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The main biological attributes of two Neotropical egg parasitoids, the arrhenotokous Trichogramma nerudai and the thelytokous Trichogramma sp., were assessed under controlled laboratory conditions. Developmental time from egg to adult, and parasitoid survival, fecundity and fertility were studied using life tables. Results showed that T. nerudai had a faster developmental time than Trichogramma sp. (13.014±0.4019 and 13.595±0.4931 days, respectively). Both species showed similar life table statistics, rm was 0.222 and 0.225 for T. nerudai and Trichogramma sp., respectively. Parasitoid survival averaged 95% for both species. The results obtained are discussed in the context of selecting one of these natural enemies as a potential biological control agent for the European pine shoot moth Rhyacionia buoliana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in pine forests and the codling moth Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple orchards in Argentina.  相似文献   

Maternal photoperiodic response is known to influence the percentage of diapausing prepupae in Trichogramma species. However, the influence of several preceding generations has not yet been studied. We have investigated the stability of photoperiod-induced changes in multiple generations of Trichogramma buesi Voegele and Trichogramma principium Sug. et Sor. Short-day conditions during preimaginal development induced an increase in the percentage of diapausing progeny and grand progeny of both Trichogramma species. A similar trend was also detected in the fourth and fifth generations, but the response was weak although statistically significant. This grand-grandmaternal photoperiodic effect (which has not been demonstrated before for Trichogramma or for any other insect parasitoid) is most probably based on the transgenerational transmission of variations in DNA expression. We conclude that in mass rearing, to facilitate diapause induction before cold storage, it is advisable to rear both maternal and grandmaternal generations under the short-day conditions. In scientific studies, several generations preceding the experiment should be kept under equal conditions to exclude multigenerational maternal effects.  相似文献   

Both neonicotinoids and pymetrozine are important insecticides and may have the potential to be used in combination with natural enemies in integrated pest management (IPM). However, to determine their compatibility with biological control, it is necessary to examine the side effects of these chemicals on natural enemies. We examined the acute and sublethal effects of four commonly used neonicotinoid insecticides, imidacloprid, dinotefuran, nitenpyram and thiamethoxam, and the pyridine azomethine, pymetrozine, on adults of Trichogramma ostriniae. By analysing acute toxicity and evaluating the safety quotient of these chemicals, we found that thiamethoxam and dinotefuran pose extremely high risks to T. ostriniae, imidacloprid and nitenpyram posed high risks, but pymetrozine was found to have a low risk. In terms of sublethal effects, longevities of female wasps were significantly shortened when they were exposed to residues of dinotefuran. Percentages of ovipositing females decreased significantly after exposure to pymetrozine, thiamethoxam and dinotefuran. Numbers of offspring per female were significantly lower when females were exposed to pymetrozine, dinotefuran or thiamethoxam, compared with control females. Percentages of offspring that emerged as adults were lower when parental females were exposed to either pymetrozine or imidacloprid. Based on the results of the sublethal concentration assay and the acute toxicity bioassay, nitenpyram would be safe for IPM programmes utilising T. ostriniae, and we suggest that T. ostriniae could be released safely after foliar applications of nitenpyram. However, foliar application of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran or pymetrozine in an agro-ecosystem where T. ostriniae is a predominant biocontrol agent should be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

Life table parameters were assessed for seven strains of Trichogramma aurosum Sugonjaev and Sorokina (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) collected in different European countries, in order to compare their performance when reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as a potential factitious host for mass-rearing. The average number of progeny per female, cumulative fertility and emergence rate did not differ significantly, whereas female longevity and sex ratio significantly differed between the seven parasitoid strains. The Danish strain survived the longest (6.05 days) and the Dutch strain survived the shortest (2.75 days). Progeny was always female-biased with varying proportions (57.7-96.7%). Survival rates started to decrease after 3 days for some of the strains studied. The mean cohort generation duration (Tc) was 11.40, 10.15, 10.62, 10.63, 9.28, 9.70 and 11.30 days for the Austrian, Luxemburgian, Belgian, French, Dutch, Danish and German strains, respectively. Population doubling time (Dt) was 4.50, 7.96, 3.56, 5.30, 5.23, 7.36 and 3.30 days, respectively. Daily intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of increase (exp. rm) ranged between 0.087 and 0.210 and 1.091-1.233, respectively. The German strain might be a potential candidate for mass rearing and releases against the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), due to its high net reproduction rate (R0=10.65 female), a high intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm=0.210), a high finite rate of increase (exp. rm=1.23), and a short population doubling time (Dt=3.3 days). The relevance of intra- and interstrain variability as well as the usefulness of fertility life tables for pre-introductory research is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated experience acquisition (alpha-conditioning) by females of the parasitoid Trichogramma australicum using host eggs of the noctuid moth Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner). We compared the acceptance of a host egg by females with different levels of ovipositional experience. The level of experience was designated using the standard oviposition sequence: (1) host contact (C); (2) host examination (E); (3) drilling (D); (4) full insertion (FI); and (5) oviposition (O). Each treatment consisted of a single experience level, but together these consituted a qualitative behavioural continuum of oviposition experience from naive (N) to experienced wasps. We found that host experience by adult T. australicum females can modify their behaviour. Mean duration of host finding was: N = C > E = D > FI = O. Mean duration of host examination and full insertion were: N = C > E = D = FI = O. Drilling was constant for all experience levels. Experience in drilling of the chorion during the previous host-exposure process represents a critical experience for a female and results in efficient handling and more ready acceptance of a subsequently encountered host egg.  相似文献   


Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchall, T. brassicae Bezdenko and T. evanescens Westwood could be useful in biological control programmes of agricultural insect pest. The possibility of storing adult Trighogramma species at low temperatures, and the effect of such storage on the quality of the parasitoids and its fecundity were studied. Trighogramma cacoeciae, T. brassicae and T. evanescens adults were stored for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days at 4 ± 1°C in a refrigerator, 60 – 70%RH and full darkness. Storage at 4 ± 1°C reduced fecundity and longevity of female parasitoids.  相似文献   

采用培养皿法对营养生长期和开花期的9个水稻栽培种(Pusa Sugandh-2, Pusa Basmati-1, Pusa-2511, Pusa Basmati-370, Pusa-1077, Karnal Local, PRR-78, Jaya, Pusa-1238)和1个组培种(Culture No.34)的正己烷提取物进行了生测,以调查它们对稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead和赤眼卵蜂Trichogramma chilonis (Ishii)平均寄生活性指数(PAI)和平均寄生百分率的影响。将不同水稻品种的正己烷提取物进行气相 液相色谱,来测定饱和碳氢化合物。其中,营养生长期的Pusa Sugandh-2叶片提取物激发两种寄生蜂产生最大的反应,平均寄生率最大。而开花期的Pusa Basmati-1使两种寄生蜂的平均寄生率最高。对营养生长阶段的叶片提取物进行的气相 液相色谱分析表明:Pusa Sugandh-2 含有25个碳原子(C25) 和29个碳原子 (C29)的2种化合物。对开花期的叶片提取物进行的气相 液相色谱分析也表明:Basmati-1 含有25个碳原子(C25)、26个碳原子(C26)和29个碳原子 (C29)的3种化合物,可激发寄生蜂产生最大的反应  相似文献   

Wolbachia在玉米螟赤眼蜂内的三重感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋月  沈佐锐  王哲  刘宏岳 《昆虫学报》2009,52(4):445-452
Wolbachia是一类广泛存在于节肢动物体内的共生菌。玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae是我国玉米田间的优势赤眼蜂种, 据报道, 赤眼蜂种内有Wolbachia感染。本文利用Wolbachia的16s rDNA和wsp基因引物通过PCR方法对玉米螟赤眼蜂的野生种群进行了调查, 发现以wsp基因为鉴定依据, 检测的所有个体都感染了3种Wolbachia [wOstGDAa (GenBank accession no. EU157103), wOstGDAb (GenBank accession no. EU157104) 和 wOstGDB (GenBank accession no. EU157105)]。本文首次报道了野生赤眼蜂种群内Wolbachia的三重感染率几乎为100%。根据本研究的结果, 可以推测当不同种赤眼蜂寄生同一寄主时, Wolbachia可能会在不同赤眼蜂种间进行横向传播。  相似文献   

四种杀菌剂对玉米螟赤眼蜂酚氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确杀菌剂对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen毒性大小及其成蜂体内酚氧化酶(phenoloxidase, PO)活性影响, 本实验通过测定三唑酮(triadimefon)、 肟菌脂(trifloxystrobin)、 咪鲜胺(prochloraz)、 申嗪霉素(phenazino-1-carboxylic acid)4种杀菌剂对玉米螟赤眼蜂的急性毒性, 并分别测定活体和离体条件下各杀菌剂处理后酚氧化酶的比活性。结果表明, 各药剂对赤眼蜂的急性毒性大小为: 三唑酮>咪鲜胺>肟菌酯>申嗪霉素, 其LC50值分别为3.27, 6.46, 4.06和 9.72 mg/L, 其安全系数依次为0.07, 0.10, 0.20和1.47, 其中申嗪霉素为中等风险性, 其余3种药剂为高风险性, 且杀菌剂明显激活了PO的活性。活体条件下亚致死剂量处理得到的PO比活力高于离体处理, 且三唑酮处理组具有明显的剂量效应。本实验为研究杀菌剂对赤眼蜂的毒性及对PO的影响作了初步的探索, 为进一步研究赤眼蜂对杀菌剂的抗性及免疫能力奠定基础。  相似文献   

【目的】为丰富赤眼蜂Trichogramma的种类资源,明确野外新采集的一种赤眼蜂的种类,探明该赤眼蜂所感染Wolbachia的类型。【方法】采用挂米蛾Corcyra cephalonica卵卡法在华南农业大学树木园诱集到两批赤眼蜂,通过形态鉴定和PCR扩增ITS2序列并测序分析的分子鉴定手段对野外采集的赤眼蜂材料进行种类鉴定;通过PCR扩增Wolbachia的外膜蛋白基因(wsp)序列,检测赤眼蜂体内Wolbachia的感染情况;通过PCR扩增wsp序列和多位点序列分型(multilocus sequence typing, MLST)对检测到的赤眼蜂体内的Wolbachia进行同源性分析。【结果】所诱集到的两批赤眼蜂均被鉴定为安荔赤眼蜂Trichogramma oleae Voegelé & Pointel,体内Wolbachia的感染率达100%。该Wolbachia株系与安荔赤眼蜂(前南斯拉夫品系)、短管赤眼蜂T. pretiosum(乌拉圭品系)以及T. deion(荷兰品系)体内Wolbachia亲缘关系较近,属于B超组Sib亚组,对应MLST序列型为ST486。【结论】安荔赤眼蜂T. oleae为中国野外首次发现,是完全感染Wolbachia的产雌孤雌生殖品系。本研究为害虫生物防治提供了一种新的天敌种类资源,并为进一步探明Wolbachia与赤眼蜂的互作提供了研究材料。  相似文献   

To assess differences in temperature sensitivity during development, life tables for two lines derived from the species Trichogramma oleae Voegelé and Pointel and a strain of Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were elaborated at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 36, and 37°C in the laboratory. Eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller together with a fresh drop of honey were supplied every 2 days until the death of the test females, and the removed host egg batches were placed in the equivalent rearing cabinet. The line ‘2F’ of T. oleae was found to be the most efficient at any range of temperatures except at 20 and 37°C, in comparison to the other tested strains. For all species, no progeny emerged from eggs incubated at 36°C and none of the parasitized eggs turned black at 37°C. The better performance at a broader range of temperatures by T. oleae (line 2 F) might be caused by a shorter history in artificial rearing in comparison to the other strains. Fewer generations at laboratory conditions and frequent multiplication on eggs of its natural host (the olive moth Prays oleae) may have prevented a deterioration in the rearing population of this strain, maintaining its genetic diversity at a higher scale. Applying varying temperature regimes on the rearing stock at regular intervals during the mass production process may help to maintain the essential quality of the biological control agents for field performance at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

繁育寄主对三种赤眼蜂个体大小及抱卵量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静  张斌  张帆  李元喜 《昆虫学报》2015,58(10):1098-1107
【目的】繁育寄主及成蜂日龄均会影响赤眼蜂体内的抱卵量,为了解繁育寄主及育出赤眼蜂个体大小与赤眼蜂抱卵量的关系,我们在室内研究了米蛾 Corcyra cephalonica(Stainton)卵和亚洲玉米螟 Ostrinia furnacalis (Güenée)卵作为繁育寄主对3种赤眼蜂雌蜂大小、抱卵量的影响。【方法】在光周期14L:10D、温度25±1℃的室内条件下,以米蛾卵、亚洲玉米螟卵作为繁育寄主,解剖不同日龄(羽化后12-72 h)松毛虫赤眼蜂 Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura、玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen以及稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead,观察雌蜂抱卵量,测量成蜂的大小,分析雌蜂抱卵量与其日龄、个体大小以及繁育寄主的关系【结果】在羽化后48 h以内,3种蜂的抱卵量随雌蜂日龄的增长而增加。羽化后72 h,除米蛾卵繁育的玉米螟赤眼蜂及玉米螟卵繁育的松毛虫赤眼蜂的抱卵量比羽化后48 h时略高外,其他组合均出现下降。以亚洲玉米螟卵为繁育寄主时的玉米螟赤眼蜂的抱卵量显著高于对应日龄的以米蛾卵为繁育寄主时的抱卵量,而松毛虫赤眼蜂(除羽化后12和24 h外)和稻螟赤眼蜂则相反;以米蛾卵为繁育寄主时,相同日龄的赤眼蜂中,松毛虫赤眼蜂抱卵量最高,稻螟赤眼蜂的抱卵量最低;以亚洲玉米螟卵为繁育寄主时,玉米螟赤眼蜂抱卵量最高,稻螟赤眼蜂抱卵量最低。雌蜂抱卵量与雌蜂个体大小呈线性正相关,相关程度随雌蜂日龄增加而更加明显。【结论】后足胫节长度可以作为评价松毛虫赤眼蜂、玉米螟赤眼蜂和稻螟赤眼蜂质量的指标。赤眼蜂抱卵量受繁育寄主、赤眼蜂蜂种及雌蜂日龄的显著影响,寄主的适合性也会影响育出赤眼蜂的大小,筛选合适的繁育寄主有助于提高赤眼蜂的质量。  相似文献   

Trichogramma ostriniae was imported into the USA from China and it continues to be evaluated as a biological control agent against the European corn borer and other lepidopteran pest species. A natural enemy's ability to overwinter is a facet of its biology with important ramifications for biological control and non-target effects. Thus, studies were conducted to examine the ability of the introduced egg parasitoid to survive over winters in central New York State. Eggs of Ostrinia nubilalis, Ephestia kuehniella, Trichoplusia ni, Helicoverpa zea and Utetheisa ornatrix were subjected to parasitism by adult T. ostriniae and then placed out of doors and exposed to winter conditions. For trials initiated in 2003 and 2004, the adult parental wasps were exposed to a diapause-inducing photoperiod and temperature regime in the laboratory; in 2010, parental wasps were conditioned out of doors and prior to the onset of winter conditions. Emergence of their progeny was monitored over time by taking aliquots of parasitised eggs, and holding them under warm conditions until emergence was complete. The level of wasp emergence generally displayed a decline followed by gradual increase until spring. Levels of overwintering ranged from 1% for O. nubilalis to 76% for E. kuehniella, and logistic regression indicated that the odds of overwintering was dependent on the year, host species, time out of doors and varied over exposure time depending on host. The potential to overwinter in New York was further confirmed by positive identification of T. ostriniae from naturally occurring O. nubilalis eggs collected from field sites where augmentative releases had been made in previous years.  相似文献   

The influence of deltamethrin on the reproduction of Trichogramma cordubensis, a thelytokous egg parasitoid, was investigated by studying egg maturation and daily fecundity of insecticide treated wasps and offspring emergence rates. The insecticide was applied to the parasitoids at the prepupal stage within its host eggs (Ephestia kuehniella). The total number of parasitized eggs per female during the first 7 days was not significantly influenced by the tested concentrations of deltamethrin. Prevalence of parasitism during this period had a similar pattern between deltamethrin treatments and the control. In addition, the mean number of mature eggs observed per female per day was significantly correlated to mean daily fecundity, regardless of the treatments. Offspring emergence was significantly influenced by the insecticide treatments experienced on their progenitors, decreasing significantly at 48 and 72 h for the highest tested concentration of deltamethrin (23.6 mg [a.i.]/L). Despite that, deltamethrin had no adverse effects on the reproduction of treated wasps, particularly when was applied at the concentration recommended by the manufacturer (12.5 mg [a.i.]/L).  相似文献   

Trichogramma species have been successfully utilized for biocontrol of several lepidopteran pests worldwide. The development, survival and progeny production of two Kenyan species' Trichogramma bournieri Pintureau & Babault and Trichogramma sp. nr. mwanzai Schulten & Feijen (collected from Kenya), Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Germany) and Trichogramma chilonis Ishii (India) was studied at four constant temperatures (13, 18, 25 and 34°C) with the 011 aim of assessing the relative biotic potential of the two native species for 011 biocontrol of Helicoverpa armigera and Plutella xylostella in Kenya. The study was conducted at the Institute 011 for Biological Control (BBA), Darmstadt, Germany. The Trichogramma species tested showed variations 011 in fertility, developmental time, percent emergence, progeny production and sex ratio 011 at the four temperature regimes. Fertility decreased as temperature increased from 25 to 34°C. 011 T. chilonis and T. evanescens completed development at all temperatures tested, but T. 011 bournieri and T. sp. nr. mwanzai failed to complete development at 13°C. The developmental 011 period for all the species decreased as the temperature increased. The duration of development from 011 oviposition to adult emergence varied from 8 days to 12 weeks shorter at 34°C than at 011 13°C for T. chilonis and T. evanescens . For the various temperatures tested, a linear model was 011 satisfactory for egg to adult development at P = 0.05 for T. chilonis and T. evanescens . The 011 lower temperature thresholds for development and duration in degree-days were 8.83°C and 188 for 011 T. chilonis and 9.23°C and 192 for T. evanescens , respectively. For all temperatures tested, 011 T. sp. nr. mwanzai had the highest preimaginal survivorship. Adult emergence was lower at 13°C and 34°C than at 011 18 and 25°C. The highest fertility (mean ±SE) (50.37 ±2.32 adult 011 female -1 ) and progeny production (44.03 ±2.02 adult female -1 ) was recorded at 25°C for 011 T. evanescens . Sex ratio was biased towards female at all temperatures in T. bournieri and T. chilonis . 011 At all temperatures tested, T . sp. nr. mwanzai produced more males than females. For all species tested, 011 favourable parasitism was between 18 and 25°C. The results from this study will be useful for mass rearing purposes as well as for future field release programmes.  相似文献   

为评估稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead、螟黄赤眼蜂Trichogramma chilonis Ishii和玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua Hübner卵和小菜蛾Plutella xylostella Linnaeus卵的寄生潜能,本研究在室内条件下测试了3种赤眼蜂对不同密度甜菜夜蛾卵和小菜蛾卵的寄生率、寄生功能反应和搜寻效应。结果表明,稻螟赤眼蜂、螟黄赤眼蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂对甜菜夜蛾卵和小菜蛾卵均有一定的寄生效应。螟黄赤眼蜂对甜菜夜蛾卵的寄生率、瞬间攻击率、寄生效能和搜寻效应均高于稻螟赤眼蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂;3种赤眼蜂对小菜蛾卵的寄生率、瞬间攻击率、寄生效能和搜寻效应则表现为:稻螟赤眼蜂>螟黄赤眼蜂>玉米螟赤眼蜂。3种赤眼蜂对两种寄主的寄生功能反应均符合HollingⅡ型模型方程,表现为寄生量均随寄主卵密度的增加而升高,达到一定水平后趋于平稳。赤眼蜂的搜寻效应随寄主卵密度的增加而降低。综合分析可知,螟黄赤眼蜂对于甜菜夜蛾的控害能力优于稻螟赤眼蜂螟和玉米螟赤眼蜂,而稻螟赤眼蜂比螟黄赤眼蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂更适合用于防控小菜蛾。  相似文献   

The reproductive attributes of commercially-produced Trichogramma platneri, T. minutum and T. pretiosum reared from eggs of both Ephestia kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella were monitored at 25 C. The age-specific fecundity, longevity and progeny sex ratio and adult size were determined for individual females from all six combinations of Trichogramma and rearing host, using E. kuehniella as the experimental host. Rearing host had a significant influence on the lifetime fecundity, 3-day fecundity and longevity of all three Trichogramma species. In general, the performance of T. minutum and T. pretiosum was better when reared from S. cerealella, but that of T. platneri was superior when reared from E. kuehniella. The lifetime fecundity of the Trichogramma species was linearly related to longevity and the ranking between species was T. pretiosum > T. minutum > T. platneri. The age-specific pattern of oviposition for T. platneri was distinctly precocious, with 40% of its lifetime fecundity oviposited on the first day, in contrast to 17-24% for the other two species. Progeny sex ratio over the lifetime of the Trichogramma females was slightly male biased and differed significantly from 0.5 for T. minutum and T. platneri. Daily sex ratio for parasitoids reared from the most productive rearing host was female biased only for the first day of oviposition for T. platneri in contrast to the first 5-6 days of oviposition for the other two species. There was little evidence that any of the reproductive attributes of these Trichogramma species, reared from small host eggs, was dependent on the size of the adult females.  相似文献   

This experimental study was done at the Biological Control Laboratory, Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Sakha, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt. We aimed to estimate the impact of different cold (10 °C) storage durations [0 (non-cold-stored parasitized eggs), 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 days], on Trichogramma evanescens (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) during the pupal stage using the eggs of Sitotroga cerealella after exposing to T. evanescens. The emergence percentage of non-cold-stored eggs of S. cerealella was higher than all cold-stored durations. Also, the female’s percentages of T. evanescens in the cold storage durations were lower than the non-cold storage one, and they were influenced by extended cold storage durations. There were non-significant differences in the female’s longevity of T. evanescens obtained from 0, 3, and 6 days cold-stored parasitized eggs of S. cerealella at 10 °C, but it began to decrease from those produced after 9 days of cold-stored eggs. In addition, the emergence percentage in F1 progeny of T. evanescens was greater than 50% until 21 days of cold storage. It could be concluded that cold storage reduced the % emergence, % females, female’s longevity, and emergence percentage in F1 progeny of T. evanescens. For a successful biological control program, the decrease of T. evanescens performance after cold storage durations should be considered in mass production, and the release percentage should be increased by the equivalent of a lack of % emergence. Also, the economic importance of using cold storage periods in commercial mass rearing should be assessed in the biological control program.  相似文献   

Lino‐Neto, J., Báo, S. N. and Dolder, H. 2000. Structure and Ultrastructure of the Spermatozoa of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley and Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman and Platner (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 205–211 Spermatozoa of the Trichogramma pretiosum and T. atopovirilia are very slender and long, about 0.35 µm in diameter and 283 µm and 106 µm in length, respectively. Under light microscopy, they appear wavy along their entire length. The head contains a small acrosome which, together with the initial nuclear region is surrounded by an ‘extracellular sheath’, from which innumerable filaments irradiate. The nucleus is filled with homogeneous, compact chromatin and is attached to the flagellum by an electron dense centriolar adjunct, which extends anteriorly from the nuclear base. The flagellum consists of an axoneme with the 9 + 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement pitched in a long helix, as well as a pair of spiralling mitochondrial derivatives which coil around the axoneme. Based on these characteristics, the sperm of these Trichogramma are very similar to the chalcidoids studied to date and differ from non‐chalcidoid Hymenoptera. They differ widely from the sperm of T. dendrolimi and T. ostriniae studied, where no helically twisted structure is shown. However, based on these results we argue that the spiralling of the flagellar structures is a synapomorphy for Trichogrammatidae as well as for Eulophidae + Eurytomidae + Pteromalidae.  相似文献   

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