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Addition of ethanol and some other primary alcohols, except methanol, to cells and protoplasts (but not membrane particles) considerably stimulated the rate of oxygen consumption. This additional respiration was strongly inhibited by 0.1 mM KCN. The cyanide inhibition curve of endogenous substrate oxidation was slightly biphasic while in the presence of ethanol it became clearly biphasic having K i values of approx. 0.1 and 0.5 mM. Based on the steady-state cytochrome spectra in the presence of 0.1 mM KCN, we attributed the lower K i to cytochrome a 602. Proteolysis of protoplasts external membrane proteins did not change the rate of endogeneous substrate oxidation but prevented the inhibition of this respiration by low concentrations of KCN and stimulation of oxygen consumption by ethanol. The activity of NAD+-dependent ethanol dehydrogenase in the cytoplasm was found to be 520 nmol NADH-x min–1 x mg–1 protein. Proteolysis of external membrane proteins apparently inhibits the operation of the cytochrome a 602-containing electron transport branch inducing the suppression of electron flow from NADH to oxygen.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in normal signaling events and excessive ROS are associated with many pathological conditions. The amount of ROS in cells is dependent on both the production of ROS by the mitochondrial electron transport chain and their removal by ROS-detoxifying enzymes. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) is a master regulator of mitochondrial functions and a key regulator of the ROS-detoxifying program. However, the impact of PGC-1α on the topology and rate of superoxide production by the mitochondrial electron transport chain is not known. We report here, using mitochondria from muscle creatine kinase–PGC-1α transgenic mice, that PGC-1α does not affect the topology of ROS production, but increases the capacity of complexes I and III to generate ROS. These changes are associated with increased mitochondrial respiration and content of respiratory chain complexes. When normalizing ROS production to mitochondrial respiration, we find that PGC-1α preserves the percentage of free radical leak by the electron transport chain. Together, these data demonstrate that PGC-1α regulates the intrinsic properties of mitochondria in such a way as to preserve a tight coupling between mitochondrial respiration and ROS production.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase can either inhibit or stimulate autoxidation of different hydroquinones, suggesting multiple roles for O2.-. Inhibitory actions of superoxide dismutase include termination of O2.(-)-propagated reaction chains and metal chelation by the apoprotein. Together, chelation of metals and termination of O2.(-)-propagated chains can effectively prevent reduction of oxygen. Chain termination by superoxide dismutase can thus account for negligible accumulation of H2O2 without invoking a superoxide:semiquinone oxidoreductase activity for this enzyme. One stimulatory action of superoxide dismutase is to decrease thermodynamic limitations to reduction of oxygen. Whether superoxide dismutase inhibits or accelerates an autoxidation depends on the reduction potentials of the quinone and the availability of metal coordination for inner sphere electron transfers.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the stoicheiometry of proton-translocation coupled to NAD(P)H oxidation by several quinones (duroquinone, ubiquinone(0), ubiquinone(1), ubiquinone(2)) in mitochondria from rat liver and ox heart. Observed stoicheiometries of protons translocated per mol of NADH oxidized (-->H(+)/2e(-) ratios; Mitchell, 1966) ranged from 0.75 (rat liver mitochondria with ubiquinone(1)) to 1.55 (ox heart mitochondria with ubiquinone(1) or ubiquinone(2)). Only the rotenone-sensitive pathway of NADH oxidation by quinone was able to support proton translocation. Correction of the observed -->H(+)/2e(-) ratios for the loss of reducing equivalents to the rotenone-insensitive pathway increased their value to approx. 2.0. It is concluded that the rotenone-sensitive NADH- ubiquinone reductase activity of the respiratory chain may be organized in the mitochondrial membrane as a proton-translocating oxidoreduction loop. The number of such loops between NADH and ubiquinone is one, and not two, as initially proposed by Mitchell (1966).  相似文献   

The 2‐5A system (2-5OAS/RNaseL) is composed of the 2′,5′oligoadenylate synthetase 1 (2-5OAS1) and 2-5A-dependent RNase (RNaseL), enzymes that play a key role in antiviral defence mechanisms. Activation of the 2-5A system by double stranded RNA (dsRNA) induces degradation of ribosomal RNAs and apoptosis in mammalian cells. To obtain further information into the molecular mechanisms by which RNaseL induces apoptosis, we expressed human RNaseL and 2-5OAS in HeLa cells using recombinant vaccinia viruses as vectors and we analysed in detail different biochemical markers of apoptosis. In this expression virus-cell system the activation of RNaseL, as index of rRNA degradation, is an upstream event of apoptosis induction. RNaseL induces apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner (caspases 8, 9 and 2). At the beginning of apoptosis RNaseL and 2-5OAS are localized in the mitochondria and cytosol fractions, while at the onset of apoptosis both enzymes are largely in mitochondria. The 2-5A system induces the release of Cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol in a caspase dependent manner. The onset of apoptosis elicits the disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΦm), as well as the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover, the activation of RNaseL induces morphological alterations in the mitochondria. Apoptosis induced by the 2-5A system involves mitochondrial proteins, such as the human anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, which blocks both the apoptosis and the change of ΔΦm induced by the activation of RNaseL. These findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis induction by the 2-5A system, demonstrating the importance of mitochondria in 2-5OAS/RNaseL-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the pathogenic effects of grains cultivated in the endemic areas of Keshan disease and selenium is effective in the prevention of this disease. In this study, liver damages induced by feeding grains from an endemic area (endemic diet), and the effects of selenium and -tocopherol supplement were examined. After 3 months on the endemic diet, the amounts of serum enzymes were significantly increased when compared to controls (animals receiving diet from a non-endemic area). Liver enzymes (alkaline phosphatase and choline esterase) were also found to be altered in the serum, further suggesting liver damages in animals on an endemic diet. Supplement of the endemic diet with selenium or -tocopherol reversed the changes in serum enzymes. Increase in lipid peroxidation in the liver of animals on the endemic diet was observed when compared to that in control animals. Selenium and -tocopherol supplements prevented the increase in lipid peroxidation in the liver by the endemic diet. Semi-quantitative histochemical analysis of glutamate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase in liver tissue showed that the livers of animals on an endemic diet were more sensitive to ischemic damagesin vitro. Supplementation of the endemic diet with either selenium or -tocopherol reduced the sensitivity to ischemic damages. The results suggest that increased lipid peroxidation in the liver of rats on an endemic diet may be responsible for liver damages and elevation of serum enzymes. Restoration of glutathione peroxidase activity by selenium supplement or an increase in the content of -tocopherol in the liver can prevent lipid peroxidation in animals on an endemic diet and thus provide the protective effects against liver damages.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been found to increase cardiac -myosin heavy chain (-MyHC) gene expression and induce hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes. ET-1 has been demonstrated to increase intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cardiomyocytes. The exact molecular mechanism by which ROS regulate ET-1-induced -MyHC gene expression and hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes, however, has not yet been fully described. We aim to elucidate the molecular regulatory mechanism of ROS on ET-1-induced -MyHC gene expression and hypertrophic signaling in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Following stimulation with ET-1, cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were examined for 3H-leucine incorporation and -MyHC promoter activities. The effects of antioxidant pretreatment on ET-1-induced cardiac hypertrophy and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPKs) phosphorylation were studied to elucidate the redox-sensitive pathway in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and -MyHC gene expression. ET-1 increased 3H-leucine incorporation and -MyHC promoter activities, which were blocked by the specific ETA receptor antagonist BQ-485. Antioxidants significantly reduced ET-1-induced 3H-leucine incorporation, -MyHC gene promoter activities and MAPK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase, p38, and c-Jun NH2 -terminal kinase) phosphorylation. Both PD98059 and SB203580 inhibited ET-1-increased 3H-leucine incorporation and -MyHC promoter activities. Co-transfection of the dominant negative mutant of Ras, Raf, and MEK1 decreased the ET-1-induced -MyHC promoter activities, suggesting that the Ras-Raf-MAPK pathway is required for ET-1 action. Truncation analysis of the -MyHC gene promoter showed that the activator protein-2 (AP-2)/specificity protein-1 (SP-1) binding site(s) were(was) important cis-element(s) in ET-1-induced -MyHC gene expression. Moreover, ET-1-induced AP-2 and SP-1 binding activities were also inhibited by antioxidant. These data demonstrate the involvement of ROS in ET-1-induced hypertrophic responses and -MyHC expression. ROS mediate ET-1-induced activation of MAPK pathways, which culminates in hypertrophic responses and -MyHC expression. Tzu-Hurng Cheng, Neng-Lang Shih: These authors have equally contributed to this work  相似文献   

Thermococcales, a major order of archaea inhabiting the iron- and sulfur-rich anaerobic parts of hydrothermal deep-sea vents, have been shown to rapidly produce abundant quantities of pyrite FeS2 in iron–sulfur-rich fluids at 85°C, suggesting that they may contribute to the formation of ‘low temperature’ FeS2 in their ecosystem. We show that this process operates in Thermococcus kodakarensis only when zero-valent sulfur is directly available as intracellular sulfur vesicles. Whether in the presence or absence of zero-valent sulfur, significant amounts of Fe3S4 greigite nanocrystals are formed extracellularly. We also show that mineralization of iron sulfides induces massive cell mortality but that concomitantly with the formation of greigite and/or pyrite, a new generation of cells can grow. This phenomenon is observed for Fe concentrations of 5 mM but not higher suggesting that above a threshold in the iron pulse all cells are lysed. We hypothesize that iron sulfides precipitation on former cell materials might induce the release of nutrients in the mineralization medium further used by a fraction of surviving non-mineralized cells allowing production of new alive cells. This suggests that biologically induced mineralization of iron-sulfides could be part of a survival strategy employed by Thermococcales to cope with mineralizing high-temperature hydrothermal environments.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive drugs such as Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) are used to suppress the immune system activity in transplant patients and reduce the risk of organ rejection. The present study investigates whether the potential cytotoxicity and genotoxicity varied according to MMF dosing-time in Wistar Rat. A potentially toxic MMF dose (300 mg/kg) was acutely administered by the i.p. route in rats at four different circadian stages (1, 7, 13 and 19 hours after light onset, HALO). Rats were sacrificed 3 days following injection, blood and bone marrow were removed for determination of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity analysis. The genotoxic effect of this pro-drug was investigated using the comet assay and the micronucleus test. Hematological changes were also evaluated according to circadian dosing time. MMF treatment induced a significant decrease at 7 HALO in red blood cells, in the hemoglobin rate and in white blood cells. These parameters followed a circadian rhythm in controls or in treated rats with an acrophase located at the end of the light-rest phase. A significant, thrombocytopenia was observed according to MMF circadian dosing time. Furthermore, abnormally shaped red cells, sometimes containing micronuclei, poikilocytotic in red cells and hypersegmented neutrophil nuclei were observed with MMF treatment. The micronucleus test revealed damage to chromosomes in rat bone marrow; the comet assay showed significant DNA damage. This damage varied according to circadian MMF dosing time. The injection of MMF in the middle of the dark-activity phase produced a very mild hematological toxicity and low genotoxicity. Conversely, it induced maximum hematological toxicity and genotoxicity when the administration occurred in the middle of the light-rest phase, which is physiologically analogous to the end of the activity of the diurnal phase in human patients.  相似文献   

Azinomycin B is a hybrid polyketide/nonribosomal peptide natural product and possesses antitumor activity by interacting covalently with duplex DNA and inducing interstrand crosslinks. In the biosynthetic study of azinomycin B, a gene (orf1) adjacent to the azinomycin B gene cluster was found to be essential for the survival of the producer, Streptomyces sahachiroi ATCC33158. Sequence analyses revealed that Orf1 belongs to the HTH_42 superfamily of conserved bacterial proteins which are widely distributed in pathogenic and antibiotic-producing bacteria with unknown functions. The protein exhibits a protective effect against azinomycin B when heterologously expressed in azinomycin-sensitive strains. EMSA assays showed its sequence nonspecific binding to DNA and structure-specific binding to azinomycin B-adducted sites, and ChIP assays revealed extensive association of Orf1 with chromatin in vivo. Interestingly, Orf1 not only protects target sites by protein–DNA interaction but is also capable of repairing azinomycin B-mediated DNA cross-linking. It possesses the DNA glycosylase-like activity and specifically repairs DNA damage induced by azinomycin B through removal of both adducted nitrogenous bases in the cross-link. This bifunctional protein massively binds to genomic DNA to reduce drug attack risk as a novel DNA binding protein and triggers the base excision repair system as a novel DNA glycosylase.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of mitochondria and bacteria is made up of a set of membrane‐associated enzyme complexes which catalyse sequential, stepwise transfer of reducing equivalents from substrates to oxygen and convert redox energy into a transmembrane protonmotive force (PMF) by proton translocation from a negative (N) to a positive (P) aqueous phase separated by the coupling membrane. There are three basic mechanisms by which a membrane‐associated redox enzyme can generate a PMF. These are membrane anisotropic arrangement of the primary redox catalysis with: (i) vectorial electron transfer by redox metal centres from the P to the N side of the membrane; (ii) hydrogen transfer by movement of quinones across the membrane, from a reduction site at the N side to an oxidation site at the P side; (iii) a different type of mechanism based on co‐operative allosteric linkage between electron transfer at the metal redox centres and transmembrane electrogenic proton translocation by apoproteins. The results of advanced experimental and theoretical analyses and in particular X‐ray crystallography show that these three mechanisms contribute differently to the protonmotive activity of cytochrome c oxidase, ubiquinone‐cytochrome c oxidoreductase and NADH‐ubiquinone oxidoreductase of the respiratory chain. This review considers the main features, recent experimental advances and still unresolved problems in the molecular/atomic mechanism of coupling between the transfer of reducing equivalents and proton translocation in these three protonmotive redox complexes.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes, isolated from the whole brain of young (3 months) and old (24 months) rats were used to study the major bioenergetic systems of neuronal mitochondria in situ, within the synaptosome. Approximately 85% of the resting oxygen consumption of synaptosomes from both young and old rats was a result of proton leak (and possibly other ion cycling) across the mitochondrial inner membrane. There were no significant differences between synaptosomes from the young and old rats in the kinetic responses of the substrate oxidation system, the mitochondrial proton leak and the phosphorylation system to changes in the proton electrochemical gradient. Flux control coefficients of 0.71, 0.27 and 0.02 were calculated for substrate oxidation system, phosphorylation system and the proton leak, respectively, at maximal ATP producing capacity in synaptosomes from young animals. The corresponding values calculated for synaptosomes from old animals were 0.53, 0.43 and 0.05. Thus substrate oxidation had greatest control over oxygen consumption at maximal phosphorylating capacity for synaptosomes from whole brain, with proton leak, having little control under maximal ATP producing capacity. The uncoupled rate of oxygen consumption, in the presence of the mitochondrial uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), was significantly lower (p = 0.0124) in synaptosomes from old rats (6.08 +/- 0.42, n = 11) when compared with those from the young rats (7.87 +/- 0.48, n = 8). Thus, there is an impaired flux through the substrate oxidation system is synaptosomes from old rats, as compared to synaptosomes from the young animals. These in situ results may have important implications for the interpretation of theories that age-dependent impairment of mitochondrial energy production may result in increased susceptibility to neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Oxygen reduction by isolated pea thylakoids was studied in the presence of ferredoxin (Fd), Fd + NADP, and cytochrome c. At Fd concentrations optimal for NADP reduction, it contributed 30–50% of the reducing equivalents (as deduced by comparing the rates of oxygen reduction and light oxidation of reduced Fd). The oxygen reduction rate in the presence of Fd + NADP was 3–4 times lower than with Fd alone, and comparable to that with cyt c. It is supposed that the process involves a photosystem I component whose reaction with oxygen depends on the rate of electron efflux from the PS I terminal acceptors, and that this component is phylloquinone.  相似文献   

The three most commonly used electron donors for flow dialysis measurements of membrane potential lead to the development of an apparent but artifactual membrane potential with the interior negative in the presence or absence of membrane vesicles. The same three electron donors used in flow dialysis determinations of delta pH in the presence or absence of membrane vesicles lead to the development of an apparent but artifactual delta pH with the interior acidic. These artifacts have been evaluated using two probes for membrane potential, namely, TPP+ and rubidium in the presence of valinomycin and for two probes of delta pH, namely, acetate and DMO. Measurements were made over a range of ionic strengths.  相似文献   

Antimycin, 2-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide and funiculosin induce O.2(-) generation by submitochondrial particles oxidizing succinate, whereas KCN, mucidin, myxothiazol or 2,3-dimercaptopropanol inhibit O.2(-) generation. Thenoyltrifluoroacetone does not induce superoxide production by itself but slightly stimulates the reaction initiated by antimycin. The results indicate that auto-oxidation of unstable ubisemiquinone formed in centre o of the Q-cycle generates most of the O.2(-) radicals in the cytochrome bc1-site of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA, encoding the mitochondrial enzyme NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 (SmND5) of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni was isolated by screening an S. mansoni cDNA library with a human androgen receptor (hAR) cDNA probe. The complete nucleotide and deduced aminoacid sequences of SmND5 were determined. Southern blot analysis revealed the occurrence of a single copy gene for SmND5 and by means of RT-PCR, it was shown that sex- and stage-specific expression of SmND5 occurred. In order to establish a functional relationship between the mitochondrial enzyme and the androgen receptor, the effects of testosterone were compared to those of classical respiratory chain inhibitors, using adult schistosome and beef heart submitochondrial particles. Physiological concentrations of testosterone were able to inhibit the maintenance of proton gradient across the mitochondrial membranes, as well as ATP synthesis. The steroid was found to be cytotoxic to the larvae, but not to adult schistosomes. A model is proposed to explain the observed in vivo testosterone-related differences in worm burdens, in experimental chronic infections.  相似文献   

Twotypesofcellulardemisecanoccursimultaneouslyintissuesorculturedcellbynecrosisandapoptosis.Lossofmembraneintegrity,celledemaandbreak,andthecellcomponentsre-leasedoutarethecharacteristicsofnecrosis.Whilethecellapoptosisisaprogramcelldeathcodedbygeneandactivatedseriousendogenousenzymes[1].Recentstudieshavedemonstratedthatmyocardialischemia-reperfusioninjuryresultedinapoptoticcelldeathinadditiontotissuenecrosis[2—4].Oxygenstressisoneofthereasonsthatcausedcellapoptosisandtheoxygenradicalsinthest…  相似文献   

Gao C  Xing D  Li L  Zhang L 《Planta》2008,227(4):755-767
Recent studies have suggested that ultraviolet-C (UV-C) overexposure induces programmed cell death (PCD) in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, and this process includes participation of caspase-like proteases, DNA laddering as well as fragmentation of the nucleus. To investigate possible early signal events, we used microscopic observations to monitor in vivo the behaviour of mitochondria, as well as the production and localization of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during protoplast PCD induced by UV-C. A quick burst of ROS was detected when the protoplasts were kept in continuous light after UV-C exposure, which was restricted in chloroplasts and the adjacent mitochondria. Pre-incubation with ascorbic acid (AsA, antioxidant molecule) or 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea (DCMU, an inhibitor of photosynthetic electron transport) decreased the ROS production and partially protected protoplasts from PCD. A mitochondrial transmembrane potential (MTP) loss occurred prior to cell death; thereafter, the mitochondria irregularly clumped around chloroplasts or aggregated in other places within the cytoplasm, and the movement of mitochondria was concomitantly blocked. Pre-treatment with an inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition pores (MPTP), cyclosporine (CsA), effectively retarded the decrease of MTP and reduced the percentage of protoplasts undergoing PCD after UV-C overexposure. Our results suggest that the MTP loss and the changes in distribution and mobility of mitochondria, as well as the production of ROS play important roles during UV-induced plant PCD, which is in good accordance with what has been reported in many types of apoptotic cell death, both in animals and plants. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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