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Choline is ubiquitous in marine eukaryotes and appears to be widely distributed in surface marine waters; however, its metabolism by marine bacteria is poorly understood. Here, using comparative genomics and molecular genetic approaches, we reveal that the capacity for choline catabolism is widespread in marine heterotrophs of the marine Roseobacter clade (MRC). Using the model bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi, we confirm that the betA, betB and betC genes, encoding choline dehydrogenase, betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase and choline sulfatase, respectively, are involved in choline metabolism. The betT gene, encoding an organic solute transporter, was essential for the rapid uptake of choline but not glycine betaine (GBT). Growth of choline and GBT as a sole carbon source resulted in the re‐mineralization of these nitrogen‐rich compounds into ammonium. Oxidation of the methyl groups from choline requires formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase encoded by fhs in R. pomeroyi, deletion of which resulted in incomplete degradation of GBT. We demonstrate that this was due to an imbalance in the supply of reducing equivalents required for choline catabolism, which can be alleviated by the addition of formate. Together, our results demonstrate that choline metabolism is ubiquitous in the MRC and reveal the role of Fhs in methyl group oxidation in R. pomeroyi.  相似文献   

Roseobacter strain 27-4 has been isolated from a turbot larval rearing unit and is capable of reducing mortality in turbot egg yolk sac larvae. Here, we demonstrate that the supernatant of Roseobacter 27-4 is lethal to the larval pathogens Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio splendidus in a buffer system and inhibited their growth in marine broth. Liquid chromatography (LC) with both UV spectral detection and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS) identified the known antibacterial compound thiotropocin or its closely related precursor tropodithietic acid in the bioactive fractions. Antibacterial activity correlated with the appearance of a brownish pigment and was only formed in marine broth under static growth conditions. A thick biofilm of multicellular star-shaped aggregated cells formed at the air-liquid interface under static growth conditions. Here, the bioactive compound was the base peak in the LC-UV chromatograms of the extracts where it constituted 15% of the total peak area. Aerated conditions results in 10-fold-higher cell yield, however, cultures were nonpigmented, did not produce antibacterial activity, and grew as single cells. Production of antibacterial compounds may be quorum regulated, and we identified the acylated homoserine lactone (3-hydroxy-decanoyl homoserine lactone) from cultures of Roseobacter 27-4 using LC-HR-MS. The signal molecule was primarily detected in stagnant cultures. Roseobacter 27-4 grew between 10 and 30 degrees C but died rapidly at 37 degrees C. Also, the antibacterial compounds was sensitive to heat and was inactivated at 37 degrees C in less than 2 days and at 25 degrees C in 8 days. Using Roseobacter 27-4 as a probiotic culture will require that is be established in stagnant or adhered conditions and, due to the temperature sensitivity of the active compound, constant production must be ensured.  相似文献   

Roseobacters are generalist bacteria abundantly found in the oceans. Because little is known on how marine microorganisms interact in association or competition, we focused our attention on the microbial exoproteome, a key component in their interaction with extracellular milieu. Here we present a comparative analysis of the theoretically encoded exoproteome of twelve members of the Roseobacter group validated by extensive comparative proteogenomics. In silico analysis revealed that 30% of the encoded proteome of these microorganisms could be exported. The ratio of the different protein categories varied in accordance to the ecological distinctness of each strain, a trait reinforced by quantitative proteomics data. Despite the interspecies variations found, the most abundantly detected proteins by shotgun proteomics were from transporter, adhesion, motility, and toxin-like protein categories, defining four different plausible adaptive strategies within the Roseobacter group. In some strains the toxin-secretion strategy was over-represented with repeats-in-toxin-like proteins. Our results show that exoproteomes strongly depend on bacterial trophic strategy and can slightly change because of culture conditions. Simulated natural conditions and the effect of the indigenous microbial community on the exoproteome of Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 were also assayed. Interestingly, we observed a significant depletion of the toxin-like proteins usually secreted by R. pomeroyi DSS-3 when grown in presence of a natural community sampled from a Mediterranean Sea port. The significance of this specific fraction of the exoproteome is discussed.  相似文献   

Hyphomicrobium chloromethanicum CM2(T), an aerobic methylotrophic member of the alpha subclass of the class proteobacteria, can grow with chloromethane as the sole carbon and energy source. H. chloromethanicum possesses an inducible enzyme system for utilization of chloromethane, in which two polypeptides (67-kDa CmuA and 35-kDa CmuB) are expressed. Previously, four genes, cmuA, cmuB, cmuC, and purU, were shown to be essential for growth of Methylobacterium chloromethanicum on chloromethane. The cmuA and cmuB genes were used as probes to identify homologs in H. chloromethanicum. A cmu gene cluster (9.5 kb) in H. chloromethanicum contained 10 open reading frames: folD (partial), pduX, orf153, orf207, orf225, cmuB, cmuC, cmuA, fmdB, and paaE (partial). CmuA from H. chloromethanicum (67 kDa) showed high identity to CmuA from M. chloromethanicum and contains an N-terminal methyltransferase domain and a C-terminal corrinoid-binding domain. CmuB from H. chloromethanicum is related to a family of methyl transfer proteins and to the CmuB methyltransferase from M. chloromethanicum. CmuC from H. chloromethanicum shows identity to CmuC from M. chloromethanicum and is a putative methyltransferase. folD codes for a methylene-tetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase, which may be involved in the C(1) transfer pathway for carbon assimilation and CO(2) production, and paaE codes for a putative redox active protein. Molecular analyses and some preliminary biochemical data indicated that the chloromethane utilization pathway in H. chloromethanicum is similar to the corrinoid-dependent methyl transfer system in M. chloromethanicum. PCR primers were developed for successful amplification of cmuA genes from newly isolated chloromethane utilizers and enrichment cultures.  相似文献   

小麦的比较基因组学和功能基因组学   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
小麦是异源多倍体植物,具有大的染色体组,并且基因组中重复序列所占比例较高,这些特征限制了小麦基因组研究的进展。比较基因组学方法为运用模式植物进行小麦基因组学研究提供了一个操作平台。功能基因组学的研究集中于基因组中转录表达的部分,基因功能的确定是功能基因组学研究的主要内容。对比较基因组学在小麦基因组研究中的应用和小麦功能基因组学的研究内容和方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

Roseobacter clade bacteria (RCB) are abundant in marine bacterioplankton worldwide and central to pelagic sulfur cycling. Very little is known about their abundance and function in marine sediments. We investigated the abundance, diversity and sulfur oxidation potential of RCB in surface sediments of two tidal flats. Here, RCB accounted for up to 9.6% of all cells and exceeded abundances commonly known for pelagic RCB by 1000-fold as revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and sulfate thiohydrolase (SoxB) genes indicated diverse, possibly sulfur-oxidizing RCB related to sequences known from bacterioplankton and marine biofilms. To investigate the sulfur oxidation potential of RCB in sediments in more detail, we analyzed a metagenomic fragment from a RCB. This fragment encoded the reverse dissimilatory sulfite reductase (rDSR) pathway, which was not yet found in RCB, a novel type of sulfite dehydrogenase (SoeABC) and the Sox multi-enzyme complex including the SoxCD subunits. This was unexpected as soxCD and dsr genes were presumed to be mutually exclusive in sulfur-oxidizing prokaryotes. This unique gene arrangement would allow a metabolic flexibility beyond known sulfur-oxidizing pathways. We confirmed the presence of dsrA by geneFISH in closely related RCB from an enrichment culture. Our results show that RCB are an integral part of the microbial community in marine sediments, where they possibly oxidize inorganic and organic sulfur compounds in oxic and suboxic sediment layers.  相似文献   

Lee J  Roh SW  Whon TW  Shin NR  Kim YO  Bae JW 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(13):3401-3402
Ruegeria sp. TW15, which belongs to the family Rhodobacteraceae, was isolated from an ark clam in the South Sea of Korea. Here is presented the draft genome sequence of Ruegeria sp. TW15 (4,490,771 bp with a G+C content of 55.7%), a member of the marine Roseobacter clade, which comprises up to 20% of the bacterioplankton in the coastal and oceanic mixed layer.  相似文献   

The Actinomycetales bacteria Rhodococcus opacus PD630 and Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 bioconvert a diverse range of organic substrates through lipid biosynthesis into large quantities of energy-rich triacylglycerols (TAGs). To describe the genetic basis of the Rhodococcus oleaginous metabolism, we sequenced and performed comparative analysis of the 9.27 Mb R. opacus PD630 genome. Metabolic-reconstruction assigned 2017 enzymatic reactions to the 8632 R. opacus PD630 genes we identified. Of these, 261 genes were implicated in the R. opacus PD630 TAGs cycle by metabolic reconstruction and gene family analysis. Rhodococcus synthesizes uncommon straight-chain odd-carbon fatty acids in high abundance and stores them as TAGs. We have identified these to be pentadecanoic, heptadecanoic, and cis-heptadecenoic acids. To identify bioconversion pathways, we screened R. opacus PD630, R. jostii RHA1, Ralstonia eutropha H16, and C. glutamicum 13032 for growth on 190 compounds. The results of the catabolic screen, phylogenetic analysis of the TAGs cycle enzymes, and metabolic product characterizations were integrated into a working model of prokaryotic oleaginy.  相似文献   

The transporter(s) that mediate uptake of nicotinate and its N-methyl derivative trigonelline are not known in plants, and certain mammalian nicotinate transporters also remain unidentified. Potential candidates for these missing transporters include proteins from the ubiquitous NiaP family. In bacteria, niaP genes often belong to NAD-related regulons, and genetic evidence supports a role for Bacillus subtilis and Acinetobacter baumannii NiaP proteins in uptake of nicotinate or nicotinamide. Other bacterial niaP genes are, however, not in NAD-related regulons but cluster on the chromosome with choline-related (e.g., Ralstonia solanacearum and Burkholderia xenovorans) or thiamin-related (e.g., Thermus thermophilus) genes, implying that they might encode transporters for these compounds. Radiometric uptake assays using Lactococcus lactis cells expressing NiaP proteins showed that B. subtilis, R. solanacearum, and B. xenovorans NiaP transport nicotinate via an energy-dependent mechanism. Likewise, NiaP proteins from maize (GRMZM2G381453, GRMZM2G066801, and GRMZM2G081774), Arabidopsis (At3g13050), and mouse (SVOP) transported nicotinate; the Arabidopsis protein also transported trigonelline. In contrast, T. thermophilus NiaP transported only thiamin. None of the proteins tested transported choline or the thiazole and pyrimidine products of thiamin breakdown. The maize and Arabidopsis NiaP proteins are the first nicotinate transporters reported in plants, the Arabidopsis protein is the first trigonelline transporter, and mouse SVOP appears to represent a novel type of mammalian nicotinate transporter. More generally, these results indicate that specificity for nicotinate is conserved widely, but not absolutely, among pro- and eukaryotic NiaP family proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular entities present in a cell (mRNA, proteins, metabolites,…) do not act in isolation, but rather in cooperation with each other to define an organisms form and function. Their concerted action can be viewed as networks of interacting entities that are active under certain conditions within the cell or upon certain environmental signals. A main challenge in systems biology is to model these networks, or in other words studying which entities interact to form cellular systems or accomplish similar functions. On the contrary, viewing a single entity or an experimental dataset in the light of an interaction network can reveal previous unknown insights in biological processes. In this review we give an overview of how integrated networks can be reconstructed from multiple omics data and how they can subsequently be used for network-based modeling of cellular function in bacteria.  相似文献   

Phosphonates (Pn), compounds with a direct C–P bond instead of the more common C–O–P ester bond, constitute a significant fraction of marine dissolved organic phosphorus and recent evidence suggests that they may be an alternative source of P for marine microorganisms. To further characterize the microorganisms and pathways involved in Pn utilization, we screened bacterioplankton genomic libraries for their ability to complement an Escherichia coli strain unable to use Pns as a P source. Using this approach we identified a phosphonatase pathway as well as a novel pair of genes that allowed utilization of 2-aminoethylphosphonate (2-AEPn) as the sole P source. These pathways are present in diverse bacteria common in marine plankton including representatives of Proteobacteria , Planctomycetes and Cyanobacteria . Analysis of metagenomic databases for Pn utilization genes revealed that they are widespread and abundant among marine bacteria, suggesting that Pn metabolism is likely to play an important role in P-depleted surface waters, as well as in the more P-rich deep-water column.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a cluster of 16 genes that encode hair-specific proteins, called keratin-associated proteins (KAPs), located on human Chromosome (Chr) 21q22.3. Here, we have identified similar KAP gene clusters in two primates, chimpanzee and baboon. DNA sequence comparison revealed the common cluster structure consisting of 16 KAP genes for these three primates, but a significant difference was found in the baboon. Baboon possesses a new KAP gene not found in human and chimpanzee, whereas one KAP gene (KRTAP18.12) that exists in human and chimpanzee was lost in baboon, making no change in the total number of KAP genes. Interestingly, the sequence for coding regions are highly variable among species owing to insertions and deletions, resulting in variation of gene size. On the contrary, the sequences for the 5 upstream region are highly conserved among species. These findings suggest that the ancestral KAP gene cluster was composed of 17 genes before the divergence of Old World monkeys (baboon) to the anthropoid (human and chimpanzee). The sequence data described in this paper have been submitted to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank data library under accession nos. AP006271–AP006274. (Shinsei Minoshima) Present address: Photon Medical Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 1-20-1 Handayama, Hamamatsu 431-3192, Japan.  相似文献   

Leisingera methylohalidivorans Schaefer et al. 2002 emend. Vandecandelaere et al. 2008 is the type species of the genus Leisingera. The genus belongs to the Roseobacter clade (Rhodobacteraceae, Alphaproteobacteria), a widely distributed lineage in marine environments. Leisingera and particularly L. methylohalidivorans strain MB2T is of special interest due to its methylotrophy. Here we describe the complete genome sequence and annotation of this bacterium together with previously unreported aspects of its phenotype. The 4,650,996 bp long genome with its 4,515 protein-coding and 81 RNA genes consists of three replicons, a single chromosome and two extrachromosomal elements with sizes of 221 kb and 285 kb.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of aqueous, ethanolic and dichloromethane fractions from 16 marine algae from the Atlantic shores of North-East Brittany, France, have been investigated against microorganisms frequently associated with immersed surfaces. The extracts were tested in vitro against isolates of marine fungi, bacteria and yeasts potentially involved at different stages in the formation of biofilms in the sea. The high levels of inhibitory activity of nine extracts against marine fungi and Gram-positive bacteria and their apparent absence of toxicity against larvae of oysters and sea urchins suggests a potential for novel active ingredients. Received: 30 December 1998 / Received revision: 25 April 2000 / Accepted: 1 May 2000  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity of denitrifying bacteria in sediment samples from Puget Sound and two sites on the Washington continental margin was studied by PCR approaches amplifying nirK and nirS genes. These structurally different but functionally equivalent single-copy genes coding for nitrite reductases, a key enzyme of the denitrification process, were used as a molecular marker for denitrifying bacteria. nirS sequences could be amplified from samples of both sampling sites, whereas nirK sequences were detected only in samples from the Washington margin. To assess the underlying nir gene structure, PCR products of both genes were cloned and screened by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Rarefraction analysis revealed a high level of diversity especially for nirS clones from Puget Sound and a slightly lower level of diversity for nirK and nirS clones from the Washington margin. One group dominated within nirK clones, but no dominance and only a few redundant clones were seen between sediment samples for nirS clones in both habitats. Hybridization and sequencing confirmed that all but one of the 228 putative nirS clones were nirS with levels of nucleotide identities as low as 45.3%. Phylogenetic analysis grouped nirS clones into three distinct subclusters within the nirS gene tree which corresponded to the two habitats from which they were obtained. These sequences had little relationship to any strain with known nirS sequences or to isolates (mostly close relatives of Pseudomonas stutzeri) from the Washington margin sediment samples. nirK clones were more closely related to each other than were the nirS clones, with 78.6% and higher nucleotide identities; clones showing only weak hybridization signals were not related to known nirK sequences. All nirK clones were also grouped into a distinct cluster which could not be placed with any strain with known nirK sequences. These findings show a very high diversity of nir sequences within small samples and that these novel nir clusters, some very divergent from known sequences, are not known in cultivated denitrifiers.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton are major biogeochemical agents responsible for mediating the flux of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and subsequent cycling of nutrients in the oceans. Most information about the composition of bacterioplankton communities has come from studies along well-defined biogeochemical gradients in the northern hemisphere. This study extends observations of spatial and temporal dynamics for SAR11, Actinobacteria and OCS116 in the North Atlantic by demonstrating distinct spatial variability in the abundance and distribution of these and other lineages across the South Atlantic gyre and in the Benguela upwelling system. We identified shifts in SAR11, Actinobacteria, OCS116, SAR86, SAR116 and members of the Roseobacter clade along basin-scale gradients in nutrients, chlorophyll and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Distinct SAR11 subclades dominated the western and eastern regions of the gyre, and Actinobacteria, OCS116 and members of the Roseobacter lineages were most abundant at the deep chlorophyll maxima. SAR86 and SAR116 accounted for a significant fraction of coastal and open ocean communities, respectively, and members of the gamma sulfur oxidizer (GSO) clade persisted in the Benguela upwelling system. These data suggest that distinct communities are partitioned along basin-scale biogeochemical gradients, that SAR11 community structure varies across the gyre and that Actinobacteria, OCS116, and members of the Roseobacter clade are closely associated with phytoplankton in the gyre.  相似文献   

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