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Degringolade (Dgrn) encodes a Drosophila SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) protein similar to that of mammalian RNF4. Dgrn facilitates the ubiquitylation of the HES protein Hairy, which disrupts the repressive activity of Hairy by inhibiting the recruitment of its cofactor Groucho. We show that Hey and all HES family members, except Her, interact with Dgrn and are substrates for its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Dgrn displays dynamic subcellular localization, accumulates in the nucleus at times when HES family members are active and limits Hey and HES family activity during sex determination, segmentation and neurogenesis. We show that Dgrn interacts with the Notch signaling pathway by it antagonizing the activity of E(spl)-C proteins. dgrn null mutants are female sterile, producing embryos that arrest development after two or three nuclear divisions. These mutant embryos exhibit fragmented or decondensed nuclei and accumulate higher levels of SUMO-conjugated proteins, suggesting a role for Dgrn in genome stability.  相似文献   

Li J  Li W  Calhoun HC  Xia F  Gao FB  Li WX 《Mechanisms of development》2003,120(12):1455-1468
The JAK/STAT pathway mediates cytokine signaling in mammals and is involved in the function and development of the hematopoietic and immune systems. To investigate the biological functions of the JAK/STAT pathway during Drosophila development, we examined the tissue-specific localization of the tyrosine-phosphorylated, or activated form of Drosophila STAT, STAT92E. Here we show that during Drosophila embryonic development STAT92E activation is prominently detected in multiple tissues and in different developmental stages. These tissues include the tracheal pits, elongating intestinal tracks, and growing axons. We demonstrate that stat92E mutants are defective in tracheal formation, hindgut elongation, and nervous system development. Conversely, STAT92E overactivation caused premature development of the tracheal and nervous systems, and over-elongation of the hindgut. These results suggest that STAT activation is involved in proper differentiation and morphogenesis of multiple tissues during Drosophila embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Regulation of apoptosis is crucial for tissue homeostasis under normal development and environmental stress. In Drosophila, cell death occurs in different developmental processes including embryogenesis. Here, we report that two members of the miR-2 seed family of microRNAs, miR-6 and miR-11, function together to limit the level of apoptosis during Drosophila embryonic development. Mutants lacking both miR-6 and miR-11 show embryonic lethality and defects in the central nervous system (CNS). We provide evidence that miR-6/11 functions through regulation of the proapoptotic genes, reaper (rpr), head involution defective (hid), grim and sickle (skl). Upregulation of these proapoptotic genes is responsible for the elevated apoptosis and the CNS defects in the mutants. These findings demonstrate that the activity of the proapoptotic genes is kept in check by miR-6/11 to ensure normal development.  相似文献   

During the development of the Drosophila nervous system, the programmed cell death (PCD) regulates the cell number. The spinster (spin) encodes a multiple transmembrane protein and females showed a strong rejection response against the courting males. Mutation in spin interferes with the PCD of neurons, which subsequently induce the degeneration of adult neural cells. However, this spin functions has not been investigated yet during embryogenesis. In this study we first examined spin expression in detail and its function during embryonic development. Spin was primarily expressed in surface glial cells, including subperineurial glial cells and exit glia, but not in neural cells. In spin loss-of-function mutant embryos, Glial cells increased in number, and neural overgrowth occurred. In spin gain-of-function mutant embryos, PNS was predominantly degenerated at late embryonic stages. These results indicate that spin is involved in neurogenesis via cell death during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The function of PS integrins during Drosophila embryogenesis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
M Leptin  T Bogaert  R Lehmann  M Wilcox 《Cell》1989,56(3):401-408
The Drosophila position-specific (PS) antigens are homologous to the vertebrate fibronectin receptor family, or integrins. A Drosophila gene required for embryonic morphogenesis, l(1)myospheroid, codes for a product homologous to the beta subunit of the vertebrate integrins. l(1)myospheroid mutants die during embryogenesis. We show here that they lack the beta subunit of the PS antigens. In the absence of the beta subunit in mutant embryos, the PS alpha subunits are not expressed on the cell surface. We conclude that the l(1)myospheroid phenotype represents the lack-of-function phenotype for these Drosophila integrins. In wild-type embryos, PS antigens are found at the interface between mesoderm and ectoderm, and later mainly at the attachment sites of muscles to the epidermis and gut. Together these results indicate that during embryogenesis, Drosophila integrins are used to attach mesoderm to ectoderm, and are required for the proper assembly of the extracellular matrix and for muscle attachment.  相似文献   

The constitutive criterion for the evolutionary successful clade of ecdysozoans is a protective exoskeleton. In insects the exoskeleton, the so-called cuticle consists of three functional layers, the waterproof envelope, the proteinaceous epicuticle and the chitinous procuticle that are produced as an extracellular matrix by the underlying epidermal cells. Here, we present our electron-microscopic study of cuticle differentiation during embryogenesis in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We conclude that cuticle differentiation in the Drosophila embryo occurs in three phases. In the first phase, the layers are established. Interestingly, we find that establishment of the layers occurs partially simultaneously rather than in a strict sequential manner as previously proposed. In the second phase the cuticle thickens. Finally, in the third phase, when secretion of cuticle material has ceased, the chitin laminae acquire their typical orientation, and the epicuticle of the denticles and the head skeleton darken. Our work will help to understand the phenotypes of embryos mutant for genes encoding essential cuticle factors, in turn revealing mechanisms of cuticle differentiation.  相似文献   

A collagen gene (Dcg1) was characterized in Drosophila melanogaster and shown to encode a peptide related to vertebrate basement membrane type IV collagen chains. To study the function of type IV collagen during Drosophila development, we transformed flies with a partially truncated Dcg1 gene under the control of a heat-shock promotor. This construct induced synthesis of shortened pro- chains which associated with normal ones and thereby caused degradation of the shortened and normal pro- chains through a process called pro-collagen suicide. A large proportion of embryos expressing the transgene developed a phenotype exhibiting absence or partial retraction of the germ band with defects in nerve cord condensation and dorsal closure. Together these results indicated that, during embryogenesis, type IV collagen was an essential guiding factor for cell-matrix interactions in morphogenetic events.  相似文献   

The spectrum of lectin binding sites as it emerges during embryonic development of Drosophila was analysed by means of fluorescein-labelled lectins. As development and morphogenesis proceed, the reaction pattern becomes more and more complex. Mannose/glucose-, mannose-, N-acetylglucosamine- and poly-N-ace-tylglucosamine-specific lectins bind ubiquitously. Nuclear envelopes only have binding sites for wheat germ agglutinin. N-acetylgalactosamine-binding lectins are specific for ectodermal derivatives. Ga-3-N-acetylgalac-tosamine-binding lectins are highly selective markers for neural structures, haemocytes and Garland cells. It is also shown that Drosophila laminin is differentially glycosylated. The possible implications of differential and germ layer-specific glycosylation are discussed.Dedicated to the memory of Jan Callaerts  相似文献   

Larval behavioral patterns arise in a gradual fashion during late embryogenesis as the innervation of the somatic musculature and connectivity within the central nervous system develops. In this paper, we describe in a quantitative manner the maturation of behavioral patterns. Early movements are locally restricted "twitches" of the body wall, involving single segments or parts of segments. These twitches occur at a low frequency and have low amplitude, reflecting weak muscle contractions. Towards later stages twitches increase in frequency and amplitude and become integrated into coordinated movements of multiple segments. Most noticeable among these is the peristaltic wave of longitudinal segmental contractions by which the larva moves forward or backward. Besides becoming more complex as development proceeds, embryonic movements also acquire a pronounced rhythm. Thus, late embryonic movements occur in bursts, with phases of frequent movement separated by phases of no movement at all; early movements show no such periodicity. These data will serve as a baseline for future studies that address the function of embryonic lethal genes controlling neuronal connectivity and larval behavior. We have analyzed behavioral abnormalities in two embryonic lethal mutations with severe neural defects, tailless (tll), which lacks the protocerebrum, and glial cells missing (gcm), in which glial cells are absent. Our results reveal prominent alterations in embryonic motility for both of these mutations, indicating that the protocerebrum and glial cells play a crucial role in the neural mechanism controlling larval movement in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The structure and metabolism of membrane glycoprotein carbohydrate units were studied in three clonal strains of contact-deficient mouse L cells as compared with several contact-competent rodent fibroblasts. The L cells appeared deficient in the formation of stable adhesive and communicating contacts. Formation of these contacts could not be induced by artificial adhesion induced by Sendai virus. The absence of functional contacts in L cells was associated with synthesis of incomplete, dialysable fucosyl glycopeptides exposed at the cell surface. Somatic cell hybrids between communication incompetent L cells and mouse leukemia cells synthesized membrane carbohydrates of near-normal size distribution, but these cells remained deficient in functional contacts. However, in hybrids of L cells and normal human fibroblasts or lymphocytes, glycoprotein synthesis and formation of functional contacts were concomitantly restored.  相似文献   

Glial interactions with neurons during Drosophila embryogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monoclonal antibody (Mab5B12) demonstrating specificity for glial cells within the central and peripheral nervous systems of Drosophila has been used in combination with neural-specific antibodies to study the early organization of the Drosophila embryo. The embryonic central nervous system of Drosophila contains cells within the ventral midline that are recognized by monoclonal antibody 5B12. These cells are not recognized by either a polyclonal antiserum to horse radish peroxidase, which recognizes several antigens on the surface of Drosophila neurons, or Mab22C10, which recognizes an antigen specific to the peripheral nervous system. Mab5B12-positive cells lie dorsal both to the developing anterior and posterior commissures in each thoracic and abdominal segment and to the supraoesophageal commissure. They ensheath these commissures in later stage embryos. Other Mab5B12-positive cells lie dorsolateral to the CNS and send processes laterally to the lateral sensilla during axonogenesis in the PNS. These cells surround the axons of the intersegmental and segmental nerves. Other cells that line the advancing ectoderm during dorsal closure and surround the anal pads also express the Mab5B12 antigen. Neuronal cell cultures derived from Drosophila gastrulae contain cells expressing the Mab5B12 antigen. These cells can be found separate or in close association with neuronal clusters and their axons.  相似文献   

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