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寄生松球果蛀虫的缺沟姬蜂属一中国新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道寄生松球果钻蛀害虫的缺沟姬蜂属1中国新记录:枞缺沟姬蜂LissonotasapineaTownes,Momoi&Townes,1965。标本保存在国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2007,10(4):297-299
An ichneumon species, Endasys liaoningensis Wang et al., is reported for the first time from Korea. Morphological characteristics of adults are redescribed with illustrations. In addition, the biological characteristics and their distributional ranges are discussed.  相似文献   

We observed the first case of host‐behavioral manipulation of an orb‐weaver spider Argiope argentata induced by a parasitoid wasp of the genus Acrotaphus. The modified web is similar of those constructed by other orb weavers attacked by wasps of the close related genus Hymenoepimecis. The stick spirals and radii are absent and the web is composed of a three‐dimensional structure of non adhesive threads. The discovery of the ability to induce changes in host's web‐building behavior in Acrotaphus is indicative that this trait may be primitively present in the clade that includes the genus Hymenoepimecis.  相似文献   

In the first half of this century, several workers observed small, seemingly glandular structures attached to the ampullate glands of spiders. Hence, they were termed accessory ampullate glands. In juvenile Araneus cavaticus, two pairs of these structures are present (starting at least with third instars), one pair attached to the major ampullate (MaA) glands and the other pair attached to the minor ampullate (MiA) glands. In adults, two pairs of accessory MaA glands and two pairs of accessory MiA glands are present. The two latter-formed pairs of accessory ampullate glands are clearly the remnants of those ampullate glands which atrophy shortly after adulthood is reached. Morphological similarities between these accessory ampullate glands and those present in juveniles provide an indication that the latter also have their origin in functional ampullate glands. A reduction in the number of ampullate glands following the last molt occurs in many spiders. The reason(s) for these reductions is unknown. In penultimate spiders close to ecdysis, we have observed that while the larger pairs of MaA and MiA glands (those that are retained in the adult) are undergoing molt-related changes which apparently render them nonfunctional, their smaller counterparts are seemingly unaffected and functional. This raises the possibility that the principal role of the smaller ampullate glands may be to assume functions during the pre-ecdysial period which are normally in the domain of the larger ampullate glands. If true, then their degeneration after the last molt would make economic sense. The presence of cylindrical spigots in juvenile females starting with fourth instars is documented.  相似文献   

Spiders are important predators of several agricultural pests and they play an important role as indicators of ecosystem disturb. In Argentina, soybean crop has increased from the introduction of transgenic soybean resistant to glyphosate. This expansion produced an increase in the use of conventional and non-selective pesticides to control soybean pests. The objective of this work was to evaluate the side effects of subletal concentrations of two neurotoxican insecticides with a different mode of action: endosulfan (Glex, 35%, 25 mg/l a.i.) and spinosad (Tracer, 48%, 30 and 3 mg/l a.i) on Araneus pratensis. The insecticides were applied by ingestion of the treated prey (Musca domestica), and the effects on mortality, prey consumption, web building, mating, ootheca construction and fecundity were determined. Spinosad (30 mg/l a.i.) produced higher mortality than endosulfan (25 mg/l a.i.). Tremors and non-coordinated movements were observed in this treatment. The prey consumption was significantly reduced by the two insecticides (approximately 40% lower than control). The spider web building was significantly affected by the two insecticides, but spinosad had a greater effect. Though mating was not affected by both pesticides, abnormal oothecas and dehydrated eggs were observed. This work reports that sublethal concentrations representing approximately from 25 to 2.5% of the maximum field recommended concentrations (105 and 120 mg/l a.i., respectively) showed negative effects on A. pratensis. The consequences of these effects on role of A. pratensis as a natural mortality factor of soybean pests are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei einigen Spinnen, vor allem aus der Familie der Araneidae, bilden funktionell umgewandelte Mitteldarmzellen unmittelbar unter der Hypodermic eine nahezu geschlossene Zellschicht, die mehr oder minder stark mit Guaninkristallen angefiillt sein kann.Die distalen Zellbereiche dieser von uns als Guanocyten bezeichneten Zellen verzahnen rich mit der Hypodermis selbst oder stehen mit dem schmalen hypodermalen Hämolymphsinus in Verbindung. Thre proximalen Enden sind lang ausgezogen und schieben sich zwischen nicht umgewandelte Resorptionszellen. Jede Guanocyte steht mit dem Mitteldarmlumen in direkter Verbindung.Auf Grund des Organellenbestandes sind die Guanocyten als spezialisierte Mitteldarmzellen auzusprechen, die während der reproduktiven Periode die übrigen exkretorisch tätigen Gewebe bzw. Organe unterstützen oder ergänzen, indem sie der Hämolymphe, der Hypodermis und den benachbarten Resorptionszellen pinocytotisch purinhaltige Abbauprodukte und andere Exkrete entnehmen. Dieselben werden unter Mitwirkung eines glatten endoplasmatischen Retikulums umgebaut und temporär intrazellulär als kompliziert aufgebaute Kristalle innerhalb von membranösen Kristallsäckehen gespeichert.Die Notwendigkeit intrazellulärer Exkretspeicherung auf Grund der Ernährungs-physiologie und Abwandlungen in der Funktionsmorphologie sowie fortschreitender Alterungserscheinungen wird diskutiert.
Electromicroscopic studies of the guanine storage cells of Araneus diadematus Clerck (Araneae, Araneidae)
Summary Guanocytes are present in several spiders especially of the family Araneidae. The guanocytes form a compact cell-layer under the hypodermis. Their distal parts remain connected to the hypodermic hemolymph sinus, while the proximal ends establish contact with the midgut lumen in the shape of a long cellular process.The organelle equipment of the guanocytes shows that they are specialized midgut cells. They support or replace the other excretory tissues and organs especially during the reproduction period. By pinocytosis, the guanocytes remove catabolites of the purine and protein metabolism from the hemolymph, the adjacent resorption cells of the midgut, as well as from the overlying hypodermis cells. The stored catabolites are formed into complex crystals assisted by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.The necessity of the temporary intracellular excretory storage on the basis of the physiology of nutrition, changes in the functional morphology, and general signs of old age are discussed.

Die Untersuchungen werden dankenswerterweise von der Deutschen Forschnungsgemeinschaft durch Sach- und Personalmittel gefördert.

Herrn Prof. Dr. H.-U. Koecke danke ich für seine Unterstützung und die Einräumung eines Arbeitsplatzes am Elektronenmikroskop.  相似文献   

姬蜂科中国一新记录属二新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道采自中国北方地区的姬蜂科1新记录属:拟皱姬蜂属Pseudorhyssa及2新记录种:斑基拟皱姬蜂Pseudorhyssa maculicoxis(Kriechbaumer,1889)和北海道长尾姬蜂Ephialtes hokkaidonis Uchida,1928。观察标本保存在国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

Araneus rotundicornis, which has been known as a species endemic to Japan, was caught in Mt. Weolaksan in Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. And it is described and illustrated in this report.  相似文献   

报道了产自山西南部痣蛛属1新记录种,即八木氏痣蛛Araniella yaginumai Tanikawa,1995 .  相似文献   

寄生柳丝叶蜂的卷唇姬蜂属一新种(膜翅目:姬蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道寄生天水柳丝叶蜂Nematus sp.的姬蜂科1新种:突角卷唇姬蜂Aptesis corniculata Sheng,sp.nov.,模式标本存国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自中国云南高黎贡山的园蛛属Amneus 4新种:春林园蛛,新种Amneus chunlin sp.nov.,李氏园蛛,新种Araneusliae sp.nov.,丰盛园蛛,新种Amneua plenus sp.nov.和亚坪园蛛,新种Araneus yapingensis sp.nov..模式标本正模及部分副模保存于湖南师范大学(HNU),部分副模将保存于美国加州科学学院(CaAS).文中量度单位为mm.  相似文献   

报道我国寄生叶蜂类的卷唇姬蜂属AptesisF?rster,1850的3种,其中含寄生玫瑰三节叶蜂ArgepaganaPanzer的中国1新记录:白基卷唇姬蜂Aptesisalbibasalis(Uchida,1930)。编制了卷唇姬蜂属中国已知种检索表。  相似文献   

Insects flying into the web of an orb-weaving spiderAraneus pinguis (Karsch) and their avoidance of (pre-hitting process) and escapes from (post-hitting process) the web were examined by direct observation under natural and semi-natural conditions. In the pre-hitting process, mobile insects such as Brachycera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera showed a low hitting ratio (number of insects hitting/number of insects flying within 1 m3 space around the web-site) because of active web avoidance and flying activity in layers lower or higher than those in which the webs are usually laid. In contrast, less mobile insects like Heteroptera, Coleoptera and Homoptera showed a high hitting ratio. In the post-hitting process, Brachycera, Lepidoptera and some Nematocera frequently escaped without being detained by the web. Many Orthoptera and Hymenoptera escaped without any sign of detection by the spider. Coleoptera frequently escaped during the spider's attack. Small insects from the Homoptera, Nematocera and Hymenoptera rarely escaped from the web, but were not immediately attacked. Mean escape time of insects was correlated significantly with capture success of the spider. Overall most of the escapes occurred in the early phases of the predation process. This indicates that escapes are unlikely to result in heavy loss of time and energy expenditure due to unsuccessful predation. Escape patterns of insects seem to be related to their mobility.  相似文献   

Abstract The campoplegine genus Benjuminia is herein revised, with ten species being described as new, in addition to the five previously known species. Phylogenetic relationships of Benjuminia to other genera are discussed, and a cladogram presented for the species. Two monophyletic species groups are recognized, one being confined to the Palearctic and the other to the Nearctic. Examination of larval morphology not only fails to reveal larval characters for distinguishing Benjuminia but leads to the conclusion that use of larval morphology to identify campoplegine species is a dubious practice.  相似文献   

Species in the Polysphincta genus group, as far as is known, are exclusively koinobiont ectoparasitoids of spiders. These wasps attack their hosts, inflicting a temporary paralysis, and then lay one egg on the host’s abdomen or prosoma. Parasitoid attack behavior is highly variable among species, including occasions where the wasp darts directly and holds the spider, as well as instances involving complex behavioral sequences. In the present study, we describe the attack behavior of Polysphincta sp. nr. purcelli and P. janzeni on Cyclosa fililineata and C. morretes, respectively. All attacks occurred at night. Initially, the female wasp landed on the web hub at the position occupied by the spider, with the spider always escaping from this initial attack. Subsequently, the wasp waited for up to 14 h at the web hub for the spider’s return. The wasp then inserted its ovipositor into the mouth of the spider, after which the spider became paralyzed and remained motionless for at least 30 min. The wasp laid one egg on the surface of the host’s abdomen and remained on the web for at least 1 h thereafter. The lie-in-wait and attack only after the return of the host to the web hub, as well as the permanence of the wasp on the web after the attack are not frequent behaviors described for polysphinctines. Behavioral idiosyncrasies, such as those observed here, are common among polysphinctines, suggesting a high level of specific adaptive matching of polysphinctine parasitoid behavior to their hosts’ biological characteristics.  相似文献   

We present the first cladistic analysis focused at the tribal and subfamily level of the orb-weaving spider family Araneidae. The data matrix of 82 characters scored for 57 arancid genera of 6 subfamilies and 19 tribes (and 13 genera from 8 outgroup families) resulted in 16 slightly different, most parsimonious trees. Successive weighting corroborated 62 of the 66 informative nodes on these cladograms; one is recommended as the 'working' araneid phylogcny. The sister group of Araneidae is all other Araneoidea. Araneidae comprises two major clades: the subfamily Araneinae, and the 'argiopoid' clade, which includes all other subfamilies and most tribes (((Gasteracanthinae, Caerostreae), (((Micratheninae, Xylcthreae), Eruyosaccus ), (Eurycorminae, Arciinae)), Cyrlarachninae), ((Argiopinae, Cyrtophorinae), Arachnureae)). Cyrtarachneae and Mastophoreae are united in a new subfamily, Cyr-tarachninae. The spiny orb-weavers alone (Gasteracanthinae and Micratheninae) are not monophyletic. The mimetid subfamily Arciinae and the 'tetragnathid' genus Zygiella are araneids, but .Nephila (and other tetragnathids) are not. On the preferred tree, web decorations (stabilimenta) evolved 9 times within 15 genera, and were lost once. The use of silk to subdue prey evolved once in cribellate and four times in ecribillate orb weavers. Sexual size dimorphism evolved once in nephilines, twice in araneids, and reverted to monomorphism five times. Evolution in other genitalic and somatic characters is also assessed; behavioral and spinneret features arc most consistent (male genitalia, leg and prosomal features least consistent) on the phylogeny.  相似文献   

记述采自山东的中国钩瓣叶蜂属Macrophya Dahlbom 1新种:斑咐钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya maculotarsalina Wei et Liu.sp.nov.与Macrophya vacillans近似,但小盾片附片黑色,后足跗节大部白色,后足胫节具红斑,腹部第2背板两侧具侧白斑,第3、4背板无白斑,背地里单眼后区宽长比大于2,侧沟明显,锯腹片的锯刃强烈突出等,易与后者鉴别,斑股钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya femorata Marlatt,1898是中国新记录种,该种原记载分布于日本,新种的模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

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