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Sleep inertia is a brief period of inferior task performance and/or disori-entation immediately after sudden awakening from sleep. Normally sleep inertia lasts <5 min and has no serious impact on conducting routine jobs. This preliminary study examined whether there are best and worst times to wake up stemming from circadian effects on sleep inertia. Since the process of falling asleep is strongly influenced by circadian time, the reverse process of awakening could be similarly affected. A group of nine subjects stayed awake for a 64-h continuous work period, except for 20-min sleep periods (naps) every 6 h. Another group of 10 subjects stayed awake for 64 h without any sleep. The differences between these two groups in performance degradation are expected to show sleep inertia on the background of sleep deprivation. Sleep inertia was measured with Baddeley's logical reasoning task, which started within 1 min of awakening and lasted for 5 min. There appeared to be no specific circadian time when sleep inertia is either maximal or minimal. An extreme form of sleep inertia was observed, when the process of waking up during the period of the circadian body temperature trough became so traumatic that it created “sleep (nap) aversion.” The findings lead to the conclusion that there are no advantages realized on sleep inertia by waking up from sleep at specific times of day.  相似文献   

Eight healthy subjects were studied during 39-h spans (from 07:00 on one day until 22:00 the second) in which they remained awake. During one experiment, subjects were exposed to 100 lux of light between 18:00 and 8:00, and during a second experiment, they were exposed to 1000 lux during the same time span. Throughout the daytime period, they were exposed to normal daylight (1500 lux or more). The nighttime 1000-lux light treatment suppressed the melatonin metabolite aMT6s, while the 100 lux treatment did not. On the treatment day, the 1000 lux, in comparison to the 100 lux, light treatment resulted in both an elevated temperature minimum and a delay in its clock-time occurrence overnight. No real circadian phase shift in the temperature, urinary melatonin, or Cortisol rhythms was detected after light treatment. This study confirmed that nocturnal exposure to lower light intensities is capable of modifying circadian variables more than previously estimated. The immediate effects of all-night light treatment are essentially not different from those of evening light. This may be important if bright light is used to improve alertness of night workers. Whether subsequent daytime alertness and sleep recovery are affected by the protocol used in our study remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Under normal sleep-wake conditions, noradrenaline (NA) secretions in supine subjects exhibit a weak circadian variation with a peak that occurs around noon; the sleep span is characterized by reduced NA secretion. Some investigators have reported that the circadian NA rhythm is completely obliterated during sleep deprivation. In our laboratory, plasma NA was assayed every hour for 24 h in nine healthy men 20-23 years of age. All men were deprived of sleep and were required to eat and walk around every hour to prevent sleep. However, subjects remained supine for 20 min before blood samples were collected to eliminate the effect of activity. Persistence of a slight decrease in the night concentration in several subjects, despite sleep deprivation, suggests that NA secretion may be influenced by a biological clock whose activity becomes visible when the influence of posture is removed.  相似文献   

Humans show large differences in the preferred timing of their sleep and activity. This so‐called “chronotype” is largely regulated by the circadian clock. Both genetic variations in clock genes and environmental influences contribute to the distribution of chronotypes in a given population, ranging from extreme early types to extreme late types with the majority falling between these extremes. Social (e.g., school and work) schedules interfere considerably with individual sleep preferences in the majority of the population. Late chronotypes show the largest differences in sleep timing between work and free days leading to a considerable sleep debt on work days, for which they compensate on free days. The discrepancy between work and free days, between social and biological time, can be described as ‘social jetlag.’ Here, we explore how sleep quality and psychological wellbeing are associated with individual chronotype and/or social jetlag. A total of 501 volunteers filled out the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) as well as additional questionnaires on: (i) sleep quality (SF‐A), (ii) current psychological wellbeing (Basler Befindlichkeitsbogen), (iii) retrospective psychological wellbeing over the past week (POMS), and (iv) consumption of stimulants (e.g., caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol). Associations of chronotype, wellbeing, and stimulant consumption are strongest in teenagers and young adults up to age 25 yrs. The most striking correlation exists between chronotype and smoking, which is significantly higher in late chronotypes of all ages (except for those in retirement). We show these correlations are most probably a consequence of social jetlag, i.e., the discrepancies between social and biological timing rather than a simple association to different chronotypes. Our results strongly suggest that work (and school) schedules should be adapted to chronotype whenever possible.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同睡眠剥夺时间对大鼠认知功能的影响以及对下丘脑内单胺类神经递质去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺、五羟吲哚乙酸、五羟色胺的含量的影响。方法:32只健康雄性wistar大鼠随机分为4组,即96 h、120 h、144 h睡眠剥夺,正常对照组。利用睡眠剥夺箱建立大鼠SD模型,避暗穿梭法测试大鼠认知功能,高效液相电化学检测法测定下丘脑内单胺类神经递质含量。结果:大鼠避暗穿梭实验,与对照组比较,96 h、120 h组大鼠潜伏期显著缩短(P0.05);与对照组比较,各组大鼠下丘脑内NA含量均有下降(P0.05);与对照组比较,各组大鼠下丘脑内DA含量均显著下降,(P0.01),96 h、120 h、144 h组间比较,表现出含量逐渐减少的趋势;与对照组比较,各组5-HIAA含量均有上升,且120 h组明显高于其他各组(P0.05),其他组无显著性差异(P0.05);与对照组比较,各组5-HT含量均有升高,120 h、144 h组显著升高(P0.01),96 h组无显著性(P0.05)。结论:睡眠剥夺可以使大鼠中枢NA、DA含量下降,5-HIAA、5-HT含量升高,且随着睡眠剥夺时间的延长,变化更为明显,这可能是睡眠剥夺损害认知功能的原因之一。  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate the effects of humid heat exposure in later sleep segments on sleep stages and body temperature in humans. The subjects were eight healthy males, from whom informed consent had been obtained. The experiments were carried out under three different sets of conditions: a control climate [air temperature (Ta)=26°C, relative humidity (RH)=50%] (C); a humid heat climate (Ta=32°C, RH=80%) (H); and a humid heat exposure in later sleep segments (C for the first 3 h 45 min, followed by a 30-min transition to H, which was then maintained for the last 3 h 45 min) (C–H). Electroencephalogram, EOG, and mental electromyogram, rectal temperature (Tre), and skin temperature (Tsk) were continuously measured. The total amount of wakefulness was significantly increased in H compared to C–H or C. Compared to C, wakefulness in C–H and H was significantly increased during later sleep segments. Tre and mean Tsk were significantly higher in H than in C–H or C. In C–H, Tsk and Tre increased to levels equal to those observed in H after Ta and RH increase. Whole body sweat loss was significantly lower in C–H and C than in H. These results suggest that humid heat exposure in the later sleep segment reduces thermal load as compared to full-night humid heat exposure. In daily life, the use of air conditioning in the initial sleep hours can protect sleep and thermoregulation.  相似文献   

Sleep disturbances in alcohol-dependent (AD) individuals may persist despite abstinence from alcohol and can influence the course of the disorder. Although the mechanisms of sleep disturbances of AD are not well understood and some evidence suggests dysregulation of circadian rhythms, dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) has not previously been assessed in AD versus healthy control (HC) individuals in a sample that varied by sex and race. The authors assessed 52 AD participants (mean?±?SD age: 36.0?±?11.0 yrs of age, 10 women) who were 3–12 wks since their last drink (abstinence: 57.9?±?19.3 d) and 19 age- and sex-matched HCs (34.4?±?10.6 yrs, 5 women). Following a 23:00–06:00?h at-home sleep schedule for at least 5 d and screening/baseline nights in the sleep laboratory, participants underwent a 3-h extension of wakefulness (02:00?h bedtime) during which salivary melatonin samples were collected every 30?min beginning at 19:30?h. The time of DLMO was the primary measure of circadian physiology and was assessed with two commonly used methodologies. There was a slower rate of rise and lower maximal amplitude of the melatonin rhythm in the AD group. DLMO varied by the method used to derive it. Using 3 pg/mL as threshold, no significant differences were found between the AD and HC groups. Using 2 standard deviations above the mean of the first three samples, the DLMO in AD occurred significantly later, 21:02?±?00:41?h, than in HC, 20:44?±?00:21?h (t?=??2.4, p?=?.02). Although melatonin in the AD group appears to have a slower rate of rise, using well-established criteria to assess the salivary DLMO did not reveal differences between AD and HC participants. Only when capturing melatonin when it is already rising was DLMO found to be significantly delayed by a mean 18?min in AD participants. Future circadian analyses on alcoholics should account for these methodological caveats. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The present study examined the associations of sleep patterns with multiple measures of academic achievement of undergraduate university students and tested whether sleep variables emerged as significant predictors of subsequent academic performance when other potential predictors, such as class attendance, time devoted to study, and substance use are considered. A sample of 1654 (55% female) full-time undergraduates 17 to 25 yrs of age responded to a self-response questionnaire on sleep, academics, lifestyle, and well-being that was administered at the middle of the semester. In addition to self-reported measures of academic performance, a final grade for each student was collected at the end of the semester. Univariate analyses found that sleep phase, morningness/eveningness preference, sleep deprivation, sleep quality, and sleep irregularity were significantly associated with at least two academic performance measures. Among 15 potential predictors, stepwise multiple regression analysis identified 5 significant predictors of end-of-semester marks: previous academic achievement, class attendance, sufficient sleep, night outings, and sleep quality (R2?=?0.14 and adjusted R2?=?0.14, F(5, 1234)?=?40.99, p?<?.0001). Associations between academic achievement and the remaining sleep variables as well as the academic, well-being, and lifestyle variables lost significance in stepwise regression. Together with class attendance, night outings, and previous academic achievement, self-reported sleep quality and self-reported frequency of sufficient sleep were among the main predictors of academic performance, adding an independent and significant contribution, regardless of academic variables and lifestyles of the students. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1249-1257
Operational settings involving shiftwork or extended operations require periods of prolonged wakefulness, which in conjunction with sleep loss and circadian factors, can have a negative impact on performance, alertness, and workplace safety. Napping has been shown to improve performance and alertness after periods of prolonged wakefulness and sleep loss. Longer naps may not only result in longer-lasting benefits but also increase the risk of sleep inertia immediately upon waking. The time course of performance after naps of differing durations is thus an important consideration in weighing the benefits and risks of napping in workplace settings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of nap opportunities of 20, 40, or 60 min for maintaining alertness and performance 1.5–6 h post-nap in simulated nightwork (P1) or extended operations (P2). Each protocol included 12 participants in a within-subjects design in a controlled laboratory environment. After a baseline 8 h time-in-bed, healthy young males (P1 mean age 25.1 yr; P2 mean age 23.2 yr) underwent either ≈20 h (P1) or ≈30 h (P2) of sleep deprivation on four separate occasions, followed by nap opportunities of 0, 20, 40, and 60 min. Sleep on the baseline night and during the naps was recorded polysomnographically. During the nap opportunities, sleep onset latency was short and sleep efficiency was high. A greater proportion of slow-wave sleep (SWS) was obtained in nap opportunities of 40 and 60 min compared with 20 min. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurred infrequently. A subjective sleepiness rating (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, KSS), 2-Back Working Memory Task (WMT), and Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) were completed 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, and 6 h post-nap. The slowest 10% of PVT responses were significantly faster after 40 and 60 min naps compared with a 20 min (P1) or no (P2) nap. There were significantly fewer PVT lapses after 40 and 60 min naps compared with no nap (P2), and after 60 min naps compared with 20 min naps (P1). Participants felt significantly less sleepy and made more correct responses and fewer omissions on the WMT after 60 min naps compared with no nap (P2). Subjective sleepiness and WMT performance were not related to the amount of nap-time spent in SWS. However, PVT response speed was significantly slower when time in SWS was <10 min compared with 20–29.9 min. In conclusion, in operationally relevant scenarios, nap opportunities of 40 and 60 min show more prolonged benefits 1.5–6 h post-nap, than a 20 min or no nap opportunity. Benefits were more apparent when the homeostatic pressure for sleep was high and post-nap performance testing occurred across the afternoon (P2). For sustained improvement in cognitive performance, naps of 40–60 min are recommended. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to examine the relationship between class start times, sleep, circadian preference, and academic performance in college-aged adults. Consistent with observations in middle and high school students, college students with later class start times slept longer, experienced less daytime sleepiness, and were less likely to miss class. Chronotype was an important moderator of sleep schedules and daytime functioning; those with morning preference went to bed and woke up earlier and functioned better throughout the day. The benefits of taking later classes did not extend to academic performance, however; grades were somewhat lower in students with predominantly late class schedules. Furthermore, students taking later classes were at greater risk for increased alcohol consumption, and among all the factors affecting academic performance, alcohol misuse exerted the strongest effect. Thus, these results indicate that later class start times in college, while allowing for more sleep, also increase the likelihood of alcohol misuse, ultimately impeding academic success. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mild heat exposure on sleep stages and body temperature in older men. Ten healthy male volunteers with a mean age of 69.2 ± 1.35 years served as subjects. The experiments were carried out under two different sets of conditions: 26 °C 50% relative humidity (RH) and 32 °C 50% RH. The subjects slept from 2200 hours to 0600 hours with a cotton blanket and wearing short-sleeve pajamas and shorts on a bed covered by a sheet. Electroencephalogram, electro-occulogram and mental electromyogram recordings were made through the night. Rectal and skin temperatures were measured continuously. No significant differences were observed in sleep onset latency. In time spent in each sleep stage, wakefulness was significantly increased at 32 °C than at 26 °C. The total amount of wakefulness increased and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) decreased at 32 °C compared to 26 °C. The fall in rectal temperature was significantly suppressed and the mean skin temperature was significantly higher at 32 °C than at 26 °C. These results suggest that, for older men, even mild heat exposure during the nighttime sleep period may increase thermal load, suppress the decrease of rectal temperature, decrease REM, and increase wakefulness and whole-body sweat loss.  相似文献   

目的:探讨褪黑素对蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH)后神经元细胞凋亡、坏死及继发性认知功能障碍的影响。方法:选择80只成年健康雄性SD大鼠,随机分为四组:正常组(n=20)、单纯SAH组(n=20)、SAH+安慰剂治疗组(n=20)和SAH+褪黑素治疗组(n=20),经大鼠自体尾动脉(股动脉)非肝素化动脉血在20 s内注入视交叉池建立蛛网膜下腔出血模型,褪黑素注射剂量为150 mg/kg,1次/12 h,在蛛网膜下腔出血建模后48h处死各组部分大鼠,取血凝块周围的皮层脑组织(额颞底)做标本,通过TUNEL荧光染色及Fluoro-Jade B荧光染色测定神经元凋亡及坏死的情况,各组剩余大鼠在SAH后48小时开始通过Morris水迷宫试验测试其认知功能。结果:SAH组大鼠的活动功能评分、Morris水迷宫试验的逃避潜伏期及总路程、神经元细胞凋亡和坏死的百分比均较正常对照组大鼠显著升高(P0.01),而褪黑素治疗组以上指标均显著低于安慰剂治疗组(P0.05),但SAH组和安慰剂组之间以上指标比较均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:褪黑素可能通过减少神经元细胞的凋亡和坏死改善蛛网膜下腔出血后大鼠的认知功能障碍。  相似文献   

Summary Although pinealectomy or blinding resulted in loss of the clarity of the free-running rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature and reduced the peak level of circulating melatonin rhythms to approximately a half in intact pigeons, neither pinealectomy nor blinding abolished any of these rhythms. However, when pinealectomy and blinding were combined, the rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature disappeared in prolonged constant dim light, and melatonin concentration was reduced to the minimum level of detection. In order to examine the role of melatonin in the pigeon's circadian system, it was administered either daily or continuously to PX + EX-pigeons in LLdim. Daily administration of melatonin restored circadian rhythms of locomotor activity which entrained to melatonin injections, but continuous administration did not induce any remarkable change of locomotor activity. These results suggest that melatonin synthesized in the pineal body and the eye contributes to circulating melatonin and its rhythmicity is important for the control of circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature in the pigeon.Abbreviations LD Light-dark - LLdim constant dim light - LLbright constant bright light - PX pinealectomy - EX blinding - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus  相似文献   

Although studies have reported the effects of the menstrual cycle on melatonin rhythmicity, none has investigated the effects of menopause on the melatonin rhythm. The circadian rhythm in melatonin and its relationship to subjective alertness was investigated in pre‐ and postmenopausal women under constant routine conditions (controlled posture, dim lighting, calorie intake, temperature, and prolonged wakefulness). Eleven healthy pre‐menopausal (42±4 yr) and 10 postmenopausal women (55±2 yr) participated in the study. Salivary melatonin samples and subjective measures of alertness and sleepiness were assessed hourly during the 22 h constant routine protocol. Postmenopausal women had a significantly earlier melatonin acrophase (1.1±0.5 h clock time in decimal h; mean±SEM, p<0.05) compared to the pre‐menopausal women (2.3±0.3 h). There was no significant difference between melatonin onset and amplitude between the pre‐menopausal and postmenopausal women. Self‐rated alertness declined in both study groups as the length of sleep deprivation increased. Melatonin onset preceded the onset of self‐rated sleepiness in both groups. The time interval between melatonin onset and the onset of sleepiness and alertness offset was significantly greater in the postmenopausal women compared to the pre‐menopausal women. In conclusion, under controlled experimental conditions the timing of the melatonin rhythm was advanced in postmenopausal women altering its phase relationship to subjective alertness and sleepiness.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory processes have long been implicated in the initiation of human sleep. In this paper, we review our own studies conducted over the last decade showing a crucial role for melatonin as a mediator between the thermoregulatory and arousal system in humans. Distal heat loss, via increased skin temperature, seems to be intimately coupled with increased sleepiness and sleep induction. Exogenous melatonin administration during the day when melatonin is essentially absent mimics the endogenous thermophysiological processes occurring in the evening and induces sleepiness. Using a cold thermic challenge test, it was shown that melatonin‐induced sleepiness occurs in parallel with reduction in the thermoregulatory set‐point (threshold); thus, melatonin may act as a circadian modulator of the thermoregulatory set‐point. In addition, an orthostatic challenge can partially block the melatonin‐induced effects, suggesting an important role of the sympathetic nervous system as a link between the thermoregulatory and arousal systems. A topographical analysis of finger skin temperature with infrared thermometry revealed that the most distal parts of the fingers, i.e., fingertips, represent the important skin regions for heat loss regulation, most probably via opening the arteriovenous anastomoses, and this is clearly potentiated by melatonin. Taken together, melatonin is involved in the fine‐tuning of vascular tone in selective vascular beds, as circulating melatonin levels rise and fall throughout the night. Besides the role of melatonin as “nature's soporific”, it can also serve as nature's nocturnal vascular modulator.  相似文献   

Cognitive performance at night exhibits a substantial drop, typically before dawn. One of the means of dealing with this phenomenon, as well as with the accompanying sleepiness during sustained wakefulness, is the administration of stimulants. The most widely used and well‐documented stimulants are caffeine, amphetamines, and modafinil. Of these, amphetamines are the least recommended, as they may severely affect behavior. Caffeine and modafinil seem to produce relatively milder side effects and usually only at high doses. Previous comparison studies have revealed equal efficacy of both the stimulants in maintaining alertness and performance during sustained wakefulness. However, these studies used relatively high, and thus not completely safe, doses of these drugs (600 mg caffeine and 400 mg modafinil). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the efficacy of a low and medically safe dose of caffeine (200 mg) and modafinil (200 mg) in maintaining cognitive performance during sustained wakefulness. A flight simulation task was chosen for the assessment of the stimulants in a counter‐balanced, within‐subject design under four different conditions: baseline (no drugs), placebo, caffeine (200 mg), and modafinil (200 mg). The equal effectiveness of both drugs in abolishing the nocturnal drop in cognitive performance, as well as of oral temperature and blood pressure, supported the use of low doses of caffeine and modafinil for the maintenance of alertness in healthy subjects during sustained wakefulness.  相似文献   

Although a nonlinear time-of-day and prior wake interaction on performance has been well documented, two recent studies have aimed to incorporate the influences of sleep restriction into this paradigm. Through the use of sleep-restricted forced desynchrony protocols, both studies reported a time-of-day?×?sleep restriction interaction, as well as a time-of-day?×?prior wake?×?sleep dose three-way interaction. The current study aimed to investigate these interactions on simulated driving performance, a more complex task with ecological validity for the problem of fatigued driving. The driving performance of 41 male participants (mean?±?SD: 22.8 ±2.2 yrs) was assessed on a 10-min simulated driving task with the standard deviation of lateral position (SDLAT) measured. Using a between-group design, participants were subjected to either a control condition of 9.33?h of sleep/18.66?h of wake, a moderate sleep-restriction (SR) condition of 7?h of sleep/21?h of wake, or a severe SR condition of 4.66?h of sleep/23.33?h of wake. In each condition, participants were tested at 2.5-h intervals after waking across 7?×?28-h d of forced desynchrony. Driving sessions occurred at nine doses of prior wake, within six divisions of the circadian cycle based on core body temperature (CBT). Mixed-models analyses of variance (ANOVAs) revealed significant main effects of time-of-day, prior wake, sleep debt, and sleep dose on SDLAT. Additionally, significant two-way interactions of time-of-day?×?prior wake and time-of-day?×?sleep debt, as well as significant three-way interactions of time-of-day?×?prior wake?×?sleep debt and time-of-day?×?sleep debt?×?sleep dose were observed. Although limitations such as the presence of practice effects and large standard errors are noted, the study concludes with three findings. The main effects demonstrate that extending wake, reducing sleep, and driving at poor times of day all significantly impair driving performance at an individual level. In addition to this, combining either extended wake or a sleep debt with the early morning hours greatly decreases driving performance. Finally, operating under the influence of a reduced sleep dose can greatly decrease performance at all times of the day. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The present study aimed to compare two commercially available actigraphs, with a concurrent polysomnographic (PSG) recording. Twelve healthy volunteers (six women; age range 19–28 yrs) simultaneously wore the Basic Mini‐Motionlogger® and Actiwatch® for seven overnight polysomnographic recordings. Comparisons of the following sleep measures were focused on: sleep onset latency (SOL), total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, and sleep efficiency. Both devices underestimated SOL in comparison to PSG, but they had similar performance compared to PSG for the other sleep measures. A limit of the study is that the results can be only generalized to healthy young subjects.  相似文献   

Airflow is an effective way to increase heat loss—an ongoing process during sleep and wakefulness in daily life. However, it is unclear whether airflow stimulates cutaneous sensation and disturbs sleep or reduces the heat load and facilitates sleep. In this study, 17 male subjects wearing short pyjamas slept on a bed with a cotton blanket under two of the following conditions: (1) air temperature (Ta) 26°C, relative humidity (RH) 50%, and air velocity (V) 0.2 m s−1; (2) Ta 32°C, RH 80%, V 1.7 m s−1; (3) Ta 32°C; RH 80%, V 0.2 m s−1 (hereafter referred to as 26/50, 32/80 with airflow, and 32/80 with still air, respectively). Electroencephalograms, electrooculograms, and mental electromyograms were obtained for all subjects. Rectal (Tre) and skin (Ts) temperatures were recorded continuously during the sleep session, and body-mass was measured before and after the sleep session. No significant differences were observed in the duration of sleep stages between subjects under the 26/50 and 32/80 with airflow conditions; however, the total duration of wakefulness decreased significantly in subjects under the 32/80 with airflow condition compared to that in subjects under the 32/80 with still air condition (P < 0.05). Tre, Tsk, Ts, and body-mass loss under the 32/80 with airflow condition were significantly higher compared to those under the 26/50 condition, and significantly lower than those under the 32/80 with still air condition (P < 0.05). An alleviated heat load due to increased airflow was considered to exist between the 32/80 with still air and the 26/50 conditions. Airflow reduces the duration of wakefulness by decreasing Tre, Tsk, Ts, and body-mass loss in a warm humid condition.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of bathing on the quality of sleep in 30 elderly people (ages 65-83 years) and in 30 young people (ages 17-22 years) in their homes. Room temperature did not vary significantly during the nights that data were acquired, ranging from 8 to 12 degrees C. After bathing and at the beginning of sleep, the mean (SE) rectal temperatures of the young and the elderly were 37.8 (0.08) and 37.5 (0.07) degrees C, respectively, and were higher by 0.7 (0.13) and 0.6 (0.07) degrees C, respectively, than when the subjects had not bathed. At the beginning of the sleep after bathing in the young subjects, skin temperature was 32.5 (0.24) and 1.5 (0.34) degrees C higher than when those subjects had not bathed. In the elderly, however, there were no significant differences in skin temperature with and without prior bathing because they used electric blankets during sleep. After bathing, the young people reported "warmth" in their hands and/or legs, while the elderly more often reported "good sleep" or "quickness of falling asleep". During the first 3 h of sleep, body movements were less frequent after bathing for both the young and the elderly subjects. The results suggest that a bath before sleep enhances the quality of sleep, particularly in the elderly.  相似文献   

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