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Many theories have been proposed for interpreting the relative sexual mortalities in natural populations, but the effects of maladaptive genes from migrants on sexual mortality have not been examined. In this study, I systematically explore the properties of migration load in dioecious plants where gender dimorphism is determined by sex chromosomes (the XX-XY or similar system). Two stages of gene flow (pollen and seed) and two stages of selection (gametophyte and sporophyte) are jointly examined in the one- and two-locus cases. The general results show that several factors, including the maladaptive allele frequencies in migrants, migration rate, selection, and linkage disequilibria, can individually or jointly alter the relative sexual mortalities at either the gametophyte or the sporophyte stage, or both. When there are the same values between sexes in the parameters relevant to the migrant gene frequencies and two-stage selection coefficients under the additive viability model (without Y-chromosome and linkage disequilibrium effects), the average mortality is higher in ovules than in pollen since the males do not inherit the maladaptive genes from migrating pollen. The average mortality per individual in the homogametic sex is almost twice as large as that in heterogametic sex at the sporophyte stage. Under the additive viability model, the relative sexual mortalities at the gametophyte stage are negatively related to the relative sexual mortalities at the sporophyte stage.  相似文献   

Males frequently remain in close proximity to their mate immediately postcopulation. This behavior has generally been interpreted as a guarding tactic designed to reduce the likelihood that a rival male can rapidly displace the ejaculate of the guarding male [1, 2]. Such attempts by males to control their mates represent a potential source of conflict [3-5], but guarding behaviors in species where it is difficult for males to control their mates suggest that conflict is not inevitable [6, 7]. We employed a network of infrared video cameras to study a wild population of individually marked and genotyped field crickets (Gryllus campestris). Lone females or males suffer similar rates of predation, but when a pair is attacked, the male allows the female priority access to their burrow, and in doing so dramatically increases his probability of being killed. In compensation for this increased predation risk, paired males mate more frequently and father more of the female's offspring. By staying with a male, females increase the sperm contribution of preferred males as well as reducing their predation risk. In contrast to conclusions based on previous lab studies, our field study suggests that mate guarding can evolve in a context of cooperation rather than conflict between the sexes.  相似文献   

Sexual imprinting is the learning of a mate preference by direct observation of the phenotype of another member of the population. Sexual imprinting can be paternal, maternal, or oblique if individuals learn to prefer the phenotypes of their fathers, mothers, or other members of the population, respectively. Which phenotypes are learned can affect trait evolution and speciation rates. “Good genes” models of polygynous systems predict that females should evolve to imprint on their fathers, because paternal imprinting helps females to choose mates that will produce offspring that are both viable and sexy. Sexual imprinting by males has been observed in nature, but a theory for the evolution of sexual imprinting by males does not exist. We developed a good genes model to study the conditions under which sexual imprinting by males or by both sexes can evolve and to ask which sexual imprinting strategies maximize the fitness of the choosy sex. We found that when only males imprint, maternal imprinting is the most advantageous strategy. When both sexes imprint, it is most advantageous for both sexes to use paternal imprinting. Previous theory suggests that, in a given population, either males or females but not both will evolve choosiness in mating. We show how environmental change can lead to the evolution of sexual imprinting behavior by both sexes in the same population.  相似文献   

The black coucal is the only known altricial bird species in which females mate with and lay eggs for more than one male and males are responsible for all parental care (classical polyandry). In this species, the left testis is atrophied and it has been speculated that this may result in a reduction of circulating androgens, providing a unique mechanism for reversals in sex roles. We therefore investigated whether there is a reversal in circulating androgens and oestrogens in black coucals. Despite the reversals in sex roles, males had significantly higher levels of plasma testosterone than females, in a pattern typical of that of monogamous male passerines. Testosterone levels of both sexes were higher during the mating than during the premating stage and were low in males during the nestling stage. The concentrations of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and oestradiol did not differ between the sexes and were generally low. A physiological challenge with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) resulted in a significant increase in testosterone in males but not in females, suggesting either that females are not responsive to GnRH or that they express patterns of testosterone that are similar to those of males of species with a polygynous mating system without paternal care, in which testosterone is expressed at maximum levels throughout the breeding season. We conclude that the absence of one testis does not provide a mechanism for sex role reversal in black coucals. Either androgens are not involved in the regulation of male-like traits in females or females are sensitive to relatively low levels of these steroids.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, and the deficiency of antioxidant defense by the glutathione (GSH) pathway is thought to be one of the factors responsible for development of complications in diabetes. Erythrocytes require L-cysteine for the synthesis of GSH and the rate of synthesis is determined only by L-cysteine availability. In the present study we have found that the L-cysteine influx in erythrocytes from type 2 diabetic patients was significantly lower compared to age-matched controls. The decreased influx may be one of the factors leading to low GSH concentration observed in type 2 diabetes. Since L-cysteine is the limiting amino acid in GSH synthesis, any strategy aimed to increase L-cysteine influx in erythrocytes may be beneficial for type 2 diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Selection intensity and phenotypic variability are inversely related. It has been hypothesized that, owing to opposing selection pressures on pelvic morphology in females between efficiency in locomotion and obstetric adequacy, female pelvic morphology is less variable than that in males. The hypothesis was supported based on data derived from observational methods of sexing pelves (Meindl et al., 1985). The hypothesis was tested in the present study based on a metrical analysis of the true pelvis. The results show that there are no sexual differences in pelvic variability. Consequently, while males and females are equally variable in the dimensions of the true pelvis, the visual cues that osteologists use to sex pelves are more variable in males.  相似文献   

Kidneys of normal female and male Wistar-Kyoto rats were studied by standard morphological techniques and morphometry in order to evaluate possible differences in the overall kidney morphology between both sexes. Furthermore, we investigated the role of testosterone (DHT) on kidney morphology by treating females with daily DHT injections. Kidney weight and volume in relation to body weight were not significantly different between males and females and were not affected by DHT. Differences were found in the volume distribution among the kidney zones. The cortex was larger in males than in females, whereas the medulla was conspicuously larger in females than in males. The greater volume of the cortex in males was mainly due to a more extensive development of proximal tubules. DHT treatment in females increased the volume of their proximal tubules. Glomerular volume was similar among the three groups. Within the medulla, the difference was most prominent in the inner stripe (14.9% of the total kidney volume in females vs. 8.9% in males) and was also important in the inner medulla (7.0 vs. 4.8%). The absolute epithelial volume of thick ascending limbs in this zone was larger in females than in males. This difference was more pronounced in short loops (approximately 20%) than in long loops (approximately 10%). The values of the DHT-treated females ranged in between. In spite of the greater development of medulla and thick ascending limbs in females, urine concentration was higher in males than in females and maximum urinary concentrating ability after 48 h dehydration was not different between both sexes.  相似文献   

S S Smith  C A Thomas 《Gene》1981,13(4):395-408
Two-dimensional restriction analysis has been applied to terminally labeled restriction segments from adult male and female flies that were the progeny of ten successive single-pair, brother-sister matings. Many of the 2500-4000 different bands that can be seen on autoradiographs are of widely different density, a fact that suggests the superposition of multiple restriction segments of similar sequence. The number of bands observed is significantly fewer than expected. Nearly all of the bands seen in male-DNA displays appear equivalent to those seen in female-DNA displays, but a few sex differences (male-dense and female-dense bands) can be identified--much fewer than expected. When the HpaII-MspI test was applied to fractionated BamHI fragments, between 900 and 1800 discrete C-C-G-G sites were found to be cleaved in a completely equivalent fashion by each isoschizomer.  相似文献   

Sex differences in pain sensitivity have been found to vary between considerable and negligible. It has appeared that the pain stimulation method is critical in this context. It was assumed this might be due to the different degrees of spatial summation associated with the different pain stimulus modalities. Hence, sex differences were investigated in spatial summation of heat pain in 20 healthy women and 20 healthy men of similar age. Pain thresholds were assessed by a tracking procedure and responses to supra-threshold pain stimulation by numerical ratings. Heat stimuli were administered by a thermode with contact areas of 1, 3, 6 and 10 cm2. Pain thresholds were significantly higher with smaller areas stimulated than with larger ones. No significant effect of area was found for the ratings of the supra-threshold stimuli, the intensities of which were tailored to the individual pain threshold. Consequently, spatial summation of heat pain appeared to result mainly in a shift of the pain threshold on the ordinate and not a change of slope of the stimulus-response function in the pain range. In neither of the two pain parameters were there any sex differences. Therefore, the present study demonstrated that sex differences in spatial summation of heat pain are unlikely.  相似文献   

Summary We analysed sexual size dimorphism for 21 populations of microtine rodents. Female to male size ratio varied considerably among populations from females significantly larger than males (ratio=1.18) to males larger than females (ratio=0.78). In a multiple regression analysis female to male home range size ratio explained 94% of the total variation in body size dimorphism and was the only one of eight independent variables that was selected in a stepwise regression procedure. When females are the larger sex, males have home range sizes much larger than females. We suggest that the relationship between home range size ratio and body weight size dimorphism reflects different selection pressures on males and females in competition for resources and mates.  相似文献   

Through the decades of relentless and dedicated studies in Drosophila melanogaster, the pathway that governs sexual development has been elucidated in great detail and has become a paradigm in understanding fundamental cell-fate decisions. However, recent phylogenetic studies show that the molecular strategy used in Drosophila deviates in some important aspects from those found in other dipteran flies and suggest that the Drosophila pathway is likely to be a derivative of a simpler and more common principle. In this essay, I will discuss the evolutionary plasticity of the sex-determining pathway based on studies in the common housefly, Musca domestica. Diversification appears to primarily arise from subtle differences in the regulation of the key switch gene transformer at the top of the pathway. On the basis of these findings I propose a new idea on how the Drosophila pathway may have evolved from a more archetypal system such as in M. domestica. In essence, the arrival of an X counting mechanism mediated by Sex-lethal to compensate for Xlinked gene dose differences set the stage for an intimate coupling of the two pathways. Its precedent recruitment to the dosage compensation pathway allowed for an intervention in the regulation of transformer where it gradually and eventually’ completely substituted for a need of transformer autoregulation.  相似文献   

Georgiev P  Chlamydas S  Akhtar A 《Fly》2011,5(2):147-154
Dosage compensation of X-linked genes is a phenomenon of concerted, chromosome-wide regulation of gene expression underpinned by sustained and tightly regulated histone modifications and chromatin remodeling, coupled with constrains of nuclear architecture. This elaborate process allows the accomplishment of regulated expression of genes on the single male X chromosome to levels comparable to those expressed from the two X chromosomes in females. The ribonucleoprotein Male Specific Lethal (MSL) complex is enriched on the male X chromosome and is intricately involved in this process in Drosophila melanogaster. In this review we discuss the recent advances that highlight the complexity lying behind regulation of gene expression by just two-fold.  相似文献   

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