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Ambient outdoor concentrations and size distributions of airborne microbial particles were measured approximately weekly for 2 years in a Washington, D.C., suburban area. The study objective was to characterize microbial air quality in the vicinity of a proposed sewage sludge composting facility. During the study, 379 samples were taken at 17 stations, using Andersen microbial samplers. Concentration ranges (in viable particles per cubic meter) were as follows: airborne mesophilic fungi, 0 to 7,220 with a geometric mean of 273; thermophilic fungi, 0 to 193 with a median of 2.1; Aspergillus fumigatus, 0 to 71 with a median of 1.0; aerobic bacteria, 4.2 to 1,640 with a geometric mean of 79; and fecal streptococci, 0 to 5.7 with a median of 0. No fecal coliforms were recovered. The potentially respirable fraction (less than 8 microns) averaged 34% for total bacteria, 56% for mesophilic fungi, 91% for thermophilic fungi, and 95% for A. fumigatus. The specific sampling location was not a major factor affecting microbial particle concentrations or size distributions. Conversely, the time of year was an important determinant of viable particle concentrations for all groups of microorganisms studied. The highest concentrations were observed in summer and fall, with significantly lower levels detected in winter. In general, the microbial data did not correlate with other variables, including weather conditions, measured in this study.  相似文献   

北京城郊地区二氧化碳通量特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
窦军霞  刘伟东  苗世光  李炬 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5228-5238
利用位于北京市顺义气象局45 m气象塔上36 m高度的湍流观测资料,对该区域2008年11月1日至2009年10月31日共365d的二氧化碳通量(CO2)的时间变化和各方位的分布特征进行了分析研究,并计算了CO2年排放量。结果表明,CO2受交通因素和居民日常生活排放的影响较小,冬季耗能取暖会显著增加CO2的排放量;受供暖排放和植物生长季节光合作用的影响,冬季的CO2通量值在全天绝大多数时刻均高于其他季节,其日平均值为15.6μmol m-2s-1,显著高于春、夏、秋季的日平均值5.6、5.7和8.8μmol m-2s-1(t-test,P0.001)。各方向CO2通量值的大小与其源区内土地利用/覆盖方式以及建筑物的使用功能和使用性质密切相关,住宅楼、饭店、工厂、旅馆等人工建筑面积占比例越大,CO2排放量越大;而植被覆盖比例较高的方向CO2值较小。观测点周边区域是CO2的排放源,且年平均排放量达到13.6 kg m-2a-1,但低于同一时期北京市内高密度住宅区域的CO2年排放量。  相似文献   

Summary Owing to the great pollen sensitivity of some allergic patients and without effective pollen forecasting, it is often difficult to set a preventive therapy of pollinosis. In 1987 and 1988 we compared the symptoms of 45 patients sensitive to grass pollen, daily pollen counts data recorded by a gravimetric and a volumetric sampler as well as meteorological data and observations of floral phenology. Symptoms appeared to be strictly correlated with peak periods of pollen dispersion, but we observed allergic symptoms in our patients long before atmospheric pollen was detected by the pollen traps. On the other hand, these early occurring symptoms seemed to be connected with the first Gramineae flowering.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区典型人工林下土壤微生物功能多样性   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
对典型黄土丘陵沟壑区陕西延安羊圈沟小流域刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、沙棘(Hippophae reamnoides)和杏树(Prunus armeniaca)人工林下土壤微生物功能多样性进行监测研究,旨在揭示不同的人工林对土壤微生物生物量及多样性的影响.研究结果如下:(1)3种人工林中刺槐林土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)和微生物生物量氮(MBN)含量显著高于其他两种林地;(2)表征土壤微生物代谢活性的平均颜色变化率(AWCD)与微生物生物量碳的高低表现一致,依次为刺槐林>沙棘林>杏树林,相关分析表明其与微生物生物量、总氮及土壤水分等存在显著相关性;(3)土壤微生物的功能多样性3种人工林间未见显著差异,Shannon-Winner多样性指数(H′)表现为刺槐林>杏树林>沙棘林,与土壤理化性质和微生物生物量间均未见显著相关性.总之,3种人工林相比较,种植刺槐林与其它两种人工林相比更有利于提高微生物的量及代谢活性,微生物的功能多样性受不同树种的影响较小.  相似文献   

喀斯特峰丛洼地土壤剖面微生物特性对植被和坡位的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选取广西环江县喀斯特峰丛洼地:草丛(T)、灌丛(S)、原生林(PF)(中坡位)不同植被类型,原生林上、中、下不同坡位,按土壤发生层采集淋溶层(A层,0-10 cm)、过渡层(AB层,20-30 cm,草丛和灌丛;30-50 cm,原生林)、淀积层(B层,70-100cm)样品,研究土壤微生物量碳、氮(Soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC)、soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN))、微生物碳熵、氮熵(ratio of SMBC to soil organic carbon (qMBC)、ratio of SMBN to soil total nitrogen (qMBN))、土壤基础呼吸(soil basic respiration (SBR))以及代谢熵(microbial metabolic quotient(qCO2))的剖面分异特征及其影响因素.结果表明,植被、土层深度显著影响土壤微生物量及基础呼吸,随植被恢复,SMBC、SMBN、SBR由草丛、灌丛、原生林依次上升,并随土壤发生层位的加深逐渐减少,qCO2在3种植被类型间差异显著:T>PF>S;原生林A层SMBC,SMBN在各坡位间均显著高于AB层、B层,SBR在A层由下坡位至上坡位递减,而在AB和B层的上、下坡位间无显著差异,qCO2坡位间无显著差异(P>0.05);SMBC与SMBN之间存在显著正相关(r=0.825,P<0.01,n=45),且SMBC、SMBN、SBR分别与有机碳、全氮、碱解氮均呈显著正相关.因此,随植被恢复,土壤质量明显改善,且坡位对A层土壤的影响较AB层和B层更显著,对于维持土壤微生物调节的土壤养分循环功能,调控土壤氮素营养与土壤有机质同等重要,这为合理制订喀斯特生态恢复措施提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed, based on the time dependent changes of the specific growth rate, for prediction of the typical microbial cell growth in batch cultures. This model could predict both the lag growth phase and the stationary growth phase of batch cultures, and it was tested with the batch growth ofTrichoderma reesei andLactobacillus delbrucckii.  相似文献   

宁南山区典型植物根际与非根际土壤微生物功能多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
安韶山  李国辉  陈利顶 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5225-5234
选择宁南山区9种典型植物的根际与非根际土壤为研究对象,采用Biolog方法对土壤微生物功能多样性进行了研究。结果表明:9种不同植物根际土壤与非根际土壤的微生物活性(AWCD)、微生物多样性指数和微生物均匀度指数均存在明显差异;除冰草外,其他各种植物的根际土壤的微生物活性AWCD、微生物多样性指数和微生物均匀度指数均比非根际土壤的高;9种典型植物根际土壤微生物主要碳源利用类型是羧酸类和氨基酸类,非根际土壤微生物主要碳源利用类型是羧酸类、胺类、氨基酸类;微生物活性、微生物多样性指数和微生物均匀度指数两两之间均达到了极显著相关,与土壤化学性质各指标之间均未达到显著相关水平。  相似文献   

The study gives the microenvironmental contrasts between paved and grass surfaces, in both urban and suburban areas of Cincinnati, Ohio. Wetand dry-bulb temperatures, radiant heat, and air velocity measurements are presented. Thermal indices such as effective temperature, corrected effective temperature, wet-bulb globe temperature, discomfort index, and relative strain index are calculated from these measurements. The data are interpreted with respect to the health and comfort of urban inhabitants relative to adjacent suburban inhabitants. During the afternoon, the grass sites were more comfortable than paved sites. During the evening, the suburban area was significantly more comfortable than the urban area. The urban-suburban differences indicate that the urban thermal excess may be a direct factor in heat deaths during periods of extreme heat. Careful spacing of green areas, and the use of building materials with lower heat conductivity and heat storage properties and higher albedoes are suggested to ameliorate the urban temperature excess.
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit den mikroklimatischen Unterschieden von gepflasterten und Grasflächen-Zonen der Stadt und Vorstadt von Cincinnatti,Ohio, anhand der Daten von Feucht- und Trockentemperatur, Strahlungswärme und Luftbewegung. Daraus wurden berechnet: die Effektive Temperatur und die korrigierte Effektive Temperatur, die Nass-Globe-Temperatur, der Discomfort-Index und der Relative-Strain-Index. Die Werte wurden untersucht in Hinsicht auf die Gesundheit und Behaglichkeit der Stadtbewohner im Vergleich mit den Vorstadtbewohnern. Am Nachmittag waren Grasflächen angenehmer als gepflasterte Flächen, am Abend war es umgekehrt. Dieser Stadt-Vorort Unterschied zeigt auf, dass der Wärmeüberschuss in der Stadt die direkte Ursache der Hitze-Todesfälle während extremer Hitzeperioden sein kann. Die wohlüberlegte Verteilung von Grünflächen und die Verwendung von Baumaterialien mit geringer Wärmeleitung und Wärmespeicherung und höheren Albedos werden zur Abschwächung des städtischen Wärmeüberschusses vorgeschlagen.

Resume On étudie ici les différences micrométéorologiques entre les zones pavées et engazonnées de Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, et cela aussi bien dans la villemême que dans les faubourgs. Pour cela, on a mesuré la température des thermomètres sec et mouillé, la chaleur radiante et la vitesse du vent. On en tire la température effective, la température effective corrigée, la température du thermomètre mouillé, l'indice dinconfort et l'indice de contrainte relative. On interprête ces chiffres au vu de l'état de santé et de confort des habitants du centre urbain lui-même par rapport à ceux des banlieusards. L'après-midi, les zones engazonnées sont plus agréables que celles qui sont pavées. Le soir, les faubourgs présentent un confort plus important que la ville. Les différences constatées entre la ville et sa banlieue montrent que les excès thermiques de la première sont directement responsables de la mortalité par coups de chaleur pendant les périodes de chaud prononcé. Pour améliorer les conditions de vie, c'est-à-dire diminuer les excès thermiques, on propose une répartition équilibrée de zones vertes et l'usage de matériaux de construction ayant de faibles conductivité et capacité thermiques ainsi qu'un albédo élevé.

on assignment from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce  相似文献   

土壤微生物对重金属污染胁迫敏感,但在实际野外环境中,土壤微生物群落生态效应通常是污染胁迫和环境因素综合作用的结果。为探究重金属污染土壤中微生物群落生态效应发生变化的主控因素,本研究以湖南省某典型矿冶区周边不同土地利用类型土壤为研究对象,以土壤碳氮循环过程主要的微生物功能指标土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、基础呼吸(BR)、诱导呼吸(SIR)和硝化潜势(PNR)为生态效应终点,进行采样调查分析。结果表明: 土地利用类型对MBC、BR和SIR影响均不显著;研究区土壤微生物功能的主要影响因子包括CaCl2提取态Pb(CaCl2-Pb)含量与土壤有机质(SOM)含量。多元回归分析结果表明,在CaCl2-Pb含量为0.004~13.14 mg·kg-1及SOM含量为0.24%~4.34%的条件下,土壤CaCl2-Pb和SOM含量可以共同解释土壤中BR、SIR和PNR总变异的39.8%~58.3%;中等含量下(SOM在1.70%~2.36%,CaCl2-Pb在0.004~12.98 mg·kg-1),土壤CaCl2-Pb和SOM含量与BR、SIR和PNR的变化能够建立显著的暴露-效应关系,可以作为测定终点定量评价重金属污染对微生物群落功能的生态效应。  相似文献   

气温上升对草地土壤微生物群落结构的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
张卫建  许泉  王绪奎  卞新民 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1742-1747
在 2 0世纪内 ,全球气温已经上升了 0 .6℃ ,并预计到本世纪末仍将上升 1.4~ 5 .8℃。全球气候变暖对生态系统的潜在影响 ,生态系统对气温上升的反馈已成为国际生态学界的研究热点 ,而且所研究的系统也已经从过去简化的模拟系统到复杂的真实生态系统。但是 ,现有对真实生态系统的研究大部分集中在地上植物群落和土壤气体交换等领域 ,对在土壤有机碳分解和保护中起决定作用的土壤微生物研究较少。为此 ,在美国大平原地区进行人工提高气温 (上升 1.8℃ ) ,来研究土壤微生物对气温上升的反应。结果表明 :增温对土壤微生物的总生物量没有显著效应 ,但可以提高微生物的 C∶ N比。另外 ,磷脂肪酸分析发现 ,气温上升显著降低土壤微生物量中的细菌比重 ,提高真菌的份额 ,从而显著提高了群落中真菌与细菌的比值。而且 ,通过对土壤微生物底物利用方式和磷脂肪酸特征的主成份分析 ,发现增温导致了土壤微生物群落结构的转变。可见 ,气温上升可能是通过提高土壤微生物中真菌的优势 ,而导致群落结构的变化。该变化将可以提高微生物对土壤有机碳的利用效率 ,并利于土壤有机碳的保护  相似文献   

干旱区典型盐生植物群落下土壤微生物群落特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
王静娅  王明亮  张凤华 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2363-2372
运用Biolog技术,对干旱区玛纳斯河流域扇缘带的6种典型盐生植物群落下土壤微生物群落特征差异性进行了研究,探讨不同植物群落对土壤微生物群落的影响。结果表明:不同盐生植物群落土壤平均颜色变化率(AWCD)随培养时间的延长而逐渐增加,大小顺序依次为:梭梭花花柴白刺绢蒿柽柳雾冰藜,且差异显著。不同植物群落土壤微生物对6类碳源利用差异显著(P0.05),其中梭梭群落利用率最高,雾冰藜群落利用率最低。碳水化合物类和氨基酸类是主要碳源,胺类的利用率最低。主成分分析(PCA)表明,在31种因子中提取的2个主成分因子,分别可以解释所有变量方差的41.51%和25.35%,对PC1和PC2起分异作用的主要碳源分别为碳水化合物类和氨基酸类。土壤微生物群落Shannon指数、Simpson指数上,除雾冰藜群落较低,其他群落之间均差异不显著(P0.05)。植物群落Margalef指数,Shannon指数和Simpson指数上,均为绢蒿,梭梭和柽柳群落较为优势。相关性分析表明,植物群落多样性指数与土壤微生物多样性指数呈显著正相关关系(P0.05),说明了植物多样性越丰富,土壤微生物越丰富。总体来说,干旱区不同盐生植物群落对土壤微生物群落多样性具有重要影响。其中,梭梭群落的土壤微生物群落具有较强的微生物总体活性和功能多样性。  相似文献   

张圣喜  陈法霖  郑华 《生态学报》2011,31(11):3020-3026
通过小盆模拟试验研究了南方红壤丘陵区典型阔叶树种香樟、白栎和青冈的凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落结构的异同。结果表明:(1)凋落物含氮量:白栎>香樟>青冈;碳、木质素的含量以及碳/氮比、木质素/氮比:青冈>香樟>白栎;分解速率:白栎>香樟>青冈;(2)随着凋落物分解的进程,土壤微生物群落16 ∶ 0、15 ∶ 0、i16 ∶ 0、a17 ∶ 0、17 ∶ 0、18 ∶ 2ω6,9c和10Me18 ∶ 0的含量上升,18 ∶ 0、14 ∶ 0、16 ∶ 1ω7c、18 ∶ 1ω7c、cy19 ∶ 0、i19 ∶ 0和10Me19 ∶ 0的含量下降,饱和直链脂肪酸/单不饱和脂肪酸、革兰氏阳性菌/革兰氏阴性菌以及cy19 ∶ 0/18 ∶ 1ω7c的比值都显著上升。(3)两个时期白栎凋落物处理土壤16 ∶ 0、15 ∶ 0、a15 ∶ 0、i16 ∶ 0、a17 ∶ 0、 17 ∶ 0、cy19 ∶ 0、18 ∶ 2ω6,9c、18 ∶ 1ω9c和10Me18 ∶ 0的含量显著高于香樟和青冈凋落物处理的土壤,细菌、真菌的磷脂脂肪酸含量以及磷脂脂肪酸总量显著高于香樟和青冈凋落物处理的土壤。随着阔叶凋落物的分解,变化的土壤环境对土壤微生物群落的胁迫增强,土壤微生物群落结构发生显著变化。与香樟和青冈的凋落物相比,白栎凋落物碳/氮比和木质素/氮比低、分解快,能显著改善土壤微生物群落结构,更有利于土壤肥力提高和生态系统养分循环的改善。  相似文献   

Background: The explosive growth of urbanisation in Mediterranean ecosystems in Chile has favoured the rapid expansion of exotic plant species, yet factors driving these invasion patterns in adjacent natural areas remain poorly assessed.

Aims: To assess how distance to a suburban/wildland border, habitat type, site-scale disturbance and woody plant cover of native species influences the diversity of exotic species in a natural area surrounding the city of Santiago, Chile.

Methods: Three watersheds were chosen, and the diversity of exotic species was assessed in 36 100-m-long transects, equally distributed over two distance categories and three habitats. For each transect, we measured woody plant cover of native species and frequency of rabbit faeces as a measure of competitive exclusion and site-scale disturbance, respectively.

Results: Species diversity decreased as the distance from the suburban/wildland border increased, and it was found to be higher in north-facing habitats compared to south-facing and alluvial habitats. Neither native woody plant cover nor frequency of rabbit faeces had an effect on species diversity.

Conclusions: The current pattern of exotic plant species in this natural area is mainly influenced by the distance to suburban border and habitat type. An adequate management of conditions favouring exotic species in suburban/wildland border may prevent the spread of these into natural areas next to urban settings.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 increases aboveground plant growth and productivity. However, carbon dioxide-induced alterations in plant growth are also likely to affect belowground processes, including the composition of soil biota. We investigated the influence of increased atmospheric CO2on bacterial numbers and activity, and on soil microbial community composition in a pasture ecosystem under Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE). Composition of the soil microbial communities, in rhizosphere and bulk soil, under two atmospheric CO2 levels was evaluated by using phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA), and total and respiring bacteria counts were determined by epifluorescence microscopy. While populations increased with elevated atmospheric CO2 in bulk soil of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), a higher atmospheric CO2 concentration did not affect total or metabolically active bacteria in bulk soil of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). There was no effect of atmospheric CO2 on total bacteria populations per gram of rhizosphere soil. The combined effect of elevated CO2 on total root length of each species and the bacterial population in these rhizospheres, however, resulted in an 85% increase in total rhizosphere bacteria and a 170% increase in respiring rhizosphere bacteria for the two plant species, when assessed on a per unit land area basis. Differences in microbial community composition between rhizosphere and bulk soil were evident in samples from white clover, and these communities changed in response to CO2 enrichment. Results of this study indicate that changes in soil microbial activity, numbers, and community composition are likely to occur under elevated atmospheric CO2, but the extent of those changes depend on plant species and the distance that microbes are from the immediate vicinity of the plant root surface.  相似文献   

Summary Surface samples of a brown earth soil, showing signs of podzolization were transferred from an unpolluted woodland site and exposed to heavy atmospheric pollution for a period of one year. Although exposure resulted in a decrease in soil pH from 4.2 to 3.7, no significant changes in microbial numbers; nitrification rate; respiration rate; solubilization of insoluble phosphate; or the activity of a range of soil enzymes occurred. The rate of ammonification was, however, higher in the exposed than the control soil.Microbial activity in the unpolluted soil was not, therefore, substantially impaired by exposure to heavy atmospheric pollution, despite the fact that the pH of the soil was reduced.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine episodes of hyperglycemia and disturbance of acid-base equilibrium were classified according to the result of nitroprusside test for serum (or urine) ketones, serum electrolytes, glucose, lactate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and arterial blood pH and gas analysis into the following 6 groups; (1) diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), (2) mild DKA, (3) DKA with mixed acid-base disturbance, (4) DKA with lactic acidosis, (5) lactic acidosis with mild ketonemia, (6) lactic acidosis. Their clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, insulin and i.v. fluid requirement in the early phase of therapy were surveyed and compared with those reported from Western countries. The fundamental problems of groups (1) to (4) were hyperglycemia and acid-base disturbance. Groups (5) and (6) were characterized by underlying serious medical illness, accompanied by lactic acidosis and hyperglycemia. All patients in groups (1) to (4) recovered but 7 of 10 patients in groups (5) and (6) died within the first 7 days. DKA with or without lactic acidosis and lactic acidosis with or without mild ketonemia appeared as two separate conditions from the standpoint of management and prognosis and were differentiated only by nitroprusside test for serum ketones. DKA with lactic acidosis and DKA without it could not be differentiated by routine blood chemistries and therapy for the two did not differ so that they were thought to be in the same spectrum of metabolic alteration.  相似文献   

大量的采矿活动导致矿区周边土壤重金属污染, 严重危害土壤生物安全。汞、铊等重金属元素毒性强, 相关污染的土壤生态风险鲜有研究。跳虫作为土壤环境变化指示生物, 能很好地反映土壤质量的健康状况。本研究以贵州省某汞铊矿区周边的农田土壤为研究对象, 按离矿区距离和作物类型设置4个采样区, 每个采样区种植2种作物, 每种作物农田设置3个样方。研究土壤跳虫群落结构和多样性及其影响因子。结果表明, 调查区内跳虫平均密度为12,000 ind./m2; 采样区距离矿区越近, 土壤重金属污染程度越大, 综合污染指数越高, 跳虫种数、密度、多样性和丰富度指数均呈先增加再降低的趋势; 环境因子分析表明重金属显著影响跳虫群落结构: Folsomides americanusIsotomiella minorProtaphorura encarpatus数量与汞、铊和砷含量呈负相关。高有机质含量能缓解重金属对土壤跳虫的影响, 但作物类型(玉米与薏仁)对土壤跳虫群落结构的影响无显著差异。本研究结果表明土壤有机质或能反向调节重金属污染对土壤跳虫群落的影响。  相似文献   

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