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The impact of environmental and behavioral factors on the 24-h profile of blood pressure (BP) has been well established. Various attempts have been made to control these exogenous factors, in order to investigate a possible endogenous circadian variation of BP. Recently, we reported the results of the first environmentally and behaviorally controlled laboratory study with 24-h recordings of BP and heart rate (HR) during maintained wakefulness. In this constant-routine study, a pronounced endogenous circadian rhythm of HR was found, but circadian variation of BP was absent. This result suggested that the circadian rhythm of BP observed in earlier controlled studies, with sleep allowed, was evoked by the sleep–wake cycle as opposed to the endogenous circadian pacemaker. In order to verify our previous finding during maintained wakefulness, we repeated the experiment five times with six normotensive, healthy young subjects. Statistical analyses of the hourly measurements of BP and HR confirmed the replicable presence of an endogenous circadian rhythm of HR, as well as the consistent absence of an endogenous circadian variation of BP. Thus, this study provided additional evidence that the 24-h profile of BP—as observed under normal circumstances—is the sole result of environmental and behavioral factors such as the occurrence of sleep, and has no endogenous circadian component. (Chronobiology International, 18(1), 85–98, 2001)  相似文献   

心率与血压的变异性:分析方法,生理意义及其应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文回顾了关心回顾变异性及血压变异性的最新进展。在分析方法方面介绍了单一生理变量多变量系统的线性分析技术及其主要结果。对HRV/BPV谱的生理意义及其应用问题,也进行了回顾了评述。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1454-1468
Shiftwork has been associated with elevated blood pressure (BP) and decreased heart-rate variability (HRV), factors that may increase the long-term risk of cardiovascular-related mortality and morbidity. This study explored the effect of shiftwork on dynamic changes in autonomic control of HRV (cardiac stress), systolic BP and diastolic BP, i.e., SBP and DBP (vascular stress), and recovery in the same subjects working different shifts. By studying the same subjects, the authors could reduce the effect of possible contribution of between-subject variation from genetic predisposition and environmental factors. The authors recruited 16 young female nurses working rotating shifts—day (08:00–16:00 h), evening (16:00–00:00 h), and night (00:00–08:00 h)—and 6 others working the regular day shift. Each nurse received simultaneous and repeated 48-h ambulatory electrocardiography and BP monitoring during their work day and the following off-duty day. Using a linear mixed-effect model to adjust for day shift, the results of the repeated-measurements and self-comparisons found significant shift differences in vascular stress. While working the night shift, the nurses showed significant increases in vascular stress, with increased SBP of 9.7 mm Hg. The changes of SBP and DBP seemed to peak during waking time at the same time on the day off as they did on the working day. Whereas HRV profiles usually returned to baseline level after each shift, the SBP and DBP of night-shift workers did not completely return to baseline levels the following off-duty day (p?<?.001). The authors concluded that although the nurses may recover from cardiac stress the first day off following a night shift, they do not completely recover from increases in vascular stress on that day. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Differences in autonomic nerve activity between athletes and controls during supine rest and standing were investigated by recording the cardiac rhythm in 18 professional cyclists and 11 controls. We computed four indexes of autonomic control: the standard deviation (SD) of the interbeat intervals, the coefficient of variance (CV) of the interbeat intervals, the percentage of successive intervals differing by more than 50 ms (pNN50), and the fraction low-frequency (0.07–0.14 Hz) spectral power (LF), and we also measured the mean interbeat interval (MI). Significant differences (Student's t-test, P < 0.005) between the athletes and the controls in the supine position were found for pNN50 [mean 52.6 (SEM 2.5) vs 37.1 (SEM 3.4)%], LF [mean 32.2 (SEM 1.6) vs 40.7 (SEM 2.1) normalized units], and MI [mean 1241 (SEM 20) vs 1021 (SEM 25) ms]. A significant difference between the athletes and the controls in the standing position was found for MI [mean 888 (SEM 13) vs 801 (SEM 23) ms]. These results would suggest that there is a parasympathetic predominance in athletes in the supine, but not in the standing position. The finding that pNN50 and LF, but not SD and CV, differed between the athletes and the controls, would seem to demonstrate that the differences in autonomic control between the athletes and the controls are reflected in the quality (balance between slow and fast heart rate fluctuations) rather than in the quantity of heart rate variability.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular and sympathetic effects of TRH in discrete cardiovascular-related brain nuclei were studied. Microinjections of TRH were made into the nucleus preopticus medialis (POM) of conscious rats and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of pentobarbitone-anesthetized, artificially respired rats. POM injections (1 μl, 0.8–80 nM) elicited dose dependent pressor and tachycardic responses which were accompanied by increased levels of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) in the plasma. These pressor/tachycardic effects of TRH were also elicited in adrenal demedullated (ADM-x) rats, but completely abolished in ADM-x rats pretreated with bretylium (30 mg/kg, IA). NTS injections (0.1 μl, 30 and 150 nM) had a short depressor effect on blood pressure (BP) and a delayed increase in heart rate (HR). From these findings we suggest that the POM, a central nucleus in the AV3V region, may be an important forebrain site for autonomic regulation by TRH, mediated through the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

This study examined if the nitric oxide (NO)/L-arginine pathway participates in and if the sympathetic nervous system attenuates the depressor action of human urotensin II. I.V. bolus injections of human urotensin II (0.1-30 nmol/kg) caused dose-dependent decreases in mean arterial pressure (MAP, EC(50) = 2.09 +/- 0.8 nmol/kg; Emax = -18 +/- 3 mmHg ) and increases in heart rate. The depressor response to human urotensin II (3 nmol/kg) was attenuated by approximately 50% in rats with MAP elevated through pretreatment with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (inhibitor of NO synthase), relative to that in rats with MAP elevated to a similar level through a continuous infusion of noradrenaline. Autonomic blockade with i.v. injections of mecamylamine (ganglion blocker) and propranolol (beta-adrenoceptor antagonist) markedly augmented the depressor response to human urotensin II, but almost completely attenuated the tachycardia. The results suggest that the depressor response to human urotensin II is partially mediated via the NO/L-arginine pathway, and is suppressed by activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Furthermore, tachycardic response to human urotensin II is primarily mediated indirectly via baroreflex mechanisms.  相似文献   

The impact of environmental and behavioral factors on the 24-h profile of blood pressure (BP) has been well established. Various attempts have been made to control these exogenous factors, in order to investigate a possible endogenous circadian variation of BP. Recently, we reported the results of the first environmentally and behaviorally controlled laboratory study with 24-h recordings of BP and heart rate (HR) during maintained wakefulness. In this constant-routine study, a pronounced endogenous circadian rhythm of HR was found, but circadian variation of BP was absent. This result suggested that the circadian rhythm of BP observed in earlier controlled studies, with sleep allowed, was evoked by the sleep-wake cycle as opposed to the endogenous circadian pacemaker. In order to verify our previous finding during maintained wakefulness, we repeated the experiment five times with six normotensive, healthy young subjects. Statistical analyses of the hourly measurements of BP and HR confirmed the replicable presence of an endogenous circadian rhythm of HR, as well as the consistent absence of an endogenous circadian variation of BP. Thus, this study provided additional evidence that the 24-h profile of BP—as observed under normal circumstances—is the sole result of environmental and behavioral factors such as the occurrence of sleep, and has no endogenous circadian component. (Chronobiology International, 18(1), 85-98, 2001)  相似文献   

In intensive rearing, birds are exposed to frequent changes in both their social and physical environments, and this can have an impact on animal welfare under commercial conditions. The aim of the present study was to compare the emotional responses induced by social and non-social changes and to study the influence of the familiarity on these responses.Twenty-two female quail were first reared with a ball in 15–20-individual groups for 3 weeks from hatching. Then, each experimental subject was allocated either a familiar congener (CONG) or a familiar object (BALL). At 6 weeks of age the birds were fitted with a telemetric device to collect motor and cardiac activities. After that, each subject was exposed first to a separation from its cage-mate/familiar object, and secondly to the (re-)introduction of either the cage-mate/familiar object or of an unknown conspecific/another ball. Emotional responses were assessed through behavioural reactions and heart rate variability.Before being separated, both BALL and CONG quail showed stereotyped pacing that was more pronounced in BALL quail. BALL quail were not affected by the ball withdrawal, unlike CONG quail which reacted to the separation from their cage-mate by reducing activity and exploratory behaviour (P < 0.05). After the re-introduction, BALL quail remained closer to their ball and CONG quail spent more time with “stretched necks” than before the separation (P < 0.05). Surprisingly, CONG quail showed less stereotyped pacing when their partner was removed and recovered the initial level of stereotyped behaviour when their cage-mate was re-introduced (P < 0.01). Likewise, CONG quail also recovered the initial values of heart rate after the re-introduction of their cage-mate, indicating an increase in sympathetic activity compared to the isolation period. When the unfamiliar congener or ball was introduced in their cage, BALL quail pecked the unknown ball more than the familiar ball and had more contact with it (P < 0.05) and CONG quail had more contact with the unknown congener than with the cage-mate (P < 0.05).In conclusion, the quail appeared to experience a negative affective state before being separated, and there was no clear evidence of negative emotion in quail in response to the separation from either a social partner or an inanimate object. Nevertheless, the emotional responses of the quail in reaction to the (re-)introduction was influenced by the familiarity of the congener or the ball. Finally, changes in the quail's social environment induced more behavioural and cardiac modifications than changes in its non-social environment.  相似文献   

The effects of endurance training on endurance performance characteristics and cardiac autonomic modulation during night sleep were investigated during two 4-week training periods. After the first 4-week training period (3 x 40 min per week, at 75% of HRR) the subjects were divided into HIGH group (n = 7), who performed three high-intensity endurance training sessions per week; and CONTROL group (n = 8) who did not change their training. An incremental treadmill test was performed before and after the two 4-week training periods. Furthermore, nocturnal RR-intervals were recorded after each training day. In the second 4-week training period HIGH group increased their VO2max (P = 0.005) more than CONTROL group. At the same time, nocturnal HR decreased (P = 0.039) and high-frequency power (HFP) increased (P = 0.003) in HIGH group while no changes were observed in CONTROL group. Furthermore, a correlation was observed between the changes in nocturnal HFP and changes in VO2max during the second 4-week training period (r = 0.90, P < 0.001). The present study showed that the increased HFP is related to improved VO2max in sedentary subjects suggesting that nocturnal HFP can provide a useful method in monitoring individual responses to endurance training.  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发性高血压患者心率变异性(HRV)及血压变异性(BPV)与血管损害的相关性。方法:选取2014年12月到2017年12月期间在我院接受治疗的原发性高血压患者94例,根据脉搏波传导速度(PWV)的不同分为对照组(60例)和血管受损组(34例)。比较两组患者的HRV、BPV指标,并分析PWV与HRV、BPV指标的相关性。结果:血管受损组的5 min心搏R-R间期平均值的标准差(SDANN)低于对照组,低频(LF)、高频(HF)、低高频之比(LF/HF)高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);血管受损组的24h平均收缩压(24h SBP)、24h平均脉压(24h PP)、白天平均收缩压(dSBP)、白天平均脉压(dPP)、夜间平均收缩压(nSBP)、夜间平均脉压(nPP)高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);PWV与LF、HF、LF/HF、24h SBP、24h PP、dSBP、dPP、nSBP、nPP均呈正相关(P0.05)。结论:原发性高血压患者部分HRV、BPV指标与PWV呈明显的相关性,说明HRV和BPV与患者的血管损害密切相关。  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is associated with a loss of circadian and short-term variability in blood pressure and heart rate. In order to assess the contribution of elevated cardiac sympathetic activity to the disturbed cardiovascular regulation, we monitored blood pressure and heart rate in mice with cardiac overexpression of the β1-adrenoceptor prior to the development of overt heart failure. Telemetry transmitters for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate were implanted in 8 to 9-week-old wildtype and transgenic mice, derived from crosses of heterozygous transgenic (line β1TG4) and wildtype mice. Cardiovascular circadian patterns were analyzed under baseline conditions and during treatment with propranolol (500 mg/L in drinking water). Short-term variability was assessed by spectral analysis of beat-to-beat data sampled for 30 min at four circadian times. Transgenic β1TG4 mice showed an increase in 24 h heart rate, while blood pressure was not different from wildtype controls. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart were preserved in β1TG4 mice. Addition of propranolol to the animals’ drinking water led to a reduction in heart rate and its 24 h variation in both strains of mice. Short-term variability in blood pressure was not different between wildtype and β1TG4 mice, but heart rate variability in the transgenic animals showed a rightward shift of the high-frequency component in the nocturnal activity period, suggesting an increase in respiratory frequency. In conclusion, the present study shows that both the circadian and the short-term regulation of blood pressure and heart rate are largely preserved in young, nonfailing β1-transgenic mice. This finding suggests that the loss of blood pressure and heart rate variability observed in human congestive heart failure cannot be attributed solely to sympathetic overactivity but reflects the loss of adrenergic responsiveness to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is associated with a loss of circadian and short-term variability in blood pressure and heart rate. In order to assess the contribution of elevated cardiac sympathetic activity to the disturbed cardiovascular regulation, we monitored blood pressure and heart rate in mice with cardiac overexpression of the β1-adrenoceptor prior to the development of overt heart failure. Telemetry transmitters for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate were implanted in 8 to 9-week-old wildtype and transgenic mice, derived from crosses of heterozygous transgenic (line β1TG4) and wildtype mice. Cardiovascular circadian patterns were analyzed under baseline conditions and during treatment with propranolol (500 mg/L in drinking water). Short-term variability was assessed by spectral analysis of beat-to-beat data sampled for 30 min at four circadian times. Transgenic β1TG4 mice showed an increase in 24 h heart rate, while blood pressure was not different from wildtype controls. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart were preserved in β1TG4 mice. Addition of propranolol to the animals' drinking water led to a reduction in heart rate and its 24 h variation in both strains of mice. Short-term variability in blood pressure was not different between wildtype and β1TG4 mice, but heart rate variability in the transgenic animals showed a rightward shift of the high-frequency component in the nocturnal activity period, suggesting an increase in respiratory frequency. In conclusion, the present study shows that both the circadian and the short-term regulation of blood pressure and heart rate are largely preserved in young, nonfailing β1-transgenic mice. This finding suggests that the loss of blood pressure and heart rate variability observed in human congestive heart failure cannot be attributed solely to sympathetic overactivity but reflects the loss of adrenergic responsiveness to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

We demonstrated in previous works that the circadian rhythms of blood pressure (BP) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are antiphasic in normal subjects and in essential hypertension. The aim of the present study was to assess the circadian rhythms of BP and ANP in 20 patients with stable congestive heart failure (CHF), divided into two groups of 10 according to their New York Heart Association functional class. A matched control group of 10 normal volunteers was also studied. Noninvasive BP monitoring at 15-min intervals was performed for 24 h. Peripheral blood samples were also obtained at 4-h intervals starting from 08:OO h. The mean (±SEM) circadian mesors of ANP plasma levels were 13.4 ± 1.7 pmol/L in the control group, 28.6 ± 2.4 pmol/L in the group of 10 patients in class 11, and 81.5 ± 12 pmol/L in the group of 10 patients in class 111-IV. In normal subjects, plasma ANP concentration was highest at 04:OO h (21.5 ± 2.7 pmol/L) and lowest at 16:OO h (8.8 ± 2.4 pmol/L; p < 0.01). Both groups of patients with CHF showed no significant circadian change in the plasma levels of ANP and also a significantly blunted circadian rhythm of BP. Cosinor analysis confirmed the loss of the circadian rhythms of ANP and BP in CHF patients. Our findings support the existence of a causal relationship between the circadian rhythms of ANP and BP.  相似文献   

Dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system might play an important role in disturbed 24h blood pressure regulation in transgenic hypertensive TGR (mREN2)27 (TGR) rats. Our study was performed to determine possible differences in activity of the sympathetic nervous system in TGR rats in comparison to their normotensive Sprague-Dawley (SPRD) controls; we measured plasma catecholamine and angiotensin concentrations throughout 24h under synchronized light-dark 12h:12H (LD 12:12) conditions. In the TGR rat strain, rhythms of plasma catecholamines were blunted, and the concentrations were significantly decreased. In addition, TGR rats showed increased plasma angiotensin I and II concentrations without any significant rhythm. An impaired autonomic regulation was confirmed by monitoring heart rate variability in TGR rats. Data showed that the TGR rat strain is characterized by a reduction in plasma catecholamines and an increase in angiotensin peptides. At present, it is not clear whether the reduction in catecholamines represents a decrease in sympathetic tone mediated by baroreflex activation or an increased catecholamine turnover induced by elevated angio-tensin II. However, the blunted, but normally phased, rhythms in plasma catecholamines in TGR rats make it unlikely that the sympathetic nervous system is mainly responsible for the inverse circadian blood pressure rhythm in the transgenic strain. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 461–474, 2001)  相似文献   

IntroductionCardiovascular dysautonomia comprising postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and orthostatic hypotension (OH) is one of the presentations in COVID-19 recovered subjects. We aim to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular dysautonomia in post COVID-19 patients and to evaluate an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to identify time domain heart rate variability (HRV) measures most suitable for short term ECG in these subjects.MethodsThis observational study enrolled 92 recently COVID-19 recovered subjects who underwent measurement of heart rate and blood pressure response to standing up from supine position and a 12-lead ECG recording for 60 s period during supine paced breathing. Using feature extraction, ECG features including those of HRV (RMSSD and SDNN) were obtained. An AI model was constructed with ShAP AI interpretability to determine time domain HRV features representing post COVID-19 recovered state. In addition, 120 healthy volunteers were enrolled as controls.ResultsCardiovascular dysautonomia was present in 15.21% (OH:13.04%; POTS:2.17%). Patients with OH had significantly lower HRV and higher inflammatory markers. HRV (RMSSD) was significantly lower in post COVID-19 patients compared to healthy controls (13.9 ± 11.8 ms vs 19.9 ± 19.5 ms; P = 0.01) with inverse correlation between HRV and inflammatory markers. Multiple perceptron was best performing AI model with HRV(RMSSD) being the top time domain HRV feature distinguishing between COVID-19 recovered patients and healthy controls.ConclusionPresent study showed that cardiovascular dysautonomia is common in COVID-19 recovered subjects with a significantly lower HRV compared to healthy controls. The AI model was able to distinguish between COVID-19 recovered patients and healthy controls.  相似文献   

The double product (DP), systolic blood pressure multiplied by heart rate, is a surrogate measure of myocardial oxygen demand and cardiac workload used increasingly today in medicine. The double product is more strongly correlated with left ventricular mass than the daily blood pressure mean. The purpose of this study was to describe the normative circadian pattern of the double product in healthy normotensive young adults. We studied 125 men and 75 women, 23.0 ± 3.3 (mean ± SD) years of age, without medical history of hypertension and 24h ambulatory systolic/diastolic blood pressure mean consistently below 135/85 mm Hg. Subjects underwent ambulatory blood pressure monitoring at 30-minute intervals for 48 consecutive hours once each season of the year, yielding 930 protocol-correct blood pressure and heart rate time series. Subjects maintained their usual routine of diurnal activity and nocturnal sleep and avoided use of over-the-counter and other medication. Circadian rhythmicity in the double product was established by population multiple-component analysis. The double product rose rapidly from the lowest value, attained 3h before awaking from sleep at night, to a markedly elevated level at the commencement of morning activity. The double product was highest in the afternoon, roughly 7h after the commencement of diurnal activity. In both men and women, the shape of the highamplitude circadian rhythm in the double product was best described by a complex model composed of three cosine curves having periods of 24h, 12h, and 6h. The 24h mean in the double product of 8092.51 ±42.76 (mean ±SD) in men was significantly lower than that of 8353.17 ±37.48 in women (P <.001). The circadian double amplitude of the rhythm was statistically significantly greater (P <.001) in men (50% of the 24h mean) than women (44% of the 24h mean). The double product did not differ between seasons in women, but it did in men (P =.017) due to reduced heart rate in summer. The circadian pattern of large amplitude in the double product and its gender differences must be taken into account when using this variable to assess cardiac workload, risk of left ventricular hypertrophy, and efficiency of antihypertensive therapy. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 475–489, 2001)  相似文献   

Mani AR  Ollosson R  Mani Y  Ippolito S  Moore KP 《Life sciences》2006,79(17):1593-1599
Nitric oxide has both an inhibitory and excitatory role in the regulation of pre-ganglionic sympathetic neurons, involving the iNOS and nNOS systems respectively. The aim of the present study was to examine cardiovascular autonomic activity in iNOS knockout mice using spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), and to determine the role of iNOS in altered HRV in endotoxaemia. Electrocardiograms were recorded in anaesthetised mice, and the R-R intervals digitized for spectral analysis of HRV and cardiac rhythm regularity using sample entropy analysis. The basal heart rate was higher in iNOS knockout mice compared with controls (465+/-8 vs 415+/-13 beat/min P<0.05), with a significant increase in the low frequency power of HRV spectra in iNOS knockout mice compared with controls (49.4+/-4.3 vs 33.8+/-5.6 normalized units, P<0.05), consistent with increased cardiac sympathetic activity. Endotoxaemia is known to decrease HRV, but the role of iNOS is unknown. LPS (20 mg/kg i.p) increased basal heart rate in both wild type and iNOS knockout mice, but caused a depression of HRV and sample entropy in both groups. Studies in isolated beating atria showed that the changes of HRV under basal or post-LPS conditions disappeared in vitro, suggesting that the autonomic system is responsible for altered HRV. We conclude that disruption of iNOS gene leads to an increase in the low frequency power of HRV consistent with increased cardiac sympathetic activity. These data also demonstrate that LPS-induced decrease of HRV is independent of iNOS.  相似文献   

Psychological distress can trigger acute coronary syndromes and sudden cardiac death in vulnerable patients. The primary pathophysiological mechanism that plays a role in stress-induced cardiac events involves the autonomic nervous system, particularly disproportional sympathetic activation and parasympathetic withdrawal. This article describes the relation between psychological distress and autonomic nervous system function, with a focus on subsequent adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The role of the central nervous system in these associations is addressed, and a systematic review is presented of studies examining the association between stress-induced central nervous system responses measured by neuroimaging techniques and autonomic nervous system activation. Results of the systematic review indicate that the primary brain areas involved in the autonomic component of the brain-heart association are the insula, medial prefrontal cortex, and cerebellum (based on 121 participants across three studies that fitted the inclusion criteria). Other areas involved in stress-induced autonomic modulation are the (anterior) cingulate cortex, parietal cortex, somatomotor cortex/precentral gyrus, and temporal cortex. The interaction between central and autonomic nervous system responses may have implications for further investigations of the brain-heart associations and mechanisms by which acute and chronic psychological distress increase the risk of myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death.  相似文献   

Heart rate variations reflect the output of the complex control of the heart mediated by the autonomic nervous system. Because of that, they also encode different types of information, namely the efferent outflow of reflex mechanisms involved in the beat-to-beat control of cardiac function, the efferent activity of neurohumoral elements involved in the control of other cardiovascular parameters and random noise resulting from the hysteresis of the different controllers. The degree to which power spectrum estimation methods will uncover the periodic component of heart rate variations is in direct relation with the status of the system under study. Although the utility of spectral methods is now established in mammalian research, very little is known on the utility of these techniques in non-mammalian cardiovascular research. This review covers this space by discussing the physiological significance of heart rate variations in non-mammalian vertebrates. A detailed account of the different steps of the technique, its limitations and the ways to overcome these problems are also presented. These are: the recording of the cardiac event signal, the detection and digital processing methods, the satisfaction of stationarity conditions, the problem of spectral leakage and the different methods to estimate the power spectrum.  相似文献   

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