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Degenerin/epithelial Na+ channels (DEG/ENaCs) are Na+ channels that are blocked by the diuretic amiloride. In general, they are impermeable for Ca2+ or have a very low permeability for Ca2+. We describe here, however, that a DEG/ENaC from the cnidarian Hydra magnipapillata, the Hydra Na+ channel (HyNaC), is highly permeable for Ca2+ (PCa/PNa = 3.8). HyNaC is directly gated by Hydra neuropeptides, and in Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing HyNaCs, RFamides elicit currents with biphasic kinetics, with a fast transient component and a slower sustained component. Although it was previously reported that the sustained component is unselective for monovalent cations, the selectivity of the transient component had remained unknown. Here, we show that the transient current component arises from secondary activation of the Ca2+-activated Cl channel (CaCC) of Xenopus oocytes. Inhibiting the activation of the CaCC leads to a simple on–off response of peptide-activated currents with no apparent desensitization. In addition, we identify a conserved ring of negative charges at the outer entrance of the HyNaC pore that is crucial for the high Ca2+ permeability, presumably by attracting divalent cations to the pore. At more positive membrane potentials, the binding of Ca2+ to the ring of negative charges increasingly blocks HyNaC currents. Thus, HyNaC is the first member of the DEG/ENaC gene family with a high Ca2+ permeability.  相似文献   

The FMRF-amide-activated sodium channel (FaNaC), a member of the ENaC/Degenerin family, is a homotetramer, each subunit containing two transmembrane segments. We changed independently every residue of the first transmembrane segment (TM1) into a cysteine and tested each position's accessibility to the cysteine covalent reagents MTSET and MTSES. Eleven mutants were accessible to the cationic MTSET, showing that TM1 faces the ion translocation pathway. This was confirmed by the accessibility of cysteines present in the acid-sensing ion channels and other mutations introduced in FaNaC TM1. Modification of accessibilities for positions 69, 71 and 72 in the open state shows that the gating mechanism consists of the opening of a constriction close to the intracellular side. The anionic MTSES did not penetrate into the channel, indicating the presence of a charge selectivity filter in the outer vestibule. Furthermore, amiloride inhibition resulted in the channel occlusion in the middle of the pore. Summarizing, the ionic pore of FaNaC includes a large aqueous cavity, with a charge selectivity filter in the outer vestibule and the gate close to the interior.  相似文献   

Commentary to:

Hilf RJ, Dutzler R. X-ray structure of a prokaryotic pentameric ligand-gated ion channel. Nature 2008; 452:375-80.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to characterize the ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption in human upper airway epithelia, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinus. To perform the purpose, we obtained epithelial cells from human nasal polyp (NP) and paranasal sinus mucosa (PSM) by endoscopic surgery. We measured the short-circuit current (I(sc)) sensitive to benzamil (a specific ENaC blocker). The benzamil-sensitive I(sc) (Na+ absorption) in NP was larger than that in PSM. The mRNA expression of three subunits of ENaC was as follows: alpha>beta>gamma in both tissue, NP and MS. The mRNA expression of gamma subunit of ENaC in NP was larger than that in PSM, but no difference of mRNA expression of alpha or beta ENaC subunit between NP and PSM was detected. We found correlation of the Na+ absorption to mRNA expression of gamma ENaC in NP and PSM. Forskolin diminished the Na+ absorption associated with an increase in Cl- secretion. These observations suggest that: (1) human NP absorbs more ENaC-mediated Na+ than PSM, (2) expression of gamma ENaC in plays a key role in the ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption in NP and PSM, and (3) cAMP diminishes the ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption by stimulating Cl- secretion (diminution of driving force for Na+ absorption) in NP and PSM.  相似文献   

TPK1 (formerly KCO1) is the founding member of the family of two-pore domain K(+) channels in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which originally was described following expression in Sf9 insect cells as a Ca(2+)- and voltage-dependent outwardly rectifying plasma membrane K(+) channel. In plants, this channel has been shown by green fluorescent protein fusion to localize to the vacuolar membrane, which led to speculations that the TPK1 gene product would be a component of the nonselective, Ca(2+) and voltage-dependent slow-vacuolar (SV) cation channel found in many plants species. Using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as an expression system for TPK1, we show functional expression of the channel in the vacuolar membrane. In isolated vacuoles of yeast yvc1 disruption mutants, the TPK1 gene product shows ion channel activity with some characteristics very similar to the SV-type channel. The open channel conductance of TPK1 in symmetrically 100 mM KCl is slightly asymmetric with roughly 40 pS at positive membrane voltages and 75 pS at negative voltages. Similar to the SV-type channel, TPK1 is activated by cytosolic Ca(2+), requiring micromolar concentration for activation. However, in contrast to the SV-type channel, TPK1 exhibits strong selectivity for K(+) over Na(+), and its activity turned out to be independent of the membrane voltage over the range of +/-80 mV. Our data clearly demonstrate that TPK1 is a voltage-independent, Ca(2+)-activated, K(+)-selective ion channel in the vacuolar membrane that does not mediate SV-type ionic currents.  相似文献   

Yu Y  Chen Z  Li WG  Cao H  Feng EG  Yu F  Liu H  Jiang H  Xu TL 《Neuron》2010,68(1):61-72
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) have long been considered as extracellular proton (H(+))-gated cation channels, and peripheral ASIC3 channels seem to be a natural sensor of acidic pain. Here, we report the identification of a nonproton sensor on ASIC3. We show first that 2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline (GMQ) causes persistent ASIC3 channel activation at the normal pH. Using GMQ as a probe and combining mutagenesis and covalent modification analysis, we then uncovered a ligand sensor lined by residues around E423 and E79 of the extracellular "palm" domain of the ASIC3 channel that is crucial for activation by nonproton activators. Furthermore, we show that GMQ activates sensory neurons and causes pain-related behaviors in an ASIC3-dependent manner, indicating the functional significance of ASIC activation by nonproton ligands. Thus, natural ligands beyond protons may activate ASICs under physiological and pathological conditions through the nonproton ligand sensor, serving for channel activation independent of abrupt and marked acidosis.  相似文献   

D A Langs 《Biopolymers》1989,28(1):259-266
The crystal structure of the uncomplexed orthorhombic form of gramicidin A has been determined at 0.86 A resolution. The polypeptide crystallizes from ethanol as a left-handed, double-stranded, antiparallel beta 5.6-helical dimer that is 31 A long and an average of 4.8 A in diameter. The uncomplexed channel does not contain ions or solvent molecules, and its diameter is not uniform but varies from a minimum of 3.85 A to a maximum of 5.47 A. There are three empty cavities in the channel that have a diameter exceeding 5.25 A and appear to be large enough to accommodate water molecules or potassium ions in a chemically reasonable coordination environment. The observed crystal structure does not offer any obvious clues as to why an antiparallel beta 5.6-helix cannot function as an ion channel in lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

A model of active ion transport is analyzed in which an essential part of the pump molecule is an ion channel. Ion translocation in the channel is described as a series of jumps between binding sites which are separated by energy barriers. Pumping action results from a transient energy-dependent modification of the barrier structure of the channel and requires only minor conformational changes of the pump molecule. This model is applied to the lightdriven proton pump of Halobacterium and to redox-coupled proton pumps in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Similar considerations may be used to describe ATP-dependent ion transport.  相似文献   

The results of potential of mean force (PMF) calculations for the distinct stages of proton conduction through the gramicidin A channel, including proton migration, reorientation of the water file and negative ion defect migration, are presented. The negative ion defect migration mechanism was hypothesized in experimental studies but was not considered previously in molecular dynamics simulations. The model system consisted of the peptide chains constructed on the base of the structure PDBID:1JNO, the inner file of nine water molecules and external clusters of water molecules placed at both ends of the channel. Potential energy functions were computed with the CHARMM/PM6/TIP3P parameters. The results obtained for proton migration and water file reorientation are basically consistent with those reported previously by Pómès and Roux (Biophys J 82:2304, 2002) within the similar approach. For the newly considered mechanism of negative ion defect migration from the channel center to the end of the water file we obtain the energy 3.8 kcal mol−1 which is not considerably different from the activation energy of water reorientation, 5.4 kcal mol−1. Therefore this mechanism may principally compete for the rate-limiting step in proton conduction in gramicidin.  相似文献   

A model of active ion transport is analyzed in which an essential part of the pumps molecule is an ion channel. Ion translocation in the channel is described as a series of jumps between binding sites which are separated by energy barriers. Pumping action results from a transient energy-dependent modification of the barrier structure of the channel and requires only minor conformational changes of the pump molecule. This model is applied to the light-driven proton pump of Halobacterium and to redox-coupled proton pumps in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Similar considerations may be used to describe ATP-dependent ion transport.  相似文献   

The algorithm proposed here for automatic level detection in noisy time series of patch-clamp current is based on the detection of jump-free sections in the time series. The detector moves along the time series and uses a chi(2) test for the detection of jumps. When a jump is detected, the mean value, the variance and the length of the preceding jump-free section are stored. A Student's t-test was employed for the assignment of detected jump-free sections to discrete levels of the Markov model and for rejection of all sections with multiple assignments. The choice of the two significance levels is based on a 3-D diagram displaying the average number of detected levels from several time series vs. the significance levels of jump detection and of level assignment. The correct one is selected out of several plateaus with integer number of levels by means of the criterion of minimum scatter or other plausibility considerations. The test has been applied to simulated data obtained from a 2-state model and a 5-state aggregated Markov model, and the influences of SNR and of gating frequency are shown. Finally, the performance of the level detector is compared with a fit-by-eye and with a fit of the amplitude histogram by a sum of gaussians. At high noise, the fit of amplitude histograms failed, whereas the other two approaches were about equal.  相似文献   

A mechanosensitive ion channel in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
X L Zhou  C Kung 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(8):2869-2875
Protoplast protuberances (blebs) of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were examined using the patch-clamp technique. In addition to several voltage-gated ion channels, we encountered the activities of a mechanosensitive ion channel with a conductance of 180 pS. Microscopic currents of one or two units were observed in some excised patches and ensemble currents of several tens of units were observed in all blebs examined in whole-bleb configuration. This channel opens at pressures of cm Hg applied to whole blebs and it passes cations, including Ca2+. It is inactivated by membrane depolarizations and blocked by Gd3+. We discuss the possible functions of such a channel, including its activation upon cell cycle dependent cytoskeletal reorganizations.  相似文献   

Metal ions affect ion channels either by blocking the current or by modifying the gating. In the present review we analyse the effects on the gating of voltage-gated channels. We show that the effects can be understood in terms of three main mechanisms. Mechanism A assumes screening of fixed surface charges. Mechanism B assumes binding to fixed charges and an associated electrostatic modification of the voltage sensor. Mechanism C assumes binding and an associated non electrostatic modification of the gating. To quantify the non-electrostatic effect we introduced a slowing factor, A. A fourth mechanism (D) is binding to the pore with a consequent pore block, and could be a special case of Mechanisms B or C. A further classification considers whether the metal ion affects a single site or multiple sites. Analysing the properties of these mechanisms and the vast number of studies of metal ion effects on different voltage-gated on channels we conclude that group 2 ions mainly affect channels by classical screening (a version of Mechanism A). The transition metals and the Zn group ions mainly bind to the channel and electrostatically modify the gating (Mechanism B), causing larger shifts of the steady-state parameters than the group 2 ions, but also different shifts of activation and deactivation curves. The lanthanides mainly bind to the channel and both electrostatically and non-electrostatically modify the gating (Mechanisms B and C). With the exception of the ether-à-go-go-like channels, most channel types show remarkably similar ion-specific sensitivities.  相似文献   

A Franco  Jr  B D Winegar    J B Lansman 《Biophysical journal》1991,59(6):1164-1170
Currents flowing through single stretch-inactivated ion channels were recorded from cell-attached patches on myotubes from mdx mice. Adding micromolar concentrations of gadolinium to patch electrodes containing normal saline produced rapid transitions in the single-channel current between the fully open and closed states. The kinetics of the current fluctuations followed the predictions of a simple model of open channel block in which the transitions in the current arise from the entry and exit of Gd from the channel pore: histograms of the open and closed times were well fit with single exponentials, the blocking rate depended linearly on the concentration of gadolinium in the patch electrode, and the unblocking rate was independent of the concentration of gadolinium. Hyperpolarizing the patch increased the rate of unblocking (approximately e-fold per 85 mV), suggesting the charged blocking particle can exit the channel into the cell under the influence of the applied membrane field. The rate of blocking was rapid and was independent of the patch potential, consistent with the rate of ion entry into the pore being determined by its rate of diffusion in solution. When channel open probability was reduced by applying suction to the electrode, the blocking kinetics were independent of the extent of inactivation, suggesting that mechanosensitive gating does not modify the structure of the channel pore.  相似文献   

Remarkable recent successes in structure determinations of voltage-gated channels, ligand-gated channels, mechanosensitive channels and proton channels have advanced our understanding of the molecular basis of ion channel gating substantially. Models have helped to clarify aspects of this process and are now being designed as sophisticated biomimetics for various technological applications.  相似文献   

A cytotoxic peptide, polytheonamide B (pTB), from marine sponge was examined for cytotoxic spectrum and specific activity to mammalian cells was demonstrated. pTB is composed of alternative D- and L-amino acid residues throughout the 48-mer peptide. This suggests the formation of a β-helix similar to gramicidin channels. Planar bilayer experiments revealed that pTB forms monovalent cation-selective channels, being compatible with the inner pore diameter of ∼4 Å for a β-helical structure. pTB penetrated vectorially into the membrane, formed a channel by means of a single molecule, and remained in the membrane. These functional properties may account for specific cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

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