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Frequencies of sex chromosome aneuploid sperm were measured for standard and "sex-ratio" Drosophila pseudoobscura males with identical genetic backgrounds. The "sex-ratio" males produced a 15.6-fold higher frequency of nullo-XY sperm than the standard males produced, but diplo-XY sperm were produced at the same rate in the two types of males. "Sex-ratio" males with the same SR chromosome but with different chromosome backgrounds were found to produce different frequencies of sterile sons. These results indicate that strains of D. pseudoobscura differ at autosomal or Y-linked modifiers of sr. Such modifiers are similar to the msr genes found in the L116 strain of this species.  相似文献   

Vaz SC  Carvalho AB 《Genetics》2004,166(1):265-277
The sex-ratio trait is the production of female-biased progenies due to X-linked meiotic drive in males of several Drosophila species. The driving X chromosome (called SR) is not fixed due to at least two stabilizing factors: natural selection (favoring ST, the nondriving standard X) and drive suppression by either Y-linked or autosomal genes. The evolution of autosomal suppression is explained by Fisher's principle, a mechanism of natural selection that leads to equal proportion of males and females in a sexually reproducing population. In fact, sex-ratio expression is partially suppressed by autosomal genes in at least three Drosophila species. The population genetics of this system is not completely understood. In this article we develop a mathematical model for the evolution of autosomal suppressors of SR (sup alleles) and show that: (i). an autosomal suppressor cannot invade when SR is very deleterious in males (c < (1)/(3), where c is the fitness of SR/Y males); (ii). "SR/ST, sup/+" polymorphisms occur when SR is partially deleterious ( approximately 0.3 < c < 1); while (iii). SR neutrality (c = 1) results in sup fixation and thus in total abolishment of drive. So, surprisingly, as long as there is any selection against SR/Y males, neutral autosomal suppressors will not be fixed. In that case, when a polymorphic equilibrium exists, the average female proportion in SR/Y males' progeny is given approximately by ac + 1 - a + a (2) c + 1 (2) + 1 - 4ac /4ac, where a is the fitness of SR/ST females.  相似文献   

We analyzed a functional homologue of the swallow gene from Drosophila pseudoobscura. The swallow gene of D. melanogaster plays an essential role in localizing bicoid mRNA in oocytes, and swallow mutant embryos show anterior pattern defects that result from the lack of localization of the bicoid morphogen. The pseudoobscura homologue rescues the function of swallow mutants when introduced into the genome of D. melanogaster, and its expression is similar to that of the melanogaster gene. The predicted pseudoobscura and melanogaster proteins are 49% identical and 69% conserved. The coiled-coil domain previously identified in the melanogaster swallow protein is strongly conserved in the pseudoobscura homologue, but the weak similarity of the melanogaster swallow protein to the RNP class of RNA-binding proteins is not conserved in the pseudoobscura homologue. These and other observations suggest a structural role for swallow in localizing bicoid mRNA, perhaps as part of the egg cytoskeleton. Received: 3 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 September 1999  相似文献   

Hercus MJ  Hoffmann AA 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1493-1502
We used crosses between two closely related Drosophila species, Drosophila serrata and D. birchii, to examine the genetic basis of desiccation resistance and correlations between resistance, physiological traits, and life-history traits. D. serrata is more resistant to desiccation than D. birchii, and this may help to explain the broader geographical range of the former species. A comparison of F2's from reciprocal crosses indicated higher resistance levels when F2's originated from D. birchii mothers compared to D. serrata mothers. However, backcrosses had a resistance level similar to that of the parental species, suggesting an interaction between X-linked effects in D. serrata that reduce resistance and autosomal effects that increase resistance. Reciprocal differences persisted in hybrid lines set up from the different reciprocal crosses and tested at later generations. Increased desiccation resistance was associated with an increased body size in two sets of hybrid lines and in half-sib groups set up from the F4's after crossing the two species, but size associations were inconsistent in the F2's. None of the crosses provided evidence for a positive association between desiccation resistance and glycogen levels, or evidence for a tradeoff between desiccation resistance and early fecundity. However, fecundity was positively correlated with body size at both the genetic and phenotypic levels. This study illustrates how interspecific crosses may provide information on genetic interactions between traits following adaptive divergence, as well as on the genetic basis of the traits.  相似文献   

Maternal transmission of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in animals is thought to prevent the spread of selfish deleterious mtDNA mutations in the population. Various mechanisms have been evolved independently to prevent the entry of sperm mitochondria in the embryo. However, the increasing number of instances of paternal mtDNA leakage suggests that these mechanisms are not very effective. The destruction of sperm mitochondria in mammalian embryos is mediated by nuclear factors. Also, the destruction of paternal mitochondria in intraspecific crosses is more effective than in interspecific ones. These observations have led to the hypothesis that leakage of paternal mtDNA (and consequently mtDNA recombination owing to ensuing heteroplasmy) might be more common in inter‐ than in intraspecific crosses and that it should increase with phylogenetic distance of hybridizing species. We checked paternal leakage in inter‐ and intraspecific crosses in Drosophila and found little evidence for this hypothesis. In addition, we have observed a higher level of leakage among male than among female progeny from the same cross. This is the first report of sex‐specific leakage of paternal mtDNA. It suggests that paternal mtDNA leakage might not be a stochastic result of an error‐prone mechanism, but rather, it may be under complex genetic control.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Although many experiments have measurements on multiple traits, most studies performed the analysis of mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for each trait separately using single trait analysis. Single trait analysis does not take advantage of possible genetic and environmental correlations between traits. In this paper, we propose a novel statistical method for multiple trait multiple interval mapping (MTMIM) of QTL for inbred line crosses. We also develop a novel score-based method for estimating genome-wide significance level of putative QTL effects suitable for the MTMIM model. The MTMIM method is implemented in the freely available and widely used Windows QTL Cartographer software. RESULTS: Throughout the paper, we provide compelling empirical evidences that: (1) the score-based threshold maintains proper type I error rate and tends to keep false discovery rate within an acceptable level; (2) the MTMIM method can deliver better parameter estimates and power than single trait multiple interval mapping method; (3) an analysis of Drosophila dataset illustrates how the MTMIM method can better extract information from datasets with measurements in multiple traits. CONCLUSIONS: The MTMIM method represents a convenient statistical framework to test hypotheses of pleiotropic QTL versus closely linked nonpleiotropic QTL, QTL by environment interaction, and to estimate the total genotypic variance-covariance matrix between traits and to decompose it in terms of QTL-specific variance-covariance matrices, therefore, providing more details on the genetic architecture of complex traits.  相似文献   

Methionine in the form of free amino acids, small peptides and several proteins is transferred from ejaculate to females in Drosophila melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura. The male contribution is found mostly in the ovary and the sizes of the polypeptides transferred have been established. Some components of the ejaculate are rapidly transferred to the somatic tissues outside the ovary and reproductive system where they co-migrate with the yolk polypeptides. The incorporation of free methionine into polypeptides in non-reproductive tissues is higher in females that have been deprived of a source of protein prior to mating. The molecules transferred from ejaculate may have roles in regulating reproductive behaviour and may also be used as a nutrient source. We suggest that free amino acids in the ejaculate are rapidly utilised in protein synthesis in the somatic tissues outside the ovary and could provide a boost to yolk protein and hence egg production in females in nature, where nutrients may be in limited supply.  相似文献   

Hybrid males from reciprocal crosses of specific strains of the closely related species Drosophila mojavensis and Drosophila arizonae are sterile. The sterile hybrid males exhibit testis and seminal vesicle phenotypes that differ from their parental strains and from each other both in lengths of the organs and the development of the spermatids as seen in light and electron microscopy. Incompatibilities affecting spermiogenesis differ in reciprocal crosses, suggesting that hybrid male sterility may originate from a range of different underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hardy RW  Lougheed A  Markow TA 《Fly》2011,5(2):76-80
Hybrid males from reciprocal crosses of specific strains of the closely related species Drosophila mojavensis and Drosophila arizonae are sterile. The sterile hybrid males exhibit testis and seminal vesicle phenotypes that differ from their parental strains and from each other both in lengths of the organs and the development of the spermatids as seen in light and electron microscopy. Incompatibilities affecting spermiogenesis differ in reciprocal crosses, suggesting that hybrid male sterility may originate from a range of different underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Significant effects of X-ray treatment on the increase in the number of phenotypic variations, two visible mutations, and chromosome aberrations were found in the progeny of irradiated males from the D. virilis laboratory stock that is capable of hybrid dysgenesis syndrome induction. This effect is much more pronounced than in the progeny of irradiated males from strong wild-type strains studied. A correlation between genetic instability and chromosome radiosensitivity was outlined. The mechanism of this phenomenon and the possibilities of using the property of genome instability for the productive induction of gene and chromosome damage in radiation mutagenesis experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhong S  Jannink JL 《Genetics》2007,177(1):567-576
To develop inbred lines, parents are crossed to generate segregating populations from which superior inbred progeny are selected. The value of a particular cross thus depends on the expected performance of its best progeny, which we call the superior progeny value. Superior progeny value is a linear combination of the mean of the cross's progeny and their standard deviation. In this study we specify theory to predict a cross's progeny standard deviation from QTL results and explore analytically and by simulation the variance of that standard deviation under different genetic models. We then study the impact of different QTL analysis methods on the prediction accuracy of a cross's superior progeny value. We show that including all markers, rather than only markers with significant effects, improves the prediction. Methods that account for the uncertainty of the QTL analysis by integrating over the posterior distributions of effect estimates also produce better predictions than methods that retain only point estimates from the QTL analysis. The utility of including estimates of a cross's among-progeny standard deviation in the prediction increases with increasing heritability and marker density but decreasing genome size and QTL number. This utility is also higher if crosses are envisioned only among the best parents rather than among all parents. Nevertheless, we show that among crosses the variance of progeny means is generally much greater than the variance of progeny standard deviations, restricting the utility of estimates of progeny standard deviations to a relatively small parameter space.  相似文献   

We have isolated, characterized and mapped 33 dinucleotide, three trinucleotide and one tetranucleotide repeat loci from the four major chromosomes of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Average inferred repeat unit length of the dinucleotide repeats is 12 repeat units, similar to D. melanogaster. Assays of D. pseudoobscura and populations of its sibling species, D. persimilis, using 10 of these loci show extremely high levels of variation compared with similar studies of dinucleotide repeat variation in D. melanogaster populations. The high levels of variation are consistent with an average mutation rate of approximately 10(-6) per locus per generation and an effective population size of D. pseudoobscura approximately four times larger than that of D. melanogaster. Consistent with allozymes and nucleotide sequence polymorphism, the dinucleotide repeat loci reveal minimal structure across four populations of D. pseudoobscura. Finally, our preliminary recombinational mapping of 24 of these microsatellites suggests that the total recombinational genome size may be larger than previously inferred using morphological mutant markers.  相似文献   

Using 30,000 bp of anonymous sequence data, we note that dinucleotide repeat arrays appear to be much more common in Drosophila pseudoobscura than in D. melanogaster or D. simulans. Repeat arrays bearing five or more units are situated on average once every 3000 bp in D. pseudoobscura, and repeat arrays bearing ten or more units are situated on average once every 7500 bp. We did not detect an association between microsatellite presence and GC-content of flanking regions.  相似文献   

Drosophila pseudoobscura harbors a rich gene arrangement polymorphism on the third chromosome generated by a series of overlapping paracentric inversions. The arrangements suppress recombination in heterokaryotypic individuals, which allows for the selective maintenance of coadapted gene complexes. Previous mapping experiments used to determine the degree to which recombination is suppressed in gene arrangement heterozygotes produced non-recombinant progeny in non-Mendelian ratios. The deviations from Mendelian expectations could be the result of viability differences between wild and mutant chromosomes, meiotic drive because of achiasmate pairing of homologues in heterokaryotypic females during meiosis, or a combination of both mechanisms. The possibility that the frequencies of the chromosomal arrangements in natural populations are affected by mechanisms other than adaptive selection led us to consider these hypotheses. We performed reciprocal crosses involving both heterozygous males and females to determine if the frequency of the non-recombinant progeny deviates significantly from Mendelian expectations and if the frequencies deviate between reciprocal crosses. We failed to observe non-Mendelian ratios in multiple crosses, and the frequency of the non-recombinant classes differed in only one of five pairs of reciprocal crosses despite sufficient power to detect these differences in all crosses. Our results indicate that deviations from Mendelian expectations in recombination experiments involving the D. pseudoobscura inversion system are most likely due to fitness differences of gene arrangement karyotypes in different environments.  相似文献   

Summary It is well established that apparently unaffected males can be transmitters of the marker X syndrome trait. Cytogenetic and clinical investigations of these male transmitters are only rarely reported for most of these male transmitters are dead by the time the syndrome is diagnosed in their families. We report on cytogenetic and clinical investigations of two unaffected male carriers of the disorder from two large families. Pedigree analysis of these families revealed six other cases of possible male transmission of the marker X syndrome trait. Mental impairment was not reported from the siblings of these unaffected male carriers and could not be observed in their daughters. The mode of transmission of the disorder cannot be fully explained by X-linked inheritance. The phenomenon of unaffected males transmitting the disorder could be due to an autosomal suppressor systeme. Our findings indicate that male transmission may be important for the frequency of the disorder.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial gene divergence of Colombian Drosophila pseudoobscura   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolated populations of drosophila pseudoobscura, separated from North American populations by about 2,400 km, were found in Colombia in 1960. We compared for sequences of the small ribosomal RNA (srRNA) gene on the mitochondria between North American and Colombian D. pseudoobscura in order to clarify the age of the Colombian isolates. The North American populations were not genetically different from each other but were genetically different from the Colombian populations. The Mexican strains represent the area from which the Colombian founders might have come. The estimated net nucleotide divergence between Mexican and Colombian D. pseudoobscura indicates that the Colombian population is not an ancient lineage. Phylogenies using both distance and parsimony methodologies reinforced this conclusion. The Colombian samples group together with both methods but, according to the bootstrap analysis, not significantly. It appears that the populations have not been separated long enough for their DNA sequences to show much divergence.   相似文献   

Crosses between 21 triploid hybrid Cobitis females and 19 C. taenia (2n = 48) males led to viable progeny; whereas no embryonic development was observed in crosses with tetraploid males (4n = 98). The ploidy status of 491 progenies randomly selected with flow cytometry (316) or chromosome analysis (175) revealed an average of 55.2 % triploids and 44.8 % tetraploids, but the ratio of 3n versus 4n fish did change during development. In the first 2 days after hatching, approximately 65.1 % of tetraploid larvae were observed. Their number decreased significantly to 30.8 and 6.2 % on average during 2–5 and 10–15 months of life, respectively. The karyotype of tetraploid progeny (4n = 98) included 3n = 74 chromosomes of the parental female and n = 24 of C. taenia male. The number of tetraploid progeny indicated indirectly that about 66 % of eggs from 3n females were fertilized with C. taenia. The rest of the eggs developed clonally via gynogenesis or hemiclonally via hybridogenesis into triploids of the same karyotype structure as parental females. We have documented for the first time that (at least under experimental conditions) tetraploids are commonly formed, but are less viable than triploids, and a ratio similar to what is found under natural conditions is finally attained. The current explanation concerning the ploidy and karyotype structure of the progeny confirms that the eggs of 3n Cobitis females are not only capable of maintaining all chromosomes but are also capable of incorporating the sperm genome, thus creating the potential to produce tetraploids.  相似文献   

Esterase-5 is one of the most polymorphic loci in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Some variants reportedly produce a dimeric enzyme, while a few produce a monomeric form. This paper reports the finding that during electrophoresis ESTERASE-5 exists in a dynamic equilibrium between monomers and dimers, an equilibrium that is dependent on the running temperature of the gels. This is shown by a series of analytical electrophoresis experiments in which the apparent molecular weights of several variants are determined at four different temperatures. Increasing temperatures result in a linear decrease in the logarithm of apparent molecular weights. Macromolecular interactions thus are a significant determinant of EST-5 electrophoretic mobility.G.K.C. was supported by NIH Grant Gm 21179 to R. C. Lewontin. E.Á. was supported on an Icelandic Science Foundation Grant (Vísindasjóur Íslands), a Fulbright-Hayes Grant, a NATO-Science Fellowship, and a Fogarty International Research Fellowship of the Fogarty International Center (NIH F05 TWO 3027-01).  相似文献   

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