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Amapacanthus amazonicus n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Arius passany (Valenciennes) and Anableps microleps Müller. The most important diagnostic features are: a small globular proboscis armed with 6 diagonal rows of 3 stout hooks; middle hooks conspicuously stouter and larger than anterior ones; terminal hooks as long as middle hooks but straighter and more slender; a double-walled proboscis receptacle; a trunk bearing spines anteriorly; and two tubular cement glands in the males. Amapacanthus n. g. is differentiated from Allorhadinorhynchus, Golvanorhynchus and Slendrorhynchus, the other genera of the Allorhadinorhynchinae, by the presence of a globular proboscis armed with a small number (18) of hooks. A key to the species of the Allorhadinorhynchinae is presented.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus patagonicus n. sp. is described from Lake Rosario, Chubut Province, Argentina. It is characterized by a long neck forming an asymmetrical bulb with 2 well differentiated dorsal protruberances and 14 alternating rows of 13 and 14 proboscis hooks, each row with a stout fourth hook. It most closely resembles Pomphorhynchus sebastichthydis Yamaguti, 1939, from Japan, but differs in the bulb protruberances and in having more rows of hooks and more hooks per row and in the shapes of the fourth and basal hooks. Among American species P. patagonicus shows some similarities to Pomphorhynchus yamagutii Schmidt and Hugghins, 1973, from Chile, but differs with respect to the longer neck, bulb protruberances, and proboscis armature. Pomphorhynchus patagonicus is endemic to Patagonia, where its definitive type host is the endemic fish Patagonina hatcheri (Atherinidae) and its intermediate host the endemic freshwater amphipod Hyalella patagonica. It has been found also in autochthonous fishes belonging to the families Galaxiidae and Percichthyidae and in introduced salmonid fishes.  相似文献   

Anuracanthorhynchus tritaxisentis n. gen., n. sp. from the intestines of the Brazilian frog Hylodes phyllodes (Leptodactylidae) is described and illustrated. Anuracanthorhynchus tritaxisentis n. gen., n. sp., is unique among the echinorhynchid Acanthocephala by possessing a spherical proboscis supporting a small number of hooks of equal size. It is the sixth acanthocephalan species reported from South American anurans.  相似文献   

Polymorphus spindlatus n. sp. is described from the black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, in Lake Titicaca, Peru. It is distinguished from all 27 known species of the subgenus Polymorphus by its spindle-shaped proboscis and its trunk shape, the anterior 2/3 of which is ovoid, tapering into a tubular posterior end. It resembles Polymorphus brevis (=Arhythmorhynchus brevis), which is, however, longer and considerably more slender, and has smaller and more numerous proboscis hooks per row and smaller eggs. It is separated also from Polymorphus swartzi, Polymorphus striatus, Polymorphus contortus, and Polymorphus cincli by its proboscis armature (usually 18 longitudinal rows of 11-13 hooks each), among other characters. Histopathological sections of host tissue show well defined localized damage including hemorrhaging with subsequent phagocyte cell migration (granular tissue). The lumen of the host intestine is obstructed and villi show compression. The proboscis of P. spindlatus extends through the intestinal mucosa and submucosa, displacing the smooth muscle layers of the muscularis externa. Fibrosis also was observed.  相似文献   

A new species of arhythmacanthid acanthocephalan, Heterosentis martini n. sp., parasitic in the Argentinean sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata (Cuvier) (Perciformes, Pinguipedidae) from the coasts of Argentina is described. Heterosentis martini n. sp. differs from all congeneric species by having 10 longitudinal rows of hooks in the proboscis, each with 7-8 hooks, consisting of 1 medium apical and 3 larger sub-apical hooks with root, and 3-4 smaller, basal, curved hooks with rudimentary roots and spines in both ventral and dorsal regions of the body. The most similar species, Heterosentis heteracanthus (Linstow, 1896) Van Cleave, 1931, and Heterosentis brasiliensis Vieira, Felizardo and Luque, 2009, also have 10 longitudinal rows of hooks, but H. heteracanthus differs from the new species by having only 3-5 (more frequently 4) hooks in each row, with only the anterior hook large and bearing a developed root. Heterosentis brasiliensis differs from the new species by possessing 2 sub-apical hooks in each row (instead of 3), similar body length but shorter proboscis, and trunk spines restricted to the ventral surface of body.  相似文献   

Five helminths, including a new echinorhynchid acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus longiacanthus n. sp., are described based on specimens from the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard caught in a small river, western Japan. The new acanthocephalan is distinguished from the other congeners in terms of hook arrangement (8–9 longitudinal rows with 5–6 hooks per row) on proboscis, maximum length of hook blade (81–95 μm in male, 150–190 μm in female), lemnisci being longer than proboscis receptacle, and small-sized eggs (80–83 μm). Two monogeneans, Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae (Yin & Sproston, 1948) and P. bini (Kikuchi, 1929), and two acanthocephalans, Acanthocephalus gotoi Van Cleave, 1925 and Southwellina hispida (Van Cleave, 1925), were also found; this new material is described. The monogeneans are notorious as invasive parasites spreading worldwide via anthropogenic transportations of anguillid eels, but in Japanese waters A. marmorata appears to be an indigenous host for these parasites. Anguilla marmorata is a new host record for the acanthocephalans A. gotoi and S. hispida.  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus beringianus sp. n. is described from Pungitius pungitius L. in north-eastern Russia. Since 1986, when it was first found, it was reported as 'N. pungitius Dechtiar, 1971'. However, this new species differs from the latter in having an egg shell without a prolongation of the fertilisation membrane, a larger proboscis and proboscis hooks, a subterminal position of the female genital pore and a more slender trunk, and it occurs in a different site in the intestine. N. beringianus has a small, stout body with an asymmetrical position of the proboscis, which is located ventrally to and at an angle with the longitudinal axis of the body. The proboscis is wider than long, the hooks are of equal size in each circle but diminish in size posteriorly, whereas the lemnisci are subequal in length. It differs from those species of Neoechinorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905 with somewhat similar characteristics in body length, proboscis size and proportions, proboscis hook lengths, egg size, size-ratio of the cement gland and testes, and the number of giant nuclei in the tegument and lemnisci. In different geographical populations of the new species, the sizes of both the proboscis and proboscis hooks exhibit some variation.  相似文献   

Similascarophis (Cystidicolidae) n. gen. is proposed. In the mouth of specimens of this genus, submedial labia are absent and pseudolabia do not have any part projecting toward the central oral opening. These nematodes were obtained from the alimentary tract of 7 marine fish species along the coast of Chile: Bovichthys chilensis Regan, Eleginops maclovinus (Cuvier), Pinguipes chilensis (Valenciennes), Cilus gilberti (Abbott), Cheilodactylus variegatus Valenciennes, Girella laevifrons (Tschudi), and Graus nigra Philippi. Morphology and morphometry are compared between 2 new Similascarophis species: Similascarophis maulensis n. sp. and S. chilensis n. sp., which differ in the presence of sublabia and in the length of the glandular esophagus and left spicule. We also recorded Similascarophis sp. in 2 other host species, which showed some distinct proportional measurements, although these differences were not sufficiently clear to identify them as a new species.  相似文献   

Porrorchis nickoli n. sp. is described from the intestine of the gray four-eyed opossum Philander opossum (type host), the Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana, the common opossum Didelphis marsupialis, and the white-nosed coati Nasua narica. Hosts were collected in southeastern Mexico in the Los Tuxtlas region of the state of Veracruz (type locality) and in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas. This new species is distinguished from other Porrorchis species by its small proboscis (0.286-0.428 mm long x 0.273-0.438 mm wide), a proboscis armature consisting of 22-24 vertical rows of 7 or 8 hooks per row, and the male reproductive system extending postequatorially and occupying only half of the trunk. This is the first known occurrence of a Porrorchis species in the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus idahoensis is described from Catostomus columbianus caught in the Salmon River, Stanley Basin, Idaho. The new species is closest to Neoechinorhynchus venustus Lynch, 1936, but is distinguished from it by its smaller and variably structured eggs, anterio-dorsal trunk hump, bent and posteriorly notched proboscis receptacle, and larger proboscis, proboscis receptacle, and hooks. It is distinguished also from 2 other species of Neoechinorhynchus with proboscis hooks in middle and anterior circles about equally large and from 7 other species having lemnisci greatly unequal in length. Histopathology of host tissue showed limited host response exemplified by epithelial damage and hemorrhaging at point of proboscis attachment with subsequent macrophage and other phagocytic cell migration. The proboscis extended through the host epithelium into the submucosa with limited hemorrhaging at the point of attachment. Unorganized collagenous fibers were present. The lumen of the host intestine was obstructed, and compressed villi were present. The trunk of the worm damaged intestinal epithelium near the crypts, causing localized inflammation. The caryophyllaeid cestode Isoglaridacris calentinei Mackiewicz, 1974, was present in concurrent infections of C. columbianus.  相似文献   

Atactorhynchus duranguensisn. sp. (Acanthocephala: Atactorhynchinae) is described from the intestine of Cyprinodon meeki Miller, an endemic freshwater fish from a far-inland locality of Mexico. Diagnostic features include: body small, stout, ventrally curved; small cylindrical proboscis armed with 16 alternating vertical rows of four or five hooks; anterior two or three hooks conspicuous, stout and larger than other hooks, and have large, rod-shaped roots with a markedly and abruptly enlarged base; three posterior hooks of each row are smaller and rootless; single-walled proboscis receptacle; lemnisci equal in length, elongate and robust; and cement gland syncytial, larger than testis. The new species is smaller than A. verecundus Chandler, 1935, the only previously described species in the genus. The shape of the proboscis of the new species is strikingly different from that of A. verecundus, which is widest at the apex. Likewise, the greatest width of the trunk of the new species is in about the middle, differing from that of A. verecundus where the trunk is widest posteriorly. The new species also can be distinguished from A. verecundus because of its much smaller hook lengths and slightly smaller proboscis. In addition, the proportion of large apical proboscis hooks in relation to the small basal hooks is different: the basal hooks of A. verecundus are about half the size of the anterior hooks and but only about a quarter of the size in A. duranguensis. Unlike A. verecundus, the base of the roots are markedly and abruptly enlarged in the new species. Finally, the eggs of the new species are smaller (23–27 × 8–10 m) than those of A. verecundus (27–30 × 12–13 m).  相似文献   

Cystacanths of the acanthocephalan Bolbosoma balaenae (Gmelin, 1790) were found encapsulated in the cephalothorax of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes couchii (Bell, 1853) from temperate waters in the NE Atlantic Ocean. Euphausiids were caught in locations outside the Ría de Vigo in Galicia, NW Spain, and prevalence of infection was up to 0.1%. The parasite was identified by morphological characters. Cystacanths were 8.09 ± 2.25 mm total length (mean ± SD) and had proboscises that consisted of 22 to 24 longitudinal rows of hooks, each of which had 8 or 9 hooks per row including 2 or 3 rootless ones in the proboscis base and 1 field of small hooks in the prebulbar part. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA and cytocrome c oxidase subunit I revealed a close relationship with other taxa of the family Polymorphidae (Meyer, 1931). The results extend northwards ot the known distribution of B. balaenae. Taxonomic affiliation of parasites and trophic ecology in the sampling area suggest that N. couchii is the intermediate host for B. balenae, and we suggest that the whales Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758) and B. acutorostrata (Lacepède, 1804) are its definitive hosts. This life cycle is probably completed with or without paratenic hosts.  相似文献   

Pilum pilum gen. et sp. n. is described from the warmouth, Lepomis gulosus (Cuvier); brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur); yellow bullhead, I. natalis (Lesueur); redbreast sunfish, L. auritus (Linnaeus); bluegill, L. macrochirus Rafinesque; spotted sunfish, L. punctatus (Valenciennes); and redfin pickerel, Esox americanus (Gmelin), from the Alabama River Drainage, brown bullhead from the Mobile Bay Drainage in Alabama, and pirate perch, Aphredoderus sayanus Gilliams, from an Atlantic Coast drainage in Georgia. The new genus most closely resembles the genus Acanthocephalus; it differs from this genus in having a distinctive pear-shaped proboscis, a long neck, and hooks which abruptly differ in size.  相似文献   

In a survey of 118 eels Anguilla bicolor, A. marmorata and A. mossambica, (Anguillidae) indigenous to Reunion Island in the Mascarene island group, western Indian Ocean, a new species of acanthocephalan, Acanthocepholus reunionensis n. sp., was found. With a proboscis hook formula of 19 rows of 4-5 hooks, and elongated cement glands arranged in three pairs, this species differs from all other species in the genus. This is the first record of the genus Acanthocephalus occurring in eels from the African Region.  相似文献   

A new species,Acanthocephaloides cyrusi, is described from the fishesSolea bleekeri andPomadasys commersoni from Lake St. Lucia, Natal, South Africa. It is distinguished from the other species in the genus by the more marked sexual dimorphism in length, the arrangement of hooks, the proboscis with the longest hooks at the anterior-most extremity and the greater size of the proboscis hooks and body spines. An acanthella, which may represent this species, was found in the tanaidApseudes digitalis.  相似文献   

Isthmosacanthus fitzroyensis n. g., n. sp. is described from two species of protandrous fish, Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw) and Polydactylus macrochir (Günther), from the waters around the coast of northern Australian. The new species can be distinguished from all others by the following combination of characters: proboscis shape and armature (22 rows of 13-14 hooks), short neck, trunk spined anteriorly and having two swellings (one bulbous) with a narrow isthmus in between, long tubular lemnisci and six tubular cement glands. Although I. fitzroyensis has been confused with a species of Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905 in the literature, it can be distinguished from all pomphorhynchids, including species of Longicollum Yamaguti, 1935 and Pyriproboscis Amin, Abdullah & Mhaisen, 2003, by the suite of characters listed above. The placement of the species of Pyriproboscis in the Pomphorhynchidae Yamaguti, 1939 is problematical, because it has a short neck, two distinct hook types comprising the proboscis armature and only two rather than six cement glands. A new family, the Isthmosacanthidae n. fam., is erected to contain Isthmosacanthus together with Gorgorhynchoides Cable & Linderoth, 1963 and Golvanorhynchus Noronha, Fabio & Pinto, 1978, genera having an elongate to clavate proboscis, anterior trunk spines, elongate lemnisci, and six tubular cement glands. The validity of this determination, based on the importance of cement gland number and phylogenetic analysis, is argued.  相似文献   

B S Dezfuli 《Parassitologia》1991,33(2-3):137-145
The histopathology present in Leuciscus cephalus Risso 1826 from the River Po, naturally infected with the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis Müller 1776, was studied and described. The parasite was only found within the host's digestive tract, and a density of 10 P. laevis per square centimeter was common. On histological examination it was noticed that both male and female parasites penetrated deeply through all the layers of the host digestive tract by means of their slender neck, bulb and proboscis; thus the bulb and proboscis become encapsulated beneath the serosa and mesentery. As a result, the presence of a capsule was noticed on the external surface of the host digestive tract. P. laevis caused local damage to the intestinal wall, and the parasite elicited an intense host reaction. The response of L. cephalus at the attachment site of the acanthocephalan was hyperplasia of host connective tissue, with cellular infiltration. In a few hosts, the presence of a fibrous nodule on the outer surface of the alimentary canal was observed.  相似文献   

The morphology of relaxed cystacanths of polymorphid acanthocephalans collected from notothenioid fishes in the Beagle Channel (Magellanic subregion of sub-Antarctica) is described. A parasite of birds, Andracantha baylisi (Zdzitowiecki, 1986), was found in Patagonotothen longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.82–0.89 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–5 basal hooks; distal hooks with the longest blades; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; large somatic spines arranged in two zones separated by a zone of small, loosely dispersed spines; and only the anterior 36–40% of ventral side of the trunk is covered with spines. One male specimen of Corynosoma sp. was found in Patagonotothen tessellata. It differs from A. baylisi in that the distal proboscis hooks are similar in length to the prebasal hooks, it has a smaller proboscis (0.77 mm) and in the distribution of the somatic spines, which are contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk and lack a zone of small spines between zones of larger spines. A parasite of seals and fur seals, Corynosoma evae Zdzitowiecki, 1984, was found in P. longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.61–0.78 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 20–22 rows of 12–13, including 3/4–4 basal hooks; prebasal hooks with the longest blades; a trunk divided into fore-trunk and hind-trunk; somatic spines covering the anterior 64–74% of the ventral side of the trunk; genital spines present only in males; and a terminal genital opening in both sexes. Corynosoma beaglense n. sp. was found in Champsocephalus esox. It has: an almost cylindrical proboscis (length 0.52–0.56 mm); a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–4/5 basal hooks; distal hooks shorter than the prebasal hooks; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; somatic spines contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk of the male and covering the entire length of the ventral side of the female trunk, and the presence of genital spines surrounding the terminal genital pore of the male. The definitive host of this species is unknown.  相似文献   

The metazoan parasite fauna of Hippoglossina macrops (n = 123) from northern Chile (30 degrees S) is quantitatively described for the first time, and the role of host age and sex was evaluated. Twelve parasite species were recovered, including 5 ectoparasites (2 Monogenea, 2 Copepoda and 1 Piscicolidae) and 7 endoparasites (1 Digenea, 3 Cestoda, 2 Acanthocephala, and 1 Nematoda). The copepod Holobomolochus chilensis, the monogenean Neoheterobothrium sp., the adult acanthocephalan Floridosentis sp. and the hirudinean, Gliptonobdella sp. are new geographical and host records. The most prevalent ectoparasitic species were the monogenean, Neoheterobothrium sp. and the copepod, H. chilensis. Among endoparasites, the acanthocephalans Floridosentis sp. and Corynosoma australe were most prevalent and abundant. Prevalence and mean intensity of infection for most parasitic species were not affected by host sex, however the prevalence of Floridosentis sp. was significantly greater in males. Intensity of infection was positively correlated with host age for Neoheterobothrium sp., and negatively correlated for Floridosentis sp. and H. chilensis. The helminth species richness of the host H. macrops was lower compared to related flatfishes from the Northern Hemisphere. The relationship of the helminth fauna of H. macrops, its feeding habits and ecological habitats are discussed.  相似文献   

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