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During 1993-96 the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Canada) implemented a research project to evaluate the efficacy of three candidate baits to deliver oral rabies vaccine to wild raccoons (Procyon lotor). Extensive field testing revealed that raccoon acceptance of Sugar-Vanilla baits (SV) at densities of 200/km2 and 400/km2, hand-placed in urban habitats of Scarborough (Ontario) during 1993, was 74% and 82%, respectively. Raccoon density in those areas averaged 11/km2. Aerial placement of SV baits in rural habitats in Barrie (Ontario) during 1993 and 1994, yielded raccoon acceptance levels of 58% with a density of 100 baits/km2, 59% at 75 baits/km2, and 47% at 50 baits/km2. Raccoon acceptance of SV baits was significantly lower in areas baited at the density of 50/km2. Acceptance of Cheese baits (CH) at a density of 75 baits/km2 was 52%. During 1996 trials in Barrie, modified SV baits with blister packs protruding through the matrix yielded raccoon acceptance values of 51% at a bait density of 54/km2, whereas acceptance of regular SV baits was 39% at a density of 51 baits/km2. Pooling of bait acceptance data for all years revealed that bait acceptance was highest for adult male raccoons. Raccoon density in rural habitats (Barrie, Ontario) where the studies took place, averaged 11-13/km2. Puncture and impact testing of blister packs in baits suggested that they would adequately serve as a vehicle to contain oral rabies vaccine for delivery to raccoons via baits.  相似文献   

Tetracycline is widely used as a biomarker for bait consumption by wildlife; tetracycline is incorporated into bones and teeth and can be detected by fluorescence microscopy several weeks postconsumption. During 2003, the United States Department of Agriculture distributed more than 10 million tetracycline-containing rabies-vaccine baits to control the spread of wildlife vectored rabies to humans, pets, and livestock. To estimate the percentage of target species consuming the baits, raccoons and skunks were collected in baited areas and teeth were analyzed for the presence of the biomarker. Several incidents of low biomarker detection rates prompted an investigation of the stability of the biomarker in the baits. Baits were collected at several points along the manufacturing and distribution chain. Baits were analyzed for free and polymer-bound tetracycline and the less active isomer epitetracycline. Results indicated that a portion of the tetracycline was converted to epitetracycline. Additionally, significant quantities of both compounds were trapped in the polymer, which is homogeneously distributed throughout the bait. The results of this study suggest that approximately 40% of the target quantity of tetracycline was unavailable for absorption. This situation could contribute to low biomarker detection rates and suggests that formulation modification should be considered.  相似文献   

In summer 1986, a study was conducted to evaluate raccoon (Procyon lotor) acceptance of oral baits that could be used for rabies vaccination. One thousand wax-coated sponge bait cubes were filled with 5 mg of a seromarker (iophenoxic acid), placed in polyethylene bags, and hand-distributed in an 80 ha area within an urban National Park in Washington, D. C. (USA). After 3 wk, target and nontarget animals were trapped and blood samples collected to evaluate bait uptake. Thirty-three of 52 (63%) raccoons had elevated blood iodine levels indicating they had eaten at least one bait, 13 (25%) were negative, and six (12%) had marginal values. These results indicate that sponge baits hand-placed at a density of 12.4/ha can reach a significant proportion of an urban raccoon population. Implications for oral rabies vaccination of raccoons are discussed.  相似文献   

Rabies is a widespread zoonotic disease that has reached epizootic proportions in gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in central Texas. Because each species of carnivore has different food preferences and foraging strategies, it is essential that the efficacy of a bait delivery program be examined for gray foxes prior to an oral vaccination program being attempted. Field trials were conducted to determine bait preferences of free-ranging gray foxes to selected baits and odor attractants. Baits consisted of polymer cubes made of either dog food meal or fish meal, and a wax-lard cake that was enhanced with marshmallow flavoring. Attractants added to baits exuded sulfurous, fatty, cheesy, or sweet odors and flavors. During 3,589 operable bait station nights, gray fox visitation and bait uptake rates were 9.2% and 8.3%, respectively. Gray foxes exhibited no preference in bait uptake rates between bait and odor attractant combinations. Gray foxes exhibited no difference in cumulative bait uptake rates between onroad and offroad sites; however, the uptake rate by raccoons was significantly greater for baits placed on roads than for baits randomly placed. Raccoons were the major non-target species competing for baits, being attributed with 73% of the total uptake. Visitation and bait uptake rates by raccoons significantly increased after a 7-day lethal removal of raccoons (n = 37) from the study area. Random distribution of baits is recommended; it reduced bait uptake by non-target species without adversely affecting uptake by gray foxes.  相似文献   

Oral rabies vaccination (ORV) baiting programs for control of raccoon (Procyon lotor) rabies in the USA have been conducted or are in progress in eight states east of the Mississippi River. However, data specific to the relationship between raccoon population density and the minimum density of baits necessary to significantly elevate rabies immunity are few. We used the 22-km2 US National Aeronautics and Space Administration Plum Brook Station (PBS) in Erie County, Ohio, USA, to evaluate the period of exposure for placebo vaccine baits placed at a density of 75 baits/km2 relative to raccoon population density. Our objectives were to 1) estimate raccoon population density within the fragmented forest, old-field, and industrial landscape at PBS: and 2) quantify the time that placebo, Merial RABORAL V-RG vaccine baits were available to raccoons. From August through November 2002 we surveyed raccoon use of PBS along 19.3 km of paved-road transects by using a forward-looking infrared camera mounted inside a vehicle. We used Distance 3.5 software to calculate a probability of detection function by which we estimated raccoon population density from transect data. Estimated population density on PBS decreased from August (33.4 raccoons/km2) through November (13.6 raccoons/km2), yielding a monthly mean of 24.5 raccoons/km2. We also quantified exposure time for ORV baits placed by hand on five 1-km2 grids on PBS from September through October. An average 82.7% (SD = 4.6) of baits were removed within 1 wk of placement. Given raccoon population density, estimates of bait removal and sachet condition, and assuming 22.9% nontarget take, the baiting density of 75/ km2 yielded an average of 3.3 baits consumed per raccoon and the sachet perforated.  相似文献   

A concise history of rabies vaccine production methods, including worldwide production methods in animals and cell culture are presented. Received 22 January 1996/ Accepted in revised form 03 February 1997  相似文献   

Captive raccoons were offered a variety of vaccine containers and bait components in a series of three-choice tests. Paraffin wax ampules were the most readily accepted vaccine container. Preferred bait components included corn and shellfish oils, deep fried corn meal batter, and egg, apple and buttermilk flavorings. These results, together with factors including ease of bait formulation, cost, and suitability for field use, were used to develop an experimental delivery system for an oral rabies vaccine. The developed system was composed of a polyurethane sleeve (1.5 x 5.5 cm) dipped in a commercial food batter mix together with corn meal, milk and egg. The sleeve was deep fried in corn oil and a 2.0 ml ampule containing a recombinant rabies vaccine was then inserted into the sleeve bait. These baits were presented to 10 captive raccoons. Nine of the 10 animals developed high levels of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies. Field tests are needed to determine if the delivery system developed also is effective for wild raccoons.  相似文献   

应用火箭电泳法(RIE)建立并优化了人用狂犬病疫苗抗原的检测方法。以传统的动物NIH法对电泳结果进行验证,实验结果显示该方法特异、重复性好、简便易行,与NIH法有较好的相关性。适用于人用狂犬病疫苗中间品抗原的检测,对人用狂犬病疫苗的生产及质量控制有重要意义。  相似文献   

The rabies vaccine is produced by inactivation of rabies virus propagated on BHK21 cells. In the rabies inactivation process, BEI is added at a final concentration of 1.6 mM to the viral harvest at 37 degrees C, followed by a second dose of BEI at 24 h post-inactivation. Inactivation was confirmed by the mice innocuity test and tissue culture amplification test as per B.P (Vet) 2004. Validation of test procedure is essential as per cGMP requirement. The dose of BEI was validated by using lower and higher concentrations of BEI in inactivation process. The study indicated that BEI at a lower concentration (0.4 mM) was able to inactivate the rabies virus within 30 h and the routine concentration (1.6 mM) of BEI is effective in inactivating rabies virus within 18 h. The amplification test used for confirming the inactivation of the live virus was validated by spiking the sample with different dilutions of pretitrated live rabies virus. The test revealed that the amplification method is sensitive to detect live rabies virus if present in the inactivated sample. The validation of BEI as an inactivant and the amplification test are discussed.  相似文献   

Within the domestic swine industry there is growing trepidation about the role feral swine (Sus scrofa) play in the maintenance and transmission of important swine diseases. Innovative disease management tools for feral swine are needed. We used field trials conducted in southern Texas from February to March 2006 to compare species-specific visitation and removal rates of fish-flavored and vegetable-flavored baits with and without commercially available raccoon (Procyon lotor) repellent (trial 1) and removal rates of baits deployed in a systematic and cluster arrangement (trial 2). During trial 1, 1) cumulative bait removal rates after four nights ranged from 93% to 98%; 2) bait removal rates by feral swine, raccoons, and collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) did not differ by treatment; and 3) coyotes (Canis latrans) removed more fish-flavored baits without raccoon repellent and white-tailed deer removed more vegetable-flavored baits without raccoon repellent than expected. During trial 2, feral swine removed fish-flavored baits distributed in a cluster arrangement (eight baits within 5 m2) at a rate greater than expected. Our observed bait removal rates illustrate bait attractiveness to feral swine. However, the diverse assemblage of omnivores in the United States compared with Australia where the baits were manufactured adds complexity to the development of a feral swine-specific baiting system for pharmaceutical delivery.  相似文献   

[目的]建立狂犬病毒的反向遗传系统,为研制不含狂犬病病毒致病性的新型安全高效的狂犬疫苗提供技术依据.[方法]本研究采用反向遗传学方法和分子克隆技术,建立了狂犬病病毒Evelyn-R0kitnieki-Abelseth(ERA)疫苗株的cMV/T7、T7启动子病毒拯救系统,构建了表达N、P、L蛋白的辅助质粒.[结果]成功拯救出野生型病毒rERA-VC,在Vero细胞上的生长动力学特性与父母本ERA相同,第三代可在Vero细胞上可获得很高的生长滴度.[结论]建立了狂犬病病毒的反向遗传系统,拯救出的野生型病毒生物学特性与父母本相同.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】建立狂犬病毒的反向遗传系统,为研制不含狂犬病病毒致病性的新型安全高效的狂犬疫苗提供技术依据。【方法】本研究采用反向遗传学方法和分子克隆技术,建立了狂犬病病毒Evelyn- Rokitnicki-Abelseth (ERA)疫苗株的CMV/ T7、T7启动子病毒拯救系统,构建了表达N、P、L蛋白的辅助质粒。【结果】成功拯救出野生型病毒rERA-VC,在Vero细胞上的生长动力学特性与父母本ERA 相同,第三代可在Vero细胞上可获得很高的生长滴度。【结论】建立了狂犬病病毒的反向遗传系统,拯救出的野生型病毒生物学特性与父母本相同。  相似文献   

冻干人用狂犬病纯化疫苗的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在以原代地鼠肾细胞培养生产狂犬病疫苗工艺的基础上,通过对病毒收获液的浓缩倍数、灭活方式的改进及优化、冻干稳定剂的筛选、冻干曲线的确立,制备出了冻干疫苗,其质量及稳定性较液体疫苗有了整体水平的提高,各项检定结果均符合《中国生物制品规程》(2000版)。  相似文献   

地鼠肾细胞狂犬病疫苗原液经100 kD 膜浓缩 30 倍,分别选用(1)DEAE Sepharose CL-6B离子交换层析法;(2)Sephacry1 S-200 HR 分子筛选层析法;(3)二次蔗糖等密度区带离心法对其进行纯化。用此三种方法各试制3 批精制疫苗,结果表明,经DEAE Sepharose CL-6B离子交换层析纯化后疫苗总蛋白含量减少99% 以上,抗原比活性提高159 倍,抗原回收率达50% ,纯化疫苗以NIH 法效力测定平均为5.4 IU/2m l;经Sephacry1 S-200HR 分子筛层析纯化后疫苗总蛋白含量减少 98% 以上,抗原比活性提高41 倍,抗原回收率达63% ,纯化疫苗效力平均为6.25 IU/2m l;经一次蔗糖等密度区带离心法纯化后疫苗总蛋白含量减少98% 以上,抗原比活性提高321 倍,抗原回收率达43% ,纯化疫苗效力平均为6.18 IU/2m l,三种纯化疫苗均符合W HO 规程要求。  相似文献   

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