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Previous studies have examined testosterone's role in regulating the processing of facial displays of emotions (FDEs). However, the reciprocal process – the influence of FDEs, an evolutionarily ancient and potent class of social signals, on the secretion of testosterone – has not yet been studied. To address this gap, we examined the effects of emotional content and sex of facial stimuli in modulating endogenous testosterone fluctuations, as well as sex differences in the endocrine responses to faces. One hundred and sixty-four young healthy men and women were exposed, in a between-subjects design, to happy or angry same-sex or opposite-sex facial expressions. Results showed that in both men (n = 85) and women (n = 79), extended exposure to faces of the opposite sex, regardless of their apparent emotional content, was accompanied by an accumulation in salivary testosterone when compared to exposure to faces of the same sex. Furthermore, testosterone change in women exposed to angry expressions was greater than testosterone change in women exposed to happy expressions. These results add emotional facial stimuli to the collection of social signals that modulate endocrine status, and are discussed with regard to the evolutionary roles of testosterone.  相似文献   


Four Thoroughbred mares (no. 1–4) were maintained under constant temperature (24°C) and controlled light (L/D:12/12 with lights on at 06.00 hr) conditions. They were fed and watered ad libitum with fresh feed and water given at 09.00 hr. After a 45‐day pre‐conditioning period, blood samples were obtained by veinipuncture at 4‐hr intervals for 14 days to determine circadian and day‐to‐day variation. The horses exhibited a circadian rhythm with maximum values attained at about 12.00 hr, however, there are periods of days in which no rhythm is distinguishable. Ultradian rhythms with mean periods of 105 to 128 and 24 to 31 min are superimposed upon the circadian rhythm. The individual rhythms are quite variable from horse to horse and within the same horse. During periods of decline in plasma cortisol with metabolic half‐lives of approximately 70 min, secretion of cortisol was very low or had ceased. During periods of increasing plasma concentration, secretion was occurring at a faster rate than degradation. Rapid decreases in plasma concentration (metabolic half‐life of approximately 30 min) was accompanied by a rise in specific activity indicating cortisol with a high specific activity was entering the plasma pool from other storage pools.  相似文献   

Single, isolated worker ants are known to become spontaneously active and to respond to interactions with other, active ants. Here I explore the consequences of an interaction between two worker ants on the timing of activity. Isolated worker ants become active after an interval that is characteristic for each individual. The effect of an interaction between two worker ants is strongly dependent on when the interaction takes place. The effect of an interaction is always to decrease the expected interval until the onset of activity. By studying the effect of an interaction on subsequent intervals of activity, it is possible to reject the hypothesis that the change in timing of activity is due to a change in the characteristic period of activity. Rather, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that an interaction causes a phase shift in the normal activity oscillation. The phase-response curve is derived from the observational data. A knowledge of the dynamics of the interactions of individual ants is necessary in order to begin to reconstruct the patterns of colony behavioral activity.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of maternal stress during pregnancy on the emotional reactivity, the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis, and the sympatho-adrenomedullary (SAM) system of goat offspring according to their gender, and to investigate the role of maternal cortisol in prenatal stress effects. Goats were exposed to ten transports in isolation or ten ACTH injections (0.125 IU/kg body weight) during the last third of pregnancy. Control goats remained undisturbed. No effect of repeated transport during the last third of pregnancy was found on basal cortisol concentrations of the offspring. However, an increase in phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase activity in the adrenals was observed in prenatally stressed kids compared to control kids (P = 0.031). In the presence of novelty, prenatally stressed female kids were more active (P = 0.049) than control females; they also showed more signs of arousal (P = 0.039) and tended to explore more of their environment (P = 0.053) in reaction to a startling stimulus. On the contrary, prenatally stressed male kids tended to be less active (P = 0.051) than control male kids but showed more signs of distress (P = 0.047) in the presence of novelty. Intermediate effects were found on the emotional reactivity to novelty of kids born from dams given injections of ACTH. In conclusion, transport stress in pregnant goats affects the sympatho-adrenomedullary system and the emotional reactivity of their offspring in a gender-specific manner. Moreover, the effects of prenatal transport and ACTH injections showed some similarities but differed in some critical details.  相似文献   

Handling is a crucial component of the human–horse relationship. Here, we report data from an experiment conducted to assess and compare the effect of two training methods. Two groups of six Welsh mares were trained during four sessions of 50 min, one handled with traditional exercises (halter leading, grooming/brushing, lifting feet, lunging and pseudo-saddling (using only girth and saddle pad) and the second group with natural horsemanship exercises (desensitization, yielding to body pressure, lunging and free-lunging). Emotional reactivity (ER) and the human–horse relationship (HHR) were assessed both prior to and following handling. A social isolation test, a neophobia test and a bridge test were used to assess ER. HHR was assessed through test of spontaneous approach to, and forced approach by, an unknown human.Horses’ ER decreased after both types of handling as indicated by decreases in the occurrence of whinnying during stressful situations. Head movement (jerk/shake) was the most sensitive variable to handling type. In the spontaneous approach tests, horses in the traditional handling group showed higher latencies to approach a motionless person after handling than did the natural horsemanship group. Our study suggests that natural horsemanship exercises could be more efficient than traditional exercises for improving horses’ HHR.  相似文献   

Emotional and behavioral problems have been considered an indicative of mental disorder in children. Mental health problems affect 10–20% of children and adolescents living in low-income and middle-income countries. Evidence suggests that disruptions in the biological rhythm may be a primary cause of emotional and behavioral changes, which affects several psychological functions and moods. Thus, this study aimed at verifying the association between biological rhythm and emotional and behavioral problems in schoolchildren living in Southern Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study with a school-based sample conducted between August 2015 and November 2016. The presence of emotional and behavioral problems in children was verified by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), parents’ version. This is a 25-item assessment questionnaire used to screen mental health problems in children and adolescents (from 4 to 17 years of age) in the last 6 months. The Biological Rhythm Interview of Assessment in Neuropsychiatry-Kids (BRIAN-K) was used to measure the degree of biological rhythm disruption. The BRIAN-K consists of 20 items; from among these, 17 items are added to generate a quantitative measure, with greater scores indicating more biological rhythm disruption. The final score can also be divided into four subscales: sleep, social rhythm, eating pattern and overall activities. A total of 609 children responded to the assessment instruments. With regard to parents or primary caregiver, 596 completed the assessment and 13 (2%) were not located or refused to participate in the study. Thus, 596 dyads were included in the analysis. Children with emotional and behavioral problems presented higher scores in all domains of BRIAN-K: sleep, social, activity, eating pattern and total score (p < 0.001). The following variables remained associated with emotional and behavioral problems after adjusted analysis: BRIAN-K total score (p < 0.001) and all subscales sleep (p < 0.001), social (p < 0.001), activity (p < 0.001) and eating pattern (p < 0.001). Children with emotional and behavioral problems presented higher biological rhythm disruption when compared with children without emotional and behavioral problems. Our study emphasizes the importance of biological rhythm and its influence on emotional and behavioral problems in schoolchildren. Early detection of any biological rhythm disruption may enhance further assessment of any eventual emotional and behavioral problem and even a psychopathology.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the underlying mechanisms of early emotional prosody perception, especially examined whether change detection in oddball paradigm was caused by emotional category and physical properties. Using implicit oddball paradigms, the current study manipulated the cues for detecting deviant stimuli from standards in three conditions: the simultaneous changes in emotional category and physical properties (EP condition), change in emotional category alone (E condition), and change in physical properties alone (P condition). ERP results revealed that physical property change increased brain responses to deviant stimuli in the EP than in the E condition at early stage 90–160 ms, suggesting that physical property change of emotional sounds can also be detected at the early stage. At the later stage 160–260 ms, the simultaneous and respective changes in emotional category and physical properties were reliably detected, and the sum of the brain responses to the corresponding changes in E and P conditions was equal to the brain responses to the simultaneous changes in EP condition. Source analysis further revealed that stimuli-driven regions (inferior parietal lobule), temporal and frontal cortices were activated at early stage, while only frontal cortices for higher cognitive processing were activated at later stage. These findings suggest that emotional prosody changes in physical properties and emotion category are perceived as domain-general change information in emotional prosody perception.  相似文献   

1.  If the eyes of young chickens are deprived of clear vision by translucent occluders, they develop considerable amounts of axial myopia within days. At the same time, the day time retinal dopamine levels drop by about 30%. Because the retinal dopamine levels of normally sighted chicks also differ diurnally and are low at night, we expected that the rate of axial eye growth might also differ during this time.
2.  Unexpectedly, eyes grew in length only during the day (about 0.13 mm/day) and even shrank during the night (about -0.04 mm/night, average net growth + 0.09 mm in 24 h).
3.  If the eyes were occluded, they grew both during the day and also at night (average net growth: + 0.16 mm in 24 h). Therefore, development of deprivation myopia was a result of the lack of growth inhibition at night rather than of excessive growth during the day when the actual deprivation occurred.
4.  Suppression of dopaminergic retinal pathways by intravitreal injections of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxy-dopamine (6-OHDA) also suppressed development of deprivation myopia and it restored the growth inhibition at night. With normal visual experience, the drug had no effect on axial eye growth and refractive state.
5.  Diurnal growth rhythms of the eyes disappeared under continuous light.
6.  Our results show that: (a) normal diurnal eye growth rhythms require a normal (12/12 h) light cycle and normal visual experience; with a degraded retinal image during the day, growth rates at night change so that they relate to retinal dopamine levels in the opposite way as with normal visual experience, (b) intact retinal dopaminergic pathways are necessary to mediate the deprivation-induced alterations in diurnal growth rhythms and myopia, (c) deprivation myopia is not simply a result of the lack of visual feedback control of eye growth during deprivation but rather of an active process related to abnormal diurnal dopamine rhythms.

Complex processes resulting from interaction of multiple elements can rarely be understood by analytical scientific approaches alone; additional, mathematical models of system dynamics are required. This insight, which disciplines like physics have embraced for a long time already, is gradually gaining importance in the study of cognitive processes by functional neuroimaging. In this field, causal mechanisms in neural systems are described in terms of effective connectivity. Recently, dynamic causal modelling (DCM) was introduced as a generic method to estimate effective connectivity from neuroimaging data in a Bayesian fashion. One of the key advantages of DCM over previous methods is that it distinguishes between neural state equations and modality-specific forward models that translate neural activity into a measured signal. Another strength is its natural relation to Bayesian model selection (BMS) procedures. In this article, we review the conceptual and mathematical basis of DCM and its implementation for functional magnetic resonance imaging data and event-related potentials. After introducing the application of BMS in the context of DCM, we conclude with an outlook to future extensions of DCM. These extensions are guided by the long-term goal of using dynamic system models for pharmacological and clinical applications, particularly with regard to synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

A total of 1347 weaned lambs from eight genotypes were tested over five consecutive years: Romanov (ROM) and Lacaune (LAC) pure breeds, the two F1 crossbreeds (RL and LR) and the offspring of ewes from these four genotypes sired with Berrichon-du-Cher rams (BCF). The lambs were individually exposed to three challenging tests involving novelty, human contact and social isolation. Ten synthetic variables were used to express social reactivity (i.e., active vs. passive strategy), exploratory activity and reactivity to humans. BCF crossbreds were more active (i.e., high bleats, locomotion and attempts to escape) than purebreds and F1. In contrast, ROM expressed more passive responses (i.e., low bleats and vigilance postures) than LAC and BCF crossbreds. In addition, ROM approached a motionless human less and had longer flight distances to an approaching human than did LAC and BCF crossbreds. When restrained, ROM, and to a lesser extent B×ROM and B×LR, avoided human contact more than did LAC, RL and B×LAC. Most of these differences were explained by direct additive genetic effects while maternal influences or heterosis effects were rarely significant. The highest heritability was for high bleats (h2 = 0.48). Females were more active and avoided human contact more than did males.  相似文献   

Movement execution results in the simultaneous generation of movement-related potentials (MRP) as well as changes in the power of Mu and Beta rhythms. This paper proposes a new self-paced multi-channel BI that combines features extracted from MRPs and from changes in the power of Mu and Beta rhythms. We developed a new algorithm to classify the high-dimensional feature space. It uses a two-stage multiple-classifier system (MCS). First, an MCS classifies each neurological phenomenon separately using the information extracted from specific EEG channels (EEG channels are selected by a genetic algorithm). In the second stage, another MCS combines the outputs of MCSs developed in the first stage. Analysis of the data of four able-bodied subjects shows the superior performance of the proposed algorithm compared with a scheme where the features were all combined in a single feature vector and then classified.  相似文献   


Circadian and circannual rhythms influence not only the environment, but also human physiology. In times of increasing numbers of couples struggling with infertility, and thus increasing demand for successful assisted reproduction, the aim of our study was to evaluate circadian and circannual rhythms and their association with semen quality. A total of 12 245 semen samples from 7068 men, collected at the andrology laboratory of the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, University Hospital Zurich, between 1994 and 2015, were uniformly analysed in terms of sperm concentration, total sperm count, progressive motility and normal morphology. On the basis of these four parameters, we retrospectively examined the circadian and circannual changes of semen quality. The Mann–Whitney U test and multiple linear regression analysis were used for the statistical evaluation. The semen samples collected in the early morning before 7:30 a.m. showed the highest levels in sperm concentration, total sperm count and normal morphology, all with statistical significance. Progressive motility did not show any significant alterations based on circadian rhythm. Furthermore, a significant increase in sperm concentration and total sperm count was found in spring, with significant decreases in the summer. The highest percentage of normal morphology was found in summer. For progressive motility, no significant seasonal variation could be demonstrated. Male semen quality varies with both circadian and circannual rhythms. Collection of semen in the early morning, where semen quality was highest, can be used to improve natural fertility as well as fertility resulting from assisted reproduction.  相似文献   



Current trends in sheep farming practices rely on animals with a greater level of behavioral autonomy than before, a phenotype that actively contributes to the sustainability of animal production. Social reactivity and reactivity to humans are relevant behavioral traits in sheep, known for their strong gregariousness and weak tolerance to handling, which have previously been reported with moderate to high heritabilities. To identify loci underlying such behaviors, we performed a genome study in Romane lambs.


The experiment was carried out on 934 male and female lambs allocated into 9 half-sib families (average of 103 lambs per family) and reared outside. After weaning, all the lambs were individually exposed to 4 standardized behavioral tests combining social isolation, exposure to humans or handling, confinement and novelty (i.e. arena test, corridor test, isolation box test, shearing test). A broad range of behaviors including vocalizations, locomotion, vigilance and flight distance, as well as the cortisol response to handling, were collected. All lambs were genotyped using the Illumina OvineSNP50 BeadChip. QTL detection was performed by linkage, association and joint linkage and association analyses using the QTLmap software. Five main QTL regions were identified on sheep chromosomes (Ovis Aries Region, OAR) 12, 16, 19, 21 and 23 among many other QTLs with small to moderate effects. The QTLs on OAR12, 16 and 21 showed significant associations with social reactivity. The QTLs on OAR19 and 23 were found to be associated with reactivity to humans. No overlapping QTLs were identified for the different traits measured in the behavioral tests, supporting the hypothesis that different genetic factors influence social reactivity and tolerance to humans.


The results of this study using ovine SNP data suggest that in domestic sheep the behavioral responses to social separation and exposure to humans are under polygenic influence. The most relevant QTLs reported in the present study contain interesting candidate genes previously described to be associated with various emotional and social behaviors in mammals.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-778) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Maize endosperm is dependent on source tissues to supply the energy and carbon required for development. This supply varies during the course of each day and also throughout development. The impact of these variations on the metabolism of developing endosperm was examined by determining the energy status of the endosperm throughout the course of a day. The adenylate energy charge decreased as the tissue matured, and exhibited a distinct diurnal pattern, reaching a minimum in the afternoon, when the flux of photosynthate is the highest. The minimum value observed was similar to the adenylate energy charge in tissues under mild stress. As the endosperm matured, the adenylate energy charge decreased steadily. The levels of the polysaccharide precursors ADP‐glucose and UDP‐glucose did not reflect the daily fluctuations in adenylate energy charge, but did exhibit similar long‐term behaviour in the latter half of development, decreasing steadily after 21 d after pollination. Similarities in the metabolic patterns of adenylate and uridylate nucleotide levels are discussed in terms of the analogous roles of these compounds in starch and cellulose biosynthesis, respectively. These data provide insight into the metabolic rhythms occurring during endosperm development, and provide a framework for efforts directed toward metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

This research dealt with rhythmometric methods for estimating and comparing the main temporal parameters characterizing the circadian structure of behavioral events in mice with and without lithium treatment. Such comparative chronobiologic studies would tend to demonstrate in psychophysiology that this drug does not displace the circadian patterns of basic emotionality, but does displace some behavioral circadian rhythms associated with more corticalized integrations. The present behavioral observations would tend to support the hypothesis that lithium salts modify the circadian structure of emotionality by cortical modulation rather than only by physiological subcortical integrations. Such circadian studies show also that behavioral chronobiology raises some working hypotheses in comparative ethology and permits the development of new heuristic concepts in the field of biological psychiatry.  相似文献   

Meng AH  Ling YL  Wang DH  Gu ZY  Li SJ  Zhu TN 《生理学报》2000,52(6):502-506
为探讨八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)缓解内毒素休克时肺动脉高压的作用机制,应用离体血管环张力测定技术及扫描电镜方法,观察了CCK-8对肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)引起的肺动脉反应性及肺动脉内皮细胞超微结构变化的影响。结果显示:离体脑动脉经TNF-α(4000U/ml)孵育2h对苯肾上腺素(PE)的收缩反应、对乙酰胆碱(ACh)及硝普钠(SNP)的内皮依赖性及非内皮依赖性舒张反应均无明显影响。TNF-  相似文献   

Adolescence is often described as a period of heightened reactivity to emotions paired with reduced regulatory capacities, a combination suggested to contribute to risk-taking and susceptibility to peer influence during puberty. However, no longitudinal research has definitively linked these behavioral changes to underlying neural development. Here, 38 neurotypical participants underwent two fMRI sessions across the transition from late childhood (10 years) to early adolescence (13 years). Responses to affective facial displays exhibited a combination of general and emotion-specific changes in ventral striatum (VS), ventromedial PFC, amygdala, and temporal pole. Furthermore, VS activity increases correlated with decreases in susceptibility to peer influence and risky behavior. VS and amygdala responses were also significantly more negatively coupled in early adolescence than in late childhood while processing sad and happy versus neutral faces. Together, these results suggest that VS responses to viewing emotions may play a regulatory role that is critical to adolescent interpersonal functioning.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular reactivity (heart rate, systolic, and diastolic BP) to mental arithmetic and cold pressor were measured before and after treatment as part of the cross-cultural (USSR and USA) evaluation of thermal biofeedback and autogenic training (in comparison with self-relaxation) as treatments for mild hypertension in unmedicated males. There were no statistically reliable decreases in cardiovascular reactivity from before to after treatment. However, downward shifts in basal levels of systolic and diastolic BP at post-treatment led treated patients to have lower stress-induced levels of BP.The American portion of this research was supported by a grant from the NHLBI, HL-31189. We express appreciation to officials at the USSR Cardiology Research Center, Academician Igor Shkhvatsabaya, and Professor Vadim Zaitsev for their support, as well as to Dr. Steve Weiss, of NHLBI, for his instigation of this research.  相似文献   

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