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Students of the early hominin career have debated the status of Homo habilis since its discovery in 1960. Today discussion centers on which specimens should be included in the species and what constitutes the holotype. Recent reviews of early Homo suggest that the Olduvai Hominid 8 foot may sample Paranthropus while the OH 7 skull bones, mandible, and hand sample H. habilis. Moreover, some suggest that while H. habilis in Middle Bed I at Olduvai is craniodentally Homo-like, the postcranial skeleton of H. habilis is more like that of Australopithecus. Evidence presented here indicates not only that OH 7 and OH 8 represent H. habilis but also that they come from a single individual. The association of OH 35 with OH 7 and OH 8 is less certain. Morphological, pathological, and taphonomic evidence favors the inclusion of OH 35 in the holotype. However, stratigraphic evidence suggests that OH 35 and OH 8 are not coterminous. With or without OH 35, the holotype of H. habilis ranks as one of the most complete early hominin skeletons and the most complete and functionally informative specimen of early Homo.  相似文献   

A very limiting factor for paleoanthropological studies is the poor state of preservation of the human fossil record, where fragmentation and deformation are considered normal. Although anatomical information can still be gathered from a distorted fossil, such specimens must typically be excluded from advanced morphological and morphometric analyses, thus reducing the fossil sample size and, ultimately, our knowledge of human evolution. In this contribution we provide the first digital reconstruction of the KNM‐ER 1813 Homo habilis cranium. Based on state of‐the‐art three‐dimensional digital modeling and geometric morphometric (GM) methods, the facial portion was aligned to the neurocranium, the overall distortion was removed, and the missing regions were restored. The reconstructed KNM‐ER 1813 allows for an adjustment of the anthropometric measurements gathered on the original fossil. It is suitable for further quantitative studies, such as GM analyses focused on skull morphology or for finite element analysis to explore the mechanics of early Homo feeding behavior and diet. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:154–160, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tests for equal relative variation are valuable and frequently used tools for evaluating hypotheses about taxonomic heterogeneity in fossil hominids. In this study, Monte Carlo methods and simulated data are used to evaluate and compare 11 tests for equal relative variation. The tests evaluated include CV-based parametric bootstrap tests, modifications of Levene's test, and modified weighted scores tests. The results of these simulations show that a modified version of the weighted scores test developed by Fligner and Killeen ([1976] J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 71:210-213) is the only test that maintains an acceptable balance of type I and type II errors, even under conditions where all other tests have extraordinarily high type I error rates or little power.  相似文献   

An earlier study of ours demonstrated polygenic control of habitat preference between sympatric populations of an estuarine amphipod (Stanhope et al. 1992). Knowledge of the ecological history in this estuary suggested that two new and distinct habitat types (wood debris and Fucus ) had been formed immediately adjacent to each other, in an area which was previously the habitat type common to the rest of the estuary (bank). This suggested the possibility that the ancestral population had been split into two resource specialists (disruptive selection on habitat preference). The genetic relatedness of these three populations (the proposed ancestor and the two proposed descendants) and six others occupying the same three habitat types were investigated on a regional geographic scale, using an extensive set of genomic DNA RFLPs. These data were combined with measures of habitat preference (including genetic tests) in the additional populations. A very strongly supported phylogeographic tree, unequivocally supported a shift in habitat preference in the wood-debris population of this estuary. The data did not, however, support the hypothesis of disruptive selection on the ancestor (bank) with a consequent split into two resource specialists. Instead, it clearly indicated that the occupants of the Fucus habitat type were members of a habitat specific race, and thus their presence in this estuary reflected the expansion of an old resource base. Furthermore, the combined RFLP and habitat preference data, for all nine populations, indicated that the same polygenically based shift in habitat preference that had occurred in the original estuary had occurred independently, in another estuary, 700 km removed, that had similar environmental circumstances.  相似文献   

Mammals and birds acquired high performance hearts and endothermy during their independent evolution from amniotes with many sauropsid features. A literature review shows that the variation in atrial morphology is greater in mammals than in ectothermic sauropsids. We therefore hypothesized that the transition from ectothermy to endothermy was associated with greater variation in cardiac structure. We tested the hypothesis in 14 orders of birds by assessing the variation in 15 cardiac structures by macroscopic inspection and histology, with an emphasis on the atria as they have multiple features that lend themselves to quantification. We found bird hearts to have multiple features in common with ectothermic sauropsids (synapomorphies), such as the presence of three sinus horns. Convergent features were shared with crocodylians and mammals, such as the cranial offset of the left atrioventricular junction. Other convergent features, like the compact organization of the atrial walls, were shared with mammals only. Pacemaker myocardium, identified by Isl1 expression, was anatomically node-like (Mallard), thickened (Chicken), or indistinct (Lesser redpoll, Jackdaw). Some features were distinctly avian, (autapomorphies) including the presence of a left atrial antechamber and the ventral merger of the left and right atrial auricles, which was found in some species of parrots and passerines. Most features, however, exhibited little variation. For instance, there were always three systemic veins and two pulmonary veins, whereas among mammals there are 2–3 and 1–7, respectively. Our findings suggest that the transition to high cardiac performance does not necessarily lead to a greater variation in cardiac structure.  相似文献   

A study of anthropometric variation and craniofacial growth in individuals with the Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome (PLWS) illustrates the utility of anthropometry in clinical evaluation and research. Anthropometric measurements, including head length and breadth, minimum frontal diameter, and head circumference, were obtained on 38 PLWS individuals (21 with chromosome 15 deletions) with an age range from 2 weeks to 39 years. No anthropometric differences were found between the two chromosome subgroups. A relative deceleration in the growth of certain craniofacial dimensions (head circumference and length) is suggested by the negative correlations between age and Z-scores for the measurements. Raw values for minimum frontal diameter and head breadth were near or below the 5th percentile curve, while almost all values for head length and circumference fell within normal limits. The data support suggestions that dolichocephaly be considered an early diagnostic feature of PLWS. Furthermore, the status of narrow bifrontal diameter as a major feature of PLWS is confirmed.  相似文献   

This paper describes in detail the external morphology of LB1/1, the nearly complete and only known cranium of Homo floresiensis. Comparisons were made with a large sample of early groups of the genus Homo to assess primitive, derived, and unique craniofacial traits of LB1 and discuss its evolution. Principal cranial shape differences between H. floresiensis and Homo sapiens are also explored metrically. The LB1 specimen exhibits a marked reductive trend in its facial skeleton, which is comparable to the H. sapiens condition and is probably associated with reduced masticatory stresses. However, LB1 is craniometrically different from H. sapiens showing an extremely small overall cranial size, and the combination of a primitive low and anteriorly narrow vault shape, a relatively prognathic face, a rounded oval foramen that is greatly separated anteriorly from the carotid canal/jugular foramen, and a unique, tall orbital shape. Whereas the neurocranium of LB1 is as small as that of some Homo habilis specimens, it exhibits laterally expanded parietals, a weak suprameatal crest, a moderately flexed occipital, a marked facial reduction, and many other derived features that characterize post-habilis Homo. Other craniofacial characteristics of LB1 include, for example, a relatively narrow frontal squama with flattened right and left sides, a marked frontal keel, posteriorly divergent temporal lines, a posteriorly flexed anteromedial corner of the mandibular fossa, a bulbous lateral end of the supraorbital torus, and a forward protruding maxillary body with a distinct infraorbital sulcus. LB1 is most similar to early Javanese Homo erectus from Sangiran and Trinil in these and other aspects. We conclude that the craniofacial morphology of LB1 is consistent with the hypothesis that H. floresiensis evolved from early Javanese H. erectus with dramatic island dwarfism. However, further field discoveries of early hominin skeletal remains from Flores and detailed analyses of the finds are needed to understand the evolutionary history of this endemic hominin species.  相似文献   

Knouft JH 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):408-417
Many taxonomic and ecological assemblages of species exhibit a right-skewed body size-frequency distribution when characterized at a regional scale. Although this distribution has been frequently described, factors influencing geographic variation in the distribution are not well understood, nor are mechanisms responsible for distribution shape. In this study, variation in the species body size-frequency distributions of 344 regional communities of North American freshwater fishes is examined in relation to latitude, species richness, and taxonomic composition. Although the distribution of all species of North American fishes is right-skewed, a negative correlation exists between latitude and regional community size distribution skewness, with size distributions becoming left-skewed at high latitudes. This relationship is not an artifact of the confounding relationship between latitude and species richness in North American fishes. The negative correlation between latitude and regional community size distribution skewness is partially due to the geographic distribution of families of fishes and apparently enhanced by a nonrandom geographic distribution of species within families. These results are discussed in the context of previous explanations of factors responsible for the generation of species size-frequency distributions related to the fractal nature of the environment, energetics, and evolutionary patterns of body size in North American fishes.  相似文献   

The value of quantitative infracranial nonmetric variation is examined in the study of population relationships by using samples from populations originating from five major geographic regions: Australia (two populations), Africa, East Asia, Europe, and Polynesia. According to the nonspecificity hypothesis, there are no distinct large classes of genes affecting one group of attributes exclusively; thus infracranial nonmetric traits should compare with other osteologic data sets in addressing questions of population relationships. By using the mean measure of divergence, infracranial nonmetric traits are shown to be useful in separating populations, particularly when using female and pooled-sex samples. The two Australian female samples (New South Wales coastal Australian and South Australian Aboriginals) are shown to be closer than any other two samples. The picture of intrapopulation and interpopulation variation in infracranial nonmetric traits is extended and clarified. Distance studies with infracranial nonmetric traits are possible but more illuminating if the sexes are first separated. Infracranial nonmetric variation does extend the knowledge of human population studies in yielding biologically meaningful results relating to development and ontogeny.  相似文献   

The minor allele of the R620W missense single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs2476601) in the hematopoietic-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase gene, PTPN22, has been associated with multiple autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). These genetic data, combined with biochemical evidence that this SNP affects PTPN22 function, suggest that this phosphatase is a key regulator of autoimmunity. To determine whether other genetic variants in PTPN22 contribute to the development of RA, we sequenced the coding regions of this gene in 48 white North American patients with RA and identified 15 previously unreported SNPs, including 2 coding SNPs in the catalytic domain. We then genotyped 37 SNPs in or near PTPN22 in 475 patients with RA and 475 individually matched controls (sample set 1) and selected a subset of markers for replication in an additional 661 patients with RA and 1,322 individually matched controls (sample set 2). Analyses of these results predict 10 common (frequency >1%) PTPN22 haplotypes in white North Americans. The sole haplotype found to carry the previously identified W620 risk allele was strongly associated with disease in both sample sets, whereas another haplotype, identical at all other SNPs but carrying the R620 allele, showed no association. R620W, however, does not fully explain the association between PTPN22 and RA, since significant differences between cases and controls persisted in both sample sets after the haplotype data were stratified by R620W. Additional analyses identified two SNPs on a single common haplotype that are associated with RA independent of R620W, suggesting that R620W and at least one additional variant in the PTPN22 gene region influence RA susceptibility.  相似文献   

A new species, Homo floresiensis, was recently named for Pleistocene hominid remains on Flores, Indonesia. Significant controversy has arisen regarding this species. To address controversial issues and refocus investigations, I examine the affinities of these remains with Homo sapiens. Clarification of problematic issues is sought through an integration of genetic and physiological data on brain ontogeny and evolution. Clarification of the taxonomic value of various 'primitive' traits is possible given these data. Based on this evidence and using a H. sapiens morphological template, models are developed to account for the combination of features displayed in the Flores fossils. Given this overview, I find substantial support for the hypothesis that the remains represent a variant of H. sapiens possessing a combined growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor I axis modification and mutation of the MCPH gene family. Further work will be required to determine the extent to which this variant characterized the population.  相似文献   

The timing and route of the earliest dispersal from Africa to Eastern Asia are contentious topics in the study of early human evolution because Asian hominin fossil sites with precise age constraints are very limited. Here we report new high-resolution magnetostratigraphic results that place stringent age controls on excavated hominin incisors and stone tools from the Yuanmou Basin, southwest China. The hominin-bearing layer resides in a reverse polarity magnetozone just above the upper boundary of the Olduvai subchron, yielding an estimated age of 1.7Ma. The finding represents the age of the earliest documented presence of Homo, with affinities to Homo erectus, in mainland East Asia. This age estimate is roughly the same as for H. erectus in island Southeast Asia and immediately prior to the oldest archaeological evidence in northeast Asia. Mammalian fauna and pollen obtained directly from the hominin site indicate that the Yuanmou hominins lived in a varied habitat of open vegetation with patches of bushland and forest on an alluvial fan close to a lake or swamp. The age and location are consistent with a rapid southern migration route of initial hominin populations into Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

 Considered to be haploid tissue, the endosperm of coniferous trees has been extensively used by forest geneticists. Using laser flow cytometry, we show that endosperm ploidy level depends on the systematic position. The Abies, Cedrus and Pinus species tested exhibited uniform haploid endosperm compared to the diploid DNA content of the corresponding embryo. Endosperm of Cupressaceae contained multiple ploidy levels: Cupressus arizonica, Juniperus oxycedrus and Thuja orientalis endosperms exhibited a mixture of haploid–diploid nuclei, while C. atlantica and C. sempervirens endosperms contained six ploidy levels: 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C and 6C. Physiological and genetic implications of this original feature are discussed. Received: 17 August 1996 / Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic peptides (or fusion protein) corresponding to cDNA-deduced amino acid sequences unique to the human and mouse retinoic acid (RA) receptor alpha 1 (hRAR-alpha 1 and mRAR-alpha 1, respectively). Two rabbit polyclonal antibodies directed against either the F region fused to DHFR [RP alpha (F)] or the D2 region [RP alpha (D2)] were selected. Using either immunocytochemistry, Western blotting analysis, or immunoprecipitation, they were found to be specific for human and mouse RAR-alpha 1 proteins produced by COS-1 cells transiently transfected with vectors expressing the RAR-alpha 1 cDNA. Three mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against either the F region [(Ab9 alpha (F) and Ab12 alpha (F)] or the A1 region [Ab10 alpha 1(A1)] recognized transiently expressed human and mouse RAR-alpha 1 proteins, when either immunocytochemistry or immunoprecipitation was used. In addition, Ab9 alpha (F) and Ab12 alpha (F), but not Ab10 alpha 1(A1), revealed the RAR-alpha 1 proteins by Western blotting analysis. Ab9 alpha (F) was also able to "supershift" RAR-alpha 1 protein-RARE oligonucleotide probe complexes in gel retardation assays. All these antibodies recognized also the transiently expressed mRAR-alpha 2 isoform, with the exception of Ab10 alpha 1 (A1), which is specific for the A1 region of RAR-alpha 1. These antibodies have enabled us to detect the presence of mRAR-alpha as multiple species in mouse embryo and adult tissue extracts as well as in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells. Moreover, we found that one of these species (51 kDa) was phosphorylated in EC cells. This phosphorylation was not affected by RA treatment, but appeared to be dependent on the differentiation state of the EC cells.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long debated the relative influence of species selection on evolutionary patterns. As a test, we apply a statistical phylogenetic approach to evaluate the influence of traits related to species distribution and life-history characteristics on patterns of diversification in salamanders. We use independent contrasts to test trait-mediated diversification while accommodating phylogenetic uncertainty in relationships among all salamander families. Using a neontological data set, we find several species-level traits to be variable, heritable, and associated with differential success (i.e., higher diversification rates) at higher taxonomic categories. Specifically, the macroecological trait of small geographic-range size is strongly correlated with a higher rate of net diversification. We further consider the role that plasticity in life-history traits appears to fulfill in macroevolutionary processes of lineage divergence and durability. We find that pedotypy--wherein some, but not all, organisms of a species mature in the gilled form without metamorphosing-is also associated with higher net diversification rate than is the absence of developmental plasticity. Often dismissed as an insignificant process in evolution, we provide direct evidence for the role of species selection in lineage diversification of salamanders.  相似文献   

The geometric morphometric analysis of shape variation in complex biological structures such as the human skull poses a number of specific challenges: the registration of homologous morphologies, the treatment of bilateral symmetry, the graphical representation of form variability in three dimensions and the interpretation of the results in terms of differential growth processes. To visualize complex patterns of shape change, we propose an alternative to classical Cartesian deformation grids in the style of D'Arcy W. Thompson. Reference to the surface structures of the organism under investigation permits a comprehensive visual grasp of shape change and its tentative interpretation in terms of differential growth. The application of this method to the analysis of human craniofacial shape variation reveals distinct modes of growth and development of the neurocranial and viscerocranial regions of the skull. Our data further indicate that variations in the orientation of the viscerocranium relative to the neurocranium impinge on the shapes of the face and the cranial vault.  相似文献   

Song variation in an avian ring species   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract.— Divergence of mating signals can occur rapidly and be of prime importance in causing reproductive isolation and speciation. A ring species, in which two reproductively isolated taxa are connected by a chain of intergrading populations, provides a rare opportunity to use spatial variation to reconstruct the history of divergence. I use geographic variation in the song of a likely ring species, the greenish warbler ( Phylloscopus trochiloides ) to reconstruct the microevolutionary steps that occurred during divergence of a trait that is often important in speciation in birds. Populations of a western Siberian ( P. t. viridanus ) and an eastern Siberian ( P. t. plumbeitarsus ) form of the greenish warbler meet, but do not interbreed in central Siberia; these forms are connected by a chain of interbreeding populations extending in a ring to the south around the treeless Tibetan Plateau. I show that: (1) song structure differs greatly between the two Siberian forms, which share the same habitat; (2) song structure changes gradually around the ring; (3) singing behavior is relatively simple in the Himalayas, but becomes increasingly complex to the north, both to the west and east of the Tibetan Plateau; and (4) song varies along independent axes of complexity in the western and eastern south-north clines. By comparing geographic variation in singing behavior and ecological variables, I distinguish among possible causes of song divergence, including selection based on the acoustic environment, stochastic effects of sexual selection, and selection for species recognition. I suggest that parallel south-to-north ecological gradients have caused a greater intensity of sexual selection on song in northern populations and that the stochastic effects of sexual selection have led to divergence in song structure.  相似文献   

Pan R  Wei F  Li M 《Journal of morphology》2003,256(3):342-348
In order to analyze, separately and dynamically, the variation in cranial size and shape of Chinese macaques, a new method, Morphologika, was used to illustrate 3D profiles based on the coordinates of 26 landmarks on the skull. Striking image variation between the two sexes was detected on the facial region: males exhibited a larger and more protrusive facial structure. Males also displayed a bigger cranium than females. The two sexes also showed quite different images in skull shape. However, they expressed the same allometric pattern with regard to the relationship between size and shape, which was significantly positively associated with each other along the first axis. The same relationship was negatively displayed along the second axis when the two sexes were analyzed together. However, only the relationship for females reached a significant level when the two sexes were studied separately. This was considered to be related to their differentiation in growth trajectory. This study also tested the concept of size revealed by the second axis of principal components analysis based on traditional morphometric methods on the same taxa.  相似文献   

Homo erectus inhabited a wide geographic area of Asia, ranging from 40 degrees north latitude in China to 8 degrees south latitude in island Southeast Asia. Yet variation within Asian H. erectus and its relation to ecological and temporal parameters have been little studied. I synthesize the revised radiometric chronologies for hominid sites in Asia and their relation to new oxygen isotope curves (proxies for climatic fluctuations and landbridge connections). These data suggest substantial opportunities in the later Pleistocene for both regional isolation and gene flow between hominids in mainland and Southeast Asia. They also suggest that the most northerly located Chinese sites (Zhoukoudian and Nanjing) may have been occupied during sequential, interglacial periods. Probably reflecting these periods of isolation, nonmetric features and principal components analysis (PCA) of calvarial shape suggest regional differentiation between northern Asian and Southeast Asian H. erectus. The most recent Southeast Asian fossils (e.g., Ngandong) conform to the Southeast Asian pattern. Except perhaps in brain size, there is no evidence that the temporally intermediate Chinese fossils are intermediate in morphology between older and younger Indonesian fossils. In fact, northern Chinese calvaria are easier to exclude from the larger Asian H. erectus hypodigm than are the Ngandong fossils. The Chinese specimens differ from the others based on their narrower occipitals and frontals for their cranial size. The Chinese sample from Zhoukoudian alone is thus not a good proxy for the morphology and variation seen within Asian H. erectus. Both the Chinese and late Indonesian samples exhibit less variation than does the early Indonesian sample; this along with their shared morphological bauplan suggests a common origin and no more than subspecific differentiation. This shared morphology, despite regional differences, was likely maintained by the increasing intensity of multiple glaciations (and longer-lasting land bridge connections) between mainland and island Southeast Asia during the last million years.  相似文献   

The additive genetic variance–covariance matrix (G) summarizes themultivariate genetic relationships among a set of traits. The geometry of Gdescribes the distribution of multivariate genetic variance, and generates geneticconstraints that bias the direction of evolution. Determining if and how the multivariategenetic variance evolves has been limited by a number of analytical challenges incomparing G-matrices. Current methods for the comparison of G typically shareseveral drawbacks: metrics that lack a direct relationship to evolutionary theory, theinability to be applied in conjunction with complex experimental designs, difficultieswith determining statistical confidence in inferred differences and an inherentlypair-wise focus. Here, we present a cohesive and general analytical framework for thecomparative analysis of G that addresses these issues, and that incorporates andextends current methods with a strong geometrical basis. We describe the application ofrandom skewers, common subspace analysis, the 4th-order genetic covariance tensor and thedecomposition of the multivariate breeders equation, all within a Bayesian framework. Weillustrate these methods using data from an artificial selection experiment on eighttraits in Drosophila serrata, where a multi-generational pedigree was availableto estimate G in each of six populations. One method, the tensor, elegantlycaptures all of the variation in genetic variance among populations, and allows theidentification of the trait combinations that differ most in genetic variance. The tensorapproach is likely to be the most generally applicable method to the comparison ofG-matrices from any sampling or experimental design.  相似文献   

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