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An examination is made of how the observed DNA distributions spread from their original biological distributions. Using distributions from testicular and hepatic tissue we find that the current assumptions for DNA distribution analysis need reexamination and suggest how this might be done.  相似文献   

We sequenced the 5'-coding region of the human c-src gene, exons 2 through 5, corresponding to one-third of the human c-src protein consisting of 536 amino acids. Sequence analysis of the src type of protein kinases revealed that the amino-terminal region encoded by exon 2 contains sequences specific for the src proteins and raised the possibility that this region is involved in the recognition of a src-specific substrate(s) or receptor(s).  相似文献   

DNA sequence divergence was analyzed in some sibling species of the Drosophila virilis group. Clones comprising about 0.1% of the genome DNA were selected at random from a D. virilis library for a comparative study on DNA from D. lummei, D. novamexicana, D. borealis, and D. lacicola. Blot hybridization experiments indicated that about 70% of DNA from D. lummei and D. novamexicana and less than 50% of DNA from D. borealis and D. lacicola share sequences that are homologous to DNA in D. virilis. This finding is in excellent agreement with the genealogical tree based on cytological studies (Throckmorton 1982). - Four plasmids with inserts which are present in one or a few copies per genome were hybridized in situ to polytene chromosomes. These experiments demonstrate that (1) homologous "unique" DNA sequences are localized exclusively in homologous bands and (2) homologous bands that appear to be identical in different species may contain different DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Differential rates of nucleotide substitution among different gene segments and between distinct evolutionary lineages is well documented among mitochondrial genes and is likely a consequence of locus-specific selective constraints that delimit mutational divergence over evolutionary time. We compared sequence variation of 18 homologous loci (15 coding genes and 3 parts of the control region) among 10 mammalian mitochondrial DNA genomes which allowed us to describe different mitochondrial evolutionary patterns and to produce an estimation of the relative order of gene divergence. The relative rates of divergence of mitochondrial DNA genes in the family Felidae were estimated by comparing their divergence from homologous counterpart genes included in nuclear mitochondrial DNA (Numt, pronounced "new might"), a genomic fossil that represents an ancient transfer of 7.9 kb of mitochondrial DNA to the nuclear genome of an ancestral species of the domestic cat (Felis catus). Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (mtDNA) sequences with multiple outgroup species were conducted to date the ancestral node common to the Numt and the cytoplasmic (Cymt) mtDNA genes and to calibrate the rate of sequence divergence of mitochondrial genes relative to nuclear homologous counterparts. By setting the fastest substitution rate as strictly mutational, an empirical "selective retardation index" is computed to quantify the sum of all constraints, selective and otherwise, that limit sequence divergence of mitochondrial gene sequences over time.   相似文献   

Reduction in the rate of DNA reassociation by sequence divergence   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
An estimate is made of the effect of imperfectly complementary sequences on the rate of reassociation of DNA. Rate measurements are reported for the reassociation of deaminated DNA and for the pairing of DNAs from related bacteria. A method is presented for separating the effect of the incubation temperature on the rate from the effect of sequence divergence. After correction to the optimum incubation temperature, the rate of DNA reassociation appears to be reduced by a factor of two for each 10 deg. C reduction in melting temperature due to sequence divergence. For most typical cases this effect is modest. However it can be quite important for measurements of the relation between the DNAs of different species.  相似文献   

Functional divergence in protein (family) sequence evolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gu X 《Genetica》2003,118(2-3):133-141
As widely used today to infer function, the homology search is based on the neutral theory that sites of greatest functional significance are under the strongest selective constraints as well as lowest evolutionary rates, and vice versa. Therefore, site-specific rate changes (or altered selective constraints) are related to functional divergence during protein (family) evolution. In this paper, we review our recent work about this issue. We show a great deal of functional information can be obtained from the evolutionary perspective, which can in turn be used to facilitate high throughput functional assays. The emergence of evolutionary functional genomics is also indicated. The related software DIVERGE can be obtained form http://xgu1.zool.iastate.edu.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements are reported of the thermal stability of DNA heteroduplexes between clones of the eta-globin pseudogene from a variety of primates. The known sequences of this 7.1-kb region differ from each over a range from 1.6% for human versus chimp to nearly 12% for human versus spider monkey. Thermal stability was determined by standard hydroxyapatite thermal elution, and the results show a precisely linear decrease in thermal stability with divergence. The slope of the regression line is 1.18% sequence divergence per degree centigrade reduction in thermal stability.  相似文献   

The relationship between the DNA content of an average bacterial cell in an exponential culture, the velocity of chromosome rePlication (C), the time between replication termination and cell division (D), and the doubling time (τ), originally derived by Cooper and Helmstetter, is shown to be independent of two assumptions made by those authors. That is, it is not necessary to assume an ideal age distribution of cells in an exponential culture, and replication need not initiate synchronously at every DNA origin sequence within the cell. This implies that the relationship has a more general validity than has been previously supposed, and that agreement of observations on exponential cultures with the Cooper-Helmstetter theory cannot be taken to prove the assumptions on which that theory was originally based.  相似文献   

Studies done in prokaryotes and eukaryotes have indicated that DNA sequence divergence decreases the frequency of homologous recombination. To determine which step(s) of homologous recombination is sensitive to DNA sequence divergence in mammalian cells we have used an assay that does not rely on the recovery of functional products. The assay is based on the acquisition by homologous recombination of endogenous LINE-1 sequences by exogenous LINE-1 sequences. In parallel experiments, we introduced into mouse cells two gapped exogenous LINE-1 sequences, one from the mouse, L1Md-A2, and the other from the rat, L1Rn-3. Although L1Rn-3 is on average less than 85% homologous to the LINE-1 elements of the mouse, the frequency of homologous recombination with endogenous LINE-1 elements obtained with L1Rn-3 was the same as the one obtained with L1Md-A2 which is on average 95% homologous to the LINE-1 elements of the mouse. The endogenous LINE-1 sequences rescued by L1Rn-3 were 8-18% divergent from L1Rn-3 sequences, whereas those rescued by L1Md-A2 were 2-5% divergent from L1Md-A2 sequences. The gap which had been introduced into the exogenous LINE-1 sequences had been precisely repaired in 50% of the recombinants obtained with L1Md-A2. None of the L1Rn-3 recombinants showed precise gap repair.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The higher proportion of repeated DNA sequences in the garden pea (Pisum sativum) than in the mung bean (Vigna radiata), as well as other differences between these legume genomes, are consistent with a higher rate of sequence amplification in the former. This hypothesis leads to a prediction that repeated sequence families inPisum are mostly heterogeneous, as defined by Bendich and Anderson (1977), whileVigna families are homogeneous. An assay developed by these authors to distinguish between the two types of families, by comparison of reassociation rates at different temperatures, was utilized. The results forVigna defied the predictions of the assay for either homogeneous or hetereogeneous model. Evaluation of the kinetic data in light of the great diversity of repeated family copy numbers in both genomes enabled an interpretation of the results as consistent with hetereogenous families inPisum and homogeneous families inVigna. These tentative conclusions were supported by the results of a thermal denaturation (melting) assay described in the accompanying paper.Abbreviations used Cot the product of molar concentration of DNA nucleotides and time of incubation (mol s/L) - ECot equivalent - Cot the value after correction to standard reassociation conditions (120 mM sodium phosphate buffer, 60°C) - (Et)4NCl tetraethylammonium chloride - Tm the temperature at which half of the nucleotides in solution are unpaired This paper is Carnegie Institution of Washington Department of Plant Biology Publication No. 708 and is based on a portion of a dissertation submitted by R.S.P. in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. requirements at Stanford University  相似文献   

Here, we investigate the evolutionary history and pattern of genetic divergence in the Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) sibling species complex, a model for sympatric speciation via host plant shifting, using 11 anonymous nuclear genes and mtDNA. We report that DNA sequence results largely coincide with those of previous allozyme studies. Rhagoletis cornivora was basal in the complex, distinguished by fixed substitutions at all loci. Gene trees did not provide reciprocally monophyletic relationships among US populations of R. pomonella, R. mendax, R. zephyria and the undescribed flowering dogwood fly. However, private alleles were found for these taxa for certain loci. We discuss the implications of the results with respect to identifiable genetic signposts (stages) of speciation, the mosaic nature of genomic differentiation distinguishing formative species and a concept of speciation mode plurality involving a biogeographic contribution to sympatric speciation in the R. pomonella complex.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the differences in base sequence of DNA fractions derived from different syngens of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis was investigated. Each DNA was fractionated into unique and repeated sequences by hydroxylapatite chromatography, and the fractions were tested by in vitro molecular hybridization techniques. The amount of hybrid formed and the thermal stability of the hybrid molecules were examined at different incubation temperatures (50 and 65 C) for unique sequences and at 50 C for repeated sequences. The extent of the reactions involving either unique or repeated sequences was nearly complete when the two DNAs compared were derived from the same syngen. Moreover, intrasyngenic hybrids formed at 50 C (and 65 C for unique sequences) exhibit a high degree of thermal stability. In contrast, the extent of the reactions involving sequences derived from different syngens was low, as expected from the effect of mismatching on rate of reassociation, and intersyngenic hybrids formed at 50 C have low thermal stability. The reaction of unique sequences is further reduced at 65 C and the intersyngenic hybrids formed have a higher thermal stability than those formed at 50 C. The degree to which thermal stability is lowered was then used to estimate the percentage of mispaired bases. The average divergence of unique sequences between syngens is large and of the magnitude found for rodent DNAs from different genera or for Drosophila DNAs from nonsibling species. The repeated sequence fraction may contain more than one component and may be more conserved than the unique sequence fraction.  相似文献   

The Thamnophilidae is a diverse radiation of insectivorous passerine birds that comprises nearly 220 species and is mostly restricted to the lowlands and lower montane forests of the Neotropics. Current classification within Thamnophilidae relies primarily on morphological variation, but recent incorporation of molecular and vocal data has promoted changes at various taxonomic levels. Here we demonstrate that the genus Terenura is polyphyletic because Terenura callinota, T. humeralis, T. spodioptila, and T. sharpei are phylogenetically distant from the type species of the genus, Terenura maculata. More importantly, the former four species are not particularly closely related to any other thamnophilids and represent a clade that is sister to all other members of the family. Because no genus name is available for this previously undetected lineage in the Thamnophilidae, we describe the genus Euchrepomis for callinota, humeralis, spodioptila, and sharpei, and erect the subfamily Euchrepomidinae. We discuss the taxonomic and evolutionary significance of this divergent lineage. This study highlights the importance of taxonomic coverage and the inclusion of type taxa to redefine classifications to reflect accurately evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

An estimation of the DNA sequence divergence between defined DNA secquences of individuals or species may be made from comparison by gel electrophoresis of restriction endonuclease digests. This analysis is applicable to purified DNA sequence of moderate complexity (1-100 X 10(6) daltons) which have diverged by base substitution of 0.5 to 25% of nucleotides.  相似文献   

P. S. Stephenson 《CMAJ》1975,113(8):764-9
There is much controversy in the literature concerning prevalence, cause, diagnosis and treatment of hyperkinesis. The subject is complex; there is much ambiguity, and many research studies and reports of successful treatment appear to be overly simplistic in their approach to the problem. The use of the term "hyperkinesis" as synonymous with "hyperactivity" and often also with "minimal cerebral dysfunction" causes much confusion. There appear to be some common underlying beliefs about hyperkinetic children; these are critically examined. From integration of reports in the literature with clinical experience, it is contended that the term hyperkinesis should be restricted to the definition used in the British studies, and hyperactivity should be considered only a symptom. Hyperactivity has a large number of underlying causes, and management plans need to be individualized.  相似文献   

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