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A fossil organism, Palaeophragmodictya Gehling et Rigby, 1996, previously classified within sponges, is found for the first time in the Vendian of the Arkhangelsk Region. Based on the new finds, Palaeophragmodictya is interpreted as an attachment disc of a problematic animal with combined coelenterate and sponge morphology. Typical and unique preservational forms from the same bedding plane are described. Three-dimensional fossils are preserved as flat impressions at random horizontal levels. Bilateral symmetry discovered in the ontogeny of Palaeophragmodictya spinosa sp. nov. supports the hypothesis of initial bilaterality of Cnidaria.  相似文献   

A conulariid–like fossil is described for the first time from Upper Vendian (late Neoproterozoic) deposits. Vendoconularia triradiata gen. et sp. nov. is found with other fossils in poorly cemented, siliciclastic deposits of the lower part of the Ust'–Pinega Formation, exposed in the middle reaches of the Onega River, north of the Russian Platform. This fossil assemblage, stratigraphically lowermost in the region, includes Swartpuntia Narbonne, endemic Ventogyrus Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, Calyptrina–like tubular forms, and other new, as yet undescribed, species. Vendoconularia is described here using morphological terms developed for conulariids owing to their striking similarity. However, the six faces of the conical test and three–fold symmetry may reflect some phylogenetic connection with the larger clade of Trilobozoa, a cnidarian class that radiated during the Late Vendian–Early Cambrian and then became extinct.  相似文献   

Two specimens recovered from late Neoproterozoic shallow marine sediments of northern Russia may be the oldest known ascidians. Dated at around 555 Ma, these, together with the younger Ausia from the Nama Group in southwestern Africa, are probably relatives of these invertebrate chordates, which have a deep time origin predicted by molecular studies.  相似文献   

A new species of Tantulocarida, Microdajus tchesunovi sp. n., was found on tanaid host, Typhlotanais sp. of the family Nototanaidae, collected from silty sediment in the Kandalaksha Bay in the White Sea. Several tantulus larvae, developing males at different stages of metamorphosis, and early stages of parthenogenetic females were found attached to different sites of their hosts. Ultrastructure of the new species was studied with SEM. Microdajus tchesunovi sp. n. can be easily distinguished from other species of the genus Microdajus Greve by the presence of a pair of longitudinal dorsal lamellae at the anterior end of the cephalon. It is also characterized by the presence of an endopod seta on the sixth thoracopod and the absence of thoracopodal endites. A morphological comparison of species of the family Microdajidae is presented in tabular form.  相似文献   

Species composition, distribution, and the character of structural changes in the heterotrophic flagellate community were studied along environmental gradients in the Chernaya River estuary. There were 99 species and forms of heterotrophic flagellates, subdivided into three groups: prevalently marine species and euryhaline species preferring biotopes either of higher or decreased salinity. The heterotrophic flagellate community of the estuary was continuously divided into two distinct variants: (1) cenosis of halophilic species, prevalently of sea forms and euryhaline species preferring biotopes of increased salinity; (2) cenosis of halophobic species with prevalence of euryhaline forms gravitating to fresh biotopes. The arbitrary and indistinct boundary between the variants of the community ran at a salinity of 9–10‰. The response of estuarine communities of heterotrophic flagellates and infusorians to variation of abiotic factors was similar and differed from response of communities of microphyto-, meiozoo-and macrozoobenthos; this implied similarity of the response mechanism to environmental factors in organisms of one level of organization.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of the main unicellular eukaryotic groups (diatom algae, ciliates, dinoflagellates (DF), other phototrophic (PF) and heterotrophic flagellates (HF)) were investigated in sandy sediments at five stations allocated across the tidal sheltered beach of the White Sea. Overall, 75 diatoms, 98 ciliates, 16 DF, 3 PF and 34 HF species were identified; some are new records for the White Sea. Common species for each group are illustrated. Diatoms and ciliates showed high alpha-diversity (species richness per sample), whereas flagellates were characterized by high beta-diversity (species turnover across the intertidal flat). Each group demonstrated its own spatial pattern that was best matched with its own subset of abiotic variables, reflecting group-specific responses to environmental gradients. Species richness increased from the upper intertidal zone seaward for ciliates but decreased for HF, whereas autotrophs showed a relatively uniform pattern with a slight peak at the mid-intertidal zone. Across the littoral zone, all groups showed distinct compositional changes; however, the position of the boundary between “upper” and “lower” intertidal communities varied among groups. Most of the species found at Ryazhkov Island are known from many other regions worldwide, indicating a wide geographic distribution of microbial eukaryotic species.  相似文献   

Samples of salmon Salmo salar from the River Kachkovka and the River Nilma in northern Russia were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis and compared to three Norwegian stocks, the Neiden river in northern Norway and Øyreselv and Hopselv rivers on the west coast. The comparison included the following polymorphic loci: AAT-4 *, IDDH-2 *, IDHP-3 *, MDH- 3,4 *, MEP-2 *, ESTD * as well as the newly discovered polymorphic loci FBALD-3 * and TPI-3 *. Samples were run side by side on gels, and the alleles found in the Russian stocks were the same as those found in the Norwegian stocks, although the electrophoretic methods used lead to differences in designations of alleles. A polymorphism in ESTD * which involves a slow allele was commonly observed in the three northern populations of the Nilma, Kachkovka and Neiden rivers. This allele was absent in the other Norwegian stocks and in a major brood stock of farmed salmon in Norway. The IDHP-3 * 116 allele was found in unusually high frequencies in the northern populations. Thus, the variability observed at these two loci indicates a barrier to gene flow between the northern salmon stocks and the more southern stocks in the East Atlantic area.  相似文献   

A new species of sea anemone in the genus Hormathia, is described and illustrated based on forty-two specimens collected during the Polarstern cruises ANT XV/3 and ANT XVII/3 in the Weddell Sea. The main features of the new taxon are the crown of flattened and hooked tubercles at the distal end of the scapus, the regular arrangement of pointed tubercles along the column and the cnidom. The new species shares the pointed tubercles, at least in the upper part of the scapus, with two other species of Hormathia in the southern hemisphere: Hormathia spinosa Hertwig 1882 and H. pectinata Hertwig 1882 Received in revised form: 27 December 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Gherardi  M.  Giangrande  A.  Corriero  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):87-101
Polychaete assemblages associated to the sponge Geodia cydonium were investigated at two sampling sites in the Mediterranean Sea: Porto Cesareo Basin (Apulia) and Marsala Lagoon (Sicily), both characterized by sheltered hydrodynamic conditions. Samples were seasonally performed during 1997, in order to compare the assemblages coming from the two localities studied, considering separately the internal and external tissues of the sponge, and with the aim of evaluating the influence of sponge size on polychaete colonization. The examined sponge is characterized by a peculiar stratification of its tissues: an external thick and hard layer, the cortex, and an internal softer one, the choanosome. Statistical analysis showed that this was the main factor controlling polychaete assemblage, with the internal tissue, less rich and diversified, appearing impoverished with respect to the external layer. A similarity in species composition was observed between sites, even though some differences were evidenced in the abundance of some species, mainly reflecting differences in local environmental conditions. Species richness and density increased with the increasing sponge size. Such a situation is particularly evident at Porto Cesareo, where sponges are covered by an algal layer which is particularly rich on the largest specimens, thus suggesting that most of the species of polychaetes were linked more to the neighbouring environment than to the sponge itself.  相似文献   

New hexactinellid sponges were collected from 2589 m depth on the Carlsberg Ridge in the Indian Ocean during deep-sea dredging. All fragments belong to a new genus and species, Indiellagen. n.ridgenensissp. n., a representative of the family Aulocalycidae described here. The peculiar features of this sponge, not described earlier for other Aulocalycidae, are: longitudinal strands present in several layers and epirhyses channelization.  相似文献   

The new microorganism Surninia implicata gen. et sp. nov. from the Vendian (Ediacaran) Berezovsky Trough is described. As a result of biological interpretation of the well-preserved remains of microorganisms, they are assigned to the kingdom Fungi.  相似文献   

Abstract. The reproduction of the demosponge Chondrilla nucula in Portofino (Ligurian Sea, Italy) was studied during August 2001. Eighteen individuals were sampled and examined with light microscopy for the presence of gametes, and 5 individuals carrying oocytes were found. In addition to microscopic observations, reproductive individuals could be easily identified as female even at the macroscopic level because of the presence of a grayish layer in the mesohyl where oocytes were concentrated. Oogenesis resulted in modifications of the external sponge morphology and of the aquiferous system. Approximately one‐third of the sponge body was filled with oocytes with the consequent disappearance of choanocyte chambers in the reproductive portion of the sponge. Under laboratory conditions, we obtained fertilized eggs from females and observed the first stages of embryonic development. Our observations suggest that fertilization in specimens of Chondrilla nucula occurs internally and not in the water. During the 2 years following these observations, no reproductive specimens were found among the same population during the reported reproductive period.  相似文献   

Populations of the colonial hydroid Obelia geniculata in the White Sea reproduce asexually by frustule formation. Young medusae appear in the plankton during July and August. The number of medusae rarely exceeds 36 per m3, and the average number varies every year from 0.4 to 10 per m3. The size of medusae is smaller than reported from other regions. The umbrella of the largest recorded medusa was only 0.57 mm in diameter and the specimen had just 35 tentacles. Only a few mature medusae were found during the study. The colonies in the White Sea are epiphytic and grow only on laminarian thalli. At the beginning of July there are no colonies on thalli from the upper subtidal zone. By the end of August, colonies of O.␣geniculata had increased in density to 30 per m2. Hydroid recruitment was attributed to active frustule production by colonies living below that zone. The frustules detach from the stems of the hydroids and are found in plankton. Production of frustules on branches occurs continuously during colony growth until water temperatures climb above 0 °C. We found that water temperature in this Arctic environment is generally too low for medusa maturation and planula development in the species. Propagation by frustule formation is the principal means of reproduction in Obelia geniculata within the White Sea, and this phenomenon accounts for the species being a dominant epiphyte on laminarian thalli there.  相似文献   

Protomonaxonid sponges are a major group of Cambrian and Ordovician fossils in exceptionally preserved (especially Burgess Shale-type) faunas, but are rare thereafter. Rare examples of apparent surviving lineages are known from the late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, but by this time more derived groups of sponges have generally displaced them in at least shallow-water (shelf depth) ecosystems. The early Spathian (Early Triassic) Paris Biota includes abundant material of a new leptomitid protomonaxonid, Pseudoleptomitus advenus Botting nov. gen., nov. sp., distinguished by having an unbundled longitudinal skeleton and very weak transverse component. This is the first post-Ordovician leptomitid known, and indicates long-term survival of the group in unknown environments. Its occurrence near storm wave base is similar to the preferred environment of earlier examples of the family, suggesting either ecological rarity or taphonomic reasons for their ∼200-million-year absence from later Palaeozoic rocks.  相似文献   

Çinar  Melih Ertan  Katagan  Tuncer  Ergen  Zeki  Sezgin  Murat 《Hydrobiologia》2002,472(1-3):107-117
The cavities and outer surfaces of 20 individuals of the sponge Sarcotragus muscarum collected from the Turkish Aegean coast during July–September 1993 contained a total of 148 zoobenthic species with 5299 individuals belonging to seven taxonomic groups. Among these, Polychaeta accounted for 60% of the total number of species, while Crustacea comprised 71% of the total number of individuals and 40% of the wet weight of biomass. The amphipod and decapod crustaceans Tritaeta gibbosa and Synalpheus gambarelloides, and the bivalve Hiatella arctica, were the most abundant species on the sponge samples both in terms of number of individuals and biomass values. The community structure inside the sponges was greatly influenced by the nature of the substratum around the sponge, and by the overwhelming population of the Lessepsian echinoderm Ophiactis savignyi. Number of species, biomass and diversity index values were found to be positively related to the sponge volume. Mean density and biomass of the associated taxa are 0.22 ind cm–3 and 11.63 mg cm–3, respectively.  相似文献   

Modern hexactinellid sponges are diverse, but almost exclusively deep-marine organisms with a very intermittent fossil record. Aside from the fused skeletons of hexactinosan lineages (which are also exceptionally rare in Palaeozoic sediments), identifying other families is challenging due to the microscopic nature of many diagnostic characters, and the need for exceptional preservation in a deep-water palaeoenvironment. Among the more distinctive living families is the Hyalonematidae, which have several preservable diagnostic features. A new sponge (Nectocollare zakdouli n. gen. n. sp.) from the Middle Ordovician Castle Bank fauna of Wales, UK, shows several of these characters, including pinular pentactine dermalia, unbundled choanosomal diactins, and a reticulate marginal rim at the apex. No root tuft is preserved, but these are often detached from fossil sponges. Although there remains some uncertainty over the assignment to Hyalonematidae, this sponge represents the only probable example from the Palaeozoic. Even in the absence of diagnostic microscleres, it likely represents a derived, crown-group hexactinellid, and further confirms the diversification of the class during the earliest Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

Chondrocladia (Symmetrocladia) lyra subgen. nov., sp. nov., is described from northeast Pacific sites at Escanaba Ridge and Monterey Canyon at depths of 3316–3399 m. Two retrieved specimens are described in detail, while variations are described in ten photographed or videotaped specimens. The basic structure, termed a vane, is harp‐ or lyre‐shaped. From 1 to 6 vanes extend by radial growth from the organism's center. The orientation among the vanes is approximately equiangular, such that together they display pentaradiate, tetraradiate, triradiate, or biradiate symmetries. Each vane is formed by a horizontal stolon supporting a series of upright, equidistantly spaced branches each of which terminates at its apex in a swollen ball in all observed specimens except the paratype. Swellings occur midway along the branches in the holotype, but not in the paratype. A linear row of filaments project from the sides, front, and back of each branch, and also from the tops of each stolon. The terminal balls are the sites of spermatophore production and release; mid‐branch swellings are sites of oocyte maturation. The two megasclere spicule types have specific distributions; styles support rhizoids, stolons, and branches, while subtylostyles support filaments and terminal balls. Anchorate isochelae cover all surfaces. Enclosed crustacean prey on branches and stolons provide direct evidence of carnivory. The structure of the vanes maximizes surface area for passive suspension feeding. Increased surface area could also maximize spermatophore capture, with the sigmas projecting from the spermatophore surface being caught by projecting isochelae on filaments. Swellings on filaments are snared spermatophores, firmly fused to recipient tissues and undergoing destruction. Spermatophores on filaments are present in branch swellings containing early and mature oocytes. Oogenesis and maturation occur only in proximity to branch swellings, suggesting that development is induced by spermatophore reception. Symmetrical development of uniserial branched stolons (the vanes) characterized members of the new subgenus Symmetrocladia.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of the larvae of Spongia officinalis in experimental conditions, after settlement on plastic substrates, using electron and light microscopy. The released larvae show a dark pigmented ring distinguishes the posterior larval pole. The youngest larvae, covered with a flagellate epithelium, move onwards by rotating on their longitudinal axis. Over time a creeping-like motion prevails, probably linked to the need for settlement. After a free-swimming period of 24-48 h, larvae settle on the artificial substrate by the anterior pole. At settlement, the flagellate epithelium is substituted by flattened cells, which delimit the outermost surface. Post-larvae were reared to about three months. The early phase of post-larval differentiation shows a solid interior mainly consisting of granular cells varying in shape and size. They are included in a dense collagen matrix that contains a conspicuous amount of bacteria. Lacunae are already evident in the initial phase of metamorphosis. In several of them, cell debris and nucleate cells are visible. This feature is consistent with a progressive reduction of the cell mass (autolysis). Neither choanocyte chambers nor canals differentiate. The morphogenetic process leads to a metamorph only consisting of vacuolated cells and collagen fibrils included in a thin fibrous coat.  相似文献   

The periods of development individual behavior in beluga calves are described. During these periods, calves form locomotor skills and interrelations with other individuals, and this determines the overall social structure of a pod. The formation of behavior in White Sea beluga calves passes through a number of stages. New types of social interactions arose in the following sequence: the imprinting period, the first abandoning of the mother without contact with other members of the pod and accumulation of new locomotive elements, first contacts with other young-of-the-year calves, and the complication of interaction types through game activities. Calves usually formed pairs with coevals or elder calves that possessed a richer locomotor repertoire. New motions appeared as a result of imitation of adult animals. These periods do not have distinct terms and depend on the individual qualities of the calves. Some changes in the belugas’ behavior were seen under the conditions of the active development of managed ecotourism in the area around Solovetsky Island, the animals showed adaptation to the presence of man.  相似文献   

We studied sequence variation in the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) in 111 individuals from 11 populations/localities of the sponge Crambe crambe across the core species range in the western Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. We report the first confirmed instance of intragenomic variation in sponges. Phylogeographical, nested clade and population genetic analyses were used to elucidate the species' evolutionary history. The study revealed highly structured populations affected by restricted gene flow and isolation-by-distance. A contiguous range expansion in the whole distribution area of the sponge was inferred. Phylogenetic analyses indicate a recent origin of most sequence types that could be explained by a recent origin of the species or a by recent bottleneck event in the studied area. A recent expansion of the distribution range to the Macaronesian region from the Mediterranean Sea was also detected, suggesting that C. crambe was recently introduced from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean via human-mediated transport, and that the pattern observed is not the result of a natural biogeographical relationship between these zones.  相似文献   

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