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The slyA gene, which has been implicated in the virulence of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium and its survival in macrophages, is widely distributed among different Salmonella serovars. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the translational initiation region of the slyA gene from nine different serovars and found sequence differences in the previously proposed ATG initiation codon but not in a TTG triplet, another putative initiation codon in the slyA gene. Therefore, we determined the actual translational initiation site of the slyA gene by analyzing slyA genes with defined mutation in either the ATG or TTG sequences in an in vitro translation assay and a quantitative hemolytic assay in Escherichia coli. The replacement of TTG by TTC in the slyA gene significantly reduced both the amount of protein synthesized and the hemolytic activity of a transformed strain of E. coli, while replacement of ATG by ATC had no effect in these assays. In addition, the amino acid sequence analysis of the His-tagged SlyA protein showed that it was identical with the amino acid sequence deduced from the 5' end of the slyA gene with a TTG initiation codon. Our results suggest that TTG serves as the translational initiation codon for the slyA gene of Salmonella.  相似文献   

Summary Bacteriophage T4 baseplate gene 26 codes for two in-frame overlapping peptides with identical C-terminal regions. By site-directed mutagenesis we have now determined that an internal AUU, codon 114 of gene 26, is used as the initiation codon for the synthesis of a smaller peptide (gp26*). Thus gene 26* gives rise to a peptide of 95 amino acid residues with an Mr of 10873, while the complete gene 26 encodes a peptide of 208 amino acid residues of Mr 23 880. Expression of gene 26* is shown to depend on the RNA secondary structure in the translational initiation region of this gene.  相似文献   

The lac repressor protein was purified from an Escherichia coli strain carrying an amber mutation in the lacI gene and the tyrosine-inserting amber suppressor, Su3. Protein sequencing showed a change at position 62 in the repressor polypeptide chain from leucine to tyrosine, proving that the amber was derived from a UUG codon at this point in the message. This establishes UUG as an initiation codon in vivo, since it has been previously shown that translational reinitiation can occur at position 62.  相似文献   

Context sequences of translation initiation codon in plants   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In this survey of 5074 plant genes for their AUG context sequences, purines are present at the _3 and +4 positions in about 80% of the sequences. Although this observation is similar to the vertebrate consensus sequence, the number of plant mRNAs with purines at the _3 position is lower and at the +4 position is higher than reported for vertebrate mRNAs. Higher plants have an AC-rich consensus sequence, caA(A/C)aAUGGCg as a context of translation initiator codon. Between the two major groups of angiosperms, the context of the AUG codon in dicot mRNAs is aaA(A/C)aAUGGCu which is similar to the higher-plant consensus but monocot mRNAs have c(a/c)(A/G)(A/C)cAUGGCG as a consensus which exhibits an overall similarity with the vertebrate consensus. The experimental evidence regarding the importance of the AUG context in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

翻译起始调控是基因表达调控的一个关键步骤之一。本文以鸡为研究材料,比较研究了鸡基因组高表达基因和低表达基因翻译起始密码子上下游的碱基序列差异,旨在寻找影响鸡基因表达水平的特异性调控位点。全部3 020个单剪接基因完整的mRNA序列及有详细注释的5'UTRs序列从Ensembl下载。编写计算机程序,读取每个基因mRNA起始密码子上下游各位点的碱基。研究发现,起始密码子上游-3、-2位点可能是鸡基因组基因表达起始密码子正确识别的关键位点。起始密码子上下游的碱基组成分析发现,高表达基因和低表达基因起始密码子的上游均倾向使用(G+C),高表达基因的使用偏倚尤为强烈。序列差异比较发现,高表达基因在-9、-6、-3、+4位点显著偏向G,在-1、-2、-4、-5位点显著偏向C。低表达基因起始密码子上游使用A、U的频率显著高于低表达基因。在-19位点强烈偏向A,在+1、+11、+14位点强烈偏向U。  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in its 5′ untranslated region, the structure of which is essential for viral protein translation. The IRES includes a predicted pseudoknot interaction near the AUG start codon, but the results of previous studies of its structure have been conflicting. Using mutational analysis coupled with activity and functional assays, we verified the importance of pseudoknot base pairings for IRES-mediated translation and, using 35 mutants, conducted a comprehensive study of the structural tolerance and functional contributions of the pseudoknot. Ribosomal toeprinting experiments show that the entirety of the pseudoknot element positions the initiation codon in the mRNA binding cleft of the 40S ribosomal subunit. Optimal spacing between the pseudoknot and the start site AUG resembles that between the Shine–Dalgarno sequence and the initiation codon in bacterial mRNAs. Finally, we validated the HCV IRES pseudoknot as a potential drug target using antisense 2′-OMe oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of infC, the structural gene for translational initiation factor IF3, has been studied in different constructs under the control of the PL and tac promoters. The amount of synthesized IF3 has been determined by a quantitative functional test and the levels of IF3-specific mRNA have been estimated. The synthesis of IF3 is strongly enhanced when the unusual AUU initiation codon is changed to AUG by site-directed mutagenesis. Removal of the sequence upstream from the start codon including most of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, as well as part of a 10 bp region with potential complementarity to an internal region of the 16S rRNA, which is unique to the IF3 mRNA, reduced but did not completely abolish the high expression of infC obtained after introduction of the AUG initiation codon. The level of IF3 mRNA was found to be positively influenced by the presence of the rplT gene in the plasmid downstream from the infC gene. In vivo accumulation of a large excess of IF3, obtained when the infC gene was placed under the control of an incompletely repressed tac promoter, was not accompanied by any noticeable adverse phenotype.  相似文献   

A reassessment of the translation initiation codon in vertebrates   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Zhang X  Guo P  Jing G 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(10):755-760
An expression vector, pET-DB, with a perfectly matching downstream box of the initiation codon has been constructed on the basis of the pET system. Any gene of interest can then be inserted into the vector. Four genes were used to test the expression efficiency of the vector. The results show that the vector pET-DB can further increase protein expression level at least up to 35–70% as compared with the initial T7 expression system, indicating that the downstream box can enhance protein expression in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Summary The D gene of bacteriophage which codes for a major head protein is expressed at a high level during growth. We have constructed a set of D-lacZ gene fusions in order to examine the factors determining the high efficiency of the D translational initiation signals. It was found that an integral sequence, 300 bp long and upstream of the ATG initiation codon, is required for maximal protein synthesis.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates GTG as a novel, alternative initiation codon for translation of bovine endopin 2B-2, a serpin protease inhibitor. Molecular cDNA cloning revealed the endopin 2B-1 and endopin 2B-2 isoforms that are predicted to inhibit papain and elastase. Notably, GTG was demonstrated as the initiation codon for endopin 2B-2, whereas endopin 2B-1 possesses ATG as its initiation codon. GTG mediated in vitro translation of 46kDa endopin 2B-2. GTG also mediated translation of EGFP by in vitro translation and by expression in mammalian cells. Notably, mutagenesis of GTG to GTC resulted in the absence of EGFP expression in cells. GTG produced a lower level of protein expression compared to ATG. The use of GTG as an initiation codon to direct translation of endopin 2B, as well as the heterologous protein EGFP, demonstrates the role of GTG in the regulation of mRNA translation in mammalian cells. Significantly, further analyses of mammalian genomes based on GTG as an alternative initiation codon may predict new candidate gene products expressed by mammalian and human genomes.  相似文献   

基因的表达水平受到起始密码子下游区域AT含量的影响,从巨大的序列集中筛选出具有特定AT含量和密码子用法特征的同义序列是一个繁琐的工作。本文研发AT含量优化工具"BestAT",初步解决了自动获取海量同义序列和充分展示同义序列的密码子用法特性两个关键问题,并且实现了与密码子用法数据库(CUD)的无缝结合,采用了密码子参数的原位标示和AT含量曲线等直观方式展示序列特性,为这类实验设计提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

Summary An out-of-frame fusion between the penicillinase gene (penP) of Bacillus licheniformis and the -galactosidase gene (lacZ) of Escherichia coli was shown to direct the synthesis of an active -galactosidase with the same electrophoretic mobility as the wild-type protein, both in B. subtilis and E. coli. This synthesis was dependent on translation of the truncated penP gene and appeared to result from translational coupling. The fusion point between penP and lacZ contained the sequence AUAG, in which the UAG and AUA codons were in-frame with the penP and lacZ reading units, respectively. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the -galactosidase protein suggested that, both in B. subtilis and E. coli, reinitiation of translation occurred at the AUA codon present at the gene fusion point.  相似文献   

Protamine 1 mRNAs are inactivated by a block to the initiation of translation in early spermatids and are translationally active in late spermatids in mice. To determine whether translation of protamine 1 mRNAs is inhibited by a protein repressor, the translational activity of ribonucleoprotein particles and deproteinized RNAs were compared in the reticulocyte and wheat germ cell-free translation lysates. To isolate RNPs, cytoplasmic extracts of total testes were fractionated by large-pore gel filtration chromatography. Ribonucleoprotein particles in the excluded fractions stimulated synthesis of radiolabeled translation products for protamine 1 about twofold less effectively than deproteinized RNAs in the reticulocyte lysate, but were inactive in the wheat germ lysate. The ability of translationally repressed protamine 1 ribonucleoprotein particles to form initiation complexes with 80S ribosomes in the reticulocyte lysate was also measured. Protamine 1 ribonucleoprotein particles isolated by gel filtration and in unfractionated cytoplasmic extracts of early spermatids were nearly as active in forming initiation complexes as deproteinized mRNAs. The isolation of ribonucleoprotein particles in buffers of varying ionic strength, protease inhibitors, and several other variables had no major effect on the ability of protamine 1 ribonucleoprotein particles to form initiation complexes in the reticulocyte lysate. These results can be explained by artifacts in the isolation or assay of ribonucleoprotein particles or by postulating that protamine 1 mRNAs are inactivated by a mechanism that does not involve protein repressors, such as sequestration. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dinucleotide frequencies are useful for characterizing consensus elements as a minimum unit of nucleotide sequence because the neighborhood relations of nucleotide sequences are reflected in dinucleotides. Using a consensus score based on dinucleotide frequencies and intra-species codon usage heterogeneity, denoted by the Z1 parameter, we report the relationship between nucleotide conservation at the translation initiation sites of genes in the Escherichia coli K-12 genome (W3110) and codon usage in its downstream genes. Significant positive correlations were obtained in three regions centered at -13, -4, and +7, which correspond to the Shine-Dalgarno element, the A + T element immediately upstream of the translation initiation site, and the downstream box, respectively.  相似文献   

A maternally inherited and practically homoplasmic mitochondrial (mtDNA) mutation, 8527A>G, changing the initiation codon AUG into GUG, normally coding for a valine, was observed in the ATP6 gene encoding the ATPase subunit a. No alternate Met codon could replace the normal translational initiator. The patient harboring this mutation exhibited clinical symptoms suggesting a mitochondrial disease but his mother who carried the same mtDNA mutation was healthy. The mutation was absent from 100 controls and occurred once amongst 44 patients suspected of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) but devoid of typical LHON mutations. In patient fibroblasts, no effect of 8527A>G mutation could be demonstrated on the biosynthesis of mtDNA-encoded proteins, on size and the content of ATPase subunit a, on ATP hydrolysis and on mitochondrial membrane potential. In addition, ATP synthesis was barely decreased. Therefore, GUG is a functional initiation codon for the human ATP6 gene.  相似文献   

Termination codon readthrough is utilized as a mechanism of expression of a growing number of viral and cellular proteins, but in many cases the mRNA signals that promote readthrough are poorly characterized. Here, we investigated the readthrough signal of Colorado tick fever virus (CTFV) segment 9 RNA (Seg-9). CTFV is the type-species of the genus Coltivirus within the family Reoviridae and is a tick-borne, double-stranded, segmented RNA virus. Seg-9 encodes a 36-kDa protein VP9, and by readthrough of a UGA stop codon, a 65-kDa product, VP9'. Using a reporter system, we defined the minimal sequence requirements for readthrough and confirmed activity in both mammalian and insect cell-free translation systems, and in transfected mammalian cells. Mutational analysis revealed that readthrough was UGA specific, and that the local sequence context around the UGA influenced readthrough efficiency. Readthrough was also dependent upon a stable RNA stem-loop structure beginning eight bases downstream from the UGA codon. Mutational analysis of this stem-loop revealed a requirement for the stem region but not for substructures identified within the loop. Unexpectedly, we were unable to detect a ribosomal pause during translation of the CTFV signal, suggesting that the mechanism of readthrough, at least at this site, is unlikely to be dependent upon RNA secondary-structure induced ribosomal pausing at the recoded stop codon.  相似文献   

The minimal RNA synthesis machinery of non-segmented negative-strand RNA viruses comprises a genomic RNA encased within a nucleocapsid protein (N-RNA), and associated with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP). The RdRP is contained within a viral large (L) protein, which associates with N-RNA through a phosphoprotein (P). Here, we define that vesicular stomatitis virus L initiates synthesis via a de-novo mechanism that does not require N or P, but depends on a high concentration of the first two nucleotides and specific template requirements. Purified L copies a template devoid of N, and P stimulates L initiation and processivity. Full processivity of the polymerase requires the template-associated N protein. This work provides new mechanistic insights into the workings of a minimal RNA synthesis machine shared by a broad group of important human, animal and plant pathogens, and defines a mechanism by which specific inhibitors of RNA synthesis function.  相似文献   

Summary An artificial gene encoding the Escherichia coli translational initiation factor IF1 was synthesized based on the primary structure (71 amino acid residues) of the protein. Codons for individual amino acids were selected on the basis of the preferred codon usage found in the structural genes for the initiation factor IF2 of E. coli and Bacillus stearothermophilus, both of which can be expressed at high levels in E. coli cells. We gave the IF1 gene a modular structure by introducing specific restriction enzyme sites into the sequence, resulting in units of three to ten codons. This was conceived to facilitate site-directed mutagenesis of the gene and thus to obtain IF1 with specific amino acid alterations at desired positions. The IF1 gene was assembled by shot-gun ligation of 9 synthetic oligodeoxyri-bonucleotides ranging in size from 31 to 65 nucleotides and cloned into an expression vector to place the gene under the control of an inducible promoter. Upon induction, E. coli cells harbouring the artificial gene were found to produce large amounts (60 mg/100 g cells) of a protein indistinguishable from natural IF1 in both chemecal and biological properties.  相似文献   

The icosahedrally symmetrized structure of bacteriophage MS2 as determined by cryo-electron microscopy (EM) reveals the presence of genomic RNA that attaches to coat-protein dimers. Earlier X-ray diffraction studies revealed similar interactions between the unique operator hairpin of the MS2 genomic RNA and the coat-protein dimer. This observation leads us to conclude that not only the operator, but also many other RNA sequences in the genome of MS2, are able to bind to the coat-protein dimer. A substantial number of potential coat-protein-dimer binding sites are present in the genome of MS2 that can account for the observed RNA densities in the EM map. Moreover, it appears that these stem-loop structures are able to bind in a similar fashion to the coat protein dimer as the wild-type operator hairpin. The EM map also shows additional density between the potential operator-binding sites, linking the RNA stem-loops together to form an icosahedral network around the 3 and 5-fold axes. This RNA network is bound to the inside of the MS2 capsid and probably influences both capsid stability and formation, supporting the idea that capsid formation and RNA packaging are intimately linked to each other.  相似文献   

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