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There is growing interest in mapping and analyzing complete eukaryotic genomes. Yee and Inouye (in Experimental Manipulation of Gene Expression, pp. 279-290, Academic Press, New York) demonstrated that bacterial chromosomes can be resolved into interpretable patterns of DNA fragments by means of restriction enzyme digestion and electrophoresis in two dimensions. We have begun to explore applications of this procedure to analysis of eukaryotic genomes, which are far more complex. Tetrahymena thermophila was selected as a model organism because its genome is small, roughly equivalent to that of a single human chromosome. In addition, each Tetrahymena cell contains two nuclei which differ in sequence composition and methylation. Our results demonstrate that the Tetrahymena genome can be resolved into complex patterns of fragments in two dimensions. Hybridization to Southern blots of these gels with a multiply repeated sequence probe yielded analyzable patterns of a subset of the genome. The blots reveal alterations in genome structure due to methylation and rearrangement. Future extensions of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Miniature swine MHC antigens from three inbred herds were examined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These antigens were found to constitute a series of complex glycoproteins displaying haplotype-specific patterns that allowed the distinction of both class I and class II molecules among the three haplotypes. Selected outbred pig antisera reacted with a subset of class I antigens, suggesting the presence of at least two distinct molecular species among these antigens. Similarly, alloantisera reacting with mouse Ia antigens and a monoclonal anti-human DR were shown to immunoprecipitate a subset of class II molecules. Examination of the cells from two recombinant haplotypes demonstrated that both independent recombinational events took place between the class I and class II genes.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic method for mapping DNA replicons.   总被引:30,自引:12,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
We describe in detail a method which allows determination of the directions of replication fork movement through segments of DNA for which cloned probes are available. The method uses two-dimensional neutral-alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis followed by hybridization with short probe sequences. The nascent strands of replicating molecules form an arc separated from parental and nonreplicating strands. The closer a probe is to its replication origin or to the origin-proximal end of its restriction fragment, the shorter the nascent strands that are detected by the probe. The use of multiple probes allows determination of directions of replication fork movement, as well as locations of origins and termini. In this study, we used simian virus 40 as a model to demonstrate the feasibility of the method, and we discuss its applicability to other systems.  相似文献   

An improved horizontal slab gel electrophoresis apparatus was developed for the separation of DNA restriction fragments. The apparatus was designed for both analytical and preparative runs. The use of agarose or polyacrylamide wicks rather than paper wicks simplifies the use of and increases the capabilities of horizontal slab gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) are commonly used to analyze nucleic acid-protein interactions. When nucleic acid is bound by protein, its mobility during gel electrophoresis is reduced. Similarly, the final position of protein within a complex is shifted when compared to its free state. Here we provide a protocol for a simple approach that uses these mobility differences to identify nucleic acid-binding proteins. Following EMSA, denaturing gel electrophoresis is implemented to provide a second dimension of separation. Protein that binds a specific nucleic acid is identified as a spot(s) whose presence at a particular position(s) is dependent on nucleic acid within the initial binding reaction. The polypeptide in a spot can be subsequently identified by mass spectrometry. As EMSAs can be performed using partially purified or cell extracts, this approach substantially reduces the need for protein purification. It should facilitate the identification of a nucleic acid-binding protein within approximately 4 d.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional two-dimensional (2D) proteome analysis of Streptococcus mutans grown as a biofilm from a planktonic culture at steady state (Rathsam et al., Microbiol. 2005, 151, 1823-1837), the use of 2D fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) led to a 3-fold increase in the number of identified protein spots that were significantly altered in their level of expression (P < 0.050). Of the 73 identified proteins, only nine were up-regulated in biofilm grown cells. The results supported the previously surmised hypothesis that general metabolic functions were down-regulated in response to a reduction in growth rate in mature S. mutans biofilms. Up-regulation of competence proteins without any concomitant increase in stress-responsive proteins was confirmed, while the levels of glucosyltransferase C (GtfC), involved in glucan formation, O-acetylserine sulfhyrylase (cysteine synthetase A; CsyK), implicated in the formation of [Fe-S] clusters, and a hypothetical protein encoded by the open reading frame, SMu0188, were also up-regulated.  相似文献   

An apparatus designed for preparative gel electrophoretic separation of proteins (M. A. Hediger, (1984) Anal. Biochem. 142, 445-454) has been used successfully for separating DNA restriction fragments. The apparatus displayed yields and resolutions that are higher than those obtainable with commercially available devices. The amounts of DNA applied to the column range from a few micrograms to milligram quantities. Restriction DNA fragments very similar in size were isolated in pure form with the apparatus. After ethanol precipitation, these fragments were successfully used for restriction enzyme cleavages, ligation, or chemical sequencing. Furthermore the apparatus provides a convenient method for the large-scale isolation of plasmid DNA. The method requires only 4 h of electrophoresis and therefore greatly reduces the preparation time compared with the conventional equilibrium centrifugation method which requires centrifugation times of up to 60 h. In contrast to the centrifugation method, contaminants such as RNA, proteins, and chromosomal DNA are efficiently removed by this technique.  相似文献   

Two two-dimensional polyacrylamide minislab gel systems were devised for the rapid analysis of histone modified species and variants. The first system consisted of an acetic acid-urea or acetic acid-urea-Triton X-100 minislab gel for the first-dimension electrophoresis followed by a polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate minislab gel for the second-dimension electrophoresis. The second system consisted of a polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate minislab gel for the first-dimension electrophoresis followed by either an acetic acid-urea or an acetic acid-urea-Triton X-100 minislab gel for second-dimension electrophoresis. Both systems offer distinct advantages for rapid high-resolution analysis of modified histone species and variants.  相似文献   

By combining two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, protein staining and a sensitive computer-assisted gel scanning system, it was possible to examine human uterine fluid (n = 56) qualitatively and quantitatively for the presence of endometrial proteins. The protein concentration of uterine fluids ranged from 0.1 to 12.0 mg/ml with early secretory phase samples (n = 15) having significantly less protein (0.72 +/- 0.2 SEM mg/ml p less than or equal to 0.05) than the proliferative phase (n = 57) samples (1.58 +/- .29 SEM mg/ml). Whole blood contamination of uterine fluid, as measured by hemoglobin content, averaged 6.2 +/- 0.88% throughout the menstrual cycle. Human uterine fluids collected throughout the menstrual cycle were found to contain serum and up to 24 other proteins in addition to those previously described (MacLaughlin and Richardson, 1983). These proteins represent approximately 1% of the total protein in the gels and exhibit isoelectric points from 4.5 to 7.0 and molecular weights in the 26,000 to 60,000 range. These proteins are absent from human serum, which exhibits an identical pattern whether obtained in the proliferative or secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. These secreted endometrial proteins now become the standard against which to compare proteins identified in vitro using organ, gland and cell culture techniques and to characterize proteins that are regulated by steroid hormones in vivo.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional graphic analysis of DNA sequence homologies.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a computer program designed to facilitate the pattern matching analysis of homologies between DNA sequences. It takes advantage of a two-dimensional plot in order to simplify the evaluation of significant structures inherited in the sequences. The program can be divided into three parts, i) algorithm for search of homologies, ii) two-dimensional graphic display of the result, iii) further graphic treatment to enhance significant structures. The power of the graphic display is presented by the following application of the program. We conducted a search for direct repeats in the mouse immunoglobulin kappa-chain genes. Both the five J DNA sequences and other shorter repeats were found. We also found a longer stretch of homology that could indicate the presence of duplicated DNA in the J4, J5 region.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying normal and pathological spermatogenesis remain poorly understood. We compared protein concentrations in different germ cell types to identify those proteins specifically or preferentially expressed at each stage of rat spermatogenesis. Crude cytosolic protein extracts and reversed-phase HPLC prefractionated cytosolic extracts from spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes, and early spermatids were subjected to two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE). By comparing gels and carrying out statistical analyses, we were able to identify 1274 protein spots with relative abundances differing significantly between the three cell types. We found that 265 of these spots displaying highly differential expression (ratio > or = 2.5 between two cell types), identified by mass fingerprinting, corresponded to 123 nonredundant proteins. The proteins clustered into three clades, corresponding to mitotic, meiotic, and post-meiotic cell types. The differentially expressed proteins identified by 2-D DIGE were confirmed and validated by western blotting and immunohistochemistry, in the few cases in which antibodies were available. 2-D DIGE appears a relevant proteomics approach for studying rat germ cell differentiation, allowing the establishment of the precise expression profiles for a relatively large number of proteins during normal spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional electrophoresis procedure for the separation and analysis of troponin subunits is described in which the protein solution supplemented with 50 mM each of both glutamic and aspartic acids is subjected to nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis in the first dimension. Complete dissolution and gelation of the sample with agarose are essential for analysis of constituent proteins of cardiac myofibrils. Electrophoresis in the first dimension gel is carried out for a relatively short time, 2-3 h. In combination with sodium dodecyl sulfate slab gel electrophoresis (second dimension), three subunits, troponin T, troponin I, and troponin C, of dog cardiac troponin-tropomyosin complex and myofibrils can be simultaneously analyzed quantitatively on a slab gel. The contents of troponin and tropomyosin of cardiac myofibrils were 275 +/- 34 pmol/mg of myofibrillar protein. The molar ratio of troponin T, troponin I, troponin C, and tropomyosin was close to 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 in troponin-tropomyosin complex and myofibrils.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in proteomics: a tutorial   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins has preceded, and accompanied, the birth of proteomics. Although it is no longer the only experimental scheme used in modern proteomics, it still has distinct features and advantages. The purpose of this tutorial paper is to guide the reader through the history of the field, then through the main steps of the process, from sample preparation to in-gel detection of proteins, commenting the constraints and caveats of the technique. Then the limitations and positive features of two-dimensional electrophoresis are discussed (e.g. its unique ability to separate complete proteins and its easy interfacing with immunoblotting techniques), so that the optimal type of applications of this technique in current and future proteomics can be perceived. This is illustrated by a detailed example taken from the literature and commented in detail. This Tutorial is part of the International Proteomics Tutorial Programme (IPTP 2).  相似文献   

Two-dimensional electrophoresis in agarose gels separates DNA-restriction fragments not only by molecular weight but also according to their AT-cluster content. The method produced genus-specific spot patterns of multicopy DNA fragments of grains as well as spot patterns of highly repetitive DNA fragments of ciliates, demonstrated for barley, spelt, and Tetrahymena. Further investigations in regard to their specificity by hybridization with three other grain species (wheat, oat, and rye) and three ciliate species (Tetrahymena thermophila, Tetrahymena pigmentosa, and Tetrahymena borealis) were performed. The DNA samples from spelt and Tetrahymena were demonstrated to be genus specific for Triticum and species specific for Tetrahymena pyriformis, respectively.  相似文献   

G M Cowan  A A Gann  N E Murray 《Cell》1989,56(1):103-109
One polypeptide, designated S, confers sequence-specificity to the multisubunit type I restriction enzymes. Two families of such enzymes, K and A, include members that recognize diverse, bipartite, target sequences. The S polypeptides of the K family, while having areas of near identity, also contain two extensive regions of variable sequence. We now show that one of these, comprising the N-terminal 150 amino acids, specifies recognition of one component of the bipartite target sequence. We have determined the sequence recognized by EcoE, a member of the A family. This sequence, 5'GAG(N7)ATGC, has the trinucleotide GAG in common with EcoA and with StySB of the K family. We determined the nucleotide sequences of the S genes of EcoA and EcoE, and compared their predicted amino acid sequences with each other and with those of the five members of the K family. There is no general sequence similarity between families, but the domain of the S polypeptide of StySB, which specifies GAG, shows nearly 50 per cent identity with the amino variable region of the S polypeptides of EcoA and EcoE. A complex domain that recognizes and directs methylation of GAG is therefore common to enzymes of generally dissimilar amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Summary High-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was employed to reveal tumor-associated polypeptide changes, using the BALB/c C4 line mouse mammary model system, for which phenotypic and immunogenic alterations accompanying tumor progression are well defined. In the first set of experiments, polypeptide patterns from 20 µg whole tissue lysates of normal mammary gland, C4 preneoplastic hyperplatic alveolar nodule outgrowth (HAN) and spontaneous tumor from C4 HAN were compared. In order to normalize for differential cellularity and extracellular protein content in the whole tissues, our analysis included polypeptide patterns from serum, increased concentration of protein from whole normal mammary gland, and primary cultures of epithelial cells from normal gland, HAN and tumor. Using a computer-based image-analysis system, 90 polypeptides were identified in C4 tumor that were absent in C4 HAN, normal mammary gland and serum. None of the 90 polypeptides could be shown to represent a definite qualitative change in the protein composition of tumor epithelium as they were found to be either present in a higher concentration of protein from whole normal gland, or present in the primary epithelial culture from HAN, or absent in the primary epithelial culture from tumor.Conversely in the second set of experiments, when epithelial cultures were used as the starting point for comparisons to locate tumor-associated polypeptides, none of the 15 polypeptides that were present in cultures from three different tumors, and absent in the culture from normal mammary gland was specific to C4 tumor, as they were present in whole tissues of normal gland.Thus our experimental approach detected significant quantitative but no qualitative polypeptide changes in whole tumor tissue, or in tumor-derived epithelial cell cultures. This finding may reflect the limitations of the two-dimensional PAGE method, and warrants caution in the use of such gel analysis alone to identify tumor-associated proteins.Supported by NIH grant CA42522  相似文献   

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