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Lehmann F  Gäthje H  Kelm S  Dietz F 《Glycobiology》2004,14(11):959-968
Siglecs are the largest family of sialic acid-recognizing lectins identified so far with 11 members in the human genome. Most of these siglecs are exclusively expressed by cells of the immune system. Comparison of different mammalian species has revealed differential and complex evolutionary paths for this protein family, even within the primate lineage. To understand the evolution of siglecs, in particular the origin of this family, we investigated the occurrence of corresponding genes in bony fish. Interestingly, only unambiguous orthologs of mammalian siglec-4, a cell adhesion molecule expressed exclusively in the nervous system, could be identified in the genomes of fugu and zebrafish, whereas no obvious orthologs of the other mammalian siglecs were found. As in mammals, fish siglec-4 expression is restricted to nervous tissues as demonstrated by northern blot. Expressed as recombinant protein, fish siglec-4 binds to sialic acids with a specificity similar to the mammalian orthologs. Relatively low sequence similarities in the cytoplasmic tail as well as an additional splice variant found in fish siglec-4 suggest alternative signaling pathways compared to mammalian species. Our observations suggest that this siglec occurs at least in the nervous system of all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Endogenously generated circadian rhythms are synchronized with the environment through phase-resetting actions of light. Starlight and dim moonlight are of insufficient intensity to reset the phase of the clock directly, but recent studies have indicated that dim nocturnal illumination may otherwise substantially alter entrainment to bright lighting regimes. In this article, the authors demonstrate that, compared to total darkness, dim illumination at night (< 0.010 lux) alters the entrainment of male Syrian hamsters to bright-light T cycles, gradually increasing in cycle length (T) from 24 h to 30 h. Only 1 of 18 hamsters exposed to complete darkness at night entrained to cycles of T > 26 h. In the presence of dim nocturnal illumination, however, a majority of hamsters entrained to Ts of 28 h or longer. The presence or absence of a running wheel had only minor effects on entrainment to lengthening light cycles. The results further establish the potent effects of scotopic illumination on circadian entrainment and suggest that naturalistic ambient lighting at night may enhance the plasticity of the circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Vitellogenins (Vtgs) are the major yolk proteins in all oviparous animals. Systematic and regulated processing of these during embryogenesis is crucial for embryonic development. In the present study, toxicant-induced disturbance of Vtg degradation processes during Danio rerio (DR) embryogenesis was analysed to establish a sensitive tool for monitoring toxic stress at the molecular level. A 2-DE-based proteomic approach for whole DR embryos was established to study Vtg cleavage products (lipovitellin (Lv) derivatives). Ethanol was chosen as a positive control for a toxicity related change in the proteome of whole zebra fish embryos. Protein extracts from embryos treated with two ethanol concentrations, 0.5 and 2% v/v, showing either no or very strong visible effects, like absent heartbeat and blood circulation, were examined. Significant changes in the Lv pattern were detected for both conditions. The results are interpreted as scope for the use of the high abundant Lv derivatives as sensitive stress indicators in zebra fish embryos reflecting the overall fitness of the intact organisms.  相似文献   

The use of early life stages of fishes (embryos and larvae) in toxicity testing has been in existence for a long time, generally utilizing endpoints such as morphological defects and mortality. Behavioural endpoints, however, may represent a more insightful evaluation of the ecological effects of toxicants. Indeed, recent years have seen a considerable increase in the use of behavioural measurements in early life stages reflecting a substantial rise in zebrafish Danio rerio early life‐stage toxicity testing and the development of automated behavioural monitoring systems. Current behavioural endpoints identified for early life stages in response to toxicant exposure include spontaneous activity, predator avoidance, capture of live food, shoaling ability and interaction with other individuals. Less frequently used endpoints include measurement of anxiogenic behaviours and cognitive ability, both of which are suggested here as future indicators of toxicant disruption. For many simple behavioural endpoints, there is still a need to link behavioural effects with ecological relevance; currently, only a limited number of studies have addressed this issue. Understanding the physiological mechanisms that underlie toxicant effects on behaviour so early in life has received far less attention, perhaps because physiological measurements can be difficult to carry out on individuals of this size. The most commonly established physiological links with behavioural disruption in early life stages are similar to those seen in juveniles and adults including sensory deprivation (olfaction, lateral line and vision), altered neurogenesis and neurotransmitter concentrations. This review highlights the importance of understanding the integrated behavioural and physiological response of early life stages to toxicants and identifies knowledge gaps which present exciting areas for future research.  相似文献   

Adult zebrafish Danio rerio were exposed to an electric shock of 3 V and 1A for 5 s delivered by field backpack electrofishing gear, to induce a taxis followed by a narcosis. The effect of such electric shock was investigated on both the individual performances (swimming capacities and costs of transport) and at cellular and mitochondrial levels (oxygen consumption and oxidative balance). The observed survival rate was very high (96·8%) independent of swimming speed (up to 10 body length s?1). The results showed no effect of the treatment on the metabolism and cost of transport of the fish. Nor did the electroshock trigger any changes on muscular oxidative balance and bioenergetics even if red muscle fibres were more oxidative than white muscle. Phosphorylating respiration rates rose between (mean 1 s.e. ) 11·16 ± 1·36 pmol O2 s?1 mg?1 and 15·63 ± 1·60 pmol O2 s?1 mg?1 for red muscle fibres whereas phosphorylating respiration rates only reached 8·73 ± 1·27 pmol O2 s?1 mg?1 in white muscle. Such an absence of detectable physiological consequences after electro‐induced narcosis both at organismal and cellular scales indicate that this capture method has no apparent negative post‐shock performance under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

Uptake and utilization of nitrate were investigated in Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Mette and Golf in the vegetative stage, 2 and 4 weeks after sowing. The plants were subjected to a light/dark cycle of 16/8 h (18/12°C). Results obtained with the two genotypes were essentially similar. In the light, xylem nitrate transport and shoot nitrate reduction approximately equalled the amount of nitrate absorbed by the root. A drastic decline in translocation to the shoot in darkness was entirely attributable to decreased transpiration since no major changes in xylem nitrate concentration were observed. Darkening caused only a slight decrease in nitrate uptake, while root nitrate reduction was enhanced. Nitrate starvation for 2 days did not significantlly affect dry matter increment, but resulted in a drastic drop in previously accumulated nitrate, indicating that the stored nitrate is accessible and can sustain unrestricted growth. Uptake increased upon re-addition of nitrate and after 8 h it was about twice that of non-starved plants. During recovery, restoration of root nitrate pools and root nitrate reduction took precedence over shoot nitrate accumulation and reduction. Net nitrate uptake and removal of nitrate from the root to the transpiration stream seem to be decisive for the rate of root nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Reticulons (RTNs) are a family of evolutionary conserved proteinswith four RTN paralogs (RTN1, RTN2, RTN3, and RTN4) presentin land vertebrates. While the exact functions of RTN1 to RTN3are unknown, mammalian RTN4-A/Nogo-A was shown to inhibit theregeneration of severed axons in the mammalian central nervoussystem (CNS). This inhibitory function is exerted via two distinctregions, one within the Nogo-A–specific N-terminus andthe other in the conserved reticulon homology domain (RHD).In contrast to mammals, fish are capable of CNS axon regeneration.We performed detailed analyses of the fish rtn gene family todetermine whether this regeneration ability correlates withthe absence of the neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A.A total of 7 rtn genes were identified in zebrafish, 6 in pufferfish,and 30 in eight additional fish species. Phylogenetic and syntenicrelationships indicate that the identified fish rtn genes areorthologs of mammalian RTN1, RTN2, RTN3, and RTN4 and that severalparalogous fish genes (e.g., rtn4 and rtn6) resulted from genomeduplication events early in actinopterygian evolution. Accordingly,sequences homologous to the conserved RTN4/Nogo RHD are presentin two fish genes, rtn4 and rtn6. However, sequences comparableto the first 1,000 amino acids of mammalian Nogo-A includinga major neurite growth inhibitory region are absent in zebrafish.This result is in accordance with functional data showing thataxon growth inhibitory molecules are less prominent in fisholigodendrocytes and CNS myelin compared to mammals.  相似文献   

Both light and temperature can influence the pineal's synthesis of the indoleamine melatonin. An investigation of the effects of light and temperature cycles on the pineal melatonin rhythm (PMR) showed the following: (1) Both daily light cycles and daily temperature cycles could entrain the PMR; melatonin levels peaked during the dark phase of a light-dark cycle or the cool phase of a temperature cycle. (2) The PMR could be entrained by a temperature cycle as low as 2 degrees C in amplitude in lizards held in constant light or constant darkness. (3) The length of the photoperiod or thermoperiod affected the phase, amplitude, or duration of the PMR. (4) When presented together, the effects of light and temperature cycles on the PMR depended on the phase relationship between the light and temperature cycles, as well as on the strength of the entraining stimuli, such as the amplitude of the temperature cycle. (5) Exposure to a constant cold temperature (10 degrees C) eliminated the PMR, yet a rhythm could still be expressed under a 24-hr temperature cycle (32 degrees C/10 degrees C), and the rhythm peaked during the 10 degrees C phase of the cycle. (6) A 6-hr dark pulse presented during the day did not elicit a premature rise in melatonin levels. These studies show how environmental stimuli can control the pineal rhythm of melatonin synthesis and secretion. Previous studies have supported a model in which the lizard's pineal acts as a circadian pacemaker within a multioscillator circadian system, and have implicated melatonin as a hormone by which the pineal may communicate with the rest of the system. The lizard pineal, therefore, may act as a photo- and thermoendocrine transducer translating light and temperature information into an internal cue in the form of the PMR. The PMR, in turn, may control the phase and period of circadian clocks located elsewhere, insuring that the right internal events occur at the right time of day.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(8):1061-1074
Light is the main environmental time cue which synchronizes daily rhythms and the molecular clock of vertebrates. Indeed, alterations in photoperiod have profound physiological effects in fish (e.g. reproduction and early development). In order to identify the changes in clock genes expression in gilthead seabream larvae during ontogeny, three different photoperiods were tested: a regular 12L:12D cycle (LD), a continuous light 24L:0D (LL) and a two-phases photoperiod (LL?+?LD) in which the photoperiod changed from LL to LD on day 15 after hatching (dph). Larvae were sampled on 10, 18, 30 and 60 days post-hatch (dph) during a 24?h cycle. In addition to the expression of clock genes (clock, bmal1, cry1 and per3), food intake was measured. Under LD photoperiod, larvae feed intake and clock genes expression showed a rhythmic pattern with a strong light synchronization, with the acrophases occurring at the same hour in all tested ages. Under LL photoperiod, the larvae also showed a rhythmic pattern but the acrophases occurred at different times depending on the age, although at the end of the experiment (60 dph) clock genes expression and feed intake rhythms were similar to those larvae exposed to LD photoperiod. Moreover, the expression levels of bmal1 and cry1 were much lower than in LD photoperiod. Under the LL?+?LD photoperiod, the 10 dph larvae showed the same patterns as LL treatment while 18 and 30 dph larvae showed the same patterns as LD treatment. These results revealed the presence of internal factors driving rhythmic physiological responses during larvae development under constant environmental conditions. The LL?+?LD treatment demonstrates the plasticity of the clock genes expression and the strong effect of light as synchronizer in developing fish larvae.  相似文献   

In rats fed during the night time (from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.) the activities of liver glycogen synthetase I and phosphorylase a varied rhythmically during a 24 hour period. There was an inverse relationship between their levels; the level of synthetase I rose to a maximum at around 6 a.m. and that of phosphorylase a attained the peak value at around 6 p.m. Eye enucleation of rats did not affect significantly the daily rhythms of the enzymes. However, when food was offered only during the day time, the phases of both enzyme rhythms were shifted by about 12 hours. On starvation for 24 hours, the glycogen level was reduced almost to nil, but the daily rhythms of the enzymes were retained. It is thus very likely that the daily variations of the enzyme activities are not merely a passive effect of food intake, and that food can be a synchronizer or zeitgeber which sets up the characteristic rhythms of glycogen metabolism in the liver.  相似文献   

The green micro-algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiand Dunaliella tertiolecta were cultivated undermedium-duration square-wave light/dark cycles with acycle time of 15 s. These cycles were used to simulatethe light regime experienced by micro-algae inexternally-illuminated (sunlight) air-lift loopbioreactors with internal draft tube. Biomass yieldin relation to light energy was determined as gprotein per mol of photons (400–700 nm). Between 600and 1200 mol m-2 s-1 the yield at a10/5 s light/dark cycle was equal to the yield atcontinuous illumination. Consequently, provided thatthe liquid circulation time is 15 s, a considerabledark zone seems to be allowed in the interior ofair-lift loop photobioreactors (33% v/v) without lossof light utilization efficiency. However, at a 5/10 slight/dark cycle, corresponding to a 67% v/v darkzone, biomass yield decreased. Furthermore, bothalgae, C. reinhardtii and D. tertiolecta,responded similarly to these cycles with respect tobiomass yield. This was interesting because they werereported to exhibit a different photoacclimationstrategy. Finally, it was demonstrated that D.tertiolecta was much more efficient at low (average)photon flux densities (57–370 mol m-2s-1) than at high PFDs (> 600 mol m-2s-1) and it was shown that D. tertiolectawas cultivated at a sub-optimal temperature (20 °C).  相似文献   

The level of nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) varied in both shoot and root tissue from nitrate-fed Zea mays L. grown under a 16-hour light/8-hour dark regime over a 10-day period postgermination, with peak activity occurring in days 5 to 6. To study the effect of different light regimes on NR and NiR enzyme activity and mRNA levels, 6-day-old plants were grown in the presence of continuous KNO3 (10 millimolar). Both shoot NRA and mRNA varied considerably, peaking 4 to 8 hours into the light period. Upon transferring plants to continuous light, the amplitude of the peaks increased, and the peaks moved closer together. In continuous darkness, no NR mRNA or NR enzyme activity could be detected by 8 hours and 12 hours, respectively. In either a light/dark or continuous light regime, root NRA and mRNA did not vary substantially. However, when plants were placed in continuous darkness, both declined steadily in the roots, although some remained after 48 hours. Although there was no obvious cycling of NiR enzyme activity in shoot tissue, changes in mRNA mimicked those seen for NR mRNA. The expression of NR and NiR genes is affected by the light regime adopted, but light does not have a direct effect on the expression of these genes.  相似文献   

Recently, we established an inhibitory avoidance paradigm in Tupfel Long‐Fin (TL) zebrafish. Here, we compared task performance of TL fish and fish from the AB strain; another widely used strain and shown to differ genetically and behaviourally from TL fish. Whole‐body cortisol and telencephalic gene expression related to stress, anxiety and fear were measured before and 2 h post‐task. Inhibitory avoidance was assessed in a 3‐day paradigm: fish learn to avoid swimming from a white to a black compartment where a 3V‐shock is given: day 1 (first shock), day 2 (second shock) and day 3 (no shock, sampling). Tupfel Long‐Fin fish rapidly learned to avoid the black compartment and showed an increase in avoidance‐related spatial behaviour in the white compartment across days. In contrast, AB fish showed no inhibitory avoidance learning. AB fish had higher basal cortisol levels and expression levels of stress‐axis related genes than TL fish. Tupfel Long‐Fin fish showed post‐task learning‐related changes in cortisol and gene expression levels, but these responses were not seen in AB fish. We conclude that AB fish show higher cortisol levels and no inhibitory avoidance than TL fish. The differential learning responses of these Danio strains may unmask genetically defined risks for stress‐related disorders.  相似文献   

Identification of Nogo-66 receptor (NgR) and homologous genes in fish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Nogo-66 receptor NgR has been implicated in the mediation of inhibitory effects of central nervous system (CNS) myelin on axon growth in the adult mammalian CNS. NgR binds to several myelin-associated ligands (Nogo-66, myelin associated glycoprotein, and oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein), which, among other inhibitory proteins, impair axonal regeneration in the CNS of adult mammals. In contrast to mammals, severed axons readily regenerate in the fish CNS. Nevertheless, fish axons are repelled by mammalian oligodendrocytes in vitro. Therefore, the identification of fish NgR homologs is a crucial step towards understanding NgR functions in vertebrate systems competent of CNS regeneration. Here, we report the discovery of four zebrafish (Danio rerio) and five fugu (Takifugu rubripes) NgR homologs. Synteny between fish and human, comparable intron-exon structures, and phylogenetic analyses provide convincing evidence that the true fish orthologs were identified. The topology of the phylogenetic trees shows that the extra fish genes were produced by duplication events that occurred in ray-finned fishes before the divergence of the zebrafish and pufferfish lineages. Expression of zebrafish NgR homologs was detected relatively early in development and prominently in the adult brain, suggesting functions in axon growth, guidance, or plasticity.  相似文献   

Daily feeding patterns of tank-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr under ambient conditions and their relationship with patterns of aggression were investigated during spring and autumn. A single, early afternoon feeding peak was observed during spring but no consistent pattern emerged from the autumn trial (fish did tend to feed in synchrony, even though the population's feeding pattern varied between days). Aggression was highest at first light during both spring and autumn, reducing thereafter throughout the day. Feeding and aggression were out of phase during spring, with the level of feeding increasing as aggression decreased. It is suggested that the high levels of early morning aggression are associated with re-establishment of the social order that breaks down after a period of darkness; in the spring this may have inhibited feeding.  相似文献   

Metabolic scope and its utilization in relation to feeding and activity were measured in individual and grouped zebrafish (weight range, 430–551 mg) at 24° C by respirometry. Mean maximum metabolic rate, induced by swimming to exhaustion, Rmax(i), was 1223 (s.d. , 157) mg O2, kg?1 h?1 for individuals. Standard metabolic rate, Rs. was 364 mg O2 kg?1 h?1, as estimated by extrapolating to zero activity from measurements of unfed, spontaneously active individuals. Mean routine metabolic rate, Rrout, of individuals was 421 (s.d. , 58) mg O2, kg-1 h-1. The mean voluntary maximum metabolic rate, Rmax(v), following transfer of minimally exercised fish to the respirometer, was 1110 (s.d. , 83) mg O2 kg ?1 h?1 for groups of six fish, and was not significantly different from the value measured for individuals, 1066 (s.d. , 122) mg O2, kg?1 h?1. Grouped fish acclimated to the respirometer more slowly than individual fish and exhibited significantly higher Rrout, apparently a result of greater social interaction and activity in groups. Mean Rrout for groups was 560 (s.d. , 78) mg O2, kg?1 h?1. While groups of zebrafish fed a ration of 5% wet body weight day?1 exhibited consistently higher metabolic rates than fish fed rations of 2.5% wet body weight day?1 the high ration group still used only a maximum of 77% of the metabolic scope. Zebrafish of the size studied do not appear to demonstrate a high degree of conflict in utilization of metabolic scope by different respiratory components. The metabolic rates measured for zebrafish are among the highest yet measured for fish of similar size and at similar temperatures.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether serum concentrations of leptin in ewes vary with a daily rhythm. For this purpose, we examined 24 h serum leptin profiles of ewes exposed to natural photoperiodic conditions and subjected to two different feeding schedules (regular feeding and fasting). The results show for the first time the existence of daily rhythm of plasma leptin in regularly fed ewes, with a minimum during the light phase and a peak during the dark phase. Daily rhythms of serum leptin persisted after 50 h of fasting, although fasting shifted the peak of the rhythm to the beginning of the light phase and significantly reduced daily leptin production. To gain a better understanding of the role of leptin in the temporal organization of physiological events related to pregnancy and lactation, we measured serum leptin profiles throughout 24 h in ewes either during pregnancy or lactation. Daily leptin rhythms were found to persist during pregnancy and lactation, but both physiological conditions altered leptin concentrations. Maternal serum leptin concentration rose between early and mid pregnancy, then decreased in the late pregnancy and during lactation. Daily serum leptin concentration was significantly lower in nonpregnant, nonlactating ewes, compared either to lactating or to early pregnant ewes.  相似文献   

HAUSMAN, D.B., G.J. HAUSMAN, AND R.J. MARTIN. Endocrine regulation of fetal adipose tissue metabolism in the pig: interaction of porcine growth hormone and thyroxine. Obes Res. 1999;7:76–82. Objective : This study tested the hypothesis that combined treatment of thyroxine (T4) and growth hormone (GH) could normalize cellular and metabolic aspects of adipose tissue development of hypophysectomized fetal pigs. Research Methods and Procedures : On day 70 of gestation, pig fetuses were hypophysectomized by microcauterization or remained intact. Hypophysectomized fetuses remained untreated or were treated from day 90 to day 105 of gestation with T4, GH, or a combination of both hormones. Results : Body weights were unaffected by hypophysectomy or hormone treatment. De novo lipogenesis in subcutaneous adipose tissue was increased 10-fold by hypophysectomy, consistent with our previous results. This increase was abolished by GH treatment in the hypophysectomized fetuses. In contrast, T4 treatment of the hypophysectomized fetuses resulted in a 12-fold further increase in adipose tissue lipogenesis, an effect that was negated by concomitant administration of GH. Lipolytic response to isoproterenol was decreased by hypophysectomy, unaffected by GH treatment, and restored to intact values by T4 or by T4+GH treatment in the hypophysectomized fetuses. Discussion : In contrast to T4, GH does not influence serum insulin-like growth factor-I or adipose tissue lipolysis, but decreases lipogenesis in the fetal pig. However, replacing both T4 and GH normalized hypophysectomized fetuses to a greater extent than either GH or T4 alone. Thus, any influence of thyroid hormones on stimulating adipose tissue lipogenesis in the developing fetal pig may be normally counterregulated by pituitary-derived growth hormone.  相似文献   

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