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We studied the effect of pilferage rates, variation in foodencounter rate, and predation risk on cache and fat-storageregulation using dynamic programming. Previous predictionsthat small birds facing increased pilferage rates should cacheless and store more body fat are not generally supported. Instead,cache investment (caching rate or percent of food cached) is predicted to be unimodal, peaking at intermediate pilferagerates. This pattern is determined, in part, by pilferage-inducedchanges in time budgets: at low pilferage rates, a marginalincrease in pilferage rates can be offset by an increase incache investment. However, increased caching increases time allocated to both caching and foraging. The increased foragingis caused by the energetic costs of caching and by the lossof energy from the cache. Increased time spent caching andforaging in turn decreases time spent resting under low predationrisk. Above some threshold pilferage rate, the marginal valueof resting exceeds the marginal value of caching, and cacheinvestment declines with further increasing pilferage rates.These patterns hold for three levels of variation in food encounterrate: time-invariant, between-day, and within-day variation;they also hold across different mean rates of food encounter.We show that previous predictions concerning decreased energy-storagelevels with increased food abundance are not supported when there is between-day variation in mean food encounter ratesand food abundance increases only on "good" days. Finally,predation risk affects the predictions described above in twoways. First, these trends assume that the birds can rest ina predator-free refuge. If the refuge is not available, birdsare predicted to cache less at higher pilferage rates irrespectiveof the absolute level of pilferage. With the refuge in place,levels of predation risk affect the skew in the pilferage-rate/cachingfunction. As a result, the relative effect of predation riskon caching intensity varies with pilfer rate. At very low pilferrates, lowered predation risk causes more caching, but loweredpredation risk under high pilferage rates can lower caching intensity, contrary to previous predictions. Surprisingly, predationrisk has an appreciable effect on body mass only when the birdis predicted to cease caching (i.e., at the highest pilferrates); otherwise a change of two orders of magnitude in theprobability of encountering predators has little effect on body mass. Our results suggest that the tradeoffs associatedwith the joint regulation of internal energy stores and externallycached stores are more complicated than previous literaturewould indicate. Our results also show that we have underestimatedthe role that time budgets play in patterns of energy regulation.  相似文献   

Leaver  Lisa A. 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(5):729-734
Animals that scatter cache their food face a trade-off betweenthe benefits of protecting caches from pilferers and the costsassociated with caching. Placing food into a large number ofwidely spaced caches helps to protect it from pilferage butalso involves costs such as greater exposure to predators. Ipredicted that animals would disperse food into a larger numberof more widely spaced caches when caching (1) a preferred foodversus a less preferred food and (2) under conditions of lowpredation risk versus high predation risk. To test these predictions,I examined the scatter-caching decisions of Merriam's kangaroorats (Dipodomys merriami). D. merriami distributed caches inclumped patterns, regardless of food preference, but they showeda tendency to invest more in a preferred food by distributingcaches more widely. Under the relative safety of the new moon,they did not disperse caches more widely, rather they partitionedthe same amount of food into a larger number of caches thanthey did under the full moon, when predation risk is higher.To examine whether their cache spacing decisions had a significantimpact on the success of cache pilferers, I measured discoveryby pilferers of artificial caches of two food types at differentcaching distances. Results indicate that the cache spacing behaviorof D. merriami functions to protect caches from pilferers, becauseincreased spacing of artificial caches decreased the probabilityof pilferage for both types of food.  相似文献   

The "asset-protection principle" created by Clark is based ona dynamic programming model and states that individuals should(1) become more averse to predation risk as they accumulatefitness assets but (2) generally be more willing to acceptpredation risk later in the foraging season. To test whetherthese predictions hold under biologically meaningful foraging parameters, I constructed a dynamic model of the optimal trade-offbetween foraging and predator avoidance in juvenile salmon.The model incorporates temperature and body-size dependentbio-energetic constraints typical for juvenile fish, whichgrow by orders of magnitude over a season. In its simplestform using seasonally constant growth potential and a linear over-winter survival function, my results equal those of Clark'smodel. Adding a fitness function and environmental data fromfield studies accentuates the asset-protection effect and fundamentallychanges the seasonal pattern of optimal effort. Simulationof typical poor feeding conditions in mid-summer yields theprediction of increased foraging in the spring in anticipationof worsening conditions. Increasing overall predation riskresults in smaller fish at the end of the season with a trade-offbetween summer and winter survival. The model generates testablepredictions for juvenile salmon and provides insights for otherorganisms (particularly poikilotherms) that are subject tosize-dependent or seasonally changing foraging dynamics.  相似文献   

I analyzed the interaction of different types of costs in determiningoptimal behavior using mathematical models. The analysis concentrateson foraging behavior and asks (1) whether the cost factor thathas the greatest effect on fitness generally has the greatesteffect on optimal trait values and (2) whether increasing thesize of one type of cost makes the optimal behavior absolutelyor relatively more sensitive to that cost. The foraging costsconsidered are energy expenditure, predation risk, and othermortality factors. It is shown that increasing the magnitudeof one cost often decreases the relative and absolute sensitivityof the optimal foraging strategy to that cost. The relativefitness effects of different costs generally differ from therelative sensitivities of the optimal strategies to the costfactors. Researchers should therefore measure the shapes ofcost curves rather than their average magnitudes to determinewhich of several costs can be ignored in cost-benefit analyses.  相似文献   

Many birds could expend substantially less energy at night by using hypothermia, but generally do not. This suggests that the potential savings are offset by costs; one of these costs is presumed to be the risk of predation at night. If this assumption is correct, a bird will face one of two tradeoffs: (1) it can avoid the cost of hypothermia by gaining fat to decrease the risk of starvation, but this increases energetic costs of fat maintenance and risk of diurnal predation, or (2) it can maintain lower fat reserves and use hypothermia at night, but this option increases the risk of nocturnal predation. We used a dynamic model to investigate these trade-offs and how the use of nocturnal hypothermia changes energy management tactics in food-caching birds. Our model predicted that: (i) optimal daily routines of fat reserves, feeding rate, food caching, and cache retrieval should be similar in hypothermic and non-hypothermic birds; (ii) low fat reserves, small cache size, low ambient temperature, and high variability in foraging success favor increased use of hypothermia; (iii) the effect of ambient temperature on the use of hypothermia is especially important at higher levels of variance in foraging success; (iv) hypothermic birds are predicted to have lower mass at dusk than non-hypothermic individuals while their morning mass should be more similar. Many of these predictions have been supported by empirical data. Also, survival rates are predicted to be higher for birds using hypothermia, especially in the most severe environmental conditions. This is the first attempt to evaluate the role of cache maintenance and variance in foraging success in the use of hypothermia. This is also the first discussion of the relationship between behavior hypothermia and diurnal patterns of energy management.  相似文献   

We present a dynamic programming model which is used to investigate hypothermia as an adaptive response by small passerine birds in winter. The model predicts that there is a threshold function of reserves during the night, below which it is optimal to enter hypothermia, and above which it is optimal to rest. This threshold function decreases during the night, with a particularly sharp drop at the end of the night, representing the time and energy costs associated with returning to normal body temperature. The results of the model emphasise the trade-off between energy and predation, not just between foraging options, but also between foraging during the day and entering hypothermia at night. The value of being able to use hypothermia represents not just energy savings, but also reduced predation risk due to changes in the optimal foraging strategy. Conditions which give a high value of hypothermia are short photoperiod, variable food supply, low temperatures, poor and scarce food supplies.  相似文献   

A visual foraging model (VFM) used light-dependent reaction distance and capture success functions to link observed prey fish abundance and distribution to predation rates and the foraging performance of piscivorous cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki in Lake Washington (WA, U.S.A.). Total prey density did not correlate with predation potential estimated by the foraging model for cutthroat trout because prey were rarely distributed in optically favourable conditions for detection. Predictions of the depth-specific distribution and timing of cutthroat trout foraging were qualitatively similar to diel stomach fullness patterns observed in field samples. Nocturnal foraging accounted for 34–64% of all prey fish consumption in simulations for 2002 and 2003. Urban light contamination increased the access of nocturnally foraging cutthroat trout to vertically migrating prey fishes. These results suggest that VFMs are useful tools for converting observed prey fish density into predictions of predator consumptions and behavioural responses of predators to environmental change.  相似文献   

The short-term regulation of foraging in harvester ants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the seed-eating ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus, the return ofsuccessful foragers stimulates inactive foragers to leave thenest. The rate at which successful foragers return to the nestdepends on food availability; the more food available, the morequickly foragers will find it and bring it back. Field experimentsexamined how quickly a colony can adjust to a decline in therate of forager return, and thus to a decline in food availability,by slowing down foraging activity. In response to a brief, 3-to 5-min reduction in the forager return rate, foraging activityusually decreased within 2–3 min and then recovered within5 min. This indicates that whether an inactive forager leavesthe nest on its next trip depends on its very recent experienceof the rate of forager return. On some days, colonies respondedmore to a change in forager return rate. The rapid colony responseto fluctuations in forager return rate, enabling colonies toact as risk-averse foragers, may arise from the limited intervalover which an ant can track its encounters with returning foragers.  相似文献   

I conducted a field experiment in 10 x 10 m enclosures to explorehow seed and soil moisture levels influence the ability ofknowledgeable and naive rodents to find natural caches of Jeffreypine (Pinus jeffreyi) seeds. Subjects were yellow pine chipmunks(Tamias amoenus) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) searchingfor caches that they had made, caches made by other individualsof the same species, or caches made by individuals of the otherspecies. Subjects that made caches (knowledgeable subjects)relied on spatial memory to find many of their own caches during recovery sessions, and their ability to locate caches was notaffected by water content of seeds or soil. Naive subjectsfound few caches under dry conditions, but under wet conditions,they located as many caches as did the rodents that made them.Naive subjects apparently relied on olfaction to find caches,a sensory modality that works more effectively under moist conditions. Subjects had as much success foraging for caches made by membersof their own species as for caches made by the other species.I present a hypothesis that predicts how foragers could modifypredominately memory-based search to predominately olfactory-basedsearch as the weather changes from dry to wet. When foragersrely on spatial memory, those foragers find only their own caches, but when they can also use olfaction, they pilfer cachesmade by other individuals. Consequently, the nature of competitiveinteractions among members of the seed-caching guild may changeas the weather changes.  相似文献   

油菜肥料运筹的动态知识模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过分析和提炼油菜施肥管理方面的最新研究资料,利用养分平衡原理,以产量目标和土壤理化特性等为基础,建立了系统化和广适性的油菜肥料运筹动态知识模型。该模型可用于精确定量不同环境条件下油菜生产过程中的总施氮量、施磷量、施钾量和施硼量、有机氮与无机氮的比例以及氮、磷、钾基肥与追肥的比例等。利用南京、仪征和如皋3个不同生态点常年气象资料、不同土壤类型和不同产量目标等对所建肥料运筹知识模型进行了实例分析,结果表明,所建知识模型总体上具有较好的决策性和适用性。  相似文献   

The influence of predation risk on diet selectivity: A theoretical analysis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Studies that have examined the effect of experimental increases in predation risk on diet selectivity have shown both decreased and increased diet selectivity. A possible explanation for these disparate results emerges from an examination of the prey sets used in these studies, which differed in the relationship between the values of risk components associated with the capture of different prey types (‘danger’) and their profitabilities. When less profitable prey were more dangerous, selectivity increased with predation risk. When prey were equally dangerous, selectivity did not change. Finally, when the more profitable prey were also more dangerous, selectivity decreased with risk. Here, we examine theoretically the influence of a forager's estimate of the probability that a predator is present (φ) on the selection of diets from prey sets with varying danger–profitability relationships. A dynamic programming model is used to determine the maximum attack time (or distance) for each of two types of prey, differing in their energetic content, for a range of forager energy state and φ levels. The diets which would result if foragers attacked prey according to the rules provided by the dynamic model are then determined. The model results indicate that the prey danger–profitability relationship determines the diet selectivity response to φ, confirming that variation in this relationship could be responsible for the range of experimental results. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Individual forager behaviors should affect per capita intakerates and thereby population and consumer-resource properties.We consider and incorporate conspecific facilitation and interferenceduring the separate foraging-cycle stages in a functional responsemodel that links individual behavioral interactions with consumer-resourceprocesses. Our analyses suggest that failing to properly considerand include all effects of behavioral interactions on foraging-cyclestage performances may either over- or underestimate effectsof interactions on the shape of both functional responses andpredator zero-growth isoclines. Incorporation of prey- and predator-dependentinteractions among foragers in the model produces predator isoclineswith potentials for highly complex consumer-resource dynamics.Facilitation and interference during the foraging cycle aretherefore suggested as potent behavioral mechanisms to causepatterns of community dynamics. We emphasize that correct estimationsof interaction-mediated foraging-cycle efficiencies should beconsidered in empirical and theoretical attempts to furtherour understanding of the mechanistic link between social behaviorsand higher order processes.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of adaptive energy management in small wintering birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many small passerines are resident in forests with very cold winters. Considering their size and the adverse conditions, this is a remarkable feat that requires optimal energy management in several respects, for example regulation of body fat reserves, food hoarding and night-time hypothermia. Besides their beneficial effect on survival, these behaviours also entail various costs. The scenario is complex with many potentially important factors, and this has made 'the little bird in winter' a popular topic for theoretic modellers. Many predictions could have been made intuitively, but models have been especially important when many factors interact. Predictions that hardly could have been made without models include: (i) the minimum mortality occurs at the fat level where the marginal values of starvation risk and predation risk are equal; (ii) starvation risk may also decrease when food requirement increases; (iii) mortality from starvation may correlate positively with fat reserves; (iv) the existence of food stores can increase fitness substantially even if the food is not eaten; (v) environmental changes may induce increases or decreases in the level of reserves depending on whether changes are temporary or permanent; and (vi) hoarding can also evolve under seemingly group-selectionistic conditions.  相似文献   

Habitat selection under foraging—predation-risk trade-offshas been a frequent topic of interest to theoretical behavioraland evolutionary ecologists. However, most habitat selectionmodels assume that individuals compete exploitatively for resourcesand that predation is either density independent or dilutedcompletely by competitor number, despite empirical evidencethat other forms of competition and predation also occur innature. I developed an individual-based model for studyingthe effects of alternative forms of competition and predationon the process of habitat selection under foraging—predation-risktrade-offs. To make the model more relevant to natural populations,I assumed that individuals vary continuously in traits relatedto competitive ability and vulnerability to predation and allowed resources and predators to be distributed across more than twohabitats. The results of my investigation demonstrate thatthe predicted pattern of habitat selection can be affecteddramatically by the form predation is assumed to take. Whenpredation is density dependent or frequency dependent, individuals will tend to be distributed across habitats according to theirabsolute vulnerability to predation. In contrast, when predationis density dependent or vulnerability dependent, individualswill tend to segregate by competitive ability. Whether oneassumes that individuals compete for resources via exploitationor interference also influences the predicted pattern of habitat selection. In general, interference competition results in amore even distribution of competitors across habitats.  相似文献   

捕食风险及其对动物觅食行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对捕食风险的涵义及其对猎物动物觅食行为的影响、猎物动物面对捕食风险时的反应进行了论述。捕食风险可以简单地理解为一定时间内猎物动物被杀死的概率。当捕食风险存在时 ,动物会选择相对安全但觅食效益较低的地点觅食 ;由于死亡率和消化方面的限制 ,一般都会产生食谱收缩 ;觅食活动方式的时间格局也会因捕食风险而发生改变 ,如水生动物的昼夜垂直迁移、某些陆生动物昼行性与夜行性活动的转换、月光回避等。在与捕食者发生遭遇时 ,猎物动物的主要反应是 :①发出某些信号以阻止捕食者的追捕 ;②靠近并注视捕食者 ;③逃逸 ;④在一定的时间恢复觅食活动。在以往的研究中 ,对捕食者种类已经有了较多的了解 ,而对猎物如何判断捕食者丰富度信息、估计风险程度等方面则知之甚少 ;同时 ,对捕食风险水平的调控、对多种因素的综合分析也较少涉及。在今后的研究中 ,还应该考虑研究的尺度问题 ,因为在不同尺度的环境条件下 ,猎物动物对于捕食风险的反应可能大相径庭。  相似文献   

Sleeping sites are an important aspect of an animal's ecology given the length of time that they spend in them. The sleep ecology of wild saddleback and mustached tamarins is examined using a long-term data set covering three mixed-species troops and 1,300+ tamarin nights. Seasonal changes in photoperiod accounted for a significant amount of variation in sleeping site entry and exit times. Time of exit was more closely correlated with sunrise than time of entry was with sunset. Both species entered their sleeping sites when light levels were significantly higher than when they left them in the morning. Troops of both species used >80 individual sites, the majority being used once. Mustached tamarins never used the same site for more than two consecutive nights, but saddlebacks reused the same site for up to four consecutive nights. Mustached tamarins slept at significantly greater heights than saddleback tamarins. There were consistent interspecific differences in the types of sites used. Neither the presence of infants, season, nor rainfall affected the types or heights of sites chosen. Sleeping sites were located in the central area of exclusive use more often than expected, and their position with respect to fruiting trees indicated a strategy closer to that of a multiple central place forager than a central place forager. These findings are discussed in light of species ecology, with particular reference to predation risk, which is indicated as the major factor influencing the pattern of sleeping site use in these species.  相似文献   

棉花氮肥和水分运筹的动态知识模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过分析和提炼棉花氮肥运筹和水分管理的最新研究资料,在综合考虑气候条件、土壤理化性质、产量目标、品种特性等影响因子的基础上,根据养分平衡原理和水分需求规律,建立了棉花氮肥和水分运筹的动态知识模型.模型可用于精确定量不同环境和不同产量目标下的氮肥和水分需求总量及其在不同生育时期的分配比例等.利用不同生态点、不同品种、不同土壤类型和不同产量目标等资料对氮肥和水分运筹知识模型进行了验证.结果表明模型具有较好的决策性和适应性.  相似文献   

The behavioral ecology of a cognitive constraint: limited attention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limited attention may constrain animal behavior in situationsin which the rate of relevant information exceeds the thresholdprocessing capacity of the brain. In the present study, we examinewhy attention is limited by quantifying how attention affectsthe ubiquitous problem of balancing foraging and antipredatoractivity. We analyze how a given attentional capacity affectsfeeding requirements, the optimal attentional focus during predatorscanning, and the probability of detecting predators. Our modelindicates that because of the complex interplay between thecosts and benefits associated with a given attentional capacity,limited attention can be an optimal strategy, which allows effectiveand economical search for cryptic objects.  相似文献   

WILL CRESSWELL 《Ibis》2008,150(1):3-17
Predators can affect individual fitness and population and community processes through lethal effects (direct consumption or ‘density’ effects), where prey is consumed, or through non‐lethal effects (trait‐mediated effects or interactions), where behavioural compensation to predation risk occurs, such as animals avoiding areas of high predation risk. Studies of invertebrates, fish and amphibians have shown that non‐lethal effects may be larger than lethal effects in determining the behaviour, condition, density and distribution of animals over a range of trophic levels. Although non‐lethal effects have been well described in the behavioural ecology of birds (and also mammals) within the context of anti‐predation behaviour, their role relative to lethal effects is probably underestimated. Birds show many behavioural and physiological changes to reduce direct mortality from predation and these are likely to have negative effects on other aspects of their fitness and population dynamics, as well as affecting the ecology of their own prey and their predators. As a consequence, the effects of predation in birds are best measured by trade‐offs between maximizing instantaneous survival in the presence of predators and acquiring or maintaining resources for long‐term survival or reproduction. Because avoiding predation imposes foraging costs, and foraging behaviour is relatively easy to measure in birds, the foraging–predation risk trade‐off is probably an effective framework for understanding the importance of non‐lethal effects, and so the population and community effects of predation risk in birds and other animals. Using a trade‐off approach allows us to predict better how changes in predator density will impact on population and community dynamics, and how animals perceive and respond to predation risk, when non‐lethal effects decouple the relationship between predator density and direct mortality rate. The trade‐off approach also allows us to identify where predation risk is structuring communities because of avoidance of predators, even when this results in no observable direct mortality rate.  相似文献   

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