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CRISPR-Cas9 is widely applied for genome engineering in various organisms. The assembly of single guide RNA (sgRNA) with the Cas9 protein may limit the Cas9/sgRNA effector complex function. We developed a FRET-based assay for detection of CRISPR–Cas9 complex binding to its targets and used this assay to investigate the kinetics of Cas9 assembly with a set of structurally distinct sgRNAs. We find that Cas9 and isolated sgRNAs form the effector complex efficiently and rapidly. Yet, the assembly process is sensitive to the presence of moderate concentrations of non-specific RNA competitors, which considerably delay the Cas9/sgRNA complex formation, while not significantly affecting already formed complexes. This observation suggests that the rate of sgRNA loading into Cas9 in cells can be determined by competition between sgRNA and intracellular RNA molecules for the binding to Cas9. Non-specific RNAs exerted particularly large inhibitory effects on formation of Cas9 complexes with sgRNAs bearing shortened 3′-terminal segments. This result implies that the 3′-terminal segment confers sgRNA the ability to withstand competition from non-specific RNA and at least in part may explain the fact that use of sgRNAs truncated for the 3′-terminal stem loops leads to reduced activity during genomic editing.  相似文献   

Members of the DnaQ superfamily are major 3′–5′ exonucleases that degrade either only single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or both ssDNA and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). However, the mechanism by which dsDNA is recognized and digested remains unclear. Exonuclease X (ExoX) is a distributive DnaQ exonuclease that cleaves both ssDNA and dsDNA substrates. Here, we report the crystal structures of Escherichia coli ExoX in complex with three different dsDNA substrates: 3′ overhanging dsDNA, blunt-ended dsDNA and 3′ recessed mismatch-containing dsDNA. In these structures, ExoX binds to dsDNA via both a conserved substrate strand-interacting site and a previously uncharacterized complementary strand-interacting motif. When ExoX complexes with blunt-ended dsDNA or 5′ overhanging dsDNA, a ‘wedge’ composed of Leu12 and Gln13 penetrates between the first two base pairs to break the 3′ terminal base pair and facilitates precise feeding of the 3′ terminus of the substrate strand into the ExoX cleavage active site. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that the complementary strand-binding site and the wedge of ExoX are dsDNA specific. Together with the results of structural comparisons, our data support a mechanism by which normal and mismatched dsDNA are recognized and digested by E. coli ExoX. The crystal structures also provide insight into the structural framework of the different substrate specificities of the DnaQ family members.  相似文献   

ALTHOUGH adenosine cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) has been proposed as a mediator through which many hormones exert their physiological effects1, it is also well established that calcium plays a crucial role in hormone release2. Both calcium3,4 and cyclic AMP1,5 have been implicated in the action of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) on the adrenal cortex and although various hypotheses have been advanced concerning their roles in steroid production and release, elucidation of their functions in the adrenal gland is hindered because most studies have been carried out on in vitro systems where the physiological release response cannot be studied. The isolated cat adrenal gland perfused in situ 6 approximates the situation in vivo, yet eliminates the influence of several factors, including the anterior pituitary. In the intact adrenal preparation one can also measure both steroid synthesis and release and can better evaluate the respective effects of cyclic AMP and calcium on these processes.  相似文献   

The RNA genome of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains multiple conserved structural cis domains that direct protein synthesis, replication, and infectivity. The untranslatable regions (UTRs) play essential roles in the HCV cycle. Uncapped viral RNAs are translated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located at the 5′ UTR, which acts as a scaffold for recruiting multiple protein factors. Replication of the viral genome is initiated at the 3′ UTR. Bioinformatics methods have identified other structural RNA elements thought to be involved in the HCV cycle. The 5BSL3.2 motif, which is embedded in a cruciform structure at the 3′ end of the NS5B coding sequence, contributes to the three-dimensional folding of the entire 3′ end of the genome. It is essential in the initiation of replication. This paper reports the identification of a novel, strand-specific, long-range RNA–RNA interaction between the 5′ and 3′ ends of the genome, which involves 5BSL3.2 and IRES motifs. Mutants harboring substitutions in the apical loop of domain IIId or in the internal loop of 5BSL3.2 disrupt the complex, indicating these regions are essential in initiating the kissing interaction. No complex was formed when the UTRs of the related foot and mouth disease virus were used in binding assays, suggesting this interaction is specific for HCV sequences. The present data firmly suggest the existence of a higher-order structure that may mediate a protein-independent circularization of the HCV genome. The 5′–3′ end bridge may have a role in viral translation modulation and in the switch from protein synthesis to RNA replication.  相似文献   

Using deletion analysis of the Ac transposable element, we have shown that replacement of internal sequences from base pairs 181–3559 does not abolish transposition. We have done sequential deletion analysis of the 3'-end of the Ac element and found that deletion of the major transposase binding sites (AAACGG) abolishes transposition. But, surprisingly, we found a 3'-terminal deletion of the transposase binding sites which also contained a 71-bp internal sequence between base pairs 3559 and 3630 retained transposition ability. This 71-bp internal sequence did not have a transposase (ORFa) binding motif. These data suggest that two different domains may be involved in the minimal sequence necessary for transposition. Finally, we have identified functional prokaryotic promoter sequences and ARS sequences within the 5' and 3'-termini of Ac, but cannot ascribe any function to these sequences.  相似文献   

Both Metnase and Artemis possess endonuclease activities that trim 3′ overhangs of duplex DNA. To assess the potential of these enzymes for facilitating resolution of damaged ends during double-strand break rejoining, substrates bearing a variety of normal and structurally modified 3′ overhangs were constructed, and treated either with Metnase or with Artemis plus DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Unlike Artemis, which trims long overhangs to 4–5 bases, cleavage by Metnase was more evenly distributed over the length of the overhang, but with significant sequence dependence. In many substrates, Metnase also induced marked cleavage in the double-stranded region within a few bases of the overhang. Like Artemis, Metnase efficiently trimmed overhangs terminated in 3′-phosphoglycolates (PGs), and in some cases the presence of 3′-PG stimulated cleavage and altered its specificity. The nonplanar base thymine glycol in a 3′ overhang severely inhibited cleavage by Metnase in the vicinity of the modified base, while Artemis was less affected. Nevertheless, thymine glycol moieties could be removed by Metnase- or Artemis-mediated cleavage at sites farther from the terminus than the lesion itself. In in vitro end-joining systems based on human cell extracts, addition of Artemis, but not Metnase, effected robust trimming of an unligatable 3′-PG overhang, resulting in a dramatic stimulation of ligase IV- and XLF-dependent end joining. Thus, while both Metnase and Artemis are biochemically capable of resolving a variety of damaged DNA ends for the repair of complex double-strand breaks, Artemis appears to act more efficiently in the context of other nonhomologous end joining proteins.  相似文献   

Summary An interspecies comparison was made between the 3 ends of Balbiani ring genes fromChironomus. The comparison was focused on the BR2.2 gene, and a part at the 3 end fromChironomus pallidivittatus (which included also a segment of the gene core) was cloned. Its sequence, and other previously published BR sequences from this species and fromChironomus tentans were used in the analysis.The 3 parts of these repetitive genes can be divided into a region belonging to the core of the genes followed by a terminal region. In the core region the repeats (each of which consists of a constant part and a subrepeated part) are highly similar and the constant parts show little interspecies differentiation. Furthermore, the two parts of the repeats are units in an evolutionary and probably also functional sense.The terminal region contains modified constant units, usually isolated betwen acidic so-called cys regions, the whole arrangement lying upstream of an intron toward a 3-terminal exon. Most of the modified constant units are mosaics in rates of evolution with stable outer quarters bordering to equally stable cys regions and a central half with a very high rate of evolution. One of the terminal units, present only in the BR2.2 gene and second from the end, differs distinctly not only from corresponding core units but also from other terminal units in the three normally active BR genes. It lies upstream of all cys regions and is evolutionarily conserved over most of its length.Furthermore, two-dimensional protein structure prediction does not exclude an endoproteolytic cleavage site in this unit. Such a site appears unlikely in other terminal or core regions. This is of interest in view of evidence for intracellular cleavage of the BR2.2 terminal region with liberation of a part containing a DNA-binding domain (Botella et al. 1988).All in all the fine anatomy of evolutionary changes at the BR gene termini shows interesting correlations with postulated functional relations and may have predictive value in the further functional analysis of this part of the gene.  相似文献   


Synthetic oligonucleotides are increasingly used because of their potential activity as regulators of gene expression. One of their major drawbacks is instability toward nucleases, in particular exonucleases. In this article, we studied some terminal modifications that can enhance exonuclease resistance, such as end-capping with alkylic chains (1,3-propanediol and 1,6-hexanediol), and with a modified nucleotide (2′,3′ -secouridine). These compounds were compared with the parent (natural) oligodeoxynucleotide and with different analogs containing a progressive number of phosphorothioate linkages. The resistance toward SVPDE and CSPDE (a 3′ - and a 5′ -exonuclease) was assessed, in vitro, by two independent techniques, UV and HPLC. Our results showed that the stability of all the modified oligonucleotides was at least 12 times that of the parent compound.  相似文献   

To increase base recognition capability and sensitivity, we propose the separation of a commonly used single-probe system for oligonucleotide analysis into a set of three probes: a fluorophore-labeled probe, a promoter probe, and a short probe. In this study, we found that the probes of only 4 nt in length can selectively bind the corresponding gap site on complexes consisting of the target, fluorophore-labeled probe, and promoter probe, exhibiting a more than 14-fold difference in ligation between the matched and mismatched sequences. Moreover, we demonstrated that the immobilized short probes accurately recognized the sequences of the gap sites.  相似文献   

Phospho(enol)pyruvate (PEP) undergoes transphosphorylation to form pyrophosphate (PPi) and adenosine 5′-diphosphate (5′-ADP) with high yields in the presence of an adsorbent surface of calcium phosphate (Pi.Ca), which is considered to be an ancient mineral with catalytic properties. PPi formation is a result of the phosphorolytic cleavage of the enol phosphate group of PEP by precipitated Pi. The synthesis of PPi is dependent on the amount of the solid matrix; it increases with the amount of adsorbed PEP and upon addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), a molecule with high dipolar moment. Although it is saturated with PEP at neutral pH, the phosphorylating Pi.Ca surface becomes effective only in alkaline conditions. In a parallel reaction, PEP phosphorylates 5′-AMP to 5′-ADP with a yield that is sevenfold higher in the presence of the Pi.Ca surface than in its absence, indicating that the solid matrix promotes interaction between adsorbed molecules with a high potential for phosphoryl transfer. In contrast to phosphorolysis, this latter reaction is stimulated by Me2SO only in homogeneous solution. It is concluded that phosphate minerals may have coadjuvated in reactions involving different phosphorylated compounds and that molecules with high dipolar moment may have acted in mildly alkaline, primitive aqueous environments to modulate phosphoryl transfer reactions catalyzed by phosphate minerals. Received: 31 January 1996 / Revised: 31 May 1996  相似文献   

Replicative DNA polymerases require an RNA primer for leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis, and primase is responsible for the de novo synthesis of this RNA primer. However, the archaeal primase from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) frequently incorporates mismatched nucleoside monophosphate, which stops RNA synthesis. Pfu DNA polymerase (PolB) cannot elongate the resulting 3′-mismatched RNA primer because it cannot remove the 3′-mismatched ribonucleotide. This study demonstrates the potential role of a RecJ-like protein from P. furiosus (PfRecJ) in proofreading 3′-mismatched ribonucleotides. PfRecJ hydrolyzes single-stranded RNA and the RNA strand of RNA/DNA hybrids in the 3′–5′ direction, and the kinetic parameters (Km and Kcat) of PfRecJ during RNA strand digestion are consistent with a role in proofreading 3′-mismatched RNA primers. Replication protein A, the single-stranded DNA–binding protein, stimulates the removal of 3′-mismatched ribonucleotides of the RNA strand in RNA/DNA hybrids, and Pfu DNA polymerase can extend the 3′-mismatched RNA primer after the 3′-mismatched ribonucleotide is removed by PfRecJ. Finally, we reconstituted the primer-proofreading reaction of a 3′-mismatched ribonucleotide RNA/DNA hybrid using PfRecJ, replication protein A, Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and PolB. Given that PfRecJ is associated with the GINS complex, a central nexus in archaeal DNA replication fork, we speculate that PfRecJ proofreads the RNA primer in vivo.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) is a member of the Flavivirus genus of positive-sense RNA viruses. DENV RNA replication requires cyclization of the viral genome mediated by two pairs of complementary sequences in the 5′ and 3′ ends, designated 5′ and 3′ cyclization sequences (5′-3′ CS) and the 5′ and 3′ upstream of AUG region (5′-3′ UAR). Here, we demonstrate that another stretch of six nucleotides in the 5′ end is involved in DENV replication and possibly genome cyclization. This new sequence is located downstream of the AUG, designated the 5′ downstream AUG region (5′ DAR); the motif predicted to be complementary in the 3′ end is termed the 3′ DAR. In addition to the UAR, CS and DAR motifs, two other RNA elements are located at the 5′ end of the viral RNA: the 5′ stem-loop A (5′ SLA) interacts with the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and promotes RNA synthesis, and a stem-loop in the coding region named cHP is involved in translation start site selection as well as RNA replication. We analyzed the interplay of these 5′ RNA elements in relation to RNA replication, and our data indicate that two separate functional units are formed; one consists of the SLA, and the other includes the UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS elements. The SLA must be located at the 5′ end of the genome, whereas the position of the second unit is more flexible. We also show that the UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS must act in concert and therefore likely function together to form the tertiary RNA structure of the circularized DENV genome.Dengue virus (DENV), a member of the Flaviviridae family, is a human pathogen causing dengue fever, the most common mosquito-borne viral disease in humans. The virus has become a major international public health concern, with 3 billion people at risk for infection and an estimated 50 million dengue cases worldwide every year (28). Neither specific antiviral therapies nor licensed vaccines are available, and the biology of the virus is poorly understood.DENV is a small enveloped virus containing a positive-stranded RNA genome with a length of approximately 10.7 kb. The virus encodes one large polyprotein that is co- and posttranslationally cleaved into 10 viral proteins. The structural proteins C, prM/M, and E are located in the N terminus, followed by the nonstructural proteins NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5 (6, 10). NS5, the largest of the viral proteins, functions as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) (29). The coding region is flanked at both ends by untranslated regions (UTR). The 5′ end has a type I cap structure (m7GpppAmp) mediating cap-dependent translation, but the virus can switch to a noncanonical translation mechanism under conditions in which translation factors are limiting (13). Cellular mRNAs are known to circularize via a protein-protein bridge between eIF4G and eIF4E (the cap binding complex) at the 5′ end and the poly(A) binding protein (PABP) at the 3′ end, enhancing translation efficiency. Despite the fact that the DENV 3′ UTR lacks a poly(A) tail, recent findings demonstrated binding of PABP to the 3′ UTR and an effect on RNA translation, suggesting a similar mechanism (12, 26).In addition to a presumed protein-mediated genome circularization regulating viral translation, an RNA-RNA-based 5′ and 3′ (5′-3′) end interaction, which can occur in the absence of proteins, leads to circularization of the viral genome (1, 3, 4, 18, 20, 30, 33, 34). This cyclization of the genome is necessary for viral RNA replication, and thus far, two complementary sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends have been identified (3). The first are the cyclization sequences (CS) present in the capsid-coding region at the 5′ end (5′ CS) and upstream of the 3′ stem-loop (3′ SL) in the 3′ UTR (3′ CS) (2, 4, 18, 20, 30). A second sequence, known as the 5′ upstream AUG region (5′ UAR) element in the 5′ UTR, base pairs with its complementary 3′ UAR counterpart, which is located at the bottom part of 3′ SL (1, 4, 30). Recently, the structure of the 5′ end of the DENV genome hybridized to the 3′ end was determined in solution (25), confirming previous computer-predicted structures for genome cyclization (4, 20, 30). Besides the base pairing between 5′-3′ UAR and 5′-3′ CS sequences, a third stretch of nucleotides was identified to form a double-stranded (ds) region between the 5′ and 3′ ends.In addition to RNA sequences involved in 5′-3′-end interactions that are necessary for cyclization, the 5′ end of the viral genome harbors at least two more functional RNA elements, the stem-loop A (SLA) and capsid-coding region hairpin (cHP). The SLA consists of the first 70 nucleotides (nt) of the genome, forming a stable stem-loop structure. This structure has been confirmed in several studies and identified as a promoter element for RNA synthesis that recruits the viral RdRp NS5 (16, 22). Once NS5 is bound to the SLA at the 5′ end, it is believed to be delivered to the initiation site of minus-strand RNA synthesis at the 3′ end via 5′-3′ RNA-RNA circularization. In addition, a short poly(U) tract located immediately downstream of SLA has been shown to be necessary for RNA synthesis, although it is not involved in genome circularization (22). Finally, the cHP element resides within the capsid-coding region; it directs start codon selection and is essential for RNA replication (8, 9). The cHP structure is more important than its primary sequence. For start codon selection, it is believed that the cHP stalls the scanning initiation complex over the first AUG, favoring its recognition (9). In the case of RNA replication, the cHP likely stabilizes the overall 5′-3′ panhandle structure or participates in recruitment of factors associated with the replicase machinery (8).In this study, we demonstrate that in addition to the 5′ CS and 5′ UAR sequences, a third stretch of nucleotides in the 5′ end is required for RNA replication and appears to be involved in genome circularization. This new motif is located downstream of the AUG and was therefore designated the downstream AUG region (5′ DAR) element, with the predicted counterpart in the 3′ end designated the 3′ DAR. Our results indicate that the 5′ DAR modulates RNA-RNA interaction and RNA replication, and restoring complementarity between the 5′ DAR and 3′ DAR rescues detrimental effects caused by mutations in the 5′ DAR on genome circularization and RNA replication. Although the role of the predicted 3′ DAR counterpart is less conclusive, it may serve to make other structures and sequences in the 3′ end available for 5′-3′ RNA-RNA interaction to facilitate the replication-competent conformation of the DENV genome.Furthermore, we analyzed the functional interplay of RNA elements in the viral 5′ end, showing that two separate units are formed during replication. The first consists of the SLA, and it must be located at the very 5′ end of the genome. The second unit includes UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS elements, and the positional requirements are more flexible within the DENV RNA 5′ terminus. However, all four elements in the second unit must act in concert, forming a functional tertiary RNA structure of the circularized viral genome.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2014,53(6):1044-1052
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Plant small RNAs are 3′ methylated by the methyltransferase HUA1 ENHANCER1 (HEN1). In plant hen1 mutants, 3′ modifications of small RNAs, including oligo-uridylation (tailing), are associated with accelerated degradation of microRNAs (miRNAs). By sequencing small RNAs of the wild type and hen1 mutants from Arabidopsis thaliana, rice (Oryza sativa), and maize (Zea mays), we found 3′ truncation prior to tailing is widespread in these mutants. Moreover, the patterns of miRNA truncation and tailing differ substantially among miRNA families but are conserved across species. The same patterns are also observable in wild-type libraries from a broad range of species, only at lower abundances. ARGONAUTE (AGO1), even with defective slicer activity, can bind these truncated and tailed variants of miRNAs. An ago1 mutation in hen1 suppressed such 3′ modifications, indicating that they occur while miRNAs are in association with AGO1, either during or after RNA-induced silencing complex assembly. Our results showed AGO1-bound miRNAs are actively 3′ truncated and tailed, possibly reflecting the activity of cofactors acting in conserved patterns in miRNA degradation.  相似文献   

2′-O,4′-C-methylene-linked ribonucleotide derivatives, named LNA (locked nucleic acid) and BNA (bridged nucleic acid) are nucleic acid analogoues that have shown high-affinity recognition of DNA and RNA, and the employment of LNA oligomers for antisense activity, gene regulation and nucleic acid diagnostics seems promising. Here we show kinetic and thermodynamic results on the interaction of a series of 10 bases long LNA–DNA mixmers, gabmers as well as full length LNA’s with the complementary DNA, RNA and LNA oligonucleotides in the presence and absence of 10 mM Mg2+- ions. Our results show no significant differences in the reaction thermodynamics and kinetics between the LNA species, only a tendency to stronger duplex formation with the gabmer and mixmer. Introduction of a few LNA’s thus may be a better strategy, than using full length LNA’s to obtain an oligonucleotide that markedly increases the strength of duplexes formed with the complementary DNA and RNA.  相似文献   

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