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In vitro dose--response curves of unstable chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes have been obtained for neutron spectra of mean energies 0-7, 0-9, 7-6 and 14-7 MeV. The aberration yields have been fitted to the quadratic function Y = alphaD + betaD2, which is consistent with the single-track and two-track model of aberration formation. However with high-LET radiation, the linear component of yield, corresponding to damage caused by single tracks, predominants, and this term becomes more dominant with increasing LET, so that for fission spectrum neutrons the relationship is linear, Y = alphaD. At low doses, such as those recieved by radiation workers, limiting r.b.e. values between 13 and 47 are obtained relative to 60Co gamma-radiation. At higher doses, as used in radiotherapy, the values are much lower; ranging from 2-7 to 8 at 200 rad of equivalent gamma-radiation. Both sets of r.b.e. values correlate well with track-averaged LET but not with dose-averaged LET. When the numbers of cells without aberrations are plotted against radiation dose, curves are obtained which are similar in shape to those for conventional cell-survival experiments with comparable neutron spectra. The Do values obtained in the present study are close to those from other cell system.  相似文献   

The production of chromosome aberrations in vivo has been studied in lymphocytes from a patient undergoing a wholebody treatment with gamma-radiation up to a cumulative dose of 1.4 Gy. These results were compared with the observations performed on whole blood samples irradiated in vitro with doses from 0.05 up to 2 Gy of gamma-rays. The frequency of chromosome aberrations, particularly the dicentrics, was found to be similar in vivo and in vitro. The yield of dicentrics could be best related to the dose by using a linear-quadratic model in both cases, the ratio of the coefficients a/b being of 0.56 and 0.69 Gy, respectively in vivo and in vitro. These observations confirm that in vitro dose response curves may be used to evaluate accurately an in vivo absorbed dose.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes induced by fission neutrons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dose-response relationships of dicentrics and excess acentrics were analysed after exposure of human lymphocytes to a mixed fission neutron-gamma-ray beam. From the analysis of exclusively first division cells a linear-quadratic relation was obtained for dicentrics with the ratio of linear and quadratic components, zeta, equal to 2.76 Gy. Over the range of doses studied (0.04-1.97 Gy) intratrack events therefore predominated. This also applied to acentrics which were linearly related to dose. At the lowest level of observed effect and dose, r.b.e. values with respect to 60Co gamma-rays of up to about 11 were derived for dicentrics and acentrics. With increasing neutron dose the r.b.e. decreased.  相似文献   

Chromosomes were analysed in peripheral lymphocytes of 24 workers in a zinc smelting plant who had increased blood levels of lead and cadmium. The number of cells with structural chromosome aberrations was significantly increased as compared with 15 controls. The observed chromosome damage was mainly of the chromatid type (single breaks and exchanges) accompanied by acentric fragments. The observed chromosome aberrations cannot be causally related to cadmium because the workers were additionally exposed to lead and zinc. However, from existing cytogenetic data on heavy metals an effect of cadmium could be well deduced, although possible synergistic effects of several metal compounds, especially under conditions, in vivo, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

S A Midian  N P Kuleshov 《Genetika》1975,11(9):137-144
A cytogenetic investigation of a group of prematurely born babies was carried out during the first months of their life (at ages of 0 days, 5-7 days, 2-4 weeks), as well as of a group of infants born in proper time and having a normal weight. As it was shown by the analysis of chromosome aberrations, frequencies of aberrant cells in babies at ages of 0 days, 5-7 days, 2-4 weeks and in those that have endured some bacterial or viral infection were 1,96% (0.22 aberrations per cell), 3,38% (0,037 aberrations per cell), 4,92% (0,053 aberrations per cell) and 6,73% respectively. The role of infection of drugs in the increase of the frequency of aberrant cells is also indicated by the investigation of babies born in proper time and having normal weight, that have endured an acute respiratory disease. In this group of children the frequency of aberrant cells was 5,3%. However, it is impossible to assess the role of each of these factors separately, since their effect on the organism of prematurely born babies is simultaneous from the very moment of birth.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of the lymphocytes of astronauts provides a direct measurement of space radiation damage in vivo, which takes into account individual radiosensitivity and considers the influence of microgravity and other stress conditions. Chromosome exchanges were measured in the blood lymphocytes of eight crew members after their respective space missions, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with chromosome painting probes. Significant increases in aberrations were observed after the long-duration missions. The in vivo dose was derived from the frequencies of translocations and total exchanges using calibration curves determined before flight, and the RBE was estimated by comparison with individually measured physical absorbed doses. The values for average RBE were compared to the average quality factor (Q) from direct measurements of the lineal energy spectra using a tissue-equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) and radiation transport codes. The ratio of aberrations identified as complex was slightly higher after flight, which is thought to be an indication of exposure to high-LET radiation. To determine whether the frequency of complex aberrations measured in metaphase spreads after exposure to high-LET radiation was influenced by a cell cycle delay, chromosome damage was analyzed in prematurely condensed chromosome samples collected from two crew members before and after a short-duration mission. The frequency of complex exchanges after flight was higher in prematurely condensed chromosomes than in metaphase cells for one crew member.  相似文献   

In vitro dose--response curves of unstable chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes have been obtained for 252Cf neutron radiation. The aberration yields fitted best to the linear function Y=aD, which is consistent with the single-track model of aberration formation for high LET radiation. The curves have been compared with others previously produced in this laboratory for several energies of neutrons and for 60Co gamma radiation. The r.b.e. for 252Cf with respect to 60Co is 27 at very low doses, decreasing to 6 at an aberration yield equivalent to 400 rad of 18 rad/hour gamma radiation. A profile of chromosome-aberration induction with depth in a perspex phantom was obtained by placing blood samples at several distances over the range 0.65-2.0 cm from the californium source. This profile was compared with depth-damage calculations for a radium needle. The r.b.e. of 252Cf radiation relative to 226Ra gamma radiation increased with the distance from the source, implying that californium is more effective at greater distances in destroying the ability of cells to divide, which may be an advantage in the treatment of large tumours.  相似文献   

A dose-effect curve is presented obtained by analysis of dicentric chromosomes and centric ring chromosomes in lymphocyte metaphase spreads of three healthy volunteers after in vitro 100 kV X-ray-irradiation of peripheral blood samples. This calibration curve follows a linear quadratic equation, y=c+alpha D+beta D(2), with the coefficients: y=(0.0005+/-0.0001)+(0.0355+/-0.0066)D+(0.0701+/-0.0072)D(2). The model is based on 13.231 first-division metaphases analyzed after in vitro exposure to doses ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 Gy at a dose rate of 0.4 Gy min(-1). Significant overdispersion of the observed chromosomal aberrations was evident for dose points 1.0 and 2.0 Gy, respectively. The calibration curve was applied to derive equivalent whole body doses of three subjects after suspected extensive exposure to diagnostic X-rays.  相似文献   

Male and female CD-1 mice were exposed to near ambient air concentrations of benzene by inhalation for 22 h per day, 7 days per week for 6 weeks. The concentrations were 0, 40, 100 and 1000 ppb. Significant increases in chromosome aberrations in spleen lymphocytes were observed in exposed compared with control mice except in the high-dose group (p less than 0.05 for female mice in 2 experiments and for male mice in 1 experiment; p less than 0.15 for male mice in the second experiment). A lack of increase in aberrations among mice of the high-dose group may be due to an induction of detoxifying enzymes as observed by us in a previous study (Au et al., 1988b). We also found that the female mice were more sensitive to the clastogenic activity of benzene than male mice under our experimental conditions. Our study serves to emphasize the need to conduct subchronic, low-dose in vivo genotoxicity studies using exposure conditions similar to those of humans, for evaluation of potential hazards. Our data suggest that the current occupational exposure concentrations for benzene (less than 1000 ppb) may still be hazardous to humans.  相似文献   

At remote times following long-term external irradiation of Wistar rats with a cumulative dose of 10 Gy a 2-4-fold increase was registered in the spontaneous yield of chromosome aberrations in a population of original haemopoietic cells-precursors mainly due to symmetrical inter- and intrachromosomal exchanges.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations in workers at a tannery in Iraq   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Blood samples were collected from 17 healthy chromium-exposed workers at a tanning plant near Baghdad city and 13 controls matched for age, period of service and social background. For each individual more than 100 lymphocyte metaphases were examined. The results showed no significant differences in the per cell frequencies of chromatid and isochromatid gaps, single chromatid breaks, various chromosome-type aberrations and all aberrations combined. However, smoking workers exhibited statistically higher frequency of chromosome-type aberrations than non-smoking workers and smoking controls.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations (Cabs) can be induced in vitro by non-DNA damaging compounds, often associated with cytotoxicity and DNA synthesis inhibition, and under conditions that would not be relevant in vivo. Such misleading positive results are reported both in Chinese hamster cell lines and in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HL). We assessed the response of HL to compounds with varied genetic toxicity profiles, all of which induced Cabs in CHO cells Seven of 10 compounds were negative or equivocal in HL. Results in purified lymphocytes for four verified that the difference was not due to the presence of blood in cultures. Two compounds that were weakly positive in the Ames test and one that induced DNA adducts were negative or equivocal in the HL assay; their overall mutagenic potential in vivo is not clear. Of four Ames-negative compounds, three of which inhibited DNA synthesis in CHO cells, three were negative and one was equivocal in the HL assay. A potent Cab inducer, which also induced micronuclei in vivo (but was negative in the Ames test) was clearly positive in the HL assay. Two compounds were clearly positive in HL only when the mitotic indices (MI) were below 50% of control. These are genotoxic in other assays but our evidence suggests that Cab induction is related more to toxicity than to primary DNA damage. For this limited set of 10 compounds, HL were more likely than CHO cells to give negative or equivocal results. It is likely that more stringent checkpoint controls in human cells prevent damaged cells reaching mitosis, and may also influence the reported greater sensitivity to induction of aneuploidy and polyploidy of normal rodent compared with human cells. In the studies reported here, two strong inducers of polyploidy in CHO cells gave weaker increases in HL. Human lymphocytes have disadvantages as a routine screening assay (finding donors, known individual variability, increased time required and the inadequacy of the MI as a toxicity measure), but may be useful in follow-up testing to assess weight of evidence about genotoxic risk to humans, for compounds that are positive in the Chinese hamster cell Cabs assays.  相似文献   

Y Matsuda  T Yamada  I Tobari 《Mutation research》1985,148(1-2):113-117
The induction of chromosome aberrations in eggs of mice fertilized with X-irradiated sperm was performed by using an in vitro fertilization technique. Capacitated mature sperm was irradiated with various doses of X-rays and cytological analysis of the first cleavage metaphase of in vitro fertilized eggs was made. The frequencies of chromosome aberrations increased exponentially with dose and the dose-response relationship for overall breaks fitted well to a quadratic equation. The chromosome aberrations were mainly chromosome-type (82.1%), and the majority of aberrations were fragments.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes were exposed to UV-radiation and X-rays. The previously reported synergistic effect on the frequency of chromosome aberrations (Holmberg and Jonasson, 1974) was measured as a function of the time between the 2 irradiations to study the effect of repair processes in cells in PBS at 20 degrees C. The synergistic effect was found to be rather constant as a function of time (in the interval up to 90 min) when the UV-radiation is delivered first. The synergistic effect decreases with a half-life of about 20 min when the cells are first X-irradiated and after various times are given a UV-treatment. This is not in accordance with findings from dose-fractionation experiments with X-rays, in which lesions interact with each other for several hours. It is proposed that the enhanced aberration frequency in the combined irradiations originates from interactions between short-lived, X-ray-induced DNA-lesions in close spatial proximity (mainly lesions in the same ionization track), and the repair of these lesions are affected by the UV-treatment. In contrast, the aberrations studied in dose-fractionation experiments, by definition, are due to interactions between (long-lived) lesions in different tracks. Further details of this model for aberration production are discussed.  相似文献   

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