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家蚕蛹变态期丝腺组织的退化与细胞凋亡特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用形态学观察方法、分子生物学检测方法以及20-羟基蜕皮酮(20-hydroxyecdysone)和放线菌酮(cycloheximide)体外培养方法, 研究了家蚕Bombyx mori 蛹变态期丝腺组织的退化与细胞凋亡特征。显微镜的观察显示家蚕丝腺的逐渐退化发生在吐丝期间。DNA梯度电泳的分析表明程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death)可能伴随发生在丝腺的退化过程中。在离体培养条件下, 用20-羟基蜕皮酮处理5龄第6天幼虫的丝腺, 导致的细胞凋亡提前于对照, 提示在进入蛹变态期前, 20-羟基蜕皮酮提早激发了介导家蚕丝腺细胞凋亡与水解机制的遗传调控级联系统。上述结果表明, 20-羟基蜕皮酮能够诱导家蚕丝腺组织在蛹变态期发生程序性细胞死亡。  相似文献   

昆虫变态发育过程中,蜕皮激素通过一系列的激素相关转录因子进行信号的转导和放大,从而完成对生长变态发育的调控,其中蜕皮激素受体(EcR)及转录因子BR-C和E74A可能作为早期因子发挥作用.为了研究这3个早期转录因子在鳞翅目昆虫中的功能,本研究采用体外合成dsRNA的方法,将合成的dsRNA分别注射熟蚕期的家蚕Bomby...  相似文献   

The insect cuticle plays important roles in numerous physiological functions to protect the body from invasion of pathogens, physical injury and dehydration. In this report, we conducted a comprehensive genome-wide search for genes encoding proteins with peritrophin A-type (ChtBD2) chitin-binding domain (CBD) in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. One of these genes, which encodes the cuticle protein BmCBP1, was additionally cloned, and its expression and location during the process of development and molting in B. mori were investigated. In total, 46 protein-coding genes were identified in the silkworm genome, including those encoding 15 cuticle proteins analogous to peritrophins with one CBD (CPAP1s), nine cuticle proteins analogous to peritrophins with three CBD (CPAP3s), 15 peritrophic membrane proteins (PMPs), four chitinases, and three chitin deacetylases, which contained at least one ChtBD2 domain. Microarray analysis indicated that CPAP-encoding genes were widely expressed in various tissues, whereas PMP genes were highly expressed in the midgut. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blotting showed that the cuticle protein BmCBP1 was highly expressed in the epidermis and head, particularly during molting and metamorphosis. An immunofluorescence study revealed that chitin co-localized with BmCBP1 at the epidermal surface during molting. Additionally, BmCBP1 was notably up-regulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone treatment. These results provide a genome-level view of the chitin-binding protein in silkworm and suggest that BmCBP1 participates in the formation of the new cuticle during molting.  相似文献   

家蚕Bombyxmori(L.)既是重要的经济昆虫,又是鳞翅目昆虫研究的典型模式生物。开展家蚕蛋白质组研究,将有助于阐明家蚕绢丝蛋白的分泌机理,也是研究鳞翅目昆虫及其他生物生命本质的需要。双向电泳是蛋白质分离的关键技术。为探讨适宜家蚕蛋白质组研究的双向电泳条件,以家蚕丝腺、丝腺内容物、蚕卵和血液为材料,在不同条件下进行双向电泳,并对分离的蛋白点进行质谱分析。结果表明:通过改进的蛋白质裂解液辅以超声破碎制备的蛋白质,双向电泳后能够得到较好的2-DE图,也能满足进行MALDI-TOFMS分析的需要。因此本研究方法适用于家蚕不同组织中蛋白质的提取和双向电泳。  相似文献   

为进一步明确家蚕Bombyx mori变态期间消化系统的生理功能以及溶茧酶的来源器官,通过透射电镜观察和酶活性检测,对家蚕蛹 成虫变态期中肠和涎腺的超微结构、水解酶活力以及中肠内容物的变化进行了观察和分析。结果表明: 蛹第7日到羽化前1日家蚕中肠细胞和刚羽化成虫的涎腺细胞中,均可观察到大量的分泌泡、分泌颗粒、微绒毛等分泌细胞的结构特征以及活跃的分泌现象。潜成虫的中肠和涎腺中都存在活性较高的水解酶活力,其中每毫克中肠组织中蛋白酶活力、酯酶活力和纤溶酶活力分别为726 U、751 U和263 U,每毫克涎腺组织中上述3种酶的活力分别为603 U、523 U和147 U,说明中肠和涎腺可能都具有分泌溶茧酶的功能。家蚕蛹期中肠内容物的主要成分是蛋白质、脂质和糖,三者占内含物总量的95%以上,其中蛋白质含量占78.8%~80.2%。中肠内容物的重量在刚化蛹时为20.1~21.9 mg/头,化蛹后7日内无明显变化,化蛹第9日内容物重量减少63.01%~66.17%,到成虫羽化时已所剩无几,可能是因内容物被消化吸收所致。据此推测,在家蚕变态期中肠还具有贮存和释放营养物质的功能,而溶茧酶的另一个功能可能是分解消化中肠内容物。  相似文献   

When an imidazole derivative (KK-42) was applied to day 1 third instar larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, 100% underwent precocious metamorphosis at the end of the fourth instar. Thus, the fourth instar becomes the last instar in these KK-42–treated larvae. The endocrine systems underlying the precocious metamorphosis were analyzed in the present study. Hydroprene application during the prolonged third instar after KK-42 treatment can prevent precocious metamorphosis, and the results showed dose-dependent and stage-specific effects. From analysis of the developmental changes in ecdysteroid levels in both KK-42–treated larvae and KK-42– and hydroprene-treated larvae, we conclude that changes in JH levels during the third larval instar can modify the secretion pattern of prothoracic glands and that during the next larval instar, very low ecdysteroid levels during the early stages of the presumptive last (fourth) larval instar are directly related to precocious metamorphosis. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:349–361, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To identify genes involved in the innate immunity of the silkworm Bombyx mori, we constructed a cDNA library from the fat body of Escherichia coli-challenged B. mori larvae. Based on the expressed sequence tag (EST) data and whole genome shotgun sequence analysis, we found four Gloverin-like genes, BmGlov1-4, in the Bombyx genome. Northern blot and RT-PCR analysis showed that BmGlov1-4 were induced in the larval fat body after an immune challenge by the injection of E. coli; however, less induction was observed after the injection of a yeast Candida albicans. In silico sequence analysis revealed the presence of a motif homologous to NF-kappaB binding site in the upstream region of each BmGlov gene. Moreover, we expressed recombinant BmGlov1-4 proteins using the baculovirus expression system, and found that all the recombinant BmGlov1-4 significantly inhibited the growth of E. coli.  相似文献   

嗅觉对昆虫的生存、繁殖等起着重要的作用。依据家蚕Bombyx mori全基因组序列设计特异引物,扩增得到了两个信息素结合蛋白BmPBP2和BmPBP3基因的cDNA片段。结合已报道的家蚕信息素结合蛋白BmPBP1和两个普通气味结合蛋白BmGOBP的信息,对其基因结构分析表明,这5个基因均由3个外显子组成,具有保守的外显子/内含子边界和典型的6个Cys残基,且3个PBP基因在基因组上串联分布。序列同源性分析表明,BmPBP2和BmPBP3与烟草天蛾的PBP2和PBP3的同源性高达69%和63%。半定量RT-PCR分析结果显示,BmPBP2和BmPBP3基因在成虫触角中特异表达,且雌雄表达水平相当。这些结果表明BmPBP2和BmPBP3可能起着性信息素识别的作用。  相似文献   

陈鹏  童晓玲  代方银  鲁成 《昆虫学报》2010,53(6):689-695
Hox基因(homeobox genes)在昆虫躯体模式(body plan)的发育调控机制中扮演着重要角色,其表达具有严格的组织特异性和胚胎发育的程序性。家蚕Bombyx mori作为鳞翅目昆虫的代表,其Hox基因也陆续得到鉴定。在家蚕中存在一个拟复等位基因群--E群基因,其突变表型均与过剩斑纹和过剩附肢有关,这可能与Hox基因有着密切联系。家蚕全基因组测序完成后,发现其Hox基因簇中存在12个特有的homeobox基因(Bmshx1~Bmshx12), 说明家蚕Hox基因可能具有独特的生物学意义。我们还利用家蚕基因芯片数据分析了Bmlab与Bmpb基因的组织表达特征。通过对家蚕Hox基因的研究,探索家蚕躯体模式建立机制,可望为解析其他鳞翅目昆虫的躯体模式的建立机制提供理论依据。本文就家蚕Hox基因的表达、功能及其与E群突变的关系等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

吡哆醛激酶(pyridoxal kinase,PLK, EC2.7.1.35)是维生素B6关键代谢酶,其cDNA的克隆在昆虫类还未见报道。利用生物信息学原理和使用PCR方法,克隆出编码家蚕Bombyx mori吡哆醛激酶的cDNA (GenBank登录号DQ452397),体外原核表达成功,并对表达粗提产物进行了酶活检测。克隆到的cDNA含有一894 bp的完整可读框,编码一条分子量为33.1 kD,含298个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。序列比对显示此蛋白质与人类吡哆醛激酶具有52.84%的同一性,包含吡哆醛激酶家族共有的特征保守序列,但比哺乳动物和植物克隆到的吡哆醛激酶均少10多个氨基酸残基,几个有关键功能且在哺乳动物和植物中均保守的氨基酸残基在此蛋白中被替换。依据家蚕基因组数据库信息和PLK的cDNA,家蚕PLK基因包含5个外显子和4个内含子,跨越10 kb DNA序列,所有外显子/内含子交接点都遵从gt/ag剪接规则,基因的5′端启动子调控区发现有TATA-box和CAAT-box保守基序。  相似文献   

目的:通过观察家蚕Bombyx mori吞噬细胞的微细结构,来确定拟绛色细胞是否也具有吞噬功能。方法:用荧光小球微量注射家蚕pnd pS品系的幼虫,经荧光染色剂丫啶橙和碘化丙啶染色循环血细胞后,在荧光显微镜下观察并扫描拍摄。结果:观察发现除颗粒细胞和浆血细胞外,一些原血球细胞(血干细胞)和拟绛色细胞(多酚氧化酶)也能吞噬荧光小球。在拟绛色细胞里还发现许多和颗粒细胞一样的能被丫啶橙染色的颗粒。尽管在小球细胞中没有发现被吞噬的荧光小球,但该类血球有比较多的能被丫啶橙染色的大颗粒,这表明它们可能是已经被吞噬的凋亡小体。结论:除颗粒细胞和浆血细胞外,一些原血球细胞和拟绛色细胞也能吞噬荧光小球。说明拟绛色细胞也具有吞噬功能。  相似文献   

家蚕醛氧化酶基因(BmAOXs)的鉴定与表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
醛氧化酶(aldehyde oxidases, AO, EC是属于钼-黄素酶(molybdo-flavoenzymes, MFEs)家族的一类蛋白酶。为了探讨该酶在家蚕Bombyx mori中的功能, 本研究对家蚕醛氧化酶基因(BmAOXs)家族进行了鉴定和分析。以其他物种AO基因序列检索家蚕全基因组数据库, 获得了8个BmAOX候选基因, 均具有醛氧化酶保守的功能域。进化分析表明, BmAOX与其他昆虫AO聚为一簇。RT-PCR分析结果显示: BmAOX1, BmAOX2, BmAOX3, BmAOX5具有很强的组织特异性; 而BmAOX4, BmAOX6, BmAOX7, BmAOX8则在蛹和成虫的多个组织中均有表达, 提示它们在家蚕生理代谢活动中起重要作用。利用Native PAGE和活性染色方法, 对BmAOX编码的蛋白进行检测, 结果表明: 家蚕蛹中有5种有活性的醛氧化酶, 而成虫中有6种, 各组织中均有有活性的BmAOX, 只是种类和活性水平有所不同。本研究结果为深入探讨BmAOX家族的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Arginase (EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine to ornithine and urea. Here, we have cloned two arginase cDNAs from the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The analysis of exon/intron structures showed that the two mRNAs named bmarg-r and bmarg-f were generated from a single gene by alternative usage of exons. The bmarg-r and bmarg-f were predicted to encode almost the same amino acid sequences, except that the latter had additional ten N-terminal residues. Recombinant bmARG-r and bmARG-f in Escherichia coli cell lysates were roughly similar to each other in enzymatic characteristics, which did not show large difference from those of arginases assayed by using tissue extracts. Differential RT-PCR experiments and tissue distribution analyses of arginase activity indicated that the bmarg-r gene is expressed in the male reproductive organs, especially in the glandula lacteola and vesicular seminalis, from which it is secreted to the seminal fluid and transferred to the female during copulation, whereas the bmarg-f gene is expressed in the larval and adult nonreproductive organs including the fat body and muscle, where the produced arginase proteins are considered to stay in the cells. Thus, the two silkworm arginase isoforms may have a difference in whether or not the product is excreted out of the cells in which it is synthesized.  相似文献   

In this study, glutathione-S-transferase pull-down combined with mass spectrometry techniques were used to identify the candidate proteins interacting with protein tyrosine phosphatase of the Bombyx Mori nucleopolyhedrovirus in the B. mori (BmNPV-PTP) brain. A total of 36 proteins were identified from BmNPV-PTP coprecipitate samples by searching the NCBI_Bombyx Mori database with the original mass spectrum data. Among those proteins, the interaction between BmNPV-PTP and B. mori cyclophilin A may accelerate the apoptosis of certain nerve cells involved in regulating behavior, and thus may be an inducer of enhanced locomotor activity (ELA). After the BmNPV invasion, BmNPV-PTP binding to peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors may initiate a series of abnormal cascades of the nervous system, which results in abnormal hyperactive behavior in B. mori. Besides this, vacuolar ATP synthase catalytic subunit A, annexin, and several enzymes for energy conversion were identified, which may play a role in enhancing viral entry and infectivity and provide energy for enhancing the locomotor activity of B. mori. In general, the results of this study will facilitate the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the ELA of B. mori larva induced by BmNPV.  相似文献   

家蚕化学诱变剂及诱导突变体的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在家蚕Bombyx mori基因组计划完成之后,其功能基因组研究成为该领域的最重要课题。突变体是功能基因组学研究的重要材料,因此,通过人为诱导获取大量的突变系统是及其重要的手段。本研究用化学诱变剂ENU、MNU、DES、5-BU、EMS诱导处理家蚕标准品种C108,筛选获得了非滞育红卵,长圆筒茧、小茧、丝胶茧及绵茧突变体,致死突变体及无鳞毛蛾翅突变体。结果还表明: MNU、DES诱变家蚕的突变效率高,注射翅原基比腹部更方便且效果好,化学诱导雄体比雌体的效果好; 在时期上,注射蛹和蛾都有诱导效果。上述突变体大多为致死性突变,推测其可能与致死性基因突变有关。同时,本研究为应用TILLING技术鉴定家蚕更多目的基因突变体提供了有效的材料。  相似文献   

Apoptosis and autophagy play crucial roles during Bombyx mori metamorphosis and in response to various adverse conditions, including starvation. Recently, calpain, one of the major intracellular proteases, has been reported to be involved in apoptosis and autophagy in mammals. BmATG5 and BmATG6 have been identified to mediate apoptosis following autophagy induced by 20‐hydroxyecdysone and starvation in B. mori. However, B. mori calpains and their functions remain unclear. In this study, phylogenetic analysis of calpains from B. mori, Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens were performed and the results showed distinct close relationships of BmCalpain‐A/B with DmCalpain‐A/B, BmCalpain‐C with DmCalpain‐C, and BmCalpain‐7 with HsCalpain‐7. Then, the expression profiles of BmCalpains were analyzed by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction, and results showed that expression of BmCalpain‐A/B, BmCalpain‐C and BmCalpain‐7 was significantly increased during B. mori metamorphosis and induced in the fat body and midgut of starved larvae, which is consistent with the expression profiles of BmAtg5, BmAtg6 and BmCaspase‐1. Moreover, the apoptosis‐associated cleavage of BmATG6 in Bm‐12 cells was significantly enhanced when BmCalpain‐A/B and BmCalpain‐7 were induced by starvation, and was partially inhibited by the inhibitor of either calpain or caspase, but completely inhibited when both types of inhibitors were applied together. Our results indicated that BmCalpains, including BmCalpain‐A/B, ‐C and ‐7, may be involved in autophagy and apoptosis during B. mori metamorphosis and after starvation, and may also contribute to the apoptosis‐associated cleavage of BmATG6.  相似文献   

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