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Mammalian endogenous circadian rhythms are entrained to the environmental day-night cycle by light exposure. Melatonin is involved in this entrainment by signaling the day-night information to the endogenous circadian pacemaker. Furthermore, melatonin is known to affect the circadian rhythm of body temperature directly. A striking property of the endogenous melatonin signal is its synthesis pattern, characterized by long-term elevated melatonin levels throughout the night. In the present study, the influence of prolonged treatment with the melatonin agonist S20098 during the activity phase of free-running rats was examined. This was achieved by giving S20098 in the food. The free-running body temperature and activity rhythms were studied. The present study shows that enhancement of the melatonin signal, using S20098, affected the free-running rhythm by gradual phase advances of the start of the activity phase, consequently causing an increase in length of the activity phase. A well-known feature of circadian rhythms is its time-dependent sensitivity for light. Light pulse exposure of an animal housed under continuous dark conditions can cause a phase shift of the circadian pacemaker. Therefore, in a second experiment, the influence of melatonin receptor stimulation on the sensitivity of the pacemaker to light was examined by giving the melatonin agonist S20098 in the food during 1 day prior to exposure to a 60-min light pulse of 0, 1.5, 15, or 150 lux given at circadian time (CT) 14. S20098 pretreatment caused a diminished lightpulse- induced phase shift when a light pulse of low light intensity (1.5 lux) was given. S20098 treatment via the food was sufficient to exert chronobiotic activity, and S20098 treatment resulting in prolonged overstimulation of melatonin receptors is able to attenuate the effect of light on the circadian timing system. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 781–799, 2001)  相似文献   

Mammalian endogenous circadian rhythms are entrained to the environmental day-night cycle by light exposure. Melatonin is involved in this entrainment by signaling the day-night information to the endogenous circadian pacemaker. Furthermore, melatonin is known to affect the circadian rhythm of body temperature directly. A striking property of the endogenous melatonin signal is its synthesis pattern, characterized by long-term elevated melatonin levels throughout the night. In the present study, the influence of prolonged treatment with the melatonin agonist S20098 during the activity phase of free-running rats was examined. This was achieved by giving S20098 in the food. The free-running body temperature and activity rhythms were studied. The present study shows that enhancement of the melatonin signal, using S20098, affected the free-running rhythm by gradual phase advances of the start of the activity phase, consequently causing an increase in length of the activity phase. A well-known feature of circadian rhythms is its time-dependent sensitivity for light. Light pulse exposure of an animal housed under continuous dark conditions can cause a phase shift of the circadian pacemaker. Therefore, in a second experiment, the influence of melatonin receptor stimulation on the sensitivity of the pacemaker to light was examined by giving the melatonin agonist S20098 in the food during 1 day prior to exposure to a 60-min light pulse of 0, 1.5, 15, or 150 lux given at circadian time (CT) 14. S20098 pretreatment caused a diminished lightpulse- induced phase shift when a light pulse of low light intensity (1.5 lux) was given. S20098 treatment via the food was sufficient to exert chronobiotic activity, and S20098 treatment resulting in prolonged overstimulation of melatonin receptors is able to attenuate the effect of light on the circadian timing system. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 781-799, 2001)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the circadian rhythm of body temperature and cortisol, as well as self-reported clock times of sleep onset and offset on weekdays and weekends in 19 healthy adult “larks” (morning chronotypes) and “owls” (evening chronotypes), defined by the Horne and Östberg questionnaire. Day-active subjects entered the General Clinical Research Center, where blood was sampled every 2h over 38h for later analysis for cortisol concentration by enzyme immunoassay. Rectal body temperature was measured continuously. Lights were turned off at 22:30 for sleep and turned on at 06:00, when subjects were awakened. The acrophases (peak times) of the cortisol and temperature rhythms occurred 55 minutes (P ≤.05) and 68 minutes (P <.01), respectively, earlier in the morningness group. The amplitude of the cortisol rhythm was lower in the eveningness than in the morningness group (P = n.s.). Subject groups differed on all indices of habitual and preferred timing of sleep and work weekdays and weekends (P =. 05–.001). (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 249–261, 2001)  相似文献   

熊忠  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1997,17(3):234-235

The present experiment investigated the effects of skin pressure by foundation garments (girdle and brassiere) on the circadian rhythms of core temperature and salivary melatonin. Ten healthy females (18–23 years) maintained regular sleep-wake cycles for a week prior to participation in the experiment. The experiments were performed from June to August 1999 using a bioclimatic chamber controlled at 26.5°C ± 0.2°C and 62% ± 3% RH. Ambient light intensity was controlled at 500 lux from 07:30 to 17:30, 100 lux from 17:30 to 19:30, 20 lux from 19:30 to 23:30; there was total darkness from 23:30 to 07:30. The experiment lasted for 58h over three nights. The participants arose at 07:30 on the first full day and retired at 23:30, adhering to a set schedule for 24h, but without wearing foundation garments. For the final 24h of the second full day, the subjects wore foundation garments. Rectal and leg skin temperatures were measured continuously throughout the experiment. Saliva and urine were collected every 4h for the analysis of melatonin and catecholamines, respectively. Skin pressure applied by the foundation garments was in the range 11–17 gf/cm2 at the regions of the abdomen, hip, chest, and back. The main results were as follows: (1) Rectal temperatures were significantly higher throughout the day and night when wearing foundation garments. (2) The nocturnal level of salivary melatonin measured at 03:30 was 115.2 ± 40.4 pg/mL (mean ± SEM, N = 10) without and 51.3 ± 18.4 pg/mL (mean ± SEM, N = 10) with foundation garments. (3) Mean urinary noradrenaline excretion was significantly lower throughout the day and night when wearing foundation garments (p <. 05), but mean urinary adrenaline excretion was not different. The results suggest that skin pressure by clothing could markedly suppress the nocturnal elevation of salivary melatonin, resulting in an increase of rectal temperature. (Chronobiology International, 17(6) 783–793, 2000)  相似文献   

This issue of Chronobiology International is dedicated to the age-related changes in circadian rhythms as they occur in humans. It seems timely to give an overview of the knowledge and hypotheses on these changes now that we enter a century in which the number and percentage of elderly in the population will be unprecedented. Although we should take care not to follow the current tendency to think of old age as a disease—ignoring the fine aspects of being old—there is definitely an age-related increase in the risk of a number of conditions that are at least uncomfortable.

Circadian rhythms have been attributed adaptive values that usually go unnoticed, but can surface painfully clear when derangements occur. Alterations in the regulation of circadian rhythms are thought to contribute to the symptoms of a number of conditions for which the risk is increased in old age (e.g., sleep disturbances, dementia, and depression). A multidisciplinary approach to investigate the mechanisms of age-related changes in circadian regulation eventually may result in treatment strategies that will improve the quality of life of the growing number of elderly.

Although diverse topics are addressed in this issue, the possible mechanisms by which a deranged circadian timing system may be involved in sleep disturbances receives the most attention. This seems appropriate in view of the numerous studies that have addressed this relation in the last decade and also because of the high frequency and strong impact of sleep disturbances in the elderly. This introduction to the special issue first briefly addresses the impact of disturbed sleep in the elderly to show that the development of therapeutic methods other than the currently available pharmacological treatments should be given high priority. I believe that chronobiological insights may play an important role in the development of rational therapeutical methods.(Chronobiology International, 17(3), 233–243, 2000)  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that glucocorticoid stimulation mediates the effect of exercise on circadian clock resetting in hamsters. We injected animals with 1 and 5 mg dexamethasone—a potent glucocorticoid agonist—at zeitgeber time (ZT) 4 and ZT6, circadian phases at which vigorous exercise induces maximal phase advances of about 3h. Neither dose of dexamethasone induced phase shifts that were significantly larger than those induced by injections of saline vehicle at either of the phases tested. Some animals, however, showed quite large and consistent phase shifts to repeated injections whether with saline or dexamethasone, such that there was a statistically significant correlation between individuals' responses to the two treatments. The data indicate no role for increased glucocorticoid activity in mediating the effects of exercise on circadian phase shifting, but suggest a modest role for nonspecific stimulation, independent of exercise, in inducing phase shifts at ZT4–ZT6. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 203–213, 2001)  相似文献   

本文系统地分析了锯缘青蟹scylla serrata视网膜电图特性(敏感度、光谱敏感性和波形)的昼夜节律性变化。这种节律性可能主要是由于视网膜屏蔽色素位置的昼夜变化所致,但也可能存在另一种机制。  相似文献   

高寒地区根田鼠的体温调节与蒸发失水   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
对栖息于青藏高原地区的草食性小型哺乳动物根田鼠的代谢率、热传导、体温和蒸发失水等生理生态特征随环境温度的变化进行了测定,结果表明:根田鼠代谢水平较高,热传导率也较高,但体温相对较低;蒸发失水在体温调节中占十分重要的地位;这些特点对于栖居于日温差较大,年温差相对较小的环境中具重要的适应意义,说明动物在长期适应进化过程中,面临的主要选择压力是寒冷。结合同域分布的其它物种的生理生态特征,提出了高寒地区草食性小型兽拥有较高的代谢水平,较高的热传导率和相对较低的体温的观点。  相似文献   

大鼠交叉上核中SS和VIPmRNA昼夜节律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨靖  井上慎一 《动物学报》1995,41(3):322-326
用Northernblot杂交方法分析LD循环条件下大鼠SCN和CX的SSmRNA和VIPmRNA丰度的昼夜变化,结果表明这两种mRNA昼夜间的相对含量在CX中基本不变,而在SCN中则呈现规律性变化的模式,与双侧眼球摘除后大鼠SCNmRNA丰度昼夜变化的实验结果相比较,SSmRNA丰度变化不受外界光的影响,具有内源性的昼夜节律,而VIPmRNA丰度的昼夜变化则受外界光的影响。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1151-1169
The aim of this study was to test if the pattern of human mood variation across the day is consistent with the hypothesis that self-reports of positive affect (PA) have a circadian component, and self-reports of negative affect (NA) do not. Data were collected under two protocols: normal ambulatory conditions of activity and rest and during a 27h constant routine (CR) procedure. Mood data were collected every 3 h during the wake span of the ambulatory protocol and hourly during the 27h CR. In both protocols, rectal temperature data were continuously recorded. In the ambulatory protocol, activity data were also collected to enable estimation of the unmasked (purified) temperature rhythm. Participants were 14 healthy females aged 18–25 yr in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Under both protocols, PA exhibited significant 24h temporal variation [CR: F(23,161)=2.12, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(5,55)=2.44, p<0.05] with a significant sinusoidal component [CR: F(2,21)=7.51, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(2,3)=20.49, p<.05] of the same form as the circadian temperature rhythm. In contrast, NA exhibited an increasing linear trend over time under the ambulatory protocol [F(1,11)=5.74, p<0.05] but nonsignificant temporal variation under the CR protocol. The findings support the hypothesis of a circadian component in PA variation.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of sports performance usually peaks in the late afternoon, coinciding with increased body temperature. This circadian pattern of performance may be explained by the effect of increased core temperature on peripheral mechanisms, as neural drive does not appear to exhibit nycthemeral variation. This typical diurnal regularity has been reported in a variety of physical activities spanning the energy systems, from Adenosine triphosphate-phosphocreatine (ATP-PC) to anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, and is evident across all muscle contractions (eccentric, isometric, concentric) in a large number of muscle groups. Increased nerve conduction velocity, joint suppleness, increased muscular blood flow, improvements of glycogenolysis and glycolysis, increased environmental temperature, and preferential meteorological conditions may all contribute to diurnal variation in physical performance. However, the diurnal variation in strength performance can be blunted by a repeated-morning resistance training protocol. Optimal adaptations to resistance training (muscle hypertrophy and strength increases) also seem to occur in the late afternoon, which is interesting, since cortisol and, particularly, testosterone (T) concentrations are higher in the morning. T has repeatedly been linked with resistance training adaptation, and higher concentrations appear preferential. This has been determined by suppression of endogenous production and exogenous supplementation. However, the cortisol (C)/T ratio may indicate the catabolic/anabolic environment of an organism due to their roles in protein degradation and protein synthesis, respectively. The morning elevated T level (seen as beneficial to achieve muscle hypertrophy) may be counteracted by the morning elevated C level and, therefore, protein degradation. Although T levels are higher in the morning, an increased resistance exercise–induced T response has been found in the late afternoon, suggesting greater responsiveness of the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis then. Individual responsiveness has also been observed, with some participants experiencing greater hypertrophy and strength increases in response to strength protocols, whereas others respond preferentially to power, hypertrophy, or strength endurance protocols dependent on which protocol elicited the greatest T response. It appears that physical performance is dependent on a number of endogenous time-dependent factors, which may be masked or confounded by exogenous circadian factors. Strength performance without time-of-day–specific training seems to elicit the typical diurnal pattern, as does resistance training adaptations. The implications for this are (a) athletes are advised to coincide training times with performance times, and (b) individuals may experience greater hypertrophy and strength gains when resistance training protocols are designed dependent on individual T response. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Mammals and birds have evolved the ability to maintain a high and constant body temperature Tb over a wide range of ambient temperatures Ta using endogenous heat production. In many, especially small endotherms, cost for thermoregulatory heat production can exceed available energy; to overcome these energetic bottlenecks, they enter a state of torpor (a regulated reduction of Tb and metabolic rate). Since the occurrence of torpor in many species is a seasonal event and occurs at certain times of the day, we review whether circadian and circannual rhythms, important in the timing of biological events in active animals, also play an important role during torpor when Tb is reduced substantially and may even fall below 0°C. The two distinct patterns of torpor, hibernation (prolonged torpor) and daily torpor, differ substantially in their interaction with the circadian system. Daily torpor appears to be integrated into the normal circadian rhythm of activity and rest, although torpor is not restricted only to the normal rest phase of an animal. In contrast, hibernation can last for several days or even weeks, although torpor never spans the entire hibernation season, but is interrupted by periodic arousals and brief normothermic periods. Clearly, a day is no longer divided in activity and rest, and at first glance the role of the circadian system appears negligible. However, in several hibernators, arousals not only follow a regular pattern consistent with a circadian rhythm, but also are entrainable by external stimuli such as photoperiod and Ta. The extent of the interaction between the circadian and circannual system and hibernation varies among species. Biological rhythms of hibernators for which food availability appears to be predictable seasonally and that hibernate in deep and sealed burrows show little sensitivity to external stimuli during hibernation and hence little entrainability of arousal events. In contrast, opportunistic hibernators, which some times use arousals for foraging and hibernate in open and accessible hibernacula, are susceptible to external zeitgebers. In opportunistic hibernators, the circadian system plays a major role in maintaining synchrony between the normal day-night cycle and occasional foraging. Although the daily routine of activity and rest is abandoned during hibernation, the circadian system appears to remain functional, and there is little evidence it is significantly affected by low Tb. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 103–128, 2000)  相似文献   

实验在-20℃的低温下进行。结果表明。(1)单笼饲养鼠平均存活期为145.9±30.8h。其中幼鼠耐低温力最差。然后依次为老体组、亚成体组、成体组。除幼体外,雌鼠的抗寒能力稍高于雄体。(2)饲喂冷蒿组比饲喂其它6种牧草在低温下布氏田鼠的存活期显著延长.(3)聚集可明显增强对低温的耐受程度。(4)窝草可使巢内温度保持在5~8℃,窝巢内层的温度可达15~22℃。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1369-1388
Australian sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa) exhibit marked locomotor activity rhythms in the field and laboratory. Light-dark (LD) and temperature cycles (TCs) are considered important for the entrainment of circadian locomotor activity rhythms and for mediating seasonal adjustments in aspects of these rhythms, such as phase, amplitude, and activity pattern. The relative importance of 24 h LD and TCs in entraining the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in T. rugosa was examined in three experiments. In the first experiment, lizards were held under LD 12:12 and subjected to either a TC of 33:15?°?C in phase with the LD cycle or a reversed TC positioned in antiphase to the LD cycle. Following LD 12:12, lizards were maintained under the same TCs but were subjected to DD. Activity was restricted to the thermophase in LD, irrespective of the lighting regime and during the period of DD that followed, suggesting entrainment by the TC. The amplitude of the TC was lowered by 8?°?C to reduce the intensity and possible masking effect of the TC zeitgeber in subsequent experiments. In the second experiment, lizards were held under LD 12.5:11.5 and subjected to one of three treatments: constant 30?°?C, normal TC (30:20?°?C) in phase with the LD cycle, or reversed TC. Following LD, all lizards were subjected to DD and constant 30?°?C. Post-entrainment free-run records revealed that LD cycles and TCs could both entrain the locomotor rhythms of T. rugosa. In LD, mean activity duration (α) of lizards in the normal TC group was considerably less than that in the constant 30?°?C group. Mean α also increased between LD and DD in lizards in the normal TC group. Although there was large variation in the phasing of the rhythm in relation to the LD cycle in reversed TC lizards, TCs presented in phase with the LD cycle most accurately synchronized the rhythm to the photocycle. In the third experiment, lizards were held in DD at constant 30?°?C before being subjected to a further period of DD and one of four treatments: normal TC (06:00 to 18:00 h thermophase), delayed TC (12:00 to 00:00 h thermophase), advanced TC (00:00 to 12:00 h thermophase), or control (no TC, constant 30?°?C). While control lizards continued to free-run in DD at constant temperature, the locomotor activity rhythms of lizards subjected to TCs rapidly entrained to TCs, whether or not the TC was phase advanced or delayed by 6 h. There was no difference in the phase relationships of lizard activity rhythms to the onset of the thermophase among the normal, delayed, and advanced TC groups, suggesting equally strong entrainment to the TC in each group. The results of this experiment excluded the possibility that masking effects were responsible for the locomotor activity responses of lizards to TCs. The three experiments demonstrated that TCs are important for entraining circadian locomotor activity rhythms of T. rugosa, even when photic cues are conflicting or absent, and that an interaction between LD cycles and TCs most accurately synchronizes this rhythm. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9-10):1930-1942
The authors studied longitudinally four healthy young adults to explore if habitual evening intake of a “moderate” amount of wine alters parameters, including period (τ) of circadian rhythms. Subjects, synchronized by diurnal activity from 07.30?h?±?60?min to 23.00?h?±?90?min and nocturnal rest, were studied during a continuous 22-day span: 11 days without alcohol (control) and 11 days with a glass (200?mL) of wine nightly at supper (alcohol). The amount of alcohol ingested with dinner ranged from 0.28 to 0.42?g/kg/24?h/participant and the estimated evening blood alcohol level ranged from 0.02 to 0.10?g/L/participant. Single reaction time (SRT; yellow light signal), three-choice reaction time (CRT) (red, green, and yellow signals) of both hands, related cumulated errors (c-errors), as well as oral temperature (OT) and grip strength (GS) were measured four to seven times/24?h. Time series were analyzed individually to quantify 24-h means (M), circadian τ (power spectra), and cosinor, and correlation, χ2, and t tests were performed. The sleep-wake τ (actography) was 24?h in every subject for both conditions. With alcohol, all subjects showed an OT circadian τ shorter than the control one. The SRT circadian M was longer (poorer performance) with wine versus control in three subjects, while CRT was longer with wine versus control in only one subject. Correlation analyses also showed the detrimental effect of alcohol on the same variables. Number of days with <2 c-errors was predominant in control and decreased with alcohol, especially for SRT. The desynchronization of the 10 different documented rhythms was greater with alcohol with reference to control in two of the four studied subjects. This work shows that habitual "moderate" wine drinking at supper reduces the performance of subjects, increases the level of c-errors/24?h, especially for SRT, suggesting a “moderate” amount of alcohol has the potential to increase accident risk, and it can also desynchronize circadian time organization. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

To provide necessary background for study of stress response in redbacked voles (Clethrionomys gapperi), the circadian and ultradian rhythm in corticosterone release was characterized. Animals were maintained under a 16h light, 8h dark cycle. A total of 55 males and 46 females provided 101 independent blood samples over a 6-month span. Samples were obtained at 1h to 2h intervals during the light and at 2h intervals during the dark. Using edited data (5 values beyond the upper 95% limit were removed), a significant time effect was found by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for both sexes at P <. 001. The composite single cosine best describing the circadian waveform for each sex consisted of three components (24h, 12h, and 6h), each significant at P <. 05 (overall model P <. 001). The 24h mean (mesor) was about 60% higher in females than males (646 ng/mL vs. 412 ng/mL, P =. 01), with amplitudes of 429 and 298 ng/mL being proportional (66% vs. 72%) to the respective mesor. The predictable range of change within a 24h span (determined by the double amplitude of a 24h + 12h + 6h cosine model) was large: It was more than 1600 ng/mL for females and more than 900 ng/mL for males. Highest values were found during the dark phase, with the 24h acrophase located at 2h into the dark span for both sexes. With the caveat of fewer samples obtained during dark than during light, the actual peak values for females occurred at 2h and for males at 6h into the 8h dark span. These results provide baseline information about the circadian time structure for serum corticosterone in red-backed voles under normal light-dark, lowstress conditions. (Chronobiology International 18(6) 933945, 2001)  相似文献   

布氏田鼠洞群内社群结构变动与序位的研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
本文通过野外标志流放和实验室观察,研究了洞群内布氏田鼠社群结构的变动及其序位作用。该鼠社群结构变动有明显的季节性。繁殖期为变动期, 贮草期为稳定期。变动期在繁殖前期和繁殖盛期形成2个变动高峰。前者主要是成体(包括老体) 雄鼠的迁移, 后者迁移主体是亚成体鼠。贮草期间洞群成员相对稳定, 迁移减少。社群序位表现为2~3 个等级,即优势鼠、次优势鼠和从属鼠。优势鼠以老体雌鼠为多。繁殖期, 50%以上的从属鼠在陌生鼠群中提高了序位, 30%优势鼠可在陌生鼠中保持高序位。非繁殖期, 进入陌生群后鼠间争斗激烈, 获得优势的比例明显降低。  相似文献   

We examined the evolutionary and developmental responses of body size to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster, using replicated lines of flies that had been allowed to evolve for 5 yr at 25°C or at 16.5°C. Development and evolution at the lower temperature both resulted in higher thorax length and wing area. The evolutionary effect of temperature on wing area was entirely a consequence of an increase in cell area. The developmental response was mainly attributable to an increase in cell area, with a small effect on cell number in males. Given its similarity to the evolutionary response, the increase in body size and cell size resulting from development at low temperature may be a case of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. The pattern of plasticity did not evolve in response to temperature for any of the traits. The selective advantage of the evolutionary and developmental responses to temperature is obscure and remains a major challenge for future work.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of the millipede Glyphiulus cavernicolus (Spirostreptida), which occupies the deeper recesses of a cave, was monitored in light-dark (LD) cycles (12h light and 12h darkness), constant darkness (DD), and constant light (LL) conditions. These millipedes live inside the cave and are apparently never exposed to any periodic factors of the environment such as light-dark, temperature, and humidity cycles. The activity of a considerable fraction of these millipedes was found to show circadian rhythm, which entrained to a 12:12 LD cycle with maximum activity during the dark phase of the LD cycle. Under constant darkness (DD), 56.5% of the millipedes (n = 23) showed circadian rhythms, with average free-running period of 25.7h ± 3.3h (mean ± SD, range 22.3h to 35.0h). The remaining 43.5% of the millipedes, however, did not show any clear-cut rhythm. Under DD conditions following an exposure to LD cycles, 66.7% (n = 9) showed faint circadian rhythm, with average free-running period of 24.0h ± 0.8h (mean ± SD, range 22.9h to 25.2h). Under constant light (LL) conditions, only 2 millipedes of 11 showed free-running rhythms, with average period length of 33.3h ± 1.3h. The results suggest that these cave-dwelling millipedes still possess the capacity to measure time and respond to light and dark situations. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 757–765, 2000)  相似文献   

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