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Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) bred at the Institute of Halle reveal three different circadian phenotypes. The wild type (WT) shows normal locomotor activity patterns, whereas in hamsters of the DAO (delayed activity onset) type, the activity onset is continuously delayed. Since the activity offset in those hamsters remains coupled to “light-on,” the activity time becomes compressed. Hamsters of the AR (arrhythmic) type are episodically active throughout the 24?h. Previous studies showed that a disturbed interaction of the circadian system with the light-dark (LD) cycle contributes to the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters. To gain better insight into the underlying mechanisms, the authors investigated the daily melatonin rhythm, as it is a reliable marker of the circadian clock. Hamsters were kept individually under standardized laboratory conditions (LD 14:10, T?=?22°C?±?2°C, food and water ad libitum). WT, DAO (with exactly 5?h delay of activity onset), and AR hamsters were used for pineal melatonin and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) measurement. Pineal melatonin content was determined at 3 time points: 4?h after “light-off” [D?+?4], 1?h before “light-on” [L???1], and 1?h after “light-on” [L?+?1]). The 24-h profile of melatonin secretion was investigated by transferring the animals to metabolic cages for 27?h to collect urine at 3-h intervals for aMT6s analysis. WT hamsters showed high pineal melatonin content during the dark time (D?+?4, L???1), which significantly decreased at the beginning of the light period (L?+?1). In contrast, DAO hamsters displayed low melatonin levels during the part of the dark period when animals were still resting (D?+?4). At the end of the dark period (L???1), melatonin content increased significantly and declined again when light was switched on (L?+?1). AR hamsters showed low melatonin levels, comparable to daytime values, at all 3 time points. The results were confirmed by aMT6s data. WT hamsters showed a marked circadian pattern of aMT6s excretion. The concentration started to increase 3?h after “light-off” and reached daytime values 5?h after “light-on.” In DAO hamsters, in contrast, aMT6s excretion started about 6?h later and reached significantly lower levels compared to WT hamsters. In AR animals, aMT6s excretion was low at all times. The results clearly indicate the rhythm of melatonin secretion in DAO hamsters is delayed in accord with their delayed activity onset, whereas AR hamsters display no melatonin rhythm at all. Since the regulatory pathways for the rhythms of locomotor activity and melatonin synthesis (which are downstream from the suprachiasmatic nucleus [SCN]) are different but obviously convey the same signal, we conclude that the origin of the phenomenon observed in DAO hamsters must be located upstream of the SCN, or in the SCN itself. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters bred at the authors' institute reveal two distinct circadian phenotypes, the wild-type (WT) and DAO type. The latter is characterized by a delayed activity-onset, probably due to a deficient mechanism for photic entrainment. Experiments with zeitgeber shifts have been performed to gain further insight into the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. Advancing and delaying phase shifts were produced by a single lengthening or shortening of the dark (D) or light (L) time by 6?h. Motor activity was recorded by passive infrared motion detectors. All WT hamsters re-entrained following various zeitgeber shifts and nearly always in the same direction as the zeitgeber shift. On the other hand, a considerable proportion of the DAO animals failed to re-entrain and showed, instead, diurnal, arrhythmic, or free-running activity patterns. All but one of those hamsters that re-entrained did so by delaying their activity rhythm independently of the direction of the LD shift. Resynchronization occurred faster following a delayed than an advanced shift and also after changes of D rather than L. WT animals tended to re-entrain faster, particularly following a zeitgeber advance (where DAO hamsters re-entrained by an 18-h phase delay instead of a 6-h phase advance). However, the difference between phenotypes was statistically significant only with a shortening of L. To better understand re-entrainment behavior, Type VI phase-response curves (PRCs) were constructed. To do this, both WT and DAO animals were kept under LD conditions, and light pulses (15 min, 100 lux) were applied at different times of the dark span. In WT animals, activity-offset always showed phase advances, whereas activity-onset was phase delayed by light pulses applied during the first half of the dark time and not affected by light pulses applied during the second half. When the light pulse was given at the beginning of D, activity-onset responded more strongly, but light pulses given later in D produced significant changes only in activity-offset. In accord with the delayed activity-onset in DAO hamsters, no or only very weak phase-responses were observed when light pulses were given during the first hours of D. However, the second part of the PRCs was similar to that of WT hamsters, even though it was compressed to an interval of only a few hours and the shifts were smaller. Due to these differences, the first light-on or light-off following an LD shift fell into different phases of the PRC and thus caused different re-entrainment behavior. The results show that it is not only steady-state entrainment that is compromised in DAO hamsters but also their re-entrainment behavior following zeitgeber shifts. (Author correspondence: weinert@zoologie.uni-halle.de)  相似文献   

To investigate the role of non-parametric light effects in entrainment, Djungarian hamsters of two different circadian phenotypes were exposed to skeleton photoperiods, or to light pulses at different circadian times, to compile phase response curves (PRCs). Wild-type (WT) hamsters show daily rhythms of locomotor activity in accord with the ambient light/dark conditions, with activity onset and offset strongly coupled to light-off and light-on, respectively. Hamsters of the delayed activity onset (DAO) phenotype, in contrast, progressively delay their activity onset, whereas activity offset remains coupled to light-on. The present study was performed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon. Hamsters of DAO and WT phenotypes were kept first under standard housing conditions with a 14:10 h light–dark cycle, and then exposed to skeleton photoperiods (one or two 15-min light pulses of 100 lx at the times of the former light–dark and/or dark–light transitions). In a second experiment, hamsters of both phenotypes were transferred to constant darkness and allowed to free-run until the lengths of the active (α) and resting (ρ) periods were equal (α:ρ = 1). At this point, animals were then exposed to light pulses (100 lx, 15 min) at different circadian times (CTs). Phase and period changes were estimated separately for activity onset and offset. When exposed to skeleton-photoperiods with one or two light pulses, the daily activity patterns of DAO and WT hamsters were similar to those obtained under conditions of a complete 14:10 h light–dark cycle. However, in the case of giving only one light pulse at the time of the former light–dark transition, animals temporarily free-ran until activity offset coincided with the light pulse. These results show that photic entrainment of the circadian activity rhythm is attained primarily via non-parametric mechanisms, with the “morning” light pulse being the essential cue. In the second experiment, typical photic PRCs were obtained with phase delays in the first half of the subjective night, phase advances in the second half, and a dead zone during the subjective day. ANOVA indicated no significant differences between WT and DAO animals despite a significantly longer free-running period (tau) in DAO hamsters. Considering the phase shifts induced around CT0 and the different period lengths, it was possible to model the entrainment patterns of both phenotypes. It was shown that light-induced phase shifts of activity offset were sufficient to compensate for the long tau in WT and DAO hamsters, thus enabling a stable entrainment of their activity offsets to be achieved. With respect to activity onsets, phase shifts were sufficient only in WT animals; in DAO hamsters, activity onset showed increasing delays. The results of the present paper clearly demonstrate that, under laboratory conditions, the non-parametric component of light and dark leads to circadian entrainment in Djungarian hamsters. However, a stable entrainment of activity onset can be achieved only if the free-running period does not exceed a certain value. With longer tau values, hamsters reveal a DAO phenotype. Under field conditions, therefore, non-photic cues/zeitgebers must obviously be involved to enable a proper circadian entrainment.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms have been shown to influence learning and memory. In this study, cognitive functions of Djungarian hamsters revealing different circadian phenotypes were evaluated using a novel object recognition (NOR) task. Wild type (WT) animals show a clear and well-synchronized daily activity rhythm, whereas DAO hamsters are characterized by a delayed activity onset. The phenomenon is caused by a diminished ability of photic synchronization. In arrhythmic (AR) hamsters, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) do not generate a circadian signal at all. The aim of this study was to investigate consequences of these deteriorations for learning and memory processes. Hamsters were bred and kept under standardized housing conditions with food and water ad libitum and a 14?L/10?D lighting regimen. Experimental animals were assigned to different groups (WT, DAO and AR) according to their activity pattern obtained by means of infrared motion sensors. Activity onset of DAO animals was delayed by 3?±?0.5?h. NOR tests were performed in an open arena and consisted of habituation, training (two identical objects) and test sessions (one of the two objects being replaced). The training–test interval was 60?min. Tests were performed at different Zeitgeber times (ZT 0?=?light-on). Every hamster was tested at all times with an interval of one week between experiments. As activity onset of DAO animals is delaying continuously day by day, they could be tested at only three times (ZT 13, ZT 16 and ZT 19). The times animals did explore the novel and the familiar objects were recorded, and the discrimination index as a measure of cognitive performance was calculated. Behavioral analyzes revealed that, WT hamsters were able to discriminate between familiar and novel objects at ZT 13, ZT 16 and ZT 19, i.e. one hour before and during their activity period. In accordance with their delayed activity onset, DAO hamsters could discriminate between objects only at ZT 16 and ZT 19 what corresponds also to 1?h before and 2?h after their activity onset. In contrast, AR hamsters were not able to perform the NOR task at any time. The results show that the SCN modulate learning and memory in a circadian manner. Moreover, the loss of circadian rhythmicity results in cognitive impairments.  相似文献   


The Djungarian hamsters of our breeding colony show unstable daily activity patterns when kept under standard laboratory conditions. Moreover, part of them develops a delayed activity onset (DAO) or an arrhythmic phenotype. In former studies, we have shown that the system of photic entrainment works at its limits. If the period length (tau) increases, which is the case in DAO hamsters, the light-induced phase advances are too small to compensate the daily delay of the activity rhythm caused by tau being longer than 24 h. Accordingly, under natural conditions, there must be further (environmental) factors to enable a stable entrainment. One of these may be the higher level of motor activity. Animals must cover long distances to search for food, sexual partners and others. In the laboratory, hamsters are kept singly in small cages. This does restrict animals’ options for motor activity. Also, there is less need for moving around as the hamsters are fed ad libitum.

In the present study, a series of experiments was performed to investigate the putative effect of the activity level. To begin with, wild type (WT) and DAO animals were given access to running wheels. 50% of DAO hamsters developed a WT activity pattern. As the main reason for the DAO phenomenon is their long tau together with a too weak photic phase response, the effect of wheel running on these parameters was investigated in further experiments. With higher activity level, tau decreased in WT hamsters but increased in DAO animals even though the increase for the activity onset was only close to significance. Moreover, the photic phase responses were weaker though significant only for the activity offset of DAO hamsters.

Based on the assumptions that running wheel activity will affect the phase response and/or the free running period, the results of the present paper do not provide an explanation for why part of DAO hamsters developed a WT phenotype when they had access to running wheels. Obviously, mechanisms downstream from the suprachiasmatic nuclei must be taken into account when investigating the stabilizing, improving circadian entrainment effect of motor activity.  相似文献   

1. The daily torpor was measured by oxygen uptake in Djungarian hamsters during adaptation to a short photoperiod (SP: 10L, 14D) at 20 degrees C. In these constant conditions the torpor presented metabolic characteristics and a daily time course independent of the duration of adaptations to SP. 2. The frequency of torpor bouts increased during SP exposure and its maximum was reached after about 130 days. The frequency of torpor was greater in males than in females. 3. The incidence of torpor was increased by constant dark exposure and this is discussed as a protective mechanism for the individual animal's ability to survive. 4. The temporal organization of daily torpor was demonstrated to be directly synchronized by the day-night cycle and to be controlled by an endogenous circadian function.  相似文献   

Chronotypic effects of rubidium (Rb) were examined in hamsters whose circadian activity rhythms had split into two components while they were housed in bright constant light. Seven of 12 hamsters receiving RbCl in drinking water for 10 weeks showed fusing of the components into an intact rhythm compared with none of 7 control hamsters (p = 0.016). Rb may modify coupling between circadian oscillators via reduced photic input to the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Alternative mechanisms include changes in potassium metabolism or endocrine function or behavioral changes that in turn alter circadian function. This normalization of a circadian anomaly by a putative antidepressant suggests that Rb may be valuable in strengthening coupling between oscillators in cases of human chronopathology, including those implicated in the etiology of some affective disorders.  相似文献   

Chronotypic effects of rubidium (Rb) were examined in hamsters whose circadian activity rhythms had split into two components while they were housed in bright constant light. Seven of 12 hamsters receiving RbCl in drinking water for 10 weeks showed fusing of the components into an intact rhythm compared with none of 7 control hamsters (p = 0.016). Rb may modify coupling between circadian oscillators via reduced photic input to the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Alternative mechanisms include changes in potassium metabolism or endocrine function or behavioral changes that in turn alter circadian function. This normalization of a circadian anomaly by a putative antidepressant suggests that Rb may be valuable in strengthening coupling between oscillators in cases of human chronopathology, including those implicated in the etiology of some affective disorders.  相似文献   

An inbred lineage of Ph. sungorus was established at our institute showing some unusual characteristics of the circadian system that appear incompatible with an adequate adaptation to the periodic environment. We identified a hamster for which activity onset was delayed under light‐dark conditions (L:D=14∶10 h) by about 4 h in relation to the light‐dark transition. As the activity offset remained synchronized with the time of light‐on, the activity period (α) became compressed to 6 h. By means of a special breeding program, the percentage of animals showing such a phenomenon increased, indicating that it has a genetic component. Also, it is possible now to breed a larger number of hamsters to further investigate the rhythm deviations and the underlying mechanisms. Activity rhythms were investigated using passive infrared motion sensors. Whereas some of the hamsters showed a rather stable phase delay of activity onset relative to the onset of darkness, some animals progressively delayed their activity onset up to a critical, minimal length of α (3.03±0.02 h). Thereafter, the rest‐activity rhythm started to free‐run with a remarkably long period (τ=25.02 h) or became arrhythmic. Some hamsters showed several consecutive cycles alternating between a free‐running rhythm and entrainment, with increasing τ and reducing the phases of temporary entrainment. Finally, these hamsters became arrhythmic. The total amount of activity per day was similar in the wild type and delayed activity onset hamsters. The latter did increase the intensity of activity, thereby compensating for the shorter α. The period length in constant darkness was significantly longer in the delayed hamsters compared to wild type animals (24.37±0.03 h vs. 24.24±0.02 h; p<0.001). However, this difference seems too small to cause the later activity onset. The phase response following a light pulse (100 lux, 15′ at CT14 where CT12=activity onset) was similar in delayed and wild type hamsters (?1.66±0.12 h and ?1.82±0.16 h). As access to running wheels is known to influence the circadian pacemaker, particularly to strengthen oscillator coupling, a set of further experiments was conducted. The free‐running period was significantly shorter when the hamsters were provided with running wheels (24.25±0.04 h and 24.07±0.04 h in wild type and delayed hamsters, respectively; p<0.005 and p<0.05). However, the effect on the activity onset was not unequivocal. In many hamsters it was still delayed, whereas in others the unlocking of the wheels led to an expansion of α. The described inbred lineage appears to be an excellent model to further investigate the properties and the interaction of the two oscillators underlying the daily activity pattern.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of plasma insulin, Cortisol, and glucose concentrations were examined in scotosensitive (reproductively sensitive to inhibitory effects of short daylengths) and scotorefractory male and female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) maintained on short (LD 10:14) and long (LD 14:10) daylengths. The baseline concentration (mean of all values obtained every 4 hr six times of day) of insulin was much greater in female than in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. These differences in insulin concentration may account for the observed heavy fat stores in female and low fat stores in male scotosensitive hamsters kept on short daylengths. The baseline concentrations of Cortisol were approximately equal in both scotosensitive and scotorefractory males held on short and long daylengths, but were relatively low in females held on short daylengths and especially high in scotorefractory females held on long daylengths.

The plasma concentrations of both cortisol and insulin varied throughout the day in many of the groups tested. However, the variations were not equivalent. The circadian variations of cortisol were similar irrespective of sex, seasonal condition and daylength. Peak concentrations generally occurred about 12 hr after light onset. In contrast, the circadian variations of insulin differed markedly. For example in male hamsters, robust daily variations were found in scotosensitive hamsters held on short daylengths but not on long daylengths and in scotorefractory hamsters held on long daylengths but not on short daylengths. Furthermore, the daily peak occurred during the light in the scotosensitive hamsters and during the dark in the scotorefractory animals. Neither the daily feeding pattern (about 60% consumed during dark) nor the daily variations of glucose concentration varied appreciably with seasonal condition or daylength. They do not appear to determine nor directly reflect the variations in cortisol and glucose concentrations. It is postulated that the daily rhythms of cortisol and insulin are regulated by different neural pacemaker systems and that changes in the phase relations of circadian systems account in part for seasonal changes in body fat stores.  相似文献   

Photic induction of immediate early genes including c-fos in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has been well demonstrated in the nocturnal rodents. On the other hand, in diurnal rodents, no data is available whether the light can induce c-fos or Fos in the SCN. We therefore examined whether 60 min light exposure induces Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-lir) in the SCN cells of diurnal chipmunks and whether the induction is phase dependent, comparing with the results in nocturnal hamsters. We also examined an effect of light on the locomotor activity rhythm under continuous darkness. Fos-lir was induced in the chipmunk SCN. The induction was clearly phase dependent. The light during the subjective night induced strong expression of Fos-lir. This phase dependency is similar to that in hamsters. However, unlike in hamsters, the Fos-lir was induced in some SCN cells of chipmunks exposed to light during the subjective day. In the locomotor rhythm, on the other hand, the light pulse failed to induce the phase shift at phases at which the Fos-lir was induced. These results suggest that the photic induction of Fos-lir in the diurnal chipmunks is gated by a circadian oscillator as well as in the nocturnal hamsters. However, the functional role of Fos protein may be different in the diurnal rodents from in the nocturnal rodents.  相似文献   

Summary Light- and electron-microscopic observations on the pineal gland of Phodopus sungorus revealed intracytoplasmic inclusions resembling nucleolus-like bodies similar to those found in other regions of the central nervous system. Bernhard's EDTA method was used to confirm that these inclusions were nucleolus-like bodies. These structures were rarely found in pinealocytes of sexually active longday animals, whereas large numbers of them were observed in pinealocytes of sexually quiescent short-day animals. Nucleolus-like bodies may therefore be involved in pineal secretion.  相似文献   

H.G. Erkert   《Mammalian Biology》2004,69(6):361-374
Circadian rhythms usually deviate from 24 h and must be synchronized (entrained) to the outer 24 h day by certain environmental periodicities called Zeitgebers. For almost all organisms the most efficient Zeitgeber is the light-dark cycle (LD). In mammals the photic Zeitgeber cues are exclusively received via retinal photoreceptors. It is still in debate whether this circadian photoreception is mediated by rods, cones, and/or other retinal cells. From recent results in mouse mutants a circadian photoreception via non-rod/non-cone retinal receptors was deduced. However, earlier observations in bats indicating a very low threshold for photic entrainment imply that circadian photoreception may be mediated by rod-like receptors. In the present study the threshold for photic entrainment was determined in the neotropical mastiff bat Molossus molossus. Six test animals (3 m, 3 f) were kept isolated in recording cages situated in light-tight and sound-attenuating wooden boxes with a special lighting device on top. Under constant ambient temperature of 25 ± 1°C, relative humidity of 60 ± 5%, and an irregular ad libitum feeding schedule, the bats were exposed intermittantly for longer times to constant physiological darkness (LD-X) or 12:12 h light dark cycles with physiological darkness during the dark time (D) and varying low light-time illuminances (L). Half of the bats had an extremely low threshold for photic entrainment, about 10−5 lux, while the other individuals’ free-running activity rhythm was entrained by LD cycles with 10−4, 10−2 and 10−1 lux in L. The illuminance of only 10−5 lux is the lowest threshold value for photic entrainment found thus far in vertebrates. Plausibility considerations suggest circadian photoreception via rod-like retinal receptors to be most probably involved in this case.  相似文献   

In the circannual pupation rhythm of the varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, entrainment to annual cycles is achieved by phase resetting of the circannual oscillator in response to photoperiodic changes. In order to examine whether a circadian system is involved in expression of the periodic pattern and phase resetting of the circannual rhythm as photoperiodic responses, we exposed larvae to light-dark cycles with a short photophase followed by a variable scotophase (the Nanda-Hamner protocol). When the cycle length (T) was a multiple of 24 h, i.e., 24, 48, or 72 h, short-day effects were clearer than when T was far from a multiple of 24 h, i.e., 36 or 60 h. Exposure to light-dark cycles of T = 36 h had effects similar to exposure to long-day cycles of T = 24 h. The magnitude of phase shifts depended on the duration and the phase of exposure to the cycles of T = 36 or 60 h. It was therefore concluded that a circadian system is involved in photoperiodic time measurement for phase resetting of the circannual oscillator of A. verbasci.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the current knowledge about the ontogenetic development of the circadian system in mammals. The developmental changes of overt rhythms are discussed, although the main focus of the review is the underlying neuronal and molecular mechanisms. In addition, the review describes ontogenetic development, not only as a process of morpho‐functional maturation. The need of repeated adaptations and readaptations due to changing developmental stage and environmental conditions is also considered. The review analyzes mainly rodent data, obtained from the literature and from the author's own studies. Results from other species, including humans, are presented to demonstrate common features and species‐dependent differences. The review first describes the development of the suprachiasmatic nuclei as the central pacemaker system and shows that intrinsic circadian rhythms are already generated in the mammalian fetus. As in adult organisms, the period length is different from 24 h and needs continuous correction by environmental periodicities, or zeitgebers. The investigation of the ontogenetic development of the mechanisms of entrainment reveals that, at prenatal and early postnatal stages, non‐photic cues deriving from the mother are effective. Light‐dark entrainment develops later. At a certain age, both photic and non‐photic zeitgebers may act in parallel, even though the respective time information is 12 h out of phase. That leads to a temporary internal desynchronization. Because rhythmic information needs to be transferred to effector organs, the corresponding neural and humoral signalling pathways are also briefly described. Finally, to be able to transform a rhythmic signal into an overt rhythm, the corresponding effector organs must be functionally mature. As many of these organs are able to generate their own intrinsic rhythms, another aspect of the review is dedicated to the development of peripheral oscillators and mechanisms of their entrainment. The latter includes control by the central pacemaker as well as by distinct environmental signals. Ecological aspects of the described developmental changes in the circadian system and some practical consequences are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Male Australian field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus , Walker) reared in LD 12:12 h were transferred to LL at different developmental stages and the timing of their circadian calling song rhythm was analysed in regard to the previous zeitgeber. The phase settings for the onset and end of activity were similar in crickets experiencing the LD/LL transition: (i) 3–52 days after the final moult, (ii) within 24 h before the final moult, or (iii) 1–10 days before the final moult. For all groups the results reveal entrainment of the circadian mechanism at the last LD, thus excluding age-related differences. The rhythms of crickets, transferred from LD to LL as larval instars and also exposed to a reduced temperature (5–8oC) during their last night, were delayed by about 11 h, an effect similar to that in adult crickets after a comparable cold exposure (Loher & Wiedenmann, 1981).
The results are interpreted showing that the circadian control of (the adult's) calling song already functions in the previous (non-singing) larval stages. Since the rhythmicity continued through moults and sexual maturation, it is concluded that the control centres regulating those physiological processes (e.g. pars intercerebralis, corpora allata) are not essential to the basic circadian mechanism.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in mammals are generated by an endogenous pacemaker but are modulated by environmental cycles, principally the alternation of light and darkness. Although much is known about nonparametric effects of light on the circadian system, little is known about other effects of photic stimulation. In the present study, which consists of a series of five experiments in mice, various manipulations of photic stimulation were used to dissect the mechanisms responsible for a variation in the magnitude of light-induced phase-shifts that results from prolonged exposure to darkness. The results confirmed previous observations that prolonged exposure to darkness causes an increase in the magnitude of phase shifts (both phase advances and phase delays) evoked by discrete light pulses. The results also indicated that the increase in responsiveness results from the lack of exposure to light per se and not from collateral effects of exposure to constant darkness such as the lack of previous entrainment. The lack of exposure to light causes the circadian system to undergo a process of dark adaptation similar to dark adaptation in the visual system but with a much slower temporal course. The results suggest that circadian dark adaptation may take place at the retinal level, but it is not clear whether it involves a change in the sensitivity or maximal responsiveness of the system.  相似文献   

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