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Mangrove species are well adapted to the harsh ecological conditions of their environment throughout the tropics. However, in the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique (Lesser Antilles), deficient forest recovery was evidenced in 43 mangrove sites (>1000 m2) affected by apparently natural tree mortality. Such sites were recorded from four chronological sets of aerial photographs between 1950 and 1995, and field-investigated in terms of environment and vegetation characteristics. Given the speculative relationship between the slow-regenerating vegetation and its present environment within non-steady state, disturbed sites, statistical analyses arbitrarily matching physicochemical and biological data were primarily avoided. On one hand, principal component analysis (PCA), combined with an agglomerative hierarchical classification, was performed on environmental, rank-ordered data; on the other hand, multidimensional scaling (MDS) was implemented on vegetation data. Discriminant analyses (DA) further characterized the environment/vegetation interrelationships for each site type. Ultimately, three main types of mortality sites have been distinguished among the study areas. One type clustered the sites showing the lowest salinity values and the highest surge vulnerability whose dominant mangrove species is Rhizophora. Another type presented highly saline sites having clayey soils with pure, stunted, Avicennia stands. The last type consisted of peculiar forest gaps on deep, compact, peat soils. During the rainy season, these sites turned into shallow ponds scattered with living, young Rhizophora and large, standing, dead Avicennia. The authors suggest that this classification may serve as a comprehensive framework to test subsequent hypotheses (hurricanes, droughts…) on the origins of natural massive tree mortality and the causes of recovery deficiency in mangroves of the Caribbean.  相似文献   

The interplay between mangroves and saltmarshes at the temperate to subtropical transition in Florida results in dramatic changes to the appearance of the coastal landscape. In the 1980s, freezes killed entire mangrove forests dominated by black mangroves, Avicennia germinans (L.). Following the freezes, saltmarshes dominated by smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora Loisel, revegetated the intertidal zone. After a decade of mild winters, however, mangroves are beginning to reclaim the area. The rate of mangrove expansion was determined by comparing aerial photography (change from 1995 to 1999), and from monitoring transects (over a 3 year period) on three of the Cedar Keys, Florida (Lat. 29°08′). The rate of mangrove expansion varied among islands, and the mechanism of expansion ranged from propagule-trapping by saltmarshes along the edges of mangrove clumps to widespread dispersal and growth of existing or newly imported propagules. A freeze occurred during the study, which may have set back mangrove expansion by defoliating mangrove trees and resetting mangrove reproduction. Mangrove expansion was projected to take 20–30 years for complete seedling cover. Given the possibility of global climate change and its potential influence on the distribution of coastal vegetation, the timeframes and implications to coastal wetland ecosystems involved in this regular interplay will provide valuable baseline information for future studies.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests cover large areas of tropical and subtropical coastlines. They provide a wide range of ecosystem services that includes carbon storage in above- and below ground biomass and in soils. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soil, or soil respiration is important in the global carbon budget and is sensitive to increasing global temperature. To understand the magnitude of mangrove soil respiration and the influence of forest structure and temperature on the variation in mangrove soil respiration I assessed soil respiration at eleven mangrove sites, ranging from latitude 27°N to 37°S. Mangrove soil respiration was similar to those observed for terrestrial forest soils. Soil respiration was correlated with leaf area index (LAI) and aboveground net primary production (litterfall), which should aid scaling up to regional and global estimates of soil respiration. Using a carbon balance model, total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA) per unit litterfall was similar in tall mangrove forests as observed in terrestrial forests, but in scrub mangrove forests TBCA per unit litter fall was greater than in terrestrial forests, suggesting mangroves allocate a large proportion of their fixed carbon below ground under unfavorable environmental conditions. The response of soil respiration to soil temperature was not a linear function of temperature. At temperatures below 26°C Q10 of mangrove soil respiration was 2.6, similar to that reported for terrestrial forest soils. However in scrub forests soil respiration declined with increasing soil temperature, largely because of reduced canopy cover and enhanced activity of photosynthetic benthic microbial communities.  相似文献   

Mangroves has been described for the whole Caribbean are in their different habitats. The island of Dominica (West Indies) has always been excluded from the distribution area due to supposed inadequated conditions for mangrove growth. However, there are small areas with proper edaphic conditions for mangal in which black mangrove (Avicennia germinans L.) and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa L.) has been found. Even the occurrence of an additional Avicennia species is under discussion.  相似文献   

对从银杏叶片中分离的1株具有高抗氧化活性的内生真菌SG0016,并对SG0016菌株进行形态学和分子生物学鉴定,以发酵液DPPH自由基清除率为指标,采用单因素和正交试验对SG0016菌株的接种量、培养温度、装液量、培养时间和碳源、氮源等培养条件进行优化,以提高其发酵液抗氧化活性。结果显示,SG0016菌为球毛壳菌(Chaetomium globosum);其发酵液抗氧化活性最佳培养条件为:接种量10%、培养温度23℃、装液量100 mL(250mL的三角瓶)、培养时间7d,葡萄糖为碳源,酵母膏为氮源。在此条件下,发酵液的DPPH自由基清除率最高,为96.17%,比优化前提高了23.6%。银杏内生真菌球毛壳菌SG0016代谢产物具有较好的抗氧化活性,为天然抗氧化剂的开发提供了新的来源。  相似文献   

The incidence of natural fructification ofChondrostereum purpureumwas estimated quantitatively on southern Vancouver Island during two winter seasons in randomly located 1000-m2plots and compared with potential added fructification that might occur as a result of using the fungus to control stump-sprouting of hardwood weeds in young forest stands. Fructification was surveyed in forests as well as in urban or agricultural areas by estimating the surface areas of woody substrates covered with basidiocarps. In addition to random plots, estimates were made also in locations where the fungus would be expected to occur (woodpiles, silvicultural thinnings, and killed trees). Basidiocarps were found throughout the area in various types of forest cover as well as in urban or agricultural situations. The amount of added fructification through the use of the fungus as a biological control agent was determined from inoculated plots as well as from calculated stump-surface areas developed from published stand-density data. Added fructification was multiplied by a factor representing the maximum biological control frequency in order to compare added fructification with natural fructification values. From the various calculations, it was determined that the added fructification ofC. purpureumis of the same order of magnitude as naturally occurring levels or even lower. In addition, there is a distinct geographical separation between predominantly forestry and predominantly settled areas where fruit and ornamental trees are cultivated. Accordingly, it was concluded that using the fungus as a biological control agent in forestry is not likely to pose a significant threat to fruit growing and commercial forests.  相似文献   

The herbivore assemblage, intensity of herbivory and factors determining herbivory levels on the mangrove Kandelia obovata (previously K. candel, Rhizophoraceae) were studied over a 13-month period at two forests with contrasting growing conditions in Hong Kong. Mai Po was part of an eutrophic embayment in the Pearl River estuary and generally offered more favourable conditions for mangrove growth, whereas Ting Kok had a rocky substratum and oceanic salinity. Twenty-four insect herbivore species were recorded on K. obovata, with lepidopteran larvae that consume leaf lamina being the dominant species. While leaf litter production was similar at the two forests, herbivory level at Mai Po (mean = 3.9% in terms of leaf area loss) was more severe than that at Ting Kok (mean = 2.3%). Peak herbivory levels were found in summer at both locations (6.5% for Mai Po and 3.8% for Ting Kok). Young leaves of K. obovata at both locations were generally preferred by the herbivores from the period of late spring to summer. Concentrations of most feeding deterrents (ash, crude fibre, and total soluble tannins) were significantly higher in both young and mature leaves at Ting Kok, whereas leaf nutrients (total nitrogen and water) were the same at the two sites. Young leaves at Ting Kok contained about 30% more tannins than their counterparts at Mai Po. Significant differences in leaf chemistry also existed between young and mature leaves at either site. The differences were concomitant with the observed patterns of leaf herbivory on K. obovata, and suggest a potential relationship between environmental quality and plant defence against herbivory.  相似文献   

In the mangrove surrounding the coastal lagoon of La Mancha, Veracruz, Mexico, we studied litter fall, litter standing crop, and turnover rates in four different mangrove settings, based on the ecological classification of Lugo and Snedaker (1974). We studied those three prominent ecological processes at the basin, fringe and riverine mangrove settings, being the last one a relict riverine stand. The aim was to describe and compare litter dynamics among mangrove types in a lagoon with an ephemeral inlet, as a way of understanding functional heterogeneity within this coastal ecosystem. The daily average values of litter fall were different (P < 0.01) among mangrove site basin I, formed by Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle (2.35 g/m2/day); basin II, formed by Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans, and Rhizophora mangle (2.93 g/m2/day); fringe with Rhizophora mangle (2.13 g/m2/day); and relic riverine, also with R. mangle (4.70 g/m2/day). The amount of litter standing crop was different among sites (P < 0.001), and also between the dry and rainy season, for each mangrove type (P < 0.001). Turnover ratios were higher in basin I and basin II sites (6.34 and 7.44 times per year) than in relic riverine and fringe mangroves (1.49 and 2.39 times per year). Interstitial salinity and sediment nutrients varied among mangrove types and could influence litter production. Since this lagoon has an ephemeral inlet, continuous inundation throughout 7–8 months per year has an important effect on litter dynamics.  相似文献   

对杜鹃属(Rhododendron L.)植物起源、中国分布、适应性、灌丛群落结构特征和演替特征等问题进行了综述,并对杜鹃属植物的深入研究和合理利用进行展望。中国西南地区以及喜马拉雅至缅甸北部地区为杜鹃属植物的起源中心,贵州百里杜鹃林是全球最大野生杜鹃资源库。杜鹃属植物的适应性与所在区系的同质性、海拔相似度、进化程度、关键功能性状等密切相关,基于进化-形态功能特征的比较为选育适应性优良的杜鹃品种提供了参考。杜鹃灌丛群落具有特殊性,表现出复杂的多层次垂直结构、镶嵌式水平结构和明显的年龄结构特征。依据群落具备优势种生态位宽度大且种群间的生态位相似性比例较小来判定杜鹃灌丛群落已演替至顶级的观点仍有待考证。  相似文献   

There has been little or no documentation of the insect community attracted to fermented tree sap, despite our familiarity with it. This study describes the influence of resource abundance (exudate quantity) on species richness, insect abundance, and diversity at the patch level in order to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for community structure. Resource abundance was positively correlated with species richness and insect abundance, negatively correlated with the equitability index (J), and not significantly correlated with diversity (Simpsons index of diversity; 1/D). Both correlation analyses and canonical correspondence analysis based on taxonomic categories indicated that responses to resource abundance were much greater in parasitoid wasps (Ichneumonoidea), drosophilid flies (Drosophilidae), and rove beetles (Staphylinidae). Field experiments showed that patches with more of the resource had greater species richness and greater hornet abundance. These results indicate that resource abundance is an important factor that affects community structure at the patch level, although it does not influence diversity directly, due to differences in the response to a resource across subgroups; drosophilid flies, the most abundant group that was heavily dependent on tree sap, make an especially large contribution to the change in J. Various factors influence the variation in the response to resource abundance, including population size, feeding habits, and resource utilization patterns (i.e. whether the species uses patches as habitat).  相似文献   

Questions: Studies of gap effects have been conducted mainly in forests. We studied gap ecology in a pyrogenic Ceratiola ericoides (Florida rosemary) dominated shrubland and asked: How do gap size and the frequency of large gaps change across the fire chronosequence? Do larger gaps differ from smaller gaps in vegetation structure or species diversity? Are effects of gaps independent of, or dependent upon, time‐since‐fire? Are larger gaps refugia for herbs and subshrubs? Location: Archbold Biological Station, Lake Wales Ridge, south‐central Florida, USA. Methods: We investigated plant species occurrence and diversity in 805 gaps (areas free of shrubs taller than 50 cm) in 28 fire‐dependent Florida rosemary scrub sites. We collected quantitative cover data in a subset of seven sites. Results: Gap area distribution was lognormal. The largest gaps occurred throughout all but the longest time‐since‐fire intervals. Gaps were smallest in the longest unburned site but otherwise did not show strong patterns across the fire chronosequence. Species diversity measures increased with increasing gap area, with herbaceous diversity increasing with both gap area and bare sand. Herb diversity (H') decreased with time‐since‐fire. Larger gaps are refugia for some species. Of 14 species occurring in 25–75% of gaps, 13 had increased occupancy with increasing gap area, and gap area was the strongest predictor of occupancy for seven species of herbs and shrubs. Time‐since‐fire was the strongest predictor of occupancy for five species, including four ground lichens that increased with time‐since‐fire. Conclusions: Community structure within Florida scrub gaps is influenced by gap size, which in turn is affected by fire, the dominant ecological disturbance. We present a conceptual model that considers both gap size and time‐since‐fire as drivers of community structure and herbaceous plant diversity in Florida scrub. Because gap properties (independently of fire) have strong influences on species assemblages in Florida rosemary scrub gaps, fire management should consider the number and size of gaps across the landscape.  相似文献   

镉与萘复合胁迫对红树植物白骨壤幼苗萌芽及生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨白骨壤(Avicennia marina)幼苗对重金属镉(Cd)和多环芳烃萘(Nap)复合胁迫的响应,采用砂基栽培,对其幼苗的萌芽和生长进行了研究。结果表明,Cd、Nap复合胁迫对白骨壤萌芽的抑制效应较单一胁迫明显,胁迫前期幼苗成活率提高,胁迫后期则降低。胁迫栽培45 d,10 mg L~(–1)的Nap在叶形态、茎高及各器官生物量上能够减轻Cd胁迫的影响,但增强对根长的抑制作用,10 mg L~(–1) Nap-25 mg L~(–1) Cd处理的叶面积、叶长、叶宽、茎高及全株生物量分别比25 mg L~(–1) Cd处理的提高9.6%、7.9%、7.4%、5.1%和20.2%,但根长则比150 mg L~(–1) Cd处理的下降11.1%。至胁迫栽培90 d,各处理间幼苗器官及全株生物量无显著影响,复合胁迫对叶形态、茎高和根长等的抑制作用要强于单一Cd胁迫。因此,随着复合胁迫时间的延长,Cd和Nap对白骨壤幼苗的生长由拮抗效应转变为协同效应。  相似文献   

Pastorino MJ  Gallo LA 《Genetica》2006,126(3):315-321
The mating system of a species is an essential factor that determines the genotypic frequencies of its populations in each generation. Thus, knowledge in this regard is important in the application of practical measures in conservation and forest tree breeding. Austrocedrus chilensis (D.DON) PIC. SER. ET BIZZARRI is a member of the Cupressaceae native to the Andean–Patagonian Forest of Argentina and Chile with regional economic importance. It is a dioecious tree with pollen and seeds distributed by wind. Isozyme markers were utilized to study the mating system of this species through the survey of individual effective pollen clouds in a natural low-density population. If random mating occurs, effective pollen clouds that pollinate single seed trees are expected to be genetically homogeneous. The classical HardyWeinberg test of panmixia was also performed. Although it failed to reject random mating, the analysis of the pollen clouds showed that this mating pattern does not occur. Evidence of locally distributed heterogeneous pollen clouds is presented. The two methods are critically compared.  相似文献   

以根结线虫侵染的文冠果一年生苗木为材料,观察分析苗木根系的形态和显微结构,植株生长发育以及主要矿质养分在苗木中的分布特性,并分析不同矿质元素与线虫侵染的关联关系,以揭示根结线虫对文冠果苗木生长发育的影响机制。结果表明:(1)受根结线虫侵染的文冠果苗木根系形成根结,依据根结发生程度分为0(对照,正常植株)、2、3、4级;与对照相比,具有根结的文冠果苗木根系解剖结构特征主要表现为皮层相对较厚,木质部排列扭曲,导管较少,射线数目较少且分布不均匀;韧皮细胞内含物明显较多;多个巨细胞及细胞空腔主要存在于韧皮部。(2)具根结的苗木株高和地径较对照均增加,且株高增幅达显著水平(P<0.05)。(3)具根结苗木根、茎、叶部位的N、P含量均较对照下降,根部降幅达显著水平(P<0.05),其中具2~4级根结的根部N含量分别较对照显著下降7.8%、16.0%和29.5%,P含量分别显著下降15.6%、7.1%和43.3%;根部Fe含量、Zn含量显著上升,2~4级根结根系中Fe含量较对照分别增加1.56倍、0.81倍和3倍,Zn含量分别增加1.11倍、1.56倍和1.78倍;具3和4级根结的苗木根系中K含量较对照显著增加(P<0.05),具2和4级根结的苗木叶片中K含量较对照分别显著下降61.5%和47.0%。(4)苗木根部、茎部N元素含量对于根结线虫侵染的响应最明显,且其含量随侵染程度的增大而降低,叶部Mg元素含量与根结线虫侵染率、K元素含量与整株苗木生物量均呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05)。该研究为根结线虫对文冠果苗木养分吸收利用及运转的影响提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

该研究采用形态和显微结构观察方法,并结合基于转录组测序和差异表达基因富集分析,研究梭梭叶苞状虫瘿的生长发育特点以及梭梭叶苞状虫瘿与梭梭之间的相互关系,为昆虫与植物协同进化和梭梭虫害防治提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)叶苞状虫瘿的生长发育阶段可以分为3个时期,生长期、形成期和衰亡期。(2)在生长期和形成期的叶苞状虫瘿与梭梭同化枝、鳞叶部位的解剖结构有明显的差别:生长期叶苞状虫瘿的表皮细胞外的角质层损伤,但表皮细胞完整、形态差异不大、排列紧密,没有栅栏细胞组织和花环结构,只有含水量较高的海绵组织,且细胞比同化枝和鳞片小而密,细胞数量是鳞片中的2倍左右,维管柱直径比同化枝和鳞片小;形成期叶苞状虫瘿的表皮细胞外的角质层受到严重损伤,表皮细胞不完整、形态差异大、排列疏松,海绵组织含水量严重减少,维管组织不明显。(3)梭梭叶苞状虫瘿中与植物细胞正常发育相关、光合作用相关的基因富集下调表达,与胁迫相关基因富集上调表达。研究认为,梭梭的叶苞状虫瘿只为促进木虱的生长发育,在提高梭梭光合作用方面没有作用。  相似文献   

选取湖南大围山和八面山3处典型的香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)群落,通过分析香果树种群的重要值、物种多样性、年龄结构,绘制生命表和生存曲线图,并与其他不同地区3处香果树群落进行比较,探讨不同纬度、不同立地生境对香果树种群的年龄结构和演替动态的影响。结果表明:(1)大围山上游香果树群落的优势种群为多脉榆(Ulmus castaneifolia)、香果树和青钱柳(Cyclocaryapaliuru);大围山下游香果树群落的优势种群为黄檀(Dalbergia hupeana)、香果树和油茶(Camellia oleifera);八面山香果树群落的优势种群为野核桃(Juglans cathayensis)、香果树和小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia)。(2)大围山上游香果树群落共有维管植物60科96属118种,大围山下游香果树群落共有维管植物76科120属163种,大围山上游和下游香果树群落地理成分均表现为温带成分高于热带成分;八面山香果树群落共有维管植物61科95属108种,地理成分表明热带成分高于温带成分。(3)根据年龄结构和生存分析,香果树种群在不同的群落中所处演替阶段不同,大围山上游为衰退型种群,大围山下游为稳定型种群,八面山为增长型种群,均具有代表性。(4)经分析对比,纬度位置、岩石裸露度、郁闭度、群落内优势种群的生长状况和人为破坏程度等是影响香果树种群生长趋势的因素,建议对大围山的2个香果树群落应加强后续监测,并参照八面山的香果树种群生存状况针对岩石裸露度、郁闭度等进行适当人工干扰和管理,以保障香果树种群的健康生长。  相似文献   

Although succession may follow multiple pathways in a given environment, the causes of such variation are often elusive. This paper describes how changes in fire interval mediate successional trajectory in conifer-dominated boreal forests of northwestern Canada. Tree densities were measured 5 and 19 years after fire in permanent plots and related to pre-fire vegetation, site and fire characteristics. In stands that were greater than 75 years of age when they burned, recruitment density of conifers was significantly correlated with pre-fire species basal area, supporting the expectation of stand self-replacement as the most common successional pathway in these forests. In contrast, stands that were under 25 years of age at the time of burning had significantly reduced conifer recruitment, but showed no change in recruitment of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides). As a result, young-burned stands had a much higher probability of regenerating to deciduous dominance than mature-burned stands, despite the dominance of both groups by spruce (Picea mariana and Picea glauca) and pine (Pinus contorta) before the fire. Once initiated, deciduous-dominated stands may be maintained across subsequent fire cycles through mechanisms such as low on-site availability of conifer seed, competition with the aspen canopy, and rapid asexual regeneration of aspen after fire. We suggest that climate-related increases in fire frequency could trigger more frequent shifts from conifer to deciduous-dominated successional trajectories in the future, with consequent effects on multiple ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the most recent of four tephritid fruit fly species accidentally introduced into Hawaii. Although parasitoids have been released against other tephritid fruit fly species and have shown partial success in Hawaii, no parasitoids were released until 2004 to suppress populations of B. latifrons. The present study was conducted to document the parasitoid complex that has naturally established against B. latifrons in Hawaii and to assess whether there is a need for improving the biological control of this species. Based on ripe turkeyberry (Solanum torvum Sw) fruit collections over three consecutive years B. latifrons was the dominant tephritid fruit fly infestating turkeyberry at all four sites surveyed, across three major islands in Hawaii. The overall percentage parasitism of B. latifrons ranged from a low of 0.8% (Hana, Maui) to a high of 8.8% (Kahaluu, Oahu). Five primary parasitoid species were recovered from individually held B. latifrons puparia: Fopius arisanus (Sonan), Psyttalia incisi (Silvestri), Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), D. tryoni (Cameron), and Tetrastichus giffardianus Silvestri. F. arisanus was the predominant parasitoid at three of the four sites. Low levels of parasitism suggest that there is a need to improve biological control of B. latifrons, to minimize chances of this species causing economic impacts on crop production in Hawaii. We discuss the possibility of improving biological control of B. latifrons through augmentative releases of F. arisanus or introduction and release of specific and efficient new parasitoid species.  相似文献   

A fungal pathogen that killed adult Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Asian citrus psyllid) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Florida citrus groves during the fall of 2005 was identified and characterized. Investigation of this pathogen is important because D. citri vectors citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing), which was reported in Florida in 2005. The morphological and genetic data generated herein support identification of the fungus as Isaria fumosorosea Wize (Ifr) (=Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) from the Asian citrus psyllid (Ifr AsCP). Koch’s postulates were fulfilled after the fungus was isolated in vitro and transmitted to healthy psyllids, which then exhibited a diseased-phenotype similar to that observed in the field. Both in vitro growth characteristics and two Ifr AsCP-specific molecular markers discriminated the psyllid pathogen from another local Ifr isolate, Ifr 97 Apopka. These molecular markers will be useful to track the dynamics of this disease in D. citri populations. The potential for utilizing Ifr to complement existing psyllid pest management strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

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