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Different nutrient receptors varied in triggering germination of Bacillus subtilis spores with a pressure of 150 MPa, the GerA receptor being more responsive than the GerB receptor and even more responsive than the GerK receptor. This hierarchy in receptor responsiveness to pressure was the same as receptor responsiveness to a mixture of nutrients. The levels of nutrient receptors influenced rates of pressure germination, since the GerA receptor is more abundant than the GerB receptor and elevated levels of individual receptors increased spore germination by 150 MPa of pressure. However, GerB receptor variants with relaxed specificity for nutrient germinants responded as well as the GerA receptor to this pressure. Spores lacking dipicolinic acid did not germinate with this pressure, and pressure activation of the GerA receptor required covalent addition of diacylglycerol. However, pressure activation of the GerB and GerK receptors displayed only a partial (GerB) or no (GerK) diacylglycerylation requirement. These effects of receptor diacylglycerylation on pressure germination are similar to those on nutrient germination. Wild-type spores prepared at higher temperatures germinated more rapidly with a pressure of 150 MPa than spores prepared at lower temperatures; this was also true for spores with only one receptor, but receptor levels did not increase in spores made at higher temperatures. Changes in inner membrane unsaturated fatty acid levels, lethal treatment with oxidizing agents, or exposure to chemicals that inhibit nutrient germination had no major effect on spore germination by 150 MPa of pressure, except for strong inhibition by HgCl2.  相似文献   

AIMS: To elucidate the factors that determine the rate of germination of Bacillus subtilis spores with very high pressure (VHP) and the mechanism of VHP germination. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis were germinated rapidly with a VHP of 500 MPa at 50 degrees C. This VHP germination did not require the spore's nutrient-germinant receptors, as found previously, and did not require diacylglycerylation of membrane proteins. However, the spore's pool of dipicolinic acid (DPA) was essential. Either of the two redundant enzymes that degrade the spore's peptidoglycan cortex, and thus allow completion of spore germination, was essential for completion of VHP germination. However, neither of these enzymes was needed for DPA release triggered by VHP treatment. Completion of spore germination as well as DPA release with VHP had an optimum temperature of approx. 60 degrees C, in contrast to an optimum temperature of 40 degrees C for germination with the moderately high pressure of 150 MPa. The rate of spore germination by VHP decreased approx. fourfold when the sporulation temperature increased from 23 degrees C to 44 degrees C, and decreased twofold when 1 mol l(-1) salt was present in sporulation. However, large variations in levels of unsaturated fatty acids in the spore's inner membranes did not affect rates of VHP germination. Complete germination of spores by VHP was not inhibited significantly by killing of spores with several oxidizing agents, and was not inhibited by ethanol, octanol or o-chlorophenol at concentrations that abolish nutrient germination. Completion of spore germination by VHP was also inhibited by Hg(2+), but this ion did not inhibit DPA release caused by VHP. In contrast, dodecylamine, a surfactant that can trigger spore germination, strongly inhibited DPA release caused by VHP treatment. CONCLUSIONS: VHP does not cause spore germination by acting upon the spore's nutrient-germinant receptors, but by directly causing DPA release. This DPA release then leads to subsequent completion of germination. VHP likely acts on the spore's inner membrane to cause DPA release, targeting either a membrane protein or the membrane itself. However, the precise identity of this target is not yet clear. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: There is significant interest in the use of VHP to eliminate or reduce levels of bacterial spores in foods. As at least partial spore germination by pressure is almost certainly essential for subsequent spore killing, knowledge of factors involved and the mechanism of VHP germination are crucial to the understanding of spore killing by VHP. This work provides new insight into factors that can affect the rate of B. subtilis spore germination by VHP, and into the mechanism of VHP germination itself.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis spore resistance to and killing by a novel sporicide, dimethyldioxirane (DMDO) that was generated in situ from acetone and potassium peroxymonosulfate at neutral pH. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis were effectively killed by DMDO. Rates of killing by DMDO of spores lacking most DNA protective alpha/beta-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (alpha- beta- spores) or the major DNA repair protein, RecA, were very similar to that of wild-type spore killing. Survivors of wild-type and alpha- beta- spores treated with DMDO also exhibited no increase in mutations. Spores lacking much coat protein due either to mutation or chemical decoating were much more sensitive to DMDO than were wild-type spores, but were more resistant than growing cells. Wild-type spores killed with this reagent retained their large pool of dipicolinic acid (DPA), and the survivors of spores treated with DMDO were sensitized to wet heat. The DMDO-killed spores germinated with nutrients, albeit more slowly than untreated spores, but germinated faster than untreated spores with dodecylamine. The killed spores were also germinated by very high pressures and by lysozyme treatment in hypertonic medium, but many of these spores lysed shortly after their germination, and none of these treatments were able to revive the DMDO-killed spores. CONCLUSIONS: DMDO is an effective reagent for killing B. subtilis spores. The spore coat is a major factor in spore resistance to DMDO, which does not kill spores by DNA damage or by inactivating some component needed for spore germination. Rather, this reagent appears to kill spores by damaging the spore's inner membrane in some fashion. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work demonstrates that DMDO is an effective decontaminant for spores of Bacillus species that can work under mild conditions, and the killed spores cannot be revived. Evidence has also been obtained on the mechanisms of spore resistance to and killing by this reagent.  相似文献   

Spores of a Bacillus subtilis strain with a gerD deletion mutation (Delta gerD) responded much slower than wild-type spores to nutrient germinants, although they did ultimately germinate, outgrow, and form colonies. Spores lacking GerD and nutrient germinant receptors also germinated slowly with nutrients, as did Delta gerD spores in which nutrient receptors were overexpressed. The germination defect of Delta gerD spores was not suppressed by many changes in the sporulation or germination conditions. Germination of Delta gerD spores was also slower than that of wild-type spores with a pressure of 150 MPa, which triggers spore germination through nutrient receptors. Ectopic expression of gerD suppressed the slow germination of Delta gerD spores with nutrients, but overexpression of GerD did not increase rates of spore germination. Loss of GerD had no effect on spore germination induced by agents that do not act through nutrient receptors, including a 1:1 chelate of Ca2+ and dipicolinic acid, dodecylamine, lysozyme in hypertonic medium, a pressure of 500 MPa, and spontaneous germination of spores that lack all nutrient receptors. Deletion of GerD's putative signal peptide or change of its likely diacylglycerylated cysteine residue to alanine reduced GerD function. The latter findings suggest that GerD is located in a spore membrane, most likely the inner membrane, where the nutrient receptors are located. All these data suggest that, while GerD is not essential for nutrient germination, this protein has an important role in spores' rapid response to nutrient germinants, by either direct interaction with nutrient receptors or some signal transduction essential for germination.  相似文献   

Dormant Bacillus subtilis spores can be induced to germinate by nutrients, as well as by nonmetabolizable chemicals, such as a 1:1 chelate of Ca(2+) and dipicolinic acid (DPA). Nutrients bind receptors in the spore, and this binding triggers events in the spore core, including DPA excretion and rehydration, and also activates hydrolysis of the surrounding cortex through mechanisms that are largely unknown. As Ca(2+)-DPA does not require receptors to induce spore germination, we asked if this process utilizes other proteins, such as the putative cortex-lytic enzymes SleB and CwlJ, that are involved in nutrient-induced germination. We found that Ca(2+)-DPA triggers germination by first activating CwlJ-dependent cortex hydrolysis; this mechanism is different from nutrient-induced germination where cortex hydrolysis is not required for the early germination events in the spore core. Nevertheless, since nutrients can induce release of the spore's DPA before cortex hydrolysis, we examined if the DPA excreted from the core acts as a signal to activate CwlJ in the cortex. Indeed, endogenous DPA is required for nutrient-induced CwlJ activation and this requirement was partially remedied by exogenous Ca(2+)-DPA. Our findings thus define a mechanism for Ca(2+)-DPA-induced germination and also provide the first definitive evidence for a signaling pathway that activates cortex hydrolysis in response to nutrients.  相似文献   

AIMS: To measure rates of release of small molecules during pressure germination of Bacillus subtilis spores, and the role of SpoVA proteins in dipicolinic acid (DPA) release. METHODS AND RESULTS: Rates of DPA release during B. subtilis spore germination with pressures of 150 or 500 megaPascals were much higher in spores with elevated levels of SpoVA proteins, and spores with a temperature-sensitive mutation in the spoVA operon were temperature-sensitive in DPA release during pressure germination. Spores also released arginine and glutamic acid, but not AMP, during pressure germination. CONCLUSIONS: Pressure germination of B. subtilis spores causes release of many small molecules including DPA. SpoVA proteins are involved in the release of DPA, perhaps because SpoVA proteins are a component of a DPA channel in the spore's inner membrane. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides new insight into the mechanism of pressure germination of spores of Bacillus species, a process that has significant potential for usage in the food industry.  相似文献   

Abstract A mutant of Bacillus subtilis has been isolated which is devoid of glucose dehydrogenase. This mutant is unable to germinate on a mix of glucose, fructose, asparagine, and KCl, which is a normal germination trigger for wild-type strains. Transfer of the genotype by transformation to isogenic strains confers the same properties on these transformed strains. These observations strongly implicate glucose dehydrogenase in germination.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis spore killing by hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide, and its resistance against them. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis treated with hypochlorite or chlorine dioxide did not accumulate damage to their DNA, as spores with or without the two major DNA protective alpha/beta-type small, acid soluble spore proteins exhibited similar sensitivity to these chemicals; these agents also did not cause spore mutagenesis and their efficacy in spore killing was not increased by the absence of a major DNA repair pathway. Spore killing by these two chemicals was greatly increased if spores were first chemically decoated or if spores carried a mutation in a gene encoding a protein essential for assembly of many spore coat proteins. Spores prepared at a higher temperature were also much more resistant to these agents. Neither hypochlorite nor chlorine dioxide treatment caused release of the spore core's large depot of dipicolinic acid (DPA), but hypochlorite- and chlorine dioxide-treated spores much more readily released DPA upon a subsequent normally sub-lethal heat treatment than did untreated spores. Hypochlorite-killed spores could not initiate the germination process with either nutrients or a 1 : 1 chelate of Ca2+-DPA, and these spores could not be recovered by lysozyme treatment. Chlorine dioxide-treated spores also did not germinate with Ca2+-DPA and could not be recovered by lysozyme treatment, but did germinate with nutrients. However, while germinated chlorine dioxide-killed spores released DPA and degraded their peptidoglycan cortex, they did not initiate metabolism and many of these germinated spores were dead as determined by a viability stain that discriminates live cells from dead ones on the basis of their permeability properties. CONCLUSIONS: Hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide do not kill B. subtilis spores by DNA damage, and a major factor in spore resistance to these agents appears to be the spore coat. Spore killing by hypochlorite appears to render spores defective in germination, possibly because of severe damage to the spore's inner membrane. While chlorine dioxide-killed spores can undergo the initial steps in spore germination, these germinated spores can go no further in this process probably because of some type of membrane damage. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results provide information on the mechanisms of the killing of bacterial spores by hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide.  相似文献   

Germination experiments with specific germination mutants of Bacillus subtilis, including a newly isolated mutant affected in pressure-induced germination, suggest that a pressure of 100 MPa triggers the germination cascades that are induced by the nutrient germinant alanine (Ala) and by a mixture of asparagine, glucose, fructose, and potassium ions (AGFK), by activating the receptors for alanine and asparagine, GerA and GerB, respectively. As opposed to germination at 100 MPa, germination at 600 MPa apparently short-cuts at least part of the Ala- and AGFK-induced germination pathways. Inhibitors of nutrient-induced germination (HgCl(2) and Nalpha-P-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester) also inhibit pressure-induced germination at 600 MPa, suggesting that germination at 600 MPa involves activation of a true physiological germination pathway and is therefore not merely a physico-chemical process in which water is forced into the spore protoplast.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanisms of killing of Bacillus subtilis spores by ethanol or strong acid or alkali. METHODS AND RESULTS: Killing of B. subtilis spores by ethanol or strong acid or alkali was not through DNA damage and the spore coats did not protect spores against these agents. Spores treated with ethanol or acid released their dipicolinic acid (DPA) in parallel with spore killing and the core wet density of ethanol- or acid-killed spores fell to a value close to that for untreated spores lacking DPA. The core regions of spores killed by these two agents were stained by nucleic acid stains that do not penetrate into the core of untreated spores and acid-killed spores appeared to have ruptured. Spores killed by these two agents also did not germinate in nutrient and non-nutrient germinants and were not recovered by lysozyme treatment. Spores killed by alkali did not lose their DPA, did not exhibit a decrease in their core wet density and their cores were not stained by nucleic acid stains. Alkali-killed spores released their DPA upon initiation of spore germination, but did not initiate metabolism and degraded their cortex very poorly. However, spores apparently killed by alkali were recovered by lysozyme treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that spore killing by ethanol and strong acid involves the disruption of a spore permeability barrier, while spore killing by strong alkali is due to the inactivation of spore cortex lytic enzymes.SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results provide further information on the mechanisms of spore killing by various chemicals.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the mechanisms of spore inactivation by high pressure at moderate temperatures to optimize the sterilization efficiency of high‐pressure treatments. Bacillus subtilis spores were first subjected to different pressure treatments ranging from 90 to 550 MPa at 40°C, with holding times from 10 min to 4 h. These treatments alone caused slight inactivation, which was related to the pressure‐induced germination of the spores. After these pressures treatments, the sensitivity of these processed spores to heat (80°C/10 min) or to high pressure (350 MPa/40°C/10 min) was tested to determine the pressure‐induced germination rate and the advancement of the spores in the germination process. The subsequent heat or pressure treatments were applied immediately after decompression from the first pressure treatment or after a holding time at atmospheric pressure. As already known, the spore germination is more efficient at low pressure level than at high pressure level. Our results show that this low germination efficiency at high pressure seemed not to be related either to a lower induction or a difference in the induction mechanisms but rather to an inhibition of enzyme activities which are involved in germination process. In fact, high pressure was necessary and very efficient in inducing spore germination. However, it seemed to slow the enzymatic digestion of the cortex, which is required for germinated spores to be inactivated by pressure. Although these results indicate that high‐pressure treatments are more efficient when the two treatments are combined, a small spore population still remained dormant and was not inactivated with any holding time or pressure level. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 876–883. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis spores that germinated poorly with saturating levels of nutrient germinants, termed superdormant spores, were separated from the great majority of dormant spore populations that germinated more rapidly. These purified superdormant spores (1.5 to 3% of spore populations) germinated extremely poorly with the germinants used to isolate them but better with germinants targeting germinant receptors not activated in superdormant spore isolation although not as well as the initial dormant spores. The level of β-galactosidase from a gerA-lacZ fusion in superdormant spores isolated by germination via the GerA germinant receptor was identical to that in the initial dormant spores. Levels of the germination proteins GerD and SpoVAD were also identical in dormant and superdormant spores. However, levels of subunits of a germinant receptor or germinant receptors activated in superdormant spore isolation were 6- to 10-fold lower than those in dormant spores, while levels of subunits of germinant receptors not activated in superdormant spore isolation were only ≤ 2-fold lower. These results indicate that (i) levels of β-galactosidase from lacZ fusions to operons encoding germinant receptors may not be an accurate reflection of actual germinant receptor levels in spores and (ii) a low level of a specific germinant receptor or germinant receptors is a major cause of spore superdormancy.  相似文献   

Yi X  Liu J  Faeder JR  Setlow P 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(18):4664-4671
Rates of commitment to germinate and germination of Bacillus subtilis spores with mixtures of low concentrations of germinants acting on different germinant receptors (GRs) were much higher than the sums of the rates of commitment and germination with individual germinants alone. This synergism with mixtures of nutrient germinants was not seen with spores lacking GRs responsible for recognizing one or several components of the germinant mixtures and was not eliminated by either a gerD mutation or overexpression of one of the GRs involved in this synergism. This synergism was also not seen between the germinant L-valine, which acts via a GR, and the germinant dodecylamine, which does not act via any GR. These results indicate that spores not only integrate but can also amplify signals from multiple germinants and multiple GRs in determining rates of commitment and overall spore germination. This amplification can be explained by a simple mechanism in which a single signal integrator triggers germination above an accumulation threshold. Direct cooperative action between GRs may further add to the synergism seen in germination triggered by multiple GRs. Further experiments and modeling are required to determine the relative contributions of these different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis NCTC 8236 were treated with glutaraldehyde, Lugol's iodine, polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine (PVP-I), sodium hypochlorite or sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC). After exposure survivors were enumerated on nutrient agar containing potential revival agents (subtilisin, lysozyme, calcium dipicolinate, calcium lactate). Of these, only calcium lactate had any significant enhancing effect and then only with iodine-treated spores. Calcium lactate (9 mmol 1−1) in nutrient broth enhanced the rate and extent of germination of iodine-treated spores but not of spores previously subjected to glutaraldehyde, hypochlorite or NaDCC.  相似文献   

采用高静压协同中温的方法,研究了连续式施压(continuous pressurization)和间歇式施压(intermittent pressurization)两种不同方式对枯草杆菌芽孢的灭活作用.实验设计了分阶段施压方式,即先低压200 MPa/5 min,再高压500 MPa/5 min,循环1~3次.结果表明,同200 MPa~500MPa连续施压30 min相比,间歇施压更有效地杀灭芽孢,并缩短了处理时间.经扫描电镜观察,芽孢外壳出现凹陷、皱褶等形态变化,这种间歇式的施压产生强烈的机械剪切力,造成芽孢损伤,及内容物的泄漏,甚至死亡.  相似文献   

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