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Melatonin has been traditionally considered to be derived principally from the pineal gland. However, several investigations have now demonstrated that melatonin synthesis occurs also in the retina (and in other organs as well) of several vertebrate classes, including mammals. As in the pineal, melatonin synthesis in the retina is elevated at night and reduced during the day. Since melatonin receptors are present in the retina and retinal melatonin does not contribute to the circulating levels, retinal melatonin probably acts locally as a neuromodulator. Melatonin synthesis in the retinas of mammals is under control of a circadian oscillator located within the retina itself, and circadian rhythms in melatonin synthesis and/or release have been described for several species of rodents. These rhythms are present in vivo, persist in vitro, are entrained by light, and are temperature compensated. The recent cloning of the gene responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (the only enzyme unique to the melatonin synthetic pathway) will facilitate localizing the cellular site of melatonin synthesis in the retina and investigating the molecular mechanism responsible for the generation of retinal melatonin rhythmicity. Melatonin has been implicated in many retinal functions, and the levels of melatonin and dopamine appear to regulate several aspects of retinal physiology that relate to light and dark adaptation. In conclusion, it seems that retinal melatonin is involved in several functions, but its precise role is yet to be understood. (Chronobiology International, 17(5), 599–612, 2000)  相似文献   

We examined the well-known spontaneous discharge (SD) and lightevoked (PD) discharge of the crayfish caudal photoreceptor for the possible existence of a daily rhythm in spike frequency. To do this, we isolated the abdominal nerve cord in vitro and studied its discharge frequency in constant darkness. Single cosinor analysis revealed significant SD and PD circadian rhythms (P <. 05) with periods τ = 24.4h and 24.2h, respectively. These oscillations correspond to an endogenous circadian discharge of the caudal photoreceptor that is enhanced by light. The importance of this rhythm in the adaptive behavior of crayfish is discussed. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 759–765, 2001)  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1136-1168
Freshwater crayfish have three known photoreceptive systems: the compound eyes, extraretinal brain photoreceptors, and caudal photoreceptors. The primary goal of the work described here was to explore the contribution of the brain photoreceptors to circadian locomotory activity and define some of the underlying neural pathways. Immunocytochemical studies of the brain photoreceptors in the parastacid (southern hemisphere) crayfish Cherax destructor reveal their expression of the blue light-sensitive photopigment cryptochrome and the neurotransmitter histamine. The brain photoreceptors project to two small protocerebral neuropils, the brain photoreceptor neuropils (BPNs), where they terminate among fibers expressing the neuropeptide pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH), a signaling molecule in arthropod circadian systems. Comparable pathways are also described in the astacid (northern hemisphere) crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Despite exhibiting markedly different diurnal locomotor activity rhythms, removal of the compound eyes and caudal photoreceptors in both C. destructor and P. clarkii (leaving the brain photoreceptors intact) does not abolish the normal light/dark activity cycle in either species, nor prevent the entrainment of their activity cycles to phase shifts of the light/dark period. These results suggest, therefore, that crayfish brain photoreceptors are sufficient for the entrainment of locomotor activity rhythms to photic stimuli, and that they can act in the absence of the compound eyes and caudal photoreceptors. We also demonstrate that the intensity of PDH expression in the BPNs varies in phase with the locomotor activity rhythm of both crayfish species. Together, these findings suggest that the brain photoreceptor cells can function as extraretinal circadian photoreceptors and that the BPN represents part of an entrainment pathway synchronizing locomotor activity to environmental light/dark cycles, and implicating the neuropeptide PDH in these functions. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

目的探讨亨廷顿蛋白相关蛋白1(huntingtin associated protein 1, HAP1)是否存在于视网膜内及是否与视觉有关.方法对正常大鼠眼球壁用ABC法进行免疫组织化学染色,观察HAP1在视网膜中的定位;用半定量免疫印迹方法(Western blotting)检测不同光照条件对大鼠视网膜中HAP1表达的影响.结果 HAP1较广泛地分布在大鼠视网膜各层,但以内核层及外核层中免疫反应较强,阳性反应产物主要定位在节细胞层和内核层/外核层中部分细胞胞体内;其余各层中,HAP1免疫反应较弱,阳性产物呈弥散分布,未见明显的阳性胞体.在连续处于黑暗环境中72小时大鼠视网膜中,HAP1表达较常规光照动物明显减少,而连续光照72h大鼠视网膜内HAP1表达无明显变化.结论 HAP1在视网膜中的存在及不同光照条件对视网膜HAP1表达的影响表明,HAP1可能与视觉活动有关.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that glucocorticoid stimulation mediates the effect of exercise on circadian clock resetting in hamsters. We injected animals with 1 and 5 mg dexamethasone—a potent glucocorticoid agonist—at zeitgeber time (ZT) 4 and ZT6, circadian phases at which vigorous exercise induces maximal phase advances of about 3h. Neither dose of dexamethasone induced phase shifts that were significantly larger than those induced by injections of saline vehicle at either of the phases tested. Some animals, however, showed quite large and consistent phase shifts to repeated injections whether with saline or dexamethasone, such that there was a statistically significant correlation between individuals' responses to the two treatments. The data indicate no role for increased glucocorticoid activity in mediating the effects of exercise on circadian phase shifting, but suggest a modest role for nonspecific stimulation, independent of exercise, in inducing phase shifts at ZT4–ZT6. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 203–213, 2001)  相似文献   

This issue of Chronobiology International is dedicated to the age-related changes in circadian rhythms as they occur in humans. It seems timely to give an overview of the knowledge and hypotheses on these changes now that we enter a century in which the number and percentage of elderly in the population will be unprecedented. Although we should take care not to follow the current tendency to think of old age as a disease—ignoring the fine aspects of being old—there is definitely an age-related increase in the risk of a number of conditions that are at least uncomfortable.

Circadian rhythms have been attributed adaptive values that usually go unnoticed, but can surface painfully clear when derangements occur. Alterations in the regulation of circadian rhythms are thought to contribute to the symptoms of a number of conditions for which the risk is increased in old age (e.g., sleep disturbances, dementia, and depression). A multidisciplinary approach to investigate the mechanisms of age-related changes in circadian regulation eventually may result in treatment strategies that will improve the quality of life of the growing number of elderly.

Although diverse topics are addressed in this issue, the possible mechanisms by which a deranged circadian timing system may be involved in sleep disturbances receives the most attention. This seems appropriate in view of the numerous studies that have addressed this relation in the last decade and also because of the high frequency and strong impact of sleep disturbances in the elderly. This introduction to the special issue first briefly addresses the impact of disturbed sleep in the elderly to show that the development of therapeutic methods other than the currently available pharmacological treatments should be given high priority. I believe that chronobiological insights may play an important role in the development of rational therapeutical methods.(Chronobiology International, 17(3), 233–243, 2000)  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1151-1169
The aim of this study was to test if the pattern of human mood variation across the day is consistent with the hypothesis that self-reports of positive affect (PA) have a circadian component, and self-reports of negative affect (NA) do not. Data were collected under two protocols: normal ambulatory conditions of activity and rest and during a 27h constant routine (CR) procedure. Mood data were collected every 3 h during the wake span of the ambulatory protocol and hourly during the 27h CR. In both protocols, rectal temperature data were continuously recorded. In the ambulatory protocol, activity data were also collected to enable estimation of the unmasked (purified) temperature rhythm. Participants were 14 healthy females aged 18–25 yr in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Under both protocols, PA exhibited significant 24h temporal variation [CR: F(23,161)=2.12, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(5,55)=2.44, p<0.05] with a significant sinusoidal component [CR: F(2,21)=7.51, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(2,3)=20.49, p<.05] of the same form as the circadian temperature rhythm. In contrast, NA exhibited an increasing linear trend over time under the ambulatory protocol [F(1,11)=5.74, p<0.05] but nonsignificant temporal variation under the CR protocol. The findings support the hypothesis of a circadian component in PA variation.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in the retina may reflect intrinsic rhythms in the eye. Previous reports on circadian variability in electrophysiological human retinal measures have been scanty, and the results have been somewhat inconsistent. We studied the circadian variation of the electrooculography (EOG), electroretinography (ERG), and visual threshold (VTH) in subjects undergoing a 36h testing period. We used an ultrashort sleep-wake cycle to balance effects of sleep and light-dark across circadian cycles. Twelve healthy volunteers (10 males, 2 females; mean age 26.3 years, standard deviation [SD] 8.0 years, range 19–40 years) participated in the study. The retinal functions and oral temperature were measured every 90 min. The EOG was measured in the light, whereas the ERG and the VTH were measured in the dark. Sleep was inferred from activity detected by an Actillume monitor. The EOG peak-to-peak responses followed a circadian rhythm, with the peak occurring late in the morning (acrophase 12:22). The ERG b-wave implicit time peaked in the early morning (acrophase 06:46). No statistically significant circadian rhythms could be demonstrated in the ERG a-wave implicit time or peak-to-peak amplitude. The VTH rhythm peaked in the early morning (acrophases 07:59 for blue and 07:32 for red stimuli). All retinal rhythms showed less-consistent acrophases than the temperature and sleep rhythms. This study demonstrated several different circadian rhythms in retinal electrophysiological and psychophysical measures of healthy subjects. As the retinal rhythms had much poorer signal-to-noise ratios than the temperature rhythm, these measures cannot be recommended as circadian markers. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 957971, 2001)  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in the retina may reflect intrinsic rhythms in the eye. Previous reports on circadian variability in electrophysiological human retinal measures have been scanty, and the results have been somewhat inconsistent. We studied the circadian variation of the electrooculography (EOG), electroretinography (ERG), and visual threshold (VTH) in subjects undergoing a 36h testing period. We used an ultrashort sleep-wake cycle to balance effects of sleep and light-dark across circadian cycles. Twelve healthy volunteers (10 males, 2 females; mean age 26.3 years, standard deviation [SD] 8.0 years, range 19-40 years) participated in the study. The retinal functions and oral temperature were measured every 90 min. The EOG was measured in the light, whereas the ERG and the VTH were measured in the dark. Sleep was inferred from activity detected by an Actillume monitor. The EOG peak-to-peak responses followed a circadian rhythm, with the peak occurring late in the morning (acrophase 12:22). The ERG b-wave implicit time peaked in the early morning (acrophase 06:46). No statistically significant circadian rhythms could be demonstrated in the ERG a-wave implicit time or peak-to-peak amplitude. The VTH rhythm peaked in the early morning (acrophases 07:59 for blue and 07:32 for red stimuli). All retinal rhythms showed less-consistent acrophases than the temperature and sleep rhythms. This study demonstrated several different circadian rhythms in retinal electrophysiological and psychophysical measures of healthy subjects. As the retinal rhythms had much poorer signal-to-noise ratios than the temperature rhythm, these measures cannot be recommended as circadian markers. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 957-971, 2001)  相似文献   

中国大鲵视网膜的光镜和扫描电镜研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用光镜和扫描电镜观察了大鲵视网膜各类细胞的形态及分布, 对视细胞和节细胞进行计数。视网腊中三个核层及两个网状层分布均匀,无中央凹。每张视网膜的视细胞总数约130000,节细胞约8000,视杆与视锥之比为8.5:1。扫描电镜下,视杆外节表面的小叶间沟清晰;视杆视锥外节均有从内节伸出的20-30条萼状突起;核周体表面亦有20-30条细胞质突起。文中还报道了幼体视细胞的形态及密度。讨论了上述结构的机能。  相似文献   

大鼠肝糖皮质激素受体的昼夜节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雄性成年大鼠102只,分自然光组、人工光组和明暗颠倒组,于不同时间处死,测定肝胞坡和胞核的糖皮质激素受体(GCR_c和GCR_o)。发现GCR_c和GCR_o都以23:00和O2:00为最高,中午最低。明暗颠倒组的GCR_c以23:00为最高,02:00—11:00都在低水平。同时还测定了肝的酪氨酸转氨酶活性和血浆皮质酮,讨论了三者昼夜节律的相互关系。  相似文献   

S-100蛋白在大鼠缺血视网膜的分布和变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察S-100蛋白(S-100)在缺血视网膜的分布和变化,并以S-100作为胶质细胞标记物,了解胶质细胞对缺血的反应。阻断大鼠双侧颈总动脉造成视网膜缺血模型,于缺血后不同时间,用免疫组织化学方法进行观察。结果显示:(1)正常视网膜S-100免疫反应主要是显示在Mueller细胞,少数星形胶质细胞也有反应,但着色很弱。(2)缺血视网膜Mueller细胞和星形胶质细胞反应增强,S-100着色反应经度随缺血时间不同有变化:缺血7天达高峰,缺血14天和30天逐渐减弱,但仍较正常视网膜强。(3)不论缺血 正常视网膜,均未见S-100免疫反应阳性的节细胞、双极细胞或感光细胞。结论:缺知情况下,视网膜胶质细胞反应和S-100蛋白表达的增强,可能有抗缺血损伤的作用。  相似文献   

Leptin, from the Greek leptos, meaning thin (in reference to its ability to reduce body fat stores), is a hormone secreted primarily by adipocytes. At one time, leptin was portrayed as a potential means of combating obesity. Recently, leptin has been identified as a potent inhibitor of bone formation, acting through the central nervous system. Since numerous studies clearly show that bone remodeling is circadian rhythmic with peak activity during sleep, it is of interest to explore circadian variability in serum leptin. Accordingly, circadian characteristics of serum leptin were examined in 7 clinically healthy men and 4 obese men with type II diabetes. Blood samples were collected for 24h at 3h intervals beginning at 19:00. The dark (sleep) phase of the light-dark cycle extended from 22:30 to 06:30, with brief awakening for sampling at 01:00 and 04:00. Subjects consumed general hospital meals (2400 calories) at 16:30, 07:30, and 13:30. Serum leptin levels were determined by a R&D Systems enzyme immunoassay technique. Data were analyzed by linear least-squares estimation using the population multiple components method. A statistically significant (P <. 018) circadian rhythm modeled by a single 24h cosine curve characterized the data of each group. The 24h mean leptin level was statistically greater (P <. 001) in the obese diabetic men than in the healthy men (9.47 ± 0.66 ng/mL vs. 24.07 ± 1.71 ng/mL, respectively). Higher leptin levels occurred between midnight and roughly 02:30, and lowest leptin levels occurred between noon and the early afternoon. The phasing of this rhythm is similar to the circadian rhythm in bone remodeling previously described. Our results suggest the findings from a single morning blood sampling for leptin may be misleading since it may underestimate the mean 24h and peak concentrations of the hormone. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 273–283, 2001)  相似文献   

螯虾Procambarus clarki腹屈肌肌原纤维副肌球蛋白和原肌球蛋白已经分离和结晶。在离子强度近于0.3和pH 6.0的溶液中透析,螯虾副肌球蛋白类晶体析出,与原肌球蛋白可以彼此完全分离。经含200mmol KCl,10mmol磷酸缓冲液,pH 6.0溶液或者50mmol BaCl_2 50mmol Tris.HCl_1 pH7.8溶液透析,可以得到副肌球蛋白针状类晶体,周期为14.5或72.5nm。原肌球蛋白溶液经含2%饱和硫酸铵,10mmol醋酸缓冲液,pH 5.1之溶液透析,呈现针状或梭形结晶,具有39nm周期。  相似文献   

When androgenic glands from mature males were implanted into females of Armadillidium vulgare during the 3rd, 4th and 5th instars, oviducts developed in 14.3, 37.9 and 85.2% of the masculinized females, respectively. These results show that development of the rudimentary oviducts is inhibited by the androgenic gland hormone in very young females. Development of the oviduct seems to be determined at a critical period in about the 4th instar and after this, the hormone has little inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

In order to study circadian rhythms and decompression sickness (DCS), we determined: 1) the baseline circadian time structure in noncompressed rats of potential response variables to compression/decompression (C/D), and 2) whether rats subjected to C/D display a circadian time-dependent difference in inflammatory response intensity and biological tolerance. Subgroups of male rats, standardized to a 12?h light/12?h dark schedule, were evaluated every 4?h over 24?h after they were either compressed to 683?kPa (group E) or remained at sea level (group C). During 60?min recovery, evaluation included gross DCS symptoms and pulmonary edema in all E rats, and cell counts, nitric oxide, protein, thromboxane B2, and leukotriene E4 levels in survivors. Chi-square, ANOVA, and 24?h cosinor analyses were used to test for time-of-day effects. C/D exposures near the end of dark/activity or during light/resting were generally better tolerated, with lowest signs of DCS symptoms and lowest responses by most of the variables monitored. More deaths were observed in the first half of the dark/activity span. Of the 16 subsets of inflammatory-associated variables, overall increases were observed in 13 and decreases in 2. Significant or borderline significant circadian time effects were found in 14 variables in group C, 12 variables in group E, and 13 variables in response (E%C). Thus, nearly all baseline indices of DCS demonstrated circadian time-dependencies in the sea-level exposed control rats (group C), and nearly all were modified by the circadian time of C/D. Such time-of-day effects of DCS are potentially relevant to the operational concerns of occupations involving decompression exposures and the investigation of prevention and treatment intervention strategies of DCS. (Author correspondence: ).  相似文献   

王艺磊  郑微云 《动物学报》1994,40(2):119-124
对真鲷光感受细胞的超微结构进行观察,结果表明:视杆外段膜盘为游离膜盘,视锥外段膜盘则为连续的膜结构,视锥和视杆均含有连接纤毛和辅助外段。花萼状突起起源于内段。椭体内充满线粒体,无球状小体。双锥椭圆体并生膜为六层,视锥内段无鳍状突起,视锥突触带,在明适应视网膜中数量增多,在暗适应视网中数量减少,视杆突触带在这两种适应网膜中数量不变,每一杆小球只有一个突触带,而锥小足有4-6个突触带。  相似文献   

大鼠交叉上核中SS和VIPmRNA昼夜节律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨靖  井上慎一 《动物学报》1995,41(3):322-326
用Northernblot杂交方法分析LD循环条件下大鼠SCN和CX的SSmRNA和VIPmRNA丰度的昼夜变化,结果表明这两种mRNA昼夜间的相对含量在CX中基本不变,而在SCN中则呈现规律性变化的模式,与双侧眼球摘除后大鼠SCNmRNA丰度昼夜变化的实验结果相比较,SSmRNA丰度变化不受外界光的影响,具有内源性的昼夜节律,而VIPmRNA丰度的昼夜变化则受外界光的影响。  相似文献   

Patterns of circadian and ultradian rhythms in the heart rate(HR) are described in a full-term baby with birth asphyxia and convulsions.A 24h HR recording was carried out at the age of 1, 15, 56, 289, and 295 days;West syndrome diagnosis was made when the patient was 3 months old. The HRshowed no circadian rhythm in the follow-up, whereas it is known that thecircadian rhythm appears in healthy infants at the age of 1 month and remainsthereafter. This observation may be an indirect indicator of the interferenceof West syndrome with centers of neurological maturity. (ChronobiologyInternational, 17(4), 591–595, 2000)  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the circadian phase characteristics of healthy adolescent and young adult males in a naturalistic summertime condition. A total of 19 adolescents (mean age 15.7 years) and 18 young adults (mean age 24.5 years) with no sleep problems took part in this study. Two-night polysomnographic (PSG) sleep recordings and 24h secretion patterns of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin were monitored in all 37 subjects. Sleep-wake patterns were initially assessed at home using a standard sleep diary. Circadian assessment included the measure of dim light melatonin offset (DLMOff) and the morningness-eveningness (M/E) questionnaire. As expected, compared to young adults, adolescents habitually spent more nocturnal time in bed and spent more time (and percentage) in delta sleep. No difference was found between adolescents and young adults on multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) sleep onset latencies, M/E, melatonin secretion measures (24h total, nighttime, daytime, and night ratio), and DLMOff. For the subjects as a whole, correlational analyses revealed a significant association between the DLMOff and M/E and between both these phase markers and habitual bedtimes, habitual rising times, and melatonin secretion measures (daytime levels and the night ratio). No association was found between phase markers and daytime sleepiness or sleep consolidation parameters such as sleep efficiency or number of microarousals. These results together indicate that adolescents and young adults investigated during summertime showed similar circadian phase characteristics, and that, in these age groups, an evening phase preference is associated with a delayed melatonin secretion pattern and delayed habitual sleep patterns without a decrease in sleep consolidation or vigilance. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 489–501, 2000)  相似文献   

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