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We present a complexity-based approach for the analysis of fMRI time series, in which sample entropy (SampEn) is introduced as a quantification of the voxel complexity. Under this hypothesis the voxel complexity could be modulated in pertinent cognitive tasks, and it changes through experimental paradigms. We calculate the complexity of sequential fMRI data for each voxel in two distinct experimental paradigms and use a nonparametric statistical strategy, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, to evaluate the difference in complexity between them. The results are compared with the well known general linear model based Statistical Parametric Mapping package (SPM12), where a decided difference has been observed. This is because SampEn method detects brain complexity changes in two experiments of different conditions and the data-driven method SampEn evaluates just the complexity of specific sequential fMRI data. Also, the larger and smaller SampEn values correspond to different meanings, and the neutral-blank design produces higher predictability than threat-neutral. Complexity information can be considered as a complementary method to the existing fMRI analysis strategies, and it may help improving the understanding of human brain functions from a different perspective.  相似文献   

Single-cell genomics provides substantial resources for dissecting cellular heterogeneity and cancer evolution. Unfortunately, classical DNA amplification-based methods have low throughput and introduce coverage bias during sample preamplification. We developed a single-cell DNA library preparation method without preamplification in nanolitre scale (scDPN) to address these issues. The method achieved a throughput of up to 1800 cells per run for copy number variation (CNV) detection. Also, our approach demonstrated a lower level of amplification bias and noise than the multiple displacement amplification (MDA) method and showed high sensitivity and accuracy for cell line and tumor tissue evaluation. We used this approach to profile the tumor clones in paired primary and relapsed tumor samples of hepato-cellular carcinoma (HCC). We identified three clonal subpopulations with a multitude of aneuploid alterations across the genome. Furthermore, we observed that a minor clone of the primary tumor containing additional alterations in chro-mosomes 1q, 10q, and 14q developed into the dominant clone in the recurrent tumor, indicating clonal selection during recurrence in HCC. Overall, this approach provides a comprehensive and scalable solution to understand genome hetero-geneity and evolution.  相似文献   

生物催化剂是具有催化作用的游离或固定化细胞和游离或固定化酶的统称.目前,筛选新生物催化剂的方法有两种:一是从环境样品中筛选全新的生物催化剂;二是探索现有生物催化剂的非天然新活力.本文详细综述了筛选新生物催化剂的方法及策略,并着重介绍了从微生物源开发新生物催化剂的方法.  相似文献   

The scaling and shift of the gene expression boundary in a developing embryo are two key problems with regard to morphogen gradient formation in developmental biology. In this study, a bigradient model was applied to a nonlinear reaction diffusion system (NRDS) to investigate the location of morphogen gene expression boundary. In contrast to the traditional synthesis–diffusion–degradation model, the introduction of NRDS in this study contributes to the precise gene expression boundary at arbitrary location along the anterior-posterior axis other than simply midembryo even when the linear characteristic lengths of two morphogens are equal. The scaling location depends on the ratio of two morphogen influxes ( \(w\) ) and concentrations ( \(r\) ) as well as the nonlinear reaction diffusion parameters ( \(\alpha , n\) ). We also formulate a direct relationship between the shift in the gene expression boundary and the influx of morphogen and find that enhancing the morphogen influx is helpful to build up a robust gene expression boundary. By analyzing the robustness of the morphogen gene expression boundary and comparing with the relevant results in linear reaction diffusion system, we determine the precise range of the ratio of the two morphogen influxes with a lower shift in the morphogen gene expression boundary and increased system robustness.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis is used to model the binding and dissociation kinetics of connective tissue interstitial glucose, adipose tissue interstitial glucose, insulin, and other related analytes on biosensor surfaces. The analysis provides insights into diffusion-limited analyte-receptor reactions occurring on heterogeneous biosensor surfaces. Numerical values obtained for the binding and the dissociation rate coefficients are linked to the degree of heterogeneity or roughness [fractal dimension (Df)] present on the biosensor chip surface. The binding and dissociation rate coefficients are sensitive to the degree of heterogeneity on the surface. For example, for the binding of plasma insulin, as the fractal dimension value increases by a factor of 2.47 from Df1 = 0.6827 to Df2 = 1.6852, the binding rate coefficient increases by a factor of 4.92 from k1 = 1.0232 to k2 = 5.0388. An increase in the degree of heterogeneity on the probe surface leads to an increase in the binding rate coefficient. A dual-fractal analysis is required to fit the binding kinetics in most of the cases presented. A single fractal analysis is adequate to describe the dissociation kinetics. Affinity (ratio of the binding to the dissociation rate coefficient) values are also presented. Interferents for glucose, such as uric acid and ascorbic acid, were also detected by using glucose biosensors based on carbon nanotube (CNT) nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) (Lin Y, Lu F, Tu Y, Ren Z. Nano Lett 2004, 4, 191–195).  相似文献   

The brain is one of the most studied and highly complex systems in the biological world. While much research has concentrated on studying the brain directly, our focus is the structure of the brain itself: at its core an interconnected network of nodes (neurons). A better understanding of the structural connectivity of the brain should elucidate some of its functional properties. In this paper we analyze the connectome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Consisting of only 302 neurons, it is one of the better-understood neural networks. Using a Laplacian Matrix of the 279-neuron “giant component” of the network, we use an eigenvalue counting function to look for fractal-like self similarity. This matrix representation is also used to plot visualizations of the neural network in eigenfunction coordinates. Small-world properties of the system are examined, including average path length and clustering coefficient. We test for localization of eigenfunctions, using graph energy and spacial variance on these functions. To better understand results, all calculations are also performed on random networks, branching trees, and known fractals, as well as fractals which have been “rewired” to have small-world properties. We propose algorithms for generating Laplacian matrices of each of these graphs.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, researchers have found that some engineered aptamers can be made to work well in test tubes but that these same aptamers might fail to function in cells. To help address this problem, we developed the ‘Graftamer’ approach, an experimental platform that exploits the architecture of a natural riboswitch to enhance in vitro aptamer selection and accelerate in vivo testing. Starting with combinatorial RNA pools that contain structural features of a guanine riboswitch aptamer interspersed with regions of random sequence, we performed multiplexed in vitro selection with a collection of small molecules. This effort yielded aptamers for quinine, guanine, and caffeine that appear to maintain structural features of the natural guanine riboswitch aptamer. Quinine and caffeine aptamers were each grafted onto a natural guanine riboswitch expression platform and reporter gene expression was monitored to determine that these aptamers function in cells. Additionally, we determined the secondary structure features and survival mechanism of a class of RNA sequences that evade the intended selection strategy, providing insight into improving this approach for future efforts. These results demonstrate that the Graftamer strategy described herein represents a convenient and straightforward approach to develop aptamers and validate their in vivo function.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe voice is a prominent tool allowing people to communicate and to change information in their daily activities. However, any slight alteration in the voice production system may affect the voice quality. Over the last years, researchers in biomedical engineering field worked to develop a robust automatic system that may help clinicians to perform a preventive diagnosis in order to detect the voice pathologies in an early stage.MethodIn this context, pathological voice detection and classification method based on EMD-DWT analysis and Higher Order Statistics (HOS) features, is proposed. Also DWT coefficients features are extracted and tested. To carry out our experiments a wide subset of voice signal from normal subjects and subjects which suffer from the five most frequent pathologies in the Saarbrücken Voice Database (SVD), is selected. In The first step, we applied the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to the voice signal. Afterwards, among the obtained candidates of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), we choose the robust one based on temporal energy criterion. In the second step, the selected IMF was decomposed via the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). As a result, two features vector includes six HOSs parameters, and a features vector includes six DWT features were formed from both approximation and detail coefficients. In order to classify the obtained data a support vector machine (SVM) is employed. After having trained the proposed system using the SVD database, the system was evaluated using voice signals of volunteer's subjects from the Neurological department of RABTA Hospital of Tunis.ResultsThe proposed method gives promising results in pathological voices detection. The accuracies reached 99.26% using HOS features and 93.1% using DWT features for SVD database. In the classification, an accuracy of 100% was reached for “Funktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekrrensparese” based on HOS features. Nevertheless, using DWT features the accuracy achieved was 90.32% for “Hyperfunktionelle Dysphonia vs. Rekurrensparse”. Furthermore, in the validation the accuracies reached were 94.82%, 91.37% for HOS and DWT features, respectively. In the classification the highest accuracies reached were for classifying “Parkinson versus Paralysis” 94.44% and 88.87% based on HOS and DWT features, respectively.ConclusionHOS features show promising results in the automatic voice pathology detection and classification compared to DWT features. Thus, it can reliably be used as noninvasive tool to assist clinical evaluation for pathological voices identification.  相似文献   

Silver-nickel alloy nanoparticles with varying size were synthesized by reducing the metal precursors chemically using a single-step solution-based synthesis route. The structural, optical, and nonlinear optical properties of the prepared samples were investigated. The synthesized samples having highly agglomerated, interconnected nature and found to exhibit dipole and multipole surface plasmon resonance related optical absorption bands. Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties were investigated using a single beam open aperture z-scan technique with the use of 532 nm, 5-ns laser pulses. The nonlinearity observed was found to have contributions from saturable absorption (SA) and excited state absorption (ESA) related to free carriers. The effective nonlinear optical absorption was enhanced in AgNi alloy compared to pure Ag nanostructures.  相似文献   

The ability of metal surfaces and nanostructures to localize and enhance optical fields is the primary reason for their application in biosensing and imaging. Local field enhancement boosts the signal-to-noise ratio in measurements and provides the possibility of imaging with resolutions significantly better than the diffraction limit. In fluorescence imaging, local field enhancement leads to improved brightness of molecular emission and to higher detection sensitivity and better discrimination. We review the principles of plasmonic fluorescence enhancement and discuss applications ranging from biosensing to bioimaging.  相似文献   

Thanks to the proliferation of online social networks, it has become conventional for researchers to communicate and collaborate with each other. Meanwhile, one critical challenge arises, that is, how to find the most relevant and potential collaborators for each researcher? In this work, we propose a novel collaborator recommendation model called CCRec, which combines the information on researchers’ publications and collaboration network to generate better recommendation. In order to effectively identify the most potential collaborators for researchers, we adopt a topic clustering model to identify the academic domains, as well as a random walk model to compute researchers’ feature vectors. Using DBLP datasets, we conduct benchmarking experiments to examine the performance of CCRec. The experimental results show that CCRec outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision, recall and F1 score.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental condition clinically characterized by social interaction and communication difficulties. To date, the majority of research efforts have focused on brain mechanisms underlying the deficits in interpersonal social cognition associated with ASD. Recent empirical and theoretical work has begun to reveal evidence for a reduced or even absent self-preference effect in patients with ASD. One may hypothesize that this is related to the impaired attentional processing of self-referential stimuli. The aim of our study was to test this hypothesis. We investigated the neural correlates of face and name detection in ASD. Four categories of face/name stimuli were used: own, close-other, famous, and unknown. Event-related potentials were recorded from 62 electrodes in 23 subjects with ASD and 23 matched control subjects. P100, N170, and P300 components were analyzed. The control group clearly showed a significant self-preference effect: higher P300 amplitude to the presentation of own face and own name than to the close-other, famous, and unknown categories, indicating preferential attentional engagement in processing of self-related information. In contrast, detection of both own and close-other''s face and name in the ASD group was associated with enhanced P300, suggesting similar attention allocation for self and close-other related information. These findings suggest that attention allocation in the ASD group is modulated by the personal significance factor, and that the self-preference effect is absent if self is compared to close-other. These effects are similar for physical and non-physical aspects of the autistic self. In addition, lateralization of face and name processing is attenuated in ASD, suggesting atypical brain organization.  相似文献   

We study a subset of the movie collaboration network, http://www.imdb.com, where only adult movies are included. We show that there are many benefits in using such a network, which can serve as a prototype for studying social interactions. We find that the strength of links, i.e., how many times two actors have collaborated with each other, is an important factor that can significantly influence the network topology. We see that when we link all actors in the same movie with each other, the network becomes small-world, lacking a proper modular structure. On the other hand, by imposing a threshold on the minimum number of links two actors should have to be in our studied subset, the network topology becomes naturally fractal. This occurs due to a large number of meaningless links, namely, links connecting actors that did not actually interact. We focus our analysis on the fractal and modular properties of this resulting network, and show that the renormalization group analysis can characterize the self-similar structure of these networks.  相似文献   

细胞机械性能与细胞的生理状态与功能存在密切联系。早期对于细胞机械性能的研究受制于技术条件,只能获得细胞群的弹性或剪切模量,使得少量异质细胞的机械表型被淹没。近年来,单细胞机械性能检测技术得到了蓬勃发展。原子力显微镜、微吸管技术、光镊与光学拉伸、磁扭转流变仪与磁镊等单细胞机械性能检测技术展现出非常高的检测精度,但检测通量相对较低。新型微流控高通量检测方法的出现使检测通量呈几何式增长,有望解决大样本快速检测的需求。本文首先综述原子力显微镜、微吸管、光镊与光学拉伸和磁扭转流变仪与磁镊等单细胞机械性能检测技术。在此基础上,重点介绍细胞过孔、剪切诱导细胞变形和拉伸诱导细胞变形3种新兴微流控高通量检测技术的工作原理及最新研究进展,探讨各类方法的优缺点。最后,本文展望单细胞机械性能检测技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of blindness. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is a result of severe vascular complication and is visible as neovascularization of the retina. Automatic detection of such new vessels would be useful for the severity grading of diabetic retinopathy, and it is an important part of screening process to identify those who may require immediate treatment for their diabetic retinopathy. We proposed a novel new vessels detection method including statistical texture analysis (STA), high order spectrum analysis (HOS), fractal analysis (FA), and most importantly we have shown that by incorporating their associated interactions the accuracy of new vessels detection can be greatly improved. To assess its performance, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy (AUC) are obtained. They are 96.3%, 99.1% and 98.5% (99.3%), respectively. It is found that the proposed method can improve the accuracy of new vessels detection significantly over previous methods. The algorithm can be automated and is valuable to detect relatively severe cases of diabetic retinopathy among diabetes patients.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases and cancers are leading causes of death and pose major challenges to public health. The human peptidome encompasses millions of compounds that display an enormous structural and functional diversity and represents an excellent source for the discovery of endogenous agents with antimicrobial and/or anticancer activity. Here, we discuss how to exploit the human peptidome for novel antimicrobial and anticancer agents through the generation of peptide libraries from human body fluids and tissues and stepwise purification of bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

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