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This paper reports the results of tests made for hereditary antigens in blood samples procured from Indians in northern Brazil. Specimens were procured from 423 putatively full-blood persons of the following tribes: in the province of Roraima from 261 Macuxi, 48 Uaica, 27 Xirixano, 10 Uapixana, 9 Cacarapai and 9 Paramiteri; in Pará from 21 Assurini; and in Amapá from 38 Galibi. Erythrocyte samples were tested for factors in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, Kell-Cellano, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Diego systems. Serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins. Hemolysates, prepared from whole blood, were tested for hemoglobin types. The results are presented on appropriate tables as number and per cent of phenotypes for the various blood group anigens and their calculated gene frequencies. Locations from which blood samples were procured are listed in the tables and shown on a map (fig. 1). All the 423 samples except one Macuxi belonged to group O. The Uaica tribe had a low frequency for M (0.534). All others showed the high frequency usually observed in Amerinds. The s allele was high in all except the Galibi in which the frequency was (0.500). Frequencies for P2 was higher than for P1 in all except the Assurini and Galibi, theirs was high for P1 (1.00) and low for P2 (0.00). The frequencies for R1 (CDe) and R2 (cDE) were high and all others in the Rh-Hr system were low or absent. All specimens were positive for Cellano (k) and negative for Kell (K). There was a complete absence of Lewis (Le1), excepting in the Uaica and Xirixano in which populations Fya allele frequencies were higher than 0.500. The distribution of the Jk (a+) phenotype and corresponding ellele frequencies varied widely in Brazilian Indians as did those for Diego (a+). The haptoglobin Hp1 allele frequencies were in essential agreement with those reported elsewhere for Indians in South America, and all transferrins determined were classified as Tf C. All samples tested for homoglobin types contained homoglobin (A) as a major component, but five members of the Galibi tribe possessed hemoglobin (S) as well.  相似文献   

This is the fourth paper in a series on the distribution of blood groups among Indians of South America. It reports the findings on the Indians of Chile and the Polynesians of Chile's Easter Island. Blood specimens were procured from the following putatively pure Indians and unmixed Polynesians: 44 Alacaluf of Puerto Eden, Isla Wellington, 141 Mapuche (Araucanian) of Lonquimay, Malleco Province, 80 Atacameños of Antofagasta Province, and 45 Polynesians of Easter Island. These 310 samples were tested for blood factors in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, K-k, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Diego systems, and for the Wright (Wra) agglutinogen. Serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins. Hemolysates prepared from the blood clots were tested for hemoglobin types. The results are presented as phenotype incidences and calculated gene frequencies in appropriate tables. Locations of the populations from which blood samples were procured are shown on two maps. The high frequencies for the O gene usually reported for South American Indians obtain in putatively pure Chilean Indians but A1 is high in Easter Island Polynesians. In both Indians and Polynesians M, s, R1 (CDe), R2 (cDE), Lub, k, LeH, and Fya gene frequencies are high and B, N, S, Mia, Vw, Rº (cDe), r (cde), Lua, K, Le1, Fyb, and Wra (Ca) are low or absent. The Diego (Di) gene is present in the Mapuche and Atacameños but absent in the Alacaluf and Polynesians. Hp1 gene frequencies were determined only in the Alacaluf and Atacameños, in which they are 0.48 and 0.67 respectively. Transferrins were determined for the Alacaluf and Atacameños Indians and all were classified as Tf C. All Chilean Indian and Polynesian specimens were tested electrophoretically for hemoglobin types and all contained only hemoglobin (A) as a major component.  相似文献   

This paper on the distribution of hereditary factors in the blood of Indians in South America, reports the results of tests made on samples procured from Paraguayan Indians. Specimens from putatively full-blood persons were obtained from the following tribes: 88 Chamacoco, 36 Moro, 85 Chulupi, 207 Lengua, 100 Toba, 20 Yam Lengua, and 51 Guayaki, These 587 Samples were tested for factors in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P. Rh-Hr, Lutheran, Kell-Cellano, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd, and Diego systems. Serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins. He molysates, prepared from whole blood, were tested for hemoglobin types. The results are presented on appropriate tables as number and per cent of phenotypes for the various blood group antigens and their calculated allele frequencies. Locations of the populations from which blood samples were procured are listed on the tables and shown on a map (fig. 1). Of the 587 samples all except two Chamacoco belonged to group O. High frequencies are reported generally for M, s, P, R1 (CDe), R2 (cDE), k (100%) and Fy alleles in Paraguayn Indians. Low frequencies were generally reported for N, S, r (cde) and R° (cDe) alleles. There was a wide variation in frequencies for Di, Jk, and haptoglobin Hp1. All tested for transferrins were classified as Tf C and all contained hemoglobin (A) as a major component. The following antigens were completely absent: Mia, Vw, p, Pk, ry (CdE), K, and Le1. Most notable is the unusual distribution of hereditary blood antigens among the Guayaki and Moro. The Guayaki had 100% P1 and Fya; they were higher in R° (cDe), R1 (CDe), and Jka; and lower in R2 (cDE) and Hp1 genes than other Indians; and Di was absent. The Guayaki differed from the other Indians also in having fair skin. The Moro were lower in the P1 and Jk gene frequencies than is usually found in Amerinds, and the Di gene was absent. The Chamacoco also had an exceptionally low frequency for the P1 gene (0.261).  相似文献   

This paper reports the distribution of blood groups, A-B-H secretors, haptoglobins, transferrins and hemoglobin types among Indians of the Gila River Valley in Arizona. Specimens were procured from the following putative full-bloods: 909 Pima, 37 Papago, and 124 Maricopa; and from the following known mixed-bloods: Pima-Papago 134, Pima-Maricopa 26, Pima-Other Indian 41, Pima-Caucasian 33. These 1304 samples were tested for factors in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, Kell-Cellano, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Diego blood group systems, and for additional blood factors (Wra), Doa, Vel, Yta, Coa, Gya, Sav, and L. W. Serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins. Hemolysates, prepared from whole blood, were tested for hemoglobin types. The results are presented on appropriate tables as number and per cent of phenotypes for the various blood group antigens and their calculated allele frequencies. Locations of the populations from which blood samples were procured are shown on a map (fig. 1). Tests made by earlier workers on the blood of Arizona Indians and related tribes are presented for comparison and discussed. The usual high frequencies for allele O reported in Amerinds was found among the putatively full-blood Gila Indians; the 124 Maricopa presented the maximum frequency of 1.000. High frequencies were reported generally for M, s, P1, R1 (CDe), R2 (cDE), k (100%) Fy, and Doa alleles. Low frequencies were reported for N, S, r (cde), R° (cDe), fy, Le1w and Dia (Pima only). There was a wide variation in frequencies for jk, and Hp1, and there were 17 Transferrin Tf B1C observed in 270 Pima samples tested. All the remaining were classified as Tf C except two Tf B;C from mixed-bloods. All samples tested for Vel, Yta, Coa, Sav, and Hemoglobin (A) showed the maximum frequency (1.000) for their genes. The following antigens were completely absent: Lua, Mia, Vw, Mta, p, Pk, ry (CdE), K, and Wra. The results of this study suggests that the Papago tribe presents fewer genes of non-Indian origin than the Pima, and the Maricopa least of the three populations.  相似文献   

Blood specimens were procured from the following putatively pure Indians of the Peruvian rain forest: 90 Piro and 89 Campa on the Urubamba and Tambo rivers, 142 Shipibo and 14 Isconahua on the Rio Ucayali near Yarinacocha, 151 Aguaruna at Santa Maria de Nieva, where the Marañon and Nieva rivers join, and from 122 Ticuna and 9 Yagua near the Brazilian border on the Amazon. Specimens from highland Indians were obtained from 93 Aymará and 181 Quechua at Puno and environs. These 891 specimens were tested for antigens in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, K-k, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd, and Diego (Dia) systems, and for the Wright (Wra) aglutinogen. Serum samples from these bloods were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins and hemolysates were prepared and examined for hemoglobin types. Results for these tests with claculated gene frequencies are presented, for the most part, on appropriate tables. A map is included to show the locations of the populations from which blood samples were procured. As in South American Indians generally, frequencies are high for the O gene it being the only gene of the ABO system which appears in isolated jungle populations and the Aymará. Gene frequencies are usually high also for M, s, R1 (CDe), R2 (cDE), Lub, k, LeH, and Fya; and low or absent for A, B, N, S, Mia, Vw, Ro (cDe), r (cde), Lua, K, Le1, Fyb, and Wra. The Diego (Dia) gene is present but varies greatly in frequencies among tribes. Hp1 gene frequencies vary from 0.44 to 0.69 among the Peruvian Indians tested. Transferrin CD was encountered in only one population i.e., in 3 of 86 Piro (gene frequency TfD= 0.02). All others were C. All Peruvian Indian bloods tested electrophoretically contained only hemoglobin (A) as a major component.  相似文献   

Blood samples were procured from the following populations of putatively pure Indians in Bolivia: 503 Aymará from the Altiplano and Yungas, 30 Chama, 11 Tacana, 14 Chácobo, 109 Itonama, 67 Moré, and 27 Sirionó from the Beni and lowland rainforest. Erythrocytes from these 761 specimens were tested for antigens in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, Kell-Cellano, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd, and Diego systems, and for the Wright agglutinogen. The serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transferrins; and hemolysates were prepared and examined for hemoglobin types. Results of these tests are presented as phenotypes and calculated gene frequencies on appropriate tables. A map is included to show the locations of the populations from which blood samples were obtained. Frequencies are generally high for the O gene, it being the only gene of the ABO system which appears in the Chama, Chácobo and Sirionó. The presence of A1, A2 or B genes in the Bolivian Indians is interpreted as being most probably of caucasoid introduction. Excepting the Sirionó the frequencies are high for M and low for N genes as is usual for Amerinds, the M gene being the only one detected in the Chama. The s gene frequency in high and the S low except in the small isolated Chácobo population in which S gene frequency is extremely high for Amerinds. Inbreeding and perhaps genetic drift in this small isolate may account for this aberrancy from normal. The Bolivian specimens presented the high frequencies for genes R1 (CDe) and R2 (cDE) and the low frequencies for genes r (cde) and R0 (cDe) usually observed in American Indians. The Lua factor was observed in only one of 120 Aymará at Santa Fe in the Yungas. The Lua factor, when observed in Amerinds, suggests foreign introduction of the responsible gene. Fya gene frequencies are consistently high and excepting the Aymará and Chama so also are Jka frequencies. Frequencies for the Diego (Dia) factor vary from 3.70% in 27 Sirionó to 73.33% in 30 Chama. No K, Mia, Vw or Wra antigens were demonstrable in the Indian blood samples from Bolivia. Phenotypes and calculated gene frequencies for haptoglobins and transferrins are presented. All Bolivian Indian bloods tested electrophoretically contained only hemoglobin (A) as a major component.  相似文献   

We report the distribution of the APOB signal peptide polymorphism in 5 native populations of South America: 2 samples of Mataco and 1 sample each of Pilagá and Toba from the Argentinian Chaco and 1 sample of Ache from the Paraguay forest. A randomly selected subsample of a previously studied sample from the Cayapa of Ecuador (Scacchi et al. 1997) was reanalyzed to investigate probable differences attributable to sampling, laboratory techniques, or interobserver error. The polymorphism observed in the signal peptide region of the APOB gene among native populations of South America exhibits the same range of variation found among geographic continental populations, confirming the high genetic heterogeneity of South Amerindians. Extremes in the allele prevalences were found among the Mataco and Ache, populations not far apart geographically. The small differences in genotype and allele frequencies between the subsample of the Cayapa analyzed here and the original Cayapa sample and between the 2 Mataco samples were not statistically significant and most likely were due to sampling error.  相似文献   

Blood specimens were procured from 658 Quechua, 36 Colorado, 233 Jivaro, 244 Cayapa, and 48 Secoya Indians of Ecuador. These were examined for antigens in the A-B-O, M-N-S-s, P, Rh-Hr, Lutheran, K-k, Lewis, Duffy and Kidd systems and for Diego (Dia), Wright (Wra), and Berrens (Bea) agglutinogens as well. Hemolystes were prepared and studied for hemoglobin types and the serum samples were tested for haptoglobins and transfserrins. Gene frequencies are high for O, M, s, R1, (CDe), R2 (cDE), Lub, k, Kpb, Leb and Fya; and low or absent for A, B, N, S, Mia, Vw, Mta, R0 (cDe), V (ces), Lua, K, Kpa, Lea, Fyb, Jsa, Wra and Bea. The Diego (Dia) gene is present but its frequency varies greatly from tribe to tribe. Gene frequency Hp1 is well within the range previously reported for Indians in Middle America excepting the Colorado in which population the frequency of 0.889 is unusually high. All 723 serum specimens tested for transferrins were C or CD. No D or BC types were found. All Ecuadorian Indian bloods tested electrophoretically contained only hemoglobin (A) as a major component.  相似文献   

Variation in coat colour genotypes of archaeological cattle samples from Finland was studied by sequencing 69 base pairs of the extension locus (melanocortin 1‐receptor, MC1R) targeting both a transition and a deletion defining the three main alleles, such as dominant black (ED), wild type (E+) and recessive red (e). The 69‐bp MC1R sequence was successfully analysed from 23 ancient (1000–1800 AD) samples. All three main alleles and genotype combinations were detected with allele frequencies of 0.26, 0.17 and 0.57 for ED, E+ and e respectively. Recessive red and dominant black alleles were detected in both sexes. According to the best of our knowledge, this is the first ancient DNA study defining all three main MC1R alleles. Observed MC1R alleles are in agreement with calculated phenotype frequencies from historical sources. The division of ancient Finnish cattle population into modern Finnish breeds with settled colours was dated to the 20th century. From the existing genotyped populations in Europe (43 breeds, = 2360), the closest match to ancient MC1R genotype frequencies was with the Norwegian native multicoloured breeds. In combined published genotype data of ancient (= 147) and genotypes and phenotypes of modern Nordic cattle (= 738), MC1R allele frequencies showed temporal changes similar to neutral mitochondrial DNA and Y‐chromosomal haplotypes analysed earlier. All three markers indicate major change in genotypes in Nordic cattle from the Late Iron Age to the Medieval period followed by slower change through the historical periods until the present.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of 540 Paraguayan Indians from nine tribal groups and 51 Mennonites are presented for ABO, MNSs, P1, Rh, Kell, Lewis, Duffy, Diego; for serum immunoglobulins and haptoglobins, G6PD-deficiency, and thalassemia trait. Group O gene frequencies for all Indian groups were 1.00; for r (cde), 0.00. Tapiete, Lengua, Toba, and Sanapana Rz (CDE) frequencies were among the highest ever reported. N frequencies were high for Ache Kwera (Guayaki), Lengua, Cheroti, Guarayu, Tapiete; N and s low for Ayore. MS frequencies were high for Sanapana, Lengua, Ayore; Ns for Tapiete. Diego was notably absent for Toba, Lengua, Guarayu, Tapiete, Ayore. Homogeneous frequencies for Fya (1.000) occurred among Guarayu and Tapiete, and for P1 among Guayaki. Inv(a) frequencies were low for Cheroti, Chulupi, Guayaki. Hp 1 among Guayaki (Ache Kwera 0.15) is lowest ever reported. G6PD deficiency and abnormal hemoglobins were uniformly absent from all groups. Mennonite results were homogeneous and point toward Dutch origins. Differences among groups studied, and between Paraguayan and other Amerinds emphasize importance of genetic drift and founder principle. Abandonment of their tribes by mixed-blood offspring is partly responsible for apparent genetic purity and homogeneity of groups.  相似文献   

Blood specimens from 69 gibbons (63Hylobates lar, 4Hylobates concolor, and 2Hylobates pileatus) were tested for human-type ABO, MN, and Rh blood groups. AmongH. lar, three phenotypes were noted in the ABO and MN blood groups respectively, but all fourH. concolor were grouped as AM. All group A gibbons were of subgroup A1; subgroups A2B and A12B were observed at a low frequency in group AB gibbons. Leb antigen was detected in about 30% of the red cell samples fromH. lar, but all the samples were negative for Lea. All the gibbons tested had c(hr) antigen but no other Rh antigens (D, C, E, and e) in their red cells. Some selected blood samples fromH. lar were also tested for some other blood group antigens and for the Gm and Inv factors. The Jka antigen was detected in all the red cell samples tested, but the S, s, U, K, k, and Fya antigens were not. In the tests of plasma with anti-Gm (1),H. lar could be divided into two groups, i.e., Gm(1)Gi and Gm(–1)Gi; Gm(2), Gm(4), and Inv(1) were absent in the species.  相似文献   

More than 1,000 blood samples were collected from macaques of speciesM. fuscata, M. cyclopis, M. irus, M. mulatta, M. nemestrina, andM. speciosa, and all or a part of them were tested for human-type ABO, MN, and Lewis blood groups, and Gm and Inv factors. Differences between and/or within species analogous to racial differences in man were markedly noted in the distribution of the ABO and Lewis blood groups. Saliva samples from a small number ofM. fuscata were tested quantitatively for the presence of H and Lewis substances, and it was found that almost all the animals were secretors of H, Lea, and Leb, independently of the Lewis blood groups of their red cells. Red cells of all macaques tested contained M or M-like, but not Nv(V), antigens, and no polymorphism of MN blood groups was present. Selected plasma samples fromM. fuscata, M. cyclopis, M. irus, andM. nemestrina were found to be negative for all Gm(1), Gm(2), Gm(4), and Inv(1) factors tested.This study was supported in part by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science Grant B-54 and by National Science Foundation Grant FJ 4.11. 1 as part of the Japan-U.S. Cooperative Science Program.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is a major etiological agent in dental caries. Salivary agglutinin is one of the main salivary components binding to S.mutans. To learn more about the interaction of salivary agglutinin with S.mutans, parotid, submandibular, sublingual and palatal saliva samples were incubated with S. mutans suspension. Both depleted saliva samples and bacterial extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Salivary agglutinin was present in all types of glandular saliva and in all cases bound to S.mutans, also to PC337C, a P1 mutant of S.mutans. Agglutinin was separated by SDS-PAGE under reducing and non-reducing conditions and then transferred to nitrocellulose. Non-reduced agglutinin bound S.mutans, but reduced agglutinin did not. Adhesion of S.mutans to agglutinin-coated microplates was inhibited by amine-containing components, 1 M NaCl or KCl and EDTA. Adhesion decreased with decreasing pH with no adhesion below pH 5.0. These data suggest that calcium-dependent electrostatic interactions play a role in binding. By immunoblotting was demonstrated that blood group antigens and Lewis antigens were present on agglutinin. Synthetic blood group antigens and Lewis antigens covalently coupled to polyacrylamide were tested for binding to S.mutans. Only Lea(Gal1,3(Fuc1,4)GlcNAc) bound to S.mutans, whereas the blood group antigens Leb, Lex, Ley, H1, H2, A, B and sialylated Lea did not. Lea without galactose (Fuc1,4GlcNAc) still bound to S. mutans, but Lea without fucose (Gal1,3GlcNAc) did not. Binding of agglutinin to S. mutans was not inhibited by Lea. In conclusion, S. mutans can bind to Lea carbohydrate epitopes in which the fucose is an essential residue. Lea carbohydrate epitopes are present on salivary agglutinin but play no major role in binding.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the allele and genotype frequencies of the Insulin like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1) and Insulin like growth factor 1 receptor gene (IGF-1R) polymorphisms in East Anatolian (EAR) and South Anatolian Red cattle (SAR). Polymorphisms in both genes are claimed to affect economic parameters like body weight and subcutaneous back fat. For the study, blood samples were collected from 50 SAR and 50 EAR cattle. In both breeds, high frequencies of allele B of IGF-1, which was supposed to have positive effect on carcass traits and allele A of IGF-1R, related to milk traits, were observed. Therefore, no relationship of the polymorphisms studied with economic traits was observed, as both breeds have respectively low carcass and milk parameters. However, distribution of allele frequencies of IGF-1 and IGF-1R in SAR and EAR cattle was similar with Zebu cattle that support Bos indicus introgression to Anatolian breeds.  相似文献   

Five novel missense mutations, viz., C304 A, T370 G, G484 A, G667 A, and G808 A, in the Lewis gene (FUT3) were detected in African (Xhosa) and Caucasian individuals in South Africa. These single base substitutions may result in changes in amino acid residues from Gln102 to Lys in the 304 mutation, Ser124 to Ala in the 370 mutation, Asp162 to Asn in the 484 mutation, Gly223 to Arg in the 667 mutation, and Val270 to Met in the 808 mutation. Out of the five novel mutations identified in this investigation, four new alleles (le 484,667 , le 484,667,808 , Le 304 , and Le 370 ) were determined in the Xhosa population and two new alleles (le 202,314,484 and Le 304 ) in the Caucasian population. The determination of α(1,3/1,4)fucosyltransferase activity, after transfection of plasmids containing the new alleles into COS7 cells, suggested that alleles le 484,667 and le 484,667,808 encoded an inactive enzyme, and that alleles Le 304 and Le 370 encoded a functional enzyme. In addition, we also examined the incidence of five common alleles, Le 59 , le 59,508 , le 59,1067 , le 202,314 , and le 1067 in two populations by the polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism method and compared differences in the allele frequencies of FUT3 among three ethnic groups (Orientals, Africans, and Caucasians). Received: 19 January 1998 / Accepted: 4 Febraury 1998  相似文献   

This study tested whether there were different expressions of gastric Lewis antigens between children and adults with Helicobacter pylori infection, and whether the difference was related to the infection outcome. About 68 dyspeptic children and 110 dyspeptic adults were enrolled to check H. pylori infection, its colonization density, and the related histology. Gastric Lewis antigens b (Leb), x (Lex), and sialyl-Lewis x (sialyl-Lex) were immunohistochemically stained and scored for the intensity. The H. pylori-infected adults, but not the children, had a lower Leb intensity over the antrum (p = 0.019) but higher Leb intensity over the corpus (p = 0.001) than the non-infected ones. Over the antrum, both the H. pylori-infected children and adults had a lower Lex and higher sialyl-Lex intensity than those non-infected ones (p < 0.05). The H. pylori-infected adults had a higher bacterial density (p = 0.004) and Leb intensity (p = 0.016) over the corpus than the H. pylori-infected children. For the H. pylori-infected adults, but not children, the corpus had a higher Leb (p = 0.038) and lower Lex (p = 0.005) intensity than the antrum. Furthermore, the H. pylori-infected adults expressed a higher Leb and had a higher bacterial density than those with weak Leb (antrum, p < 0.001; corpus, p = 0.001). In conclusion, H. pylori infection is associated with the intensity change of Lewis antigen expressions in the stomach. The changes of gastric Lewis antigen expressions are different between adults and children with H. pylori infection, which may exert different H. pylori colonization over the corpus between adults and children.  相似文献   

The gathering of Typha domingensis pollen and the modes of preparation and consumption edible products with it by seven ethnic groups of the Gran Chaco (Chulupí, Lengua, Maká, Mataco, Pilagá, Toba and Toba-Pilagá) in Argentina and Paraguay are described in this paper, together with those product’s local names and chemical compositions. Pollen provides an excellent food for those groups, because of both its nutritional value and its availability in periods when there is a scarcity of fruits and vegetables. The ethnic groups of the Gran Chaco do not eat any kind of pollen other than that ofT. domingensis.  相似文献   

To test the M31R and R335C polymorphisms of the Il8RA gene for association with atopic bronchial asthma (BA), the allele and genotype frequency distributions of the polymorphisms were studied in Russian patients from Moscow and Buryat patients from Ulan-Ude. The study involved two Russian groups, one including 291 DNA samples of patients with atopic BA, and the other, 266 DNA samples of healthy people. The two Buryat groups included 124 and 152 DNA samples from patients with atopic BA and healthy people, respectively. The M31R polymorphism proved to be associated with atopic BA in Russians. Allele Arg and genotype Met/Arg suggested a higher risk of BA (OR = 4.45, P = 0.003 and OR = 4.58, P = 0.003, respectively), while allele Met and genotype Met/Met were associated with a lower risk (OR = 0.22, P = 0.003 and OR = 0.22, P = 0.003, respectively). The R335C polymorphism was not associated with atopic BA in Russians and was in Buryats. Allele Arg and homozygous genotype Arg/Arg suggested a higher risk of the disease (OR = 3.06, P = 0.030 and OR = 3.20, P = 0.027, respectively), while allele Cys and genotype Arg/Cys suggested a lower risk (OR = 0.33, P = 0.030 and OR = 0.31, P = 0.027, respectively). The results support the role of the IL8RA gene in atopic BA.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic variation in the C1R subcomponent of the first complement component C1 was investigated in U.S. whites by isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting. In addition to the previously described two alleles, the products of a new and rare third allele designated C1R *3 were detected. The expression of the new allele is consistent with autosomal codominant inheritance, which is confirmed by family data. The frequencies of the C1R *1, C1R *2 and C1R *3 alleles in 201 randomly selected U.S. whites are: 0.908, 0.090, and 0.002, respectively.  相似文献   

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