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The division cycle of two phytoplankton species, Olisthodiscus luteus and Heterocapsa sp. was studied in relation to a 12:12 light:dark cycle. Batch cultures in exponential phase were sampled every three hours during 48 hours. Cell number, cellular volume and DNA and RNA concentrations were measured. Microscopic observations of the nuclei of Heterocapsa sp. were also performed. In both species, cell division took place in the dark. In Heterocapsa sp., DNA and RNA showed a similar diel variability pattern, with synthesis starting at the end of the light period, previously to mitosis and cytokinesis. In O. luteus. Major RNA synthesis occurred during darkness, and DNA was produced almost continuously. Both species presented different values and diel rhythmicity on the RNA/DNA ratios.  相似文献   

Changes in the in vivo chlorophyll fluorescencequenching, photosynthesis and pigment composition werefollowed in the green alga Chlorococcum sp.during exposure of the culture to nitrogen deficiencyand salinity stress with the aims to study theinterrelations between changes in physiological andphotochemical parameters and xanthophyll-cyclepigments content during adaptation to stress, and toevaluate the capacity of this green alga to producesecondary carotenoids in tubular photobioreactors.Exposure of Chlorococcum to nitrogendeficiency, 0.2 M NaCl and high irradiance outdoorscaused a strong depression of the photosyntheticactivity and of photochemical quantum yield ofPSII (Fv/Fm). These changes wereaccompanied by an increase of the non-photochemicalquenching coefficient (NPQ), of the amount ofxanthophyll-cycle pigments and of thecarotenoid/chlorophyll ratio. As a result of exposureto stress conditions, cell division completelystopped, although an increase in the biomass dryweight could be detected due to an increase in thecell size. These processes were followed, with acertain delay (15–20 h), by massive appearance ofsecondary carotenoids that reached the maximum (about50% total carotenoids) after 2–3 days of cultivation.The results show that despite of the lower carotenoidcontent (2 mg g-1 dry wt) as compared with Haematococcus, Chlorococcum can be apotentially interesting strain for secondarycarotenoid production because of its higher growthrate.  相似文献   

The non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. strain 23 fixes nitrogen under aerobic conditions. If nitrate-grown cultures were transferred to a medium free of combined nitrogen, nitrogenase was induced within about 1 day. The acetylene reduction showed a diurnal variation under conditions of continuous light. Maximum rates of acetylene reduction steadily increased during 8 successive days. When grown under alternating light-dark cycles, Oscillatoria sp. fixes nitrogen preferably in the dark period. For dark periods longer than 8 h, nitrogenase activity is only present during the dark period. For dark periods of 8 h and less, however, nitrogenase activity appears before the beginning of the dark period. This is most pronounced in cultures grown in a 20 h light – 4 h dark cycle. In that case, nitrogenase activity appears 3–4 h before the beginning of the dark period. According to the light-dark regime applied, nitrogenase activity was observed during 8–11 h. Oscillatoria sp. grown under 16 h light and 8 h dark cycle, also induced nitrogenase at the usual point of time, when suddenly transferred to conditions of continuous light. The activity appeared exactly at the point of time where the dark period used to begin. No nitrogenase activity was observed when chloramphenicol was added to the cultures 3 h before the onset of the dark period. This observation indicated that for each cycle, de novo nitrogenase synthesis is necessary.  相似文献   

The green micro-algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiand Dunaliella tertiolecta were cultivated undermedium-duration square-wave light/dark cycles with acycle time of 15 s. These cycles were used to simulatethe light regime experienced by micro-algae inexternally-illuminated (sunlight) air-lift loopbioreactors with internal draft tube. Biomass yieldin relation to light energy was determined as gprotein per mol of photons (400–700 nm). Between 600and 1200 mol m-2 s-1 the yield at a10/5 s light/dark cycle was equal to the yield atcontinuous illumination. Consequently, provided thatthe liquid circulation time is 15 s, a considerabledark zone seems to be allowed in the interior ofair-lift loop photobioreactors (33% v/v) without lossof light utilization efficiency. However, at a 5/10 slight/dark cycle, corresponding to a 67% v/v darkzone, biomass yield decreased. Furthermore, bothalgae, C. reinhardtii and D. tertiolecta,responded similarly to these cycles with respect tobiomass yield. This was interesting because they werereported to exhibit a different photoacclimationstrategy. Finally, it was demonstrated that D.tertiolecta was much more efficient at low (average)photon flux densities (57–370 mol m-2s-1) than at high PFDs (> 600 mol m-2s-1) and it was shown that D. tertiolectawas cultivated at a sub-optimal temperature (20 °C).  相似文献   

An isolate ofMonascus, from a commercial, fermented soybean curd (sufu) was grown on a cassava medium. With medium at an initial pH of 7.0 an orange-red pigmentation was produced but with an initial pH below 4, a light golden pigment was obtained. A medium containing, w/v, 3% cassava starch, 0.4% peptone and 0.1% glutamic acid, with an initial pH of 2.5 was optimal for the production of this yellow pigment, which had a single maximum absorption spectrum at 330 nm. The spectroscopic characterization of the purified yellow pigments demonstrated a monascin-ankaflavin-monascorubrin skeleton.B. Yongsmith, W. Tabloka and W. Yongmanitchai are with the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. R. Bavavoda is with the Department of Botanical Pharmacy, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.  相似文献   

Four novel yeast species are described, two from decaying mushrooms, viz. Candida cretensis and Candida vadensis, and two from rotten wood, viz. Blastobotrys robertii and Candida scorzettiae. Accession numbers for the CBS and ARS Culture Collections, and GenBank accession numbers for the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit of ribosomal DNA are: B. robertii CBS 10106T, NRRL Y-27775, DQ839395; C. cretensis CBS 9453T, NRRL Y-27777, AY4998861 and DQ839393; C. scorzettiae CBS 10107T, NRRL Y-27665, DQ839394; C. vadensis CBS 9454T, NRRL Y-27778, AY498863 and DQ839396. The GenBank accession number for the ITS region of C. cretensis is AY498862 and that for C. vadensis is AY498864. C. cretensis was the only species of the four that displayed fermentative activity. All four type strains grew on n-hexadecane. C. scorzettiae is the only one of the new species that assimilates some phenolic compounds, viz. 3-hydroxy derivatives of benzoic, phenylacetic and cinnamic acids, but not the corresponding 4-hydroxy acids. This is indicative of an operative gentisate pathway.  相似文献   

Xu F  Cai ZL  Cong W  Ouyang F 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(17):1319-1322
The cell growth and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) yields of Nannochloropsis sp. were enhanced in the fed-batch cultures. With feeding glucose solution, the biomass reached 1.1 g dry wt l(-1) after 10 days' culture, which was 40% higher than that obtained in the batch culture (0.8 g dry wt l(-1)). With supplement of nitrate solution, the biomass reached 1 g dry wt l(-1), and reached the stationary phase 2 days earlier than the others. The maximum of biomass (1.2 g dry wt l(-1)) was obtained with the supplement of the mixture of glucose and nitrate solution. The EPA yields of Nannochloropsis sp. after 10 days' growth in the fed-batch cultures were 52 mg l(-1), 43 mg l(-1) and 56 mg l(-1) with, respectively, addition of nitrate, glucose and both together. In batch culture only 35 mg EPA l(-1) was obtained.  相似文献   

A study on globulins, major storage proteins in yellow lupin seeds, called conglutins, was conducted using SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In this paper, an extensive and not yet published list of yellow lupin conglutins is presented. The patterns of subunits of major conglutins in seeds of three yellow lupin cultivars were similar to each other, varying only in the level of some polypeptides. Investigations of seeds of cultivar Parys showed considerable quantitative differences in major subunits. Some minor subunits occurred only in some seeds and were absent in the others. Great differences were shown between single individuals in the amount of subunits of conglutin which is of the most nutritional value due to high content of methionine.  相似文献   

The marine microalga Chroomonas sp. isolated from Venezuela was grown in semicontinuous culture in order to study the effect of renewal rate and nutrient concentration on alloxanthin, chlorophyll a, carotenoid, carbohydrate, exopolysaccharide, protein and cell productivity. Maximal cell productivity of 8.43 ± 1.8 and 8.81 ± 2.3 × 109 cell l–1 day–1 were achieved with renewal rates of 30 and 40%. Maximal protein and chlorophyll productivity of 64.64 ± 2.3 and 2.72 ± 0.3 mg l–1 day–1 were obtained with renewal rate of 20 and 30%. Biochemical composition of Chroomonas sp. was influenced by renewal rate. Nutrient concentration seems not to affect cell, protein, chlorophyll and carotenoid productivity. However, carbohydrate and exopolysaccharide productivity of 7.56 ± 0.4 and 9.57 ± 1.2 mg l–1 day–1 were increased at 12 mM NaNO3(P < 0.05). Also, alloxanthin and chlorophyll a production analysed by HPLC, were higher between 8 and 12 mM NaNO3 at a renewal rate of 30%. Results demonstrated that a renewal rate of 30% and nutrient concentration at 8 mM NaNO3 optimize the cell, protein, carbohydrate, chlorophyll a, and exopolysaccharide productivity in semicontinuous cultures of Chroomonas. This microalga, as biological source of commercially valuable compounds, shows high capacity for changing its productivity and biochemical composition in semicontinuous system on the basis of nutrient concentration and the renewal rate.  相似文献   

Anabaena sp., isolated from a rice paddy, was investigated for its nitrogen fixation as measured by acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in P-limited continuous and light-limited semi-continuous cultures. Growth rate (μ) under P limitation was a function of cell P content (q p). Both the photosynthetic capacity (Pmax) and photosynthetic efficiency (α) increased with μ when expressed per cell, but not per unit chla. The ARA of steady-state cells under P limitation increased with μ and was linearly related to C-fixation rate. This was apparently a consequence of the control of C-fixation by P limitation. In light-limited cells, steady state ARA, both at the culture light intensity and in the dark, increased asymptotically with μ, but the activity in the dark was only about 51% of that in the light. When the light level of steady-state cells grown at a high in intensity was switched to a low level, ARA decreased exponentially with time. Dark ARA activity also showed a similar decline, but at much lower levels. Thus, ARA depended not only on light history, but also immediate photosynthesis. Steady-state ARA at the ambient intensity or in the dark showed a strong correlation with14C-fixation rate. ARA of light-limited cells showed the same light-saturation characteristics as their14C-fixation, with the same initial saturation intensity,I k. The ratios of Pmax to the maximum ARA (ARAmax), and α to the slope of ARA (αara) were identical. A comparison of gross to net photosynthesis and N2 fixation suggested that there was little leakage or excretion of fixed C or N.  相似文献   

In a taxonomic study on the ascomycetous yeasts isolated from plant materials collected in tropical forests in Yunnan and Hainan Provinces, southern China, four strains isolated from tree sap (YJ2E(T)) and flowers (YF9E(T), YWZH3C(T) and YYF2A(T)) were revealed to represent four undescribed yeast species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the large subunit (26S) rRNA gene D1/D2 domain sequences showed that strain YJ2E(T) was located in a clade together with Candida haemulonii and C. pseudohaemulonii. Strain YF9E(T) was most closely related to C. azyma and strain YWZH3C(T) to C. sorbophila and C. spandovensis. Strain YYF2A(T) was clustered in a clade containing small-spored Metschnikowia species and related anamorphic Candida species. The new strains differed from their closely related described species by more than 10% mismatches in the D1/D2 domain. No sexual states were observed for the four strains on various sporulation media. The new species are therefore assigned to the genus Candida and described as Candida alocasiicola sp. nov. (type strain, YF9E(T) = AS 2.3484(T) = CBS 10702(T)), Candida hainanensis sp. nov. (type strain, YYF2A(T) = AS 2.3478(T) = CBS 10696(T)), Candida heveicola sp. nov. (type strain, YJ2E(T) = AS 2.3483(T) = CBS 10701(T)) and Candida musiphila sp. nov. (type strain, YWZH3C(T) = AS 2.3479(T) = CBS 10697(T)).  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was produced aerobically in the dark during growth on glucose by a newly isolated Chlorella sp. When levulinic acid (20 mM), a competitive inhibitor of ALA dehydratase, was added repeatedly to the medium, about 1.5 mM of ALA was produced extracellularly. Glutamate (30 mM) added with levulinic acid (20 mM, given repeatedly) enhanced ALA production up to 1.9 mM, indicating that ALA might be synthesized via the C-5 pathway.K. Sasaki was with the Hiroshima-Denki Institute of Technology, 6-20-1, Nakano, Akiku, Hiroshima, 739-03, Japan; and is now with the Department of Biotechnology. The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia; K. Watanabe, T. Tanaka and Y. Hotta are with the Cosmo Research Institute, 1134-2, Gongendo, Satte, Saitama, 340-01, Japan. S. Nagai is with the Department of Fermentation Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, 4-1, Kagamiyama 1 chome, Higashi-Hiroshima, 724. Japan.  相似文献   

Chlorella pyrenoidosa was grown in three continuous cultures each receiving a different light regime during the light period of a diurnal cycle. Hourly samples taken during the light period were subjected to medium frequency light/dark oscillations of equal duration, ranging from 3 to 240 seconds. The oxygen consumption and production of each sample were measured with an oxygen electrode in a small oxygen chamber. Although the light/dark cycles had little overall influence on photosynthetic activity, the microalgae appeared to adapt to the light regime to which they were subjected. Large differences were found between the maximum chlorophyll-specific production rates (P infmax supB ), the chlorophyll-specific production rates (PB) and the respiration rates between the cultures and treated subsamples. Respiration rates increased during the light period, whilst PB either increased, or had a mid light period minimum or maximum. The culture which received an hourly light oscillation during the light period had the highest P infmax supB and lowest respiration rates, and it is suggested that these algae react as in nature, whereas either a sinusoidal or a block light pattern is unnatural. The latter light regime is commonly used in laboratory studies.  相似文献   

An anaerobic phthalate isomer-degrading strain (JTT) that we previously isolated was characterized. In addition, a strictly anaerobic, mesophilic, syntrophic phthalate isomer-degrading bacterium, designated strain JIT, was isolated and characterized in this study. Both were non-motile rods that formed spores. In both strains, the optimal growth was observed at temperatures around 37°C and neutral pH. In syntrophic co-culture with the hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanospirillum hungatei, both strains could utilize two or three phthalate isomers for growth, and produce acetate and methane as end products. Strain JTT was able to grow on isophthalate, terephthalate, and a number of low-molecular weight aromatic compounds, such as benzoate, hydroquinone, 2-hydroxybenzoate, 3-hydroxybenzoate, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate, 3-phenylpropionate in co-culture with M. hungatei. It could also grow on crotonate, hydroquinone and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate in pure culture. Strain JIT utilized all of the three phthalate isomers as well as benzoate and 3-hydroxybenzoate for growth in co-culture with M. hungatei. No substrates were, however, found to support the axenic growth of strain JIT. Neither strain JTT nor strain JIT could utilize sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, nitrate, fumarate, Fe (III) or 4-hydroxybenzoate as electron acceptor. Phylogenetically, strains JTT and JIT were relatively close to the members of the genera Pelotomaculum and Cryptanaerobacter in ‘Desulfotomaculum lineage I’. Physiological and chemotaxonomic characteristics indicated that the two isolates should be classified into the genus Pelotomaculum, creating two novel species for them. Here, we propose Pelotomaculum terephthalicum sp. nov. and Pelotomaculum isophthalicum sp. nov. for strain JTT and strain JIT, respectively. The type strains are strains JTT (= DSM 16121T = JCM 11824T = NBRC 100523T) and JIT (= JCM 12282T = BAA-1053T) for P. terephthalicum and P. isophthalicum, respectively.Nucleotide sequence accession number: The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains JTT and JIT are AB091323 and AB232785, respectively  相似文献   

In the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas eugametos, cellular division is readily synchronized by light/dark cycles. Under these conditions, light initiates photosynthetic growth in daughter cells and begins the G1 phase. Genes whose expression is regulated upon illumination are likely to be important mechanisms controlling cell proliferation. To identify some of those genes, two cDNA libraries were prepared with poly(A)+ extracted from cells either stimulated with light for 1 h or held in darkness (quiescent cells) during the same period. To restrict our analysis to those genes that are part of the primary response, cells were incubated in presence of cycloheximide. Differential screening of approximately 40 000 clones in each library revealed 44 clones which hybridize preferentially with a [32P] cDNA probe derived from RNA of light-stimulated cells and 15 clones which react selectively with a [32P] cDNA probe synthesized from poly(A)+ RNA of quiescent cells. Cross-hybridization of these clones identified 4 independent sequences in the light-induced (LI) collection and 2 in the uninduced (LR) library. Four of these cDNAs correspond to mRNAs that are positively or negatively regulated upon activation of photosynthesis. One clone represents a mRNA that accumulates transitorily at both transitions. Finally, LI818 cDNA identifies a new chlorophyll a/b-binding (cab) gene family whose mRNA accumulation is controlled by light and a circadian oscillator. The endogenous timing system controls LI818 mRNA accumulation so that it precedes the onset of illumination by a few hours. On the other hand, light affects LI818 mRNA levels independently of active photosynthesis.  相似文献   

[目的]探索黑翅土白蚁巢中链霉菌发酵产物的抗菌活性,并对其抗菌成分进行研究.[方法]通过牛津杯法测试菌株发酵液对4种致病菌的抗菌活性,筛选出活性菌株T12;利用分子生物学16S rRNA序列分析确定T12的分类地位;运用多种色谱方法从乙酸乙酯粗提物中分离纯化活性化合物,利用质谱和核磁共振谱鉴定其化学结构;结合滤纸片法测...  相似文献   

The taxonomic positions of soil isolates known as Streptomyces groups A, B and C were clarified. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence studies indicated that representatives of all three taxa formed distinct phyletic lines within the Streptomyces tree though the group A strains were shown to be related to Streptomyces griseus and associated validly described species. The taxonomic integrity of all three groups was highlighted by DNA:DNA relatedness and ribotype data though the group A strains encompassed a higher degree of genetic variation than the group B and C strains. In light of these and earlier phenotypic data it is proposed that Streptomyces groups A, B and C be given species status as Streptomyces sanglieri sp. nov., Streptomyces aureus sp. nov. and Streptomyces laceyi sp. nov., respectively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Bacillus species producing a thermostable phytase was isolated from soil, boiled rice, and mezu (Korean traditinal koji). The activity of phytase increased markedly at the late stationary phase. An extracellular phytase from Bacillus sp. KHU-10 was purified to homogeneity by acetone precipitation and DEAE-Sepharose and phenyl-Sepharose column chromatographies. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 46 kDa on gel filtration and 44 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gel elctrophoresis. Its optimum pH and temperature for phytase activity were pH 6.5-8.5 and 40°C without 10 mM CaCl2 and pH 6.0-9.5 and 60°C with 10 mM CaCl2. About 50% of its original activity remained after incubation at 80°C or 10 min in the presence of 10 mM CaCl2. The enzyme activity was fairly stable from pH 6.5 to 10.0. The enzyme had an isoelectric point of 6.8. As for substrate specificity, it was very specific for sodium phytate and showed no activity on other phosphate esters. The K m value for sodium phytate was 50 M. Its activity was inhibited by EDTA and metal ions such as Ba2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Hg2+, and Mn2+ ions.  相似文献   

The effects of high salinity (0-400 mmol/L NaCl) on photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry and photosynthetic pigment composition were investigated in the halophyte Artimisia anethifolia grown under outdoor conditions and exposed to full sunlight. High salinity resulted in an inhibition in plant growth and a significant accumulation of sodium and chloride in leaves. However, high salinity induced no effects on the actual PSII efficiency, the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSII reaction centres, photochemical quenching, and non-photochemical quenching at midday. High salinity also induced neither changes in the maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry, the efficiency with which a trapped exciton can move an electron into the electron transport chain further than QA and the quantum yield of electron transport beyond QA, nor changes in absorption, trapping and electron transport fluxes per PSII reaction centre. No significant changes were observed in the levels of neoxanthin, lutein, beta-carotene, violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin expressed on a total chlorophyll basis in salt-adapted plants. Our results suggest that Artimisia anethifolia showed high resistance not only to high salinity, but also to photoinhibition even if it was treated with high salinity as high as 400 mmol/L NaCl and exposed to full sunlight. The results indicate that tolerance of PSII to high salinity and photoinhibition can be viewed as an important strategy for Artimisia anethifolia, a halophyte plant, to grow in very high saline soil.  相似文献   

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