of HDs are a promising tool for characterizing ethnogenetic processes in populations.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of the loads of hereditary diseases in two ethnically different populations coexisting in the Adyg national district was performed. The modes of inheritance of diseases studied were tested by segregational analysis. The results obtained demonstrated that the load of autosomal-recessive diseases in the populations of the Adyg national district is higher than that in Russian population, while the load of autosomal-dominant diseases is similar in two populations. This difference in the level of the loads appear to be connected with genetic structure of the populations studied. Regressional analysis of relations between loads and the level of inbreeding in the Adyg population showed the explicit interrelation between the load of autosomal-dominant diseases and the Fst correlation coefficient being 0.89.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism was examined in three Russian populations from the European part of Russia (Krasnodar Krai, Belgorod, and Nizhnii Novgorod oblast). This analysis revealed that mitochondrial gene pool of Russians was represented by the mtDNA types belonging to groups H, V, pre-V, HV*, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X. The major groups (average frequency over 5%) were H, V, J, T, and U. Mongoloid admixture in Russians, constituting only 1%, was revealed in the form of mtDNA types of groups C and D. Analysis of the frequency distribution of the mtDNA type groups indicated the absence of genetic differences between the Russian populations studied.  相似文献   

A genetic epidemiological study has been carried out in eight raions (districts) of Rostov oblast (region) of Russia: Tsimlyansk, Volgodonskoi, Tselina, Egorlykskaya, Millerovo, Tarasovskaya, Rodionovo-Nesvetaiskaya, and Matveevo-Kurgan raions. The population structure (the parameters of the isolation by distance model, ethnic assortative marriage, random inbreeding (F ST), endogamy index, and ie) and the genetic demographic characteristics of the regional population (vital statistics, Crow’s index, and its components) have been analyzed. The total sample size was 320 925 subjects (including 114 106 and 206 816 urban and rural residents, respectively). The load of the main types of Mendelian diseases (autosomal dominant (AD), autosomal recessive (AR), and X-linked diseases) has been calculated for the total sample from eight districts and separately for the urban and rural populations. Substantial differences between individual districts in the AD and AR genetic loads have been found, especially upon separation into urban and rural samples. The results of correlation analysis suggest that migration and genetic drift are the main factors of genetic differentiation of populations with respect to the prevalence of hereditary diseases.  相似文献   

Analysis of the diversity of monogenic hereditary diseases in eight raions (districts) of Rostov oblast (region) of Russia (Tsimlyansk, Volgodonskoi, Tselina, Egorlykskaya, Millerovo, Tarasovskaya, Rodionovo-Nesvetaiskaya, and Matveevo-Kurgan raions) has been summarized. The total sample size was 320925 subjects. The spectrum of hereditary diseases detected in the eight districts comprises 187 diseases, including 99 autosomal dominant (AD), 72 autosomal recessive (AR), and 16 X-linked diseases. The mean prevalence rate of each disease in the total population has been calculated. Accumulation of individual diseases in different regions of Rostov oblast has been calculated; the disease accumulation has been compared with that in some populations of Russia examined earlier. Cluster analysis using the data on the frequencies of genes of hereditary diseases has shown the gene geographic position of the Rostov oblast population among the following ethnic populations of Russia: Russians (Kostroma, Kirov, and Rostov oblasts and Krasnodar krai), Chuvashes (Chuvashia), Adygeans (Adygea), Maris (Marii El), and Udmurts (Udmurtia).  相似文献   

Medico-genetical examination of children from 6 invalid houses, 2 asylum houses, 3 internate schools and 1 house for deaf and feeble-hearing children as well as from the internate school for children with poor vision was undertaken in Krasnodar district. 10.6% of the children were found to have chromosomal abnormality, 26.5%--multifactorial pathology and 62.9% of children were affected by monogenic diseases. The spectrum of diseases covers 20 forms, 8 of them being autosomal-dominant, 10--autosomal-recessive and 2--X-linked forms. A "selective" method presented in this article for revealing patients affected by genetical diseases in specialised institutions permitted to evaluate a portion of the patients having been not identified when using the "survey" expeditional method of population--epidemiological study of the district population. This portion constitutes 19%. The more accurate values of genetic load in populations of Krasnodar district were obtained, being 1.06-0.06 for autosomal-dominant, 0.78-0.05 for autosomal-recessive and 0.38-0.05 for X-linked diseases per thousand.  相似文献   

Here we present the data obtained during medical genetic examination of the population of five districts of Bashkortostan Republic (Burzyanskii, Baimakskii, Abzelilovskii, Salavatskii, and Arkhangelskii) populated with 168050 persons including 135748 Bashkirs. The study involved all the population of the districts including each ethnic group and was conducted according to standard protocol developed in the Laboratory of Genetic Epidemiology, Medical Genetic Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Based on segregation analysis, the values of prevalence rates of the major types of Mendelian pathology (AD, AR, and X-linked diseases) was calculated in five regions of the Republic as well as for Bashkirs alone. Significant differences in the prevalence rates of AD and AR pathologies between individual districts, in particular upon division in rural and urban population, was observed. The prevalence rates comparison of monogenic hereditary pathology among Bashkirs compared to other previously examined populations have shown that the patterns of the hereditary disease load in the inspected districts of Bashkortostan were similar to that observed in the population of some districts in Udmurtia, Marii El and Chuvashiya. Russian European populations have shown significantly lower load of hereditary diseases. Correlation analysis of local inbreeding, endogamy and prevalence rates of AD and AR pathologies has shown that development of hereditary diseases load is significantly affected by gene drift.  相似文献   

L A Bunimovich 《Genetika》1975,11(10):125-133
The paper deals with the probability regularities of mutations arising in the same locus (or nucleotide) in human populations. It is shown that in a population of constant size the number of such recurrent mutations tends to an equilibrium value. It is demonstrated that dynamics of this number of recurrent mutations depends on the population structure essentially. This phenomenon is illustrated by comparing non-subdivided and hierarchy populations of the same size.  相似文献   

This article describes computer-based information-and-diagnostic system dealing with child hereditary diseases which makes in possible to organize automated consultative service on a wide range of monogene and chromosome syndromes. The system is oriented for sorting out a narrow differential-and-diagnostic row from 1200 of genetically determined diseases at the stage of pre-laboratory child examination. The choice of diagnoses in the system is based on the analysis of the likeness of phenotypical manifestation of the syndromes described in literature with the case under analysis. The system envisages information exchange with a physician in a dialogue using the natural language. The system is based on IBM-370 computer and can be operated from remote video device in the data TV transmitting mode.  相似文献   

The results of a medical genetic survey of the population of four raions (176535 individuals) of Rostov oblast (Dubovsky, Zimovnikovsky, Myasnikovsky, and Krasnosulinsky raions) are presented. The load of autosomal dominant (AD), autosomal recessive (AR), and X-linked hereditary diseases for urban and rural population was calculated, and the diversity of monogenic hereditary diseases (MHD) was reviewed. The nosological spectrum of MHD constituted 117 diseases (63 diseases with AD inheritance; 38, with AR inheritance; and 16, with X-linked inheritance). The analysis showed that the incidence of MHD among the population of Rostov oblast was 1: 336. Considerable differentiation in the prevalence rates of MHD (AD, AR, and X-linked pathologies) among certain raions was revealed.  相似文献   

Genetic variability and drift load in populations of an aquatic snail   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Population genetic theory predicts that in small populations, random genetic drift will fix and accumulate slightly deleterious mutations, resulting in reduced reproductive output. This genetic load due to random drift (i.e., drift load) can increase the extinction risk of small populations. We studied the relationship between genetic variability (indicator of past population size) and reproductive output in eight isolated, natural populations of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis . In a common laboratory environment, snails from populations with the lowest genetic variability mature slower and have lower fecundity than snails from genetically more variable populations. This result suggests that past small population size has resulted in increased drift load, as predicted. The relationship between genetic variability and reproductive output is independent of the amount of nonrandom mating within populations. However, reproductive output and the current density of snails in the populations were not correlated. Instead, data from the natural populations suggest that trematode parasites may determine, at least in part, population densities of the snails.  相似文献   

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