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《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9-10):1697-1714
In Atlantic salmon, the preadaptation to a marine life, i.e., parr-smolt transformation, and melatonin production in the pineal gland are regulated by the photoperiod. However, the clock genes have never been studied in the pineal gland of this species. The aim of the present study was to describe the diurnal expression of clock genes (Per1-like, Cry2, and Clock) in the pineal gland and brain of Atlantic salmon parr and smolts in freshwater, as well as plasma levels of melatonin and cortisol. By employing an out-of-season smolt production model, the parr-smolt transformation was induced by subjecting triplicate groups of parr to 6 wks (wks 0 to 6) under a 12?h:12?h light-dark (LD) regime followed by 6 wks (wks 6 to 12) of continuous light (LL). The measured clock genes in both pineal gland and brain and the plasma levels of melatonin and cortisol showed significant daily variations in parr under LD in wk 6, whereas these rhythms were abolished in smolts under LL in wk 12. In parr, the pineal Per1-like and Cry2 expression peaked in the dark phase, whereas the pineal Clock expression was elevated during the light phase. Although this study presents novel findings on the clock gene system in the teleost pineal gland, the role of this system in the regulation of smoltification needs to be studied in more detail. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

在12h光照、12h黑暗交替(Light-Dark; LD)光制下,研究分析了褪黑素和皮质醇水平在鳜血清中的昼夜变化规律,以及13个生物钟基因(Arntl1、Clock、Cry1a、Cry3、Cry-dash、Npas2、Npas4、Nr1d1、Nr1d2、Per1、Per3、Rora和Tim)在鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)肝脏和心脏中的昼夜表达规律。试验在一昼夜内的ZT0(06:00)、ZT3(09:00),ZT6(12:00),ZT9(15:00),ZT12(18:00),ZT15(21:00),ZT18(24:00),ZT21(03:00,2nd d),ZT24(06:00,2nd d) (Zone time,ZT) 9个时间点随机抽取3尾鳜采集其血清、肝脏和心脏。经SPSS 单因素方差分析和Matlab余弦分析,结果显示: 鳜血清中褪黑素和皮质醇含量均呈现出昼夜节律性振荡,褪黑素含量白天显著降低(P0.05),夜间显著上升,皮质醇含量白天缓慢降低,夜间ZT15(21:00)-ZT18(24:00)显著升高,随后开始缓慢降低; 两种激素最低相位都为ZT15(21:00)。在13个生物钟基因中,Cry-dash、Npas4、Nr1d1、Per1和Tim 5个基因在鳜肝脏内具有明显的昼夜节律性,其中Npas4、Nr1d1、Per1、Tim的表达规律相似,皆呈现出光照阶段表达降低,黑暗阶段表达升高的趋势; 但Cry-dash则表现出光照阶段先升高后降低,黑暗阶段先降低后升高的规律。在鳜心脏中,Arntl1、Clock、Cry1a、Npas2、Nr1d1、Nr1d2、Per3、Rora和Tim 9个基因都表现出明显的昼夜节律,表达趋势分为两种: Arntl1、Clock、Nr1d2的表达量在光照阶段降低,黑暗阶段升高; 而Cry1a、Npas2、Nr1d1、Per3、Rora和Tim的表达量在ZT0(06:00)-ZT15(21:00)持续低水平,ZT15(21:00)-ZT18(24:00)表达量显著上升,ZT18(24:00)-ZT21(03:00)表达量降低。研究结果表明: 生物钟基因在鳜肝脏和心脏中所表达的昼夜节律不同。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1401-1419
Many mammals display predictable daily rhythmicity in both neuroendocrine function and behavior. The basic rest-activity cycles are usually consistent for a given species and vary from night-active (nocturnal), those mostly active at dawn and dusk (i.e., crepuscular), and to day-active (diurnal) species. A number of daily rhythms are oppositely phased with respect to the light/dark (LD) cycle in diurnal compared with nocturnal mammals, whereas others are equally phased with respect to the LD cycle, regardless of diurnality/nocturnality. Pineal produced melatonin (MLT) perfectly matches this phase-locked feature in that its production and secretion always occurs during the night in both diurnal and nocturnal mammals. As most rodents studied to date in the field of chronobiology are nocturnal, the aim in this study was to evaluate the effect of light manipulations and different photoperiods on a diurnal rodent, the fat sand rat, Psammomys obesus. The authors studied its daily rhythms of body temperature (Tb) and 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (6-SMT) under various photoperiodic regimes and light manipulations (acute and chronic exposures) while maintaining a constant ambient temperature of 30°C?±?1°C. The following protocols were used: (A) Control (CON) conditions 12L:12D; (A1) exposure to one light interference (LI) of CON-acclimated individuals for 30?min, 5?h after lights-off; (A2) short photoperiod (SP) acclimation (8L:16D) for 3 wks; (A3) 3 wks of SP acclimation with chronic LI of 15?min, three times a night at 4-h intervals; (A4) chronic exposure to constant dim blue light (470nm, 30 lux) for 24?h for 3 wks (LL). (B) The response to exogenous MLT administration, provided in drinking water, was measured under the following protocols: (B1) After chronic exposure to SP with LI, MLT was provided once, starting 1?h before the end of photophase; (B2) after a continuous exposure to dim blue light, MLT was provided at 15:00?h for 2?h for 2 wks; (B3) to CON animals, MLT was given intraperitoneally (i.p.) at 14:00?h. The results demonstrate that under CON acclimation, Psammomys obesus has robust Tb and 6-SMT daily rhythms in which the acrophase (peak time) of Tb is during the photophase, whereas that of 6-SMT is during scotophase. LI resulted in an elevation of Tb and a reduction of 6-SMT levels. A significant difference in the response was noted between acute and chronic exposure to LI, particularly in 6-SMT levels, which were lower than CON after LI and higher after chronic LI, implying an acclimation process. Constant exposure to blue light abolished Tb and 6-SMT rhythms in all the animals. MLT administration resumed the Tb daily rhythm in these animals, and had a recovery effect on the chronic LI-exposed animals, resulting in a Tb decrease. Altogether, the authors show in this study the different modifications of Tb rhythms and MLT levels in response to environmental light manipulations. These series of experiments may serve as a basis for establishing P. obesus as an animal model for further studies in chronobiology. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Different wavelengths of light were compared for melatonin suppression and phase shifting of the salivary melatonin rhythm. The wavelengths compared were 660 nm (red), 595 nm (amber), 525 nm (green), 497 nm (blue/green), and 470 nm (blue). They were administered with light-emitting diodes equated for irradiance of 130 μW/cm2. Fifteen volunteers participated in all five wavelength conditions and a no light control condition, with each condition conducted over two consecutive evenings. Half-hourly saliva samples were collected from 19:00 to 02:00 on night 1 and until 01:00 on night 2. Light was administered for the experimental conditions on the first night only from midnight to 02:00. Percentage melatonin suppression on night 1 and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) for each night were calculated. The shorter wavelengths of 470, 497, and 525 nm showed the greatest melatonin suppression, 65% to 81%. The shorter wavelengths also showed the greatest DLMO delay on night 2, ranging from 27 to 36 min. The results were consistent with the involvement of a scotopic mechanism in the regulation of circadian phase. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 801-808, 2001)  相似文献   

松果体及其褪黑素对大鼠胸腺细胞凋亡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨松果体及其褪黑素对胸腺细胞凋亡的影响以及Caspase-3的表达。方法选用清洁级SD大鼠,分为正常对照组、假手术对照组、松果体摘除组、松果体摘除 褪黑素腹腔注射7.5mg/kg/d组和松果体摘除 褪黑素腹腔注射15mg/kg/d组。术后4、8周取材。运用TUNEL法检测胸腺细胞的凋亡程度,用ABC法染胸腺Caspase-3阳性细胞,计算机图像分析仪测量阳性细胞面积及其染色强度。以RT-PCR法检测褪黑素干预原代培养胸腺细胞Caspase-3的表达。结果松果体摘除后8周时胸腺细胞凋亡显著增加,补充褪黑素则能明显减少胸腺细胞的凋亡。Caspase-3阳性细胞主要见于胸腺皮质,松果体摘除后胸腺皮质Caspase-3阳性细胞面积增加明显,补充褪黑素则使其下降。褪黑素能上调培养胸腺细胞Caspase-3的表达水平。结论松果体能调控大鼠胸腺细胞的凋亡,松果体摘除促进胸腺细胞的凋亡,补充褪黑素能缓解相关影响。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1120-1135
Light and feeding cycles strongly synchronize daily rhythms in animals, which may, as a consequence, develop food anticipatory activity (FAA). However, the light/food entraining mechanisms of the central circadian oscillator remain unknown. In this study, we investigate the existence of FAA in seven groups of zebrafish subjected to a light/dark (LD) cycle or constant light (LL) and different feeding regimes (random, fasting, and feeding in the middle of the light phase or dark phase). The aim was to ascertain whether the daily rhythm of behavior and clock gene (per1 and cry1) expression in the zebrafish brain was entrained by the light and feeding regime. The results revealed that FAA developed in zebrafish fed daily at a fixed time, under LD and under LL. Zebrafish displayed locomotor activity mostly during the daytime, although the percentage of activity during the light phase varied depending on feeding time (ranging from 93.2% to 63.1% in the mid-light and mid-dark fed groups, respectively). However, the different feeding regimes failed to modify the daily rhythm of per1 and cry1 expression in the zebrafish brain under LD (approximate acrophases [peak times] at ZT22 and ZT4, respectively; lights-on =?ZT0). Under LL, per1 and cry1 expression did not show significant daily rhythmicity, regardless of the feeding regime. These findings indicate that, although schedule-fed zebrafish developed FAA as regards locomotor activity, feeding had little effect on clock gene expression in whole brain homogenates, suggesting the feeding-entrainable oscillator may be located elsewhere or at specific brain sites. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Melatonin, which shows a robust nycthemeral rhythm, plays the role of an endogenous synchronizer, able to stabilize and reinforce circadian rhythms and maintain their mutual phase relationships. Additionally, melatonin is a potent antioxidant and displays immunological properties. Because free radical generation, immune dysfunction, and sleep and metabolic disorders are involved in the short- and long-term pathophysiology of the burn syndrome, we undertook the study of daily urine melatonin, 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s, the main hepatic melatonin metabolite), and cortisol variations plus temperature profiles in burn patients using a non-invasive protocol. Eight patients (6 males, 2 females) were studied on three occasions after admission to the intensive care unit (early session: days 1 to 3; intermediate session: day 10; late session: days 20 to 30). Melatonin, aMT6s, and free cortisol levels were determined in urine samples collected at 4 h intervals over a continuous 24 h span. Core temperature was recorded daily. Controls consisted of healthy subjects in the same age range. Cosinor analysis of the data provided an evaluation of mesor, amplitude, and acrophase of circadian rhythms. Also, we calculated day (D), night (N), and 24 h hormone excretions, N/D ratio for melatonin and aMT6s, and D/N ratio for cortisol. These data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test followed by multiple comparisons. Cosinor analysis did not detect a circadian rhythm in melatonin, aMT6s, or cortisol in any of the three sessions. D melatonin excretion displayed a major increase, resulting in a decreased N/D melatonin ratio, and the melatonin mesor (24 h mean) was increased in the early session, compared with controls. For aMT6s, only the early N/D ratio was decreased, and the mesor of the intermediate session increased. These results were not the consequence of hepatic and/or kidney alteration, as the patients' hepatic and renal parameters were in the normal range. The D and N melatonin/aMT6s ratios of controls and patients were similar, and the aMT6s profiles were superimposed on the melatonin ones, mainly during the day. The D, N, and 24 h cortisol values were increased in all sessions, except for the D level of the early session. The consistently increased mesors in the three sessions provided confirmation. The core temperature profiles were abnormal in all three sessions, mainly during the night, although there was a tendency toward normalization with time. The individual mesors were consistently increased compared with controls. Globally, the abnormalities we report could participate in the pathophysiology of short- and long-term alterations observed in burn syndrome, especially disturbances of sleep, metabolism, and immune function. (Author correspondence: ).  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1380-1400
Food provided on a periodic basis can act as a potent synchronizer, being a stronger zeitgeber than light for peripheral oscillators in mammals. In fish, however, little is known about the influence of feeding time on the circadian pacemaker and the relationship between central and peripheral oscillators. The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of mealtime on the activity rhythms, and on central (brain) and peripheral (liver) oscillators in zebrafish. The authors tested different feeding times under a light-dark (LD) cycle and the endogenous origin of food-anticipatory activity (FAA) by feeding zebrafish at a fixed time under constant bright-light conditions (LL). The authors then measured locomotor activity and the expression of the clock gene per1 in animals under a LD cycle and fed at random times during the light phase, with restricted feeding at the mid-light phase (ML) or with restricted feeding during the mid-dark phase (MD). Finally, the authors measured locomotor activity and per1 expression in fish maintained under LL under either random feeding or scheduled feeding. Zebrafish displayed FAA in all the groups fed at a fixed time but not when feeding was randomly scheduled. Under LL, fish entrainment persisted, and when released under fasting conditions FAA free-ran with a circa-24-h period. The expression of per1 in the brain of fish under LD showed a daily rhythm with the acrophase (peak time) at the end of the dark phase regardless of feeding schedule. This brain rhythm disappeared in LL fish under both random feeding and scheduled feeding. Feeding at MD advanced the phase of per1 in the liver by 7?h compared with the ML-fed group phase (23:54 versus 07:23?h, respectively). In addition, under LL scheduled feeding entrained the rhythms of per1 expression in the liver. This study reveals for the first time that scheduled feeding entrains peripheral oscillators in a fish species, zebrafish, which is a powerful model widely used for molecular genetics and for the study of basic clock mechanisms of the vertebrate circadian system. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a pathogen-associated large molecule responsible for sepsis-related endotoxic shock, and the heart is one of the most common organs adversely affected. LPS is reported to increase serum TNFα levels and reduce Per1 and Per2 gene expression. Therefore, in this experiment, we determined the time-dependent effects of LPS on heart rate (HR) and circadian gene expression in the mouse heart and liver. HR of the LPS group was significantly elevated 2 and 8 h after injection compared to the control group. A significant percent increase in HR was observed at ZT6, 12, and 18. LPS increased Tnfα mRNA expression in the heart and liver at ZT6, 18, and 24. A time-dependent effect of LPS on reduction of Per1 and Per2 gene expression was also observed in the heart and liver. In order to examine the effect of LPS on cell damage, we examined apoptosis-related gene expression after LPS injection. Bax mRNA expression level of the LPS group was higher than that of the control group 8 and 26 h after injection. On the other hand, Bcl2 mRNA expression level of the LPS group was lower than that of the control group 2 and 26 h after injection. Dexamethasone strongly attenuated the LPS-induced increase of serum TNFα without significant change in Per1 and Per2 gene expression in the heart. In conclusion, the present results demonstrated that LPS exerts a time-dependent inhibitory effect on Per1 and Per2 gene expression in the heart and liver. The chronopharmacological lethal effect of LPS may be related to the time-dependent increase of serum TNFα level and simultaneously high level of Per2 gene expression in the heart and liver between ZT12–18. Taken together, chronopharmacological effect of LPS may be related to not only sickness behavior syndrome and mortality, but also circadian rhythm systems. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

对379例良、恶性肝组织进行的免疫组织化学研究显示,33%的慢性迁延性肝炎(6/18)、76%的慢性活动性肝炎(26/34)、92%的肝硬变(57/62)和97%的肝细胞性肝癌(HCC)(58/60)中有HBxAg表达,阳性率高于HBsAg或HBcAg。癌周肝中的HBxAg阳性率显著高于非癌周肝。与其它2种HBV抗原不同,HBxAg表达在细胞类型上有较明显的选择性,在肝小多角细胞(SPLC)、小细胞性不典型增生(SCD)及HCC中较强。与IGFⅡ、c-erbB-2、c-myc和EGF-R表达进行的对照研究表明HBxAg与IGFⅡ和c-erbB-2这2种HCC发生相关基因的表达关系密切。PCNA染色结果显示HBxAg阳性组织的细胞增殖活性显著高于HBxAg阴性组织。我们的结果还表明HBxAg表达与肝细胞不典型增生的发生和进展有关、提出HBVX基因可能通过其表达产物(HBxAg)首先激活IGFⅡ、c-erbB-2基因,继而引起显著的SPLC增生和SCD而参与HCC发生的.  相似文献   

目的观察人参皂甙Rb1对缺血再灌注心肌细胞Bcl-2、Bax、Bad、Fas基因表达的影响.方法结扎/松解Wistar大鼠左冠状动脉前降支,建立大鼠缺血再灌注动物模型,免疫组化法检测Bcl-2、Bax、Bad、Fas基因的蛋白表达,并利用图象分析系统测量蛋白阳性表达区域平均光密度值,进行定量分析.结果缺血再灌注组及Rb1治疗组Bcl-2、Bax、Bad、Fas基因的表达较假手术组明显增加(P<0.05), Rb1治疗组Bcl-2的表达与缺血再灌注组比较无明显差异(P>0.05),而Bax、Bad、Fas的表达明显下降(P<0.05),人参皂甙Rb1治疗组Bcl-2/Bax、Bcl-2/Bad以及Bcl-2/Fas比值均较假手术组与缺血再灌注组明显增加.结论人参皂甙Rb1治疗可以抑制缺血再灌注心肌细胞中促凋亡基因Bax、Bad、Fas的表达,并使Bcl-2/Bax、Bcl-2/Bad以及Bcl-2/Fas比值增加.  相似文献   

70日龄星杂“579”小母鸡120只,随机分成A、B、C三组。C组为对照组。A、B两组分别以32和8Lx的强度补充光照,使其每天的光照时间达14h。从70日龄起,每10天称重一次;从开产日龄起,对每只鸡的产蛋分别按日龄称重、登记。结果表明,光照强度与鸡的生长速度和平均蛋重相关不显著,而与鸡的性成熟和产蛋量显著相关。用放射免疫分析法测定了三组鸡100~180日龄间外周血浆E_2、LH和T_4含量,B组鸡LH峰值最高,其峰值(149日龄)与基础值(100日龄)对比,增长率为231.4%;A组鸡血浆T_4水平增加明显,但其产蛋量相对较低;补充光照组能促使血浆E_2峰值的出现早于自然光照组,但各组鸡E_2峰值无显著差异。  相似文献   

采用免疫细胞化学及原位杂交方法观察川芎嗪、丹参和地塞米松对木瓜蛋白酶所致大鼠肺气肿形成中肺组织碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (b FGF) m RNA表达和肺泡 型上皮细胞增殖细胞核抗原 (PCNA )表达的影响。 Wistar大鼠随机分为正常对照、肺气肿 7天、 15天、 30天、川芎嗪、丹参和地塞米松治疗组 ,共 7个组。用一次气管内注入木瓜蛋白酶复制大鼠肺气肿模型 ,取肺组织作 b FGF m RNA原位杂交 ,分离肺泡 型上皮细胞作 PCNA免疫组织化学染色 ,用图像分析定量。结果显示注药后第 7天大鼠肺组织 b FGF m RNA表达至高峰 ,第 15天后表达逐渐减少 ,川芎嗪、丹参和地塞米松治疗 30天组 b FGF m RNA表达减少 ,但仍高于正常对照组 (P<0 .0 1)。肺泡 型上皮细胞 PCNA表达与肺组织 b FGFm RNA表达呈正相关 (r=0 .78,P<0 .0 1)。川芎嗪治疗组 PCNA表达明显降低 ,但仍高于正常对照组。结果表明川芎嗪在肺气肿发病过程中有一定治疗作用  相似文献   

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