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Given that helminth infections have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in animal studies, which may be explained by beneficial effects on energy balance or by a shift in the immune system to an anti-inflammatory profile, we investigated whether soil-transmitted helminth (STH)-infected subjects are more insulin sensitive than STH-uninfected subjects.


We performed a cross-sectional study on Flores island, Indonesia, an area with high prevalence of STH infections.


From 646 adults, stool samples were screened for Trichuris trichiura by microscopy and for Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, and Strongyloides stercoralis by qPCR. No other helminth was found. We collected data on body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), fasting blood glucose (FBG, mmol/L), insulin (pmol/L), high sensitive C-reactive protein (ng/ml) and Immunoglobulin E (IU/ml). The homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMAIR) was calculated and regression models were used to assess the association between STH infection status and insulin resistance.


424 (66%) participants had at least one STH infection. STH infected participants had lower BMI (23.2 vs 22.5 kg/m2, p value = 0.03) and lower HOMAIR (0.97 vs 0.81, p value = 0.05). In an age-, sex- and BMI-adjusted model a significant association was seen between the number of infections and HOMAIR: for every additional infection with STH species, the HOMAIR decreased by 0.10 (p for linear trend 0.01). This effect was mainly accounted for by a decrease in insulin of 4.9 pmol/L for every infection (p for trend = 0.07).


STH infections are associated with a modest improvement of insulin sensitivity, which is not accounted for by STH effects on BMI alone.  相似文献   

Some RNAs, including both single- and double-stranded RNAs, when incubated with chick embryo cell culture induce cellular resistance against viruses. Evidence was now obtained indicating that the induction of cellular resistance by RNA depends on the cellular metabolic activity, especially on the synthesis of cellular RNA and protein. Thus, inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis, actinomycin D and cycloheximide, were found to inhibit the development of an antiviral state when added before, or during the relatively early period of, incubation of the cells with RNA. In the course of induction of cellular resistance, three stages may be distinguished, the priming stage, the developing stage, and the established resistant stage.  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌感染实验模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
结核分枝杆菌是引起人结核病的主要病原,全世界约有1/3人口感染结核分枝杆菌。尽管该病原可感染并引起许多动物疾病,但人类是其中心宿主。为研究结核分枝杆菌的致病机理及宿主对本病原的保护性和免疫病理学反应,选择合适的动物模型非常必要。本文阐述了结核病研究中常用的实验模型及各种模型的优缺点。实验模型的合理应用将促进我们对结核病的认识,从中获取的资料将有助于我们发现更好的预防和治疗方案。  相似文献   

当前新现病毒性疾病的研究最大的"瓶颈"在于没有胜任动物模型。建立在非人灵长类动物基础上的模型,虽然可以部分复制人类疾病特征,但其经济性欠佳且与动物权益的保护有所冲突;而啮齿类动物对新现病毒的易感性往往较低,也不能很好地复制人类疾病。本文对营养、免疫及疾病易感性关系研究的进展进行文献回顾,以发现解决当前难题的线索。  相似文献   

The following procedure is recommended: Fix ces-todes and trematodes (while held flat between glass slides) 0.5-2.0 hr. in the following mixture: formalin, 15; acetic acid (gl.), 5; glycerol, 10; 95% ethyl alcohol, 24; distilled H2O, 46; all proportions by volume. After freeing them from the slides, wash thoroughly in running water and stain immediately thereafter. Stock staining solution: ferric ammonium alum (violet cryst.), 2 g.; distilled H2O (cold) 100 ml.; after solution, add 2 ml. concentrated H2SO4, bring to a boil; add 1 g. coelestin blue B (Nat. Aniline), boil 3-5 min.; cool and add 10 ml. absolute methyl alcohol and 10 ml. glycerol. Dilute 1 vol. with 3 vol. distilled H20 for use. Stain 5-30 min., depending on size of specimens. Wash with 2 changes 0.5 hr. each of distilled H2O, then 50% isopropyl alcohol 12-16 hr., 50% isopropyl alcohol 2 hr., followed by graded isopropyl alcohol for dehydration. Ether: ethyl alcohol (equal parts), 1 hr., is followed by embedding in celloidin in a sheet just thick enough to cover the specimens. Trim embedded specimens and dehydrate with isopropyl alcohol, 80%, 90% and absolute. Clear in beechwood creosote. Mount in balsam with cover glasses that overlap the edges of the celloidin 1-2 mm. While drying at 37°C, refill edges of mount with fresh balsam as needed. When dry, remove excess balsam and ring the edges with ordinary gloss enamel paint.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎实验动物模型的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙型肝炎是一种影响人类健康的严重疾病,尤其在亚洲.近年来,随着安全有效的预防性疫苗普遍使用,乙肝的流行已得到很好的控制.但仍有很多慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染者,其中部分为慢性乙肝患者.近年来,不同乙肝动物模型的建立和应用在乙肝病毒的研究中起到了重要作用.对近年来乙肝动物模型的研究进行了综述.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In neinatodes, parthenogenesis, meiotic or more oftenmitotic with polyploidy, occurs in the orders Tylenchida andRhabditida. It has evolved independently within the variousfamilies and even certain genera, replacing the usual amphimixisin some species and supplementing it in others with one or moreparthenogenetic generations. Polyploidy, haploidy, abnormalspennatogenesis and absence of sperms have been cited as evidenceof parthenogenesis in some adult cestodes and digenetic trematodes,especially dioecious species in those predominantly hermaphroditicgroups. Evidence now favors interpretation of reproduction bygerminal sacs in trematodes as diploid parthenogenesis whichcan be continued through an indefinite number of generationsin some species by transplanting germinal sacs from infectedto uninfected snails.  相似文献   

The following procedure is recommended: Fix ces-todes and trematodes (while held flat between glass slides) 0.5–2.0 hr. in the following mixture: formalin, 15; acetic acid (gl.), 5; glycerol, 10; 95% ethyl alcohol, 24; distilled H2O, 46; all proportions by volume. After freeing them from the slides, wash thoroughly in running water and stain immediately thereafter. Stock staining solution: ferric ammonium alum (violet cryst.), 2 g.; distilled H2O (cold) 100 ml.; after solution, add 2 ml. concentrated H2SO4, bring to a boil; add 1 g. coelestin blue B (Nat. Aniline), boil 3–5 min.; cool and add 10 ml. absolute methyl alcohol and 10 ml. glycerol. Dilute 1 vol. with 3 vol. distilled H20 for use. Stain 5–30 min., depending on size of specimens. Wash with 2 changes 0.5 hr. each of distilled H2O, then 50% isopropyl alcohol 12–16 hr., 50% isopropyl alcohol 2 hr., followed by graded isopropyl alcohol for dehydration. Ether: ethyl alcohol (equal parts), 1 hr., is followed by embedding in celloidin in a sheet just thick enough to cover the specimens. Trim embedded specimens and dehydrate with isopropyl alcohol, 80%, 90% and absolute. Clear in beechwood creosote. Mount in balsam with cover glasses that overlap the edges of the celloidin 1–2 mm. While drying at 37°C, refill edges of mount with fresh balsam as needed. When dry, remove excess balsam and ring the edges with ordinary gloss enamel paint.  相似文献   

Serine proteases form one of the most important families of enzymes and perform significant functions in a broad range of biological processes, such as intra- and extracellular protein metabolism, digestion, blood coagulation, regulation of development, and fertilization. A number of serine proteases have been identified in parasitic helminths that have putative roles in parasite development and nutrition, host tissues and cell invasion, anticoagulation, and immune evasion. In this review, we described the serine proteases that have been identified in parasitic helminths, including nematodes (Trichinella spiralis, T. pseudospiralis, Trichuris muris, Anisakis simplex, Ascaris suum, Onchocerca volvulus, O. lienalis, Brugia malayi, Ancylostoma caninum, and Steinernema carpocapsae), cestodes (Spirometra mansoni, Echinococcus granulosus, and Schistocephalus solidus), and trematodes (Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, and Schistosoma mansoni). Moreover, the possible biological functions of these serine proteases in the endogenous biological phenomena of these parasites and in the host-parasite interaction were also discussed.  相似文献   

An infection by Zika virus(ZIKV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, broke out in South American regions in 2015, and recently showed a tendency of spreading to North America and even worldwide. ZIKV was first detected in 1947 and only 14 human infection cases were reported until 2007. This virus was previously observed to cause only mild flu-like symptoms.However, recent ZIKV infections might be responsible for the increasing cases of neurological disorders such as GuillainBarre′ syndrome and congenital defects, including newborn microcephaly. Therefore, researchers have established several animal models to study ZIKV transmission and pathogenesis, and test therapeutic candidates. This review mainly summarizes the reported animal models of ZIKV infection, including mice and non-human primates.  相似文献   

Although the immune system is becoming better characterized, it is by no means becoming easier to predict the outcome of activation given the many potential influences upon the ultimate expression of an immune response. In this article, Nicky Schweitzer and Roy Anderson investigate the application of mathematics to this highly nonlinear system, and show how it can complement experimentation from both a predictive and interpretative point of view.  相似文献   

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是全世界婴幼儿下呼吸道感染的首位病毒病原体,免疫缺陷个体容易发生严重感染,目前尚无理想RSV感染动物模型用于研究。我们用细胞免疫缺陷裸鼠感染RSV,旨在建立理想的动物模型,为RSV感染的防治研究奠定基础。裸鼠滴鼻感染RSV后肺组织分离到病毒,直接免疫荧光检测到支气管肺泡灌洗液RSV抗原阳性,空斑形成实验检测肺组织病毒滴度在感染后第3天达高峰,并持续到第9天仍能检测到病毒。免疫组化检测RSV抗原主要分布在细支气管、毛细支气管和肺泡上皮细胞胞浆内。肺组织病理学显示RSV感染导致裸鼠淋巴细胞浸润为主的肺间质性炎症,电镜分析超微结构可见到细胞内病毒颗粒和气血屏障的破坏。支气管肺泡灌洗液白细胞计数显示裸鼠RSV感染炎症高峰在感染后第9天。裸鼠RSV感染的病毒复制和病理改变特点与人相似,病毒持续高水平复制,是客观而实用的评价抗RSV制剂效果的小鼠模型。  相似文献   

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