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《Chronobiology international》2013,30(8):1127-1138
To date, studies investigating the consequences of shiftwork have predominantly focused on external (local) time. Here, we report the daily variation in cognitive performance in rotating shiftworkers under real-life conditions using the psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) and show that this function depends both on external and internal (biological) time. In addition to this high sensitivity of PVT performance to time-of-day, it has also been extensively applied in sleep deprivation protocols. We, therefore, also investigated the impact of shift-specific sleep duration and time awake on performance. In two separate field studies, 44 young workers (17 females, 27 males; age range 20–36 yrs) performed a PVT test every 2?h during each shift. We assessed chronotype by the MCTQShift (Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shiftworkers). Daily sleep logs over the 4-wk study period allowed for the extraction of shift-specific sleep duration and time awake in a given shift, as well as average sleep duration (“sleep need”). Median reaction times (RTs) significantly varied across shifts, depending on both Local Time and Internal Time. Variability of reaction times around the 24 h mean (≈ ±5%) was best explained by a regression model comprising both factors, Local Time and Internal Time (p < .001). Short (15th percentile; RT15%) and long (85th percentile; RT85%) reaction times were differentially affected by Internal Time and Local Time. During night shifts, only median RT and RT85% were impaired by the duration of time workers had been awake (p?<?.01, consistent with the highest sleep pressure), but not RT15%. Proportion of sleep before a test day (relative to sleep need) significantly affected median RT and RT85% during morning shifts (p?<?.01). RT15% was worst in the beginning of the morning shift, but improved to levels above average with increasing time awake (p < .05), whereas RT85% became worse (p < .05). Hierarchical mixed models confirmed the importance of chronotype and sleep duration on cognitive performance in shiftworkers, whereas the effect of time awake requires further research. Our finding that both Local Time and Internal Time, in conjunction with shift-specific sleep behavior, strongly influence performance extends predictions derived from laboratory studies. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Eleven healthy males were studied twice. On one occasion (control, C), they slept (night 1) and then underwent a battery of tests at 4h intervals from 06: 00 day 1 to 02: 00 day 2; then, after a normal sleep (night 2), they were tested from 10: 00 to 22: 00 on day 2. On the second occasion (sleep deprivation, SD), the subjects remained awake during night 1. Each battery of tests consisted of measurements of tympanic membrane temperature, profile of mood states (POMS), muscle strength, self-chosen work rate (SCWR), perceived exertion, and heart rate (HR) while exercising on a stationary cycle ergometer. Subjects also kept a diary of their activities during the two days and answered a questionnaire about their habitual physical activity. Results showed a significant negative effect of sleep deprivation on most mood states on day 1, but no effect on the other variables. By day 2, mood had tended to recover, though muscle strength tended to be worse in both control and sleep-deprivation experiments. There was also a more general tendency for negative effects to be present at the end of day 1 (02: 00) or at the beginning of day 2 (10: 00). There was limited support for the view that subjects who were habitually more active showed less negative effects after sleep deprivation and responded less adversely to the poor sleep achieved on the university premises (night 2). These results stress the considerable interindividual variation in the responses to sleep loss and, therefore, the difficulty associated with giving general advice to individuals about work or training capability after sleep loss.  相似文献   

Fatigue risk associated with work schedules of hospital doctors is coming under increasing scrutiny, with much of the research and regulatory focus on trainees. However, provision of 24 h services involves both trainees and specialists, who have different but interdependent work patterns. This study examined work patterns, sleep (actigraphy, diaries) and performance (psychomotor vigilance task pre‐ and post‐duty) of 28 anaesthesia trainees and 20 specialists across a two‐week work cycle in two urban public hospitals. Trainees at one hospital worked back‐to‐back 12 h shifts, while the others usually worked 9 h day shifts but periodically worked a 14 h day (08:00–22:00 h) to maintain cover until arrival of the night shift (10 h). On 11% of day shifts and 23% of night shifts, trainees were working with ≥2 h of acute sleep loss. However, average sleep loss was not greater on night shifts, possibly because workload at night in one hospital often permitted some sleep. Post‐night shift performance was worse than post‐day shift performance for the median (t(131)=3.57, p<0.001) and slowest 10% of reaction times (t(134)=2.91, p<0.01). At the end of night shifts, poorer performance was associated with longer shift length, longer time since waking, greater acute sleep loss, and more total work in the past 24 h. Specialists at both hospitals had scheduled clinical duties during the day and were periodically scheduled on call to cover after‐hours services. On 8% of day shifts and 14% of day+call schedules, specialists were working with ≥2 h of acute sleep loss. They averaged 0.6 h less sleep when working day shifts (t(23.5)=2.66, p=0.014) and 0.8 h less sleep when working day shifts+call schedules (t(26.3)=2.65, p=0.013) than on days off. Post‐duty reaction times slowed linearly across consecutive duty days (median reaction time, t(131)=?3.38, p<0.001; slowest 10%, t(160)=?3.33, p<0.01; fastest 10%, t(138)=?2.67, p<0.01). Poorer post‐duty performance was associated with greater acute sleep loss and longer time since waking, but better performance was associated with longer day shifts, consistent with circadian improvement in psychomotor performance across the waking day. This appears to be the first study to document sleep loss among specialist anaesthetists. Consistent with observations from experimental studies, the sleep loss of specialists across 12 consecutive working days was associated with a progressive decline in post‐duty PVT performance. However, this decline occurred with much less sleep restriction (< 1 h per day) than in laboratory studies, suggesting an exacerbating effect of extended wakefulness and/or cumulative fatigue associated with work demands. For both trainees and specialists, robust circadian variation in PVT performance was evident in this complex work setting, despite the potential confounds of variable shift durations and workloads. The relationship between PVT performance of an individual and the safe administration of anaesthesia in the operating theater is unknown. Nevertheless, the findings reinforce that any schedule changes to reduce work‐related fatigue need to consider circadian performance variation and the potential transfer of workload and fatigue risk between trainees and specialists.  相似文献   

Nurses working 12-h shifts complain of fatigue and insufficient/poor-quality sleep. Objectively measured sleep times have not been often reported. This study describes sleep, sleepiness, fatigue, and neurobehavioral performance over three consecutive 12-h (day and night) shifts for hospital registered nurses. Sleep (actigraphy), sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale [KSS]), and vigilance (Performance Vigilance Task [PVT]), were measured serially in 80 registered nurses (RNs). Occupational fatigue (Occupational Fatigue Exhaustion Recovery Scale [OFER]) was assessed at baseline. Sleep was short (mean 5.5?h) between shifts, with little difference between day shift (5.7?h) and night shift (5.4?h). Sleepiness scores were low overall (3 on a 1–9 scale, with higher score indicating greater sleepiness), with 45% of nurses having high level of sleepiness (score ?>?7) on at least one shift. Nurses were progressively sleepier each shift, and night nurses were sleepier toward the end of the shift compared to the beginning. There was extensive caffeine use, presumably to preserve or improve alertness. Fatigue was high in one-third of nurses, with intershift fatigue (not feeling recovered from previous shift at the start of the next shift) being most prominent. There were no statistically significant differences in mean reaction time between day/night shift, consecutive work shift, and time into shift. Lapsing was traitlike, with rare (39% of sample), moderate (53%), and frequent (8%) lapsers. Nurses accrue a considerable sleep debt while working successive 12-h shifts with accompanying fatigue and sleepiness. Certain nurses appear more vulnerable to sleep loss than others, as measured by attention lapses. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The “Bergen Shift Work Sleep Questionnaire” (BSWSQ) was developed to systematically assess discrete sleep problems related to different work shifts (day, evening, night shifts) and rest days. In this study, we assessed the psychometric properties of the BSWSQ using a sample of 760 nurses, all working in a three-shift rotation schedule: day, evening, and night shifts. BSWSQ measures insomnia symptoms using seven questions: >30-min sleep onset latency, >30-min wake after sleep onset, >30-min premature awakenings, nonrestorative sleep, being tired/sleepy at work, during free time on work days, and when not working/on vacation. Symptoms are assessed separately for each work shift and rest days, as “never,” “rarely,” “sometimes,” “often,” “always,” or “not applicable.” We investigated the BSWSQ model fit, reliability (test-retest of a subsample, n?=?234), and convergent and discriminant validity between the BSWSQ and Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Fatigue Questionnaire, and Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale. We also investigated differences in mean scores between the different insomnia symptoms with respect to different work shifts and rest days. BSWSQ demonstrated an adequate model fit using structural equation modeling: root mean square error of approximation?=?.071 (90% confidence interval [CI]?=?.066–.076), comparative fit index?=?.91, and chi-square/degrees of freedom?=?4.41. The BSWSQ demonstrated good reliability (test-retest coefficients p?<?.001). We found good convergent and discriminant validity between BSWSQ and the other scales (all coefficients p?<?.001). There were significant differences between the overall/composite scores of the various work shifts. Night shift showed the highest score compared to day and evening shifts as well as to rest days (all post hoc comparisons p?<?.001). Mean scores of different symptoms also varied significantly within the individual work shifts. We conclude that the BSWSQ meets the necessary psychometric standards, enabling systematic study of discrete insomnia symptoms in different work shifts. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Very little is known about differences in sleep between day and shift workers in representative samples of the population. This study compared a national representative sample (N=3400) of shift (with night shifts) and day workers regarding the different types of sleep disturbances and also the level of sleep symptoms with that of insomnia patients. The results showed very few differences between shift and day workers; only “too little sleep” and “nodding off at work” were marginally higher among shift workers. The results also showed that the complaints of insomnia patients for most sleep disturbances corresponded to the 2nd–16th percentile of the shift workers' levels of complaints. The results suggest, at least with the present questionnaire methodology, that shift work does not appear to be a major source of sleep disturbances and that their complaint levels bear no resemblance to those seen in insomniac patients.  相似文献   

Understanding the function of variation in sleep requires studies in the natural ecological conditions in which sleep evolved. Sleep has an impact on individual performance and hence may integrate the costs and benefits of investing in processes that are sensitive to sleep, such as immunity or coping with stress. Because dark and pale melanic animals differentially regulate energy homeostasis, immunity and stress hormone levels, the amount and/or organization of sleep may covary with melanin‐based colour. We show here that wild, cross‐fostered nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) born from mothers displaying more black spots had shorter non‐REM (rapid eye movement) sleep bouts, a shorter latency until the occurrence of REM sleep after a bout of wakefulness and more wakefulness bouts. In male nestlings, the same sleep traits also correlated with their own level of spotting. Because heavily spotted male nestlings and the offspring of heavily spotted biological mothers switched sleep–wakefulness states more frequently, we propose the hypothesis that they could be also behaviourally more vigilant. Accordingly, nestlings from mothers displaying many black spots looked more often towards the nest entrance where their parents bring food and towards their sibling against whom they compete. Owlets from heavily spotted mothers might invest more in vigilance, thereby possibly increasing associated costs due to sleep fragmentation. We conclude that different strategies of the regulation of brain activity have evolved and are correlated with melanin‐based coloration.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1108-1115
Seafarer sleepiness jeopardizes safety at sea and has been documented as a direct or contributing factor in many maritime accidents. This study investigates sleep, sleepiness, and neurobehavioral performance in a simulated 4?h on/8?h off watch system as well as the effects of a single free watch disturbance, simulating a condition of overtime work, resulting in 16?h of work in a row and a missed sleep opportunity. Thirty bridge officers (age 30?±?6 yrs; 29 men) participated in bridge simulator trials on an identical 1-wk voyage in the North Sea and English Channel. The three watch teams started respectively with the 00–04, the 04–08, and the 08–12 watches. Participants rated their sleepiness every hour (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale [KSS]) and carried out a 5-min psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) test at the start and end of every watch. Polysomnography (PSG) was recorded during 6 watches in the first and the second half of the week. KSS was higher during the first (mean?±?SD: 4.0?±?0.2) compared with the second (3.3?±?0.2) watch of the day (p?<?0.001). In addition, it increased with hours on watch (p?<?0.001), peaking at the end of watch (4.1?±?0.2). The free watch disturbance increased KSS profoundly (p?<?0.001): from 4.2?±?0.2 to 6.5?±?0.3. PVT reaction times were slower during the first (290?±?6?ms) compared with the second (280?±?6?ms) watch of the day (p?<?0.001) as well as at the end of the watch (289?±?6?ms) compared with the start (281?±?6?ms; p?=?0.001). The free watch disturbance increased reaction times (p?<?0.001) from 283?±?5 to 306?±?7?ms. Similar effects were observed for PVT lapses. One third of all participants slept during at least one of the PSG watches. Sleep on watch was most abundant in the team working 00–04 and it increased following the free watch disturbance. This study reveals that—within a 4?h on/8?h off shift system—subjective and objective sleepiness peak during the night and early morning watches, coinciding with a time frame in which relatively many maritime accidents occur. In addition, we showed that overtime work strongly increases sleepiness. Finally, a striking amount of participants fell asleep while on duty.  相似文献   

目的:观察MMP-1、MMP-3 和MMP-13 在慢性睡眠剥夺所致颞下颌关节损伤中表达的变化,探讨慢性睡眠剥夺所致颞下颌 关节损伤的可能机制。方法:采用改良多平台(MMPM)建立大鼠慢性睡眠剥夺模型,将90 只成年雄性Wastar 大鼠随机分为小平 台组、网格组和对照组。小平台组和网格组大鼠接受每天18 h的睡眠剥夺和6 h间歇期(10:00-16:00),间歇期大鼠正常笼养。实验 第7、14 和21 d时分别观察动物的行为学观察、检测动物血浆皮质醇(CORT)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)水平检测,通过免疫印 迹法和实时定量聚合酶链反应(PRC)检测颞下颌关节软骨中MMP-1、MMP-3 和MMP-13 的蛋白和mRNA表达,并通过HE 染色 法观察颞下颌关节结构的变化。结果:与对照组和网格组大鼠相比,小平台组大鼠第14 d和21 d 时髁突软骨中间部位表面纤维 在出现明显的炎症、松解及脱落现象;第21天时的血浆ACTH 和CORT 水平均显著高于网格组和对照组,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05);第7、14、21 d时关节软骨MMP-1 和MMP-13 蛋白和mRNA 的表达水平均显著上调(P<0.05)。结论:慢性睡眠剥夺所致 的颞下颌关节损伤可能与关节软骨中MMP-1、MMP-3 和MMP-13 的表达上调有关。  相似文献   

探讨补充支链氨基酸 (branched -chainaminoacids ,BCAA)对睡眠剥夺 (sleepdeprivation ,SD)大鼠的行为和血清游离脂肪酸 (freefattyacids,FFA)水平的影响。采用小站台水环境 (flower -pot)睡眠剥夺模型对大鼠进行睡眠剥夺。成年、雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠 5 6只 ,按体重随机分为C(对照组、自由睡眠 )、2 4hSD(剥夺睡眠 2 4h)、2 4hSDB(睡眠剥夺 2 4h ,进食添加BCAA的饲料 )、4 8hSD、4 8hSDB、72hSD、72hSDB组 ,每组 8只。睡眠剥夺结束后 ,采用旷场实验 (openfieldtest,OPT)评价大鼠的精神行为。结果各睡眠剥夺组大鼠的OFT得分均显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;其中以 4 8hSD组最高 ,72hSD组的OFT得分又显著低于 72hSDB组 (P <0 .0 5 )。睡眠剥夺各组大鼠血清FFA水平均显著高于非剥夺组 ,72hSDB组显著高于 72hSD组 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论为补充支链氨基酸可以改善睡眠剥夺大鼠的旷场实验行为 ,降低睡眠剥夺大鼠血清FFA水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨饮食习惯改善、情绪调节及睡眠干预对老年耳鸣患者生活质量及负面情绪影响。方法:选取我院2017年3月-2019年3月所收治的120例老年耳鸣患者,将患者按照住院号排序,取随机数字后重新排序分为研究组和对照组,每组60例数,其中对照组采取常规护理,研究组采取综合护理干预,包括饮食习惯改善、情绪调节及睡眠干预等。对比两组护理方案对老年耳鸣患者生活质量及负面情绪影响。结果:研究组的总有效率为93.7%,明显高于对照组的63.3%(P0.05);两组干预前焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale,SAS)、抑郁自评量表(Self-Rating Depression Scale,SDS)对比无统计学差异(P0.05),经不同干预方式,两组的心理状态都得到不同程度改善,且研究组的SAS、SDS评分明显低于对照组(P0.05);两组干预前生活质量评分对比无统计学差异(P0.05),而干预后,研究组的生活质量评分明显高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:老年耳鸣患者的饮食、情绪及睡眠等都是不容忽视的重要影响因素,通过改善饮食习惯,调节情绪,及时干预患者睡眠,可有效改善患者的负面情绪,提升患者的生活质量,更有利于治疗。  相似文献   

This study examined how changes in wildland firefighters’ mood relate to cytokine and cortisol levels in response to simulated physical firefighting work and sleep restriction. Firefighters completed 3 days of simulated wildfire suppression work separated by an 8-h (control condition; n = 18) or 4-h sleep opportunity (sleep restriction condition; n = 17) each night. Firefighters’ mood was assessed daily using the Mood Scale II and Samn-Perelli fatigue scale. Participants also provided samples for the determination of salivary cortisol and pro- (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokine levels. An increase in the positive mood dimension Happiness was related to a rise in IL-8 and TNF-α in the sleep restriction condition. A rise in the positive mood dimension Activation among sleep restricted firefighters was also related to higher IL-6 levels. An increase in the negative mood dimension Fatigue in the sleep restriction condition was associated with increased IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10 and cortisol levels. In addition, an increase in Fear among sleep restricted firefighters was associated with a rise in TNF-α. Elevated positive mood and immune activation may reflect an appropriate response by the firefighters to these stressors. To further understand this relationship, subsequent firefighting-based research is needed that investigates whether immune changes are a function of affective arousal linked to the expression of positive moods. Positive associations between negative mood and inflammatory and cortisol levels to physical work and restricted sleep provide useful information to fire agencies about subjective fire-ground indicators of physiological changes.  相似文献   

The combination of total sleep deprivation (TSD) and light therapy (LT) in bipolar depression causes rapid antidepressant effects, and its mechanism of action has been hypothesized to involve the enhancement of all of the monoaminergic systems targeted by antidepressant drugs (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine). It is still unknown if the clinical effects are paralleled by changes in biological rhythms. In a before/after design of a study of biological correlates of response, 39 inpatients affected by Type I Bipolar Disorder whose current depressive episode was without psychotic features were treated for one week with repeated TSD combined with morning LT. Wrist actigraphy was recorded throughout the study. Two‐thirds of the patients responded to treatment (50% reduction in Hamilton Depression score). Responders showed an increase in daytime activity, phase‐advance of the activity‐rest rhythm of 57 min compared to the pre‐treatment baseline, and reduced nighttime sleep. Non‐responders did not show significant changes in the parameters of their activity‐rest rhythm. Phase advance of the activity‐rest rhythm is an actimetric correlate of the antidepressant response to TSD and LT in bipolar depression. Results are consistent with the known effects of sleep‐wake manipulations and neurotransmitter function on the suprachiasmatic nucleus.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨利多卡因咽喉表面麻醉对腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)患者应激反应、血流动力学及恢复质量的影响。方法:采用随机数字表法将长沙市第一医院2019年4月-2021年6月期间收治的80例行LC患者分为对照组(40例,接受全身麻醉)和观察组(40例,对照组的基础上接受利多卡因咽喉表面麻醉)。对比两组血流动力学指标、应激反应指标、呛咳和躁动的发生情况、疼痛情况及生活质量。结果:观察组气管插管即刻(T1)~手术结束时(T4)收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)和心率(HR)低于对照组同期(P<0.05)。观察组术后即刻皮质醇(Cor)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)低于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组的呛咳发生率、躁动发生率以及总发生率明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组术后6 h、术后12 h、术后24 h疼痛视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分低于对照组同期(P<0.05)。观察组术后1个月活力、躯体疼痛、社会功能、生理功能、总体健康、精神健康、生理职能、情感职能评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:利多卡因咽喉表面麻醉用于LC患者,可发挥气道保护作用,减轻患者的应激反应,维持患者血流的动力平衡,提高恢复质量。  相似文献   

目的:观察不同二氧化碳(CO2)气腹压力对老年腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术患者苏醒质量、应激反应和术后认知功能的影响。方法:选择2018年5月~2020年12月期间我院收治的择期行腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术患者91例,按入院奇偶号顺序将患者分为低CO2气腹压力组(低压力组,10 mmHg,45例)和高CO2气腹压力组(高压力组,15 mmHg,46例)。对比两组苏醒质量、应激反应、呼吸功能指标和认知功能变化情况。结果:低压力组患者的苏醒期躁动发生率低于高压力组(P<0.05)。两组患者注气针穿刺时(T1)、气腹成功建立时(T2)、放气后10 min(T3)时间点C反应蛋白(CRP)、皮质醇均高于入室时(T0)时间点(P<0.05),低压力组T1、T2、T3时间点CRP、皮质醇均低于高压力组(P<0.05)。与气腹前相比,两组气腹20 min后动脉血氧分压(PaO2)降低,动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)升高(P<0.05),与低压力组相比,高压力组PaO2更低,PaCO2更高(P<0.05)。术后第1 d、术后第3 d、术后第7 d,低压力组简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)评分均高于同时间点的高压力组(P<0.05)。结论:老年腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术中,采用较低的CO2气腹压力可提升苏醒质量,减轻机体应激反应、呼吸系统损害和认知功能损害。  相似文献   

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