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This study investigated the possibility that abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins may mediate the effect of water deficit that enhances plant senescence and remobilization of pre‐stored carbon reserves. Two high lodging‐resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were field grown and treated with either a normal or high amount of nitrogen at heading. Well‐watered (WW) and water‐stressed (WS) treatments were imposed from 9 d post‐anthesis until maturity. Chlorophyll (Chl) and photosynthetic rate (Pr) of the flag leaves declined faster in WS plants than in WW plants, indicating that the water deficit enhanced senescence. Water stress facilitated the reduction of non‐structural carbohydrate in the stems and promoted the re‐allocation of prefixed 14C from the stems to grains, shortened the grain filling period and increased the grain filling rate. Water stress substantially increased ABA but reduced zeatin (Z) + zeatin riboside (ZR) concentrations in the stems and leaves. ABA correlated significantly and negatively, whereas Z + ZR correlated positively, with Pr and Chl of the flag leaves. ABA but not Z + ZR, was positively and significantly correlated with remobilization of pre‐stored carbon and grain filling rate. Exogenous ABA reduced Chl in the flag leaves, enhanced the remobilization, and increased grain filling rate. Spraying with kinetin had the opposite effect. The results suggest that both ABA and cytokinins are involved in controlling plant senescence, and an enhanced carbon remobilization and accelerated grain filling rate are attributed to an elevated ABA level in wheat plants when subjected to water stress.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate soil lead pollution on biochemical properties and gene expression pattern of antioxidant enzymes in three wheat cultivars (Morvarid, Gonbad and Tirgan) at flag leaf sheath swollen stage. Lead (Pb(NO3)2) was used at four different concentrations (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg/kg of soil). The leaf and roots samples were taken at late-booting stage (Zadoks code, GS: 45). The results showed that lead heavy metal toxicity increased the expression of some genes and the activity of key enzymes of the antioxidant defense system in wheat. Moreover, the cell oxidation levels (MDA, LOX) enhanced under lead stress conditions. The relative gene expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes (CAT, SOD, GPX and APX) increased significantly in the both leaves and root tissues under lead stress conditions. The level of gene expression and enzymatic activity were higher in the root than the leaf tissue. There was no significant difference among cultivars in each of lead concentrations but Morvarid and Tirgan cultivars had more tolerance to toxic concentrations of lead when compared to Gonbad cultivar.  相似文献   

Alkaptonuria (AKU) is an ultra-rare metabolic disorder of the catabolic pathway of tyrosine and phenylalanine that has been poorly characterized at molecular level. As a genetic disease, AKU is present at birth, but its most severe manifestations are delayed due to the deposition of a dark-brown pigment (ochronosis) in connective tissues. The reasons for such a delayed manifestation have not been clarified yet, though several lines of evidence suggest that the metabolite accumulated in AKU sufferers (homogentisic acid) is prone to auto-oxidation and induction of oxidative stress. The clarification of the pathophysiological molecular mechanisms of AKU would allow a better understanding of the disease, help find a cure for AKU and provide a model for more common rheumatic diseases. With this aim, we have shown how proteomics and redox proteomics might successfully overcome the difficulties of studying a rare disease such as AKU and the limitations of the hitherto adopted approaches.  相似文献   

Stem reserve mobilization and expression of major genes involved in fructan metabolism during grain filling in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Zagros and Marvdasht were studied under terminal drought through withholding water at the anthesis. Mobilized dry matter, maximum specific weight and mobilization efficiency were observed to be higher in the internodes of tolerant cultivar (Zagros), both under well-watered and stress conditions, which resulted in enhanced translocation of stem reserves to the grains. Water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and its constituent compounds were observed to be higher in the internodes of Zagros than those of sensitive cultivar (Marvdasht). Maximum relative expression of 1-SST, 6-SFT, INV, 1-FEHw1, 1-FEHw2, 1-FEHw3 and 6-FEH was significantly higher in the peduncle and penultimate of Zagros compared to Marvdasht cultivar under both drought and well-watered conditions. Expression of 1-FEHw3 and 6-FEH were increased during carbon remobilization in Zagros cultivar, suggesting that both genes are necessary for an efficient degradation and translocation of stem fructans. The mRNA levels of two fructan synthetic enzymes (1-SST and 6-SFT) in the stem were positively correlated with stem WSC concentrations, while the mRNA levels of enzymes involved in fructan hydrolysis (INV, 1-FEHw3 and 6-FEH) were inversely correlated with WSC concentration. According to the achieved results, it can be concluded that certain characteristics of Zagros cultivar, enhanced capability of fructan storage, higher mobilization efficiency and high gene expression level of 1-SST, 6-SFT, 1-FEHw3 as well as 6-FEH genes might help the drought tolerant cultivar to cope the stress conditions.  相似文献   

The relation between the source-sink ratio and nitrogen nutrition on grain yield of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Klein Chamaco) was studied in a greenhouse experiment. Plants were grown until anthesis in pots with soil fertilized with 0.16 mmol N per plant twice a week. At anthesis, all leaves but the flag leaf were excised in a group of plants. In another group the treatment consisted in a similar defoliation plus the longitudinal excision of half the ear, while a third group was left untouched as a control. At the same time, the N supply to half of the plants in each group was interrupted, while the other half continued receiving 16 m M N. The defoliated plants showed a longer functional life of the flag leaf than the control, retaining the chlorophyll, soluble proteins and total reduced nitrogen for a longer time. The ear-excised plants showed an intermediate behavior. The plants with the interrupted N supply showed a faster leaf senescence than the N supplied ones, and this coincided with an increase in the proteolytic activity and nitrogen transport to the ear. However there were no differences in ear weight between the two nitrogen treatments. It is concluded that leaves and ear compete for the nitrogen, and that a low level of carbohydrates in the flag leaf, due to a low source-sink ratio, delays leaf senescence.  相似文献   

The refracton hypothesis describes the lens and cornea together as a functional unit that provides the proper ocular transparent and refractive properties for the basis of normal vision. Similarities between the lens and corneal crystallins also suggest that both elements of the refracton may also contribute to the antioxidant defenses of the entire eye. The cornea is the primary physical barrier against environmental assault to the eye and functions as a dominant filter of UV radiation. It is routinely exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating UV light and molecular O(2) making it a target vulnerable to UV-induced damage. The cornea is equipped with several defensive mechanisms to counteract the deleterious effects of UV-induced oxidative damage. These comprise both non-enzymatic elements that include proteins and low molecular weight compounds (ferritin, glutathione, NAD(P)H, ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol) as well as various enzymes (catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase). Several proteins accumulate in the cornea at unusually high concentrations and have been classified as corneal crystallins based on the analogy of these proteins with the abundant taxon-specific lens crystallins. In addition to performing a structural role related to ocular transparency, corneal crystallins may also contribute to the corneal antioxidant systems through a variety of mechanisms including the direct scavenging of free radicals, the production of NAD(P)H, the metabolism and/or detoxification of toxic compounds (i.e. reactive aldehydes), and the direct absorption of UV radiation. In this review, we extend the discussion of the antioxidant defenses of the cornea to include these highly expressed corneal crystallins and address their specific capacities to minimize oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Progressively sophisticated understanding of cellular and molecular processes that contribute to age‐related physical deterioration is being gained from ongoing research into cancer, chronic inflammatory syndromes and other serious disorders that increase with age. Particularly valuable insight has resulted from characterization of how senescent cells affect the tissues in which they form in ways that decrease an organism's overall viability. Increasingly, the underlying pathophysiology of ageing is recognized as a consequence of oxidative damage. This leads to hyperactivity of cell growth pathways, prominently including mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), that contribute to a build‐up in cells of toxic aggregates such as progerin (a mutant nuclear cytoskeletal protein), lipofuscin and other cellular debris, triggering formation of senescent cellular phenotypes, which interact destructively with surrounding tissue. Indeed, senescent cell ablation dramatically inhibits physical deterioration in progeroid (age‐accelerated) mice. This review explores ways in which oxidative stress creates ageing‐associated cellular damage and triggers induction of the cell death/survival programs’ apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy and ‘necroapoptophagy’. The concept of ‘necroapoptophagy’ is presented here as a strategy for varying tissue oxidative stress intensity in ways that induce differential activation of death versus survival programs, resulting in enhanced and sustained representation of healthy functional cells. These strategies are discussed in the context of specialized mesenchymal stromal cells with the potential to synergize with telocytes in stabilizing engrafted progenitor cells, thereby extending periods of healthy life. Information and concepts are summarized in a hypothetical approach to suppressing whole‐organism senescence, with methods drawn from emerging understandings of ageing, gained from Cnidarians (jellyfish, corals and anemones) that undergo a unique form of cellular regeneration, potentially conferring open‐ended lifespans.  相似文献   

Enteric Campylobacter species cause gastrointestinal diseases in humans. Like almost all organisms, campylobacters have an absolute requirement for iron, but are faced with variable availability of iron in the environment and host tissues. Campylobacters have developed mechanisms to scavenge sufficient iron for metabolism and growth. However, iron also participates in the formation of reactive oxygen species, and this forces pathogens to maintain intracellular iron homeostasis and to cope with oxidative stresses. The presence of two separate, but possibly overlapping iron-responsive regulatory systems, which regulate iron acquisition and oxidative stress defense, and the presence of genes encoding multiple iron acquisition and detoxification systems in Campylobacter indicate the central role that iron plays in Campylobacter gene regulation and virulence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse drought-induced changes of the blue (BF), green (GF), and far-red (FR) fluorescence of two T. aestivum (Sumo and Tulsa) and two T. durum (Trinakria and Creso) wheat cultivars; Sumo and Trinakria have previously been characterised as comparatively drought tolerant. As a result of water deficit, the BF, GF, and FR fluorescence intensities and several fluorescence ratios significantly changed in these cultivars when grown under greenhouse and climate chamber conditions. However, the observed modifications were partially reversible, and, in most cases, the re-watering of drought stressed plants caused the fluorescence signals to approach the values of the control plants. The most robust fluorescence index to indicate drought stress was the UV-excited blue-to-far-red fluorescence ratio (BFRR), which significantly increased irrespective of the wheat cultivar and the physiological age of the tissue. The reduction of the UV-induced FR fluorescence, which was associated with leaf shrinkage, the reduction of the chlorophyll content, and the increase in flavonols in the epidermis was responsible for the increase of BFRR. The cultivars previously classified as more tolerant to drought (Sumo and Trinakria) had a stronger BFRR modification compared to the sensitive cultivars (Tulsa and Creso). Thus, we conclude that drought-induced stress in the vegetative phase can be rapidly and non-destructively sensed with multiparametric fluorescence devices. Due to their robustness, multiparametric fluorescence-based indices also have a large potential to support the in-field characterisation of the drought tolerance of genotypes. Furthermore, the short-term modification of the indices after drought and re-watering reveal the potential of these parameters as additional tool for crop management.  相似文献   

Putrescine up-regulated, in a concentration-dependent manner, the expression levels of the oxyR and katG genes of Escherichia coli cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Its stimulatory effect was more pronounced under conditions of strong oxidative stress. 1,4-Diamino-2-butanone, a specific inhibitor of putrescine synthesis, also inhibited oxyR expression under oxidative stress. When added to inhibited cells, putrescine relieved this inhibitory effect. Addition of putrescine to E. coli cultures exposed to oxidative stress led to increased cell survival.  相似文献   

Yang J  Zhang J  Wang Z  Zhu Q  Liu L 《Planta》2002,215(4):645-652
The possible regulation of senescence-initiated remobilization of carbon reserves in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins was studied using two rice cultivars with high lodging resistance and slow remobilization. The plants were grown in pots and either well-watered (WW, soil water potential = 0 MPa) or water-stressed (WS, soil water potential = -0.05 MPa) from 9 days after anthesis until they reached maturity. Leaf water potentials of both cultivars markedly decreased at midday as a result of water stress but completely recovered by early morning. Chlorophyll (Chl) and photosynthetic rate (Pr) of the flag leaves declined faster in WS plants than in WW plants, indicating that the water deficit enhanced senescence. Water stress accelerated starch remobilization in the stems, promoted the re-allocation of pre-fixed (14)C from the stems to grains, shortened the grain-filling period and increased the grain-filling rate. Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC activity was enhanced by water stress and positively correlated with sucrose accumulation in both the stem and leaves. Water stress substantially increased ABA but reduced zeatin (Z) + zeatin riboside (ZR) concentrations in the root exudates and leaves. ABA significantly and negatively, while Z+ZR positively, correlated with Pr and Chl of the flag leaves. ABA, not Z+ZR, was positively and significantly correlated with SPS activity and remobilization of pre-stored carbon. Spraying ABA reduced Chl in the flag leaves, and enhanced SPS activity and remobilization of carbon reserves. Spraying kinetin had the opposite effect. The results suggest that both ABA and cytokinins are involved in controlling plant senescence, and an enhanced carbon remobilization is attributed to an elevated ABA level in rice plants subjected to water stress.  相似文献   

The effects of silicon application before sowing on the drought-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated. Drought stress was applied by withholding watering till sampling at booting or filling stage. Application of Si increased the water potential of drought-stressed plants at filling stage, whereas it did not at booting stage. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was inhibited and peroxidase (POD) activity was enhanced by drought at booting stage, and no differences were observed due to the Si treatment. At filling stage, however, application of Si increased the SOD activity and decreased the POD activity of drought-stressed plants. The catalase (CAT) activity was slightly increased by drought only in the absence of Si and at booting stage. The activity of glutathione reductase (GR) was not greatly influenced. Application of Si did not change the contents of H2O2, total soluble protein and protein carbonyl of drought-stressed plants at booting stage, whereas at filling stage, it decreased the content of H2O2 and protein carbonyl and increased the content of total soluble protein. The content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and the activities of acid phospholipase (AP) and lipoxygenase (LOX) in drought-stressed plants were also decreased by application of Si at both stages.  相似文献   

A role for nitrogen reserves in forage regrowth and stress tolerance   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Carbohydrate accumulation and utilization during shoot regrowth after defoliation and winter has been studied extensively in most species used as forage. However, recent work suggests that N reserves found in vegetative tissues also are important for defoliation tolerance and winter hardiness. Results suggest that these N reserves constitute an alternative N source used when N2 fixation and/or mineral N uptake are reduced. 15N labelling experiments indicate that a large proportion of herbage N is derived from N reserves mobilized from stem bases or roots to developing leaves and shoots. Amino acids and specific proteins (i.e. vegetative storage proteins, VSPs) are deposited in roots and stem bases and, in the case of VSPs, are degraded rapidly after defoliation. Identification and characterization of VSPs will increase our understanding of the role N reserves play in stress tolerance and may lead to innovative approaches for improving forage persistence and productivity.  相似文献   

Chen X  Li W  Lu Q  Wen X  Li H  Kuang T  Li Z  Lu C 《Journal of plant physiology》2011,168(15):1828-1836
Although the wheat hybrids have often shown higher grain yields, the physiological basis of the higher yields remains unknown. Previous studies suggest that tolerance to photoinhibition in the hybrid may be one of the physiological bases (Yang et al., 2006, Plant Sci 171:389-97). The objective of this study was to further investigate the possible mechanism responsible for tolerance to photoinhibition in the hybrid. Photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry, the xanthophyll cycle, and antioxidative defense system were compared between the hybrid and its parents subjected to high light stress (1500 μmol m−2 s−1). The analyses of oxygen-evolving activity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and protein blotting demonstrated that the higher tolerance in the hybrid than in its parents was associated with its higher tolerance of PSII to photoinhibition. High light induced an increase in non-photochemical quenching, and this increase was greater in the hybrid than in its parents. There were no differences in the pool size of the xanthophyll cycle between the hybrid and its parents. The content of violaxanthin decreased significantly, whereas the content of zeaxanthin + antherxanthin increased considerably during high light treatments. However, the decrease in violaxanthin content and the increase in zeaxanthin + antherxanthin content were greater in the hybrid than in its parents. High light resulted in a significant accumulation of H2O2, O2 and catalytic Fe, and this accumulation was less in the hybrid than in its parents. High light induced a significant increase in the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and monodehydroascorbate reductase, and these increases were greater in the hybrid than its parents. These results suggest that the higher tolerance to photoinhibition in the hybrid may be associated with its higher capacity for antioxidative defense metabolism and the xanthophyll cycle.  相似文献   

Removal of reproductive 'sink,' i.e., spikelets from wheat, after anthesis delays the rate of flag leaf senescence. Oxidative stress and the oxidative damage to proteins were studied in relation to nitrogen mobilization in wheat plants showing normal and delayed senescence. Wheat plants lacking a reproductive sink showed decreased oxidative stress, lower lipid peroxidation and maintained higher protein, oxidatively damaged proteins, and nitrogen levels as compared to plants with reproductive sink during monocarpic senescence. Oxidative damage to the proteins when not followed by high proteolytic activities led to a slower nitrogen mobilization in wheat plants lacking a reproductive sink. Thus, the influence of the reproductive sink was due to its ability to drive forward the nitrogen mobilization process through high ROS levels which mediated both damage to the proteins and influenced proteolytic activities.  相似文献   

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