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Northern blot analysis revealed that metallothionein (MT) mRNAs accumulate after inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide (CHX) in primary cultures of chick embryo hepatocytes and fibroblasts, as well as in an established mouse hepatoma cell line. Inhibition of RNA synthesis with actinomycin D (AMD) led to rapid loss of MT mRNAs in these cells, whereas CHX dramatically retarded the rate of MT mRNA decay (t1/2 greater than 24 h). These results suggest that CHX causes MT mRNA accumulation primarily by increasing stability of MT mRNA. Thus, changes in MT mRNA turn-over rates may play an important role in regulating the accumulation of MT mRNA. The half-lives of MT mRNAs in chicken and mouse cells were determined by oligodeoxyribonucleotide excess solution hybridization with RNA samples extracted after different periods of exposure to AMD. The half-life of chicken MT (cMT) mRNA in uninduced chicken embryo hepatocytes was 3.6 h. Induction of cMT mRNA by pretreatment of these cells with zinc (Zn) prior to exposure to AMD, did not alter the half-life of cMT mRNA significantly. In contrast, cadmium (Cd) induction led to a 2.5-fold increase in the stability of this mRNA. In uninduced chicken embryo fibroblasts, cMT mRNA levels were too low to allow accurate determination of half-life using the methods employed here. However, the half-life of this mRNA in Zn-induced chicken embryo fibroblasts was 6.2 h, whereas it was 9.3 h in Cd-induced cells. Thus, the turn-over rate of cMT mRNA after Cd-induction is very similar in chick embryo fibroblasts and hepatocytes. These data suggest that the accumulation of MT mRNA in chicken cells may reflect, in part, metal-specific effects on MT mRNA stability. The half-lives of mouse MT-I and MT-II (mMT-I and mMT-II) mRNAs in uninduced BNL hepatoma cells were identical (9.2 h), and were not effectively altered after induction by metals (Zn, Cd) or interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta). However, mMT mRNAs in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids, freshly isolated from the adult testes, were 2.2- to 4.5-fold more stable than in hepatoma cells. These results suggest that cell-type specific accumulation of mMT mRNAs may be regulated, in part, by mRNA stability.  相似文献   

Metallothionein mRNA expression in fetal mouse organs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The regulation of metallothionein biosynthesis in mammalian development was investigated by examining organs of 17-day fetal mice for biologically active metallothionein mRNA. Metallothionein was identified in cell-free translation products by migration in polyacrylamide gels and its characteristic elution on Sephadex G-50 columns. Metallothionein constitutes ~7.5% of [35S]cysteine incorporated into polypeptides directed by mRNA from fetal liver, but it is not detectable in mRNA-directed products of fetal kidney, small bowel, heart, or adult liver. Consistent with a fetal-specific role, hepatic metallothionein mRNA content decreases abruptly in newborn mice, becoming undetectable within 12 days.  相似文献   

Inbred mice bearing certain alleles at the Mottled locus have defects in connective tissue which result in weakness of skin and of blood vessels. Previous studies have established that cross-links in collagen and elastin are decreased in these animals due to impaired formation of lysine-derived aldehydes. Lysyl oxidase activity in extracts of skin is markedly lower in those prepared from affected animals than control mice. An inhibitor of lysyl oxidase is present in equal amounts in affected and control skins and does not account for diminished activity found in affected animals.  相似文献   

D M Hunt  A E Port 《Life sciences》1979,24(16):1453-1466
In contrast to the situation for copper, the levels of cadmium, nickel and zinc in various tissues from mice hemizygous for the neonatallethal mottled allele Mobr are entirely normal. A developmental study of copper levels in the semi-viable Movbr has revealed that the accumulation of copper in the kidney and the deficiency in the brain are maintained at about the same level throughout the first 4 weeks of life. In contrast, the accumulation in the gut mucosa disappears in older animals, and the deficiency in the liver is much reduced by 21–30 days. A reduced gut accumulation and liver deficiency is also seen in adult Mobr/+ heterozygotes. The deficiency in the liver and the accumulation in the kidney of Mobr male mice is associated with a protein fraction of about 14000 daltons. This fraction isolated from liver tissue has been further divided by ion-exchange chromatography into 4 sub-fractions, with each sub-fraction from mutant tissue showing an approximately proportionate reduction in copper content.  相似文献   

Cultured cells of a variety of different types from human Menkes' syndrome patients and brindled mouse mutants exhibit similarly altered responses to changes in extracellular copper concentration. This suggests that the mutations in the mouse and human are very similar and that mutant gene expression is occurring in many different tissues. Intracellular copper levels are markedly elevated in mutant cells in normal medium and in medium containing a hundredfold higher copper. Some cell lines from heterozygotes possess elevated copper levels. Elevated extracellular copper and zinc are significantly more toxic to mutant cells. Mutant cells exhibit normal rates of uptake of copper-64 over a 10-min period but abnormally high accumulation over 24 hr and low rates of efflux. Menkes' fibroblasts become saturated with copper-64 at lower extracellular concentrations than for normal fibroblasts. These data support the idea of enhanced intracellular binding in mutant cells.This work was supported by grants from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the McPherson/Shutt Trust, and the Apex Foundation.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase is the rate-limiting enzyme in melanin biosynthesis. It is an N-glycosylated, copper-containing transmembrane protein, whose post-translational processing involves intracytoplasmic movement from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi and, eventually, to the melanosome. The expression of the tyrosinase (Tyr) gene is controlled by several regulatory regions including a locus control region (LCR) located 15 kb upstream from the promoter region. The extreme dilution mottled mutant mice (Tyrc-em) arose spontaneously at the MRC Institute in Harwell (United Kingdom) from a chinchilla-mottled mutant (Tyrc-m) stock, whose molecular basis corresponds to a rearrangement of 5'-upstream regulatory sequences including the LCR of the Tyr gene. Tyrc-em mice display a variegated pigmentation pattern in coat and eyes, in agreement with the LCR translocation, but also show a generalized hypopigmented phenotype, not seen in Tyrc-m mice. Genomic analyses of Tyrc-em mice showed a C1220T nucleotide substitution within the Tyr encoding region, resulting in a T373I amino acid change, which abolishes an N-glycosylation sequon located in the second metal ion binding site of the enzyme. Tyrosinase from Tyrc-em displayed a reduced enzymatic activity in vivo and in vitro, compared with wild-type enzyme. Deglycosylation studies showed that the mutant protein has an abnormal glycosylation pattern and is partially retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. We conclude that the phenotype of the extreme dilution mottled mouse mutant is caused by a combination of coding and noncoding genomic alterations resulting in several abnormalities that include suboptimal gene expression, abnormal protein processing, and reduced enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) (cis-DDP) doubled the amount of metallothioneins (MTs) in the livers and kidneys of BALB/c mice when injected i.p. in a single high dose of 30 mumol/kg (9 mg/kg). Two such doses given 17 h apart increased hepatic MTs 5-fold and also increased the relative rate of incorporation of radiolabelled cyst(e)ine into hepatic MTs. Hydrolysed cis-DDP was more effective than cis-DDP, increasing MT-bound zinc 27-fold and [3H]cysteine incorporation 6-fold in liver while doubling each of these in kidney. The MTs from the livers of mice treated with cis-DDP bound zinc, copper and platinum in ratios of 5:1:0.3, respectively, similar to those in whole liver and its soluble fraction, indicating that MTs do not selectively sequester platinum under these circumstances. The effects of cis-DDP on zinc and copper levels in serum, liver and kidney suggest that induction of MTs by cis-DDP is not mediated by displacement of endogenous zinc. Indirect induction by corticosteroids secreted in a stress response to cis-DDP is also an unlikely cause. cis-DDP, probably in a hydrolysed form, can therefore induce and bind to MTs in normal tissues, particularly when given at repeated high dosage.  相似文献   

The tissue copper and metallothionein-Cu (MT-Cu) content of kidney and liver were measured in mutant (hemizygous macular male and homozygous macular female), heterozygous macular female and normal mouse. The tissue copper and MT-Cu contents in kidneys from 7-8 day mutants and heterozygotes were significantly greater than those of the normal kidney. Marked elevations in kidney copper and MT-Cu contents were also observed in the 8-9 week mutant (which achieved long-term survival with a single dose of subcutaneous copper administered at day 7) and in the heterozygote. The L-[35S]cystine incorporation experiments also revealed an abnormal synthesis of renal MT in the 8-9 week mutant and in the heterozygote. In contrast to kidney Cu levels, the tissue copper and MT-Cu contents of 7-8 day normal livers were extremely high, whereas the tissue copper and MT-Cu contents of mutant and heterozygote livers were extremely low. The tissue copper contents of livers of 8-9 week mutants and heterozygotes were slightly low compared to normal, and the MT-Cu contents of livers of the 8-9 week mouse were extremely low in all groups. In contrast to the changes in copper content, the changes in tissue zinc and MT-Zn contents in kidney and liver were slight in the 7-8 day and 8-9 week mouse.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that in a cell-free system, metallothionein (MT) releases zinc when the environment becomes oxidized and the released zinc is transferred to a zinc-binding protein if such a protein is present. However, it is unknown whether and how zinc transfers from MT to other proteins in vivo. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that if zinc transfer from MT to other proteins occurs in vivo, the transfer would proceed through a direct interaction between MT and a specific group of proteins. The heart extract obtained from MT-null mice was incubated with 65Zn-MT or 65ZnCl2 and the proteins receiving 65Zn were separated by blue-native PAGE (BN-PAGE) or sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE (SDS-PAGE), and detected by autoradiography. A unique 65Zn-binding band was observed from the 65Zn-MT-incubated, but not the 65ZnCl2-incubated preparation. The analysis using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry revealed that mitochondrial aconitase (m-aconitase) was among the proteins accepting Zn directly from Zn-MT. The m-aconitase, not the cytosolic aconitase (c-aconitase), was co-immunoprecipitated with MT. This study demonstrates that MT transfers zinc to m-aconitase through a direct interaction.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) releases zinc under oxidative stress conditions in cultured cells. The change in the MT molecule after zinc release in vivo is unknown although in vitro studies have identified MT disulfide bond formation. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that MT disulfide bond formation occurs in vivo. A cardiac-specific MT-overexpressing transgenic mouse model was used. Mice were administered saline as a control or doxorubicin (20 mg/kg), which is an effective anticancer drug but with severe cardiac toxicity at least partially because of the generation of reactive oxygen species. A differential alkylation of cysteine residues in MT of the heart extracts was performed. Free and metal-bound cysteines were first trapped by N-ethylmaleimide and the disulfide bonds were reduced by dithiothreitol followed by alkylation with radiolabeled iodoacetamide. Analyses of the differentially alkylated MTs in the heart extract by high performance liquid chromatography, SDS-PAGE, Western blot, and mass spectrometry revealed that disulfide bonds were present in MT in vivo under both physiological and oxidative stress conditions. More disulfide bonds were found in MT under the oxidative stress conditions. The MT disulfide bonds were likely intramolecular and both alpha- and beta-domains were involved in the disulfide bond formation, although the alpha-domain appeared to be more easily oxidized than the beta-domain. The results suggest that under physiological conditions, the formation of MT disulfide bonds is involved in the regulation of zinc homeostasis. Additional zinc release from MT under oxidative stress conditions is accompanied by more MT disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   

1. Duodenal injection of 64Cu in treated adult mutant mice (Mobr/y) revealed severe malabsorption of copper. In suckling mutants, malabsorption was less severe, owing to delayed absorption between 2 and 5 h after injection. Pinocytosis at the distal small intestine seems the likely explanation for this difference, and this is supported by results of ileal injection of radioisotope in the suckling mice. 2. The distribution of 64 Cu in various organs was measured in suckling normal, mutant and heterozygote mice and in adult normal and mutant mice during 48 h after intracardiac injection. Excessive accumulation of radioisotope was observed in most extrahepatic organs of mutant and heterozygote mice and was most pronounced in kidney. This could not be explained by initial copper deficiency. The livers of suckling mutant and heterozygote mice lost radioisotope rapidly after normal initial uptake. This pattern was not seen in adult mutants.  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白与医学   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
金属硫蛋白是一类富含巯基与金属的内源性蛋白,化学结构极为特殊,该蛋白的为具有很强的诱导性,金属,糖皮质激素,某些化的和应激状态均可诱导其生成,在炎症等应激过程中IL-6可能为诱导者。在不降低疗效的情况下该蛋白可解除抗肿瘤药物CDDP的抗药性密切有关,金属硫蛋白与炎性肠病,妊娠中毒症,肝脏疾患等多种疾病密切相关。  相似文献   

Reflex-ontogeny and behavioural development of the mouse   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
W M Fox 《Animal behaviour》1965,13(2):234-241

The unprocessed precursor of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), proNGF, has additional functions, besides its initially described role as a chaperone for NGF folding. The precursor protein endows apoptotic and/or neurotrophic properties, in contrast to the mature part. The structural and molecular basis for such distinct activities are presently unknown. Aiming to gain insights into the specific molecular interactions that govern rm‐proNGF biological activities versus those of its mature counterpart, a structural study by synchrotron small angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) in solution was carried out. The different binding properties of the two proteins were investigated by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using, as structural probes, a panel of anti‐NGF antibodies and the soluble forms of TrkA and p75NTR receptors. SAXS measurements revealed the rm‐proNGF to be dimeric and anisometric, with the propeptide domain being intrinsically unstructured. Ab initio reconstructions assuming twofold symmetry generated two types of structural models, a globular “crab‐like” and an elongated shape that resulted in equally good fits of the scattering data. A novel method accounting for possible coexistence of different conformations contributing to the experimental scattering pattern, with no symmetry constraints, suggests the “crab‐like” to be a more likely proNGF conformation. To exploit the potential of chemical stabilizers affecting the existing conformational protein populations, SAXS data were also collected in the presence of ammonium sulphate. An increase of the proNGF compactness was observed. SPR data pinpoints that the propeptide of proNGF may act as an intrinsically unstructured protein domain, characterized by a molecular promiscuity in the interaction/binding to multiple partners (TrkA and p75NTR receptors and a panel of neutralizing anti‐NGF antibodies) depending on the physiological conditions of the cell. These data provide a first insight into the structural basis for the selectivity of mouse short proNGF, versus NGF, towards its binding partners. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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