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The present study explores the relationships between functional and dysfunctional impulsivity factors, circadian typology, and sex. A sample of 850 university students (396 men) aged between 18 and 33 yrs of age completed the Dickman's Impulsivity Inventory (DII) and reduced morningness–eveningness questionnaire (rMEQ). Factorial analysis showed a dimensional clustering with satisfactory item saturation for both dimensions of impulsivity, especially in men and evening-type. Men presented higher values than women for functional and dysfunctional impulsivity, while morning-type subjects obtained lower scores in dysfunctional impulsivity than the neither- and evening-types. An interactive effect between circadian typology and sex was obtained for dysfunctional impulsivity. Higher scores in men for dysfunctional impulsivity were found in neither- and evening-types, while no significant differences were obtained between men and women in the morning-type group. The morning-type typology can be considered a protective factor for impulse control disorders, especially in men, but further research is needed on the clinical and neurobiological implications of our results. (Author correspondence: aadan@ub.edu).  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(10):1376-1382
The relationship of circadian typology with personality has been largely studied in adults, but there are few studies exploring such relationship in adolescents. Adolescence has been associated with a greater tendency to eveningness preference, sleeping problems, poorer academic achievement, earlier substance use, or risky behaviors, and it is suggested that this association might be mediated by personality factors. Given the relevance of identifying the behavioral outcomes of young evening types to detect and prevent health problems, the present study aimed to explore, for the first time, the relationship between sensation seeking and circadian typology in an adolescent sample of 688 students (51.45% boys) from 12 to 16 yrs old. They answered the Spanish versions of the Morningness-Eveningness Scale for Children (MESC) and the Junior Sensation Seeking Scale (J-SSS), which includes four subscales measuring Thrill and Adventure Seeking, Experience Seeking, Disinhibition, and Boredom Susceptibility. Analyses showed that boys obtained significantly higher scores than girls on J-SSS total score and all subscales except Boredom Susceptibility, whereas evening-type adolescents of both sexes scored significantly higher than neither types and than morning types on J-SSS total score. These results indicate that evening-type adolescents show a greater desire for varied, new, complex, and intense sensations, and they are ready for experiencing more risks than morning types. The implications of this study suggest the need of being aware of individual differences in the SS trait in evening-type adolescents, as well as taking into account the wide variety of behaviors associated with it, either prosocial or antisocial, to design better preventive health and academic programs. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1235-1248
Recent research on personality and circadian typology indicates that evening-type subjects are more extraverted, impulsive, and novelty-seeking, while morning ones tend to be more introverted, conscientious, agreeable, and emotionally stable. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between circadian typologies on the Zuckerman's Alternative Five Factor Model of personality (AFFM), which has a strong biological basis, controlling for sex and age. A sample of 533 university students (168 men) participated in the study. Results showed that morning-type subjects had significant higher scores than evening-type and neither-type subjects in Activity, and in its subscales General Activity and Work Activity. A significant interaction between circadian typology and sex was found for Neuroticism-Anxiety: morning-type men showed higher scores than evening-type and neither-type, who had the lowest scores. Women presented the opposite pattern: neither-type obtained the highest scores, while morning-type showed the lowest. This is the first time the AFFM has been used in the context of circadian rhythms research. The results suggest that activity is the only trait related to extraversion associated with morningness, while Neuroticism-Anxiety was modulated by sex. These results might help highlight previous results on the association between morningness-eveningness and other models of personality assessment, and they offer new data that calls for further research. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

This issue of Chronobiology International is dedicated to the age-related changes in circadian rhythms as they occur in humans. It seems timely to give an overview of the knowledge and hypotheses on these changes now that we enter a century in which the number and percentage of elderly in the population will be unprecedented. Although we should take care not to follow the current tendency to think of old age as a disease—ignoring the fine aspects of being old—there is definitely an age-related increase in the risk of a number of conditions that are at least uncomfortable.

Circadian rhythms have been attributed adaptive values that usually go unnoticed, but can surface painfully clear when derangements occur. Alterations in the regulation of circadian rhythms are thought to contribute to the symptoms of a number of conditions for which the risk is increased in old age (e.g., sleep disturbances, dementia, and depression). A multidisciplinary approach to investigate the mechanisms of age-related changes in circadian regulation eventually may result in treatment strategies that will improve the quality of life of the growing number of elderly.

Although diverse topics are addressed in this issue, the possible mechanisms by which a deranged circadian timing system may be involved in sleep disturbances receives the most attention. This seems appropriate in view of the numerous studies that have addressed this relation in the last decade and also because of the high frequency and strong impact of sleep disturbances in the elderly. This introduction to the special issue first briefly addresses the impact of disturbed sleep in the elderly to show that the development of therapeutic methods other than the currently available pharmacological treatments should be given high priority. I believe that chronobiological insights may play an important role in the development of rational therapeutical methods.(Chronobiology International, 17(3), 233–243, 2000)  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1151-1169
The aim of this study was to test if the pattern of human mood variation across the day is consistent with the hypothesis that self-reports of positive affect (PA) have a circadian component, and self-reports of negative affect (NA) do not. Data were collected under two protocols: normal ambulatory conditions of activity and rest and during a 27h constant routine (CR) procedure. Mood data were collected every 3 h during the wake span of the ambulatory protocol and hourly during the 27h CR. In both protocols, rectal temperature data were continuously recorded. In the ambulatory protocol, activity data were also collected to enable estimation of the unmasked (purified) temperature rhythm. Participants were 14 healthy females aged 18–25 yr in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Under both protocols, PA exhibited significant 24h temporal variation [CR: F(23,161)=2.12, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(5,55)=2.44, p<0.05] with a significant sinusoidal component [CR: F(2,21)=7.51, p<0.01; ambulatory: F(2,3)=20.49, p<.05] of the same form as the circadian temperature rhythm. In contrast, NA exhibited an increasing linear trend over time under the ambulatory protocol [F(1,11)=5.74, p<0.05] but nonsignificant temporal variation under the CR protocol. The findings support the hypothesis of a circadian component in PA variation.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9-10):1930-1942
The authors studied longitudinally four healthy young adults to explore if habitual evening intake of a “moderate” amount of wine alters parameters, including period (τ) of circadian rhythms. Subjects, synchronized by diurnal activity from 07.30?h?±?60?min to 23.00?h?±?90?min and nocturnal rest, were studied during a continuous 22-day span: 11 days without alcohol (control) and 11 days with a glass (200?mL) of wine nightly at supper (alcohol). The amount of alcohol ingested with dinner ranged from 0.28 to 0.42?g/kg/24?h/participant and the estimated evening blood alcohol level ranged from 0.02 to 0.10?g/L/participant. Single reaction time (SRT; yellow light signal), three-choice reaction time (CRT) (red, green, and yellow signals) of both hands, related cumulated errors (c-errors), as well as oral temperature (OT) and grip strength (GS) were measured four to seven times/24?h. Time series were analyzed individually to quantify 24-h means (M), circadian τ (power spectra), and cosinor, and correlation, χ2, and t tests were performed. The sleep-wake τ (actography) was 24?h in every subject for both conditions. With alcohol, all subjects showed an OT circadian τ shorter than the control one. The SRT circadian M was longer (poorer performance) with wine versus control in three subjects, while CRT was longer with wine versus control in only one subject. Correlation analyses also showed the detrimental effect of alcohol on the same variables. Number of days with <2 c-errors was predominant in control and decreased with alcohol, especially for SRT. The desynchronization of the 10 different documented rhythms was greater with alcohol with reference to control in two of the four studied subjects. This work shows that habitual "moderate" wine drinking at supper reduces the performance of subjects, increases the level of c-errors/24?h, especially for SRT, suggesting a “moderate” amount of alcohol has the potential to increase accident risk, and it can also desynchronize circadian time organization. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1153-1175
The interest in the systematic study of the circadian typology (CT) is relatively recent and has developed rapidly in the two last decades. All the existing data suggest that this individual difference affects our biological and psychological functioning, not only in health, but also in disease. In the present study, we review the current literature concerning the psychometric properties and validity of CT measures as well as individual, environmental and genetic factors that influence the CT. We present a brief overview of the biological markers that are used to define differences between CT groups (sleep–wake cycle, body temperature, cortisol and melatonin), and we assess the implications for CT and adjustment to shiftwork and jet lag. We also review the differences between CT in terms of cognitive abilities, personality traits and the incidence of psychiatric disorders. When necessary, we have emphasized the methodological limitations that exist today and suggested some future avenues of work in order to overcome these. This is a new field of interest to professionals in many different areas (research, labor, academic and clinical), and this review provides a state of the art discussion to allow professionals to integrate chronobiological aspects of human behavior into their daily practice.  相似文献   

阳原石核的动态类型学研究及其工艺思想分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
盖培 《人类学学报》1984,3(3):244-252
本文从动态类型学角度把阳原石核的工艺程序划分为四道工序和两个亚类型,论证了这种石核发生形态变化的机制。在工艺特征上,阳原石核与日本北海道的(山上下)下型细石核相当,从而证明两地在旧石器时代晚期曾有共同的工艺思想。  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the circadian phase characteristics of healthy adolescent and young adult males in a naturalistic summertime condition. A total of 19 adolescents (mean age 15.7 years) and 18 young adults (mean age 24.5 years) with no sleep problems took part in this study. Two-night polysomnographic (PSG) sleep recordings and 24h secretion patterns of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin were monitored in all 37 subjects. Sleep-wake patterns were initially assessed at home using a standard sleep diary. Circadian assessment included the measure of dim light melatonin offset (DLMOff) and the morningness-eveningness (M/E) questionnaire. As expected, compared to young adults, adolescents habitually spent more nocturnal time in bed and spent more time (and percentage) in delta sleep. No difference was found between adolescents and young adults on multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) sleep onset latencies, M/E, melatonin secretion measures (24h total, nighttime, daytime, and night ratio), and DLMOff. For the subjects as a whole, correlational analyses revealed a significant association between the DLMOff and M/E and between both these phase markers and habitual bedtimes, habitual rising times, and melatonin secretion measures (daytime levels and the night ratio). No association was found between phase markers and daytime sleepiness or sleep consolidation parameters such as sleep efficiency or number of microarousals. These results together indicate that adolescents and young adults investigated during summertime showed similar circadian phase characteristics, and that, in these age groups, an evening phase preference is associated with a delayed melatonin secretion pattern and delayed habitual sleep patterns without a decrease in sleep consolidation or vigilance. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 489–501, 2000)  相似文献   

大鼠交叉上核中SS和VIPmRNA昼夜节律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨靖  井上慎一 《动物学报》1995,41(3):322-326
用Northernblot杂交方法分析LD循环条件下大鼠SCN和CX的SSmRNA和VIPmRNA丰度的昼夜变化,结果表明这两种mRNA昼夜间的相对含量在CX中基本不变,而在SCN中则呈现规律性变化的模式,与双侧眼球摘除后大鼠SCNmRNA丰度昼夜变化的实验结果相比较,SSmRNA丰度变化不受外界光的影响,具有内源性的昼夜节律,而VIPmRNA丰度的昼夜变化则受外界光的影响。  相似文献   

In order to study circadian rhythms and decompression sickness (DCS), we determined: 1) the baseline circadian time structure in noncompressed rats of potential response variables to compression/decompression (C/D), and 2) whether rats subjected to C/D display a circadian time-dependent difference in inflammatory response intensity and biological tolerance. Subgroups of male rats, standardized to a 12?h light/12?h dark schedule, were evaluated every 4?h over 24?h after they were either compressed to 683?kPa (group E) or remained at sea level (group C). During 60?min recovery, evaluation included gross DCS symptoms and pulmonary edema in all E rats, and cell counts, nitric oxide, protein, thromboxane B2, and leukotriene E4 levels in survivors. Chi-square, ANOVA, and 24?h cosinor analyses were used to test for time-of-day effects. C/D exposures near the end of dark/activity or during light/resting were generally better tolerated, with lowest signs of DCS symptoms and lowest responses by most of the variables monitored. More deaths were observed in the first half of the dark/activity span. Of the 16 subsets of inflammatory-associated variables, overall increases were observed in 13 and decreases in 2. Significant or borderline significant circadian time effects were found in 14 variables in group C, 12 variables in group E, and 13 variables in response (E%C). Thus, nearly all baseline indices of DCS demonstrated circadian time-dependencies in the sea-level exposed control rats (group C), and nearly all were modified by the circadian time of C/D. Such time-of-day effects of DCS are potentially relevant to the operational concerns of occupations involving decompression exposures and the investigation of prevention and treatment intervention strategies of DCS. (Author correspondence: ).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the circadian rhythm of body temperature and cortisol, as well as self-reported clock times of sleep onset and offset on weekdays and weekends in 19 healthy adult “larks” (morning chronotypes) and “owls” (evening chronotypes), defined by the Horne and Östberg questionnaire. Day-active subjects entered the General Clinical Research Center, where blood was sampled every 2h over 38h for later analysis for cortisol concentration by enzyme immunoassay. Rectal body temperature was measured continuously. Lights were turned off at 22:30 for sleep and turned on at 06:00, when subjects were awakened. The acrophases (peak times) of the cortisol and temperature rhythms occurred 55 minutes (P ≤.05) and 68 minutes (P <.01), respectively, earlier in the morningness group. The amplitude of the cortisol rhythm was lower in the eveningness than in the morningness group (P = n.s.). Subject groups differed on all indices of habitual and preferred timing of sleep and work weekdays and weekends (P =. 05–.001). (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 249–261, 2001)  相似文献   

Mammals and birds have evolved the ability to maintain a high and constant body temperature Tb over a wide range of ambient temperatures Ta using endogenous heat production. In many, especially small endotherms, cost for thermoregulatory heat production can exceed available energy; to overcome these energetic bottlenecks, they enter a state of torpor (a regulated reduction of Tb and metabolic rate). Since the occurrence of torpor in many species is a seasonal event and occurs at certain times of the day, we review whether circadian and circannual rhythms, important in the timing of biological events in active animals, also play an important role during torpor when Tb is reduced substantially and may even fall below 0°C. The two distinct patterns of torpor, hibernation (prolonged torpor) and daily torpor, differ substantially in their interaction with the circadian system. Daily torpor appears to be integrated into the normal circadian rhythm of activity and rest, although torpor is not restricted only to the normal rest phase of an animal. In contrast, hibernation can last for several days or even weeks, although torpor never spans the entire hibernation season, but is interrupted by periodic arousals and brief normothermic periods. Clearly, a day is no longer divided in activity and rest, and at first glance the role of the circadian system appears negligible. However, in several hibernators, arousals not only follow a regular pattern consistent with a circadian rhythm, but also are entrainable by external stimuli such as photoperiod and Ta. The extent of the interaction between the circadian and circannual system and hibernation varies among species. Biological rhythms of hibernators for which food availability appears to be predictable seasonally and that hibernate in deep and sealed burrows show little sensitivity to external stimuli during hibernation and hence little entrainability of arousal events. In contrast, opportunistic hibernators, which some times use arousals for foraging and hibernate in open and accessible hibernacula, are susceptible to external zeitgebers. In opportunistic hibernators, the circadian system plays a major role in maintaining synchrony between the normal day-night cycle and occasional foraging. Although the daily routine of activity and rest is abandoned during hibernation, the circadian system appears to remain functional, and there is little evidence it is significantly affected by low Tb. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 103–128, 2000)  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of sports performance usually peaks in the late afternoon, coinciding with increased body temperature. This circadian pattern of performance may be explained by the effect of increased core temperature on peripheral mechanisms, as neural drive does not appear to exhibit nycthemeral variation. This typical diurnal regularity has been reported in a variety of physical activities spanning the energy systems, from Adenosine triphosphate-phosphocreatine (ATP-PC) to anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, and is evident across all muscle contractions (eccentric, isometric, concentric) in a large number of muscle groups. Increased nerve conduction velocity, joint suppleness, increased muscular blood flow, improvements of glycogenolysis and glycolysis, increased environmental temperature, and preferential meteorological conditions may all contribute to diurnal variation in physical performance. However, the diurnal variation in strength performance can be blunted by a repeated-morning resistance training protocol. Optimal adaptations to resistance training (muscle hypertrophy and strength increases) also seem to occur in the late afternoon, which is interesting, since cortisol and, particularly, testosterone (T) concentrations are higher in the morning. T has repeatedly been linked with resistance training adaptation, and higher concentrations appear preferential. This has been determined by suppression of endogenous production and exogenous supplementation. However, the cortisol (C)/T ratio may indicate the catabolic/anabolic environment of an organism due to their roles in protein degradation and protein synthesis, respectively. The morning elevated T level (seen as beneficial to achieve muscle hypertrophy) may be counteracted by the morning elevated C level and, therefore, protein degradation. Although T levels are higher in the morning, an increased resistance exercise–induced T response has been found in the late afternoon, suggesting greater responsiveness of the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis then. Individual responsiveness has also been observed, with some participants experiencing greater hypertrophy and strength increases in response to strength protocols, whereas others respond preferentially to power, hypertrophy, or strength endurance protocols dependent on which protocol elicited the greatest T response. It appears that physical performance is dependent on a number of endogenous time-dependent factors, which may be masked or confounded by exogenous circadian factors. Strength performance without time-of-day–specific training seems to elicit the typical diurnal pattern, as does resistance training adaptations. The implications for this are (a) athletes are advised to coincide training times with performance times, and (b) individuals may experience greater hypertrophy and strength gains when resistance training protocols are designed dependent on individual T response. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Previous forced desynchrony (FD) studies have shown that neurobehavioral function is affected by circadian phase and duration of prior wakefulness. There is some evidence that neuromuscular function may also be affected by circadian phase and prior wake, but these effects have not been systematically investigated. This study examined the effects of circadian phase and prior wake on two measures of neuromuscular function—postural balance (PB) and maximal grip strength (MGS)—using a 28-h FD protocol. Eleven male participants (mean?±?SD: 22.7?±?2.5 yr) lived in a sound-attenuated, light- and temperature-controlled time-isolation laboratory for 12 days. Following two training days and a baseline day, participants were scheduled to seven 28-h FD days, with the ratio between sleep opportunity and wake spans kept constant (i.e., 9.3?h sleep period and 18.7?h wake period). PB was measured during 1?min of quiet standing on a force platform. MGS of the dominant hand was measured using a dynamometer. These two measures were obtained every 2.5?h during wake. Core body temperature was continuously recorded with rectal thermistors to determine circadian phase. For both measures of neuromuscular function, individual data points were assigned a circadian phase and a level of prior wake. Data were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with two within-subjects factors: circadian phase (six phases) and prior wake (seven levels). For MGS, there was a main effect of circadian phase, but no main effect of prior wake. For PB, there were no main effects of circadian phase or prior wake. There were no interactions between circadian phase and prior wake for MGS or PB. The significant effect of circadian phase on muscle strength is in agreement with previous reports in the literature. In terms of prior wake, both MGS and PB remained relatively stable across wake periods, indicating that neuromuscular function may be more robust than neurobehavioral function when the duration of wakefulness is within a normal range (i.e., 18.7?h). (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the circadian rhythm of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in seven persons with nocturnal asthma for a 24h span when (1) they were symptom free and their disease was stable, (2) their asthma deteriorated and nocturnal symptoms were frequent, and (3) they were treated with theophylline chronotherapy. Subjects recorded their PEF every 4h between 07:00 and 23:00 one day each period. Circadian rhythms in PEF were assessed using the group-mean cosinor method. The circadian rhythm in PEF varied according to asthma severity. Significant circadian rhythms in PEF were detected during the period when asthma was stable and when it was unstable and nocturnal symptoms were frequent. When nocturnal symptoms were present, the bathyphase (trough time) of the PEF rhythm narrowed to around 04:00; during this time of unstable asthma, the amplitude of the PEF pattern increased 3.9-fold compared to the symptom-free period. No significant group circadian rhythm was detected during theophylline chronotherapy. Evening theophylline chronotherapy proved to be prophylactic for persons whose symptoms before treatment had occurred between midnight and early morning. Changes in the characteristics of the circadian rhythm of PEF, particularly amplitude and time of bathyphase, proved useful in determining when to institute theophylline chronotherapy to avert nocturnal asthma symptoms. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 513–519, 2000)  相似文献   

Possible circadian variations in plasma levels of arginine vasotocin (AVT) and mesotocin (MT) were assessed in domestic hens (Gallus domesticus) under a 12h:12h light-dark (LD) schedule. Blood samples were taken at 4h intervals, and neurohypophyseal hormone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Marked circadian changes in both AVT and MT were observed in hens provided free access to water. Minimal and maximal AVT levels occurred at 08:00 and 20:00, respectively. Minimal MT levels occurred at 20:00, whereas maximal MT levels occurred over a broad time period of 04:00 to 12:00. In water-deprived hens, plasma AVT levels were elevated at each time point, and the circadian variations in plasma AVT and MT levels were attenuated. These results demonstrate that rhythmicity in neurohypophyseal function in a lower vertebrate species, like that in mammals, is disrupted by osmotic stress. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 947-956, 2001)  相似文献   

Possible circadian variations in plasma levels of arginine vasotocin (AVT) and mesotocin (MT) were assessed in domestic hens (Gallus domesticus) under a 12h:12h light-dark (LD) schedule. Blood samples were taken at 4h intervals, and neurohypophyseal hormone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Marked circadian changes in both AVT and MT were observed in hens provided free access to water. Minimal and maximal AVT levels occurred at 08:00 and 20:00, respectively. Minimal MT levels occurred at 20:00, whereas maximal MT levels occurred over a broad time period of 04:00 to 12:00. In water-deprived hens, plasma AVT levels were elevated at each time point, and the circadian variations in plasma AVT and MT levels were attenuated. These results demonstrate that rhythmicity in neurohypophyseal function in a lower vertebrate species, like that in mammals, is disrupted by osmotic stress. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 947956, 2001)  相似文献   

鱼类中IRF-1基因的克隆测序目前仅局限于辐鳍鱼类1,2,而在软骨鱼类中未见报道。IRF-1是干扰素调节因子家族的成员之一3。除作为干扰素的转录调节因子外4,还具有其他功能5-10。作为天然免疫重要的调节因子其基因在哺乳类中得到了广泛的克隆和分析。IRF-1与其他家族成员一样,在氨基末端前115个氨基酸都具较高同源性,具有色氨酸重复特征且包围在DNA绑定域周围。    相似文献   

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