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螅状独缩虫表膜下纤毛系及形态发生   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
施心路  余育和  沈韫芬 《动物学报》2001,47(1):13-18,T001,T002
利用蛋白银技术研究了螅状独缩虫无性生殖周期中的形态发生。结果表明:(1)在大核形态尚未出现明显变化时,生发毛基索(GK)的前端即出现原基,随后原基增生扩大。最早出现的是两条将来分别演化为新仔虫第三咽膜(P′3)和第二咽膜(P′2)的原基带,随后出现的是位于外侧的新仔虫的单毛基索(HK′)。同时,新仔虫的第一咽膜(P′1)也开始由老单毛基索(HK)复制,并在细胞分裂后期与老结构分离;(2)大核在虫体分裂过程中由长带状逐渐缩短变粗至扁圆形,于虫体即将分开时迅速拉长,然后分裂为二个新大核;小核分裂先于大核,在两仔虫口毛器即将分开时完成;(3)原帚胚及柄归属老仔虫,新仔虫的帚胚在虫体分裂后逐渐形成,柄内肌丝则在柄鞘形成后逐渐长出。  相似文献   

螅状独缩虫(Cachesium polypinum)遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术对武汉的汉口(CP-1)、汉阳(CP-2)和武昌(CP-3)三个地区缘毛类的螅状独缩虫(Cachesium polypinum)进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明:这种动物存在广泛的变异,三个地域群体之间的遗传相似度为0.6522-0.7385(平均值为0.6921),各群体之间遗传相似度大小依次为:CP-2-CP-3〉CP-1-CP-2〉CP-1-CP-3。本文对  相似文献   

利用聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳技术,对采自武汉沙湖螅状独缩虫自然种群的酯酶(EST)、苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和酸性磷酸酶(ACP)四种同工酶酶系进行了研究。实验表明:EST同工酶酶系由六个基因座位(Est1-Est6)控制,其中Est1、Est2、Est3和Est5为杂合基因座位,而Est4和Est6为纯合基因座位。螅状独缩虫物种中EST同工酶四级结构既有单体也有二聚体;MDH同工酶酶系由五个基因座位(Mdh1-Mdh5)控制,其中Mdh2和Mdh3为杂合基因座位,而Mdh1、Mdh4和Mdh5为纯合基因座位。螅状独缩虫苹果酸脱氢酶存在明显的上清液型(sMDH)和线粒体型(mMDH)酶带;LDH同工酶酶系较其他原生动物发达,由5条明显酶带组成。与高等动物研究结果比较分析认为,螅状独缩虫乳酸脱氢酶同工酶酶系可能为一个杂合基因座位AB控制;ACP同工酶酶系简单,为一个纯合基因座位编码。取得的结果为揭示螅状独缩虫酶学特征及其自然种群的遗传特征等问题提供了基础资料。    相似文献   

螅状独缩虫种内分子系统地理学的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以18S-ITS1为分子标记, 对我国8省市自治区的19个螅状独缩虫种群的研究表明: 在34, 46, 241, 305和322等5个位点上碱基的变化情况将它们沿珠江和长江分水岭分为南北两大种群. 进一步分析得出这种地理分布格局的形成可能是以下两个因素共同作用的结果: 第四纪时伴随青藏高原的隆起珠江和长江分水岭的形成导致了螅状独缩虫的隔离分化;两地气候条件的差异对螅状独缩虫传播方式产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

螅状独缩虫口区微纤维结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
常规电镜观察显示螅状独缩虫口部单毛基索(HK)、第一(P1)和第二咽膜(P2)旁各有一片微纤维结构。经一步抽提后,这些微纤维结构仍存在。三步抽提显示它们是由直径12nm左右的类中间纤维构成的网格结构,细胞松弛素B不能使其解体。HK和P1旁的微纤维结构在口围唇处即已形成,随着向胞口延伸,微纤维结构逐渐变宽,并形成典型的网格结构。  相似文献   

中国水螅属一新种(水螅虫纲:螅形目)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
描述采自黑龙江省大庆、泰来和阿城地区的水螅属一新种:大庆水Hydra daqingensis FAn,sp。nov.。新种的主要鉴别特征是:构刺丝囊内顶基部具有4.5~5.0圈横向弹簧状缠卷刺丝,较大型的构刺丝囊、粘刺丝囊和卷刺丝囊,生殖期,雄必个体形成数目较多的精巢(12~18个)和雌性个全产生较多的卵(4~10枚)的遗传特性。标本保存在哈尔滨师范大学生物学系无脊椎动物教研室。  相似文献   

不同纬度螅状独缩虫耐热能力及Hsp70 mRNA表达水平的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯立芳  缪炜 《动物学报》2008,54(3):525-530
本文以游泳体的形成作为虫体对热激响应的指征,比较了不同纬度 (西安:东经10 8°98′,北纬34°25′;武汉:东经114°34′,北纬30°57′) 两地螅状独缩虫 (Carc hesium polypinum) 的耐热能力,发现武汉地区螅状独缩虫 (WH株) 形成游泳体的热激温度 ( 36℃) 高于西安地区 (XA株) 的33℃,说明前者的耐热能力较强;进一步利用实时PCR技术分析不同热激温度下两地螅状独缩虫热休克蛋白Hsp70 mRNA的表达变化发现,XA株Hs p70 mRNA热激后高表达水平的阈值温度为28℃,而WH株的为33℃,表明在螅状独缩虫中, Hsp70 mRNA表达的阈值温度与它们的耐热能力之间存在正相关.从而在分子水平阐明了螅状独缩虫WH株较XA株具有更高耐热能力的原因,这为研究纤毛虫野生种群热休克蛋白Hsp7 0 mRNA表达与栖息环境温度间的关系,进而了解原生动物温度适应的分子机理提供了线索[动物学报 54(3):525-530,2008].  相似文献   

中国水螅属一新种(水螅虫纲:螅形目)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
报道采自黑龙江省漠河地区北极村水螅1新种,即漠河水螅Hydra mohensis sp.nov.,模式标本保存于哈尔滨师范大学生物学系无脊椎动物教学研究室。  相似文献   

涉及近年来采集自青岛沿海的自由生聚缩虫属纤毛虫14种,包括9个国内新纪录:交替聚缩虫Zoothamnium alternans Claparède & Lachmann,1859,弗氏聚缩虫Z. foissneri Ji et al.,2005,黑凯聚缩虫 Z. hiketes Precht,1935,海洋聚缩虫 Z. marinum Mereschkowski, 1879,霉聚缩虫Z. mocedo Entz,1884,倪氏聚缩虫 Z. nii Ji et al.,2005,拟树状聚缩虫 Z. pararbuscula Ji et al., 2005,王氏聚缩虫Z.wangi Ji et al., 2005,许氏聚缩虫 Z. xuianum Sun et al.,2005;以及其他5个已知种:群栖聚缩虫Z. commune Kahl, 1933,双缘聚缩虫Z. duplicatum Kahl,1933,巨大聚缩虫Z.maximum Song,1986,羽状聚缩虫Z.plumula Kahl,1933,中国聚缩虫Z.sinense Song,1991.对以上各种作了简要的综合性描述,并给出了种检索表.  相似文献   

Wang A Q  Yu Y H  Zhang W J  Gong Y C 《农业工程》2006,26(3):895-900
In this article, RAPD was employed to detect the DNA polymorphism of Carchesium polypinum in three lakes: Nanhu Lake (N), Shahu Lake (S) and Donghu Lake (D). The results were used to deduce the definition of the populations: (1) The 20 primers produced 172 clear bands with an average of 8.6 fragments ranging from 100bp to 1600bp. The other 11 primers produced 59 legible bands with an average of 5.4 fragments ranging from 100bp to 1 500bp; (2) SPSS 12.0 and RAPDistance 1.04 that had similar trees were composed of two parallel main branches. Samples from Shijizhong (Z) of D, Shuiguohu (H) of D and N clustered into a branch and another sample from D — Fengguangcun (F) — gathered with S or made another main branch itself. The result that the three samples from D were separated by the samples from other lakes suggested that the individuals of C. polypinum in D belong to several populations. This discovery will promote micro-hydrobiont population ecology research. In addition, it will help in the study of the essence of the transitional zone and its dispersal and vicariance behavior. We believe that this study will contribute to the study of population differentiation and the mechanism of speciation.  相似文献   

In this article, RAPD was employed to detect the DNA polymorphism of Carchesium polypinum in three lakes: Nanhu Lake (N), Shahu Lake (S) and Donghu Lake (D). The results were used to deduce the definition of the populations: (1) The 20 primers produced 172 clear bands with an average of 8.6 fragments ranging from 100bp to 1600bp. The other 11 primers produced 59 legible bands with an average of 5.4 fragments ranging from 100bp to 1 500bp; (2) SPSS 12.0 and RAPDistance 1.04 that had similar trees were composed of two parallel main branches. Samples from Shijizhong (Z) of D, Shuiguohu (H) of D and N clustered into a branch and another sample from D — Fengguangcun (F) — gathered with S or made another main branch itself. The result that the three samples from D were separated by the samples from other lakes suggested that the individuals of C. polypinum in D belong to several populations. This discovery will promote micro-hydrobiont population ecology research. In addition, it will help in the study of the essence of the transitional zone and its dispersal and vicariance behavior. We believe that this study will contribute to the study of population differentiation and the mechanism of speciation.  相似文献   

Thuricola folliculata is a sessiline, loricate peritrich ciliate. Its somatic pellicle consists of annular transverse crests and includes the plasma membrane, the alveolus, the electron-dense epiplasm, and the subepiplasmic layer. Cytokinesis occurs along an oral-aboral median plane where two fissures develop, one at the oral and one at the aboral end of the peritrich. Each fissure results from simultaneous formation of two furrows on opposite sides of the cell. At the end of cytokinesis, both trophozoites remain joined to each other by an intercellular bridge. During cytokinesis, microfilament bundles appear at the level of the subepiplasmic layer in the fission plane; they are distributed in two arcs, one oral and one aboral, and may be responsible for the formation of the four furrows. The cross-sectioned microfilament arc is 1 pm wide and about 0.1-0.2 pm thick at first and later can be more than 1 pm in diameter; it shows many microfilaments, 3-10 nm in diameter and oriented parallel to the fission plane, and also many dense corpuscles 25-55 nm in diameter. Then both arcs join each other to form a microfilament ring. This ring is delimited by discontinuous dense borders and a boundary layer. The microfilament ring seems structurally analogous to the contractile ring of various dividing cells, where it works like a sphincter. The dense corpuscles, the discontinuous dense borders, and the boundary layer of T. folliculata have not been reported in any other ciliates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Stomatogenesis in Opercularia coarctata has been studied in specimens treated with Fernández-Galiano's silver impregnation method. The new buccal structures originate from the germinal row and from the parental haplokinety.  相似文献   

项贤领  席贻龙  胡好远 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2443-2448
运用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术研究了于2005年春季和夏季采自芜湖市镜湖的萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)种群基因组DNA多态性。从44个随机引物中筛选出10个谱带清晰、重复性好的引物。10个引物共检测到76个位点,其中65个位点显多态性,多态位点比例(P)为85.5%。对RAPD扩增结果进行聚类分析,基于遗传距离指数构建了萼花臂尾轮虫的UPGMA和ME系统树。经计算,各克隆平均遗传距离指数为0.5219,春季种群内遗传距离指数(0.4416)大于夏季种群内遗传距离指数(0.4304);两季节种群间遗传距离指数为0.6010,明显大于季节种群内遗传距离指数。16个克隆分别聚在2个主要簇群中,在UPGMA系统树中,春季种群和夏季种群明显分聚在两个主要支系中;而在ME树中,除了夏季Su2克隆和春季种群聚到一个支系外,其它夏季种群则聚在一个独立支系中。上述结果表明,春季种群和夏季种群在遗传上具有较大的差异;镜湖萼花臂尾轮虫种群存在着明显的季节更替,而Su2克隆可能是春季和夏季种群间的过渡。  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and protargol studies reveal that the trophont of Lagenophrys callinectes, though highly specialized, generally conforms to the basic peritrich structural pattern. Features described for L. callinectes trophonts which are unique for the genus are the fine structure and arrangement of the lorica and lips, the attachment organelle of the peristomial cytoplasm, its attachment to the loricastome walls, and the arrangement of the aboral kinetosomes of the trophont. Lack of a distinct scopularized region, and of a ventral lorica wall also characterize L. callinectes trophonts. The 4-row terminal peniculus, as revealed by protargol staining, differs from the 6-row terminal peniculus of L. nassa suggesting that the patterns of infundibular structure, as revealed by protargol, should be useful in future taxonomic studies of Lagenophrys species.  相似文献   

Four species of trichodinid ectoparasites (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) were collected from the gills of the following River Nile fish in Egypt: Hydrocynus forskalii, Mormyrus kannume, Schilbe mystus. These species are: Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, 1977, Trichodina fahaka sp. n., Trichodinella epizootica Raabe, 1950, Tripartiella dactylodentata sp. n. Photomicrographs and morphometric data are presented for each species.  相似文献   

During the spring of 1981, trichodinid protozoa were collected from the gills or urinary bladder of the following species of fishes of Rybinsk Reservoir, USSR, located on the upper reaches of the Volga River system: Esox lucius, Rutilus rutilus, Leuciscus idus, Blicca bjoerkna, Abramis ballerus, Pelecus cultratus, Lota lota, and Perca fluviatilis. A total of 13 species of Trichodinidae was recovered from Rybinsk fishes, among which are three new species of the genus Trichodina: T. izyumovae n. sp. from the gills of L. idus, T. borokensis n. sp. from the gills of P. cultratus, and T. kupermani n. sp. from the gills of A. ballerus. Other species of trichodinids reported are T. modesta Lom, 1980; T. nigra Lom, 1969; T. pediculus (O. F. Müller, 1786); T. prowazeki Grupcheva & Lom, 1980; T. rostrata Kulemina, 1968; T. urinaria Dogiel, 1940; T. ophiocephalus Kostenko & Karaev, 1976; Paratrichodina incisa (Lom, 1959); Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950); and Tripartiella copiosa Lom, 1959. Photomicrographs and morphometric data are presented for each species and aspects of their host and geographic distribution discussed. Trichodina algonquinensis Li & Desser, 1983 is considered a synonym of T. urinaria Dogiel, 1940.  相似文献   

The infraciliature and myoneme system of Campanella umbellaria were revealed using the protargol impregnation technique. The main characteristics of the infraciliature are the peristomial ciliary rows (haplokinety and polykineties), which make four and a half turns around the peristomial disc before plunging into the infundibulum, and the aboral infraciliature, which is made up of the aboral ciliary wreath (trochal band) and the scopula. The myoneme system is composed of: 1) longitudinal fibers, which include 60-84 (mean 72.3) short longitudinal fibers, 40-56 (mean 45.8) medium-length longitudinal fibers, and numerous long longitudinal fibers; and 2) circular fibers, which include 8-12 (mean 9.3) peristomial ring fibers, linking fibers, support fibers, and peristomial disc fibers. The various fibers in C. umbellaria are interconnected to form a single myoneme system that may act as a cell skeleton as well as providing the mechanism by which the zooid contracts and relaxes.  相似文献   

Farmed eel cultured in recirculation systems in Denmark were found infected by Trichodina jadranica Raabe, 1958. Associations between parasite abundance and fish size was examined in 2 different production systems. In one system, stocked with relatively well-nourished eels (3 to 31 g), most of the parasites (66%) were found on the dorsal part on the skin and relatively few were found on the gills (approx. 8%). The infection level was significantly positively correlated both with fish weight and length. In the other system, stocked with relatively malnourished small eels (0.5 to 4 g), significantly more parasites (0.06 +/- 0.02 [SD]) were present on fish with a low condition factor than on fish with a higher condition factor (0.13 +/- 0.01 [SD]). In this eel stock the vast majority of the trichodines were found on the gills.  相似文献   

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