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应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill大红品种)果实成熟过程中钙调素(CaM)含量的变化。果实开始成熟(发白期),CaM含量随着呼吸跃变上升,成熟时(粉红期)达到最大,过熟衰老时则下降。果实内部乙烯浓度、ACC含量及其合成酶活性也随跃变而增加,随过熟衰老而降低。GaM含量在果实不同部位中的分布有明显差异,跃变上升期以子房腔组织含量最高,并由中心向外逐渐降低,外周果皮含量最低。此时用外源乙烯催熟处理促进各部位CaM增加。成熟衰老时子房腔组织首先衰老,CaM含量大为降低,但在中柱和果皮中却高于跃变上升期。外源乙烯促进衰老使CaM下降。Ca~(2+)促进番茄圆片CaM含量增高和乙烯产生,CaM抑制剂CPZ,TFP在降低CaM含量的同时也抑制乙烯的产生。  相似文献   

酶联免疫(ELISA) 分析方法测定中熟品种玫瑰红与晚熟品种红富士苹果果实发育期间内源激素含量变化的结果表明,盛花期两个品种幼果中的GA4/7 、ZRs 及iPA含量较高,盛花后第5 周,玫瑰红种子的iPA、GA1/3 、IAA 含量明显较高。至盛花后15~17 周的采收期,玫瑰红果肉及种子内的iPA、IAA、GA和ABA含量均较高。红富士中iPA、IAA、GA和ABA变化趋势与玫瑰红相似,但时间进程落后于玫瑰红。  相似文献   

就不同成熟度的灵武长枣(Ziziphus jujuba Mill)采后贮藏过程中糖和果实品质的变化进行了检测。灵武长枣于10月6日采自宁夏灵武市2个农户果园。采集的样品当日放在冷库中预冷后,于10月  相似文献   

小鼠附睾头精子,其头部Ca~(2 )在顶体前区顶体外膜内侧结合最多,Ca~(2 )沉淀反应颗粒于该处呈连续层状。附睾头豚鼠精子其头部结合Ca~(2 )含量很少,且主要结合于顶体前区腹面顶体外膜内侧。小鼠附睾体和附睾尾精子Ca~(2 )的分布特征基本上和附睾头精子相同。但豚鼠附睾尾精子顶体外膜内侧无Ca~(2 )结合。和附睾头、附睾尾的附睾液相比,附睾体附睾液基质内具有大量Ca~(2 )存在。附睾体柱状上皮细胞的微绒毛切面上也具有Ca~(2 )沉淀反应颗粒,微绒毛可能与附睾液Ca~(2 )含量的调节有关。精子尾部Ca~(2 )主要分布于线粒体内,在质膜内、外两侧和线粒体外膜外侧也结合有少量的Ca~(2 )。和小鼠精子相比,豚鼠精子尾部线粒体内具有大量的Ca~(2 )。  相似文献   

对单性结实的龟井温州蜜柑(以下简称龟井)和自花结实的鄂柑1号橘(以下简称鄂柑1号)果实发育过程中不同部位的IAA、ZR和GA3的含量变化进行了测定。结果表明:(1)两品种果皮IAA含量呈相似的变化趋势,均于果实增大期间出现明显高峰,但鄂柑1号的IAA高峰值显著较高;二者果皮ZR含量动态却相反,增大期间龟井果皮ZR的含量相对较高且趋上升,而鄂柑1号却趋下降;二者果皮GA3含量均于增大期间出现类似的上升过程,之后均趋下降。(2)龟井果肉IAA、ZR和GA3含量前期均较高,此后均明显下降并居较低水平;而鄂柑1号果肉IAA和GA3均于增大期间出现明显的上升且含量明显高于龟井,而ZR含量与龟井一样呈下降趋势,但ZR的含量更低。(3)鄂柑1号种子的IAA、ZR和GA3在花后72d均相对较高,之后急剧回落至相对较低的稳定水平。  相似文献   

早熟桃果实在成熟前(授粉后30~48d)产生的乙烯极微,而此阶段种子产生的乙烯则相当高。果实乙烯大量产生前内果皮开裂。种子产生的乙烯可能是启动早熟桃果实成熟的关键性因子。  相似文献   

1,25-(OH)_2D_3对HL-60细胞具有促分化作用。本文报道了1,25-(OH)_2D_3在促进HL-60细胞分化前后胞液Ca~(2+)浓度、磷酸化酶a和微粒体Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性的改变。结果表明,1,25-(OH)_2D_3加入HL-60细胞培养液后72小时,细胞NBT染色阳性率高于70%,形态向正常分化的细胞转化。同对,胞液Ca~(2+)浓度和微粒体Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性明显降低,而磷酸化酶a活性显著升高。结果提示,在1,25-(OH)2_D_3作用下,HL-60细胞不仅杀菌功能增强,细胞内胞液Ca~(2+)浓度趋向正常,与钙恒稳有关的酶活性也同样发生改变。即1,25-(OH)_2D_3对HL-60细胞的诱导作用伴有钙恒稳的改变。这些变化与DMSO的作用相同。  相似文献   

对单性结实的龟井温州蜜柑(以下简称龟井)和自花结实的鄂柑1号橘(以下简称鄂柑1号)果实发育过程中不同部位的IAA、ZR和GA3的含量变化进行了测定。结果表明:(1)两品种果皮IAA含量呈相似的变化趋势,均于果实增大期间出现明显高峰,但鄂柑1号的IAA高峰值显著较高;二者果皮ZR含量动态却相反,增大期间龟井果皮ZR的含量相对较高且趋上升,而鄂柑1号却趋下降;二者果皮GA3含量均于增大期间出现类似的上升过程,之后均趋下降。(2)龟井果肉IAA、ZR和GA3含量前期均较高,此后均明显下降并居较低水平;而鄂柑1号果肉IAA和GA3均于增大期间出现明显的上升且含量明显高于龟井,而ZR含量与龟井一样呈下降趋势,但ZR的含量更低。(3)鄂柑1号种子的IAA、ZR和GA3在花后72d均相对较高,之后急剧回落至相对较低的稳定水平。  相似文献   

菊水梨皮层和髓的乙烯合成酶(EFE)活性和氨基环丙烷羧酸(ACC)含量及其果实乙烯释放量均分别高于二十世纪梨。在同一品种果实的皮层和髓中,ACC含量无明显差异,但髓的EFE活性明显高于皮层。梨果实内含有丁二胺、亚精胶和精胺3种内源多胺,而以丁二胺和亚精胺含量为最高,精胺含量虽低但较稳定。果实在乙烯释放高峰出现前,其皮层和髓中的丁二胺和亚精胺含量变化有明显差异。采后梨果实的乙烯生成与果实内EFE活性,ACC含量、多胺含量的变化有密切关系,而乙烯生成的差异不仅表现在品种间,而且在果实的皮层和髓之间也存在差异,梨果实的髓似乎对整个果实的乙烯生成有更重要的影响。  相似文献   

以中国南瓜种‘上海小闸黄狼’南瓜为试材,用秋水仙素为诱变剂,对‘黄狼’种子进行处理,得到了同源四倍体南瓜。在4种浓度处理4h后,发现获得同源四倍体的最佳浓度为0.2%和0.3%。变异材料染色体数加倍(2n=4x=80)。研究发现,与二倍体相比,四倍体单位面积叶面气孔数变少,叶色变深,叶裂变浅,叶尖变钝,叶变大,茎变粗,大量出现畸形雄花,果实变小,果形变直,果柄变短,单瓜种子平均数由340粒减为68粒,抗早衰性更强,脯氨酸含量和过氧化物歧化酶活性更高,丙二醛含量更低。四倍体南瓜伤流量明显比二倍体高,根系活力强于二倍体。  相似文献   

蔓生型南瓜资源部分植物学数量性状的评价探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对123份蔓生型南瓜(Cucurbita moschataDuch.)自交系的茎节间长度、主蔓粗、叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶柄长度、叶柄粗、第一朵雌花着生节位、主蔓20节内着生雌花数、花径9个数量性状进行了统计分析,提出节间长度、叶片长度、叶柄长度、第一雌花着生节位和主蔓20节内着生雌花数5个性状可以作为蔓生南瓜植物学性状评价的代表性状,并采用9级评价分级体系将这些代表性状进行评价分级,为建立规范化、标准化的南瓜种质资源评价系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

培养因子对艾西丝南瓜芽增殖及不定根形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以艾西丝南瓜带芽茎段为外植体 ,研究了基本培养基、激素、糖、光照、培养基支持物等因子对芽增殖及不定根形成的影响。结果表明 :艾西丝南瓜芽增殖的最佳培养条件为 :MS BA 0 .5~ 1 .0mg/L IAA 0 .1~ 0 .5mg/L 食用白糖 30g/L ,芽的月增殖系数稳定在 1 0左右 ;不定根诱导的适宜条件是 :1 /2MS 食用白糖 2 0g/L ,生根率达 86% ;且自然散射光条件 ( 1 0 0 0~ 50 0 0Lx)优于灯光 ( 1 0 0 0~2 0 0 0Lx) ;以脱脂棉作生根培养基支持物效果优于琼脂 ,其芽增殖系数和生根率分别提高 2 6%和 7%。  相似文献   

Changes in the subcellular distribution and quantification of glutathione were studied with electron microscopic immunogold cytochemistry in Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV)-infected Styrian pumpkin plants (Cucurbita pepo L. ssp. pepo var. styriaca Greb.) two weeks after inoculation. The amount of gold particles bound to glutathione was statistically evaluated for different cell structures, including mitochondria, plastids, nuclei, peroxisomes, and cytosol. In general, ZYMV-infected plants showed higher gold labelling density in intact mesophyll cells of the 5th (older leaves) and the youngest fully developed leaves (younger leaves), and decreased levels of glutathione within root tip cells when compared to the control. In general, within older and younger leaves the highest amount of gold particles was found in mitochondria and the lowest amount in plastids. In ZYMV-infected older leaves, an increase in glutathione was found in peroxisomes (1.7-fold), the cytosol (1.6-fold), mitochondria (1.4-fold), and nuclei (1.2-fold), whereas glutathione levels in plastids did not differ significantly when compared to control cells. In ZYMV-infected younger leaves elevated glutathione contents were found in the cytosol (3-fold), nuclei (2.1-fold), peroxisomes (1.8-fold), and plastids (1.5-fold), whereas mitochondria showed an insignificant decrease in glutathione levels in comparison to the control. In root tip cells of ZYMV-infected plants the amount of gold particles bound to glutathione was decreased in all investigated cell structures by between 0.7- to 0.8-fold. Additionally, total glutathione contents were determined in older and younger leaves using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which revealed no significant differences between control and ZYMV-infected leaves. The relevance of the results of both methods were compared and are discussed.  相似文献   

在发育的新生组织中 ,来自种子胚乳储存蛋白的降解和氨基酸分解代谢产生的氨由谷氨酰胺合成酶 ( Glutamine synthetase,GS)重新同化 ,生成的谷氨酰胺 ( Gln)被转运到正在生长着的部分。GS是高等植物氮素代谢的关键酶 [1] ,这个酶能同化不同来源的氨。 GS有多种同工酶 ,存在于植物的各种组织和器官中。它们是由一小的同源但分离的核基因家族编码的 [2 3 ] ,这些不同的 GS在植物氮素同化中起着非重叠的作用 [4] ,它们的表达受到环境、发育进程以及组织或细胞类型等许多因素的影响。在大多数已研究过的植物叶片中存在两种 GS,即胞液型GS(…  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) under field conditions are good and poor accumulators, respectively, of persistent organic pollutants from soil. Here, each species was grown under three cultivation regimes: dense (five plants in 5 kg soil): nondense (one plant in 80 kg soil): and field conditions (two to three plants in approximately 789 kg soil). p,p'-DDE and inorganic element content in roots, stems, leaves, and fruit were determined. In addition. rhizosphere, near-root, and unvegetated soil fractions were analyzed for concentrations of 11 low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOA) and 14 water-extractable inorganic elements. Under field conditions, zucchini phytoextracted 1.3% of the weathered p,p'-DDE with 98% of the contaminant in the aerial tissues. Conversely, cucumber removed 0.09% of the p,p'-DDE under field conditions with 83% in the aerial tissues. Under dense cultivation, cucumber produced a fine and fibrous root system not observed in our previous experiments and phytoextracted 0.78% of the contaminant, whereas zucchini removed only 0.59% under similar conditions. However. cucumber roots translocated only 5.7% of the pollutant to the shoot system, while in zucchini 48% of the p,p'-DDE in the plant was present in the aerial tissue. For each species, the concentrations of LMWOA in soil increased with increasing impact by the root system both within a given cultivation regime (i.e., rhizosphere > near-root > unvegetated) and across cultivation regimes (i.e., dense > nondense > field conditions). Under dense cultivation, the rhizosphere concentrations of LMWOAs were significantly greater for cucumber than for zucchini; no species differences were evident in the other two cultivation regimes. To enable direct comparison across cultivation regimes, total in planta p,p'-DDE and inorganic elements were mass normalized or multiplied by the ratio of plant mass to soil mass. For cucumber, differences in total p,p'-DDE and inorganic element content among the cultivation regimes largely disappear upon mass normalization, indicating that greater uptake of both types of constituents in the dense condition is due to greater plant biomass per unit soil. Conversely, for zucchini the mass normalized content of p,p'-DDE and inorganic elements is up to two orders of magnitude greater under field conditions than under dense cultivation, indicating a unique physiological response of C. pepo in the field. The role of cultivation conditions and nutrient availability in controlling root morphology, organic acid exudation, and contaminant uptake is discussed.  相似文献   

葡萄胚胎发育与败育过程中胚珠的多胺含量变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花后40~60d期间,种子败育型无核葡萄胚珠的3种多胺含量明显低于有核葡萄,据此认为无核葡萄胚珠中多胺含量急剧下降和较低的多胺水平可能是导致葡萄胚胎败育的重要原因。(Spd Spm)/Put和Spm/PAs比值变化与葡萄胚胎发育密切相关,较低的比值不利于胚胎的正常分化。  相似文献   

板栗花芽分化和花序生长过程中的内源激素含量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在板栗花芽分化期间,易于形成雌花的上部芽含有较高的ZT、GA和较低的ABA;下部芽则基本相反。在前2个分化期,上部芽的IAA含量均比下部芽的低,但进入第三分化期,尤其是随着萌芽期的到来,上部芽的IAA含量迅速急剧上升,远远超过下部芽。在花序生长期,1、2花序基部保持较高的ZT和GA水平,1、2花序顶部和5、6花序则保持较高的IAA和ABA水平。  相似文献   

分别以携有长穗颈基因eui1、eui2和野生型基因Eui的协青早不育系和保持系6个水稻品种为材料,测定它们在抽穗始期植株中内源GA1、IAA和ABA含量的变化。结果表明,携有eui1和eui2基因的水稻可以在植株体内产生大量内源GA1,携有eui1基因的GA1含量比携有eui2基因的高。携有eui1基因的ABA含量最高,携有eui2基因的其次,而携有Eui基因的最低。IAA含量也表现出同样的趋势。表明长穗颈基因主要是通过调节内源GA1含量促进水稻最上节间的剧烈伸长。  相似文献   

George J. P. Murphy 《Planta》1984,160(3):250-255
Metabolism of R,S-[2-14C]abscisic acid (ABA) was studied in detached leaves of six wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars, using non-stressed leaves or leaves water stressed by desiccation to 90% of their original fresh weight. The rate constant of ABA metabolism was similar in nonstressed leaves of all cultivars. Water stress resulted in significantly lower rate constants in two cultivars which accumulated high levels of ABA when stressed, the constants decreasing by a factor of about 1.5. Rate constants for the remainder of the cultivars were not significantly different from those for the non-stressed controls. It was calculated that if decreased metabolism was the mechanism for the accumulation of ABA following water stress the rate constants of metabolism would have to be reduced by a factor of between 25 and 70. The results therefore support the hypothesis that enhanced synthesis rather than reduced degradation is the main process by which ABA levels are elevated following experimentally induced water stress. There were differences between the six cultivars in the products of ABA metabolism. Over the time period studied, oxidation to phaseic acid and dihydrophaseic acid as well as to other unidentified metabolites appeared to be the predominant pathway of ABA metabolism, rather than conjugation to ABA glucose ester and other more polar compounds.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ABAGE abscisic-acid glucose ester - DPA dihydrophaseic acid - PA phaseic acid  相似文献   

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