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RAPD typing for distinguishing species and strains in the genus Listeria   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
The randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was employed in the development of a typing protocol for Listeria isolates, particularly Listeria monocytogenes strains. A single strain of L. monocytogenes was used and 200 random decamer primers were screened for their discriminatory abilities by visualizing the amplification products electrophoretically. Three candidate primers displaying potentially useful banding patterns were selected and tested against 52 L. monocytogenes strains, encompassing 11 serotypes, and 12 other strains representing five other Listeria spp. Thirty-four banding profiles were obtained with one particular primer. RAPD analysis allowed differentiation between Listeria spp. and was found to further subdivide strains of the same serotype. Where only one primer was used strains from different serotypes were occasionally found to produce identical banding profiles. RAPD analysis, which in our hands proved to be reproducible, shows much promise as a molecular alternative to traditional L. monocytogenes typing protocols.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used for identification of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris strains isolated 40 years ago from various dairy homemade products. Total genomic DNAs from six randomly chosen isolates and the reference strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris NIZO B64 were amplified using four different 10-mer primers. Although most RAPD fragments were common to all six isolates, a sufficient number of polymorphic fragments were also detected that allowed clear distinction of the isolates and the reference strain. The results indicate that RAPD analysis could be a useful and efficient method to distinguish Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris at the strain level and to detect genetic diversity.  相似文献   

P.S. COCCONCELLI, D. PORRO, S. GALANDINI AND L. SENINI. 1995. A protocol for typing strains of lactic acid bacteria and enterococci based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments has been developed. Using a single 10-mer primer, fingerprints were achieved without the need to isolate genomic DNA. Different conditions of DNA release and amplification were investigated in order to obtain reproducible results and high discrimination among strains. This RAPD protocol was successfully applied for the typing of strains belonging to the species Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lact. helveticus, Lact. casei, Lact. reuteri, Lact. plantarum, Enterococcus faecalis, Ent. faecium and Streptococcus thermophilus.  相似文献   

Arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) method was applied to the differentiation of 15 (soil and intestinal) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strains. The primer M 13, which is a core sequence of phage M 13, was found to be appropriate for the differentiation of isolates of this species. The analysis revealed characteristic band patterns for all of the examined strains of which two soil strains (DV-7 and DV-8) showed identical DNA fingerprints. According to Jaccard's coefficient, the soil bacterial group as well as intestinal bacterial group formed two different clusters. Furthermore, the soil strains showed greater variability than the intestinal isolates. Based on the AP-PCR fingerprints D. desulfuricans strains were differentiated depending on their origin. This study demonstrates that the typing method AP-PCR can be useful in epidemiologic investigations as a rapid and valuable tool for differentiation of the strains of D. desulfuricans species.  相似文献   

We have assessed the performance of semi-automated rep-PCR (Diversilab®) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) in comparison to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) for typing a collection of 29 epidemiologically characterized vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE). Sixteen strains that harbored the Tn1546 element were typed by PCR mapping. The discriminative power of the typing methods was calculated by the Simpson's index of diversity, and the concordance between methods was evaluated by the Kendall's coefficient of concordance. Semi-automated rep-PCR appeared as discriminative as PFGE and was further compared with PFGE for typing 67 VRE isolated during a hospital outbreak. Rep-PCR appeared to be more discriminative than PFGE for this second set of strains. Reproducibility of DiversiLab® was also tested against 35 selected isolates. Only three showed less than 97% similarity, indicating high reproducibility at this level of discrimination. In conclusion, semi-automated rep-PCR is a useful tool for rapid screening of VRE isolates during an outbreak, although cost of the system may be limiting for routine implementation. PFGE, which remains the reference method, should be used for confirmation and evaluation of the genetic relatedness of epidemic isolates.  相似文献   

The rules of diagnostic kit elaboration for genetic typing of microorganisms, designed for epidemiological studies, have been shown in this paper. PCR MP method has been used for diagnostic kit elaboration. Well defined epidemiologically Enterococcus faecium strains have been applied as a research model. The optimisation of the method has been carried out using different amount of reagents and time of the particular stages. Critical parameters, which have significant influence on the quality of obtained results, have been assigned. Optimalised procedure, named PCR MP unique, has been validated for genetic typing of different species of microorganisms and its potential application for routine epidemiological studies. The PCR MP method has been successfully used for elaboration of diagnostic PCR MP unique-KIT, which allows intra-species differentiation of bacterial strains. The PCR MP unique-KIT enables fast, easy and cheap analysis of strains, using elementary laboratory equipment--gradient thermocycler.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of Pierce's disease (PD) can be confounded by a lack of taxonomic detail on the bacterial causative agent, Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). PD in grape is caused by strains of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa, but is not caused by other subspecies of Xf that typically colonize plants other than grape. Detection assays using ELISA and qPCR are effective at detecting and quantifying Xf presence or absence, but offer no information on Xf subspecies or strain identity. Surveying insects or host plants for Xf by current ELISA or qPCR methods provides only presence/absence and quantity information for any and all Xf subspecies, potentially leading to false assessments of disease threat. This study uses a series of adjacent-hybridizing DNA melt analysis probes that are capable of efficiently discriminating Xf subspecies and strain relationships in rapid real-time PCR reactions.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) has been used for rapid typing of Lactobacillus plantarum strains. RAPD was used with either purified chromosomal DNA serving as template in the polymerase chain reaction, or with crude cell extracts, and using a 9-mer primer with 80% G + C content. Amplified DNA was visualized by ethidium bromide staining after separation on agarose gels. Patterns from 20 Lact. plantarum strains and two Lact. pentosus strains were analysed using the Pearson products moment correlation coefficient ( r ) and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). With some exceptions, the two sources of template DNA gave the same clusters and subclusters of strains at the similarity level of 50%. About 50% of the strains could be individually separated from all the other tested strains. The buffer brand, the amount of primer and crude cell extract used in the PCR-step were crucial for the final pattern.  相似文献   

Enzymes catalyzing the synthesis and subsequent transformation of α-acetolactate (AcL)—acetolactate synthase (AcLS) and acetolactate decarboxylase (AcLDC)—were isolated and partially purified from the cells of lactic acid bacteriaLactococcus lactis ssp.lactis biovar.diacetylactis, strain 4. The preparation of AcLS, purified 560-fold, had a specific activity of 358 300 U/mg protein (9% yield). The preparation of AcLDC., purified 4828-fold, had a specific activity of 140 U/mg protein (4.8% yield). The enzymes exhibited optimum activity at pH 6.5 and 6.0, respectively (medium, phosphate buffer). The values of apparentK m, determined for AcLS and AcLDC with pyruvate and AcL, respectively, were equal to 70 mM and 20 mM. AcLS appeared as an allosteric enzyme with low affinity for the substrate and a sigmoid dependence of the activity on the substrate concentration. In the case of AcLDC, this dependence was hyperbolic and the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate was high (K m = 20 mM). Leucine, valine, and isoleucine were shown to be activators of AcDLC.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of indigenous Bradyrhizobium japonicum population in Croatia was studied by using different PCR-based fingerprinting methods. Characteristic DNA profiles for 20 B. japonicum field isolates and two reference strains were obtained using random primers (RAPD) and two sets of repetitive primers (REP- and ERIC-PCR). In comparison with the REP, the ERIC primer set generates fingerprints of lower complexity, but still several strain-specific bands were detected. Different B. japonicum isolates could be more efficiently distinguished by using combined results from REP- and ERIC-PCR. The most polymorphic bands were observed after amplification with four different RAPD primers. Both methods, RAPD and rep-PCR, resulted in identical grouping of the strains. Cluster analysis, irrespective of the fingerprinting method used, revealed that all the isolates could be divided into three major groups. Within the major groups, the degree of relative similarity between B. japonicum isolates was dependent upon the method used. Our results indicate that both RAPD and rep-PCR fingerprinting can effectively distinguish different B. japonicum strains. RAPD fingerprinting proved to be slightly more discriminatory than rep-PCR.  相似文献   

The paper presents usefulness of application of the PCR-based fingerprinting method, which uses enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus primers ERIC (rep-PCR (ERIC)) in analysing and characterising Escherichia coli population in the water environment. 46 E. coli isolates of homogenous biochemical properties were analysed. The received results prove considerable genomic diversity among the analysed isolates. The used technique has turned to be a reproducible and rapid method with a considerable differentiation power. The introductory research has revealed that the technique may be successfully used in qualitative research, for intra-species differentiation of microorganisms occurring in water environment.  相似文献   

We describe here the development of a single-reaction multiplex PCR assay for the enterotoxin genes from Staphylococcus aureus that utilizes a universal toxin gene primer in combination with toxin-specific primers to amplify characteristic toxin gene products. In combination with a new DNA purification method, the assay can detect enterotoxin genes A to E from a pure culture within 3 to 4 h. The test was used to characterize a diverse set of environmental S. aureus isolates, and a 99% correlation with toxin typing using standard immunological tests was found. The design of the assay allows it to be extended to include both newly characterized and as-yet-unknown toxin genes.  相似文献   

A total of 122 M. tuberculosis clinical drug-resistant strains isolated in Central Russia were studied by spoligotyping and genome fingerprinting techniques. According to spoligotyping results 77% of M. tuberculosis strains were distributed to 13 oligotypes, while 23% of these strains were found to form unique patterns. Most of them belonged to the families Beijing and Haarlem (43.4% and 13.9% respectively). The patterns of the strains of oligotype 12 (7F-7F-7E-0E-78-3E) were identical to those of the strains isolated in Brazil, France and the Netherlands. The strains of the spoligotype 22 (7F-1E-7F-7F-07-3E) had the patterns identical to those of the strains of group S13, also isolated in Brazil. According to genome fingerprinting 31.4% of the strains were found to belong to clusters with the similarity coefficient equal to 1. The strains belonging to genotypes W and A1 were found to prevail in the analyzed group.  相似文献   

A high-resolution amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) methodology was developed to achieve the delineation of closely related Lactococcus lactis strains. The differentiation depth of 24 enzyme-primer-nucleotide combinations was experimentally evaluated to maximize the number of polymorphisms. The resolution depth was confirmed by performing diversity analysis on 82 L. lactis strains, including both closely and distantly related strains with dairy and nondairy origins. Strains clustered into two main genomic lineages of L. lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. cremoris type-strain-like genotypes and a third novel genomic lineage rooted from the L. lactis subsp. lactis genomic lineage. Cluster differentiation was highly correlated with small-subunit rRNA homology and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) studies. Additionally, the selected enzyme-primer combination generated L. lactis subsp. cremoris phenotype-specific fragments irrespective of the genotype. These phenotype-specific markers allowed the differentiation of L. lactis subsp. lactis phenotype from L. lactis subsp. cremoris phenotype strains within the same L. lactis subsp. cremoris type-strain-like genomic lineage, illustrating the potential of AFLP for the generation of phenotype-linked genetic markers.  相似文献   

随机扩增多态性DNA技术在鲍氏层孔菌菌株鉴别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杜萍  陈艳秋 《应用生态学报》2007,18(6):1316-1320
用20个随机引物对7个不同来源的鲍氏层孔菌菌株进行了RAPD分析.结果表明120个随机引物中,有17个引物的扩增产物DNA条带表现出明显的多态性,不同引物对供试菌株扩增出现的DNA条带数目少则10条,多达33条.DNA片段从250bp到2000bp;采用17个引物对7个鲍氏层孔菌菌株共扩增出DNA片段带377条,不同引物扩增出的DNA片段谱带存在较大差异.采用UPGMA系统聚类法,将7个菌株聚类为两大类,能直观准确地揭示菌株间的差异并加以鉴别.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of indigenous Bradyrhizobium japonicum population in Croatia was studied by using different PCR-based fingerprinting methods. Characteristic DNA profiles for 20 B. japonicum field isolates and two reference strains were obtained using random primers (RAPD) and two sets of repetitive primers (REP- and ERIC-PCR). In comparison with the REP, the ERIC primer set generates fingerprints of lower complexity, but still several strain-specific bands were detected. Different B. japonicum isolates could be more efficiently distinguished by using combined results from REP- and ERIC-PCR. The most polymorphic bands were observed after amplification with four different RAPD primers. Both methods, RAPD and rep-PCR, resulted in identical grouping of the strains. Cluster analysis, irrespective of the fingerprinting method used, revealed that all the isolates could be divided into three major groups. Within the major groups, the degree of relative similarity between B. japonicum isolates was dependent upon the method used. Our results indicate that both RAPD and rep-PCR fingerprinting can effectively distinguish different B. japonicum strains. RAPD fingerprinting proved to be slightly more discriminatory than rep-PCR.  相似文献   

PCR for the detection and typing of campylobacters   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
The flaA gene of Campylobacter sp. was amplified using PCR. Primers were chosen which amplified 1.3 kb of the flaA gene in Camp. jejuni and Camp. coli. 'Campylobacter upsaliensis' amplimer was approximately 1.7 kb in size and was easily distinguishable. Other species of campylobacter failed to yield amplimer. The amplimer was digested with Alu 1 which demonstrated considerable restriction fragment length polymorphism and should allow the development of a rapid novel typing scheme which does not rely on previous culture of campylobacter strains.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium, a member of the group of non-tuberculous mycobacteria, is most often responsible for the serious diseases in humans and is frequently isolated from NTM-caused pulmonary events. In this connection the epidemiological aspect is also of great importance. Here we present a useful genetic assay that uses (CCG)(4)-based PCR for genotyping M. avium. After applying this test to 33 strains of M. avium, we found a discriminatory index of 0.979. The accuracy of this analysis was supported by a reasonable reproducibility of 95.1%. These results were compared with the Mycobacterial Intergenic Repeat Unit-Variable Number Tandem Repeats (MIRU-VNTR) typing scheme which had slightly lower discriminatory index of 0.945 however, the method was able to cluster different strains compared to CCG-PCR. Taking into account high discriminatory index and reproducibility, this test scheme has the potential as a screening tool in the investigation of M. avium infections, especially if combined with MIRU-VNTR.  相似文献   

The accurate sub-typing of Salmonella enterica isolates is essential for epidemiological investigations and surveillance of Salmonella infections. Salmonella isolates are currently identified using the Kauffman-White serotyping scheme. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) schemes have been developed for the major bacterial pathogens including Salmonella and have assisted in understanding the molecular epidemiology and population biology of these organisms. Recently, the DiversiLab rep-PCR system has been developed using micro-fluidic chips to provide standardized, semi-automated fingerprinting for pathogens including S. enterica. In the current study, 71 isolates of S. enterica, representing 21 serovars, were analyzed using MLST and the DiversiLab rep-PCR system. MLST was able to identify 31 sequence types (STs), while the DiversiLab system revealed 38 DiversiLab types (DTs). The rep-PCR distinguished isolates of different serovars and showed greater discriminatory power (0.95) than MLST typing (0.89). Rep-PCR exhibited 92% concordance with MLST and 90% with serotyping, while the concordance level of MLST typing with serotyping was 96%, representing a strong association. Comparison of rep-PCR profiles with those held in an online library database led to the accurate prediction of serovar in 63% of cases and resulted in inaccurate predictions for 10% of profiles. MLST and the rep-PCR system may provide useful additional informative techniques for the molecular identification of S. enterica. We conclude that the DiversiLab rep-PCR system may provide a rapid (less than 4 h) and standardized method for sub-typing isolates of S. enterica.  相似文献   

Discrimination of strains within the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae was demonstrated by the use of four different techniques to type 15 strains isolated from spoiled wine and beer. Random amplified polymorphic DNA with specific oligonucleotides and PCR fingerprinting with the microsatellite oligonucleotide primers (GAC)5 and (GTG)5 enabled discrimination between the strains tested. Additionally, restriction enzyme analysis, with TaqI and MseI, of PCR-amplified fragments from the complete internal transcribed spacer and nontranscribed spacer, both present in the rRNA-encoding gene cluster, proved to be suitable for generating intraspecies-specific patterns. Random amplified polymorphic DNA with primers 24 and OPA-11 and PCR fingerprinting with primer (GTG)5 appeared to generate the highest degree of diversity. However, the results indicated that there was no single PCR-mediated typing technique enabling discrimination on the strain level. Discrimination of each individual strain was nevertheless possible by combining the results obtained with all typing techniques.  相似文献   

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