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Iron is an essential element for life but also serves as an environmental signal for biofilm development in the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Under iron-limiting conditions, P. aeruginosa displays enhanced twitching motility and forms flat unstructured biofilms. In this study, we present evidence suggesting that iron-regulated production of the biosurfactant rhamnolipid is important to facilitate the formation of flat unstructured biofilms. We show that under iron limitation the timing of rhamnolipid expression is shifted to the initial stages of biofilm formation (versus later in biofilm development under iron-replete conditions) and results in increased bacterial surface motility. In support of this observation, an rhlAB mutant defective in biosurfactant production showed less surface motility under iron-restricted conditions and developed structured biofilms similar to those developed by the wild type under iron-replete conditions. These results highlight the importance of biosurfactant production in determining the mature structure of P. aeruginosa biofilms under iron-limiting conditions.The biofilm mode of bacterial growth is a surface-attached state in which cells are closely packed and encased in an extracellular polymeric matrix (10, 27). Biofilms are abundant in nature and are of clinical, environmental, and industrial importance. Biofilm development is known to follow a series of complex but discrete and tightly regulated steps (18, 27), including (i) microbial attachment to the surface, (ii) growth and aggregation of cells into microcolonies, (iii) maturation, and (iv) dissemination of progeny cells that can colonize new niches. Over the last decade, several key processes important for biofilm formation have been identified, including quorum sensing (12) and surface motility (28).One of the best-studied model organisms for biofilm development is the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10), a notorious opportunistic pathogen which causes many types of infections, including biofilm-associated chronic lung infections in individuals with cystic fibrosis (10, 24, 41). Like most organisms, P. aeruginosa requires iron for growth, as iron serves as a cofactor for enzymes that are involved in many basic cellular functions and metabolic pathways. Recent work has shown that at iron concentrations that are not limiting for growth, this metal serves as a signal for biofilm development (40). Iron limitation imposed, for example, by the mammalian iron chelator lactoferrin blocks the ability of P. aeruginosa biofilms to mature from thin layers of cells attached to a surface into large multicellular mushroom-like biofilm structures (40). By chelating iron, lactoferrin induces twitching motility (a specialized form of surface motility), which causes the cells to move across the surface instead of settling down to form structured communities (39, 40). In a recent paper, Berlutti et al. (5) provided further support for the role of iron in cell aggregation and biofilm formation. They reported that in the liquid phase, iron limitation induced motility and transition to the free-living (i.e., planktonic) mode of growth, while increased iron concentrations facilitated cell aggregation and biofilm formation. We recently demonstrated that iron limitation-induced twitching motility is regulated by quorum sensing (31). Quorum sensing allows bacteria to sense and respond to their population density via the production of small diffusible signal molecules. In P. aeruginosa and many other Gram-negative bacteria, these signal molecules are N-acyl homoserine lactones (acyl-HSLs), which have specific receptors (R proteins) (16, 30). P. aeruginosa possesses two acyl-HSL quorum-sensing systems, one for production of and response to N-3-oxo-dodecanoyl homoserine lactone (3OC12-HSL) (LasR-LasI) and the other for production of and response to N-butanoyl homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) (RhlR-RhlI) (35, 37). We have reported that an rhlI mutant unable to synthesize the C4-HSL signal was impaired in iron limitation-induced twitching motility and formed structured biofilms under iron-limiting conditions (31).The correlation between twitching motility, the RhlR-RhlI quorum-sensing system, and iron-regulated biofilm formation led us to hypothesize that rhamnolipids are involved in mediating this process. Rhamnolipids are surface-active amphipathic molecules composed of a hydrophobic lipid and a hydrophilic sugar moiety and compose the main constituents of the biosurfactant produced by P. aeruginosa (reviewed in reference 42). The biosurfactant is required for a form of surface motility called swarming, where it functions as a wetting agent and reduces surface tension (8, 14). Furthermore, elements constituting the biosurfactant were recently shown to modulate the swarming behavior by acting as chemotactic-like stimuli (43). Rhamnolipids are also important in maintaining biofilm structure and inducing biofilm dispersion (6, 11, 29). Their synthesis requires the expression of the rhlAB operon, which is regulated by the RhlR-RhlI quorum-sensing system (14, 25, 32) and is also induced under iron-limiting conditions (14).In this study, we test this hypothesis and demonstrate that rhamnolipid production is induced under iron-limiting conditions and that this promotes twitching motility. We found that increased expression of rhamnolipid synthesis genes during early biofilm development under iron-limiting conditions induces surface motility and results in formation of a thin flat biofilm. Furthermore, a mutant that is incapable of synthesizing rhamnolipids does not display twitching motility under iron-limiting conditions and thus forms structured biofilms under these conditions. These results highlight the importance of biosurfactant production in determining the architecture of mature P. aeruginosa biofilms under iron-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

As biofilms grow, resident cells inevitably face the challenge of resource limitation. In the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, electron acceptor availability affects matrix production and, as a result, biofilm morphogenesis. The secreted matrix polysaccharide Pel is required for pellicle formation and for colony wrinkling, two activities that promote access to O2. We examined the exploitability and evolvability of Pel production at the air-liquid interface (during pellicle formation) and on solid surfaces (during colony formation). Although Pel contributes to the developmental response to electron acceptor limitation in both biofilm formation regimes, we found variation in the exploitability of its production and necessity for competitive fitness between the two systems. The wild type showed a competitive advantage against a non-Pel-producing mutant in pellicles but no advantage in colonies. Adaptation to the pellicle environment selected for mutants with a competitive advantage against the wild type in pellicles but also caused a severe disadvantage in colonies, even in wrinkled colony centers. Evolution in the colony center produced divergent phenotypes, while adaptation to the colony edge produced mutants with clear competitive advantages against the wild type in this O2-replete niche. In general, the structurally heterogeneous colony environment promoted more diversification than the more homogeneous pellicle. These results suggest that the role of Pel in community structure formation in response to electron acceptor limitation is unique to specific biofilm models and that the facultative control of Pel production is required for PA14 to maintain optimum benefit in different types of communities.  相似文献   

The second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) plays a critical role in the regulation of motility. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, c-di-GMP inversely controls biofilm formation and surface swarming motility, with high levels of this dinucleotide signal stimulating biofilm formation and repressing swarming. P. aeruginosa encodes two stator complexes, MotAB and MotCD, that participate in the function of its single polar flagellum. Here we show that the repression of swarming motility requires a functional MotAB stator complex. Mutating the motAB genes restores swarming motility to a strain with artificially elevated levels of c-di-GMP as well as stimulates swarming in the wild-type strain, while overexpression of MotA from a plasmid represses swarming motility. Using point mutations in MotA and the FliG rotor protein of the motor supports the conclusion that MotA-FliG interactions are critical for c-di-GMP-mediated swarming inhibition. Finally, we show that high c-di-GMP levels affect the localization of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MotD fusion, indicating a mechanism whereby this second messenger has an impact on MotCD function. We propose that when c-di-GMP level is high, the MotAB stator can displace MotCD from the motor, thereby affecting motor function. Our data suggest a newly identified means of c-di-GMP-mediated control of surface motility, perhaps conserved among Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, and other organisms that encode two stator systems.  相似文献   

There are numerous ways by which cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) inhibits motility. Kuchma et al. (S. L. Kuchma, N. J. Delalez, L. M. Filkins, E. A. Snavely, J. P. Armitage, and G. A. O''Toole, J. Bacteriol. 197:420–430, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/JB.02130-14) offer a new, previously unseen way of swarming motility inhibition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14. This bacterium possesses a single flagellum with one rotor and two sets of stators, only one of which can provide torque for swarming. The researchers discovered that elevated levels of c-di-GMP inhibit swarming by skewing stator selection in favor of the nonfunctional, “bad” stators.  相似文献   

A nonswarming Serratia liquefaciens mutant deficient in serrawettin W2 production was constructed by transposon mutagenesis. Sequence homology indicated that insertion had occurred in gene swrA, which encodes a putative peptide synthetase. Expression of swrA is controlled by quorum sensing.  相似文献   

The intracellular signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) has been shown to influence surface-associated behaviors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including biofilm formation and swarming motility. Previously, we reported a role for the bifA gene in the inverse regulation of biofilm formation and swarming motility. The bifA gene encodes a c-di-GMP-degrading phosphodiesterase (PDE), and the ΔbifA mutant exhibits increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP, forms hyperbiofilms, and is unable to swarm. In this study, we isolated suppressors of the ΔbifA swarming defect. Strains with mutations in the pilY1 gene, but not in the pilin subunit pilA gene, show robust suppression of the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, as well as its hyperbiofilm phenotype. Despite the ability of the pilY1 mutation to suppress all the c-di-GMP-related phenotypes, the global pools of c-di-GMP are not detectably altered in the ΔbifA ΔpilY1 mutant relative to the ΔbifA single mutant. We also show that enhanced expression of the pilY1 gene inhibits swarming motility, and we identify residues in the putative VWA domain of PilY1 that are important for this phenotype. Furthermore, swarming repression by PilY1 specifically requires the diguanylate cyclase (DGC) SadC, and epistasis analysis indicates that PilY1 functions upstream of SadC. Our data indicate that PilY1 participates in multiple surface behaviors of P. aeruginosa, and we propose that PilY1 may act via regulation of SadC DGC activity but independently of altering global c-di-GMP levels.Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms surface-attached communities known as biofilms, and this microbe is also capable of surface-associated motility, including twitching and swarming. The mechanism by which cells regulate and coordinate these various surface-associated behaviors, or how these microbes transition from one surface behavior to another, has yet to be elucidated. Given that P. aeruginosa is capable of such diverse surface-associated lifestyles, this Gram-negative organism serves as a useful model to address questions regarding the regulation of surface-associated behaviors.Recent studies indicate that biofilm formation and swarming motility by P. aeruginosa are inversely regulated via a common pathway (12, 27, 37). Important factors that influence early biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa strain PA14 include control of flagellar motility and the robust production of the Pel exopolysaccharide (EPS). Swarming occurs when cells move across a hydrated, viscous semisolid surface, and like biofilm formation, flagellar function is important for this surface-associated motility. Additionally, swarming requires production of rhamnolipid surfactant acting as a surface-wetting agent (25, 58). In contrast to biofilm formation, swarming motility is enhanced in strains which are defective for the production of Pel EPS (12).The inverse regulation of biofilm formation and swarming motility is reminiscent of the regulation of sessile and motile behaviors that occurs in a wide range of bacterial species via the intracellular signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) (17, 24, 50, 51, 56). High levels of this signaling molecule promote sessile behaviors and inhibit motility, whereas low levels of c-di-GMP favor motile behaviors (8, 9, 22, 56). Recently, we reported that the BifA phosphodiesterase, which catalyzes the breakdown of c-di-GMP, inversely regulates biofilm formation and swarming motility (27). In addition, Merritt et al. reported that SadC, a diguanylate cyclase (DGC) which synthesizes c-di-GMP, participates with BifA to modulate cellular c-di-GMP levels and thus regulate biofilm formation and swarming motility (37).Consistent with a role for BifA as a c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, ΔbifA mutants exhibit increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP relative to the wild type (WT) (27). Phenotypically, ΔbifA mutants form hyperbiofilms and are unable to swarm. The hyperbiofilm phenotype of the ΔbifA mutant results largely from increased synthesis of the pel-derived polysaccharide; that is, the ΔbifAΔpel double mutant shows a marked decrease in biofilm formation compared to the ΔbifA mutant (27). Interestingly, elevated Pel polysaccharide production alone is not sufficient to explain the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, as the ΔbifAΔpel double mutant recovers only minimal swarming ability (27). These data indicate that high levels of c-di-GMP inhibit swarming motility in a largely Pel-independent manner.To better understand how elevated c-di-GMP levels in the cell inhibit swarming motility, we exploited the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, and using a genetic screen, we identified suppressors in the ΔbifA background that restored the ability to swarm. Here we report a role for the PilY1 protein in repression of swarming motility in the ΔbifA mutant background. Our data are consistent with a model in which PilY1 functions upstream of the c-di-GMP diguanylate cyclase SadC to regulate swarming motility by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The survival of bacteria in nature is greatly enhanced by their ability to grow within surface-associated communities called biofilms. Commonly, biofilms generate proliferations of bacterial cells, called microcolonies, which are highly recalcitrant, 3-dimensional foci of bacterial growth. Microcolony growth is initiated by only a subpopulation of bacteria within biofilms, but processes responsible for this differentiation remain poorly understood. Under conditions of crowding and intense competition between bacteria within biofilms, microevolutionary processes such as mutation selection may be important for growth; however their influence on microcolony-based biofilm growth and architecture have not previously been explored. To study mutation in-situ within biofilms, we transformed Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells with a green fluorescent protein gene containing a +1 frameshift mutation. Transformed P. aeruginosa cells were non-fluorescent until a mutation causing reversion to the wildtype sequence occurs. Fluorescence-inducing mutations were observed in microcolony structures, but not in other biofilm cells, or in planktonic cultures of P. aeruginosa cells. Thus microcolonies may represent important foci for mutation and evolution within biofilms. We calculated that microcolony-specific increases in mutation frequency were at least 100-fold compared with planktonically grown cultures. We also observed that mutator phenotypes can enhance microcolony-based growth of P. aeruginosa cells. For P. aeruginosa strains defective in DNA fidelity and error repair, we found that microcolony initiation and growth was enhanced with increased mutation frequency of the organism. We suggest that microcolony-based growth can involve mutation and subsequent selection of mutants better adapted to grow on surfaces within crowded-cell environments. This model for biofilm growth is analogous to mutation selection that occurs during neoplastic progression and tumor development, and may help to explain why structural and genetic heterogeneity are characteristic features of bacterial biofilm populations.  相似文献   

The emergence of multidrug resistance has become an alarming and lifethreatening phenomenon for humans. Various mechanisms are involved in the development of resistance in bacteria towards antimicrobial compounds and immune system. Bacterial biofilm is a complicated, selfdefensive, rigid structure of bacteria crowded together to develop a selfrecessive nature, which enhances the ability to cause infections much easier in the living host. P. aeruginosa biofilm formation is supported by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) such as exopolysaccharides, extracellular DNA (eDNA), proteins and biomolecules. Published evidences suggest that biofilm formation can also be the result of several other mechanisms such as cell signaling or communication. Bacterial biofilm is also regulated by strong intercellular communication known as Quorum Sensing (QS). It is a cellular communication mechanism involving autoinducers and regulators. In P. aeruginosa, Acyl Homoserine Lactone, the prime signaling molecule, controls approximately 300 genes responsible for various cellular functions, including its pathogenesis. The surrounding environment and metabolism have a specific effect on the biofilm and QS, thus, understanding the involvement of QS in the biofilm developing mechanism is still complicated and complex to understand. Therefore, this review will include basic knowledge of the biofilmforming mechanism and other regulatory factors involved in causing infections and diseases in the host organisms.  相似文献   

Various waste frying oils (WFOs) were evaluated as substrates for rhamnolipid production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant EBN-8 in the presence or absence of rhamnolipid precursor, under single-/batch-fed conditions. Soybean WFO was the best substrate, producing 9.3 g rhamnolipid l−1 with the specific product yield of 2.7 g g−1 h, under batch-fed cultivation with the addition of rhamnolipid precursor. The surface tension of the cell-free culture broth (CFCB) was 29.1 mN m−1 and the interfacial tension against n-hexadecane was <1 mN m−1. The hydrocarbon/ CFCB systems showed the relative emulsion stability to be in the range of 89.7–92.3.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis is an entomopathogenic bacterium that has been used as an efficient biopesticide worldwide. Despite the fact that this bacterium is usually described as an insect pathogen, its life cycle in the environment is still largely unknown. B. thuringiensis belongs to the Bacillus cereus group of bacteria, which has been associated with many mobile genetic elements, such as species-specific temperate or virulent bacteriophages (phages). Temperate (lysogenic) phages are able to establish a long-term relationship with their host, providing, in some cases, novel ecological traits to the bacterial lysogens. Therefore, this work focuses on evaluating the potential influence of temperate tectiviruses GIL01 and GIL16 on the development of different life traits of B. thuringiensis. For this purpose, a B. thuringiensis serovar israelensis plasmid-cured (nonlysogenic) strain was used to establish bacterial lysogens for phages GIL01 and GIL16, and, subsequently, the following life traits were compared among the strains: kinetics of growth, metabolic profiles, antibiotics susceptibility, biofilm formation, swarming motility, and sporulation. The results revealed that GIL01 and GIL16 lysogeny has a significant influence on the bacterial growth, sporulation rate, biofilm formation, and swarming motility of B. thuringiensis. No changes in metabolic profiles or antibiotic susceptibilities were detected. These findings provide evidence that tectiviruses have a putative role in the B. thuringiensis life cycle as adapters of life traits with ecological advantages.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to examine the effects of the heavy metals copper, lead, and zinc on biofilm and planktonic Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A rotating-disk biofilm reactor was used to generate biofilm and free-swimming cultures to test their relative levels of resistance to heavy metals. It was determined that biofilms were anywhere from 2 to 600 times more resistant to heavy metal stress than free-swimming cells. When planktonic cells at different stages of growth were examined, it was found that logarithmically growing cells were more resistant to copper and lead stress than stationary-phase cells. However, biofilms were observed to be more resistant to heavy metals than either stationary-phase or logarithmically growing planktonic cells. Microscopy was used to evaluate the effect of copper stress on a mature P. aeruginosa biofilm. The exterior of the biofilm was preferentially killed after exposure to elevated concentrations of copper, and the majority of living cells were near the substratum. A potential explanation for this is that the extracellular polymeric substances that encase a biofilm may be responsible for protecting cells from heavy metal stress by binding the heavy metals and retarding their diffusion within the biofilm.  相似文献   

Under static growth conditions, hyperpiliated, nontwitching pilT and pilU mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa formed dense biofilms, showing that adhesion, not twitching motility, is necessary for biofilm initiation. Under flow conditions, the pilT mutant formed mushroom-like structures larger than those of the wild type but the pilU mutant was defective in biofilm formation. Therefore, twitching motility affects the development of biofilm structure, possibly through modulation of detachment.  相似文献   

The pH-stat fed-batch culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa YPJ-80 was done to produce a rhamnolipid biosurfactant. With glucose as the sole carbon source, the final concentrations of cells and rhamnolipid biosurfactant obtained in 25 h were 25 g cell dry weight/l and 4.4 g/l, respectively.  相似文献   

Four strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (wild type, ΔpilHIJK mutant, lasI mutant, and rpoS mutant) were genetically tagged with the green fluorescent protein, and the development of flow chamber-grown biofilms by each of them was investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The structural developments of the biofilms were quantified by the computer program COMSTAT (A. Heydorn, A. T. Nielsen, M. Hentzer, C. Sternberg, M. Givskov, B. K. Ersbøll, and S. Molin, Microbiology 146:2395-2407, 2000). Two structural key variables, average thickness and roughness, formed the basis for an analysis of variance model comprising the four P. aeruginosa strains, five time points (55, 98, 146, 242, and 314 h), and three independent rounds of biofilm experiments. The results showed that the wild type, the ΔpilHIJK mutant, and the rpoS mutant display conspicuously different types of temporal biofilm development, whereas the lasI mutant was indistinguishable from the wild type at all time points. The wild type and the lasI mutant formed uniform, densely packed biofilms. The rpoS mutant formed densely packed biofilms that were significantly thicker than those of the wild type, whereas the ΔpilHIJK mutant formed distinct microcolonies that were regularly spaced and almost uniform in size. The results are discussed in relation to the current model of P. aeruginosa biofilm development.  相似文献   

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