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Hsc/Hsp70-interacting protein (HIP) is a rapidly evolving Hsp70 cofactor. Analyses of multiple Drosophila species indicate that the HIP gene is duplicated only in D. melanogaster. The HIP region, in fact, contains seven distinctly evolving duplicated genes. The regional duplication occurred in two steps, fixed rapidly, and illustrates multiple modes of duplicate gene evolution. HIP and its duplicate HIP-R are adaptively evolving in a manner unique to the region: they exhibit elevated divergence from other drosophilids and low polymorphism within D. melanogaster. HIP and HIP-R are virtually identical, share polymorphisms, and are subject to gene conversion. In contrast, two other duplicate genes in the region, CG33221 and GP-CG32779, are pseudogenes, and the chimeric gene Crg1 is subject to balancing selection. HIP and HIP-R are evolving rapidly and adaptively; however, positive selection is not sufficient to explain the molecular evolution of the region as a whole. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid (GC) hormones rise in response to stressors, including natural events including weather or predator presence, and human activities, such as hunting, scientific research or recreational visits. However, because blood sampling itself causes stress and is dangerous or even impossible in some wildlife species, feedback-free methods for GC determination are needed to assess stress in these animals. Faecal GC analyses have thus gained interest. Here, we validate a non-invasive method to estimate the physiological stress in the Upland goose Chloephaga picta. An adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) challenge was conducted in captive adults (female and male), and droppings were collected before, during and after the experiment. Corticosterone metabolite (CM) secretion in response to the ACTH challenge was measured with several enzyme immunoassays (EIA) to find the most appropriate test. We used CM levels during the periods before and after the experiment as control data. An EIA for 11-oxoetiocholanolone achieved the highest response to the ACTH challenge and also reflected a stress response to unfamiliar environment. Furthermore, CM concentrations of dry samples were highly correlated with the corresponding non-dried (frozen) samples. The data suggest that this method is appropriate to measure the stress in Upland geese, and that samples can be stored either frozen or dry form.  相似文献   

Based on population analysis of the DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 and TNFA allele frequency distribution patterns, regional features of immunogenetic structure of the population of West Siberia were investigated. Statistically significant linkage disequilibrium within the HLA class II region, as well as between the TNFA and DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 was demonstrated. Population frequency distribution patterns of two- and multilocus haplotypes were examined.  相似文献   

There are three most important bacterial causative agents of serious infections that could be misused for warfare purposes: Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax) is the most frequently mentioned one; however, Fracisella tularensis (causing tularemia) and Yersinia pestis (the causative agent of plague) are further bacterial agents enlisted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the category A of potential biological weapons. This review intends to summarize basic information about these bacterial agents. Military aspects of their pathogenesis and the detection techniques suitable for field use are discussed.  相似文献   

To overexpress the chitosanase gene (csn) in F. solani, a vector based on pCAMBIA 1300 was constructed. The csn gene, which is under control of the Aspergillus nidulans gpdA promoter and A. nidulans trpC terminator, was introduced back into the F. solani genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and the herbicide-resistance gene bar from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was used as the selection marker. Transformants which showed a significant increase in chitosanase production (~2.1-fold than control) were obtained. Southern blot analysis indicated that most transformants had a single-copy T-DNA integration.  相似文献   

The intron sequence of chloroplast rpS16 and the secondary structure of its pre-mRNA were characterized for the first time in 26 Allium sativum accessions of different ecologo-geographical origins and seven related Allium species. The boundaries and main stem-loop consensus sequences were identified for all six domains of the intron. Polymorphism was estimated for the total intron and its regions. The structural regions of the rpS16 intron proved to be heterogeneous for mutation rate and spectrum. Mutations were most abundant in domains II and IV, and transition predominated in domains I, III, V, and VI. In addition to structural elements and motifs typical for group IIB introns, several Allium-specific micro- and macrostructural mutations were revealed. A 290-bp deletion involving domains III and IV and part of domain V was observed in A. altaicum, A. fistulosum, and A. schoenoprasum. Several indels and nucleotide substitutions were found to cause a deviation of the pre-mRNA secondary structure from the consensus model of group II introns.  相似文献   

Pilobolus crystallinus shows unique photoresponses at various growing stages. cDNAs for putative photoreceptors were cloned from this fungus. Three genes named pcmada1, pcmada2, and pcmada3 were identified from the PCR fragments, and amplified with degenerated primers for the LOV domain, which is conserved in many blue-light receptors. Deduced amino acid sequences for PCMADA1, PCMADA2, and PCMADA3 had one light-oxygen-voltage (LOV)-sensing and two PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) domains. A zinc finger DNA-binding motif was conserved in the C-terminals of PCMADA1 and PCMADA3. However, PCMADA2 lacked the zinc finger motif. Expression of pcmada1 was suppressed by blue light whereas that of pcmada3 was promoted by blue-light irradiation.  相似文献   

The wolf spider Pardosa cribata Simon is the most abundant ground-dwelling spider inhabiting citrus orchards in eastern Spain. However, little is known about its activity-density and its predatory role in the citrus agrosystem. Here we report on the activity-density of P. cribata monitored by pitfall traps, and on its capacity to prey on two citrus pests that appear both in the citrus canopy and the ground cover, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemman) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer), respectively. Pardosa cribata was present in citrus orchards throughout the year, with a peak in spring and a higher peak in summer. Pardosa cribata preyed on adults and third-instar larvae but not on pupae of C. capitata. A type II functional response was obtained for teneral-like adults, with an estimated attack rate (a′) of 0.771 ± 0.213 days−1 and a handling time (T h) of 0.051 ± 0.013 days. Pardosa cribata also preyed efficiently on M. persicae, giving a type II functional response with an estimated attack rate and handling time of 2.833 ± 0.578 days−1 and 0.031 ± 0.001 days, respectively. The data reported here indicate that this wolf spider could play an important role in regulating both these pests, and therefore might contribute to developing conservation biological control strategies for citrus pests. Handling Editor: Arne Jenssen.  相似文献   

There is a general but rather vague feeling that the use of maize (corn) as a staple foodstuff by black rural Africans is somehow a factor in, or is linked to, chronic disease found in these populations. An attempt is made in this review to consider the evidence for this connection and to identify what is actually the root of the problem. The main thrust of the argument to explain this perception is that maize is routinely contaminated with fungi and of these Fusarium verticillioides is found in maize throughout the world. Evidence is presented to this effect and, further, of the mycotoxins found in maize, the fumonisins are the most common and at the highest levels. Various animal chronic diseases arising from the consumption of contaminated maize are reviewed and possible human conditions listed, in some cases related to the known animal ones. A brief overview of the complicated cellular mechanisms of fumonisin B1 is given and it is concluded that the prime suspect in what might be called “the maize disease” can be attributed to the ingestion of this mycotoxin, sometimes in combination with other synergist mycotoxins and other disease factors, such as smoking and drinking.  相似文献   

Aspergillus section Nigri strains Aspergillus aculeatus Ege-K 258, A. foeditus var. pallidus Ege-K156, A. niger Ege-K 4 and A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 were used to treat olive mill wastewater (OMW) in an investigation aimed at exploring their dephenolisation and decolourisation ability and, consequently, the economic feasibility of using any or all of these strains in a pre-treatment step in the processing of OMW. Of these strains A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 resulted in an 80% decolourisation of twofold-diluted OMW and a 30% decolourisation of undiluted OMW; in addition, it was able to remove approximately 30% of all phenolic compounds in both twofold-diluted and undiluted OMW. We conclude that A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 could be effectively used in the pre-treatment step of a combined aerobic-anaerobic process to solve the environmental problems caused by OMW in Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

As a step toward greater understanding of the genetics of verticillium wilt resistance in plants, we report the sequencing of a candidate wilt resistance gene, mVe1, from the mint diploid model species, Mentha longifolia (Lamiaceae). mVe1 is a putative homolog of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) verticillium wilt (Ve) resistance genes. The mVe1 gene has a coding region of 3,051 bp. The predicted mVe1 protein contains a leucine-rich repeat domain, a common feature of plant disease resistance proteins. We compared 13 mVe1 alleles from three mint species. These alleles shared 96.2–99.6% nucleotide identity. We analyzed four M. longifolia populations segregating with respect to mVe1 alleles and wilt resistance versus susceptibility and found one association between mVe1 genotype and wilt phenotype. We conclude that mVe1 may play a role in mint verticillium wilt resistance, but variation for resistance in our segregating progenies is likely polygenic. Therefore, further investigations of mVe1 and identification of additional candidate genes are both warranted.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper describes two methods of the synthesis of ethyl (3R,4S)- and (3S,4S)-4-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino]-5-[(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)amino]-3-hydroxypentanoates, useful for the syntheses of edeine analogs. Differently N-protected (S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid was used as a substrate in both procedures. The absolute configuration of newly generated asymmetric carbon atoms C-3 in β-hydroxy-γ,δ-diamino products was assigned by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy after their transformation into corresponding piperidin-2-ones. Received May 24, 2002 Accepted October 10, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to the Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk for financial support. Authors' address: Zbigniew Czajgucki, M. Sc., Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk, 11/12 Narutowicza St., 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland, Fax +48 58 347 11 44, E-mail: zmczaj@wp.pl  相似文献   

Summary  The type specimen of Metrosideros regelii is discussed. It contains a mixture of two species, representing different genera, and a lectotype is chosen. The generic position of the species is considered in the light of morphology and recent molecular evidence and the new combination, Mearnsia regelii, made.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible effects of the ecological environment on photosynthetic activity and the major light harvesting complex, the oxygen evolution rates and composition of phycobilisome from marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and freshwater red alga Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Montagne, which could grow and reproduce under salinity up to 35 ppt, were studied. The results showed that the oxygen evolution rate of P. yezoensis in seawater was significantly higher than that of C. coeruleus in freshwater, and P. yezoensis tolerated inorganic ions at a relatively higher concentration than C. coeruleus. Moreover, the phycoerythrin (PE) of P. yezoensis was R-phycoerythrin containing α, β, and γ subunits comprised phycoerythrobilin and phycourobilin. In contrast, the PE from C. coeruleus consisted of α, β, and γ subunits comprised only phycoerythrobilin but not phycourobilin, suggesting that the PE from C. coeruleus was of a new type. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The effect of different cadmium concentrations (6–120 μM) on Hill reaction activity (HRA) of isolated chloroplasts, contents of chlorophylls (Chls) and carotenoids (Cars), and Cd uptake and accumulation in plant organs of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. cv. Vitasso) and mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] were determined. The Cd stress inhibited photochemical activity of isolated chloroplasts of both species and in both tested developmental stages. On the basis of EC50 values, the mung bean showed a higher sensitivity to Cd treatment than Indian mustard. The higher sensitivity of both species was determined in the earlier than in the older developmental stage. The leaves of Cd-treated plants possessed lower contents of Chls and Cars in both species and the negative effect increased with Cd concentration. A difference between species was also found in Cd uptake and accumulation. In both species, Cd was accumulated more in roots than in shoots, with higher accumulation in Indian mustard than in mung bean.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex, a platelet surface fibrinogen receptor, plays a key role in producing primary hemostasis. At present, only a single mutation in the GPIIIa gene, Leu33Pro, and a single mutation in the GPIIb gene, Ile843Ser, has been described. The mutations are known to enhance signaling functions of the receptor and are associated with the development of arterial thromboses. In the present study, we describe a novel GPIIIa mutation, which is T to G nucleotide substitution in position 1585, resulting in the replacement of Leu for Arg in position 40 of the amino acid sequence of the protein.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2005, pp. 838–843.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Sirotkina, Shaydina, Vavilova, Schwartz.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection was carried out for adventitious rooting and associated propagation traits in a second-generation outbred Corymbia torelliana × Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata hybrid family (n = 186). The parental species of this cross are divergent in their capacity to develop roots adventitiously on stem cuttings and their propensity to form lignotubers. For the ten traits studied, there was one or two QTL detected, with some QTL explaining large amounts of phenotypic variation (e.g. 66% for one QTL for percentage rooting), suggesting that major effects influence rooting in this cross. Collocation of QTL for many strongly genetically correlated rooting traits to a single region on linkage group 12 suggested pleiotropy. A three locus model was most parsimonious for linkage group 12, however, as differences in QTL position and lower genetic correlations suggested separate loci for each of the traits of shoot production and root initiation. Species differences were thought to be the major source of phenotypic variation for some rooting rate and root quality traits because of the major QTL effects and up to 59-fold larger homospecific deviations (attributed to species differences) relative to heterospecific deviations (attributed to standing variation within species) evident at some QTL for these traits. A large homospecific/heterospecific ratio at major QTL suggested that the gene action evident in one cross may be indicative of gene action more broadly in hybrids between these species for some traits.  相似文献   

Toxocysts of the genus Pleurotus are blastoconidia-like ovoid structures surrounded by a liquid droplet containing a toxin that paralyzes nematodes. This study investigated toxocyst development using a strain S396 of Pleurotus cystidiosus subsp. abalonus (subgen. Coremiopleurotus). The surface of the liquid droplet was found to be an elastic envelope. When a nematode touches the toxocyst, the envelope adheres to the worm and bursts. Toxocysts are induced simultaneously with coremia formation in the absence of nematodes and developed only from aerial hyphae in which nuclear division had ceased. In the early stage of toxocyst development, liquid springs repeatedly from the tip of the sterigma-like stipe before ovoid (blastoconidium-like structure) formation. A certain substance in the liquid might polymerize to form the envelope while the ovoid simultaneously budded in the droplet. The nucleus tends to locate near the toxocyst, especially in early stage of toxocyst development. Each dikaryotic cell predominantly formed one or two toxocyst(s) while each monokaryotic cell predominantly formed one. In rare cases, a nucleus existed in the toxocyst, suggesting the possibility that the toxocyst is a vestigial blastoconidium.  相似文献   

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