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Humic acids (HA)-like extracted from compost at the beginning (t(0)) and after 130 days of composting (t(130)) were fractionated by coupling size exclusion chromatography to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SEC-PAGE). HA-like fractions with the same molecular size (MS) and electrophoretic mobility were pooled and further characterised by analytical polyacrylamide gel electrofocusing (EF) and compared with HA separated from a Typic Chernozem soil. During the composting process all fractions were subjected to quantitative and qualitative modifications: the high MS fraction was degraded, the mid MS fractions were qualitatively changed, the content of low MS fractions increased and changed qualitatively. The main changes in EF pattern of the non fractionated HA-like t(130) were associated to low MS fractions. Such data seem to be reliable for explanation what mechanisms and monitoring of the evolution of the compost organic matter for their agricultural uses.  相似文献   

Summary An evaluation of alkaline extractants was done by isotachophoresis and compared with infrared, ultraviolet and visible spectroscopic analysis. The electrophoretograms show that the humic acid extracted. This result is partially corroborated by the E4/E6 ratio. Differences in the carboxyl content and TRIS. In the pyrophosphate humic acid three fractions of high molecular weight were not extracted. This resultis partially corroborated by the E4/E6 ratio. Differences in the carboxyl content found by ir spectra of the TRIS humic acid and the NaOH humic acid were not shown in the isotachophoretic separation.  相似文献   

1. Although the mass of dissolved organic matter (DOM) often exceeds that of living organisms in freshwaters, little is known about the roles of its constituent molecules as sources of energy and information for aquatic organisms. In the present review attention is focused on free amino acids (FAA) and humic substances (HS) as examples of labile and refractory components within DOM. 2. The following questions are addressed. (i) What are spatiotemporal patterns in the distribution of DOM, HS and FAA? (ii) What are the origins of the components of DOM and how are their concentrations regulated? (iii) What is the significance of the spatial and temporal distributional patterns of DOM, HS and FAA to detritivorous invertebrates and other organisms associated with them? (iv) What is the relevance of DOM to the food web concept and to the biochemical ecology of freshwater ecosystems? 3. Concentrations of DOM, FAA and HS within lentic ecosystems are ranked as follows: Sediment pore water > Air–water interface > Midwater column. Comparisons between water bodies show that the concentrations of labile constituents of DOM, such as FAA, are usually positively correlated with base cations, nutrients and biological activity. In contrast, HS concentrations are negatively correlated with base cations or nutrients but positively correlated with the rate of biological degradation (the maximum values occurring in the autumn). The FAA : HS ratios might serve therefore as an indicator of the potential productivity of a water body. 4. External sources of DOM in general, and FAA and HS in particular, include rainwater, windborne material, surface flow and groundwater. The relative importance of these allochthonous sources of DOM decreases along the length of lotic ecosystems and also with increase in size of lentic ecosystems. Internal sources of FAA and HS include synthesis or polymerization from existing organic matter, degradation of organic matter and release from both living and dead organisms. The net accumulation of DOM released by living bacteria, phytoplankton, epilithon, macrophytes and invertebrates is much reduced due to heterotrophic uptake. Hence, most of the allochthonous DOM in freshwater originates from dead organic matter deposited on the sediment. Phytoplankton-dominated ecosystems may, however, differ, as most of their DOM may be recycled within the water column. 5. The factors that determine the external concentrations of DOM, FAA and HS are discussed. Evidence is cited in support of the following testable hypotheses. (i) The rates of production of DOM components will be favoured by increasing base cation and nutrient concentrations. (ii) Colloidal clay, base cations, biopolymers and living organisms, particularly bacteria, facilitate the removal of HS. Consequently, base-rich eutrophic waters tend to have lower HS concentrations than oligotrophic, base-deficient waters. (iii) As a result of higher productivity and selective removal of FAA, eutrophic waters tend to have higher FAA concentrations than those that are oligotrophic. 6. Labile DOM components, such as FAA, act as sources of information for aquatic organisms. More research is needed in this field. There is a consensus that DOM acts as an important source of energy for aquatic bacteria, thus forming the microbial loop. However, higher eukaryotic organisms also utilize DOM, including components released by bacteria and plants as metabolic end-products and photoassimilates, respectively. As a result, these DOM components may be more important as food for macrodecomposers than the microdecomposers themselves. HS may also benefit aquatic organisms by promoting their growth and protecting them from inimical forces. Conversely, the removal of photons and the release of toxins by HS may be detrimental to aquatic organisms. 7. It is concluded that the central dogma of the foodweb, and its implicit assumption that the energy flow in aquatic ecosystems can be quantified solely by measuring rates of photosynthesis, ingestion of solid food and its digestion by higher organisms, is invalid. To extend our understanding of the role of DOM as a source of nutrition and information to aquatic organisms it is suggested that the subject should be studied within the context of ‘modules’ which have the following properties: (i) the components have co-evolved; (ii) the more vulnerable components will have protective mechanisms; (iii) the components will derive mutual benefits from co-existence; (iv) sedentary components will release kairomonal attractants or developmental primers; (v) living components will exchange energy and information; (vi) the module will collapse following the removal of strongly interactive keystone species. An example of a three-component, three-subset module, is provided by tubificid worms, epilithic bacteria and algae. A more complex module consisting of pulmonate snails, associated macrophytes, their epiphytic bacteria and algae has four components and six subsets. The elucidation of the interactive mechanisms within such modules demands an interdisciplinary approach, involving microbiology, biochemistry and behavioural biology.  相似文献   

Humic substances represent the main carbon reservoir in the biosphere, estimated at 1600 × 1015 g C. Due to their crucial role in reductive and oxidative reactions, sorption, complexation and transport of pollutants, minerals and trace elements, sustaining plant growth, soil structure and formation, and control of the biogeochemistry of organic carbon in the global ecosystem, humic substances are extremely important to environmental processes. Saprotrophic fungi active in the decomposition process of humic substances include mainly ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, which are both common in the upper layers of soils. White rot and litter decomposing fungi are the most important organisms in the degradation and mineralization of refractory organic matter (OM), whereas ascomycetes are mainly involved in the modification and polymerization of humic substances. The mechanisms of degradation probably involve mainly a variety of non specific oxidizing enzymes. This review provides an overview of the subject, while bridging two main disciplines: soil OM chemistry and fungal microbiology. It is aimed to highlight problems, unsolved questions and hypotheses.  相似文献   

Foliar phosphorus content and mycorrhizal infection of dipterocarp seedlings growing in a 61-year-old forest plantation (site A) and a selectively logged forest (site B) were determined. Mycorrhizal infection levels were high–83.7% forShorea bracteolata and 95.0% forS. leprosula at site A, and 77.8% forS. leprosula and 86.3% forS. curtisii at site B. The seedlings all had similar foliar phosphorus contents although available soil phosphorus at site B was half that at site A. Significant correlations were obtained between foliar phosphorus content and percentage mycorrhizal infection at site B only.  相似文献   

 Differences in the chemical properties of the organic matter from a highly lignocellulosic compost after incubation with two ligno- and cellulolytic microorganisms were studied in this work. Inoculation with either of the two microorganisms assayed, Trichoderma viride or Bacillus sp., of soil-compost mixtures enhanced degradation processes and the degree of organic matter humification. According to the humification index, inoculation with T. viride produced the highest humification rate in all the compost-soil proportions studied (10, 20 and 30%). To evaluate the quality of the extracted humic substances according to their electrofocusing behaviours a new index was established. This index showed an increased yield of humic substances of the lowest electrophoretic mobility (highest molecular weight) in treatments inoculated with Bacillus sp., whereas inoculation with T. viride enhanced the formation of molecules of the fastest electrophoretic mobility. These results, together with the fibre analysis performed, showed that the nature of the humic substances produced after incubation appeared to depend greatly on the degradation pathway carried out by the inoculated microorganism, T. viride or Bacillus sp.. Both degradation-humification pathways beneficially affected lettuce growth, demonstrating that inoculation with any of these two microorganisms may be a useful tool to modify agronomic properties of unripe composts. Received: 2 August 1995/Received revision: 14 November 1995/Accepted: 11 December 1995  相似文献   

Abstract Microbial transformation of labile, low molecular weight dissolved organic matter (DOM) into dissolved humic matter (DHM) was studied in seawater. Surface water samples were amended with [14C into 14CO2, TO14C (total organic 14C), and PO14C (particulate organic 14C), was measured over time in confined samples. The humic and non-humic fractions of DO14C (dissolved organic 14C) were separated according to a common operational definition of DHM based on adsorption on XAD-8 macroporous resin. Both TO14C and non-humic DO14C decreased during the experiments. However, 14C-labelled DHM increased during the first week of the incubations, to a level where it comprised 15% of the TO14C remaining in the samples, or 3% of the initially added 14C. Towards the end of experiments (ca 70 days), the humic fraction of DO14C gradually approached the background level of poisoned control samples. Provided that the XAD-8 operational definition of DHM is accepted, this study indicates that humic matter may be formed in seawater within days from labile monomers such as glucose.  相似文献   

The effect of topography on the nature of humic substances, isolated as water soluble organic carbon (WSOC), fulvic acid (FA), and humic acid (HA) was evaluated by comparing relative proportion and chemical characteristics of these fractions in upland and bottomland Coastal Plain soils in South Carolina. The fractions were characterized by elemental analysis and13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy. The majority of humic substances occur as humic acids, with bottomland soils having higher HA/FA ratios when compared to upland soils. We found no significant differences between upland and bottomland humic substances with respect to yields of WSOC and fulvic acids, and in the C and N content of humic and fulvic acids. Carbon-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy revealed that the WSOC and fulvic acid fractions were composed largely of O-alkyl-C structures with bottomland soils having higher amounts of these groups. Humic acid C distribution was similar between upland and bottomland soils and was largely composed of aromatic groups. Our results demonstrate that topography influences the formation of humic acid and the structural and chemical properties of the various humic fractions.requests for offprints  相似文献   

Phenol biodegradation was carried out in a batch system by the bacterial strain Cupriavidus metallidurans in the presence of potassium humate that was prepared by alkaline extraction from oxyhumolite. The experiments were focused on the assessment of the humate effect on biodegradation activity of the tested bacterial strain. The achieved results demonstrated that the humate has a positive influence on the biodegradation of phenol and reduces the incubation time necessary for phenol removal. Higher biodegradation rate and more intensive growth were observed during the cultivation in presence of humate in comparison to the cultivation without its addition. Adsorption of the humate on bacterial biomass was observed as well. Subsequently, a phenol biodegradation testing in a continuous-flow system using a biofilm reactor was also carried out. Although the reactor was inoculated by C. metallidurans only, the microbial composition under an aerobic non-aseptic condition during this long-term cultivation changed. The phenol removal efficiency obtained in the biofilm reactor was higher than 92% when phenol concentration in a treated medium was 1200 mg l−1.  相似文献   

We investigated the in vitro influence of humic substances (HS) extracted from de-inking paper sludge compost on the inhibition of Pythium ultimum by two compost bacteria, Rhizobium radiobacter (Agrobacterium radiobacter) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When low concentrations (5 or 50 mg l(-1)) of HS were added to the culture medium, fungal inhibition by R. radiobacter significantly increased (P<0.01) by 2-3%. In contrast, these low levels of HS had no effect on P. ultimum inhibition by P. aeruginosa. The Fe, chelated by HS, was in part responsible for the decrease of P. ultimum inhibition by the bacteria when increasing amounts of HS were added in the culture medium. The addition of 500 mg l(-1) of humic acids isolated from de-inking paper sludge compost or from fossil origin completely eliminated the inhibition of P. ultimum by R. radiobacter. This Fe effect also stimulated growth of R. radiobacter and reduced its siderophore production in a minimal medium supplemented with HS as sole source of Fe. The results showed that HS influence microbial antagonism when added to a culture medium. However, this effect varies with different factors such as the type of bacteria, concentration of HS, molecular weight and Fe content.  相似文献   

Summary Three organic fertilizers: a farmyard manure (FYM), humified poplar barks (PBF) and spruce barks (SBF) were investigated by means of chemical analysis and by the study of humic substances extracted by 0.1M sodium pyrophosphate (pH=10.0). The organic carbon content and the C/N ratio were higher in SBF, probably as a consequence of the short fermentation period (5 months). Yields of organic substances removed by three consecutive extractions with Na4P2O7 solution were in the order: PBF>FYM>SBF. Nominal molecular weight distribution of total extracts was studied using Sephadex G type gels; TRIS buffer (pH=9.0) was the eluant, since the use of water produced complex gel-solute interactions. It was shown that SBF had a higher content of small size particles than the other two products which exhibited quite similar elution curves. Slopes of log A(absorbance)vs log plots and ratio of absorbances at 465 and 665 nm (E4/E6) of fractions containing particle of lower size were the steepest and the highest, respectively.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of chemometric data analysis which describes the maturation of sewage sludge compost. The compost was characterized at different stages of maturation by various chemical and spectroscopic parameters including carbon and nitrogen content, humic substances content, UV-Vis and 13C NMR. The data set of compost characteristics was analyzed using multivariate methods: cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results enabled the determination of three groups of compost samples at different stages of maturation that correspond to three stages of composting: (i) domination of rapid decomposition of non-humic, easily biodegradable organic matter, (ii) domination of organic matter humification and formation of polycondensed, humic-like substances (the next 2 weeks), (iii) stabilization of transformed organic material and weak microbial activity. The multivariate techniques also enabled the identification of main parameters that change during different stages of composting the most.  相似文献   

Inputs and outputs of allochthonous particulate organic matter were measured during 15 months in the upper part of a beech forest headwater stream. Inputs were estimated to 716 g m−2 yr−1, and leaves made up 71%. Outputs were estimated to 535 g m−2 yr−1 and consisted mainly of FPOM (92%). Therefore, a significant transformation of CPOM into FPOM took place. The mean FPOM concentration varied between 0.6 and 3.4 mg 1−1, but the daily variations greatly surpassed the seasonal variations. As discharge was rather constant, the observed variations were due to external disturbances, especially precipitation.
A tentative scheme for leaf processing is established from the present data and previous studies in the area, indicating that a significant part takes place in the MPOM pool and that microbial and invertebrate processing make up about 50% each of total intra-system processing.  相似文献   

《Biological Wastes》1990,31(3):165-174
The production of humic substances and their retention capacities for phosphorus and calcium released during composting of wheat straw with two types of low-grade rock phosphate were examined. Relative quantities of humic acids increased with increase of composting time, while fulvic acids production decreased after 30 days of composting. The addition of both Mussoorie and Hyperphos retarded humic acids production and enhanced fulvic acids production. Molasses incorporation had no effect on humic acids but increased fulvic acids production. The production of humic acids and their retention capacity for P and Ca were greater in the presence of Mussoorie phosphate than in the presence of Hyperphos, but fulvic acids formation was higher with Hyperphos. About 80–85% P and 90–95% Ca retained by the total humic substances were found in the fulvic acids fraction.  相似文献   

A physico-chemical process has been developed to transform and enhance lignocellulosic waste in liquid humic extracts: humic-like substances (HLS). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of HLS on plant physiology in order to consider their agricultural use as organic fertilizers. The effects of HLS were evaluated on maize seed germination, and their impact on growth, development and mineral nutrition was studied on maize plants cultivated under hydroponic conditions. The experimental results showed that HLS do not increase the percentage and rate of germination but enhance the root elongation of seeds thus treated. Positive effects were also observed on the whole plant growth as well as on root, shoot and leaf biomass. These effects can be related to the high water and mineral consumption of plants undergoing this treatment. The high water efficiency indicated that such plants produce more biomass than non-treated plants for the same consumption of the nutrient solution. Furthermore, the use of HLS induced a flowering precocity and modified root development suggesting a possible interaction of HLS with developmental processes. Considering the beneficial effect of HLS on different stages of plant growth, their use may present various scientific and economic advantages. The physico-chemical transformation of sawdust is an interesting way of enhancing organic waste materials.  相似文献   

A synthetic water-soluble meso-tetra(2,6-dichloro-3-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrinate of iron(III) chloride, Fe(TDCPPS)Cl, was employed as a biomimetic catalyst in the oxidative coupling of terrestrial humic materials. High-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS-(13)C NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) were used to follow conformational and structural changes brought about in different humic materials by the oxidative coupling. Increase in apparent weight-average molecular weight (Mw(a)) occurred invariably for all humic substances with the oxidative polymerization catalyzed by Fe(TDCPPS)Cl. HPSEC further showed that the polymerization reaction turned the loosely bound humic supramolecular structures into more stable conformations which could no longer be disrupted by the disaggregating effect of acetic acid. DRIFT spectroscopy suggested the formation of new alkyl and aromatic ethers following the oxidative coupling with the biomimetic catalyst. CPMAS-(13)C NMR and EPR spectra suggested a reduced molecular mobility of humic components and enhanced stabilization of free radicals in larger oxidized fragments. All findings concur in indicating that the biomimetic catalysis by Fe(TDCPPS)Cl increased the molecular mass and chemical rigidity of humic materials by formation of intermolecular covalent bonds via a free-radical mechanism. The development of a technology based on oxidative polymerization by biomimetic catalysis may be of importance in controlling the properties and reactivity of humic matter for industrial and environmental applications.  相似文献   

厌氧条件下希瓦氏菌腐殖质还原对偶氮还原的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以希瓦氏菌属的3个代表种为研究对象,研究了在厌氧条件下腐殖质的存在对偶氮还原的影响。实验结果表明:3个代表菌株在厌氧条件下都有高效的偶氮还原和腐殖质还原功能,1mmol/L偶氮染料在24h内完全脱色,并且偶氮还原与电子供体氧化存在着紧密的偶联关系。腐殖质物质模式物2-磺酸蒽醌AQS在小于1~2mmol/L条件下能显著加速偶氮还原,12h就完全脱色,3mmol/L时18h完全脱色。但当浓度大于3mmol/L时则对偶氮还原产生明显抑制作用。另一腐殖质模式物2,6-双磺酸蒽醌AQDS其浓度在1~3mmol/L以内亦使脱色在12h内完成,4~6mmol/L时15h左右完成脱色。7~12mmol/L仍有一定的脱色促进作用,但随着浓度的提高,其促进作用也逐渐减弱。这说明腐殖质的确可以作为氧化还原中间体穿梭于电子供体与染料的偶氮双键之间促进偶氮还原。但当其浓度达到某一阈值时它就显出与偶氮键竞争电子的本质,从而使偶氮还原速率下降。原因在于他们的氧化还原电势的差异,导致细菌呼吸链的电子递体对腐殖质物质和偶氮键的亲和力不同,从而使不同腐殖质浓度对偶氮键还原产生了不同的影响。  相似文献   

基于小波变换的土壤有机质含量高光谱估测术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen HY  Zhao GX  Li XC  Zhu XC  Sui L  Wang YJ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):2935-2942
利用统计分析方法选取了土壤N、P、K元素含量近似而有机质含量差异较大的样本60个,通过高光谱探测分析获得样本反射率对数的一阶导数光谱,采用Bior 1.3函数进行多层离散小波分解,剔除低频近似信号和高频噪声信号,得到反映土壤理化参数的特征光谱曲线;采用相关分析筛选土壤有机质含量的显著相关波段,基于显著相关波段和特征光谱曲线分别构建土壤有机质含量高光谱多元回归估测模型;通过比较分析,确定了提取土壤有机质特征光谱的最佳小波分解尺度并构建了最佳预测模型.结果表明:提取土壤有机质特征光谱的最佳小波分解层数是9层,其次是8层和10层;基于小波9层分解特征光谱曲线的有机质含量估测模型最佳,其决定系数(R2)为0.89,比基于显著相关波段构建模型的R2增加了0.31,比基于原始光谱所构建模型的R2增加了0.10.  相似文献   

The content of auxin-, inhibitors-and gibberellin-like substances in freeze-dried humic acids was studied. The results indicate the existence of growth-promoting substances in humic acids, possibly corresponding to IAA or its precursors. Inhibitory activity is more marked during germination than during the growth process. The inhibitory effect caused by high concentration of humic acids could be due to an auxin-like action rather than an input per se of growth inhibitors. A significant amount of both free and conjugated gibberellin-like substances were observed.  相似文献   

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