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The cytology and synaptic organization of the insular trigeminal—cuneatus lateralis (iV-Cul) nucleus was examined in the rat. In addition, the ultrastructural morphology and synaptic connectivity of anterogradely labeled spinal afferent axons terminating in iV-Cul were examined following injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the cervical spinal cord. The uniformity of the ultrastructural features of iV-Cul neurons supports the presence of a homogeneous neuronal population. The most prominent feature of the iV-Cul neuropil is the presence of numerous interdigitating astrocytic processes, which extensively isolate neuronal somata and processes. iV-Cul contains a heterogeneous population of axonal endings that can be separated into three categories, depending upon whether they contain predominantly spherical-shaped agranular synaptic vesicles (R endings), predominantly pleomorphic-shaped agranular synaptic vesicles (P endings), or a heterogeneous population of dense-core vesicles (DC endings). The R endings represent the majority of axonal endings in iV-Cul and establish asymmetrical axodendritic and axospinous synaptic contacts, primarily along the distal portions of the dendritic tree. P endings establish symmetrical axosomatic, axodendritic, and axospinous synaptic contacts and exhibit a more generalized distribution along the somadendritic tree. DC terminals establish asymmetrical axodendritic synaptic contacts with distal dendritic processes and are the least frequently observed endings in the iV-Cul neuropil. Numerous synaptic glomeruli, exhibiting a single large central R bouton that establishes multiple axodendritic or axospinous synapses, characterize the iV-Cul neuropil. Axoaxonic synapses are conspicuously absent from the iV-Cul neuropil and glomeruli. The anterograde HRP labeling of spinal afferent axons that terminate in iV-Cul indicates that the terminals along these fibers are of the R type and that they are engaged predominantly in synaptic glomeruli. The results of this study indicate that the synaptic organization of iV-Cul is distinctly different from that of neighboring somatosensory nuclei, and supports the recent suggestion that this nucleus should be considered a separate precerebellar spinal relay nucleus in the lateral medulla.  相似文献   

We have found that the large intracellular loop of the γ2 GABAA receptor (R) subunit (γ2IL) interacts with RNF34 (an E3 ubiquitin ligase), as shown by yeast two-hybrid and in vitro pulldown assays. In brain extracts, RNF34 co-immunoprecipitates with assembled GABAARs. In co-transfected HEK293 cells, RNF34 reduces the expression of the γ2 GABAAR subunit by increasing the ratio of ubiquitinated/nonubiquitinated γ2. Mutating several lysines of the γ2IL into arginines makes the γ2 subunit resistant to RNF34-induced degradation. RNF34 also reduces the expression of the γ2 subunit when α1 and β3 subunits are co-assembled with γ2. This effect is partially reversed by leupeptin or MG132, indicating that both the lysosomal and proteasomal degradation pathways are involved. Immunofluorescence of cultured hippocampal neurons shows that RNF34 forms clusters and that a subset of these clusters is associated with GABAergic synapses. This association is also observed in the intact rat brain by electron microscopy immunocytochemistry. RNF34 is not expressed until the 2nd postnatal week of rat brain development, being highly expressed in some interneurons. Overexpression of RNF34 in hippocampal neurons decreases the density of γ2 GABAAR clusters and the number of GABAergic contacts that these neurons receive. Knocking down endogenous RNF34 with shRNA leads to increased γ2 GABAAR cluster density and GABAergic innervation. The results indicate that RNF34 regulates postsynaptic γ2-GABAAR clustering and GABAergic synaptic innervation by interacting with and ubiquitinating the γ2-GABAAR subunit promoting GABAAR degradation.  相似文献   

GABA(A) receptors mediate fast inhibitory synaptic transmission. The transmembrane ion channel is lined by a ring of five α helices, M2 segments, one from each subunit. An outer ring of helices comprising the alternating M1, M3, and M4 segments from each subunit surrounds the inner ring and forms the interface with the lipid bilayer. The structural rearrangements that follow agonist binding and culminate in opening of the ion pore remain incompletely characterized. Propofol and other intravenous general anesthetics bind at the βM3-αM1 subunit interface. We sought to determine whether this region undergoes conformational changes during GABA activation. We measured the reaction rate of p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (pCMBS) with cysteines substituted in the GABA(A) receptor α1M1 and β2M3 segments. In the presence of GABA, the pCMBS reaction rate increased significantly in a cluster of residues in the extracellular third of the α1M1 segment facing the β2M3 segment. Mutation of the β2M2 segment 19' position, R269Q, altered the pCMBS reaction rate with several α1M1 Cys, some only in the resting state and others only in the GABA-activated state. Thus, β2R269 is charged in both states. GABA activation induced disulfide bond formation between β2R269C and α1I228C. The experiments demonstrate that α1M1 moves in relationship to β2M2R269 during gating. Thus, channel gating does not involve rigid body movements of the entire transmembrane domain. Channel gating causes changes in the relative position of transmembrane segments both within a single subunit and relative to the neighboring subunits.  相似文献   

The present work was aimed at the influence of ethanol on the complex formation of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) with oleanolic acid (OA) and ursolic acid (UA), two insoluble isomeric triterpenic acids. Phase solubility studies were carried out to evaluate the solubilizing power of HP-β-CD, in association with ethanol, toward OA and UA. A mathematical model was applied to explain and predict the solubility of OA and UA influenced by HP-β-CD and ethanol. The solid complexes were prepared by evaporating the filtrate of samples which was prepared in different complexing media. The solubility of OA is much higher than that of UA in all the tested aqueous solutions. The solubility of OA and UA can be increased over 900 and 200 times, respectively, by forming complex with HP-β-CD. Ethanol (0.5%, v/v) can help the formation of OA-HP-β-CD complex, but is harmful to the formation of UA-HP-β-CD complex. Increasing solubility in water can be achieved by adding ethanol into the complexing media, but the concentration of ethanol should be optimized. The ring E of the chemical compounds has a great influence on the complexing process.  相似文献   

Etomidate is a potent general anesthetic that acts as an allosteric co-agonist at GABAA receptors. Photoreactive etomidate derivatives labeled αMet-236 in transmembrane domain M1, which structural models locate in the β+/α- subunit interface. Other nearby residues may also contribute to etomidate binding and/or transduction through rearrangement of the site. In human α1β2γ2L GABAA receptors, we applied the substituted cysteine accessibility method to α1-M1 domain residues extending from α1Gln-229 to α1Gln-242. We used electrophysiology to characterize each mutant''s sensitivity to GABA and etomidate. We also measured rates of sulfhydryl modification by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (pCMBS) with and without GABA and tested if etomidate blocks modification of pCMBS-accessible cysteines. Cys substitutions in the outer α1-M1 domain impaired GABA activation and variably affected etomidate sensitivity. In seven of eight residues where pCMBS modification was evident, rates of modification were accelerated by GABA co-application, indicating that channel activation increases water and/or pCMBS access. Etomidate reduced the rate of modification for cysteine substitutions at α1Met-236, α1Leu-232 and α1Thr-237. We infer that these residues, predicted to face β2-M3 or M2 domains, contribute to etomidate binding. Thus, etomidate interacts with a short segment of the outer α1-M1 helix within a subdomain that undergoes significant structural rearrangement during channel gating. Our results are consistent with in silico docking calculations in a homology model that orient the long axis of etomidate approximately orthogonal to the transmembrane axis.  相似文献   

Etomidate and propofol are potent general anesthetics that act via GABAA receptor allosteric co-agonist sites located at transmembrane β+/α− inter-subunit interfaces. Early experiments in heteromeric receptors identified βN265 (M2-15′) on β2 and β3 subunits as an important determinant of sensitivity to these drugs. Mechanistic analyses suggest that substitution with serine, the β1 residue at this position, primarily reduces etomidate efficacy, while mutation to methionine eliminates etomidate sensitivity and might prevent drug binding. However, the βN265 residue has not been photolabeled with analogs of either etomidate or propofol. Furthermore, substituted cysteine modification studies find no propofol protection at this locus, while etomidate protection has not been tested. Thus, evidence of contact between βN265 and potent anesthetics is lacking and it remains uncertain how mutations alter drug sensitivity. In the current study, we first applied heterologous α1β2N265Cγ2L receptor expression in Xenopus oocytes, thiol-specific aqueous probe modification, and voltage-clamp electrophysiology to test whether etomidate inhibits probe reactions at the β-265 sidechain. Using up to 300 µM etomidate, we found both an absence of etomidate effects on α1β2N265Cγ2L receptor activity and no inhibition of thiol modification. To gain further insight into anesthetic insensitive βN265M mutants, we applied indirect structure-function strategies, exploiting second mutations in α1β2/3γ2L GABAA receptors. Using α1M236C as a modifiable and anesthetic-protectable site occupancy reporter in β+/α− interfaces, we found that βN265M reduced apparent anesthetic affinity for receptors in both resting and GABA-activated states. βN265M also impaired the transduction of gating effects associated with α1M236W, a mutation that mimics β+/α− anesthetic site occupancy. Our results show that βN265M mutations dramatically reduce the efficacy/transduction of anesthetics bound in β+/α− sites, and also significantly reduce anesthetic affinity for resting state receptors. These findings are consistent with a role for βN265 in anesthetic binding within the β+/α− transmembrane sites.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), gamma-[3H]-aminobutyric acid [( 3H]GABA) high-affinity uptake into synaptosomes, and endogenous GABA content were measured in the rat striatum 2-3 weeks following 6-hydroxydopamine injection in the ipsilateral substantia nigra to destroy the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway and after kainic acid injection into the centromedial-parafascicular complex of the ipsilateral thalamus to lesion the thalamostriatal input. Both lesions resulted in apparent GAD increase concomitant with a decreased [3H]GABA uptake into striatal synaptosomes. GABA content was increased selectively following the dopaminergic lesion. Kinetic analysis of the uptake process for [3H]GABA showed selectively a decreased Vmax following the dopaminergic lesion; in animals with thalamic lesion, however, the change only concerned the Km, which showed a decreased affinity of the transport sites for [3H]GABA. Determination of Km and Vmax for GAD action on its substrate glutamic acid showed an increased affinity of GAD for glutamic acid in the case of the dopaminergic lesion without any change in Vmax, whereas the thalamic lesion resulted in GAD increase concomitant with a selective increase in Vmax. These data suggest that striatal GABA neurons are under the influence of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons which may reduce the GABA turnover, whereas the exact nature of the powerful control also revealed on these neurons following thalamic lesion remains to be determined. Both lesions induced adaptive neurochemical responses of striatal GABA neurons, possibly reflecting in the case of the dopaminergic deprivation an increased GABA turnover.  相似文献   

The GABA transporter GAT-1 belongs to the neurotransmitter:sodium:symporters which are crucial for synaptic transmission. GAT-1 mediates electrogenic transport of GABA together with sodium and chloride. Structure-function studies indicate that the bacterial homologue LeuT, which possess extra- and intracellular thin gates, is an excellent model for this class of neurotransmitter transporters. We recently showed that a conserved aspartate residue of GAT-1, Asp-451, whose LeuT equivalent participates in its thin extracellular gate, is functionally irreplaceable in GAT-1. Only the D451E mutant exhibited residual transport activity but with an elevated apparent sodium affinity as a consequence of an increased proportion of outward-facing transporters. Because during transport the opening and closing of external and internal gates should be tightly coupled, we have addressed the question of whether mutations of the intracellular thin gate residues Arg-44 and Asp-410 can compensate for the effects of their extracellular counterparts. Mutation of Asp-410 to glutamate resulted in impaired transport activity and a reduced apparent affinity for sodium. However, the transport activity of the double mutant D410E/D451E was increased by approximately 10-fold of that of each of the single mutants. Similar compensatory effects were also seen when other combinations of intra- and extracellular thin gate mutants were analyzed. Moreover, the introduction of D410E into the D451E background resulted in lower apparent sodium affinity than that of D451E alone. Our results indicate that a functional interaction of the external and internal gates of GAT-1 is essential for transport.  相似文献   

The solute carrier 6 (SLC6) is a family of ion-dependent transporters that mediate uptake into the cell of osmolytes such as neurotransmitters and amino acids. Four SLC6 members transport GABA, a key neurotransmitter that triggers inhibitory signaling pathways via various receptors (e.g., GABAA). The GABA transporters (GATs) regulate the concentration of GABA available for signaling and are thus targeted by a variety of anticonvulsant and relaxant drugs. Here, we characterize GAT-2, a transporter that plays a role in peripheral GABAergic mechanisms, by constructing comparative structural models based on crystallographic structures of the leucine transporter LeuT. Models of GAT-2 in two different conformations were constructed and experimentally validated, using site-directed mutagenesis. Computational screening of 594,166 compounds including drugs, metabolites, and fragment-like molecules from the ZINC database revealed distinct ligands for the two GAT-2 models. 31 small molecules, including high scoring compounds and molecules chemically related to known and predicted GAT-2 ligands, were experimentally tested in inhibition assays. Twelve ligands were found, six of which were chemically novel (e.g., homotaurine). Our results suggest that GAT-2 is a high selectivity/low affinity transporter that is resistant to inhibition by typical GABAergic inhibitors. Finally, we compared the binding site of GAT-2 with those of other SLC6 members, including the norepinephrine transporter and other GATs, to identify ligand specificity determinants for this family. Our combined approach may be useful for characterizing interactions between small molecules and other membrane proteins, as well as for describing substrate specificities in other protein families.  相似文献   

The GABA transporters (GAT1, GAT2, GAT3, and BGT1) have mostly been discussed in relation to their potential roles in controlling the action of transmitter GABA in the nervous system. We have generated the first mice lacking the GAT2 (slc6a13) gene. Deletion of GAT2 (both mRNA and protein) neither affected growth, fertility, nor life span under nonchallenging rearing conditions. Immunocytochemistry showed that the GAT2 protein was predominantly expressed in the plasma membranes of periportal hepatocytes and in the basolateral membranes of proximal tubules in the renal cortex. This was validated by processing tissue from wild-type and knockout mice in parallel. Deletion of GAT2 reduced liver taurine levels by 50%, without affecting the expression of the taurine transporter TAUT. These results suggest an important role for GAT2 in taurine uptake from portal blood into liver. In support of this notion, GAT2-transfected HEK293 cells transported [3H]taurine. Furthermore, most of the uptake of [3H]GABA by cultured rat hepatocytes was due to GAT2, and this uptake was inhibited by taurine. GAT2 was not detected in brain parenchyma proper, excluding a role in GABA inactivation. It was, however, expressed in the leptomeninges and in a subpopulation of brain blood vessels. Deletion of GAT2 increased brain taurine levels by 20%, suggesting a taurine-exporting role for GAT2 in the brain.  相似文献   

GABA type A receptors (GABAAR), the brain''s major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors, are the targets for many general anesthetics, including volatile anesthetics, etomidate, propofol, and barbiturates. How such structurally diverse agents can act similarly as positive allosteric modulators of GABAARs remains unclear. Previously, photoreactive etomidate analogs identified two equivalent anesthetic-binding sites in the transmembrane domain at the β+ subunit interfaces, which also contain the GABA-binding sites in the extracellular domain. Here, we used R-[3H]5-allyl-1-methyl-5-(m-trifluoromethyl-diazirynylphenyl) barbituric acid (R-mTFD-MPAB), a potent stereospecific barbiturate anesthetic, to photolabel expressed human α1β3γ2 GABAARs. Protein microsequencing revealed that R-[3H]mTFD-MPAB did not photolabel the etomidate sites at the β+ subunit interfaces. Instead, it photolabeled sites at the α+ and γ+ subunit interfaces in the transmembrane domain. On the (+)-side, α1M3 was labeled at Ala-291 and Tyr-294 and γ2M3 at Ser-301, and on the (−)-side, β3M1 was labeled at Met-227. These residues, like those in the etomidate site, are located at subunit interfaces near the synaptic side of the transmembrane domain. The selectivity of R-etomidate for the β+ interface relative to the α++ interfaces was >100-fold, whereas that of R-mTFD-MPAB for its sites was >50-fold. Each ligand could enhance photoincorporation of the other, demonstrating allosteric interactions between the sites. The structural heterogeneity of barbiturate, etomidate, and propofol derivatives is accommodated by varying selectivities for these two classes of sites. We hypothesize that binding at any of these homologous intersubunit sites is sufficient for anesthetic action and that this explains to some degree the puzzling structural heterogeneity of anesthetics.  相似文献   

GABAA receptors are the primary inhibitory ion channels in the mammalian central nervous system. The A322D mutation in the α1 subunit results in its excessive endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation at the expense of plasma membrane trafficking, leading to autosomal dominant juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Presumably, valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 extracts misfolded subunits from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane to the cytosolic proteasome for degradation. Here we showed that inhibiting VCP using Eeyarestatin I reduces the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of the α1(A322D) subunit without an apparent effect on its dynamin-1 dependent endocytosis and that this treatment enhances its trafficking. Furthermore, coapplication of Eeyarestatin I and suberanilohydroxamic acid, a known small molecule that promotes chaperone-assisted folding, yields an additive restoration of surface expression of α1(A322D) subunits in HEK293 cells and neuronal SH-SY5Y cells. Consequently, this combination significantly increases GABA-induced chloride currents in whole-cell patch clamping experiments than either chemical compound alone in HEK293 cells. Our findings suggest that VCP inhibition without stress induction, together with folding enhancement, represents a new strategy to restore proteostasis of misfolding-prone GABAA receptors and, therefore, a potential remedy for idiopathic epilepsy.  相似文献   

We have studied the dependence of the phase and domain characteristics of sphingomyelin (SM)/cholesterol model membranes on sterol content and temperature using deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance. NMR spectra of N-palmitoyl(D31)-D-erythro-sphingosylphosphorylcholine (PSM-d31) were taken for temperatures from 25 to 70°C and cholesterol concentrations of 0–40%. Analogous experiments were performed using 1-palmitoyl,2-palmitoyl(D31)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC-d31)/cholesterol membranes to carefully compare the data obtained using palmitoyl chains that have similar “kinked” conformations. The constructed phase diagrams exhibit both solid-ordered (so) + liquid-ordered (lo) and liquid-disordered (ld) + lo phase-coexistence regions with a clear three-phase line. Macroscopic (micron-sized) coexistence of ld and lo phases was not observed; instead, line-broadening in the ld+lo region was characterized by intermediate exchange of lipids between the two types of domains. The length scales associated with the domains were estimated to be 75–150 nm for PSM-d31/cholesterol and DPPC-d31/cholesterol model membranes.  相似文献   



There has been accumulating evidence that there are associations among γ-glutamyltransferase (γ-GT) elevation and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic diseases, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the most common and potentially functional polymorphisms of antioxidant enzyme genes, i.e. superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2), glutathione S-transferase M1 and glutathione S-transferase T1, on the γ-GT elevation during valproic acid (VPA) therapy.

Methods and Findings

This retrospective study included 237 and 169 VPA-treated Japanese patients with epilepsy for population pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analyses, respectively. A nonlinear mixed-effect model represented the pharmacokinetics of VPA and the relationships between VPA exposure and γ-GT elevation. A one-compartment model of the pharmacokinetic parameters of VPA adequately described the data; while the model for the probability of the γ-GT elevation was fitted using a logistic regression model, in which the logit function of the probability was a linear function of VPA exposure. The SOD2 Val16Ala polymorphism and complication with intellectual disability were found to be significant covariates influencing the intercept of the logit function for the probability of an elevated γ-GT level. The predicted mean percentages of the subjects with γ-GT elevation were about 2- to 3-fold, 3- to 4-fold and 4- to 8-fold greater in patients with the SOD2 Val/Val genotype but without any intellectual disability, those with the SOD2 Val/Ala or Ala/Ala genotype and intellectual disability and those with the SOD2 Val/Val genotype and intellectual disability, respectively, compared to those with the SOD2 Val/Ala or Ala/Ala genotype without intellectual disability.


Our results showed that the SOD2 Val16Ala polymorphism has an impact on the relationship between VPA exposure and γ-GT elevation in patients with epilepsy. These results suggest that determining the SOD2 genotype could be helpful for preventing the VPA-induced γ-GT elevation.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell surface expression of neurotransmitter receptors is crucial for determining synaptic strength and plasticity, but the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. We previously showed that proteasomal degradation of GABAB receptors via the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery determines the number of cell surface GABAB receptors and thereby GABAB receptor-mediated neuronal inhibition. Here, we show that proteasomal degradation of GABAB receptors requires the interaction of the GABAB2 C terminus with the proteasomal AAA-ATPase Rpt6. A mutant of Rpt6 lacking ATPase activity prevented degradation of GABAB receptors but not the removal of Lys48-linked ubiquitin from GABAB2. Blocking ERAD activity diminished the interaction of Rtp6 with GABAB receptors resulting in increased total as well as cell surface expression of GABAB receptors. Modulating neuronal activity affected proteasomal activity and correspondingly the interaction level of Rpt6 with GABAB2. This resulted in altered cell surface expression of the receptors. Thus, neuronal activity-dependent proteasomal degradation of GABAB receptors by the ERAD machinery is a potent mechanism regulating the number of GABAB receptors available for signaling and is expected to contribute to homeostatic neuronal plasticity.  相似文献   

Severe hyperbilirubinemia causes neurological damage both in humans and rodents. The hyperbilirubinemic Gunn rat shows a marked cerebellar hypoplasia. More recently bilirubin ability to arrest the cell cycle progression in vascular smooth muscle, tumour cells, and, more importantly, cultured neurons has been demonstrated. However, the involvement of cell cycle perturbation in the development of cerebellar hypoplasia was never investigated before. We explored the effect of sustained spontaneous hyperbilirubinemia on cell cycle progression and apoptosis in whole cerebella dissected from 9 day old Gunn rat by Real Time PCR, Western blot and FACS analysis. The cerebellum of the hyperbilirubinemic Gunn rats exhibits an increased cell cycle arrest in the late G0/G1 phase (p < 0.001), characterized by a decrease in the protein expression of cyclin D1 (15%, p < 0.05), cyclin A/A1 (20 and 30%, p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively) and cyclin dependent kinases2 (25%, p < 0.001). This was associated with a marked increase in the 18 kDa fragment of cyclin E (67%, p < 0.001) which amplifies the apoptotic pathway. In line with this was the increase of the cleaved form of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (54%, p < 0.01) and active Caspase3 (two fold, p < 0.01). These data indicate that the characteristic cerebellar alteration in this developing brain structure of the hyperbilirubinemic Gunn rat may be partly due to cell cycle perturbation and apoptosis related to the high bilirubin concentration in cerebellar tissue mainly affecting granular cells. These two phenomena might be intimately connected.  相似文献   

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