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芦芽山亚高山草甸优势种群和群落的二维格局分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张金屯 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1264-1268
种群和群落的二维空间格局研究能够更好地揭示群落的空间和结构特征,但在分析方法上有较大的困难。用垂直相交的两条样带在两个方向上同时取样的二维取样法,获得数据,用一维格局分析方法分别分析,可以得到各个种不同格局规模斑块的长、宽及面积,实现二维格局研究。用DCA排序和格局分析方法相结合,可以完成群落的二维格局分析。在山西芦芽山亚高山草甸应用的结果表明这样的垂直样带二维取样及分析方法较好地反映了种群和群落的空间特性,是非常有效的,并且该方法简单易做,具有较大的可操作性。所研究的草甸主要优势种格局斑块的形状比较规则,面积也较大。次要种斑块多为不规则形,面积也较小。群落格局与主要优势种的格局关系密切。  相似文献   

景观格局指数是景观格局分析中常用的定量分析工具,而传统二维景观格局指数却忽略了地形对景观的影响,在定量描述山区景观格局时可能存在一定局限.本文以典型山地丘陵区山东栖霞市为研究区,在地形结构分析的基础上,选择面积/密度(类型面积、平均斑块大小)、边缘/形状(边缘密度、景观形状指数、平均斑块分维数)、多样性(香农多样性指数、香农均匀度指数)、聚散性(聚集度)4个方面的8个景观格局指数,比较分析传统二维景观格局指数与三维景观格局指数对山区景观格局及其动态变化定量描述的差异.结果表明:三维类型面积、平均斑块大小和边缘密度与其相应二维指数差异显著,三维景观形状指数、平均斑块分维数、香农多样性指数和香农均匀度指数与其相应二维指数差异不显著,三维聚集度与二维聚集度无差别.由于采用斑块表面面积和表面周长计算三维景观格局指数,采用各斑块的投影面积和投影周长计算二维景观格局指数,所以在描述山区景观面积、密度、边界等指标时三维景观格局指数相对精确,但在测定景观形状、多样性和聚散性等指数时,则与传统的二维景观格局指数差异不显著.三维景观格局指数引入了地形特征,对景观格局及其动态变化的反映相对精确.  相似文献   

为探求大小兴安岭过渡区物种共存、生物多样性保护与维持机制,以黑龙江中央站黑嘴松鸡国家级自然保护区蒙古栎天然次生林25 hm2固定样地调查数据为基础,从群落物种组成、结构特征、径级结构以及优势种群的空间点格局分析对该样地进行分析。结果表明:样地内共有胸径≥1 cm的维管植物10种,活立木共 34 778株,平均密度1 392株·hm-2。其中,重要值大于10%的物种共计4种,依次为蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica Fisch.ex Ledeb.)、黑桦(Betula dahurica Pall.)、白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk.)、兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Kuzen),占全样地的89.65%。该样地的Shannon-Wiener多样性H′、Simpson多样性D、Pielou均匀度指数J分别为1.577、0.760、0.685。表明该群落稀有物种较少,常见种比例较大,群落结构较为简单。样地内所有树种平均胸径10.77 cm。群落内总径级分布呈“倒J型”,符合典型异龄林的分布特征。黑桦、白桦径级分布近似“倒J型”,属于增长种群,蒙古栎种群径级结构为双峰型。兴安落叶松种群径级近似正态分布,有随演替进行逐渐消失的趋势,属于该群落的衰退种。在CSR模型下,4种优势种群的空间格局主要表现为聚集分布,且聚集程度随尺度增加聚集程度减弱,最终呈现随机或均匀分布趋势。在NS模型下,除兴安落叶松外,其余3种植株在小尺度(0~5 m)表现聚集性,可能是受种子的扩散限制的影响。对比4种优势种群,聚集强度表现为黑桦>白桦>蒙古栎>兴安落叶松,因此我们推断群落内不同种群的聚集强度不仅与研究尺度相关,与种群的多度也存在一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

白聪  闫明  毕润成  何艳华 《植物生态学报》2014,38(12):1283-1295
使用点格局分析和分形分析(计盒维数、信息维数、关联维数)方法, 对山西太岳山兴唐寺红柄白鹃梅(Exochorda giraldii)群落进行了空间格局分析。结果表明: 1)红柄白鹃梅群落优势种在较小的尺度上呈现聚集分布的特点, 其中, 杠柳(Periploca sepium)和绣线菊(Spiraea salicifolia)在所有尺度上呈现聚集分布, 红柄白鹃梅和连翘(Forsythia suspensa)随着尺度的增加, 呈现聚集分布—随机分布—均匀分布的规律; 2)红柄白鹃梅群落优势种在不同尺度上表现出聚集分布的特点; 3)红柄白鹃梅群落优势种占据空间能力的大小为: 红柄白鹃梅>连翘>绣线菊>杠柳; 4)红柄白鹃梅群落优势种格局强度的尺度变化程度为: 杠柳>绣线菊>红柄白鹃梅>连翘; 5)红柄白鹃梅群落优势种个体空间相关程度为: 杠柳>红柄白鹃梅>连翘>绣线菊。点格局分析与分形分析结果一致, 揭示了暖温带落叶阔叶林遭到破坏后形成的次生灌丛的空间分布格局。  相似文献   

2007年1~12月,利用样点法对天津沿海水鸟进行调查.共观察到水鸟6目11科71种,其中古北界40种,东洋界1种,广布种30种;鸟类居留型以旅鸟为主,有部分夏候鸟、冬候鸟和留鸟.水鸟群落格局时空差异明显,时间格局表现为季节变化较大,种数、数量及多样性均以春秋季高于冬夏季;空间格局表现为种数和Shannon-Weaner指数(H')均以青坨子最高,数量以北大港水库最多,均匀度指数(E)以唐家河口最高,4个群落参数的最小值均出现在滨海大道和独流减河.  相似文献   

群落排表分类的两种数学方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张金屯 《植物研究》1994,14(2):179-185
本文描述两种执行群落排表分类的数学方法:X2分类法和信息熵分类法,并以德国西北部草地数据为例进行了应用和分析。结果表明这两个方法都是有效的群落排表分类方法,它们所排的群落表可直接地反映群落类型和种类组成之间的关系,体现了Braun-Blanquet传统排表法的特点。  相似文献   

根据2007 年12 月和2008 年5 月在大亚湾海域进行的2 航次底拖网调查数据, 运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度方法分析了大亚湾鱼类群落结构的空间分布。研究表明, 该海域鱼类可划分为2 个群落, 分别为咸淡水湾内鱼类群落(群落Ⅰ, 以稜鳀类、前鳞骨鲻和斑鰶等鱼类为代表)和海水广布湾口鱼类群落(群落Ⅱ, 代表种有带鱼、刺鲳、黄吻稜鳀、竹荚鱼和二长棘鲷等)。ANOSIM 检验表明, 各群落间鱼类组成的差异极为显著(春季: R=0.803, p<0.001; 秋季: R=0.855, p<0.001)。用典范对应分析探讨鱼类群落与主要环境因子(水深、底层温度、底层盐度、pH 和溶解氧等)之间的相关性。对不同季节鱼类群落格局与环境因子的相关性分析表明, 鱼类群落组成的变化与水深、盐度和温度密切相关。  相似文献   

碱化草地群落恢复演替空间格局动态分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对松嫩平原碱化草地1989年开始围栏封育的1hm^2样地9a间的空间格局进行了分析,结果表明:(1)不同物种斑块空间格局动态不同,在恢复演替各个阶段中的地位与作用也不同。(2)结论基本上支持了斑块化-稳定性假说。  相似文献   

荒漠草原蝗虫群落空间格局的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用种-面积关系模型,计算出宁夏荒漠草原蝗虫群落最小调查面积;通过2×2联列表,用点相关系数和相关系数公式对蝗虫种间分布关系进行分析,用模糊聚类法将调查蝗虫划分为4个类群;以6项聚集指标和新提出的混合度指数,对9种蝗虫种群及群落分布型进行了分析,用主成分分析法进行了排序归类。最后依据种群数量、混合度指数、分布型相似性提出群落格局的“主导分布型”新概念,认为宁夏束颈蝗种群分布型为宁夏荒漠草原蝗虫群落空间格局的“主导分布型”  相似文献   

苜蓿人工草地节肢动物群落的时间格局   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
调查了甘肃省庄浪县苜蓿人工草地节肢动物群落的组成及多样性变化,应用主分量分析和最优分割法对节肢动物群落的时间格局进行了研究。结果表明,苜蓿人工草地节肢动物群落的物种丰富度,多样性和均匀度指标在时间过程中的变化有明显的差异和规律性,6月下旬害虫和天敌的物种丰富度均达到最大值,但天敌的个体数量高峰明显落后于害虫,在时间变化过程中,影响节肢动物群落的主导因素和时间格局分化明显,根据研究结果,将苜蓿人工草地节肢动物群落在时间动态中的变化划分为5月上旬以前,5月中旬-6月上旬,6月中旬-7月中旬,7月中旬以后4个阶段,并结合气候,物候变化,分析了各阶段内主要害虫和天敌的发生特点,提出了害虫的治理对策。  相似文献   

The spatial pattern analysis of population and community is important to understand community structure and has become one key topic in modern plant ecology.There are many techniques for analyzing one-dimensional pattern in ecological literature.Two-dimensional pattern analysis is better than one-dimensional analysis in the study on community spatial characteristics and structure.However,it is hard to analyze these two-dimensional patterns due to poor effective methodology.The two-dimensional sampling using two transects that meet at right angles was applied to get quadrat data in this work.And then the data from the two transects were analyzed separately by one-dimensional pattern analysis method,two-term local quadrat variance.The length,width,and area of patches at different scales of pattern for populations were obtained from the analysis.For community pattern,detrended correspondence analysis (DCA)was employed to summarize the species information firstly,and then the first DCA axis scores were analyzed to check its pattern.The application of this method to the pattern analysis on dominant populations and community for subalpine meadow (Comm.Polygonum viviparum+Carex rigescens+Kobresia bellardii)in the Luya mountains showed that it could release the characteristics of spatial pattern clearly and was a very effective technique.The method is easy to use and saves time with obvious advantages,compared with the twodimensional pattern analysis methods presented in the literatures.In the study meadow,the patterns of the main dominant species,Polygonum viviparum,Carex rigescens,and Kobresia bellardii,were apparent and comparatively regular in shape with large areas of patches at the same scale compared with other species such as Festuca sp.and Thalictrum petaloideum.There were two or three scales of patterns for each plant population studied.This was related to population features,the interaction with environmental factors,and their dominant position in the community.The two scales of patterns for the meadow community were clear.The pattern of community was closely correlated with that of the main dominant species.The patches of dominant species were inter-distributed and overlapped,and formed the community pattern together.This is beneficial for utilization of resources,and keeping the community stable.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern analysis of population and community is important to understand community structure and has become one key topic in modern plant ecology. There are many techniques for analyzing one-dimensional pattern in ecological literature. Two-dimensional pattern analysis is better than one-dimensional analysis in the study on community spatial characteristics and structure. However, it is hard to analyze these two-dimensional patterns due to poor effective methodology. The two-dimensional sampling using two transects that meet at right angles was applied to get quadrat data in this work. And then the data from the two transects were analyzed separately by one-dimensional pattern analysis method, two-term local quadrat variance. The length, width, and area of patches at different scales of pattern for populations were obtained from the analysis. For community pattern, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was employed to summarize the species information firstly, and then the first DCA axis scores were analyzed to check its pattern. The application of this method to the pattern analysis on dominant populations and community for subalpine meadow (Comm. Polygonum viviparum + Carex rigescens + Kobresia bellardii) in the Luya mountains showed that it could release the characteristics of spatial pattern clearly and was a very effective technique. The method is easy to use and saves time with obvious advantages, compared with the two-dimensional pattern analysis methods presented in the literatures. In the study meadow, the patterns of the main dominant species, Polygonum viviparum, Carex rigescens, and Kobresia bellardii, were apparent and comparatively regular in shape with large areas of patches at the same scale compared with other species such as Festuca sp. and Thalictrum petaloideum. There were two or three scales of patterns for each plant population studied. This was related to population features, the interaction with environmental factors, and their dominant position in the community. The two scales of patterns for the meadow community were clear. The pattern of community was closely correlated with that of the main dominant species. The patches of dominant species were inter-distributed and overlapped, and formed the community pattern together. This is beneficial for utilization of resources, and keeping the community stable. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(6): 1264–1268 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

Cao  Yong  Bark  Anthony W.  Williams  W. Peter 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):24-40
Four commonly used clustering methods (UPGMA, Ward Linkage,Complete Linkage and TWINSPAN) were compared in their abilitytorecognise the structure of three river macroinvertebratesdatasetswhich were pre-determined based on habitat and biologicalcharacteristics or chemical water quality of sampling sites.DCA,NMDS and ANOSIM were applied to the same datasets to providefurther information about data structure, and nonparametrictestswere also undertaken on major chemical variables to justifythepredeterminations. The modified Rand Index was used to measuretheagreement between a particular solution and the pre-determinedclassification. The results showed that Ward Linkage performedbestwhen its use was broadened and used with the CY DissimilarityMeasure, followed by TWINSPAN and Complete Linkage with UPGMAbeingleast successful. There was evidence to suggest that theeffectiveness of some clustering methods (e.g. UPGMA) may varyatdifferent clustering levels, and simulation techniques whichhavebeen used to assess clustering methods could leave somepropertiesof clustering methods unexamined.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the two-dimensional (2D) wavelet analysis as a general interrogative technique for the detection of spatial structure in lattice data. The 2D wavelet analysis detects components of hierarchical structure and displays the locational information of the components. Patches and gaps of different spatial scales in graphical presentation of wavelet coefficients can be linked to the local ecological processes that determine patterns at stand or landscape scales. Derived from the 2D wavelet transform function, the calculation of wavelet variance can reduce the four-dimensional data of wavelet coefficients to a two-dimensional wavelet variance function and quantify the contribution of the given scale to the overall pattern. We illustrate the use of the 2D wavelet analysis by analyzing two simulated patterns and identifying the regeneration pattern of the Quercus liaotungensis in a warm temperate forest in north China. Our results indicate that the recruitment of Q. liaotungensis occurs in an overlapping area between the patch of adult and canopy gap at scales of 45m×45m-70m×70 m and 20m×20m-30m×30m. The regeneration pattern of Q. liaotungensis can be mainly ascribed to a trade-off between two ecological processes: recruitment around parent trees and the physiological light requirements of seedlings and saplings. Our results provide a general portrayal of the regeneration pattern for the dispersal-limited and shade-intolerant Quercus species. We find that the two-dimensional wavelet analysis efficiently characterizes the scale-specific pattern of Q. liaotungensis at different life-history stages.  相似文献   

枣园节肢动物群落的时间动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将枣园节肢动物群落视为一个整体,根据群落内物种的组成和数量,采用不同群落参数和群落分析法对太谷地区枣园节肢动物群落的时间格局进行了比较。结果表明,影响枣园节肢动物群落时间格局的主导因子及时间格局分化较为明显。可将枣园节肢动物群落在时序上分为发展期、过渡期、鼎盛期和衰减期4个阶段,并结合气候、物候变化,讨论了各阶段群落的发生特点和主要害虫的治理对策。  相似文献   

A method of quantifying community spatial patterns, community pattern analysis, is described. It is proposed that ordination analysis is used to obtain an integrated score for each quadrat from transect data. For the data presented here, separate ordinations were made of both floristic and environmental (soils) data. The ordination axis scores are then analysed using two or three-term local variance analysis to quantify the scales of community pattern. Correlation analyses allow the relationship between the vegetation and soils data (as represented by ordination axis scores), and other environmental data to be investigated at defined scales. The advantages of this method, that employs the joint application of conventional methods, are that it includes the influence of all species in the analysis, and that multiple uncorrelated scales of pattern within a community are identified.  相似文献   

李明娟  赵娟娟  江南  潘妮  张曼琳  束承继 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8732-8745
城市公园植物群落为城市生态系统提供重要的生态服务。对深圳最具代表性的6个近海城市公园进行实地调查,同时结合高分辨率的遥感图像,分析其植物群落结构特征及其与公园内部景观格局的相关关系。结果表明:(1)共调查到近海公园植物108科310属471种,其中乡土植物82科169属231种。草本植物中乡土植物比例较高,而木本中乡土植物占比较低。(2)TS-4和H-1分别是近海公园最常见的乔灌群落类型和草本群落类型,其样地量分别占总量的39%和26%。常见群落的指示种多数具有热带性质并占据主体地位。(3)公园中灌木植物种数低于乔木和草本植物,但群落稳定性较高。(4)半自然型和人工型近海公园各类植物的相似性,以灌木层植物最低。(5)公园整体景观格局中,斑块密度与林地面积比、林地最大斑块面积比呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。(6)各层植物多样性也受到景观格局显著影响:草本层植物多样性与草地、林地的斑块形状复杂程度分别呈显著负相关(P<0.05);灌木层植物多样性与林地、水体的景观破碎度呈显著负相关(P<0.05);乔木层植物多样性与草地最大斑块指数呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。公园景观破碎度的增大可能会导致植被景观面积减少。建议在公园植物造景初期就要重视对灌木的运用,尤其是一些生态本底比较脆弱的公园,以提高植物群落的稳定性和低维护性。同时应尽可能保留大面积的核心植被生态斑块,更好地发挥其生态功能。研究结果可为城市公园的规划设计、植物群落的优化配置与城市生物多样性保护提供依据。  相似文献   

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