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1. Ecological stoichiometry theory was applied to investigate how a consumer contends with an extreme elemental mismatch between its food and its body via symbiotic facilitation. 2. The beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte develops in bark, a substrate extremely low in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Its survival there depends on interactions with mutualist and antagonist fungi. 3. This study found that mutualists transfer N and P from sapwood and phloem into bark, where beetles feed, whereas the antagonist moves these elements only to phloem, resulting in starvation of the insect. However, even with mutualists, N and P concentrations remained low in bark, resulting in low N and extremely low P concentrations in the beetle. 4. The N:P ratios found in D. brevicomis larvae were the highest thus far reported for beetles and among the highest for insects and invertebrates. This suggests that the beetle has evolved additional, nutrient‐sparing adaptations.  相似文献   

Single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are rapidly becoming the standard markers in population genomics studies; however, their use in nonmodel organisms is limited due to the lack of cost‐effective approaches to uncover genome‐wide variation, and the large number of individuals needed in the screening process to reduce ascertainment bias. To discover SNPs for population genomics studies in the fungal symbionts of the mountain pine beetle (MPB), we developed a road map to discover SNPs and to produce a genotyping platform. We undertook a whole‐genome sequencing approach of Leptographium longiclavatum in combination with available genomics resources of another MPB symbiont, Grosmannia clavigera. We sequenced 71 individuals pooled into four groups using the Illumina sequencing technology. We generated between 27 and 30 million reads of 75 bp that resulted in a total of 1, 181 contigs longer than 2 kb and an assembled genome size of 28.9 Mb (N50 = 48 kb, average depth = 125x). A total of 9052 proteins were annotated, and between 9531 and 17 266 SNPs were identified in the four pools. A subset of 206 genes (containing 574 SNPs, 11% false positives) was used to develop a genotyping platform for this species. Using this roadmap, we developed a genotyping assay with a total of 147 SNPs located in 121 genes using the Illumina® Sequenom iPLEX Gold. Our preliminary genotyping (success rate = 85%) of 304 individuals from 36 populations supports the utility of this approach for population genomics studies in other MPB fungal symbionts and other fungal nonmodel species.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the dynamics of the parapatric boundary in South Australia of the ticks Amblyomma limbatum and Bothriocroton hydrosauri the late Professor C. Michael Bull initiated studies into the ecology of sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa), a common host of these parasites. These studies spanned a period of about 40 years and examined aspects such as monogamy, long‐term mate fidelity, social networks, personality, resource use and the transmission of parasites and other pathogens. This review incorporates the results of these studies with other information about this species to provide a comprehensive overview of its natural history, highlighting not only what is known, but also indicates areas that require further study.  相似文献   

Plant–soil feedbacks (PSFs) have gained attention for their potential role in explaining plant growth and invasion. While promising, most PSF research has measured plant monoculture growth on different soils in short‐term, greenhouse experiments. Here, five soil types were conditioned by growing one native species, three non‐native species, or a mixed plant community in different plots in a common‐garden experiment. After 4 years, plants were removed and one native and one non‐native plant community were planted into replicate plots of each soil type. After three additional years, the percentage cover of each of the three target species in each community was measured. These data were used to parameterize a plant community growth model. Model predictions were compared to native and non‐native abundance on the landscape. Native community cover was lowest on soil conditioned by the dominant non‐native, Centaurea diffusa, and non‐native community cover was lowest on soil cultivated by the dominant native, Pseudoroegneria spicata. Consistent with plant growth on the landscape, the plant growth model predicted that the positive PSFs observed in the common‐garden experiment would result in two distinct communities on the landscape: a native plant community on native soils and a non‐native plant community on non‐native soils. In contrast, when PSF effects were removed, the model predicted that non‐native plants would dominate all soils, which was not consistent with plant growth on the landscape. Results provide an example where PSF effects were large enough to change the rank‐order abundance of native and non‐native plant communities and to explain plant distributions on the landscape. The positive PSFs that contributed to this effect reflected the ability of the two dominant plant species to suppress each other's growth. Results suggest that plant dominance, at least in this system, reflects the ability of a species to suppress the growth of dominant competitors through soil‐mediated effects.  相似文献   

Many populations are small and isolated with limited genetic variation and high risk of mating with close relatives. Inbreeding depression is suspected to contribute to extinction of wild populations, but the historical and demographic factors that contribute to reduced population viability are often difficult to tease apart. Replicated introduction events in non‐native species can offer insights into this problem because they allow us to study how genetic variation and inbreeding depression are affected by demographic events (e.g. bottlenecks), genetic admixture and the extent and duration of isolation. Using detailed knowledge about the introduction history of 21 non‐native populations of the wall lizard Podarcis muralis in England, we show greater loss of genetic diversity (estimated from microsatellite loci) in older populations and in populations from native regions of high diversity. Loss of genetic diversity was accompanied by higher embryonic mortality in non‐native populations, suggesting that introduced populations are sufficiently inbred to jeopardize long‐term viability. However, there was no statistical correlation between population‐level genetic diversity and average embryonic mortality. Similarly, at the individual level, there was no correlation between female heterozygosity and clutch size, infertility or hatching success, or between embryo heterozygosity and mortality. We discuss these results in the context of human‐mediated introductions and how the history of introductions can play a fundamental role in influencing individual and population fitness in non‐native species.  相似文献   

Global warming threatens to increase the spread and prevalence of mosquito‐transmitted diseases. Certain pathogens may be carried by migratory birds and transmitted to local mosquito populations. Mosquitoes were collected in the northern Philippines during bird migration seasons to detect avian malaria parasites as well as for the identification of potential vector species and the estimation of infections among local mosquito populations. We used the nested PCR to detect the avian malaria species. Culex vishnui (47.6%) was the most abundant species collected and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (13.8%) was the second most abundant. Avian Plasmodium parasites were found in eight mosquito species, for which the infection rates were between 0.5% and 6.2%. The six Plasmodium genetic lineages found in this study included P. juxtanucleare ‐GALLUS02, Tacy7 (Donana04), CXBIT01, Plasmodium species LIN2 New Zealand, and two unclassified lineages. The potential mosquito vectors for avian Plasmodium parasites in the Philippines were Cq. crassipes, Cx. fuscocephala, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. sitiens, Cx. vishnui, and Ma. Uniformis; two major genetic lineages, P. juxtanucleare and Tacy7, were identified.  相似文献   

Crowded intracellular environments present a challenge for proteins to form functional specific complexes while reducing non‐functional interactions with promiscuous non‐functional partners. Here we show how the need to minimize the waste of resources to non‐functional interactions limits the proteome diversity and the average concentration of co‐expressed and co‐localized proteins. Using the results of high‐throughput Yeast 2‐Hybrid experiments, we estimate the characteristic strength of non‐functional protein–protein interactions. By combining these data with the strengths of specific interactions, we assess the fraction of time proteins spend tied up in non‐functional interactions as a function of their overall concentration. This allows us to sketch the phase diagram for baker's yeast cells using the experimentally measured concentrations and subcellular localization of their proteins. The positions of yeast compartments on the phase diagram are consistent with our hypothesis that the yeast proteome has evolved to operate closely to the upper limit of its size, whereas keeping individual protein concentrations sufficiently low to reduce non‐functional interactions. These findings have implication for conceptual understanding of intracellular compartmentalization, multicellularity and differentiation.  相似文献   

Throughout many regions of the tropics, non‐primate animals – mainly birds and mammals – have been observed to follow primate groups and to exploit dropped food and flushed prey. The anecdotal nature of most of the numerous reports on these primate–non‐primate associations (PNPAs) may obscure the biological significance of such associations. We review the existing literature and test predictions concerning the influence of primate traits (body size, activity patterns, dietary strategies, habitat, group size) on the occurrence of PNPAs. Furthermore, we examine the influence of non‐primates' dietary strategies on the occurrence of PNPAs, and the distribution of benefits and costs. We detected a strong signal in the geographic distribution of PNPAs, with a larger number of such associations in the Neotropics compared to Africa and Asia. Madagascar lacks PNPAs altogether. Primate body size, activity patterns, habitat and dietary strategies as well as non‐primate dietary strategies affect the occurrence of PNPAs, while primate group size did not play a role. Benefits are asymmetrically distributed and mainly accrue to non‐primates. They consist of foraging benefits through the consumption of dropped leaves and fruits and flushed prey, and anti‐predation benefits through eavesdropping on primate alarm calls and vigilance. Where quantitative information is available, it has been shown that benefits for non‐primates can be substantial. The majority of PNPAs can thus be categorized as cases of commensalism, while mutualism is very rare. Our review provides evidence that the ecological function of primates extends beyond their manifold interactions with plants, but may remain underestimated.  相似文献   

Animals, plants and fungi undergo an aging process with remarkable physiological and molecular similarities, suggesting that aging has long been a fact of life for eukaryotes and one to which our unicellular ancestors were subject. Key biochemical pathways that impact longevity evolved prior to multicellularity, and the interactions between these pathways and the aging process therefore emerged in ancient single‐celled eukaryotes. Nevertheless, we do not fully understand how aging impacts the fitness of unicellular organisms, and whether such cells gain a benefit from modulating rather than simply suppressing the aging process. We hypothesized that age‐related loss of fitness in single‐celled eukaryotes may be counterbalanced, partly or wholly, by a transition from a specialist to a generalist life‐history strategy that enhances adaptability to other environments. We tested this hypothesis in budding yeast using competition assays and found that while young cells are more successful in glucose, highly aged cells outcompete young cells on other carbon sources such as galactose. This occurs because aged yeast divide faster than young cells in galactose, reversing the normal association between age and fitness. The impact of aging on single‐celled organisms is therefore complex and may be regulated in ways that anticipate changing nutrient availability. We propose that pathways connecting nutrient availability with aging arose in unicellular eukaryotes to capitalize on age‐linked diversity in growth strategy and that individual cells in higher eukaryotes may similarly diversify during aging to the detriment of the organism as a whole.  相似文献   

Mutualisms contribute in fundamental ways to the origin, maintenance and organization of biological diversity. Introduced species commonly participate in mutualisms, but how this phenomenon affects patterns of interactions among native mutualists remains incompletely understood. Here we examine how networks of interactions among aphid‐tending ants, ant‐tended aphids, and aphid‐attacking parasitoid wasps differ between 12 spatially paired riparian study sites with and without the introduced Argentine ant Linepithema humile in southern California. To resolve challenges in species identification, we used DNA barcoding to identify aphids and screen for parasitoid wasps (developing inside their aphid hosts) from 170 aphid aggregations sampled on arroyo willow Salix lasiolepis. Compared to uninvaded sites, invaded sites supported significantly fewer species of aphid‐tending ants and ant‐tended aphids. At invaded sites, for example, we found only two species of ant‐tended aphids, which were exclusively tended by L. humile, whereas at uninvaded sites we found 20 unique ant–aphid interactions involving eight species of ant‐tended aphids and nine species of aphid‐tending ants. Ant–aphid linkage density was thus significantly lower at invaded sites compared to uninvaded sites. We detected aphid parasitoids in 14% (28/198) of all aphid aggregations. Although the level of parasitism did not differ between invaded and uninvaded sites, more species of wasps were detected within uninvaded sites compared to invaded sites. These results provide a striking example of how the assimilation of introduced species into multi‐species mutualisms can reduce interaction diversity with potential consequences for species persistence.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has in several cases been proven to be a suitable host for the production of natural products and was recently exploited for the production of non‐ribosomal peptides. Synthesis of non‐ribosomal peptides (NRPs) is mediated by NRP synthetases (NRPSs), modular enzymes, which are often organized in enzyme complexes. In these complexes, partner NRPSs interact via communication‐mediating domains (COM domains). In order to test whether functional interaction between separate NRPS modules is possible in yeast we constructed a yeast strain expressing two modules with compatible COM domains from two plasmids. Successful production as well as secretion of the expected dipeptide was detected. This opens the possibility of using yeast as a eukaryotic platform for fast assessment of new module combinations for the development of novel NRP compounds. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 841–844. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Coevolution in mutualistic symbiosis can yield, because the interacting partners share common interests, to coadaptation: hosts perform better when associated with symbionts of their own locality than with others coming from more distant places. However, as the two partners of a symbiosis might also experience conflicts over part of their life cycle, coadaptation might not occur for all life‐history traits. We investigated this issue in symbiotic systems where nematodes (Steinernema) and bacteria (Xenorhabdus) reproduce in insects they have both contributed to kill. Newborn infective juveniles (IJs) that carry bacteria in their intestine then disperse from the insect cadaver in search of a new host to infect. We ran experiments where nematodes coinfect insects with bacteria that differ from their native symbiont. In both Steinernema carpocapsae/Xenorhabdus nematophila and Steinernema feltiae/Xenorhabdus bovienii symbioses, we detected an overall specificity which favours the hypothesis of a fine‐tuned co‐adaptation process. However, we also found that the life‐history traits involved in specificity strongly differ between the two model systems: when associated with strains that differ too much from their native symbionts, S. carpocapsae has low parasitic success, whereas S. feltiae has low survival in dispersal stage.  相似文献   

The localization of specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins (formerly referred to as beta‐keratins) in the embryonic epidermis of lizards is not known. Two specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins of the epidermis, one representing the glycine‐rich subfamily (HgG5) and the other the glycine‐cysteine medium‐rich subfamily (HgGC10), have been immunolocalized at the ultrastructural level in the lizard Anolis lineatopus. The periderm and granulated subperiderm are most immunonegative for these proteins. HgG5 is low to absent in theOberhäutchen layer while is present in the forming beta‐layer, and disappears in mesos‐ and alpha‐layers. Instead, HgGC10 is present in the Oberhäutchen, beta‐, and also in the following alpha‐layers, and specifically accumulates in the developing adhesive setae but not in the surrounding cells of the clear layer. Therefore, setae and their terminal spatulae that adhere to surfaces allowing these lizards to walk vertically contain cysteine–glycine rich proteins. The study suggests that, like in adult and regenerating epidermis, the HgGC10 protein is not only accumulated in cells of the beta‐layer but also in those forming the alpha‐layer. This small protein therefore is implicated in resistance, flexibility, and stretching of the epidermal layers. It is also hypothesized that the charges of these proteins may influence adhesion of the setae of pad lamellae. Conversely, glycine‐rich beta‐proteins like HgG5 give rise to the dense, hydrophobic, and chromophobic corneous material of the resistant beta‐layer. This result suggests that the differential accumulation of keratin‐associated beta‐proteins over the alpha‐keratin network determines differences in properties of the stratified layers of the epidermis of lizards. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Antagonistic co‐evolution between hosts and parasites (reciprocal selection for resistance and infectivity) is hypothesized to play an important role in host range expansion by selecting for novel infectivity alleles, but tests are lacking. Here, we determine whether experimental co‐evolution between a bacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25) and a phage (SBW25Φ2) affects interstrain host range: the ability to infect different strains of P. fluorescens other than SBW25. We identified and tested a genetically and phenotypically diverse suite of co‐evolved phage variants of SBW25Φ2 against both sympatric and allopatric co‐evolving hosts (P. fluorescens SBW25) and a large set of other P. fluorescens strains. Although all co‐evolved phage had a greater host range than the ancestral phage and could differentially infect co‐evolved variants of P. fluorescens SBW25, none could infect any of the alternative P. fluorescens strains. Thus, parasite generalism at one genetic scale does not appear to affect generalism at other scales, suggesting fundamental genetic constraints on parasite adaptation for this virus.  相似文献   

For the past 17 years, scientists have been compiling a list of amphibian species susceptible to infection by the amphibian‐killing chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), all over the world, with >500 species infected on every continent except Antarctica (Olson et al. 2013 ). Where Bd has been found, the impacts on amphibians has been one of two types: either Bd arrives into a naïve amphibian population followed by a mass die‐off and population declines (e.g. Lips et al. 2006 ), or Bd is present at some moderate prevalence, usually infecting many species but at apparently nonlethal intensities for a long time. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rodriguez et al. ( 2014 ) discover that the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil is home to two Bd lineages: the Global Pandemic Lineage (Bd‐GPL) – the strain responsible for mass die‐offs and population declines – and a lineage endemic to Brazil (Bd‐Bz). Even more surprising was that both lineages have been present in this area for the past 100 years, making these the oldest records of Bd infecting amphibians. The team also described a moderate but steady prevalence of ~20% across all sampled anuran families for over 100 years, indicating that Brazil has been in an enzootic disease state for over a century. Most amphibians were infected with Bd‐GPL, suggesting this lineage may be a better competitor than Bd‐Bz or may be replacing the Bd‐Bz lineage. Rodriguez et al. ( 2014 ) also detected likely hybridization of the two Bd lineages, as originally described by Schloegel et al. ( 2012 ).  相似文献   

Mutualisms involve cooperation between species and underpin several ecosystem functions. However, there is also conflict between mutualists, because their interests are not perfectly aligned. In addition, most mutualisms are exploited by parasites. Here, we study the interplay between cooperation, conflict and parasitism in the mutualism between fig trees and their pollinator wasps. Conflict occurs because each fig ovary can nurture either one seed or one pollinator offspring and, while fig trees benefit directly from seeds and pollinator offspring (pollen vectors), pollinators only benefit directly from pollinator offspring. The mechanism(s) of conflict resolution is debated, but must explain the widespread observation that pollinators develop in inner, and seeds in outer, layers of fig flowers. We recently suggested a role for non‐pollinating figs wasps (NPFWs) that are natural enemies or competitors of the pollinators and lay their eggs through the fig wall. Most NPFW offspring develop in outer and middle layer flowers, suggesting that inner flowers provide enemy‐free space for pollinator offspring. Here, we test the hypothesis that NPFWs cannot reach inner flowers, by measuring wasp and fig morphology at the species‐specific times of NPFW attack in the field. We found that three species of Sycoscapter and Philotrypesis wasps that parasitise pollinators could reach 34–73%, 75–92% and 82–97% of fig ovaries, respectively. Meanwhile, Eukobelea and Pseudidarnes gall‐formers, despite having shorter ovipositors, can access almost all fig flowers (93–99% and 100%), because they attack smaller (younger) fig fruits. Our mechanistic results from ovipositing wasps support spatial patterns of wasp offspring segregation within figs to suggest that inner ovules provide enemy‐free‐space for pollinators. This may contribute to mutualism stability by helping select for pollinators to avoid laying eggs where they are likely to be parasitised. These outer flowers then remain free to develop as seeds, promoting mutualism persistence.  相似文献   

1. Mutualisms are relationships of mutual exploitation, in which interacting species receive a net benefit from their association. In obligate pollination mutualisms (OPMs), female pollinators move pollen between the flowers of a single plant species and oviposit eggs within the female flowers that they visit. 2. Competition between co‐occurring pollinator species is predicted to increase pollinator virulence, i.e. laying more eggs or consuming more seeds per fruit. Plants involved in OPMs frequently host various non‐pollinating seed parasites and parasitoids that may influence the outcome of the mutualism. Quantifying the prevalence of parasites and parasitoids and competition between pollinators is important for understanding the factors that influence OPM evolutionary stability. 3. This study investigated the pollination mutualism occurring between the leaf flower plant, Breynia oblongifolia, and its co‐pollinating Epicephala moths. A third moth, Herpystis, also occurs in B. oblongifolia fruits as a non‐pollinating seed parasite. 4. Breynia oblongifolia fruits were collected to quantify seed predation and compare seed predation costs between the three moth species. Results showed that the larvae of the two pollinator species consume similar numbers of seeds, and that adults deposit similar numbers of eggs per flower. As such, no evidence of increases in virulent behaviours was detected as a result of competition between co‐pollinators. 5. By contrast, the seed parasite Herpystis consumed more seeds than either pollinator species, and fruit crops with a high proportion of Herpystis had significantly lower net seed production. 6. This work adds to the growing understanding of the ecology and dynamics of plant–pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

Small urban forest reserves in New Zealand have been shown to have value in conserving indigenous beetle diversity. However there is little information available on the ability of non‐native vegetation areas such as tree privet to support indigenous beetle assemblages. To investigate this for one site, ground‐living beetles were collected using pitfall traps over a year at a small urban forest of the invasive tree Ligustrum lucidum (tree privet) in Auckland, New Zealand. A total of 815 beetles were found, from 20 families and 42 relative taxonomic units. Using monthly data, there was no correlation between soil moisture and diversity index (P = 0.805) or species richness (P = 0.375). These results raise the question of whether urban patches of non‐native tree privet may have potential as reservoirs of beetle diversity, if only until they are replaced with native vegetation.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus laevis, a fish acanthocephalan parasite, manipulates the behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host to increase its trophic transmission to the definitive host. However, the intensity of behavioural manipulation is variable between individual gammarids and between parasite populations. To elucidate causes of this variability, we compared the level of phototaxis alteration induced by different parasite sibships from one population, using experimental infections of Gammarus pulex by P. laevis. We used a naive gammarid population, and we carried out our experiments in two steps, during spring and winter. Moreover, we also investigated co‐variation between phototaxis (at different stages of infection, ‘young’ and ‘old cystacanth stage’) and two other fitness‐related traits, infectivity and development time. Three main parameters could explain the parasite intra‐population variation in behavioural manipulation. The genetic variation, suggested by the differences between parasite families, was lower than the variation owing to an (unidentified) environmental factor. Moreover, a correlation was found between development rate and the intensity of behavioural change, the fastest growing parasites being unable to induce rapid phototaxis reversal. This suggests that parasites cannot optimize at the same time these two important parameters of their fitness, and this could explain a part of the variation observed in the wild.  相似文献   

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