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As cells pass through each replication–division cycle, they must be able to postpone further progression if they detect any threats to genome integrity, such as DNA damage or misaligned chromosomes. Once a ‘decision’ is made to proceed, the cell unequivocally enters into a qualitatively different biochemical state, which makes the transitions from one cell cycle phase to the next switch-like and irreversible. Each transition is governed by a unique signalling network; nonetheless, they share a common characteristic of bistable behaviour, a hallmark of molecular memory devices. Comparing the cell cycle signalling mechanisms acting at the restriction point, G1/S, G2/M and meta-to-anaphase transitions, we deduce a generic network motif of coupled positive and negative feedback loops underlying each transition.  相似文献   

p38 MAPKs在细胞周期调控中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chen Y  Miao ZH  Ding J 《生理科学进展》2004,35(4):315-320
p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinases,MAPKs)作为MAPK家族的成员,传统认为它主要参与调控细胞应激反应和免疫反应。近年来发现它还参与调控细胞的增殖、凋亡和分化。在不同应激刺激下,p38 MAPKs通过多条信号转导通路作用于细胞周期的各个检验点,抑制细胞增殖,阻滞细胞于不同周期。  相似文献   

AS160 (TBC1D4) has been implicated in multiple biological processes. However, the role and the mechanism of action of AS160 in the regulation of cell proliferation remain unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that AS160 knockdown led to blunted cell proliferation in multiple cell types, including fibroblasts and cancer cells. The results of cell cycle analysis showed that these cells were arrested in the G1 phase. Intriguingly, this inhibition of cell proliferation and the cell cycle arrest caused by AS160 depletion were glucose independent. Moreover, AS160 silencing led to a marked upregulation of the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. Furthermore, whereas AS160 overexpression resulted in p21 downregulation and rescued the arrested cell cycle in AS160-depeleted cells, p21 silencing rescued the inhibited cell cycle and proliferation in the cells. Thus, our results demonstrated that AS160 regulates glucose-independent eukaryotic cell proliferation through p21-dependent control of the cell cycle, and thereby revealed a molecular mechanism of AS160 modulation of cell cycle and proliferation that is of general physiological significance.  相似文献   

Mourelatou M  Doonan JH  McCann MC 《Planta》2004,220(1):172-176
We have used the Zinnia elegans mesophyll cell system, in which single isolated leaf mesophyll cells can be induced to trans-differentiate into tracheary elements in vitro, to study the relationship between the cell division cycle and cell differentiation. Almost all cells go through several rounds of division before characteristic features of tracheary element formation are observed. The addition of aphidicolin, a DNA synthesis inhibitor, blocks cell division but not cell differentiation in the zinnia system. Low concentrations of aphidicolin, which possibly delay cells in the early S phase, can significantly enhance levels of tracheary element formation. In contrast, roscovitine, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, decelerates the cell division cycle and inhibits tracheary element formation with similar dose responses. Cells blocked in S phase and then transferred to roscovitine-containing medium can divide once, indicating that roscovitine may target the G1/S transition, but do not differentiate. Cells inhibited in G1/S in roscovitine-containing medium that are subsequently blocked in S phase by transfer to aphidicolin-containing medium, do not divide but do differentiate. Taken together, our results indicate that cells may be required to transit the G1/S checkpoint and enter early S phase to acquire competence to trans-differentiate to tracheary elements.  相似文献   

The growth of human cancers is characterised by long and variable cell cycle times that are controlled by stochastic events prior to DNA replication and cell division. Treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy induces a complex chain of events involving reversible cell cycle arrest and cell death. In this paper we have developed a mathematical model that has the potential to describe the growth of human tumour cells and their responses to therapy. We have used the model to predict the response of cells to mitotic arrest, and have compared the results to experimental data using a human melanoma cell line exposed to the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Cells were analysed for DNA content at multiple time points by flow cytometry. An excellent correspondence was obtained between predicted and experimental data. We discuss possible extensions to the model to describe the behaviour of cell populations in vivo.  相似文献   

Jurkat human lymphoblastoid cells were incubated in increasing concentrations of doxorubicin (0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 μM) to induce cell death, and their expression of cyclin A, B1 and D1 was evaluated by flow cytometry (cell cycle progression, Annexin V assay, percentages and levels of each of the cyclins), transmission electron microscopy (ultrastructure) and confocal fluorescence microscopy (expression and intracellular localization of cyclins). After low‐dose doxorubicin treatment, Jurkat cells responded mainly by G2/M arrest, which was related to increased cyclin B1, A and D1 levels, a low level of apoptosis and/or mitotic catastrophe. The influence of doxorubicin on levels and/or localization of selected cyclins was confirmed, which may in turn contribute to the G2/M arrest induced by the drug.  相似文献   

We previously identified a tight bidirectional phase coupling between the circadian clock and the cell cycle. To understand the role of the CLOCK/BMAL1 complex, representing the main positive regulator of the circadian oscillator, we knocked down Bmal1 or Clock in NIH3T33C mouse fibroblasts (carrying fluorescent reporters for clock and cell cycle phase) and analyzed timing of cell division in individual cells and cell populations. Inactivation of Bmal1 resulted in a loss of circadian rhythmicity and a lengthening of the cell cycle, originating from delayed G2/M transition. Subsequent molecular analysis revealed reduced levels of Cyclin B1, an important G2/M regulator, upon suppression of Bmal1 gene expression. In complete agreement with these experimental observations, simulation of Bmal1 knockdown in a computational model for coupled mammalian circadian clock and cell cycle oscillators (now incorporating Cyclin B1 induction by BMAL1) revealed a lengthening of the cell cycle. Similar data were obtained upon knockdown of Clock gene expression. In conclusion, the CLOCK/BMAL1 complex controls cell cycle progression at the level of G2/M transition through regulation of Cyclin B1 expression.  相似文献   

钙调素对细胞周期的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RC3细胞是一种用真核表达载体1~(CaM)转染NIH 3T3细胞建成的可调钙凋素(Calmodulin,CaM)高表达细胞模型。通过分子杂交及蛋白免疫印迹方法证实在地塞米松(Dexamethasome,DXM)作用下,RC3细胞可高表达CaM。CaM的过表达使G_1期细胞减少,S期细胞增加;CaM拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(trifluoperazine,TFP)则使G_1期细胞增加,S期细胞减少。高表达CaM使细胞分裂指数提高,G_2期细胞减少,有丝分裂前期细胞增加,M中期细胞比例下降。而TFP处理则使分裂指数下降,G_2期细胞增加,M前期细胞减少,M中期细胞增加。实验结果表明CaM在G_1/S、G_2/M和M中期/M后期3个位点上对细胞周期进行调控;通过加速G_1至S期,G_2至M期和M中期至M后期的进程,使细胞倍增时间缩短,促进细胞增殖。本工作表明,RC3细胞作为CaM表达可调细胞模型,是研究细胞周期调控的有力工具。  相似文献   

Large-scale “omics” data are often represented as networks of interacting components, but such representation is inherently static and, as such, cannot provide a realistic picture of the temporal dynamics of complex cellular functions. These difficulties suggest moving to a modeling strategy that explicitly takes into account both the wiring of the components and the task they perform. From an engineering perspective, this problem resembles that of “circuit analysis”. In this paper, we focus on a limited but relevant biological circuit, the G1 to S transition in yeast cell cycle, and investigate both the network representation and the corresponding circuit described by a mathematical model, by means of a wide range of numerical simulation analysis. Reliable predictions of system-level properties are achieved and the parameters that mostly affect these properties are found out.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, genomic DNA is organized into a chromatin structure, which not only serves as the template for DNA-based nuclear processes, but also as a platform integrating intracellular and extracellular signals. Although much effort has been spent to characterize chromatin modifying/remodeling activities, little is known about cell signaling pathways targeting these chromatin modulators. Here, we report that cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) phosphorylates the histone H2A deubiquitinase Ubp-M at serine 552 (S552P), and, importantly, this phosphorylation is required for cell cycle progression. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed Ubp-M is phosphorylated at serine 552, and in vitro and in vivo assays demonstrated that CDK1/cyclin B kinase is responsible for Ubp-M S552P. Interestingly, Ubp-M S552P is not required for Ubp-M tetramer formation, deubiquitination activity, substrate specificity, or regulation of gene expression. However, Ubp-M S552P is required for cell proliferation and cell cycle G2/M phase progression. Ubp-M S552P reduces Ubp-M interaction with nuclear export protein CRM1 and facilitates Ubp-M nuclear localization. Therefore, these studies confirm that Ubp-M is phosphorylated at S552 and identify CDK1 as the enzyme responsible for the phosphorylation. Importantly, this study specifically links Ubp-M S552P to cell cycle G2/M phase progression.  相似文献   

The implication of histone H1 kinase activity for the G2/M transition during the cell cycle was investigated usingDictyostelium discoideum Ax-2. Histone H1 kinase with its activity was purified from cell extracts by the use of p13suc1 affinity gel. In the vegetative cell cycle, the activity of histone H1 kinase including Cdc2 kinase was found using synchronized Ax-2 cells to be highest just before the entry into mitosis. The activity also was markedly enhanced just prior to the M phase from which developing cells (possibly prespore cells) reinitiate their cell cycle at the mound-tipped aggregate stage. These results strongly suggest the importance of Cdc2 kinase activity in the G2 to M phase transition during the cell cycle, as the case for other eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

NEK5, a member of never in mitosis‐gene A‐related protein kinase, is involved in the regulation of centrosome integrity and centrosome cohesion at mitosis in somatic cells. In this study, we investigated the expression and function of NEK5 during mouse oocyte maturation and preimplantation embryonic development. The results showed that NEK5 was expressed from germinal vesicle (GV) to metaphase II (MII) stages during oocyte maturation with the highest level of expression at the GV stage. It was shown that NEK5 localized in the cytoplasm of oocytes at GV stage, concentrated around chromosomes at germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) stage, and localized to the entire spindle at prometaphase I, MI and MII stages. The small interfering RNA‐mediated depletion of Nek5 significantly increased the phosphorylation level of cyclin‐dependent kinase 1 in oocytes, resulting in a decrease of maturation‐promoting factor activity, and severely impaired GVBD. The failure of meiotic resumption caused by Nek5 depletion could be rescued by the depletion of Wee1B. We found that Nek5 depletion did not affect CDC25B translocation into the GV. We also found that NEK5 was expressed from 1‐cell to blastocyst stages with the highest expression at the blastocyst stage, and Nek5 depletion severely impaired preimplantation embryonic development. This study demonstrated for the first time that NEK5 plays important roles during meiotic G2/M transition and preimplantation embryonic development.  相似文献   

One of the most important factors determining the success of the development of cloned embryos is the cell cycle stage of the donor cells. We investigated the effects of serum starvation, culturing to confluence and roscovitine treatment on the cell cycle synchronization of goldfish caudal fin-derived fibroblasts by flow cytometric analysis. The results show that culturing the cells to confluence (85.5%) and roscovitine treatment (82.71%) yield a significantly higher percentage of cells arrested in the G0/G1 (P < 0.05) phase than serum starvation (62.85%). Different concentrations of roscovitine (5, 10, or 15 μM) induce cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase.  相似文献   

Common hallmarks of cancer include the dysregulation of cell cycle progression and the acquisition of genome instability. In tumors, G1 cell cycle checkpoint induction is often lost. This increases the reliance on a functional G2/M checkpoint to prevent progression through mitosis with damaged DNA, avoiding the introduction of potentially aberrant genetic alterations. Treatment of tumors with ionizing radiation (IR) utilizes this dependence on the G2/M checkpoint. Therefore, identification of factors which regulate this process could yield important biomarkers for refining this widely used cancer therapy. Leucine zipper and ICAT domain containing (LZIC) downregulation has been associated with the development of IR-induced tumors. However, despite LZIC being highly conserved, it has no known molecular function. We demonstrate that LZIC knockout (KO) cell lines show a dysregulated G2/M cell cycle checkpoint following IR treatment. In addition, we show that LZIC deficient cells competently activate the G1 and early G2/M checkpoint but fail to maintain the late G2/M checkpoint after IR exposure. Specifically, this defect was found to occur downstream of PIKK signaling. The LZIC KO cells demonstrated severe aneuploidy indicative of genomic instability. In addition, analysis of data from cancer patient databases uncovered a strong correlation between LZIC expression and poor prognosis in several cancers. Our findings suggest that LZIC is functionally involved in cellular response to IR, and its expression level could serve as a biomarker for patient stratification in clinical cancer practice.  相似文献   

To maintain cellular homeostasis against the demands of the extracellular environment, a precise regulation of kinases and phosphatases is essential. In cell cycle regulation mechanisms, activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK1) and cyclin B complex (CDK1:cyclin B) causes a remarkable change in protein phosphorylation. Activation of CDK1:cyclin B is regulated by two auto-amplification loops-CDK1:cyclin B activates Cdc25, its own activating phosphatase, and inhibits Wee1, its own inhibiting kinase. Recent biological evidence has revealed that the inhibition of its counteracting phosphatase activity also occurs, and it is parallel to CDK1:cyclin B activation during mitosis. Phosphatase regulation of mitotic kinases and their substrates is essential to ensure that the progression of the cell cycle is ordered. Outlining how the mutual control of kinases and phosphatases governs the localization and timing of cell division will give us a new understanding about cell cycle regulation. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(6): 289-294]  相似文献   

Zhao RY  Elder RT 《Cell research》2005,15(3):143-149
Progression of cells from G2 phase of the cell cycle to mitosis is a tightly regulated cellular process that requires activation of the Cdc2 kinase, which determines onset of mitosis in all eukaryotic cells. In both human and fission yeast(Schizosaccharomyces pombe) cells, the activity of Cdc2 is regulated in part by the phosphorylation status of tyrosine 15 (Tyrl5) on Cdc2, which is phosphorylated by Weel kinase during late G2 and is rapidly dephosphorylated by the Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase to trigger entry into mitosis. These Cdc2 regulators are the downstream targets of two wellcharacterized G2/M checkpoint pathways which prevent cells from entering mitosis when cellular DNA is damaged or when DNA replication is inhibited. Increasing evidence suggests that Cdc2 is also commonly targeted by viral proteins,which modulate host cell cycle machinery to benefit viral survival or replication. In this review, we describe the effect of viral protein R (Vpr) encoded by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-Ⅰ) on cell cycle G2/M regulation. Based on our current knowledge about this viral effect, we hypothesize that Vpr induces cell cycle G2 arrest through a mechanism that is to some extent different from the classic G2/M checkpoints. One the unique features distinguishing Vpr-induced G2 arrest from the classic checkpoints is the role of phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in Vpr-induced G2 arrest.Interestingly, PP2A is targeted by a number of other viral proteins including SV40 small T antigen, polyomavirus T antigen, HTLV Tax and adenovirus E4orf4. Thus an in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying Vpr-induced G2 arrest will provide additional insights into the basic biology of cell cycle G2/M regulation and into the biological significance of this effect during host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

The protein kinase-encoding genes RCK1 and RCK2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been identified as suppressors of Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle checkpoint mutations. Upon expression of these genes, radiation resistance is partially restored in S. pombe mutants with checkpoint deficiencies, but not in mutants with DNA repair defects. Some checkpoint mutants are sensitive to the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea, and this sensitivity is also suppressed by RCK1 and RCK2. The degree of suppression can be modulated by varying expression levels. Expression of RCK1 or RCK2 in S. pombe causes cell elongation and decelerated growth. Cells expressing these genes have a single nucleus and a 2n DNA content. We conclude that these genes act in S. pombe to prolong the G2 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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