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张一虹  李朝义 《生理学报》1986,38(4):357-366
记录了猫外膝体细胞和视交叉纤维对正弦调制光点刺激的反应,作成反应时间直方图(PSTH)。用博里叶分析方法测量不同时间频率下反应的基波相位,作相位-频率特性曲线(PFC)。在暗适应条件下用锥系统的阈下刺激分离出杆系统的反应,这时外膝体细胞的相-频特性为一条负斜率的直线。由斜率所推算的潜伏期平均为81ms。在间视条件下,用 Stiles的二色阈法,分离出锥系统的反应,在这种情况下,相-频特性出现一个十分明显的转折。低频段回归线所对应的潜伏期平均为 107ms,高频段为 39ms。用同样方法分析了神经节细胞(视交叉纤维)的相位-频率特性,结果与外膝体细胞相似,说明与锥系统及杆系统活动有关的时间频率通道在视网膜就已经形成。  相似文献   

To predict the possible evolutionary response of a plant species to a new environment, it is necessary to separate genetic from environmental sources of phenotypic variation. In a case study of the invader Solidago altissima, the influences of several kinds of parental effects and of direct inheritance and environment on offspring phenotype were separated. Fifteen genotypes were crossed in three 5 × 5 diallels excluding selfs. Clonal replicates of the parental genotypes were grown in two environments such that each diallel could be made with maternal/paternal plants from sand/sand, sand/soil, soil/sand, and soil/soil. In a first experiment (1989) offspring were raised in the experimental garden and in a second experiment (1990) in the glasshouse. Parent plants growing in sand invested less biomass in inflorescences but produced larger seeds than parent plants growing in soil. In the garden experiment, phenotypic variation among offspring was greatly influenced by environmental heterogeneity. Direct genetic variation (within diallels) was found only for leaf characters and total leaf mass. Germination probability and early seedling mass were significantly affected by phenotypic differences among maternal plants because of genotype ( genetic maternal effects ) and soil environment ( general environmental maternal effects ). Seeds from maternal plants in sand germinated better and produced bigger seedlings than seeds from maternal plants in soil. They also grew taller with time, probably because competition accentuated the initial differences. Height growth and stem mass at harvest (an integrated account of individual growth history) of offspring varied significantly among crosses within parental combinations ( specific environmental maternal effects ). In the glasshouse experiment, the influence of environmental heterogeneity and competition could be kept low. Except for early characters, the influence of direct genetic variation was large but again leaf characters (= basic module morphology) seemed to be under stricter genetic control than did size characters. Genetic maternal effects, general environmental maternal effects, and specific environmental maternal effects dominated in early characters. The maternal effects were exerted both via seed mass and directly on characters of young offspring. Persistent effects of the general paternal environment ( general environmental paternal effects ) were found for leaf length and stem and leaf mass at harvest. They were opposite in direction to the general environmental maternal effects, that is the same genotypes produced “better mothers” in sand but “better fathers” in soil. The general environmental paternal effects must have been due to differences in pollen quality, resulting from pollen selection within the male parent or leading to pre- or postzygotic selection within the female parent. The ranking of crosses according to mean offspring phenotypes was different in the two experiments, suggesting strong interaction of the observed effects with the environment. The correlation structure among characters changed less between experiments than did the pattern of variation of single characters, but under the competitive conditions in the garden plant height seemed to be more directly related to fitness than in the glasshouse. Reduced competition could also explain why maternal effects were less persistent in the glasshouse than in the garden experiment. Evolution via selection of maternal effects would be possible in the study population because these effects are in part due to genetic differences among parents.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics and chloroplast ultrastructure of Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. were quantified while the organism was simultaneously adjusting to light and nutrient stress. Cells were grown in batch culture at either low or high light intensity on medium with a nitrogen/phosphorus molar ratio of 2:1 as a control, or with nitrogen or phosphorus deleted from the medium to create nutrient deficiencies. Analysis of variance indicated that light intensity, nutrient deficiency and duration of nutrient deficiency all had significant effects on cell growth, chlorophyll (Chl) concentration/cell, cellular fluorescence capacity (CFC), chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density. Because interactions existed among nutrient deficiency, extent of nutrient deficiency, and light intensity, all three must be considered together in order to describe accurately the physiology and chloroplast ultrastructure of the diatom. Significant correlations were found between the Chl/cell or CFC/cell and chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density. Through an increase in Chi concentration, chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density, the cells successfully adapted to the conditions of low light intensity even while under nutrient stress. In contrast, less Chl/cell, smaller chloroplast volume and less thylakoid surface density were found at high light intensity.  相似文献   

Light intensity and temperature interactions have a complex effect on the physiological process rates of the filamentous bluegreen alga Anabaena variabilis Kütz. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis increased with increasing light intensity from 10°C at 42 μE·m?2·s?1 to 35°C at 562 μE·m?2·s?1. The light saturation parameter, IK, increased with increasing temperatures. The maximum photosynthetic rate (2.0 g C·g dry wt.?1·d?1) occurred at 35°C and 564 μE·m?2·s?1. At 15°C, the maximum rate was 1.25 g C·g dry wt.?1·d?1 at 332 μE·m?2·s?1. The dark respiration rate increased exponentially with temperature. Under favorable conditions of light intensity and temperature the percent of extracellular release of dissolved organic carbon was less than 5% of the total C fixed. This release increased to nearly 40% under combinations of low light intensity and high temperature. A mathematical model was developed to simulate the interaction of light intensity and temperature on photosynthetic rate. The interactive effects were represented by making the light-saturation parameters a function of temperature.  相似文献   

Developmental instability in the form of increased fluctuating asymmetry can be caused by either genetic or environmental stress. Because extinctions can be attributed broadly to these factors, fluctuating asymmetry may provide a sensitive tool for detecting such stresses. We studied the level of fluctuating asymmetry of flowers of a perennial outcrossing plant species, Lychnis viscaria, both in natural and common-garden populations. The degree of flower asymmetry was higher in small, isolated, and marginal populations of the species range. These marginal populations also were the most homozygous. In the core area of the species' range, flowers were more symmetrical The level of asymmetry was correlated with both population size and heterozygosity. However, a partial correlation analysis revealed that when the impact of population size was controlled for, there was a negative relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and heterozygosity, whereas when controlling for heterozygosity, no relationship between population size and fluctuating asymmetry was found. This indicates that genetic consequences of small population size probably underlie the relationship between the level of asymmetry and population size. Results from a transplantation experiment showed that individuals subjected to a higher environmental stress had an increased level of asymmetry compared to control plants. In the common-garden conditions the level of fluctuating asymmetry did not differ between the central and marginal populations. This suggests that presumably both genetic and environmental factors affected to the higher level of asymmetry among marginal populations compared to central ones. In all we conclude that even though fluctuating asymmetry seems to be a sensitive tool for detecting stresses, results from studies focusing on only one factor should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Physiological differentiation of the heteromorphic life-history phases of the red alga Mastocarpus papillatus (C. Agardh) Kützing was assessed. Photosynthetic responses to light and temperature of the erect, foliose gametophyte were compared to those of the crustose tetrasporophyte. Plants of both phases were collected from four locations on the Pacific coast of Baja California, Mexico, and California, USA, between 32–4l° N latitude. Within each location, the chlorophyll-specific, light-saturated photosynthetic rates of gametophytes were generally five times greater than those of tetrasporophytes. Initial slopes of photosynthesis: irradiance curves were greater for gametophytes than for tetrasporophytes. The crust and the blade from each location were similar with respect to dark respiration rates. For tetrasporophytes from all locations, the photosynthetic temperature optima were between 12–15° C. The photosynthetic temperature optima for gametophytes ranged from 15–17° C for plants from Trinidad Head (41° N) to 22–25° C for plants from Punta Descanso (32° N). Both gametophytes and tetrasporophytes from the northernmost location had significantly higher photosynthetic rates than the same phase from the other three locations. The photosynthetic responses to light support models for the life history in which life history phases have different ecological roles. The gametophyte, thought to be specialized for rapid growth and competition, may allocate more resources to photosynthetic machinery, hence the higher maximum photosynthetic rates. The tetrasporophyte, thought to be specialized for resistance to herbivores, may allocate more resources to structural or chemical defenses in preference to photosynthetic machinery. Consequently, the tetrasporophyte has lower photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

  1. Under continuous irradiation, the growth of intact rice coleoptilewas strongly inhibited by red light, and somewhat preventedby blue and far-red light. The inhibitory effect of red lighton coleoptile elongation was caused by a low-energy brief irradiation,and a single exposure of 1.5 kiloergs cm–2 incidentenergy of red light brought about the 50% inhibition. This photoinhibitionof growth was observed only after the coleoptile had elongatedto about 10 mm or longer. The red light-induced effect was reversedby an immediately following brief exposure to far-red light,and the photoresponses to red and far-red light were repeatedlyreversible. The escape reaction of red lightinduced effect tookplace at a rate so that 50% of the initial reversibility waslost within 9 hr in darkness at 27. The inhibition by bluelight and reversal by far-red irradiation was also achievedrepeatedly with successive treatments of the coleoptiles. Theevidence for a low intensity red far-red reversible controlof coleoptile growth, indicative of control by phytochrome,seems clearly established in etiolated intact seedlings.
  2. Incontrast, the elongation of apically excised rice coleoptilesegments was promoted by a brief exposure to red light in 0.02M phosphate buffer, pH 7, and the effect was almost completelynullified by an immediately subsequent exposure to far-red light.It becomes evident that the growth of intact coleoptiles wasinhibited by a exposure to red light, while that of excisedsegments in a buffer was rather promoted by red irradiation.The direction of red light induced responses, either promotiveor inhibitory, depends upon the method of bioassay using intactcoleoptiles or their excised segments.
(Received July 24, 1967; )  相似文献   

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